Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Witness Reports Lit Up White Saucer Shaped Craft/UFO Missouri City Texas

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  July 16, 2007

Time:  11:07 p.m.

Hi Brian, I just want to report the strangest thing at Missouri City, Texas (Houston suburb).

I believe I saw at least two UFO's maybe three. It happened at 7/16/07 at about 11:07 p.m. and I felt like I needed to go outside in the front yard. I looked up at the stars and it was a beautiful lit night.

It got my attention in the distance on a bright light which I thought was a star, but underneath it was a flashing lighted star (twinkling). It was stationary not moving so it wasn't a plane.

The thing is I ran inside and got my video camera and I turned on the zoom lens and the little twinkling star was moving and looked like a craft. It was really cool, I have to admit it.

I zoomed in on the bigger white star and low and behold it was a bigger saucer shaped craft, white lit up and twirling with three circles moving in like different direction clockwise and counter clockwise. I would have never guessed it without the zoom lens. It looks like a white bright star.

The objects stayed in the sky for a long time cause I checked again at like 7/17/07 at like 1:07 and they were still out there they moved though more northern.

Any reports of sighting in Houston at that time just curious. I have no idea what they were but it was awesome. I think there was a itty bitty one too but that was seen on the video and not sure of it. Anyway any news out there? Thanks for any info.

Thank you to the witness for their report.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: brian_vike@telus.net or please use the online Sighting Report Form.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email: brian_vike@telus.net

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

7 Or 9 Lights Flying In A Perfect V Or Chevron Shape Mississauga Ontario

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  March 28, 2007

Time:  9:30 p.m.

Location of Sighting: Mississauga 15km SW of Toronto Intl Airport

Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: 7 or 9 orange/yellow lights in a perfect chevron or triangle shape.

Full Description of event/sighting: On March 28, 2007 at approximately 9:30 p.m. my wife and I were outside in our backyard. I spotted what appeared to be 7 or 9 lights flying in a perfect V or chevron shape similar to how geese fly. There was one exact same light flying just to the right of the formation.  We both saw the objects heading north.

The lights were pale yellow/orange and did not blink or flash. The lights appeared to be about three times bigger than airplane lights but not as bright.

The flight path was smooth and consistent and took about 20 seconds to cross the sky. We live about 15km southwest of the airport and the object appeared to be higher than the low flying airplanes that are landing or taking off.  However, it was not as high as the planes flying very high overhead.

The object did not make any sounds as it passed.  It was a quiet, clear night with a half moon out. No airplanes were passing when it flew by. We could not see the bottom of aircraft, however I felt that it was darker than the background of the night sky.  My wife thought it was transparent.

The object could have been triangular with lights along two sides.  It is not known if the second single light off to the right was part of the main chevron. It moved exactly with the rest of the lights.

Thank you to the witness for the excellent report.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: brian_vike@telus.net or please use the online Sighting Report Form.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email: brian_vike@telus.net

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Object May Have Crashed To The Ground Mission Viejo California

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  December 24, 2007

Time:  9:30 - 9:45 p.m.

Location of Sighting: Mission Viejo.

Number of witnesses: 3
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round - Saucer.

Full Description of event/sighting: Bright light at least 5,000 feet + high. Went back and fourth on a circular motion moving from length to rounds and glimmering.

Lasted for 3 minutes? Had time to get video. The video shows circling and at the end dropping out of the sky and crashing towards Saddleback Mountain or Camp Pendleton area. 

What ever it was did crash and it was large enough that there would have been damage. If anyone else has seen this I would like to hear what they saw.

Thank you to the witness for their report.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: brian_vike@telus.net or please use the online Sighting Report Form.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email: brian_vike@telus.net

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

All 4 Issues Of The Canadian Communicator A Paranormal Magazine (PDF Files)

New Posting !

To view The Canadian Communicator A Paranormal Magazine Winter 2002 Volume 1 (PDF File) please click on the link. https://jmp.sh/84LIdrE

To view The Canadian Communicator A Paranormal Magazine Winter 2002 Volume 2 (PDF File) please click on the link. https://jmp.sh/PgxbYPE   (Missing 2 pages. Sorry.)

