Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Black Disk Shaped UFO And Red Beams Of Light Over Kristiansand Norway (Graphic)

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Hello, I searched the web after I had a sighting and I found your site and came to discover that you had just the same sighting as I just had in this speaking moment 3 hours ago here in Norway.

It was amazing, at first I just saw a huge bright light in the sky right above the tree-line across my road over some other residentials. It was so huge I called for a buddy of mine to come and look, and told him that is not a star, "look at all the other stars how small they are".

So, I ran away and got my telescope, and when I it looked up I saw there was two white/bright lights fairly close to each other, but in the middle to my amazement it had a red light beam going downwards in a pattern movement. This was in between the two bright round lights at each side of the disk.

I had it in my sights for maybe 30 - 60 seconds and it started to move! It went first right and behind the tree-line or the top of a big tree so I could see it behind it. It then continued passed the tree-line a while and then I could see that it kind of looked like. Which was a black disk shaped object in the middle of those two bright lights on each side.

It was moving slow and then it turned again and started to go back the same way towards it's original position. It went passed that point and then towards me and my buddy, and almost over us in the sky totally silent, no sound what so ever.


We both saw this object up and close in the scope for a fairly long time and also right overhead of us in the sky. It was a great sighting and I just wanted to mail you to see what you might think of it. Was it similar to your sighting or maybe you know of these kind of UFO crafts that I was able to see. (Who knows :)

I'm curious to hear what you think about this sighting, speak to you later, bye.

Additional Information:

Hello Brian, I made a BMP file in MS Paint for you, nothing fancy, but I think you will be able to understand how this object looked like, it's attached on the side of this e-mail.

As for the other questions you was wondering about. The sighting was in Kristiansand, Norway.

The time of the sighting was some place between 21 and 24.

Weather conditions, it was dark and cold and a totally clear sky and you could see all the stars very easily.

When it comes to the size of the object its hard to say, all I can say is that when I used my telescope and zoomed in on it when it was standing still, the two white lights on each side was fairly small. Very similar looking to a star when you zoom in on it. 

The red light in the middle was about the same size so if this object was that high in the air this means those lights and the object had to be seriously huge.

But on the other hand those white lights could have been very small as well, because when it went over me and was hovering over the tree-line that seemed extremely close again.

So that's all I can say, it was totally silent when it went over me but then the object had also become a little bigger I think. At least I remember seeing those two white lights very clearly and apart from each other without the telescope. That's about the best I can explain it all.

My buddy don't have anything against sending you an email with a short explanation of his view of the observation and confirm my story and the he was witnessing the same I have explained to you if you need that.

PS., when does your radio show go and how can I listen to it ?

Thank you to the witness for the great report and excellent graphic.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Slow Moving Spider Like UFO Retracts Legs South Of Atlin British Columbia

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  April 6, 2015

Time:  4:30 a.m.

I was camping in a forest in the wilderness south of Atlin, British Columbia last night. At 4:30 a.m. (April 6, 2015) I woke up and saw a spider UFO.

It was very low on the horizon and my impression was it was within a km away. It was silver like a star, moved slowly and changed shape and had long legs like spider legs that appeared out from the body, then retracted again.

I watched it for several minutes while I kept rubbing my eyes, before it dropped below the tree line. About an hour later I got up to pee and I saw exactly the same thing with the spider legs, in the exact same spot.

Thank you to the witness for their report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Massive Cylinder Of Light Rushes Downward In Maryland USA (Graphic)

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date: December 16, 2007

Time: 11:00 p.m.

Location of Sighting: Maryland

Number of witnesses: 1

Number of objects: 1

Shape of objects: A very large cylinder of light.

Full Description of event/sighting: While driving south on 270 heading towards Washington, DC, still about 40 miles form DC I saw a very large beam of light appear on the horizon slightly south east of the Highway.

I could tell this beam of light was about 5 miles away. I could see the outline of the hill in front of it. Visibility that night was clear, but the clouds were low enough that when the light appeared I could clearly see where it met the clouds.

To give you a scope of how big it was, it was as if there were a thousand spotlights all in the same spot turned on at the same time for just a second then it was gone.

The FedEx stadium, the football stadium is in that general direction but there where no football games that night, and even when there are I've never seen a large cylinder of light shining above, around or through that area.

I called local radio stations and T.V. news stations to report this, but they thought I was nuts.

To witness the eyewitnesses excellent diagram and report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Mass UFO Sighting In The Sky Near Howard Colorado (Diagram)

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date: December 23, 1995

Time: 9:30 p.m.

