Pictures were taken at Kamloops, British Columbia on October 17, 2024.
Thursday, October 17, 2024
Photo To Painting - Happy Ghoulish Birthday To Me Kamloops, British Columbia Canada
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Photo To Painting - Me After An Alien Abduction Kamloops, British Columbia Canada
Friday, June 18, 2021
Photo Of The Film Crew Discovery Channel’s Alien Mysteries
Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.
Here is a photo I took of the cameraman, sound person and the director is around there somewhere for the Discovery Channel’s Alien Mysteries TV documentary which I was part of.
I was flown down to Vancouver and put up in the Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre. As always it was a lot of fun.
File your UFO sighting to Brian at:
Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:
Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
Three UFOs Filmed Over West Lethbridge Alberta (Photo)
Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.
Date: August 15, 2008
Time: Evening.
Hi Brian, This was taken over Lakie school on the west side of Lethbridge. My name is (name removed). I also saw a large ship fly over my house, it came out of the sky like a cartoon, the sky opened up, and it came right towards me, it was tree level. The ship was shaped like a cigar. I could see the material it was made of.
Additional Information:
Hi Brian, The photo was taken with a cell phone camera, it might be difficult to send a larger version. And yes the strange lights appeared out of nowhere, and were only there for about a minute or two, they all shot off extremely fast in the same direction. I think my friend sent you the same picture that I emailed to you. Thank you for taking a look at this photo.
Thank you to the witness for sending along the report and photo. Also the photo is copyright 2008 to the owner, meaning the person who took the picture.
Thank you to the witness for the report.
If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.
File your UFO sighting to Brian at:
Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:
Saturday, March 13, 2021
Researcher Claims He Has Photo Of 1976 UFO Over Clovis
Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.
Newspaper Article.
Thirty years after UFOs were reportedly sighted hovering over Clovis skies, another photograph of the event has surfaced.
A UFO researcher said this week he has a photo — albeit fuzzy — of a tubular-shaped craft that danced above Clovis on Jan. 21, 1976.
Canadian resident Brian Vike said he obtained the photo about a week ago from a former Eastern New Mexico University journalism student. Vike would not reveal the identity of that photographer, but said his source was threatened in 2004 after discussing the events on a radio talk show.
“His attitude now is, ‘people need to know.’ And ‘if anything happens to my family, people definitely need to know,’” Vike said.
Another photo of a UFO sighted in Clovis that same week appeared in the Jan. 23 edition of the Clovis News Journal. That photo, which shows a lightning-like streak in the sky in the shape of a telephone receiver, was taken by amateur astronomer Steve Muscato.
Vike plans to post the photograph on his Web site, He is also searching for more eyewitness accounts of the events.
“I want to try to figure out what these people are seeing,” said Vike, who said he has investigated scores of reports of UFO sightings from around the world.
“We don’t have the answer: Is there life out there?”
Muscato, who now lives in Las Vegas, Nev., remembers the reported sightings caused quite a stir.
“I received dozen of calls from all over the country,” said Muscato, who took the photograph through a window from the top floor of the Clovis Hotel.
“I honestly thought it was Saturn,” recalled Muscato, who was a high school senior at the time. Muscato said he checked with a noted astronomer, who told him Saturn would not have been visible at that time.
To this day Muscato’s not sure what he saw that night.
“I remember him coming home all excited,” said Frank Muscato, Steve’s father, who then owned a doughnut store at 14th and Mitchell streets. “The only thing I was concerned about was whether (the UFOs) wanted carry-out doughnuts.”
The elder Muscato said the buzz in town lasted awhile.
“Everybody was excited about it,” Muscato said. “All the major networks were in town and they were all on the top of Hotel Clovis.”
A document from the National Military Command Center confirms UFO sightings on Jan. 21, 1976, but does not offer an explanation as to the origin of the crafts.
“Two UFOs are reported near the flight line at Cannon AFB, New Mexico,” the document reads. “Security Police observing them reported the UFOs to be 25 yards in diameter, gold or silver in color with a blue light on top, a hole in the middle, and red light on bottom.”