To view The Canadian Communicator A Paranormal Magazine Spring 2003 Volume 3 (PDF File) please click on the link. https://jmp.sh/bAhSSFE

To view the The Canadian Communicator Paranormal Magazine Summer 2003 Volume 4 (PDF File), please click on the link. https://jmp.sh/K4PuOgu

The Canadian Communicator Magazine is a Paranormal Magazine in which I put out back in 2002. This was my first attempt at doing something like this, so it’s really simple and straight forward. I only put out 4 issues of my magazine as it was so time consuming and rather costly, mainly postal rates which kind of killed the idea in the long run.

But I had a blast at putting it together what I did.

I could not have done this without many great articles from folks in the UFO field, thank you, and of course the material I received into HBCC UFO Research which I did own and operate. I no longer operate HBCC UFO Research, but I do own and operate KBCC UFO Research.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: brian_vike@telus.net or please use the online Sighting Report Form.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email: brian_vike@telus.net

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

The Canadian Communicator A Paranormal Magazine Summer 2003 Volume 4 (PDF File)

New Posting !

To view the The Canadian Communicator Magazine Summer 2003 Volume 4, please click on the link. https://jmp.sh/K4PuOgu

The Canadian Communicator Magazine is a Paranormal Magazine in which I put out back in 2002. This was my first attempt at doing something like this, so it’s really simple and straight forward. I only put out 4 issues of my magazine as it was so time consuming and rather costly, mainly postal rates which kind of killed the idea in the long run.

But I had a blast at putting it together what I did.

I could not have done this without many great articles from folks in the UFO field, such as William F. Hamilton 111, Dennis G. Balthaser, Steven Wagner and a host of other, Thomas J. Sutter, W. Richie Benedict, Brian Glover, and of course the material I received into HBCC UFO Research which I did own and operate. I no longer operate HBCC UFO Research.

I will scan in the remaining 3 magazines over the next week and add them to the blog here. I hope you enjoy them.

To view the The Canadian Communicator Magazine Summer 2003 Volume 4, please click on the link. https://jmp.sh/K4PuOgu

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: brian_vike@telus.net or please use the online Sighting Report Form.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email: brian_vike@telus.net

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

The Canadian Communicator A Paranormal Magazine Spring 2003 Volume 3 (PDF File)

New Posting !

To view the The Canadian Communicator Magazine Spring 2003 Volume 3, please click on the link. https://jmp.sh/bAhSSFE

 The Canadian Communicator Magazine is a Paranormal Magazine in which I put out back in 2002. This was my first attempt at doing something like this, so it’s really simple and straight forward. I only put out 4 issues of my magazine as it was so time consuming and rather costly, mainly postal rates which kind of killed the idea in the long run.

But I had a blast at putting it together what I did.

I could not have done this without many great articles from folks in the UFO field, such as Dennis G. Balthaser, David Sereda and a host of other, Craig R. Lang, Terrilee Raybourn, Vitorio Pacaccini, Chris Neely, Gary A. David, Michael Horn, Peter Davenport, Steven Greer M.D. and of course the material I received into HBCC UFO Research which I did own and operate. I no longer operate HBCC UFO Research.

I will scan in the remaining 3 magazines over the next week and add them to the blog here. I hope you enjoy them.

To view the The Canadian Communicator Magazine Spring 2003 Volume 3, please click on the link. https://jmp.sh/bAhSSFE

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: brian_vike@telus.net or please use the online Sighting Report Form.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email: brian_vike@telus.net

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

The Canadian Communicator A Paranormal Magazine Winter 2002 Volume 2 (PDF File)

New Posting !

Please Read: Sorry everyone, I scanned in all the pages, but 2 pages were missing and I can’t find them. This is a bit frustrating. I have a good number of boxes full of UFO stuff and will go through them at a later date in hopes of finding them. Everything show have been together. Sorry, but here is the rest of the magazine.

To view the The Canadian Communicator Magazine Winter 2002 Volume 1, please click on the link. https://jmp.sh/PgxbYPE

The Canadian Communicator Magazine is a Paranormal Magazine in which I put out back in 2002. This was my first attempt at doing something like this, so it’s really simple and straight forward. I only put out 4 issues of my magazine as it was so time consuming and rather costly, mainly postal rates which kind of killed the idea in the long run.

But I had a blast at putting it together what I did.

I will scan in the remaining 3 magazines over the next week and add them to the blog here. I hope you enjoy them.

