Sunday, January 3, 2021

4 Or 5 Fighter Jets Circling Unknown Craft/UFO Over Arizona

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  Winter of 1995 - 1996.

Here's a report in the public domain for the first time: During the winter of 1995 - 1996, while on a cross country bicycle trip I observed a 'craft' that were of a type previously unknown to me.

I had set up camp near an abandoned adobe house that was located near the U.S./Mexico border in the state of Arizona. As was my custom, while on this particular trip, I camped out most nights and would seek and or create a campsite that was somewhat difficult to see from any roads or highways, because this trip was a solo bicycle ride.

After having my evening meal I was enjoying the pleasure of watching the sunset. A black Chevy blazer with black tinted windows, one occupant and U.S. government license plates drove down an adjacent unpaved road and approached a locked gate.

The driver got out, unlocked the gate and passed through and relocked it. He began what I'd refer to as a 'recon' of the general area, using some sort of optical devise (I saw this through 8x35 Nikon binoculars). He continued this behavior, driving outside of my visual range, until the Blazer returned to the gate and passed through again. 

I thought that perhaps he was searching for illegals crossing the border. Later on that night, while I was doing some star gazing I saw an amber colored light moving low in the desert sky, within a few moments it seemed to become larger or move towards my location, nether of which I was sure of at that time.

I checked my watch for the time and when I looked up again, the amber light moved slightly to the east, at which that time I felt sure the light was moving towards me.

This light began to have some definition, as it drew closer it appeared to be rectangular and although it seemed to grow brighter, it was not illuminating the desert floor (from my ground-level perspective). I began to feel alarmed as it came closer to me, as it seemed to be very, very large. 

When it got close to approximately 120 yards of my location I took out my 'AA' cell flashlight, focused the beam as tightly as I could and aimed it towards the "craft" while sending a Morse code message.

This seemed kind of silly, but this is what I did. The rectangle amber light 'turned off' right after I did this. In a few seconds, perhaps as many as 45, my night vision began to return and I was astounded to see starlight being blocked out in a large area of the sky adjacent to the place where I'd last seen the intense amber light.

It was clear to me that I was seeing something very large moving slowly at an altitude of less than 500 feet. I had heard sounds that were similar to the noise of cellophane being crushed while the amber light was on and very close to me, although this sound ceased when the light extinguished.

I watched the 'dark spot' in the sky until I could no longer see it. I felt some adrenaline still coursing through me, after the experience, and decided to stay out watching the sky, since I was sure that I couldn't sleep then.

In about 40 minutes or so I again saw the amber light in the distance to the south and east of camp. This light, however, was more distant and was of the same color, yet it was coming from the top and bottom of what was clearly an airborne craft of some sort.

The amber light was seen by me to resemble long, thin 'cones' of beams' (like a flashlight beam) issuing from the center top and bottom of the craft. I could see 4 or 5 fighter jets circling in helix-type orbits around one object. 

A moment later, another object 'turned on' it's amber lights nearby (within approximately 1 mile) the object that I was observing. It too was being circled by fighter aircraft.

I watched this going on for 15 minutes, then the objects began to appear in different area of the sky (by 'appear' I mean they would 'turn on' the amber beams) momentarily and then 'shut off' the amber lights, only to appear somewhere else in the sky.

There was one instance where one of the objects lights appeared to 'shutter' for a moment, light fully, and 'shutter again. The size of these objects (I saw 3 at the same time only once, 2 at the same time over 5 times) dwarfed the fighter aircraft around them.

At one point, I observed what I'd best describe as a 'plume', similar to a small rocket plum, issue from the center axis of the outside curve of the object, and although I really don't know what it was, it seemed to be a rocket being fired from the object. 

The trajectory of this 'plume' was perpendicular to the horizon, and after moving not much more than 100 yards, turned 90 degrees downward and it's light ceased. I am most curious to inquire if anyone else observed these things, or has seen similar objects in the same area.

 This was not the first time that I've been in close proximity to unknown aircraft, but the others I've seen were not of the same type as these described here, and I have a general feeling that the objects I describe in this post may be of military design or origin.

I have left out some details of the general shape and size of this 'craft' so that I may be able to discuss them with someone else who also saw the same events as I.

Thanks to Dan for his report. If anyone else has been witness to a unknown object of this kind as described here, would you please contact Brian Vike at for further investigation.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Classic Shaped Saucer Followed By F16’s Jet Fighters Arab Alabama

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  Approximately 2003 (?)

Time:  Approximately 2:00 p.m.

Another sighting that is of great interest to me occurred over my home town 3 years ago witnessed by my good friend.

He was downtown Arab, Alabama on main street outside talking with a couple of friends. It was a bright sunny day around 2:00 p.m. central with few clouds and great visibility.

Suddenly a brilliant classic shaped saucer object that my friend described as a brilliant polished metal gray came into view from the south at a low altitude (his guess was around 2,000 feet).

He said that it was headed north at an unbelievable rate of speed and traversed approximately 180 degrees of the sky in 2 or three seconds. His friends saw it also.