The Military Command document on Cannon is lumped in with 11 other declassified military reports of UFO sightings that occurred across the nation near military installations, and in Iran, from 1975 and 1976.
Following the Jan. 21 UFO sightings in Clovis, other strange events were reported in the area, according to Clovis News Journal archives.
UFO sightings continued in Clovis for the next two days, according to CNJ archives. On Jan. 22,1976, the strange objects zipped around Cannon F-111s that were sent into the air to investigate them, according to testimony that appears on Vike’s Web site. The objects darted out of the reach of the jets, cutting through the air at 90-degree angles, and racing at phenomenal speeds, the Web site reads.
A CNJ staff writer reported seeing 23 UFOs, sliding in and out of complex formations, the next night.
Also, an unexplained circle was burned into the ground of a New Mexico ranch and a cylindrical object of unknown origin was discovered in the grass in the days following the initial UFO sightings, according to CNJ archives.
Several UFO investigative teams, including Project Starlight International, swarmed into Clovis after the sightings, according to CNJ archives. But most concluded that the sightings were likely a result of a weather inversion or some other weather phenomenon. One suggested they could have been glimpses of a planet.
Clovis resident John Fondrick was a high school senior when the UFOs were sighted and a series of articles on the events appeared in the Clovis News Journal. He said he doesn’t recall seeing the mysterious crafts. He and his friends attempted numerous sky vigils atop Hotel Clovis, but were always intercepted by police, he said.
At the time of the alleged sightings, Clovis resident Bill Gaedke was an advisor to the commander of the 27th Fighter Wing. He spent six years stationed at the base and retired in 1979 as a chief master sergeant, he said.
“I didn’t hear anything about (the UFOs). I vaguely recall something about the crop circles, but I couldn’t relate the details,” he said.
The deputy chief of Cannon Public Affairs, 1st Lt. James Nichols, said the base could provide “no information” on the UFO sightings of 1976, or on whether or not there have been subsequent UFO sightings around Cannon since.
Several other long time area residents contacted for the story said they were either unaware of the reports or had no firsthand knowledge.
The Eastern New Mexico News -
The Newspaper Article -
Sunday, March 7, 2021
3 Orange Colored UFOs Flying Over George South Africa (Photo)
Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.
Date: February 4, 2011
8:02 p.m.
Location of Sighting: George, South Africa.
Number of witnesses: 4
Number of Objects: 3
Shape of Objects: Round (orange).
Full Description of Event/Sighting: My youngest daughter (12 years old) screamed out, that we must come and look outside because there was something orange in the sky. We saw 3 orange UFO's flying from behind the George Peak in the direction of the ocean. They weren't flying together. First the one UFO came, and then the other one, and then the third one.
The second and third UFO flew in the exact same direction as the first. One of the UFO's orange glow/light disappeared and we could see a round object. I couldn't believe what we were seeing.
There were no sound. It was not moving
very fast. I did post 2 videos on You tube. The 2 videos were taken by my son
and oldest daughter. (15 and 17 years old) I apologies for the lot of movement
in the videos. We are all willing to go for lye detection tests to proof that
we are telling the truth.
I have never believed in UFO's before, but after seeing what we saw, we are all believers. Kind greetings.
If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.
File your UFO sighting to Brian at:
Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:
Saturday, March 6, 2021
Bright Light Filmed By Witness Over Westfield Road Runcorn Cheshire UK (Photo)
Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.
Date: January 27, 2011
Between 7:20 a.m. and 7:25 a.m.
I originally sent this earlier this morning on, but I have now been able to upload to picture from my phone. I could not attach the picture on Hotmail so I have had to send it through my work e mail, this time with spell check! This sighting took place between 7:20am and 7:25am on the 27th January 2011.
As I was walking down Westfield road, just level with Westfield crescent, I noticed a bright light in the sky like a plane coming in to land from the direction of Liverpool airport. The light just seemed to hover, but I know from watching planes coming in to land that on certain angles they can give this impression. I kept watching for a couple of minutes and the light stayed where it was. I moved closer to a telegraph pole to use this as a point of reference as to whether the light was moving.
The light then slowly moved to my right, hovered, and then went from my view behind a rooftop.