To view the The Canadian Communicator Magazine Winter 2002 Volume 1, please click on the link. https://jmp.sh/PgxbYPE

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: brian_vike@telus.net or please use the online Sighting Report Form.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email. brian_vike@telus.net

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Monday, January 11, 2021

UFOs And Frightening Alien Abductions Milwaukee Wisconsin

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  March-December 2007

Time:  N/A.

Number of witnesses: 1

Number of objects:
Shape of objects: 

Full Description of event/sighting: Hi, Brian, I wrote you a few months  back about a possible abduction event that occurred back in February 2004 in Hales Corners, Wisconsin. My wife and I both experienced this event. During the last several months things have become even more strange in that these experiences seem to occur with greater frequency.  

We moved into a new house back in September. One day as we were sitting on our front porch something caught my eye. There appeared to be two white or metallic spheres zig-zagging in the sky above our house. I was so excited that my wife was there to see it that I began yelling to my wife to look while pointing out the spectacle.  

This isn't the first time I have seen these spheres. I have seen them quite often particularly when there are a lot of chemtrails in the sky.  Strangely I quickly forgot about this event until later that night when I woke up near 3:00am and felt that same ominous feeling that comes with a great deal of these experiences. I felt that something was again present in the room with us.

The bedroom door was open, I quickly sat up and  looked into the hallway, I could see that something was there. Now it is difficult for me to explain this figure other than it had no texture or features other than being completely black in the sense that it was a void. In other words, this thing didn't appear to have any color, but appeared to be a gaping hole in the shape of a being. I had the distinct impression that I could have put my hand right through this thing and that it would be like putting my hand in to an empty space. It was darker than a shadow. 

So the only other characteristic it had was its shape. It stood perhaps 5 feet tall and seemed rather well-built for its height. It's arms were longer than ordinary and seemed to go slightly below the knees. In a sense, it looked similar in shape to a short stocky human being with a flat-top haircut. It wasn't the common Gray that many people tend to see during these experiences.  I had the impression that this being was rather strong because the shape conveyed a being that seemed almost "military" and "authoritative". Instantaneously I felt a cold sweat cover me and was totally unable to talk. Fear set in. The next thing I remember was waking up in the morning and trying to rationalize my way through the experience.

Basically, I was attempting to look into the hallway and reduce what I had seen to shadows being cast onto the walls. But no matter how hard I tried, there was nothing that could cast that kind of shadow.

Several months earlier I had a very intense encounter that was so real to me that I cannot put it away as a dream. This experience is what moved me to write about our February 2004 encounter, which really opened the floodgates for me in regard to the many recollections of encounters that I have had throughout my life. I didn't want to write about it then because it seemed a little too far fetched, but I was keenly aware that it was real.  The event happened over two nights.

On the first night I awoke to hear a humming sound. This humming sound has been with me for a very long time. And every time I hear it, I am almost guaranteed that something will happen. The humming sound doesn't sound external. It is internal, a humming that I can hear in my head. There have been times where it has been so intense that I've had to ask people if they could hear the humming as well. They never do. On the first night all I heard was the humming and then fell asleep without incident.

The next  night I decided to stay up late and watch a movie. My wife had went to bed and my children were sleeping. My son had fallen asleep in the living room.  At about 1:00 a.m. I decided to go to bed. In the driveway outside our house I had seen what appeared to be a bright light coming through the window in my son's bedroom.

My first impression was that someone pulled into the driveway and the headlights were facing my son's room.  I went into the bedroom and peeked through the blinds only to see what appeared to be a thick beam of bluish-white light shooting directly down onto the driveway. I quickly looked up to see the source of the light and became terrified because it was coming from a large object that hovered stationary above the trees.

It happened so quickly that I couldn't make out a distinct shape. I felt that it was just waiting for me to see it. In complete terror I turned around and tried to run back into the living room where my son was. Before I knew it I was paralyzed and laying on my back in the hallway outside of my son's room. What happened next was one of the more conscious experiences I have had.

I was completely paralyzed, but I was not unconscious. In fact I was so conscious that I distinctly remember saliva rolling down the sides of my cheeks and trying to vocalize but being unable to control my ability to talk or swallow. My entire body felt tingly and light. I could move my eyes somewhat, but it was a laborious process. I kept saying in my head, "This is  real!" and as I said this I was deeply concentrating on the moment and attempting to forcefully put everything into my memory. I saw what appeared to be two blurry masses come into the room from out of nowhere.