Hi Brian, here is a news print from the Salida CO Mountain Mail. This was a mass sighting December 23, 1995 9:30 p.m. near Howard CO, 10 miles east of Salida. I have seen the original several times of this picture.

I would say it way one of the most spectacular cylinder of light I have seen. Duration was 20 minutes. The glow in the picture is the fact that the pillar of light illuminated the surrounding country side for at least a mile in all directions almost like daylight.

It appears to be coming out of saddle between 2 knobs of hills 5 miles north of Howard CO. Myself and the local news director for the radio station spent a day walking around in this remote area. We walked a mile from the nearest 4 wheel drive road to access the area.

Witnesses reported it dissipating from the top down and appearing to shoot up into infinity. Freaked out some too as it was 2 days before Christmas. With the incredible UFO activity in this area my belief is that it was some type of star gate or worm hole.

The energy had to be mind boggling to illuminate like it did. It shook up some as they thought it might be the arrival of Jesus as it was 2 days before Christmas. I didn't personally witness this particular sighting, but know many who did.

It took me a year to locate the original picture taker and talked him into bring it to the local paper in conjunction with the Travel Channel coming down to do a story on Salida and CO and my previous UFO videos and pictures.

This is one of many of the major events in the local area that were ignored and overlooked by about everybody back then. Feel free to post this report and picture on your site and

I have an incredible amount of documentation, stills and video from the Salida CO area 1995-2002 if you are interested. I am also in the process of transferring my 1995 daylight cigar footage onto DVD. My 6 year old daughter was the original witness at our home. She was also with me in 2002 when we believe we filmed the same craft in South Park CO.

Fox news in Denver did a story on it with an excellent correlation of cigar stills and footages from around the world I received from others. I am also sending you an artist rendition from the perspective we had through binoculars of my 9/27/95 video.

In that one we had 5 people at my house that were able to study the craft for over an hour as it danced and hovered near and out from the corona of the sun. It was reported from numerous locations around the state that weekend. 

We believed it to be about a mile in length. Lab estimates range from 700 feet to 1/2 mile. Let me know if you want more material.

Take Care.

Thank you to the person for the amazing report, diagram and for sending the newspaper clipping along.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

50 To 70 Unknown Objects/UFOs Over Chilliwack British Columbia

This sighting report was never posted !

Date:  April 12, 2020

Time:  5:15 a.m.

Subject: So, this morning at 5:15 am over Chilliwack, British Columbia. I stepped outside for my recycling and looked up as I always do. I saw what appeared to be 50-70 satellites all in a row. Some where paired.

The distance and precision was exact. I woke my wife to see this strange thing.  She was stunned. It was over an hour long and then started to get light out. 

I have seen many satellites in my day, but nothing like this. All spaced perfectly. I will be looking again tomorrow morning. I lost count after 70.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Black Rotating Saucer Shaped UFO Hovering Over Ladysmith British Columbia

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date: June 1998 ?

Time: Approxamtlty 9:00 p.m.

Hello, I found your email on while reading a report in Cranbrook that happened some years ago. While the situation differs vastly from what I can recall from my own, it did cause me to mentally dig up what I've kept away for about 10 years Hopefully, you'll find it of some interest.

I was sitting in my bed reading the first Harry Potter book. It had only been published in Canada a few months prior, so this was several years before Pottermania had struck. I highly adored the books concept, and to think anything could draw my attention away from it, especially as a 9 year old child, would be unthinkable.

The reason I chanced to look out the window was to prevent myself from reading the entire book in a sitting, which was one of my unfortunate and expensive habits at the time. At that moment, I was scared to the point where my entire body locked up, due to the fact that a giant black rotating saucer was hovering about one and a half kilometers away, and about the same distance from the ground (maybe less).

It was nighttime, so the neighborhood lights obscured much of the detail of the underside of the craft, but I could tell from the jerky blurriness of the sides' lights that it was spinning.

A few seconds after this, the craft disappeared in a flash of light that only encompassed the area of where the craft had been spinning in the air. A line of light lasted a few moments and appeared to indicate the direction that the craft flew away to.

This occurred in Ladysmith, B.C., sometime during the month of June. It was about 9:00 p.m., and there were no cars driving around. The area that the UFO would have been directly above was an uninhabited provincial forested park that was also mountainous.

The most striking detail about the craft was that it was darker than the night sky, despite having small bright lights on its side and underbelly. The entire event lasted about 5 seconds, yet it left a lasting impression on my memory.

To this day, I can slow down the sequence of events in my mind and draw inferences from what I witnessed. I never came forward for fear of retribution, claims of insanity or attention seeking, but now I am simply curious if anyone else saw what I saw that night in June in 1998.