Westfield road is quite elevated me giving a good view of Liverpool and Wales, so I judged this to be coming down somewhere near or on the river Mersey. I managed to rule out a plane landing at the air port, leaving just the possibility of it being a helicopter.
Now there was not a sound in the sky and the light beamed forward towards me and not down for the five minutes in which i watched it, leaving me to believe it wasn’t a police helicopter either.
This is the 3rd time I have seen this light at the same point over the last 6 months, which is why I gave it my full attention. I took a photo on my camera phone the 2nd time which was taken in daylight. When I adjusted the light settings on the phone it showed a black ball inside the light.
I managed to take a photo of this sighing with my new camera phone which was much, much clearer and fully shows the large bright ball of light over the houses. Once I work out how to upload the picture onto my laptop (hopefully this weekend) I will e mail it to you so you can take a look at it. Hopefully you can adjust it to work out what it is.
Very odd to see this three times in the same place doing the same things each time in silence. There is a large chimney being built (The Incinerator) which was to my left which workmen on the top would have had a perfect view of the light if they were on top at that time. Regards.
Thank you to the witness for the report.
If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.
File your UFO sighting to Brian at:
Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:
Monday, March 1, 2021
Unknown Object Found In Photo On The Telkwa Range In British Columbia (Photo)
New Posting, Old Sighting (Never Posted)
Date: 2012.
Time: Daytime.
My grandson gave me permission to send this picture to you. Was wondering if you have ever seen a UFO like this?
When you make it bigger you can clearly see if looks like a doughnut. Looks like it has got legs on it for when on the ground.
Nobody noticed this in the sky until I received it.
Thank you to the person for the report.
If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.
File your UFO sighting to Brian at:
Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:
Thursday, February 18, 2021
Orange Objects Over Winsford Cheshire UK (Photo)
Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.
Date: April 16, 2011
The picture the eyewitness provided is from his collection and was filmed in October 2009.
Hi Brian, I have seen several such sightings around this area, best of all happened last night though, not sure how many there were in total as I only started to notice then when I stepped outside to go to the bin, but witnessed a steady stream of at least 7 orange orbs travel towards my house then, looked to spiral upwards and disappear.
Have a few videos of this, but they are fairly large (longest is over 100 mb) so can’t really email, have attached a picture though of a collection of orbs I saw in October 2009, these were stationary before fading out then the top of the group moved into the same position as the one below it before they both faded.
Hope this helps.
Thank you to the witness for the report.
If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.
File your UFO sighting to Brian at:
Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:
Saturday, January 9, 2021
A Large Craft/UFO Makes A U Turn Over Lincoln Nebraska
Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.
Date: October 10, 2007
Time: Approximately
8:30 p.m.
Hello Brian, we witnessed a strange sight on the above referenced date and were wondering if anyone else reported seeing this. We haven't a clue what it was that we saw.
I can only describe it as a very large aircraft, no lights, no sound, faint, but visible against the night sky. Imagine a boomerang shape, but smoothed out at the curve.
It flew north for a few seconds, then made far too sharp of a turn-around for a normal aircraft, and continued back to the south.
We lost track of it after that. It was visible to us for about 2-3 minutes. There were 4 of us who saw it and this took place in the near-south neighborhood.
Any insights you may have on this would be greatly appreciated. Are there military aircraft in the area that would fit this description that you are aware of?
Looking forward to your thoughts on the matter! Thanks!
Thank you to Scott H. Colborn - Host of the "Exploring Unexplained Phenomena" for sending along this report.
File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form.
Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:
A Black Chevron Shaped Craft/UFO Flying Over Las Vegas Nevada (Photo)
Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.
Hello Brian, I've sent you a sighting before from Las Vegas. I just thought you'd be interested in seeing this picture. I take photos of planes spraying, always hoping to catch other things. I did not see this when taking the photo and it's the only thing out of a whole roll that had anything 'else' in it.
Maybe with all the photos you get, you might have seen something like this before, I haven't. It reminds me of the 'thing' a bit, only bent.
PS - I sure hope this is the right picture, should be a black chevron shaped thing in it. I've been having a hell of a time trying to get this to you. My pc went down and now it doesn't work the same as before for pictures.