They stood there dumbfounded questioning what they had just seen when about 45-60 seconds later two F16s came screaming past at just under supersonic headed in the flight path of the object.

No news of anything unusual was seen or heard on the news or papers.

Thank you to the person for passing along the information.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

300 Foot Long Silver Oval Shaped UFO Anson Maine

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date of Sighting: March 2006

Time of Sighting: Early afternoon.

Location of Sighting: Over a small pond at the intersection of Route. 234 and the Horseback Road.

Number of witnesses: 3

Number of objects: 1

Shape of objects: Oval.

Full Description of event/sighting: I live in a rural area of Maine about 6 miles from the nearest town. My former fiancé Olivia, who was driving her mother Helen and I were headed to the town of Anson.

As we took a right turn onto the Horseback Road, Helen, who rarely curses, said loudly, "What the hell is that!" she was sitting in the rear drivers side seat. I was in the passenger seat. Olivia stopped the vehicle (1999 Chevy S10 Blazer), and I looked out the drivers window.

Sitting perfectly still in the sky was a huge, about 300 feet long, silver oval shaped something! It looked to be less than 1,000 feet away and was about 50 feet thick. The top of this thing had a reddish glow and the whole thing had markings or corrugations on it. It reminded me of the old Jiffy pop popcorn dome.

This thing made no noise and did not move while we were watching. There were no control surfaces or any kind of cabin or gondola visible and I could see the entire length of it, no ropes or wires either.

The vehicle remained running and no electrical disturbance was noticed. After about 3 minutes Oliva took her foot off the brake and the vehicle started rolling and small stand of evergreens blocked our view for about 10 seconds and when we could see the sky again the thing was gone.

This road has some very clear views of the sky along its length and we kept looking for it, but it was not seen again. It was strange enough an occurrence that you'd think we would have been all abuzz about it, but hardly a word was said for several  hours. 

The next day I drove past the little pond and noticed a round hole in the ice approximately where the thing was hovering. I also noticed a rash on the side of my body that burned and itched for several days, it also hurt, like I had been kicked.

I have talked to people in the area about this sighting and one friend said that he and his sister saw something just like it at the same location 3 years before. Others have seen different things also.

I have also had multiple sightings  at different times as well as 2 incidents with missing time, I will post these later.

Feel free to contact me anytime about this or anything else. Olivia and her mom don't live with me anymore, but they will corroborate the story.


Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Did This Huge Triangular Craft/UFO Black Out My Radio Ancaster Ontario

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  March 13, 2007

Time:  12:35 a.m.

Location of Sighting: Over house on Melanie, Ancaster.

Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: A line of lights on an angle, chevron in appearance.

Full Description of event/sighting: First thing I would like to say is that I was really shaken by what I saw during the early morning of March 13, 2007. This is my birthday. 

I had just dropped off a friend and was on my way home driving on a street called Amberly. I went to stop at a stop sign on Amberly at Melanie. I looked to my left to notice a huge triangular object approximately 240 feet away from me sitting still over a house. 

The UFO was larger than the house. Several lights were noted on the object and all were appearing to be a reddish colour. My car radio went silent. It was as though the object was staring me down. It looked as though it was starting to come toward me. It suddenly moved rapidly up and down, then quickly out of sight. This was not a jet nor helicopter.

It was huge and I could make it out and identify it as being different than a jet or plane, etc.. I was petrified and raced home to notice that a person in another vehicle on the road was motioning me to stop. I believe to talk about what he had just seen as well.  He looked in disbelief.  I was too much in awe to stop and chat about it. I raced home. Once out of the car, I looked every where to see if it was still around. I was really bothered by it all. 

I called a friend and my father woke up a family member to talk about what I had seen. I turned on radio to listen to the local news station and heard nothing about what I had seen. 

At approximately 1:15 a.m. several jets wanting to land at Mount Hope Airport were heard. My house is over a flight path. One jet after the next was heard, and more than usual. It was like they were held back for a period of time until this "whatever" it was left the area. 

I have held back from reporting this until now, because I have had a bit of a time coming to grips with it all. I have done nothing but researched and read about similar happenings. I am now a believer in all of this.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Large UFO With Windows Over Home And Humming Sound Almont Michigan

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  Fall of 1990.

Time:  Approxamtlty 8:00 p.m.

I did report this about 2 years ago to Larry Hatch, I'm not sure why I waited so long, but for some reason it really started to occupy my thoughts. We had several emails about it and he seemed very interested, he eventually referred me to someone from the Michigan Mutual UFO Network, he emailed me a few times and that was it.

To tell you the truth I just felt better telling someone that had an interest in it, but I'm not sure if the guy either believed me, or just wasn't interested. I will give you a brief summery, to me this was the most unusual event in my life and I still think about it daily.

It was the Fall of 1990, yes, 16 years ago! I was in my home in Almont, MI. That time of year it gets dark quite early, it must of been around 8:00 p.m., "the times are now just an approximation".

My son, who at the time was around 12 came running in the house saying there was a UFO right outside our house. Let me add at this point I was not one that believed in UFOs. I went outside and my son pointed south and upwards and said look!