I read about a sighting in Prince George, B.C. that describes almost the exact same craft, except it takes place in 1969.

Any feedback is welcome.

Sincerely and painstakingly truthfully.

Thank you to the witness for a very interesting sighting report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Large Spherical Silver Object/UFO Winnipeg Manitoba

This sighting report was never posted !

Date:  May 21, 2020

Time:  12:45 p.m.

I'm an ex-aerospace technologist and pilot. I spent 36+ years in the Canadian Air Force. So I consider myself to be an expert in anything that flies.

On 21 May, 2020 at 1245 hrs, while driving west on Route 100 I spotted a large spherical silver object (approximately 2m in diameter) hovering over Hwy 2 about 1 km from the intersection. It appeared to have an alt of about 500 to 800 feet AGL.

At first I thought it was a light aberration on my windshield so I re-positioned myself to use the side window and rule that out. The object remained.

I rolled down my window to get an unobstructed view. I was planning to pull over to get a photo. I changed lanes and when I looked back it was gone. In the time of 1 to 2 seconds it had completely vanished.

Even if it had been a Mylar balloon and just burst, it would have left visible falling debris. There was none.

I drove to the area under where I estimated it was and there was no human activity or visible debris in the area.

Hopefully you can link my data up to other reports.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Bright Orange Crescent Moon Sized UFO Between Midland And Sanford Michigan

This sighting report was never posted !

Date:  August 2020

Time:  Evening.

Hello, my name is (name removed) and I believe we have witnessed the same unknown phenomena. I live in Sanford, MI and I work in Midland, MI and I witnessed this on my way home from work.

My boyfriend was driving and we saw what looked like the crescent moon, but bright orange straight ahead of us. My stomach dropped when I saw it because I knew for a fact that the moon was directly behind us so I said, “what is that..”, my boyfriend said “the moon!” and I was like “that is NOT the moon”.

So I went on my astronomy app and showed him that there was nothing in front of us, no sun, no planets, just stars. Then, I pointed my phone behind us and there was the moon, exactly where I thought it was.

We stared at it in horror and the reason I didn’t take any pictures is because I was actually terrified and having an existential uncomfortable feeling. It was an actual crescent shape glowing bright orange with what appeared to be a thin cloud in front of it, cutting off 1/4 of the bottom of it.

It kind of looked like if a sunset was behind the night sky and somebody made a curved slit shaped like a crescent and the wound was showing an orange, glowing sunset behind it.

It was pretty low in the sky, but the same size as the moon. It drifted below the tree line as we were driving and then it was gone. I have scoured the internet trying to find any explanation there could be and I only found things like airglow (which would not have been vertical and even if you could see it from earth, it would be greenish blueish) and UFOs that bear no resemblance to a crescent shaped moon.

The only other account of this that I could find on the internet after searching for hours was yours.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Massive Rectangular UFO With Circle Of Lights Above Eyewitness In El Paso Texas

This sighting report was never posted !

No date provided. 

This is incredible! I saw this UFO when I was a kid! My father was in the Army and was stationed at Fort Bliss, but we lived off the base on Rhyolite Drive, I don't remember where exactly in El Paso this was.

We had a view of the Franklin Mountains from our front yard. I remember all the streets around us where named after stones LOL, but that's it.  

Anyway, my sister and I were riding our bikes out on the street, and my Mom yelled out the door to come inside because it was dark. As we were heading into the house, I felt a weird vibration and looked up and I saw a huge object right over me.

I remember it was bigger than anything I've seen. I told my sister to run in the house and tell our parents. I stood there completely transfixed as it hovered motionless above the house. Right above me was a circle of lights, the object itself appeared to extend infinitely in all directions.

I don't know if it was rectangular in shape, but it was so large I couldn't see the edges. I felt like I was under what would have been the center. My Mom yelled at me to come in again, so I went in. I told her what I saw, and got slapped for 'telling lies', she didn't even look!

When I looked out the window again about 5 minutes later it was gone. I thought I was crazy, especially after realizing NO ONE else I knew saw it. So I stopped talking about it.

My sister does remember it, but she was 4 at the time and only remembers "lots of lights." Of course, I was terrified, had trouble sleeping for quite a while and it was made worse by the fact that no body else saw it!

I had a dream two nights ago about UFO's flying over the Franklin mountains, and I that got me thinking that with the internet being what it is now, there might be information on the UFO I saw as a child floating around on he internet somewhere, pun intended :). So, I started googling, and I came across your story! I am so happy someone else saw it!

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Bright Yellow/Golden Object Dripping Fire From It Over Visalia California

This sighting report was never posted !