It's amazing the life out there. Thank you.
Thank you to the witness for the report and photo.
File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form.
Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:
Monday, November 23, 2020
Major UFO Incident At Cannon Airforce Base - Special Report (Photo)
Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.
By Brian Vike – Director of Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.
This UFO incident took place in 1976 over and around the Cannon Airforce Base which is located a few miles outside of Clovis New Mexico and was witnessed by a student of Journalism.
Bruce, who works for a major media outlet, witnessed the objects, and the jet aircraft that perused them, and who was fortunate to capture one of these objects on film.
A little background on Bruce around the time the incident took place: Bruce was working in the news department at Channel 3, the PBS station in Portales, New Mexico. In addition to working at the PBS station he held a couple of part time jobs with two of the local radio stations as well. At that time money was an issue due to Bruce being a college student. Working at the different media outlets it was giving him the experience he needed for his upcoming career in Journalism. One of the overnight jobs Bruce had was in Clovis, New Mexico at KMTY FM 99.1 which was at that time one of the 100 thousand watt radio stations in the country.
First Night's Encounter With Unknown Objects.
On January 21, 1976 Bruce received a call from the radio station manager to see if he would mind working as the station was going to do some performance checks on the transmitter. Bruce would stay out at a remote location where some of the station's equipment was located. This is how Bruce ended up at the right time, and the right place, to see the events that were about to unfold in front of him in the skies above.
A side note to this story is that Bruce was also a storm spotter for West Texas and Eastern New Mexico. Bruce was given a small kit which held a pair of binoculars, a note pad and a bunch of telephone numbers that he could call if a storm was spotted coming through the area.
Bruce had spent a lot of time at Cannon Airforce Base as he was in the civil air patrol. At that time his senior flight instructor had given him his primary flight lessons. Being on the base, and not in the military, Bruce had become friends with a lot of the base personnel. Since he worked at one of the local radio stations he would play requests that were called in from the base security and night maintenance. He got to know them all very well.
Bruce mentioned that Cannon was located between the University of Portales and Clovis and it was common to see the F-111's and Aardvarks taking off from the base with full afterburners carrying out nighttime flight operations.
Bruce arrived and was sitting in his truck at the location of the transmitter. While waiting for the phone to ring in the transmitter shack he noticed a number of pin-point lights popping up in the sky which appeared to look like light-bulbs on a string. Two of them dropped downward until they reached a lower altitude, stopped and hovered.
The lights were seen between his location and the Airforce Base at this time. While watching these strange objects Bruce grabbed the pair of binoculars he had with him. He describes the two lower lights as the classic saucer shaped craft and they had a bluish glow to them with a red radiant glow on the bottom side of the craft.
A small dome shape could easily be seen at the top of each of the two objects. In his estimation he believes the objects may have been at least 30 to 50 in diameter. The two objects were hovering parallel to one another and then started to move off at a slow rate of speed in perfect formation heading towards the Airforce base. Bruce said he followed them with his binoculars for approximately 15 minutes.
The objects flew past a number of buildings which were at the edge of the base and they proceeded to climb in altitude as to where they again looked like a small light in the clear night sky. Bruce said it looked as if the lights on, and in, the buildings were dimming due to the objects being in close proximity. Later after talking to base personnel, this proved to be true, the lights had dimmed, and the objects were noticed by the base personnel.
Bruce usually carried a small camera with him but on this day he had not brought it with him.
Bruce called the station as he was excited to talk about what he had just witnessed. Some of the other people at the station had also been watching the events unfold that night. Through Channel 3's connections they heard that the objects were widely seen by many that night and by the state police. An article was written on the objects seen that January.
Second Night's Encounter With Unknown Objects.
The next evening Bruce had gathered together a few people from the newsroom. Since Bruce was staying in a dorm on campus he knew a good number of folks on campus. He was able to get the keys for the door to the roof so Bruce and his friends could sit up on top of the building's roof to watch the skies just in case something should return. Although a cool night the group stood watching. This time Bruce did bring the camera.
Below Photo: Bruce was able to capture a photo of one of the UFO's.
