Saturday, March 13, 2021

Germany Former Military Man Tells His Story Of Disk Shaped UFOs

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date: Around 1989

Dear Brian, This is a report told to me by a former military person who was stationed in Germany. Back around 1989, along with two military colleagues, he saw three oblong discords moving across the sky in broad daylight" in Germany. Having been trained to calculate aircraft speeds in the field, he and his colleagues estimated that the three craft traveled at 3000-5000 mph. He says they moved in pulse-like jumps of energy, nearly disappearing at some point in the pulse cycle.

Also, one of his military base-mates told my contact and his military friends about how he had been sent, circa 1984-86, to do daytime guard duty in a remote, desert area of the US Southwest. On one of his guard postings at a remote, empty stretch of road in the desert, he said he turned at one point and saw the ground open up and a fairly large disc (I think the quote was that it was at least 50 feet diameter, if not more) which rose up out of the ground and soared off, almost soundlessly, then the ground closed back up. Whether it was a retractable door, I cannot say.

Months after telling my (enlisted) contact and his (enlisted) military friends of the incident, the given soldier was arrested by his Army superiors and taken in on reportedly trumped up charges. He was never seen again. The story spread that he had hung himself while in Army prison, a story that his colleagues didn't buy. His case was marginally suspicious because he had acted almost like a kind of planted Intel. agent in the military, the kind who was suspected to report to officers about everything.

There were other paranormal incidents that further piqued my contact's colleagues on such subjects. Further complicating the case is the fact that my contact's military colleagues (all enlisted) had long been interested in anything that smacked of alien-related doings in the Army.

Their officers had been quiet, if not offish, on the subject. This was during a time when murder was the recourse for secrecy---before Disclosure was a household word, before Corso and so on. Hence, the uniformed disposition was typically repressive and cold. I can give you the person's email address if you like.

Thank you to the gentleman for this interesting story.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

A UFO Experience At Mt. Laguna AFS

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Brian, Enjoy reading your articles and thought I should "chime" in on the following: Re: There were also some guys who did a night time "Close Air Support" drill at Yuma Marine Air Base in Arizona who told me a great UFO Story.

If any of you who actually experienced that sighting and are reading this, please relay your story.    

I had an experience while in the U.S. Air Force stationed at Mt. Laguna AFS which might be related to the above. The 751st Radar Squadron was located about 12 miles north east of Pine Valley California on the edge of the desert and mountains at about 6,000 feet elevation. The time period was in the mid 1960s, probably 1965, in the mid summer evening about 20:00.

Still light and clear skies and from that height over the clear dry desert you could sometimes see the Salton Sea. I was walking over to the "Ops" building from the AN-FPS-26 tower just as one of the "ops" officers was arriving.

He was looking east out over the desert and pointed to a light about the size of a green pea held at arms length. He asked me what did I think it was. I initially thought it was a naval military aircraft flying out in the area of the El Centro Naval Air Station which was in that direction about 45 miles east, and in the line-of-sight of Yuma, Arizona.

After about 30 seconds, the light started to strobe and change colors with green, blue, red, white and yellow. Then I didn't think it was a Navy plane because I would only expect to see green and red position lights and landing lights. I don't know if strobe lights and a white tail light were required at that time for aircraft.

I do know that Blue and Yellow were colors in the unknowns changing light scheme and those colors are not used in aviation. There were other incidents at this radar station during my tour of duty, 1965 - 1967. Some I personally experienced and some I heard from others. Very interesting times indeed.  

Thank you to the gentleman for this interesting story.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Researcher Claims He Has Photo Of 1976 UFO Over Clovis

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Newspaper Article.

Thirty years after UFOs were reportedly sighted hovering over Clovis skies, another photograph of the event has surfaced.

A UFO researcher said this week he has a photo — albeit fuzzy — of a tubular-shaped craft that danced above Clovis on Jan. 21, 1976.

Canadian resident Brian Vike said he obtained the photo about a week ago from a former Eastern New Mexico University journalism student. Vike would not reveal the identity of that photographer, but said his source was threatened in 2004 after discussing the events on a radio talk show.