I say they were a blur because they moved so fast that it was difficult for my eyes to keep up with them. When they would "slow down" I could immediately tell that they were thin, pale, and had large eyes. They were the definition of the so-called "Grays". I could also tell that they were wearing a very tight fitting jumpsuit of some sort. 

I remembered asking a question in my head (I don't remember what question I asked) and hearing one of them respond something to the effect, "It will take more honor than that."  This response seemed to almost mock me. I was no longer frightened by this point and felt that the answer was not meant to be insulting, but was delivered with an odd sense of humor. I still do not understand why I remember the answer and not the question.

My son who is now three has been telling me of his bad dreams. They include seeing people and hands coming out of the walls. When he was just a few months old, while still living in Hales Corners there would  be an owl sitting on the power lines just outside his room. This really made me uneasy because by that time I was beginning to read the stories.

 I would stand at his window on several occasions looking right at the thing. It just stood on the lines staring right back. At all hours of the night I could hear the owl making noise outside. Perhaps they are only dreams, but maybe they aren't. These types of experiences seem to have followed me throughout my life. As a young boy I remember other events of being awakened by my dog in the wee hours of the night only to witness odd events outside my bedroom window. I have remembered the distinct feeling of floating outside the earth and seeing the planet from high in space.

This memory is just as real as any other memory that I have. This memory is so real in fact that even when viewing Google earth I have a nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach. Some of these encounters and experiences have been so odd that they defy any rational explanation and seem to deal with factors that transcend reason altogether. 

I've read the abduction stories of others and I have never been given warnings about ecological disaster, global cataclysms or terrorism. However I have the intuitive knowledge that I know things that I am not supposed to be consciously aware of until some later date. Every time I attempt to remember this "buried knowledge" it  seems that I am blocked from accessing my own memories. Time will tell I suppose.

Best Regards,

Thank you to the witness for sharing this amazing experience.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: brian_vike@telus.net or please use the online Sighting Report Form.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email: brian_vike@telus.net

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Still A Mystery - Lady Films UFO Or Blimp With Bolt Of Lighting In The Sky Over Bremerton Washington (Pictures)

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date for this sighting was in the 1970’s.

Brian Vike’s Note: Usually with something like this, I title the "whatever it is" in a picture as being an Object/UFO, but more so leaving it up to the individual to make up their own mind as to what they think it is.

But after a ton of time put into the report and photo, I am calling this a "UFO", which it really is. I wrote to numerous Blimp companies to see if maybe it was one of theirs, or knew of a Blimp like this one in the picture.

No one, I mean no one, could be certain as to what this darn thing is. Bloody strange and remains a mystery.

Lorraine Wrote: Hi Brian, I wrote to many places years back trying to figure out if I could find an answer for this, but I am not 100% what some individuals said. I believe one Blimp company “thought” it to be a blimp, but they could not verify this.

Most people were stumped over the object in the pictures.

On better photos, you can see something that appears to be a lightening bolt shooting out from the front of the object.

Additional Information:

Hi Brian. It was some 30 years ago that this happened. As I was walking into my home in Bremerton, Washington when I saw those strange objects in the sky, it was hovering almost right above me.

It was in a northerly direction and a little to the west from where I stood. I ran inside and got my camera and took these 2 pictures.

I'm an 83 year old lady now and when I heard of Art Bells interest in UFOs and I thought he might like to see them.

I Had to look them up in all my pictures and I was surprised again to see how strange they looked.

After the photos were posted, I received emails from people saying it was everything from a Goodyear blimp, some testing a flying car and or a Navy Drone.

Someone actually said it was a UFO. Wish I had put the date on the pictures, but too late for that.


Above Photo: If you look to the end of the object, or left side, it appears to be a lighting bolt, or something of that nature.

My daughter will attach the photos as I have just gotten this lap top computer and I have to type with one finger, so I have a lot to learn.

Thanks for your interest Sincerely.

