Showing posts with label After. Show all posts
Showing posts with label After. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Photo To Painting - Me After An Alien Abduction Kamloops, British Columbia Canada

Pictures were taken at Kamloops, British Columbia on October 16, 2024.
Having some fun for Halloween !
Outdoor photos from around British Columbia. Photos by Brian Vike.
Contact Me:
These are my real photos and turned into a Painting.
All photos are © Brian Vike 2016-2024.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

More UFO Sightings Reported - Additional Witnesses Come Forward After Recent Article

 Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

 Newspaper Article.

Paul Wells

Echo Editor

Airdrie Echo — A British Columbia-based UFO researcher says a story which appeared in the Echo in September regarding sightings in the Airdrie area has spurred others to come forward with their experiences with strange lights in the sky.

Brian Vike, director of HBCC UFO Research and a regular contributor to TV and radio shows as a UFO expert, said numerous sightings of unidentified objects in the area over the past months has ensured that Airdrie has entered the lexicon of the UFO community.

"I do a weekly radio show (in B.C.) and I mentioned to the host that I have received a number of reports from the (Airdrie) area and we talked about the latest one, which came in on air," Vike said.

"I have been doing many radio shows (in Canada and the U.S.) and I always include information about the sightings in your area."

The original article contained a rundown of three of the most recent sightings in the area which occurred from July through September. That article can be found at under the archive section.

Since that time, Vike has received reports of more sightings which have occurred recently. These include:

- Aug. 18, 2003, 2:30 p.m. – According to Vike, a man called HBCC UFO Research’s toll-free UFO hotline to report a strange sight he witnessed while driving on Highway 2 from Calgary to Airdrie.

"He watched a small white light cross the highway in the distance ahead of him and the ball of light turned in his direction. The witness said he observed the light getting closer and all of a sudden the object stopped – still a ways away from him – and changed from a ball of light into a craft of some type. He reported no sound being heard. I asked if he might be able to determine the size of it and he said that when it was in the distance, it could have been approximately the size of his fingernail but when it headed in his direction and got very close, in his words, ‘It was huge.’"

The witness said the object came to a complete stop and sat stationary for a period of time before he lost sight of it.

- Sept. 15, 2003, 8:33 p.m. – (The following is an e-mail report received by Vike.) "I noticed an article in the Airdrie Echo the other day and wondered if you had an explanation for something my daughter and I saw Friday night (Sept. 26). We were looking west of the Big Dipper and saw what looked like an exceptionally bright star (brighter than anything I have seen before).

"We were trying to figure out if it was a planet or something, and it just dimmed out to nothing in a matter of 10 seconds or less. It didn’t move at all, just dimmed to a faint point, then we couldn’t see it anymore.

- Oct. 27, 2003, 11 p.m. – Vike said a man called him Nov. 3 to make a report after reading the Echo article.

"He was talking to his neighbours and they asked him if he had witnessed anything strange on Oct. 27 at around 11 p.m. He said no and asked what it was these folks saw.

"The couple said they were outside of their home looking west toward the mountains and witnessed five very bright flashes in different parts of the sky. All the flashes that were witnessed were very low in the horizon and at least 100 times brighter than a regular flash one would see from a camera.

"Also, the flashes were very large in size. They also mentioned the lights were at a great distance away from their location."

Having been a UFO researcher for many years, Vike said his routine is to first attempt to offer such rational explanations as weather patterns, satellites or meteors for such sightings.

"I do know that (UFO sightings) is sometimes a very strange topic... but I honestly do look for rational explanations for such sightings," he said. "Most times, I can offer an explanation of what the folks witnessed, but then I have many cases which also go unsolved."

 Airdrie Echo Newspaper -

Monday, January 11, 2021

His Consequences After UFO Sighting At Military ATC At Biggs AFB Texas

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date: 1964 or 1965

Brian Vike’s Note: The gentleman who reported for the first time this UFO event at Biggs AFB, Texas got a not so good of a surprise after observing a UFO while he was on duty. It is such a shame that servicemen and women are put through the ringer for doing their jobs.

I have lived with this since it happened in 1964 or 1965.  I was an air traffic controller for the Air Force at Biggs AFB, Texas.  I was on duty alone for the midshift.  At about 2:00 a.m. or so, radar approach control came on the speaker asking if I had an inbound. I responded that I did not. 