“His attitude now is, ‘people need to know.’ And ‘if anything happens to my family, people definitely need to know,’” Vike said.

Another photo of a UFO sighted in Clovis that same week appeared in the Jan. 23 edition of the Clovis News Journal. That photo, which shows a lightning-like streak in the sky in the shape of a telephone receiver, was taken by amateur astronomer Steve Muscato.

Vike plans to post the photograph on his Web site, He is also searching for more eyewitness accounts of the events.

“I want to try to figure out what these people are seeing,” said Vike, who said he has investigated scores of reports of UFO sightings from around the world.

“We don’t have the answer: Is there life out there?”

Muscato, who now lives in Las Vegas, Nev., remembers the reported sightings caused quite a stir.

“I received dozen of calls from all over the country,” said Muscato, who took the photograph through a window from the top floor of the Clovis Hotel.

“I honestly thought it was Saturn,” recalled Muscato, who was a high school senior at the time. Muscato said he checked with a noted astronomer, who told him Saturn would not have been visible at that time.

To this day Muscato’s not sure what he saw that night.

“I remember him coming home all excited,” said Frank Muscato, Steve’s father, who then owned a doughnut store at 14th and Mitchell streets. “The only thing I was concerned about was whether (the UFOs) wanted carry-out doughnuts.”

The elder Muscato said the buzz in town lasted awhile.

“Everybody was excited about it,” Muscato said. “All the major networks were in town and they were all on the top of Hotel Clovis.”

A document from the National Military Command Center confirms UFO sightings on Jan. 21, 1976, but does not offer an explanation as to the origin of the crafts.

“Two UFOs are reported near the flight line at Cannon AFB, New Mexico,” the document reads. “Security Police observing them reported the UFOs to be 25 yards in diameter, gold or silver in color with a blue light on top, a hole in the middle, and red light on bottom.”

The Military Command document on Cannon is lumped in with 11 other declassified military reports of UFO sightings that occurred across the nation near military installations, and in Iran, from 1975 and 1976.

Following the Jan. 21 UFO sightings in Clovis, other strange events were reported in the area, according to Clovis News Journal archives.

UFO sightings continued in Clovis for the next two days, according to CNJ archives. On Jan. 22,1976, the strange objects zipped around Cannon F-111s that were sent into the air to investigate them, according to testimony that appears on Vike’s Web site. The objects darted out of the reach of the jets, cutting through the air at 90-degree angles, and racing at phenomenal speeds, the Web site reads.

A CNJ staff writer reported seeing 23 UFOs, sliding in and out of complex formations, the next night.

Also, an unexplained circle was burned into the ground of a New Mexico ranch and a cylindrical object of unknown origin was discovered in the grass in the days following the initial UFO sightings, according to CNJ archives.

Several UFO investigative teams, including Project Starlight International, swarmed into Clovis after the sightings, according to CNJ archives. But most concluded that the sightings were likely a result of a weather inversion or some other weather phenomenon. One suggested they could have been glimpses of a planet.

Clovis resident John Fondrick was a high school senior when the UFOs were sighted and a series of articles on the events appeared in the Clovis News Journal. He said he doesn’t recall seeing the mysterious crafts. He and his friends attempted numerous sky vigils atop Hotel Clovis, but were always intercepted by police, he said.

At the time of the alleged sightings, Clovis resident Bill Gaedke was an advisor to the commander of the 27th Fighter Wing. He spent six years stationed at the base and retired in 1979 as a chief master sergeant, he said.

“I didn’t hear anything about (the UFOs). I vaguely recall something about the crop circles, but I couldn’t relate the details,” he said.

The deputy chief of Cannon Public Affairs, 1st Lt. James Nichols, said the base could provide “no information” on the UFO sightings of 1976, or on whether or not there have been subsequent UFO sightings around Cannon since.

Several other long time area residents contacted for the story said they were either unaware of the reports or had no firsthand knowledge.

The Eastern New Mexico News -

The Newspaper Article -

UFO Sighting Over Thompson ?

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Newspaper Article.