At approximately 12:45 a.m. four objects dropped down from the night sky and started darting around. (This is where Bruce was finally able to capture an image of one of the crafts on black and white film.) As the people observed the objects, the Airforce Base had scrambled the F-111's jet fighters out of Cannon. The jet aircraft began trying to intercept the objects.
As the aircraft got close to the vicinity of the unknown objects, the objects, at an incredible rate of speed, would shoot across the sky making 90 degree turns leaving the fighter aircraft trailing way behind as they just weren't able to keep up with the strange craft. As the objects made unusual turns a plasma type glow could clearly be witnessed by the group of people watching the event.
The cat and mouse chase between the objects and jets went on for approximately 45 minutes. Because the witnesses were on one of the tallest buildings in Portales, New Mexico, they could clearly see the flight-line at the Base. One of the men had brought a 150 power telescope which enabled the fellows to see the objects fly at a low altitude over the flight-line. As the objects passed over the lights running down the flight line, all the lights went out.
Eventually the objects shot up and were gone in a second, or so, and the F-111's were recalled back to the Base and landed safely.
Bruce told me that a couple days after the second night sighting of the objects a couple of the Base security personnel had called and explained how the lights went out over the entire base. Of course, Bruce was asking a lot of questions at this point. The security officer from the Base told Bruce that everyone at the Cannon AFB were freaking out as they did not know what these objects were.
Also the security officer said that the Cannon base was bringing in new light towers from a SAC base in North Dakota to place on the flight line. The security officer told Bruce to keep an eye on the base as it would be really lit up after the new lighting was installed. A few days later the AFB was lit up brightly. Bruce talked to another military man from the base who said that the base had radar tape of the objects from both nights but certainly did not want Bruce to mention where the information came from.
Because there were others who were there who witnessed the events that took place over the Cannon Airforce Base I will be attempting to contact these witnesses to gather their reports on the event. One other important bit of information to this case is that there is a Freedom Of Information Act do*****ent to say that jet aircraft were scrambled out of the Cannon Airforce Base that evening in 1976. Although there has been no explanation as to why, this still gives us a valuable clue that something very unusual took place that night.
Below Photo: Aerial picture of the Cannon AFB.
Update: After Bruce went public with his story on the Jeff Rense national radio program, he and his family were threatened. Bruce called me on July 20, 2004, after he appeared on the Jeff Rense radio program with me on Friday - July 16, 2004, when he told what he saw over the Cannon Airforce Base back in January 21, 1976.
Bruce told me on the air that he had taken a black and white photograph of one of the objects that had been observed out-maneuvering the jet aircraft which were scrambled from the Cannon AFB. On July 20, 2004 at approximately 1:30 a.m. Bruce had a disturbing telephone call from an unknown person and the report on this is below.
Bruce wanted to point out to me that he does carry two cell phones with him at all times. One is for business, etc.. and the other is for personal business to keep in contact with family and close friends. He stated that no one had his private cell number as it was not listed and the only people that had this number were his wife, children, and some close friends. His children are grown up and now living on their own.
Bruce kept his cell phones on the night table. His work phone turned off, but the private phone turned on, just in case one of his children might need to contact him in case of an emergency.
As I mentioned above, it was around 1:30 a.m., Bruce and his wife had turned in for the night and were sound asleep when his cell phone started ringing. Knowing that he had his work cell phone turned off he knew it was a call from one of his children, and of course being a parent, he worried as he grabbed for the phone.
Bruce answered with a hello and a voice spoke back saying, "Mr. Bruce (last name). Bruce said there was a very professional sounding gentleman on the other end. The man said he needed to talk to him about a matter of utmost urgency! Bruce still half asleep asked the man who he was, what was this call was all about, especially at this hour of the morning. The fellow said this is about your recent radio appearance and discussion about some photographs that you took back in New Mexico.
At this point in the conversation Bruce said to the man, "you have to be kidding me," thinking this had to be some kind of hoax, asked who was this. The man said there is no need for you to know who I am. He went on to say, "it would be in your best interest to discontinue this line of discussion and do away with those photographs. Destroy them!"