He mentioned that there was something out over the military range north of the field maneuvering. I was asked to look with my binoculars and did so and saw nothing. This went on for an hour or so and then the rapcon operator advised me that the craft was making what appeared to him to be an approach to my runway. 

By that time I started getting calls from security, and base-ops and a slew of others that had the ability to contact the tower. I was questioned as to what I saw, which by that time was visible on the final to my runway, which was 21/03.  He was making a perfect approach on my instrument landing system glideslope and localizer.  It was just an object that seemed to glow, at least it made itself visible by its own light. 

By that time I was getting called by strategic air command post and asked "airman, what do you think you see?". I was a bit innocent in that I didn't at the time suspect that he was wanting me to deny what I was experiencing.  At the same time, I was getting calls on the primary military frequency on uhf from what I later found out was Air Defense Command.

Using the land based transmitter he was using is not legal, so at first I thought it was an aircraft.  He asked what I saw, to which I attempted to describe to him.  As we were talking, he came on and exclaimed in an agitated voice, "Holy shit, it just busted through one hundred thousand!". I saw the object streak straight up and out of my vision as it went past my range of vision due to the ceiling. 

I was hammered for hours by a major from SAC asking what I had smoked, drank or what medications I was on. As I mentioned before, I was a very honest person, so I continued to insist on what I had seen. By that time, security had sent a squad, very well armed and led by a young second Lieutenant, who ordered me to surrender my log, stood by while I was told what to enter, and after he was satisfied I had not entered what I had entered in my original log, he asked to surrender the tapes. 

I resisted as best as I could telling him that I was not to allow anyone to remove the tape recordings from my custody. He indicated to me that I had no options, as he was armed and had several security personnel very well armed. He took the keys from me and forced me to remove all the tapes from the time I came on duty. 

We only had one line that wasn't recorded, and after they left, that phone rang, it was the civilian tower asking me if I was alone and if I could talk. He was an ex Biggs air traffic controller and knew my tower well. 

He asked me to not say a thing until I walked out on the catwalk on the outside of the tower. He told me to not say I saw anything because I would be interrogated and driven out of my mind by the military. I thanked him for the advice and went back inside. 

I was called again during the course of the shift by Sac command post. The last time I spoke to the officer I was still adamant as to what I saw. His first words when he called that time was to inform me that I was to report to the flight surgeon for a medical and mental examination, and not to leave the base until they allowed me to go. I lived off base. Since I was given the advice by the civilian controller I now recanted, and told him that after thinking about it, I really didn't see much. 

There is a lot more to this, but I would like to make contact with you people to see if anything was ever recorded about that encounter. I also was on duty when a civilian contractor flying what was called logair, departed my field flying up the corridor to White Sands when they came on screaming about the lights that were attacking them. 

They were very agitated and crying and almost losing control of the C47 that they were flying. I never reported that based on my previous experience. Controllers at approach control and the civilian tower and I communicated over the unrecorded phone line, so I wasn't making this up. 

The way the government treats these encounters makes it almost impossible to prove that these things really happened. To the point that had I not mentioned it to my now deceased ex wife, I would not have believed it either.

I have never drank alcohol, taken drugs, even am reluctant to take prescription medications unless I must.  So I have never been  addicted or used any substances that would alter my thinking. I would like to communicate with someone that is in a position to help to research this and other sightings.

Thank you.

Thank you to the gentleman for his fascinating report, also for taking his time to come onto the Jeff Rense radio program to explain what went on at Biggs AFB in Texas many years ago. If anyone else has information about this sighting, I and this gentleman would like to hear from you. You can write Brian at

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Jets Scrambled After Unknown Objects/Personal Threatened At Cannon Air Force Base New Mexico

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  June 1975

Time: Approxamtlty 10:00 p.m.

Brian Vike's Note: The report below is new one to a growing list of incidents that took place at the Cannon AFB, in NM. With so many servicemen who have filed reports of unknown objects over the base, it certainly has become clear that the Cannon AFB was a location for many UFO sightings.

I would like to ask if any other folks have information about the UFO incidents that took place at the Cannon AFB, would you please contact Brian Vike at: Thank you and please note that your privacy is respected.