By John Barker Thompson Citizen

January 5, 2011 03:00 a.m.

A Thompson woman says she saw three unexplained reddish orange lights in a triangle" Christmas Eve at 7:47 p.m. in the night sky over Thompson.

The strange lights were apparently visible for close to an hour between 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. Christmas Eve.

"My boyfriend came running into the house yelling at us to come look at the sky, says Kimberly Wavey. "When me and my mom got outside we saw three reddish orange lights in a triangle. They looked the same size as the stars. Then after about a minute the middle light fell and faded then the first light faded. I ran inside to grab some binoculars and when I got outside the last light wasn't there.

Wavey said before she got outside her boyfriend saw "five lights in the distance that could've been confused with something else then with great speed was almost right above me, and I could see the lights in the front that formed a triangle while the lights in the back seem to fade and it seemed like it was cloaked, like there was something I wasn't fully seeing."

It's at least the second reported UFO sighting in Northern Manitoba this month. On Dec. 10, near Bird, two hours north of Fox Lake, between Gillam and Avery on the Bayline, there were reports of red, blue and green lights hovering over, or off to the side of the tracks, and illuminating a train.

The two recent Manitoba reports, "UFO Interferes With Railway Trains Controls 2 Hours North Of Fox Lake Manitoba?" and "4 Orange Red Balls Of Light Over Thompson Manitoba" appear on Brian Vike's The Vike Factor into the Paranormal blog at: and

Vike reports multiple unexplained sightings from across the country monthly from readers who send in their sightings to the blog.

The very first documented sighting of an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) in this area came from the journals of 18th century explorers David Thompson and Andrew Davies.

Thompson's journal states that in the autumn of 1792 they were camped at Landing Lake, near Thicket Portage, when they saw a brilliant "meteor of globular form larger than the moon." The object seemed to come directly towards them, lowering as it travelled, and "when within 300 yards of us, it struck the river ice, with a sound like a mass of jelly, was dashed in innumerable luminous pieces and instantly expired."

The next morning when they went to see the hole it should have made in the ice, they were surprised to find no markings whatsoever. UFO researcher Chris Rutkowski, research co-ordinator for UFOlogy Research of Manitoba (URM) told the Thompson Citizen in an April 2008 interview that in some ways the object sounded like a bolide - a brilliant meteor - that through a trick of the eye might appear to be nearby, although in reality it could have been miles away. He also adds that it is interesting that the two heard a sound, something rare for meteors, and furthermore described the object as "globular" and that "it had no tail and no luminous sparks came from it until it dashed to pieces."

The Winnipeg-based UFOlogy Research of Manitoba investigates and researches Canadian UFO sightings, and Rutkowski says the night skies over Manitoba average about three or four sightings a month.

UFOlogy Research is concerned that most of the sightings were not reported to investigators in Manitoba but were instead submitted to websites around the globe.

That makes it difficult for researchers here to speak to witnesses, collect further information and potentially rule out objects as planets or stars instead of UFOs.

"Every year, it's whittled down to about three per cent to five percent that don't have an easy explanation," said Rutkowski.

Among the UFOs sightings reported in September 2007, one came from a witness parked near Headingley about 2 a.m. on Sept. 10.

The man claims he heard a humming sound and then saw a light in the northern sky. He turned and saw a "floating disc" land in a field. Scared, he jumped in his car and drove away. In his rearview mirror, the witness said he saw the object rise from the ground and race across the sky before vanishing.

In an attempt to explain the rise in UFO sightings over time, Rutkowski said it's possible there's something out there or that "people are paying more attention to their surroundings."

You can follow Rutkowski on Twitter at: or his blog at:

David Thompson goes on in his journals to describe a second such meteor, and this one again "passed close by me striking the trees with the sound of a mass of jelly." He thought the height was no more than eight feet above the ground, although dimensions can be quite deceiving at night, and this estimate could be incorrect. Nevertheless, we are left with an interesting historical account of a strange event in the woods just 30 to 50 kilometres from what is now Thompson.