Date:  January 4, 2006

Time:  11:00 p.m.

The witness said he had read a sighting report from one of my old newsletter I use to put out and wanted to reply to this particular case. His report below.

I actually had read it a few times in the past and thought I'd like to comment on one of the encounters.

Visalia, California on January 4, 2006 at 11:00 p.m. "A Bright Yellow/Golden Light Drops Fiery Object".

I too have seen this very object not only on this particular day, but in the past as well. It is exactly as described, a bright fiery ball floating like through the night sky with the occasional dripping like fire from it.

I have also seen this on one occasion where it was raining and you can clearly see it floating/traveling through the sky just beneath the clouds.

Maybe a half dozen times my family and I have seen this. I called them out to witness this with me. Unfortunately I didn't record the times or days of the occurrences I did try one time to record it with my cell phone, but it didn't appear in the video.

Probably at the time cell phones were not all the great at photos and video. I know this was maybe a few years before the reported sighting in this column.

Thank you to the witness for their report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Huge Silver Boomerang Shaped UFO Over Commack Long Island New York

This sighting report was never posted !

Date:  February 20, 2009

Time:  Early evening.

On February 20, 2009, I lived in Commack on Long Island. I usually went in my backyard to look at the sky. It was in the early evening. I always look up and saw this huge silver boomerang shaped ship, I guess you can call it, move across very slowly, without a sound coming from it.

When it passed over my house I ran inside to draw a picture of it while it was still fresh in my mind. I saw it had 5 big globes (I’m assuming lights, but not lit).

It was on the bottom of the UFO. One on the bottom front and two on one side and two on the other side of the “wing”. 

Thank you. Sincerely.

Thank you to the witness for their report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Monday, December 14, 2020

Finally Adding New UFO Reports To My KBCC UFO Research/The Vike Factor Blog

I will start posting new sighting reports that I have received and Never Posted pretty soon and I will still be adding Brian Vike’s Favorite Cases as well.

I am just going to reply to a bunch of people in hopes of gathering additional information on each case before posting.

But anyway, will get posting these really quick, but for now I am heading off to watch a Sci Fi movie which is calling my name. LOL.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

The Roswell Briefing (Letters/UFOs)

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  1976

Brian Vike has been speaking to a gentleman, who was a LT. COL, USAFR (Ret). (He was a F-111 pilot with the 27th Tactical Fighter Wing stationed at Cannon AFB near Clovis, New Mexico from 1973 to August 1977). His initial email to me was over a post/report I sent out which I entitled, "Cannon, AFB - UFOs, Burned Circles & Cow Found Mutilated".

Also in the fellows letter to me, the man mentioned that he was one of approximately 48 officers who received the "Roswell Briefing" in June of 1976 at the base. I wrote back to him asking if he might be kind enough to supply me with what was said at the briefing, so below is what the fellow sent to me. The "Roswell Briefing" is in one of the  two jpg images in which he sent along, both are of text information.

Brian Vike is of course interested in any further information that anyone might be able to provide from military personal who may have been at this briefing back in 1976, or any information from anyone who has knowledge of the goings on over the Roswell Crash. 

You can reach me at Please know that everyone's personal information is kept strictly private and is not given out to anyone. The information someone might be able to provide can be extremely important.

Thank you, Brian Vike.

Brian, I have included pages 1 and 3 of my "The Roswell Briefing" which I penned in the mid 1990s. The briefing may, in fact, have been less than 5 minutes in duration.? Most of the information has been well documented in volumes of Roswell lore buy the likes of Randle, Schmitt, Friedman, etc.

The lone exception perhaps is that the briefing officer mentioned the probable cause of the craft's demise as determined by the USAF accident investigation team ?

If there is anything significant about all this, it's simply that a USAF intelligence officer, briefing from an official government documents, disclosed to a group of military aircrew members details of an event which officially never happened.

The F-111s have long gone from the base ? The squadron was de-activated and the young intelligence officer left active duty reportedly to accept a position with an intelligence agency at a higher level.

The Roswell Briefing was conducted in June 1976.? It was a full 20 years before I jotted down my recollections.? Senator Goldwater subsequently confirmed on a morning talk show that he did try to gain access to the now famous Hanger 18.?

As far as I'm concerned, that alone was enough for me to dispel any doubt about the authenticity of the briefing officer's material? Sure would like to have seen the letterhead on his document, however.

Warmest Regards.

I would like to thank the fellow for sending along the information, it is much appreciated.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Two Large Black Equilateral Triangles UFOs Over San Francisco California

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  December 4, 2005
Time:  6:45 p.m.

Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 2
Shape of objects: Equilateral Triangles.

Full Description of event/sighting: At around 6:45 pm on December 4, 2005, a friend and I were outside on our back deck looking to the clear night sky facing west when we saw two large black triangle shaped objects move slowly and at a low altitude (500-1000 feet) directly over our house from the north west Mt. Davidson area to the south east.

We live in San Francisco on the south east side of Mt. Davidson at the cross street of Terasita and Los Palmos in Miraloma Park. The two distinct objects that we observed were flying in side by side formation and appeared to moving as one.

Both craft were perfect equilateral triangles with pulsating dim star like cream colored lights on the three tips of triangle, six lights in total.

They were most definitely two solid black large triangle shaped objects which from underneath appeared to be much darker than the night sky as they passed in front other stars in the sky.

Because the moon had already set, the objects were very well cloaked (best way to describe it) against the blackness of space and could have easily been mistaken as constellations but they were moving slowly which is what caught our attention.

The entire sighting lasted for approximately 30-45 seconds. The objects did not appear to change speed, direction or altitude and moved slowly together overhead until they dimmed out of sight near the south side San Francisco crossing over 280 to the north east of the San Bruno mountain range.

I have been an amateur astronomer for over twenty five years now and I can say with absolute conviction that these were definitely not conventional planes, a stealth bomber, satellites, blimps, helicopters, the International Space Station, meteorites or fire balls.

These were two large solid triangles that move in perfect formation together and made absolutely no noise as traveled directly over head. The two craft were identical in size and were significantly larger than a 747 and was the most amazing sight to behold with ones own two eyes.

The weather conditions in San Francisco on December 4th were crystal clear and ideal for sky watching. The crescent moon had also just dropped below the south western horizon about 15 minutes prior before we witnessed what I consider now a one in a life time experience. We were both truly awe struck by what we had just seen to the extent that we felt it necessary to call into two local TV stations (CBS 5 & KGO 7) to report what we witnessed.

I am in my late thirties and the other person in their early 40s. We both have always been rather skeptical of alien spacecraft visiting Earth simply given the vast distances between stars and the time required to travel such a distance without bending space/time. But having just seen these objects with our own two eyes, we now know that highly advanced craft do exist and which instinct tells one to be 'other worldly'. Neither of us had been drinking or in any other altered state of consciousness.

If anyone else saw any strange objects or lights in the Bay Area night sky last night please feel free to contact me. I consider this experience one of the most amazing events of my lifetime.

Whether the objects were deeply classified military X-Project space craft or Alien cannot be proven but the objects had an eerie feeling to them in the way that they moved together and at the angle the triangles were positioned in flight.

The profound impact of this event for me is that I now know that such highly advanced technology does exists regardless of its origin.

I have not heard anyone else reporting what we saw last night in the media or on the internet but hopefully other people in the Bay Area witnessed the same event.

Thank you to the witness for the interesting report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

UFO Sightings Around Walldorf And Rhein Main Air Base

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  1980-1981
Time:  Day/Night

Number of witnesses: 7
Number of objects: 3
Shape of objects: 1 cigar 2 oval white lights.

Full Description of event/sighting: This is a description of 2 incidents that occurred while I was stationed at Rhein-Main Air Base. I was there between 1978-1983.

Sometime in the summer of 1980 I was sitting in the backyard with a Lt. Col in the Air Force, a Danish engineer and 2 German stewardesses at their apartment on Otto-Hahn Strasse in Walldorf (they had a bottom floor so they had a small yard).  I just happened to glance up and noticed what I thought was a commercial jet flying several thousand feet up. 

I thought it was a jet until I noticed that I could not see wings or a tail. I mentioned it to the others who also saw the object, cigar shaped with what may have been windows on the side (that's why my mind grabbed at a commercial jet). 

Since it was headed towards the sun my second thought was that it just they way the sun reflected on it, but the Danish man grabbed binoculars and saw that there were no wings. 

The two stews became very upset and did not even look at the object as they stated they had seen enough UFOs for a lifetime and did not want to talk about it. I am sorry that I do not remember their names. 

The second sighting the next year was really several weeks of sightings. It’s kind a funny because everyone at Rhein-Main knew about it and watched them for a while before it became boring. 

There were two objects above the airport (since it is shared with the Frankfurt Flughafen) that were seen every night. They were straight up and looked at first like a star or planet until they moved. 

They would dart back and forth and would do a L shaped maneuver without stopping. My now ex-wife's brothers came over for a visit from the states and I told them the story of the UFOs and they laughed. 