The funny thing was at first I didn't see anything, but I did notice it was unusually dark, then I noticed a very dim light, I suddenly realized that the reason it was so dark was that there was a huge craft right over our driveway.

It was at tree level and was moving north and a very slow pace, "approximately a slow walking speed". There was a very distinct humming, exactly like a large transformers hums, there was a very dull light in the middle and as it traveled down or driveway I made out a row of windows around the craft, the windows looked very large.

I remember walking down the driveway with my son, then the next thing I remember is standing out in the field north of my house still looking at the UFO, when suddenly it went from approximately 90 or 100 feet straight up in the sky to where it was a pinpoint of light. It just looked like another star.

This happened in under a second. We continued to watch it for quite awhile when it took off in a northwesterly direction like a meteor and was gone in a second. There are allot of things I can describe if your interested, but this is the basic part.

I don't feel like I was abducted, but I honestly do not remember how I got from my driveway and then in the field. I ask my son about it and he remembers things the way I do, but what I find unusual is that 1. I didn't really focus on it that much after the initial day it happened until a few years ago. 2. My son doesn't seem as interested as I am, even though he is a very intelligent guy.

I was a flight simulator instructor in the air force and I have allot of knowledge regarding aircraft. This will always go down as the most bizarre day in my life. By the way, it seemed like I was being watched by someone in the window, but it was like you could only make out a shadow.

I am now fascinated by UFO's and I know that there out there. Please, if you have any more questions feel free to ask. Almont is about 20 SE of Brown City. I have never seen another unusual craft. This was defiantly a UFO, there is no other explanation for it, I am the type of guy that checks his facts, there is nothing on our planet that I am aware of that could do what I saw! The pilots would be dead just from the G forces.

It surprises me that there have been so many incidences in that area and I never heard about it. From my house to the field was approximately 1000 feet, " you would think that with what was going on, I would remember that sort of distance".

I am not really concerned weather anyone believes me or not, unless it is someone that is suppose to investigate this sort of thing. They really need to have an open mind and check the facts. The last few years I have gotten increasingly interested in this subject and there have only been a few incidences that I have read about where people have been as close as I was. I guess I am just intrigued. It really fascinates me!

I was so close, 90 feet. The funny thing about it was I didn't feel threatened, In a weird way I felt like it was something from our future, as bizarre as that sounds. I feel that we need to have confidence in our instincts, I felt like I was on display and really being watched.

One thing I didn't mention and to this day I am not sure why I didn't act, is that I am a professional photographer. What a dummy! the shot of a life time and I didn't even think about it. This is another thing I cant explain, I take my cameras everywhere with me.

The first ten years, I would occasionally ask my son if he remembered everything about that night and he would say yes, but not really want to talk about it. It seemed like more of a dream. WHY?

Neither my son or I am the type of person not to act on something so significant, an event of a life time. Another factor about that night was the route the craft was traveling, right down my driveway.

My power lines go right down the drive and sometime that winter I had to call Edison out, they told me that the wires were completely bare" no insulation at all", and had to replace them, including the transformer. I am not sure if it relates, but I have read stories about these craft using power lines.

Thank you to the witness for this excellent and interesting sighting report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Large Cigar Shaped UFO Appears Over Acacia Ridge Australia

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  November 3, 2007

Time:  12:10 a.m.

Location of Sighting: Acacia Ridge.

Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Large Cigar Shaped Craft.

 Full Description of event/sighting: On Saturday November 3, I came off the Ipswich motorway and under the bridge and noticed a huge cigar shaped craft immediately.  First I thought it was in direct proportion to 3 Holden blimps joined end on end.  I drove slowly in the traffic gazing at the craft all the time and hardly looking at the road.

I was on Granard Road when I saw it, turned  90 degrees into Beaudesert Road and lost sight of it, and then into Boundary Road where I thought I would be able to see it again, instead, in the sky around the same direction was a large 747 that was only a third of the size of what I saw in the air and the 747 was much closer.

The time was just after midday and it was a very clear sky except for 2 wispy clouds. It was so obvious, I thought others would have reported seeing it too. I have reported it in relation to the November 15th Boundary road sighting. People around that area really should keep their eyes open and a camera ready.

I now don't travel without one. I could have gotten very clear images if I had one and do frequent the area. Will keep my eyes peeled.

I can send an image/graphic depicting the event as a saw it out the front windscreen of the car. Just email if you want it and you will get it in hours. Thanks. I love this site.

Thank you to the witness for the really interesting report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Friday, January 1, 2021

UFO Fly’s Overtop Jet Airliner Spencer Wisconsin

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  Late Spring 2006

Time:  Approximately 9:00 p.m.

I have a few good stories about UFOs and animal paranormal and A dream that came true. Sighting date 2006 late spring.

One UFO story in particular. I was on the phone with a friend outside. This was at night around (9:00 p.m. and I live in Spencer, WI) and watching a jet with red lights fly over going toward the northwest and all of a sudden a star from way up, and I mean way up high, just decided to drop down and fly right over the top of that jet.