A more disturbing UFO account comes from 1967. A woman (the family name has been deleted from the case files) was walking through her house around 6 p.m. in Thompson, when she heard an odd beeping sound. It was repeated at regular intervals of about one second, and she wondered what was causing it. She looked out her kitchen window, and saw dirt and loose pieces of paper flying in a large circle around her house. Outside, she found her husband, who had just come home, and five children staring up into the sky. A young boy was holding her eight-year old daughter down on the ground. Up in the sky a rectangular object hung in the air, slowly rotating counter-clockwise and showing alternating silver and black sides. It was black on its lower surface, and made no noise.

The object began moving off on an angle, stopped and hovered, then continued towards the southwest. Until this time the circle of dirt and dust and papers had persisted, but it now died down. The whirlwind was confined to the area immediately around their house and did not affect any other house on the street. When the object moved away, the dirt feel to the ground. Going to the children, the woman found they were calming down except her daughter, who seemed dazed. The boy explained that the five of them had been playing in the yard when the object first appeared overhead.

As they watched, her daughter had been levitated into the air, apparently caused by the UFO in the sky. By the time the other children came to her aid she was about one metre off the ground and her clothes had edged up her body. Her daughter said she did not remember anything from the time she felt the wind until the time she recovered after being dragged back to the ground.

The most famous UFO sighting in Manitoba history also took place in 1967. Known as the Falcon Lake Incident, it occurred on May 20, 1967, when Stephen Michalak claimed that he encountered a unidentified flying object (UFO) near Falcon Lake, while taking a short vacation in Whiteshell Provincial Park, not far west of the Ontario border.

Michalak claimed to have been burned by the craft's exhaust vent, which was covered by an ovular grid, he said.

Michalak, an industrial mechanic born in Poland was a resident of Winnipeg, but had taken a short vacation in the Falcon Lake area, where he had prospected as an amateur geologist before, to search for veins of quartz he had been told could be near the lake.

Shortly after noon, Michalak said he was disturbed by a noise similar to geese's grunts. When he looked up, he spotted two cigar-shaped objects, which were red and brilliant as fire. They were descending at 45 degrees, he said, adding the more they approached the more oval they became.

One of the objects stopped in the air, he said, while the other landed on a big rock 160 feet away from him.

After some moments, the object floating above Michalak changed its color to grey, and then flew directly west, disappearing through the clouds. The landed object also changed to grey, and then to a color similar to incandescent stainless steel.

From the interior opening of the object, some violet light rays were emitted, he said, but as Michalak was already using special glasses to examine the quartz, the rays didn't affect him, he claimed. The object was said to have a sulfurous smell and made a humming noise.

Half an hour passed, and Michalak still was observing the spaceship. Suddenly, a door opened, he said, and he could see that the interior of the UFO was very illuminated. He approached closer and heard some voices coming from inside the ship.

Believing that the object was an experimental American flying object, he tried to make a contact in English. As no answers were given, he tried other languages in vain. Nervous, he walked to the open door, and saw a panel and some lights inside the ship.

He did not see anybody, he said, so he waited. Suddenly, the door closed. Despite the surprise, he discovered a colourful glass around the UFO. It was very well conserved, with no cracks. He attempted to touch it, but his glove simply melted, the heat hurting his hand through the glove's protection.

A metallic box full of holes came off the UFO in what seemed to be a grid-like exhaust vent. A steamy explosion occurred, he said, and some kind of gas was expelled in his direction. Immediately, his clothes started to burn, Michalak said. As the object flew after the other one, Michalak was left behind desperately trying to extinguish the fire.

Once the fire was extinguished, Michalak said he felt pain and sickness and noticed a metallic odour from the inside of his body, like the smell of something electric that is burning. He initially claimed the burns were caused by airplane exhaust. The RCMP later confirmed that Michalak had been drinking beer the night before the sighting he reported.

The Department of National Defence still identifies the Falcon Lake case as unsolved. Michalak died in 1999 at the age of 83.

A Feb. 23, 1971 UFO sighting at 232 Deerwood Dr. by Gisella and Louis Kovacs is on file in the National Archives of Canada and National Research Council of Canada. From about 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. the Kovacs reported to Thompson RCMP that they saw a "plate shaped object about the size of a full moon. This object was flashing from red to green to yellow to blue also a red flash from the north side of the object was sighted."