I would like to extend my many thanks to Lorraine for her kindness and sharing these pictures with us all. But I can tell you for certain, that no one can come up with an answer as to what this object is. I have tried, I wrote to numerous companies in hopes they might solve this once and for all. But so far, this remains a mystery/UFO !

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: brian_vike@telus.net or please use the online Sighting Report Form.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email: brian_vike@telus.net

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Blue Green Light Spotted On Two Nights Over Cockeysville Maryland

New Sighting report !

Date:  1/9 and 1/10 2021.

Time:  Between midnight and 2:30 am.

We saw it twice from our family room window, we are on Dawson Drive and face Warren Rd. We saw it two nights in a row. Both times between midnight and 2:30 am.

Additional Information:

Cockeysville, MD. We saw it only a couple of seconds. 1/9 and 1/10 2021. Sighting east to west. I will be happy to answer any other questions. I’m anxious to hear any answers about this.

Thanks, Brian.

Thank you to the witness for the excellent report.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: brian_vike@telus.net or please use the online Sighting Report Form.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email: brian_vike@telus.net

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

The Canadian Communicator A Paranormal Magazine Winter 2002 Volume 1 (PDF File)

New Posting !

To view the The Canadian Communicator Magazine Winter 2002 Volume 1, please click on the link. https://jmp.sh/84LIdrE

The Canadian Communicator Magazine is a Paranormal Magazine in which I put out back in 2002. This was my first attempt at doing something like this, so it’s really simple and straight forward. I only put out 4 issues of my magazine as it was so time consuming and rather costly, mainly postal rates which kind of killed the idea in the long run.

But I had a blast at putting it together what I did.

I could not have done this without many great articles from folks in the UFO field, such as Stanton Friedman, Peter R. Farley and a host of others, UFO*BC, Dough Yurchey, UFOROM, Alberta UFO Study Group and of course the material I received into HBCC UFO Research which I did own and operate. I no longer operate HBCC UFO Research. But I do own and operate KBCC UFO Research now.

I will scan in the remaining 3 magazines over the next week and add them to the blog here. I hope you enjoy them.

To view the The Canadian Communicator Magazine Winter 2002 Volume 1, please click on the link. https://jmp.sh/84LIdrE

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: brian_vike@telus.net or please use the online Sighting Report Form.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email: brian_vike@telus.net

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Witness Watches Massive Craft/UFO Over Millbrae California

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  Around 1999, perhaps 2000.

Time:  Between 8:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.

I was just goofing off blowing some idle time looking for any recent news or articles regarding claims of UFO sightings and a link brought me to your sight. First thing I see is this illustration of what someone else had reported seeing. Then it hit me! This looks like something I saw.

Around 1999 perhaps 2000, I can't be sure. I know I documented it but I cant remember where and when. Kind of like writing down a password and forgetting where you put it so documenting it did me no service. I will never ever forget the event in my life. I was working in a retirement home and I had to go outside and smoke a cigarette out by the front of our facility. I was in charge of the desk on the night shift up until midnight. Everyone was asleep or at least none of the residents were out and about. The time frame I would estimate must have been somewhere between 8-11pm. I was online with my laptop in my office. I wasn't suppose to be online and generally I would have disconnected and put away my laptop long before the next staff members came on shift and would never setup the laptop until well after all the residents and other staff were gone except our nurse. She was ok about me being online.

So I am standing outside and it's dark and the sky is clear. I would be facing east towards the SFO international airports general area but I glanced southward and saw something very strange. I couldn't make it out, but it was big. My first impression was a giant plastic grocery bag falling from the sky. I assumed my eyes were playing tricks on me but I got the sense that it not exactly a hard form but it was far away. I'd say at least who knows?  A mile or more? I don't have a sense of measurement that's scientifically accurate. However you see planes all the time and after a while you kind of get to figure size and heights and distances. My guess would have been a couple miles south.  I was in the town of Millbrae California and this would have put this object as coming down somewhere over Burlingame.  I recall looking around for anyone who might be out and about.

