Showing posts with label Veteran's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Veteran's. Show all posts

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Vietnam Veteran's Visitation

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Brian, Thank you for your interest because it seems that no one wants to listen. I'm not the kind of person that gets excited about things so I didn't send a thing for a long time, but it lay on my mind.

I'm a disabled Vietnam Veteran and I ran a halfway house, for getting homeless Veterans off the street and, hopefully, back into some kind of home/shelter. We have so far, gotten eight guys off drugs and, either back with their families or into a house of their own, with a great support structure, of volunteers or other vets. God has been good to us.

I had finished my daily chores and decided to go to bed. I hadn't quite dozed off yet, I was kind of just laying there talking with God, as I noticed a bright light come on in my room. I didn't need to open my eyes because it was bright enough to see through my eyelids.

I thought it was odd because of the nature of our tenants, we never go into each others rooms unannounced, but, for some reason, I still didn't open my eyes. I just waited for whoever it was, to speak. No one ever did and my memory goes blank, at that point.

Being a combat Vet, it is my nature to investigate anything out of the ordinary, but this time, for some reason, I just didn't.

My next impression was of being light (i.e. without weight). I don't recall a floating sensation, as one would expect, should the effects of gravity cease, just a weightless sensation.

After that, a period of time passed, I suppose, then I heard/felt a crunching feeling/sound. I can't describe exactly what it was because I didn't really feel it or hear it, I just sensed it, some how.

The next memory I can clearly recall, is of awakening, and as is my usual habit, because I am a smoker, I cleared my throat. I felt as though I had a cotton ball in my mouth. I remember thinking "This is strange" and remembered the experience of the night before. When I swallowed, I expected it to get stuck in my throat and that I was gonna go into my bathroom, spit it out, and see what it was, but it went down real easy, except that I felt a small lump.

By the time, the whole experience should have concerned me more, but this didn't. I just kind of grinned it off and got up.

I guess I kind of forgot it, and went on with my life without anything unusual happening except that I suddenly just stopped drinking. In my position as leader of the group, I had argued with myself that I needed to stop, as it was kind of hard to talk the homeless guys into stopping, when I drank. I was telling myself that it wasn't a problem for me, but it was beginning to and I had already prepared for a really hard battle with it. It never happened. There was no battle, no stopping and then starting back, or wanting to drink but not doing it, I just stopped ! I haven't wanted a drink since, and that, is strange.

The only other thing, that I have noticed, thus far, is a very small lump that grows on the upper/inner part of my ear. It itches and I scratch it, and several times I have looked at it, and there is a tiny piece of something that looks like a grain of salt or sand. I usually just brush it off, but this time I am going to get someone to look at it under a microscope.

I believe there are visitors or some unusual form of life that is playing with us, or maybe examining us, and I have seen things that I can't personally explain. But I have adopted the attitude of, I'm going to wait and see what's up, rather than form an opinion.

I hope this helps you in your search and I am willing to do whatever you need me to do, to find out what it is at the bottom of all this.

Sincerely, Jackie.

My many thanks to Jackie for her story.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.