The bright light then flew into a near by cloud while the plane disappeared and was out of sight. I could see the UFO’s bright light glowing in that cloud.

A few minutes later the UFO started to move then came out of the cloud and then just turned off and was totally gone. What ever that light was, it obviously was snooping on the jet or dropped down for some other reason.

It was very strange and I heard no noise off the bright light. The jet I did see until it was gone. That was one UFO sighting I won't ever forget. It was very interesting.

Thank you to the witnesses for the report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Huge Cylindrical UFO 50 Miles North Laredo Texas Over Rio Grande River

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  September 3, 2006

Time:  10:15 a.m.

Number of witnesses: 1

Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Large, cylindrical/with skids underneath.

Full Description of event/sighting: I was patrolling slowly along the dirt road that parallels the river, as I was on Border patrol with the Texas Minutemen. I was driving slowly along the road, which was quite muddy as we had just had a lot of rain. 

I was stopping often, and observing the country and brush with my binoculars as I was looking for illegal aliens. I had started patrolling around 7:00 a.m. that morning, going northward at an average speed of maybe 15 mph, as the road was rough, and I stopped periodically to glass large vistas. 

At about 10:15 a.m. I was pulled over, with my engine shut off, and was observing a large panorama from a small hill I was on top of, as the road made it’s way along the Rio Grande River, about a mile or two off to my left. 

Weather was fair, with broken, large white cumulus clouds. My attention was drawn to a flash of sunlight from up in the sky to the northwest of my position. I observed an object in the sky at an elevation of approximately 1/2 mile above the ground.

It was hard to tell with my naked eye what it was, so I threw my 10X50 binoculars up on it and was shocked by what I saw! The object was huge! It was about 10-12 miles away, but was still huge in the glasses. 

The closest thing I can compare it to would be a giant propane tank, like you would see in a propane supply yard. You know, the main tank for filling everything. It appeared to have some kind of structure underneath it, much like the supports under a giant propane tank. 

What was amazing, was that the object was just sitting there, absolutely motionless, with clouds rolling right past it, and on either side of it.  It was hovering absolutely motionless in the sky. 

I watched it for about 5 minutes or so, and finally remembered that I had my camcorder with me, and tried shooting the object, but clouds had enveloped it by the time I got it ready to roll. By the time the clouds cleared in the area again, the object had disappeared. 

This object was much to large to have been a blimp, of which I have seen many. The object had some kind of writing, or a symbol on its nose, that looked black. Object appeared to be metallic. Object had to be at least 100 feet long, or longer.

Thank you to the witness for the interesting report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Eyewitness Observes UFO While Outside On Break Millbrae California

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  Around 1999, 2000.

I was just goofing off blowing some idle time looking for any recent news or articles regarding claims of UFO sightings and a link brought me to your sight. First thing I see is this illustration of what someone else had reported seeing. Then it hit me! This looks like something I saw.

Around 1999 perhaps 2000, I can’t be sure. I know I documented it, but I can’t remember where and when. Kind of like writing down a password and forgetting where you put it so documenting it did me no service. I will never ever forget the event in my life.

I was working in a retirement home and I had to go outside and smoke a cigarette out by the front of our facility. I was in charge of the desk on the night shift up until midnight. Everyone was asleep, or at least none of the residents were out and about.

The time frame I would estimate must have been somewhere between 8:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. I was online with my laptop in my office. I wasn't suppose to be online and generally I would have disconnected and put away my laptop long before the next staff members came on shift and would never setup the laptop until well after all the residents and other staff were gone except our nurse. She was ok about me being online.

So I am standing outside and its dark and the sky is clear. I would be facing east towards the SFO international airports general area, but I glanced southward and saw something very strange. I couldn't make it out, but it was big.

My first impression was a giant plastic grocery bag falling from the sky. I assumed my eyes were playing tricks on me, but I got the sense that it not exactly a hard form but it was far away. I’d say at least who knows? A mile or more? I don't have a sense of measurement that's scientifically accurate. However you see planes all the time and after a while you kind of get to figure size and heights and distances.

My guess would have been a couple miles south. I was in the town of Millbrae California and this would have put this object as coming down somewhere over Burlingame. I recall looking around for anyone who might be out and about. The lot around the company was empty of people and the nurse somewhere off in our building doing her rounds.

I didn't want to walk away for a moment unless I loose sight of this. I watched it carefully and going through my mind as fast as possible trying to relate it to anything. I even thought it might be a sign torn loose from one of those small planes that passed over with advertisements. Yet that didn't make sense. It was night. Who would be flying around with one of those. No one could see it.

After a good 5 minutes of what appeared as this objects descending it seemed to level off. Sure enough it was moving towards my area. Towards me or across my path. I was frozen in place, my eyes affixed on this object and as it grew closer it seemed larger. Of course what doesn't seem larger as it gets closer. 

I did not see any lights and the object no longer looked like this grocery bag or bed sheet fall from the sky. It was like a massive grayish/whitish thing moving slowly across the sky. It was at I’d guess a 45 degree angle from where I stood looking up at the sky.