RCMP officers G.H. Donovan and E.C. Wesley who investigated noted in their official report "the Kovacs were sober and did not appear to have been drinking when the statements were obtained."

There was also a well-known UFO sighting and possible attempted alien abduction, some witnesses believed, locally years ago on Cypress Crescent, behind the Thompson Professional Building on Selkirk Avenue, in the Juniper area.

And finally in 1992 a group of children were playing in a field when they saw some bright lights floating near some snow banks. When they approached the lights they encountered a tall hairy humanoid with red glowing eyes. They fled in terror and the parents and medical personnel who treated the children said that they were truly terror stricken and believed what they saw.

There were nine reported UFO sightings in the Flin Flon area between 1947 to and November 2008, residents have reported nine UFO sightings, according to the official record-keeper of such data, UFOlogy Research of Manitoba.

While some are quick to equate UFOs to otherworldly crafts piloted by extraterrestrials, Rutkowski stresses a fact-based interpretation.

"UFOs are simply objects that an observer cannot identify," he says. "There is no proof that some are from other planets."

Rutkowski says most of Flin Flon's sightings have been recounted by witnesses as odd lights or fireballs, both of which are common descriptions.

The most unusual, he says, was reported back in 1947 when a platter-shaped object was seen silhouetted against a stormy sky.

"It moved east to west at a high speed, and was towards the north," says Rutkowski.

Until November 2008, the most recent Flin Flon sighting had come in 1979 from a Mountie who claimed to have gazed upon a "fireball" in the sky.

Then on Nov. 20, 2008, at 6:30 p.m., another fireball was said to have illuminated the sky.

No official sightings have ever come from Creighton or Denare Beach, though it is possible some occurred and were reported as being from Flin Flon.

About 60 kilometres northeast, in tiny Sherridon, a lone sighting was reported on Feb. 11, 2001.

"Someone watched an oval object with rotating lights on its bottom and a sphere attached underneath," says Rutkowski.

Other Northern Manitoba sightings include three in Cranberry Portage and nine in The Pas.

Rutkowski concludes that when population is factored in, the number of sightings in Northern Manitoba is on par with other parts of the province.

"It's a matter of trees falling in the forest," he says. "You need people around to see them and report them, so there are more reported in larger communities."

Rutkowski speculates some sightings go unreported, in part because witnesses fear being labelled oddballs who believe in little green men.

"It could be for many reasons. That's one of them," he says. "It could be simply because people are hesitant to come forward with information, as they are about coming forward if they see a drunk driver, or know someone is lying on a tax return."

URM is a private, not-for-profit organization involved in "rational discourse, investigation and research" of UFOs and related phenomena.

Despite its name, the organization, established in Winnipeg in 1975, is actually a national group that studies cases from coast to coast.

"At this time, we are the only (Canadian) group that is doing so," says Rutkowski, who holds science and education degrees.

Rutkowski encourages anyone who sees a UFO to report it to a research group such as URM.

With files from Len Podbisky and Jonathon Naylor at The Reminder in Flin Flon.

Thompson Citizen Newspaper -

The Newspaper Article -

Spate Of UFOs Sighted In Northern B.C. Skies

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Newspaper Article.

Prince Rupert

Canadian Press.

Published August 17, 2002

Brian Vike is not about to point to little green men, but he says something strange is happening in the skies of northern B.C.

Mr. Vike, a "ufologist" and editor of the paranormal magazine Canadian Communicator, is mystified by the largest number of airborne-phenomena reports he has seen.

Since Feb. 1, Mr. Vike has received 73 reports of strange lights and objects in the sky over the region. That compares to five or six reports at the same time last year.

Now he is hearing about sightings over the north coast, and wants to hear from Prince Rupert, B.C., residents who think they have had a close encounter.

"Things like real bright lights doing real strange things," he said. "If you look up in the sky and see a bunch of stars, and all of a sudden five points of light start moving together, then disappear -- that's not a satellite."