Brian, Per our phone conversation, this is the "sanitized" and completed events of June, 1975 at Cannon AFB, NM:

Let me go ahead and lay my experience out for you.

I was an Airman, assigned to the 27th Tactical Air Command at Cannon AFB and I worked the swing shift on the flight line. It was a Friday night and as usual, I checked the ops board for sorties. F111-Ds had a nasty habit of landing broke more often than not and on Friday nights, that meant swing shift stayed late to fix any "red x" entries in the A/C maintenance log. I was relieved to note that nothing was scheduled and so I only needed to finish my shift and start the weekend.

At around 10:00 p.m., I heard the afterburners of F111s taking off. Thinking they could be from another base, I ran outside to see. Our base identifier, "CC", was on the vertical stabilizers of the two F111-Ds that were taking off in combat formation, two staggered abreast and simultaneous. I had never seen our birds take off like that - it was simply not done.

I approached our dispatcher and told him we had just launched two. We were both upset because we weren't supposed to have any training sorties that night and nobody wanted to stay late on a Friday. He called Ops and they told him it was a hot scramble after bogeys over the base that the radar shack was tracking.

I found out later that MMS (Munitions Maintenance Squadron) loaded the F111's with live air-to-air ordinance. I also heard that it wasn't the first scramble during this time frame, but I personally was not witness to any others.

The dispatcher happened to be friends with the radar operator on duty, so we called the radar shack and put him up on the external speaker. The (veteran) radar operator was totally flummoxed. He was tracking "two or three" bogeys making impossible aerial maneuvers at impossible speeds, at least 3,000 MPH  disappearing and re-appearing. He checked and double-checked his gear and it was fine, no malfunction (he was tracking our F111's fine). I jotted down the phone number to the radar shack and stuck it in my fatigue shirt pocket.

The two A/C landed about 45 minutes later, no ordinance expended and they were in good order, no late night work for me. I heard later that the pilots were not debriefed in the normal manner. I left the shop for the Airman's Club, socialized over a pitcher of beer and played some foosball. I made it back to the barracks at about 2:00 a.m. Seeing the phone on the CQ's desk, I decided to call the radar site, it was a small portable building out in the middle of a field. I was curious and wanted an update on the bogey situation.

The phone at the other end was answered by a "Capt. Kowalski". (A captain in the radar shack at 2:00 a.m. on a Saturday morning? no way! was what I thought.) I asked for the radar operator by name and the Capt.. stated that he was not there. His voice was loud and threatening. As a young airman, I was truly frightened by his aggressiveness and almost hung up.

To cut to the chase, Capt. K. interrogated me for some time about who I was, why I was calling and so forth. During that time, a few things became clear to me:

1. He was definitely not USAF. He used terms such as "serial number" and "CO" which were common to other branches of the armed forces, but not used by USAF personnel. Whoever he was and whomever he worked for, his cover was blown.

2. He may not have even been military. He swore, no curse words excepted with every sentence, lost his temper constantly, or appeared to for effect, and sounded more like a street thug than an "officer and a gentleman". To use a military phrase, he had no "military bearing". Having been raised in a military family, military bearing is not something one comes by naturally, nor is it easily relinquished.

3. I probably should never have called for that update!

Capt. K told me the incident never happened. When I refuted him, by saying I had watched the aircraft scramble and spoke with the radar operator, he stated that I was either insane or on drugs. His voice was constantly at a yelling volume and his demeanor, highly intimidating. He stated that "we can do things to you that make Leavenworth (max-security federal penitentiary) look like a picnic". Capt. K. told me they would be watching me and that I was never to mention this "non-event" to anyone. He also stated, "it's a big desert out there, people get lost all the time". I got the point.

In the ensuing days, I attempted to locate this Capt. Kowalski, entertaining the notion of bringing him up on charges of "behavior unbecoming an officer". He simply did not exist anywhere on base. I contacted the Communications Squadron who runs the radar shack to see if they know who this Capt. was. I was surprised when I discovered that the radar operator had suddenly gotten orders to a "classified location", nobody knew where he went and none of his friends knew about any pending orders. Imho, he was conveniently disappeared.

I have provided the details of this event to The Disclosure Project. They in turn asked if I would be willing to travel to Washington D.C. and testify before Congress to that effect. My answer to them was and still is, "affirmative".

Thank you to the witness for their interesting report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.