I remember having the most difficulty discerning a shape. The body seemed to be changing or perhaps something was moving over it like steam or clouds of steam. I could not make out a solid defined form. It was kind of rectangular at once them oblong another moment. It was sure as hell not a cloud. Nothing had I seen in my life move like this.

As it crossed the sky and got where it was in front of me overhead. I would say maybe it was 1000 feet up. I remember wondering why no one else saw this. Why traffic hadn't stopped. I wasn't right on the main strip and had limited view of traffic and it was night so it would make sense that drivers aren't looking up when they are driving.

My guess was that this object was as big if not bigger than the building I worked in. Which was about 3-5 stories tall. I can’t remember and spread over a good block. Hell of a lot bigger than anything I had ever seen flying.

When it was somewhat dead in front of me at that 45 degree angle which might have put it just over the SFO (San Fran National Airport) it started to go back up into the sky. It was rising and I watched it until it appeared to look like a tiny star. A twinkle in the sky. Then the little star like object started back in the same direction from which it came.

When it was far away and the street lights glare caused me to loose sight of it, I ran back into the building and called my wife who lived in Burlingame. Our apartment faced in the same direction as the place I worked. I asked her to look out over towards the bay with my binoculars and see if you could spot what appeared to be a star moving across the sky. She went outside and did see it and watched it until it was well out of her range. My only witness! 

One month before this event my wife and I were standing outside our apartment building looking up at sky in the same general direction, but it was partially cloudy night. I saw something cut through the clouds fast as all hell. I was completely caught off guard and I watched the clouds and caught a second glimpse of it heading away from me towards Millbrae very fast.

My first immediate thought was maybe I’d seen an owl, but it was too  big and it didn't look like it had wings. I concluded no owl could ever move that fast. My second glance assured me this was way to huge to be any thing other than an object in flight. Yet with the clouds giving me only two separate one second glances I was at a total loss to conclude anything about what I had seen. 

I assumed the second sight was related to the first. But the second flight the object was moving super slow. It took a good 15 minutes from when I first spotted it until when it became a star like object. I took about 20 minutes to walk home one night from my Millbrae work sight to my home. So you can imagine the speed was incredibly slow.

I remember going back into the building and telling my friends online what I saw. I was immediately the comic hit of the hour. It changed me. I can no longer go out at night without looking up and studying the sky. My one friend called it the magic bed sheet. But what struck me about your illustration was picture if turned face forward with the rear turned up and front faced down. From far away at night it might look like a plastic grocery bag with the tail being the handles.

I have told this story many times to many individuals, but I have never contacted anyone in the media. As a witness of how many of these stories are treated I had no desire to become a public object of someone's humor and no interest in any publicity. I believe I saw something that highly likely was not from around this planet. I am not a college schooled person or hold a degree, but I am self educated and very informed.

I have vast knowledge of many things and so I am fully capable of critical and objective thinking. I do know that I do not know the source of that object or have any knowledge of anything that resembles that object with the capabilities of flying in the manner it did. Note this. The object was on a definite flight path. It did not swerve. It maintained a specific distance from the ground to the sky and flew in a straight path. So I knew at a certain point this was not an object falling from the sky.

This was an object that was being directed in a specific controlled direction. I had seen planes go over my building  but not in the same flight path. The path would have somewhat followed the path of the 101 freeway from the south to the North then returned south. The actual path id have to get out a compass to be more accurate. I just know I saw the planes head out more towards the San Mateo bridge aka the 92 freeway. 

To the best of my knowledge no planes flew that path leaving or entering the airport ever. No planes leaving or entering the airport could be mistaken for anything other than an airplane. I wasn't more than a mile from away from the airfields. The planes are loud and low flying over.  Under no circumstances could this object have a plane of any sort that I have ever heard of ever. I know of nothing that could fly that slow and yet climb that high to the point it appeared to be a tiny star. It had no discernable lights! How would it get its light at night so that you could see it? Reflected light from the sun or the moon? 

I did finally catch up with the nurse in the building. It was about 6 months later she called me and told me there was a story on TV about someone who had seen something similar to what I had described. I was not in my home at the time of the call and not able to catch the broadcast but she remembered my story and wanted to let me know that perhaps there was a lot more to this than just what I had seen.  Validating my sighting basically.

I'd say a week didn't go by before I went to one of the electronic outlets and purchased myself a movie camera with night vision and kept it in the back of my car for many months in hopes that I might again get another glimpse. I never did see anything like it again. I still reside in the Burlingame area. I still look at the sky with intensity and an excited hope of seeing something or anything ever again. Now all I do is see what I guess to be satellites moving across the heavens. Some fast some slow and an occasional shooting star.

I don't know anything about you or your organization. I do not specifically follow UFO sightings. I am curious when I do hear or come across something specifically if it resembles anything like what I had seen. I am fascinated by knowledge of the heavens and the sciences around it. I do believe that it is highly unlikely that the human race is the only race of beings in the universe.

Given the scope of the universe and the variances and similarities of various galaxies there is a good chance we are anything but alone. I suspect that other life forms out there may know of us and perhaps who knows they are just watching us like any scientist might watch changes in any subject of interest. Its all speculation without concrete evidence. 