Bruce at this point is in shock about this man. He looks on the cell phone to see what phone number is displayed and it shows "number not available". The man told Bruce that "this is no joke and 'we' feel that this would be in your best interest, and for the sake of your family, that all of this go away."
Bruce told the man that if he wasn't willing to reveal himself then the conversation would be terminated. The man then went on to tell Bruce what his children were involved in, meaning their daily activities, where they lived, etc.., what Bruce's wife was doing, such as personal activities within the family, etc.. and said that he could fax Bruce his life's history within a few seconds. That was it, Bruce hung up and that ended the call with the stranger.
After this incident took place and some weeks had gone by, a neighbor of Bruce's caught up with him outside one day and told him that they had been seeing a lot of traffic in and out of Bruce's property. Cars would pull up and stay for a while and then drive off.
Other times the cars would pull into the driveway, stop, and men would get out and walk around the home. Then they got back into their cars and drove off. These cars that were coming and going had government license plates on them.
One other interesting fact to this story is that Bruce put together a package for me, Jeff Rense, George Filer and Peter Davenport. In this package there was a copy of the photo he had taken over the AFB. Bruce mailed out the packages to us all and not one of us have received the information. Bruce says he is going to try again and send it through a different means. I hope once I receive the material I can update this story.
So that is where this story stands right now.
I would like to extend my many thanks to Bruce for coming forward with his story.
Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:
Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.
Saturday, March 7, 2015
Three UFOs/Lights Filmed From West Lethbridge Alberta (Photo)

From Brian Vike's UFO Files.
Date: August 15, 2008
Time: Evening.
Hi Brian, This was taken over Lakie school on the west side of Lethbridge. My name is (name removed). I also saw a large ship fly over my house, it came out of the sky like a cartoon, the sky opened up, and it came right towards me, it was tree level.
The ship was shaped like a cigar. I could see the material it was made of.
Additional Information:
Hi Brian, The photo was taken with a cell phone camera, it might be difficult to send a larger version, and yes the strange lights appeared out of nowhere, and were only there for about a minute or two, they all shot off extremely fast in the same direction.
I think my friend sent you the same picture that I emailed to you. Thank you for taking a look at this photo.
Thank you to the witness for sending along the report and photo.
Also the photo is copyright 2008 to the owner, meaning the person who took the picture.
If anyone has had a UFO/UFOs sighting, please send me an email at or fill out the online UFO report form at with details of what you saw.
Please remember to include the date and time and location. (Town/City – State or Province) and as much detail as possible.
Vike Factor Note: I do receive sighting reports from all over the world, and I post all of the reports I receive here:
Brian Vike.
Box 1091
Houston, British Columbia, Canada.
Email: or
The Vike Factor - Houston, British Columbia Centre For UFO Research. Canadian UFO Investigator Brian Vike.
Sunday, January 18, 2015
UFO/Object Found In Photo Taken From Nanaimo from Gabriola Island British Columbia (Picture)

From the Vike Factor UFO Files.
Date: October 18, 2007
Time: 5:15 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Over Newcastle Island in Nanaimo Harbor.
Number of witnesses: 0
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Lens.
Full Description of event/sighting: I was out on the deck on the front of the ferry to Nanaimo from Gabriola Island on the 5:10 p.m. run with my camera and binoculars experimenting taking shots through the bino eyepiece.
I took about ten shots that way, not being able to see weather or not the shots were out of focus.
I only discovered this image as I processed and deleted all the rest, but for this one. I was not aware of any craft when taking the pictures.
It is quite unmistakably lens shaped with the sun reflecting from the other side in the late afternoon sunset.
I will send the image to your address.
Thank you to the person for their report and photo. Photo is copyrighted to the owner.
If anyone has had a UFO/UFOs sighting, please send me an email at or fill out the online UFO report form at with details of what you saw.
Please remember to include the date and time and location. (Town/City – State or Province) and as much detail as possible.
Vike Factor Note: I do receive sighting reports from all over the world, and I post all of the reports I receive here:
Brian Vike.
Box 1091
Houston, British Columbia, Canada.
Email: or
The Vike Factor - Houston, British Columbia Centre For UFO Research. Canadian UFO Investigator Brian Vike.