I took them outside where I worked and without knowing if they were still up there told them to look up and there they were. It scared both of them pretty badly that they would not look up. 

If it helps with credibility I was stationed with the 1945th Comm Group. I was involved with the Return of the 52 hostages from Iran in 1981, one of the aircraft seen in the pictures tail was 10T4 as I was the radio operator. 

As I said, for part of my time there I lived on Otto-Hahn Strasse in Walldorf, a short time in Worfelden and some years on the base at the housing area. 

Anyway, I have held these memories long enough and hopefully someone will come forward with pictures or verify the story.

Thank you to the witness for the report. 

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Friday, December 11, 2020

Multiple Witnesses Glowing Blue UFO Seen In The Sky Over Winnipeg Manitoba

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Winnipeg, Manitoba Bright :Light - Triangular "V" Shape Of Glowing Blue

Date:  June 2, 2006

Time:  11:30 p.m.

Message: I'd like to report a sighting in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

June 2, 2006. A couple of my friends wanted to stay out a bit later and decided that we should relax at a near-by park called Greenhill otherwise known as "Garbage Hill". This hill is ~100 feet above ground level I believe, we used a car to climb it.

At this particular time (11:30 p.m.) we were looking around at the city lights, joking around and all, and one of my friends were equipped with a camera phone. As I was looking at my friend, a bright light above him was traveling south - north and was a triangular "V" shape of glowing blue and an orange trail following it. I watched it fly for roughly 2 seconds as well as other spectators (most, if not all, were shocked at the sight) and it went behind a cloud and suddenly disappeared.

The video was taken by my friend on his 0.3 megapixel phone I believe, as the quality is not very good. If you would like, I would be able to send you it. This is my first encounter, and I have never seen an aircraft that bright, move so quick, and without sound. There could be a possibility that it was a shooting star, but it maintained it's shape throughout. Thanks.

Thank you to the witness for the report.


Winnipeg Manitoba A Bright Blue Object

Date:  June 2, 2006

Time:  11:45 p.m.

Message: Friday June 2nd, I witnessed a bright blue object about the size of a tennis ball moving from West to East approxamtlty 11:45 p.m. please contact me if anyone else has saw this. I do not believe this to be an airplane or a meteor. Thank You.

Additional Information:

Hi, sorry about the little information, I was a little overwhelmed when this occurred. It was Friday June 2nd around 11:45 pm I live in Winnipeg Manitoba.

I was in my back porch when I noticed a blue light in the sky at first I thought someone was setting off fire works but the object was too big and was traveling horizontal across the sky, then I looked closer and realized the object was very high as it was going through the clouds.

I thought it was lower at first glance because it was so big about the size of a tennis ball there was nothing trailing the object, and the glow illuminated the sky a bit when I realized that it wasn't an airplane nor a meteor, I yelled out to my girlfriend and ran to the door by the time I reached the door and went outside it was out of sight.

The whole experience lasted about 12 seconds the object never faded nor did it move off coarse it traveled in a perfect line.

When my girlfriend came outside see asked what was the matter she noticed that when I ran to the door I stumbled and that I was shaken up.

This all happened very quick and as far as I could tell by the height and the speed (very fast I would say at least 3 times the speed of an airplane) that this was in fact was not man made.

Thank you to the witness for the report.


Winnipeg, Manitoba More Witnesses To Fast Moving Glowing Blue Object

Date:  June 2, 2006

Time:  Approxamtlty Midnight

Location of Sighting: Kildonan Park

Number of witnesses: 2

Number of objects: 1

Shape of objects: Round


Brian Vike's Note: This is the third report over the same object seen over Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Full Description of event/sighting: At approximately midnight on June 2, 2006 a friend and I witnessed a round, glowing (blue) object just above the red river in Winnipeg.  It was visible for about 5 seconds and then flew away at a great speed.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Numerous UFO Experiences In Victoria Australia

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  Various

Time:  Various

Brian Vike’s Note: In this report the names have been changed to respect peoples privacy.

First hand experiences.

When I was 5 (1966) I was lying in bed at Moore St (Apollo Bay, VIC, Australia). It was dark and the bedroom door was open and I was in the bed directly behind the door (the foot of the bed was flush with the open door). 

All of a sudden a ping pong ball, glowing softly luminescent pale green, floated in through the door about four feet off the floor. It then made an exact right angle turn and came down toward the bed. I was frightened and rolled over, pulled the covers over my head, turned my face to the wall and hoped it would go away. I cannot remember anything after that. I must have fallen immediately asleep.