I am sharing this with you and I hope you find it useful. I apologize for my lack of skills in writing a fluid grammatically correct synopsis for you to analyze. I just write as my meager mind lets it flow.  

Thank you to the witnesses for the report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Formation Of Lights Over North Fambridge in Essex U.K. (Picture)

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  July 1, 2007.

Time:  12:30 a.m.

Saturday 1st July - We were sitting in the conservatory at 12:30 a.m. when we saw a formation of lights moving from South to North over North Fambridge in Essex.

We all (4) rushed outside and I took the attached photo with my phone. The formation was initially a 4 followed by 2 then a further distinct 4+.

They were moving smoothly and with no noise, appearing as balls of light with no shape. We called the police who said they were a Christian group letting off balloons, but there was no way they could move at this speed and against the wind.

I am not easily misled but this was unlike anything I had seen before. Height uncertain (looked low), constant speed and no sound. The police took our phone and address.

Thank you to the witnesses for the report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

9 To 10 Round Red Glowing Lights Over Idaho Falls Idaho

New Sighting Report.

Date:  December 31, 2020

Time:  Evening.

Hi, Brian, Happy New Year.

I saw pairs of red lights a few hours ago and ran across a report on one of your Vike Factor web sites inviting reports of like objects. My wife also saw them.

Similar to: Monday, Aug. 6, 2012

9  to 10 round red glowing lights, Idaho Falls

Are sightings of such objects in southeast Idaho identified yet? Do you still invite reports on these sightings? Or desire only a comment pertinent to that 2012 report?

I can offer a brief report and my initial speculation on the New Year's Eve lights. I was a daily newspaper editor at and business magazine editor at Inland Empire Business Journal in Southern California. We are new residents in this "dark skies" neighborhood within the Cache Valley, probably located along a flight corridor for Hill AFB. Regards.

Thank you to the witnesses for the report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Approxamtlty 20 Red Objects/Lights Over Hudson Massachusetts

New Sighting Report.

Date:  December 31, 2020

Time:  Evening.

Hi Brian, I saw the lights in Hudson, Massachusetts. The lights were traveling west to east, low but long trajectory.

I saw at least 20 objects in a two hour time span.

Looked like a red object just multiple times. Most were single file, but did see two at same time.

My wife thought they looked pixelated when viewing through binoculars. 

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Huge Glowing Purple Oval Shaped UFO Hovering West of Manchester New Hampshire

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  Mid October 1977

Time:  Approximately 11:00 p.m.

Number of witnesses: 3

Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Oval shaped tipped vertical.

Full Description of event/sighting: I am a musician and was going home to Nashua from a job playing at the Deerfield Fair with one of my band mates and another friend. It was pretty cold that night and the air was clear. As we were driving west on Rte. 101 I noticed a large object in the sky moving slowly from north to south. I pointed it out to my companions and we pulled over and got out of the car to get a better look. 

When we stopped the object stopped moving. It appeared to be at least a mile or two away and was very large, about the size of a silver dollar held at arm's length. It was at about 10 o'clock from the horizon.

It was an elongated oval shape and perpendicular to the ground. I seemed to have a bump on one side. The object was glowing purple and the raised area was glowing red.

There were two rows of orange or yellow lights on the oval part that were flashing in opposite directions around the oval. The overall shape reminded me of one of those children's tops with the lever that you push up and down to make it spin except slightly flatter and on its side.

We watched the object for about 10-15 minutes as it hung there in the sky. While we were stopped, someone in a pickup truck stopped and asked if we needed help. We explained what we were doing. He had a CB radio in his truck and I could hear other people on the CB chattering about the object.

He looked with us for a minute or two and left. We finally decided to go ourselves as the object was just hanging there. When we started moving the object continued moving slowly south and eventually passed from view. It moved a little slower than an airplane and seemed to move at a steady speed.

When we got back to Nashua my band mate's girlfriend was waiting up for us. She was nearly hysterical. She had been out at a dance class and on her way home had apparently encountered the same object except that it was directly overhead and low to the ground. She said that it covered the whole sky.

Surprisingly or perhaps not, there was nothing about this in any of the local papers even though there were many, perhaps hundreds of witnesses.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Vietnam Veteran's Visitation

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Brian, Thank you for your interest because it seems that no one wants to listen. I'm not the kind of person that gets excited about things so I didn't send a thing for a long time, but it lay on my mind.

I'm a disabled Vietnam Veteran and I ran a halfway house, for getting homeless Veterans off the street and, hopefully, back into some kind of home/shelter. We have so far, gotten eight guys off drugs and, either back with their families or into a house of their own, with a great support structure, of volunteers or other vets. God has been good to us.

I had finished my daily chores and decided to go to bed. I hadn't quite dozed off yet, I was kind of just laying there talking with God, as I noticed a bright light come on in my room. I didn't need to open my eyes because it was bright enough to see through my eyelids.