Of the 73 sightings, Mr. Vike said five can be explained as planets and shooting stars. The rest evade easy answers, such as the case of three women travelling from Smithers, B.C., to Houston, B.C., who encountered a "huge craft."

"It descended through the cloud cover, went towards them at about tree-top level and went right over their car," Mr. Vike said.

"I interviewed them, and they were just freaked. . . . The thing is, people want some answers for what they're seeing."

Mr. Vike guesses that the spate of unexplainable events may be linked to military activity in the area.

"One report we got from nine witnesses in several locations on July 29 was of a white [and]yellow object as big as a school bus that was seen below the horizon, going into the valley.

"Some of my contacts in the Department of National Defence haven't written back to me lately, which is unusual."

Mr. Vike said he has unconfirmed reports from Telkwa, B.C., and Houston of military vehicles travelling the back roads.

The Globe And Mail -

The Newspaper Article -

A Loud Boom Was Heard And Yellow Light Seen Over Elmwood Park Illinois

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  September 5, 2010

Time:  Approxamtlty 10:15 p.m.

We saw the same thing at 10:15p.m., except ours followed by a boom after the flame and radar lights.

Additional Information:

Hello, ok here's my story, I live in Elmwood Park Illinois and I was parking my car in the driveway as I just got home. 

I heard a boom and as I looked up in the sky with my girlfriend, I saw a flame -ish, yellowish light floating from south to north and then it vanished.

My girlfriend tried taking a photo of it with her camera phone, but not much came out. I am sending you the picture we tried to get. 

This was on the evening of September 5th around 10:15 pm, I'm a bit confused, also still hovering in the east are bright lights, but that might be a weather radar pattern or something. Sincerely.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

A Glowing Light Shoots Across The Sky Over Kent Lake Road Michigan

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  November 2, 2010

Time:  6:15 a.m. to 6:30 a.m.

Location of Sighting:

Number of witnesses: 3

Number of Objects: 1

Shape of Objects: Light.

Full Description of Event/Sighting: I was driving my daughter to school and we saw a light glow in the dark sky and it shot across the sky and disappeared. We thought it was a shooting star, but it went straight.

Then when I told my husband that night, he said when he was dropping my son at work around the same area. My son saw it to, as he said it appeared and moved side to side before shooting off into the dark. It was like the back of a jet when it starts, that's how I can describe the light at first.

We live in Michigan. The sighting was on Kent Lake Road between Silver Lake Road and Grandriver that’s where we were, but it was off in the distance in the sky. Not sure if it was Brighton or South Lyon Boundary. 

Thanks so much. If I was by myself  they would of never believed it!

Thank you to the witness for the report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

UFO Spotted Hovering Over Tree Line In Dunrobin

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Newspaper Article.

By Derek Dunn

Renfrew Mercury

Monday, June 21, 2010

UFO expert Brian Vike of Houston, B.C. received an email from Dunrobin reporting a strange sight on June 9, about 9:30 p.m.

Vike remains baffled by the sighting, saying most unidentified flying objects are either aircraft with flashing NAV lights, the planet Venus, satellites, balloons, the International Space Station and something similar.

“Over the last few years there has been an increase on one particular sighting, and this is of orange-red-yellow lights being seen all over the world. I receive reports of these lights from the UK on a daily bases,” Vike said

“As for the Dunrobin, Ont. sighting, as of now I am at a loss as to what this would have been.”

The report submitted to Vike’s website, reads: “While lying in bed watching TV, we heard what we thought was strong wind. It was a strange sound. While we were listening to figure out what it was, my nine-year-old came running into my room in a panic.

“She kept insisting that there was a UFO out in the front. I told her it had to be a helicopter, but she said no way. My daughter is positive this is not a helicopter and this is a UFO.

“I’m thinking the noise I heard was strange, so maybe we better go and look. We run into her room and through her window we see a large object, just sort of hovering very slowly.

It was moving toward the east and looked like it was just over the tree-line. I couldn’t say if it was round or triangular because I was more fascinated by its lights, but my daughter says it’s definitely triangular and my husband agrees with her.