When I was 14 (Melbourne, VIC, Australia) I was lying in bed at Rosanna in the boys bedroom in the bed against the wall when I heard footsteps in the hall outside heading down toward the kitchen. It sounded as if someone had gotten out of bed and had draped a blanket around themselves, as there was the sound of a slight swishing and dragging as well as the footsteps. 

Presently the kitchen door opened and closed with a repeated noise (as the double hinged swinging doors at Rosanna do) and I thought someone had gone to get a drink of water from the kitchen. I waited a long time for them to come back. I fell asleep waiting. In the morning I asked all who were there that night if anyone had gotten out of bed and gone down to the kitchen. No-one had.

Also at Rosanna (Melbourne, VIC, Australia) I was alone as mother, grandmother and sister had gone out shopping that night to Doncaster Shoppingtown. It was about 10.30pm and I was lying in the middle of the lounge floor listening to a tape of Dark Side of the Moon on Mary's tape player - the one presently at Apollo Bay - when there was a sound from the outside door leading to the billiard room as if it had been opened then closed. 

Next thing, after a short delay, the billiard room door started swinging open and closed (kachunka- chunk -a- chunk ka-chunka) and I looked up expectantly for the kitchen door to do likewise, as I thought all had arrived home from the shopping trip. Nothing. The billiard room door ceased its motion. No sound anywhere. I listened intently. Nothing. No sound. No movement. I became a little frightened to say the least but simply turned up the volume and closed my eyes. Everyone arrived home about half an hour later.

Afterwards, my mother told us that strange things had been occurring for a number of years but had not wanted to tell us children for fear of frightening us.

After the house was sold, the new owners reported nothing at all untoward occurring.

When I was 15 I was walking between the house and the hut (Busty Rd Apollo Bay, VIC, Australia. A Dark night. No moon. I had just topped the final rise before heading down to (name removed) when I heard this really loud hissing/whooshing noise - heading my way very, very fast from an easterly direction. Something was flying through the air toward me! Extremely quickly! 

I immediately dropped to the ground and as I did so I realized that by the time I had reacted it had already passed overhead. It sounded as if it had literally missed me by only a few feet - but I had seen nothing. I quickly looked up in the direction it had gone and was presented with a very bright flash of light that lit up behind the whole cloud bank to the south west. 

Having in mind the 4 second per mile (?) of lightning to thunder I counted the seconds and waited for the bang that certainly must accompany such a HUGE flash of light - the cloud bank was perhaps two miles out - at least behind the furthest ridge. Nothing. No sound at all. It was weird and I was frightened. Yet somehow, even knowing I would be alone in the hut in the dark when I got there and that I considered turning round and heading home - I proceed onward anyway.

1993. Sitting inside the flat at Kellet St (Northcote, Melbourne, VIC, Australia).  watching TV. It was a warm evening and Karen was outside talking to Rose the next door neighbor. Next thing I hear is "Bill! Bill" Come out here. Quickly!" I reluctantly - begrudgingly - rose and went out. They were pointing and staring at a large white light sitting very still in the air toward the North. It looked about 100 meters off the ground and about 300 Meters distant. It was just hanging there doing nothing in particular. 

There was no sound from it at all and it was not moving at all. It was rather large, about the size of the full moon when seen high in the sky - but this was no moon! No details could be seen in or around the light and it was about as bright as a car headlight on full beam although larger and without the blinding glare. 

We commented quietly but excitedly on its size, its seeming closeness to us, on the lack of sound, ruling out a helicopter, and the lack of movement, ruling out a plane. Suddenly the light winked out, reappeared some short distance horizontally to the right, although seemingly somewhat smaller in dimension and with what seemed a slight color change, then it winked out to reappear at the same distance horizontally to the left of its original position as it did to the right, then winked out and reappeared exactly where it was before. 

This all happened literally within the blink of an eye. It was so quick that I was unsure if I had seen correctly. Not wanting to prejudice an answer I quietly asked whether anyone else had seen something occur and if so what had occurred. Both girls stated what happened to the light - and their statements accorded exactly with what I observed. We marveled at this for a bit, then the light suddenly began to retreat directly away from us, gathering speed rapidly as it went, until in a very short time indeed it had disappeared directly and completely in the distance.

Greenhills Road Bundoora (1996). (Melbourne, VIC, Australia).  Sitting on the outside steps looking East. I was often there at all times of day or night to have my ciggies. Observed many planes heading for Tullamarine (the main airport approach route being about 2km to the north - flying east to west). Also observed a few interesting lights that I could not readily identify as planes. But nothing specific. Nothing startling. 