I thought it was odd because of the nature of our tenants, we never go into each others rooms unannounced, but, for some reason, I still didn't open my eyes. I just waited for whoever it was, to speak. No one ever did and my memory goes blank, at that point.

Being a combat Vet, it is my nature to investigate anything out of the ordinary, but this time, for some reason, I just didn't.

My next impression was of being light (i.e. without weight). I don't recall a floating sensation, as one would expect, should the effects of gravity cease, just a weightless sensation.

After that, a period of time passed, I suppose, then I heard/felt a crunching feeling/sound. I can't describe exactly what it was because I didn't really feel it or hear it, I just sensed it, some how.

The next memory I can clearly recall, is of awakening, and as is my usual habit, because I am a smoker, I cleared my throat. I felt as though I had a cotton ball in my mouth. I remember thinking "This is strange" and remembered the experience of the night before. When I swallowed, I expected it to get stuck in my throat and that I was gonna go into my bathroom, spit it out, and see what it was, but it went down real easy, except that I felt a small lump.

By the time, the whole experience should have concerned me more, but this didn't. I just kind of grinned it off and got up.

I guess I kind of forgot it, and went on with my life without anything unusual happening except that I suddenly just stopped drinking. In my position as leader of the group, I had argued with myself that I needed to stop, as it was kind of hard to talk the homeless guys into stopping, when I drank. I was telling myself that it wasn't a problem for me, but it was beginning to and I had already prepared for a really hard battle with it. It never happened. There was no battle, no stopping and then starting back, or wanting to drink but not doing it, I just stopped ! I haven't wanted a drink since, and that, is strange.

The only other thing, that I have noticed, thus far, is a very small lump that grows on the upper/inner part of my ear. It itches and I scratch it, and several times I have looked at it, and there is a tiny piece of something that looks like a grain of salt or sand. I usually just brush it off, but this time I am going to get someone to look at it under a microscope.

I believe there are visitors or some unusual form of life that is playing with us, or maybe examining us, and I have seen things that I can't personally explain. But I have adopted the attitude of, I'm going to wait and see what's up, rather than form an opinion.

I hope this helps you in your search and I am willing to do whatever you need me to do, to find out what it is at the bottom of all this.

Sincerely, Jackie.

My many thanks to Jackie for her story.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Police Sergeant Fires Three Rounds From .303 Rifle At UFO At Braeside Fort Beaufort South Africa

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

This is one amazing case with companies lining up in hopes of filming a documentary on this sighting. I was shut down and never passed the information along to any of them. I can tell you, there is no way I am handing out case after case to TV networks to run documentaries on my work like I did when I owned and operated HBCC UFO Research, (I don't anymore) for nothing. Most UFO people get nothing for their work, I won't hand it over anymore unless they are going to actually pay for the material if I appear in the film or not. Tired of them using us. Getting tried of this in my old age, maybe I am getting grumpy. LOL.

Brian Vike’s Note: I have been talking by way of email to the then sergeant of the  South African Police. The witness has agreed to be interviewed by way of telephone and Brian Vike will be interviewing the gentleman for an upcoming show on the Vike Report. Stayed tuned for details as this will certainly be one amazing story to be related. Also please note that permission has been granted to leave the report as is, with name intact.

Date: June 26, 1972 Time: 10.00 (?) 

Location of Sighting: Braeside Fort Beaufort. Number of witnesses: 12 Number of objects: 1 Shape of objects: Oval.

Full Description of event/sighting: Incident were reported by others previously. I was then a sergeant in the South African Police and witnessed the sighting. I was the policeman who fired shots at the object with a .303 rifle and hitting it together with (name removed), who was the owner of the farm.

What I still cannot understand is that how could be possible that the object have vanished into thin air without we who were watching the spot not being able to see it taking off.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Additional Information:

Hi Brain, in 1972, I was a sergeant in the South African Police, with eight years of service, in the small South African town, Fort Beaufort. The morning of June 26, I received a report of an object which appeared on the farm Braeside, which belonged to a Mr. Bennie Smit.

At that stage I did not know Mr. Smit well. I persuaded the Station Commander, Warrant Officer Philip Van Rensburg to accompany me to the scene. On the farm we met Mr. Smit and some of his workers including a worker by the name of Boer de Klerk.

Boer told us that during the morning when he was in the field at the reservoir when he witnessed a round "ball of fire" which changed in colours, hovering about 20 meters above the ground and which were slowly moving in the direction of the hill, which separates the farm from the Fort Fordyce bush.

On our arrival we did not witness any suspicious objects. We did the initial investigation and were skeptical. At that stage we were seven people. Four laborers, 2 policemen and Mr. Smit.

Whilst we were standing looking at the hill which were 150 meters from us, I saw an object which emerged from the thick bush and vegetation at the foot of the hill and hovered just above the vegetation. It moved slowly to our right and again disappeared behind the thick bush.

It did this movement a couple of times and I had the feeling that we were being watched. Mr. Smit had a .303 rifle with him and I decided to take a shot at it. The object were oval shaped and it was difficult to estimate the size of it. Might have been just over a meter in diameter.