“The lights were bright and they were flashing on and off, red and white. It didn’t take long for it to leave our sight. I think that if I would have gone right into her room, I might have had a better look at it; it didn’t seem concerned about being seen as it was so low.

“You know, I don’t really believe in UFOs and now I’m not sure what to think. I know I saw this thing, but I can’t understand why it was not on the news or something at that hour of night; we can’t be the only ones that saw this.

“Let me know what you think or if someone else saw it too.”

Vike said were it a motorized object like a helicopter the sound would have been recognizable. It didn’t have normal NAV lights, he added. And yet he hasn’t heard from anyone else. Attempts by the newspaper to reach the Dunrobin woman reporting the UFO were unsuccessful.

“The object was certainly of a good size and with all the lights flashing off and on, one would think there would be others in the area who saw this thing. As of yet, I haven’t been able to locate them, if there was any,” Vike said.

“This object may well be something explainable, but as it stands right now, I have to class it as a UFO. I certainly am checking into the case and hopes of finding an answer to what the people saw that night.”

Vike can be reached at

Derek Dunn is a reporter and photographer at the Arnprior Chronicle-Guide.

Brampton -

The Newspaper Article -

That Was No UFO Over Hamilton

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Newspaper Article.

The strange lights in the night sky last weekend have a rather novel, down-to-earth explanation.

Not UFOs. Not northern lights, either.

It looks like it was Hamilton's own Chris Ecklund and his half-billion candlepower light system illuminating one of the city's 125 waterfalls that caused a ripple of UFO sightings from Stoney Creek to Dundas.

Witnesses reported eyewitness accounts of strange vertical lights in the sky over Dundas and Waterdown to The Vike Report, a British Columbia-based blog devoted to UFO sightings and the paranormal.

Brian Vike, who heads his own HBCC Centre for UFO Research, says on his blog that the lights were seen around 8 p.m. Friday.

That's exactly when Ecklund threw the switch to light up Chedoke Falls in the city's west end, part of his campaign to get Hamilton recognized as the City of Waterfalls and a pilot project to highlight the falls' beauty.

"We had all those lights bouncing off the ice and the water up into the sky. It was awesome and 8 p.m. was when we threw the switch.

"We had all the colours people saw: orange, red and the whole lot."

Vike, who lives in Houston, B.C., halfway between Terrace and Prince George, was not immediately available for comment.

One witness told Vike that he and five friends were out for a walk around 8 p.m. and saw vertical lights in the sky and watched them for 30 minutes, a throbbing orange one which faded in and out and a second red vertical one.

The witness, who Vike won't name in keeping with his confidentiality commitment on the site, says one light had a circle opening in it which looked like an eye.

Then the red lights faded away after five more minutes, he said.

Ecklund has also lit up Sherman Falls with blue spotlights, Tiffany Falls with 550 million candlepower of clear lights with no filters and Lower Westcliffe Falls.

The pictures and videos of the effects created are on his website:

"There's no mystery," says Ecklund.

"It was just us."

The Hamilton Spectator -

The News Story Article -

1976 UFO Hovering Above A Field At Clovis New Mexico

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  1976

Time:  Evening.

I remember this incident. At first I thought  had dreamed it until I stumbled across your website.

I was only 6 when it happened, but I remember that we pulled over on the side of the road with many other people and watched the UFO hover over a field moving in strange sideways patterns before it shot straight up into the air and disappeared.

The Clovis news journal ran a picture of it the next day if I can recall. Thanks for the web post.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

RCMP Officer Shoots At Unknown 1967 Kitimat British Columbia UFO Incident

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  1967

Brian, are you aware of the 1967 so called UFO incident in Kitimat? I was involved in this incident during the winter of that year.

Me and a few friends were walking on the outskirts of Kitimat one snowy dark evening when we heard a strange beeping noise out in the bush. Within a half an hour a large group of local residents gathered along with us to listen to this electronic beeping noise.

Shortly thereafter, the RCMP showed up and formed about 12 of us into 2 groups. Each group was to walk along one side of this ravine that went into the bush towards this blue light. It was the dead of winter and there was a lot of snow in the bush.