The lot around the company was empty of people and the nurse somewhere off in our building doing her rounds. I didn't want to walk away for a moment unless I loose sight of this. I watched it carefully and going thru my mind as fast as possible trying to relate it to anything. I even thought it might be a sign torn loose from one of those small planes that passed over with advertisements. Yet that didn't make sense. It was night. Who would be flying around with one of those. No one could see it. After a good 5 minutes of what appeared as this objects descending it seemed to level off. Sure enough it was moving towards my area. Towards me or across my path.  I was frozen in place my eyes affixed on this object and as it grew closer it seemed larger.  Of course what doesn't seem larger as it gets closer. I did not see any lights and the object no longer looked like this grocery bag or bed sheet fall from the sky. It was like a massive grayish whitish thing moving slowly across the sky. It was at I'd guess a 45 degree angle from where I stood looking up at the sky. I remember having the most difficulty discerning a shape. The body seemed to be changing or perhaps something was moving over it like steam or clouds of steam. I could not make out a solid defined form. It was kind of rectangular at once then oblong another moment.  It was sure as hell not a cloud. Nothing had I seen in my life move like this.

As it crossed the sky and got where it was in front of me overhead. I would say maybe it was 1000 feet up. I remember wondering why no one else saw this. Why traffic hadn't stopped. I wasn't right on the main strip and had limited view of traffic and it was night so it would make sense that drivers aren't looking up when they are driving. My guess was that this object was as big if not bigger than the building I worked in. Which was about 3-5 stories tall. I can't remember and spread over a good block.  Hell of a lot bigger than anything I had ever seen flying. When it was somewhat dead in front of me at that 45 degree angle which might have put it just over the SFO (San Fran National Airport) it started to go back up into the sky. It was rising and I watched it until it appeared to look like a tiny star. A twinkle in the sky. Then the little star like object started back in the same direction from which it came. When it was far away and the street lights glare caused me to loose sight of it, I ran back into the building and called my wife who lived in Burlingame.  Our apartment faced in the same direction as the place I worked. I asked her to look out over towards the bay with my binoculars and see if you could spot what appeared to be a star moving across the sky. She went outside and did see it and watched it until it was well out of her range.  My only witness! 

One month before this event, my wife and I were standing outside our apartment building looking up at sky in the same general direction but it was partially cloudy night. I saw something cut through the clouds fast as all hell. I was completely caught off guard and I watched the clouds and caught a second glimpse of it heading away from me towards Millbrae very fast. My first immediate thought was maybe I'd seen an owl, but it was too big and it didn't look like it had wings. I concluded no owl could ever move that fast. My second glance assured me this was way to huge to be any thing other than an object in flight.  Yet with the clouds giving me only two separate one second glances I was at a total loss to conclude anything about what I had seen.  I assumed the second sight was related to the first. But the second flight the object was moving super slow. It took a good 15 minutes from when I first spotted it until when it became a star like object.  I took about 20 minutes to walk home one night from my Millbrae work sight to my home. So you can imagine the speed was incredibly slow.

I remember going back into the building and telling my friends online what I saw. I was immediately the comic hit of the hour. It changed me. I can no longer go out at night without looking up and studying the sky. My one friend called it the magic bed sheet.  But what struck me about your illustration was picture if turned face forward with the rear turned up and front faced down. From far away at night it might look like a plastic grocery bag with the tail being the handles.

I have told this story many times to many individuals but I have never contacted anyone in the media. As a witness of how many of these stories are treated I had no desire to become a public object of someone's humor and no interest in any publicity. I believe I saw something that highly likely was not from around this planet. I am not a college schooled person or hold a degree, but I am self educated and very informed. I have vast knowledge of many things and so I am fully capable of critical and objective thinking.  I do know that I do not know the source of that object or have any knowledge of anything that resembles that object with the capabilities of flying in the manner it did.  Note this. The object was on a definite flight path. It did not swerve. It maintained a specific distance from the ground to the sky and flew in a straight path. So I knew at a certain point this was not an object falling from the sky. This was an object that was being directed in a specific controlled direction. I had seen planes go over my building  but not in the same flight path. The path would have somewhat followed the path of the 101 freeway from the south to the North then returned south. The actual path I'd have to get out a compass to be more accurate. I just know I saw the planes head out more towards the San Mateo bridge aka the 92 freeway.  To the best of my knowledge no planes flew that path leaving or entering the airport ever. No planes leaving or entering the airport could be mistaken for anything other than an airplane. I wasn't more than a mile from away from the airfields. The planes are loud and low flying over.  Under no circumstances could this object have a plane of any sort that I have ever heard of ever. I know of nothing that could fly that slow and yet climb that high to the point it appeared to be a tiny star. It had no discernable lights! How would it get its light at night so that you could see it? Reflected light from the sun or the moon? 