It had a shiny dark metal grey colour. I fired three shots at it, hitting with each shot. Mr. Smit also fired at the object. During firing at it, I saw a sharp bright light, flickering on the right of the craft, just above it.

During the shots it also disappeared and emerged again from behind the trees. It was in broad daylight after 10:00 a.m. in the morning and the weather was clear. Mr. Smit and some of the workers went into the bush with a handkerchief, tied to a stick enabling us to direct him.

We noticed that the object moved away as if it were reacting to our voices giving direction to the searchers.  I  heard further shots coming from close to where we last seen the object disappeared  and Mr. Smit enquiring if we could see it.  We kept observation but did not see its departure. According to Smit who claimed that they came close to it.

The object turned upright and became a greyish white in colour before it veered of making a whirring sound. It just disappeared. The following day we combed the area with other police officers and found nine evenly spread circular imprints about 10cm in diameter in the soil directly from where we saw it disappearing behind the bushes. 

The imprints were in hard clay soil easily 25 - 30 mm deep, as if the legs were spiraled in the ground. Samples were taken and send to the Council for Scientific and Industrial research Laboratories. Apparently it never reached them.

Also of interest is that a couple of days later in the evening the town engineer Dr. D. Verschoor, interrupted a Council meeting to show the councilors a UFO flashing in colours as it moved in the direction of the Fort Fordyce bush and Braeside.

On Saturday 8 July during the night, Mr. Smit heard a loud explosion on his farm. On investigation the next morning he discovered that his reservoir, which were constructed of brick and cement were shattered and large concrete blocks were lying up to 20 meters away from the actual site. Another mysterious incident, never solved.

Thank you again to the witness for this amazing report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Fighters Scrambled From Comox To Vancouver British Columbia To Intercept UFOs

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Late 1950s and early 1960s.
Toll Free Hotline:

I had call phone call from a retired pilot this afternoon. He had worked with NORAD at one time and told me he knew all about "Flying Saucers". This pilot also went on to say he remembers clearly that he scrambled fighters out of Comox in the late 50's, early 60s to intercept a Unidentified Flying Object. Comox by the way  is located on Vancouver Island here in British Columbia, Canada.

Brian Vike’s Note: I have left out some details due to not having any kind of trail leading back to the fellow who gave me the information.

He was the (deleted by Brian Vike) and they scrambled fighter interceptors because they were watching on radar strange objects making all kinds of radical maneuvers close to the Vancouver, B.C. area.

He went on to say that the media had been receiving telephone calls over all the strange objects being seen at this time and they were making calls into the airports wanting to know what it was many folks were seeing in the skies over the Vancouver area.

The media had no luck with the airports in getting any information on what was taking place, they decided to call the Comox base. 

Brian Vike’s Note: This is where I am leaving out a couple of things about this case.

After the calls started coming in, the Commander of the base at that time called the man(who I talked with today)at his home, and said, " Nothing really happened and went on to say to this gentleman that the media from Vancouver had been making a good number of calls to the base, and again the Commander said, "Nothing unusual really happened last night"! "So there was nothing to talk about" !

As the fellow I chatted with today said, "I got the message loud and clear" ! "Three bags full, Yes Sir"! (His words). He also said he just kept his mouth closed and went about his business, but later on he talked with other people who took photos of the "flying saucers" as the fighters were flying beside the objects.

After the aircraft landed back at the Comox base they were ordered by the base Commander to hand over the camera and film which were taken of the objects, orders came down the Canadian DND.

He also said this went on for years and one didn't talk about it or your career was finished.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

UFO Splits Into Two And Shoots Straight Up And Disappears Houston British Columbia

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  February 27, 2003
Time:  Approximately 4:05 a.m.

I was over at Country Wide Stationary today (March 4, 2003) and a fellow had read the logo on my winter coat.(UFO Research Logo). He asked what it was all about, in which I explained what it was I was up to.

This man, a logging truck operator left the town of Houston driving up the Morice River Road heading approximately 100 kilometers out across the Reach to pick up a load of logs.

He went on to say when he reached the 30 kilometers mark on the Morice River Road, he witnessed "one" bright white light high in the sky heading in his direction. As the light got closer to him, he watched the light split up into two parts, with both pieces flying in different directions. He said one part went west and the other east.

What was so amazing was that the two lights shot back up into the sky and disappeared. The sighting lasted approximately 6 to 7 seconds at the most. 

He was so surprised and excited at what he just saw, he got on the trucks radio and asked other drivers on the road if anyone had witnessed what he just did. Two other drivers who were in the same area reported back to him that they also witnessed the same thing.

Brian Vike’s Note: I have the name of one of the other drivers and will be speaking to him tomorrow to take his report. I was told that a number of logging truck drivers on their early morning hauls have seen a number of strange things in the sky, so I am also looking into these as well. Also I had a telephone call from a fellow from Prince Rupert today.

He asked if I would be around today as he wanted to drop in on his way to Alberta. I met with him at my home and we had a really nice visit.  He also told me about an amazing sight he witnessed in the Prince Rupert area. I am certainly going to be taking the trip up to visit with him later on when he comes home from Alberta.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.