I was with one of those groups accompanied by an RCMP officer. There was a blue glowing light off in the bush along with this electronic beeping noise.

After about 20 minutes, we heard 4 or 5 gunshots, and our RCMP officer told us all to get out of the bush. When we got back to the road, the other group that had traversed the other side of the ravine was already out on the road.

Everyone in that group was very scared and apparently, the RCMP officer in that group shot into a tree at "something?" They all saw something in the tree, but no-one wanted to talk about it! This RCMP officer was as white as a sheet and saw something in the tree apparently with the rest of them and felt compelled to shoot at it?

Well, before one knew it, there were electronic and UFO experts coming to Kitimat from all over the world. The beeping noise continued for many weeks and the electronic experts from Vancouver stated that it was an electronic source of some sort.

The local Natives just laughed and stated that the beeping noise was a rare Owl. They could not however explain the blue glowing light out in the bush that night. It was what we were trying to see when our two groups went into the bush.

Have you heard of this story?

Thank you to the witness for the report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

4 Red Balls Of Light Over Lambertville Michigan

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  December 25, 2010

Time:  Approxamtlty 9:00 - 9:30 p.m.

My husband and I were unloading our car on Christmas night at approx. 9:00 - 9:30pm when 3 red balls of light caught his eye. He motioned to me to come look and sure enough, there were 3 red balls of light in the distance heading south towards Toledo, Oh, I was just about to run inside to get my binoculars, when a 4th red ball of light caught our eye.

This one seemed to go right over our heads and seemed low in the sky, under the clouds. It was traveling much farther behind than the others. The only way we can explain it is that it was a red glowing light surrounded by some sort of a glowing halo. 

There was absolutely no sound coming from it and it just floated in the sky. These objects didn't seem to be moving fast. I tried to call my mom who lives in Toledo, but she wasn't able to see them.

I decided to check online to see if anyone else had by chance seen this and that's when I came across Brian’s blog. Would love to know what they were!

Thank you to the witness for the report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

4 Orange Red Lights Over Oxnard California

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  December 2010

Time:  Late evening

I saw 4 of what you saw. They were following each other right over me on New Years. I ran in the house and everyone saw them turn direction like nothing I ever seen before. 

No noise at all and once they changed direction one by one, they disappeared because they have no lights on the back.

The speed was slow, but smooth. I wonder if the Oxnard CA airport got this on radar because it’s only couple of blocks away. They were UFOs for sure. I hope to see them on 2011 no luck!

Thank you to the witness for the report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

4 Orange Red Balls Of Light Over Thompson Manitoba

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  December 24, 2010

Time:  Evening.

Tonight, December 24 2010, My mom, her friend and her husband and I, and others on our street saw 4 Orange/reddish balls of light above Thompson Manitoba. They were heading northeast. 

We could tell that they were not planes, they moved at different paces at different times, and seemed to change altitude greatly within 5-10 seconds, they went up much higher. 

They seemed to travel a large distance in 2-3 seconds. Nothing that I have every seen a normal aircraft to do.

They first appear when we came home from church, only one at first, we thought it was a star, maybe Mars. When we got out, a neighbor pointed out that there was more. 4 to be exact. 

As they moved, they got smaller, when they got smaller, they seemed to slow, as if gaining height. Within a minute, they disappeared, One by one.

We couldn't explain it, so I searched for an answer.

This happened less than an hour ago.

That you for your time. If you have any answers, or Ideas, please contact me back.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

4 Orange Lights Over Rifle River State Park Michigan

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  August 25, 2010

Time:  Approxamtlty 11:00 p.m.

Brian, my wife and I have witnessed the same lights of which you have spoken. We we're camping at Rifle River state park. At the time of the sighting (enjoying the Waning moon) approximately 11:00 pm August the 25.

We were sitting on the picnic table looking south east over Grouse Haven Lake when we seen 4 orange lights, light up in a line, one at a time.

They then blinked out. To light up again to the right slightly to blink out again. Very Strange.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.