Then one morning about dawn I observed toward the eastern horizon a very large (huge), perfectly white, thin, almost pointed ellipse heading toward the east, finally to disappear below the horizon. It was, I suspected at first, a cloud of some sort, yet it did not have the pinkish orange dawn glow of all the other clouds in the sky at that time - and it did not change shape in the least as it moved. 

It also seemed to moving quickly while the other (normal) clouds were not moving at all. I have subsequently come across the term "lenticular cloud formation", but I remain unconvinced that this term describes exactly what I observed that morning.

1996. Driving along with Karen, heading North on the Street East of High Street Near Bell Street (Melbourne, VIC, Australia). when directly in front of me in a space between the buildings where the sky was visible, but low to the ground, a grey cigar shaped object flitted, moving extremely fast east to west. 

My immediate thought was a military jet of some sort, which for some reason had been painted completely dull grey with no insignias - then I remembered in my mind's eye that I had seen no wings or tailfin. However it happened so quickly I suppose it could have been. Karen did not see it.

2004. Lalor (Melbourne, VIC, Australia). 2am. Standing in the back door having a ciggie looking south. A star-bright object, but shining very steadily, arced very high up across the sky - South to North - extremely rapidly. It took about 4 seconds to cover 45 degrees of arc. It went behind the corner of the roof of the house but when I stepped out to remove this obstruction from my view, so I could continue watching, the light was no longer there.

Strange dream.

Lying asleep on the sofa (Lalor, Melbourne, VIC, Australia) in the lounge room when a loud bang from the kitchen awoke me. Strange, I thought, there is no-one here but me. Or maybe Chewy (our dog) has knocked something over. I better get up to investigate - something fallen down? I got up from the sofa and walked into the kitchen. 

I looked around, but saw nothing unusual or out of place. But then I thought there was something unusual. Something did not feel quite right. There was a strange aura about things. Wait . this is not right . oh . what is this? Uh oh, it suddenly occurred to me, I might be still asleep! So I turned to walk back to the lounge and immediately found myself back on the sofa lying down. 

Once there I immediately sat up and thought - Wow, that was a very strange dream indeed, it all seemed so incredibly real! Unbelievable, I have never experienced anything like that before! What a trip! Oh well . but now I am thirsty. I will go to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Still slightly bemused I got off the sofa and walked to the kitchen to get a drink of water. In the kitchen I looked around and thought. Hang on, something is still not right . What on earth? . It can't be, surely not . but yes, I am still asleep! So, back to the sofa I went! 

Literally walked back to the sofa and half way there suddenly found myself lying down on the sofa again. So I sat up confused (again??). OK. Am I asleep now? How can I tell? I have just had two experiences where I have ostensibly woken up, got off the sofa, and walked to the kitchen. Both times seemed so real, yet both times I must have been dreaming it! What about now? Pinch yourself . does it hurt? Yes . I am awake. will I go to the kitchen? No! I must do something else, the kitchen is obviously a dream world! I grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. I think I am awake.

Second Hand Reports.

A close friend. Bob, Sitting in his back yard in Northcote (Melbourne, VIC, Australia) lazily watching the westerly sun going down when an object rose vertically into the air in front of him. He took it to be a helicopter in the near distance. until it split in two, each part heading off at incredible speed in different directions to disappear in the sky overhead.

A neighbor (Lalor, Melbourne, VIC, Australia). Found a nicely framed mirror in good condition in a park. Disbelieving their luck to find such a nice object intact and in such good condition where they did, they took it home and hung it in their daughter's bedroom. Unaccounted for banging noises began occurring. 

Then one night they heard noises of a disturbance from their daughter's room. They rushed to open the door only to observe their daughter floating above the bed, near to the ceiling, in a wild state of panic. They managed, apparently with some resistance, to pull her down and to comfort each other. They told me they then threw the mirror away in the garbage and after that all was quiet and peaceful again.

Kelsey and Tami (Uncle & Aunt, Eltham, Melbourne, VIC, Australia). Observed what they took initially to be a motorbike headlight heading (as unlikely as this could be) across the lawn toward the glass door at the rear of their house in Eltham (Melbourne, VIC, Australia). 

However the light turned out to be a ball of light, slightly smaller than a basketball, that simply passed through the glass door and proceeded up the hall - three feet off the ground. No noise. I forget whether they said if it passed on up the hall and out the front door .. Or just disappeared inside the house.

When I was 16 (1977) there were reports of a UFO being seen at the entrance to the Wild Dog Valley (Apollo Bay, VIC, Australia). Apparently it was just a big glowing ball of light that had frightened the witnesses who saw it. These witnesses were ridiculed by local townspeople and after that the witnesses said no more about it.

Thank you to the person for these excellent reports.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.