I did finally catch up with the nurse in the building. It was about 6 months later she called me and told me there was a story on TV about someone who had seen something similar to what I had described. I was not in my home at the time of the call and not able to catch the broadcast but she remembered my story and wanted to let me know that perhaps there was a lot more to this than just what I had seen.  Validating my sighting basically.

I'd say a week didn't go by before I went to one of the electronic outlets and purchased myself a movie camera with night vision and kept it in the back of my car for many months in hopes that I might again get another glimpse. I never did see anything like it again. I still reside in the Burlingame area. I still look at the sky with intensity and an excited hope of seeing something or anything ever again. Now all I do is see what I guess to be satellites moving across the heavens. Some fast some slow and an occasional shooting star.

I don't know anything about you or your organization. I do not specifically follow UFO sightings. I am curious when I do hear or come across something specifically if it resembles anything like what I had seen. I am fascinated by knowledge of the heavens and the sciences around it. I do believe that it is highly unlikely that the human race is the only race of beings in the universe. Given the scope of the universe and the variances and similarities of various galaxies there is a good chance we are anything but alone. I suspect that other life forms out there may know of us and perhaps who knows they are just watching us like any scientist might watch changes in any subject of interest. It's all speculation without concrete evidence. 

I am sharing this with you and I hope you find it useful. I apologize for my lack of skills in writing a fluid grammatically correct synopsis for you to analyze. I just write as my meager mind lets it flow.

Thank you to the witness for the excellent report.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: brian_vike@telus.net or please use the online Sighting Report Form.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email: brian_vike@telus.net

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

His Consequences After UFO Sighting At Military ATC At Biggs AFB Texas

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date: 1964 or 1965

Brian Vike’s Note: The gentleman who reported for the first time this UFO event at Biggs AFB, Texas got a not so good of a surprise after observing a UFO while he was on duty. It is such a shame that servicemen and women are put through the ringer for doing their jobs.

I have lived with this since it happened in 1964 or 1965.  I was an air traffic controller for the Air Force at Biggs AFB, Texas.  I was on duty alone for the midshift.  At about 2:00 a.m. or so, radar approach control came on the speaker asking if I had an inbound. I responded that I did not. 

He mentioned that there was something out over the military range north of the field maneuvering. I was asked to look with my binoculars and did so and saw nothing. This went on for an hour or so and then the rapcon operator advised me that the craft was making what appeared to him to be an approach to my runway. 

By that time I started getting calls from security, and base-ops and a slew of others that had the ability to contact the tower. I was questioned as to what I saw, which by that time was visible on the final to my runway, which was 21/03.  He was making a perfect approach on my instrument landing system glideslope and localizer.  It was just an object that seemed to glow, at least it made itself visible by its own light. 

By that time I was getting called by strategic air command post and asked "airman, what do you think you see?". I was a bit innocent in that I didn't at the time suspect that he was wanting me to deny what I was experiencing.  At the same time, I was getting calls on the primary military frequency on uhf from what I later found out was Air Defense Command.

Using the land based transmitter he was using is not legal, so at first I thought it was an aircraft.  He asked what I saw, to which I attempted to describe to him.  As we were talking, he came on and exclaimed in an agitated voice, "Holy shit, it just busted through one hundred thousand!". I saw the object streak straight up and out of my vision as it went past my range of vision due to the ceiling. 

I was hammered for hours by a major from SAC asking what I had smoked, drank or what medications I was on. As I mentioned before, I was a very honest person, so I continued to insist on what I had seen. By that time, security had sent a squad, very well armed and led by a young second Lieutenant, who ordered me to surrender my log, stood by while I was told what to enter, and after he was satisfied I had not entered what I had entered in my original log, he asked to surrender the tapes. 

I resisted as best as I could telling him that I was not to allow anyone to remove the tape recordings from my custody. He indicated to me that I had no options, as he was armed and had several security personnel very well armed. He took the keys from me and forced me to remove all the tapes from the time I came on duty. 

We only had one line that wasn't recorded, and after they left, that phone rang, it was the civilian tower asking me if I was alone and if I could talk. He was an ex Biggs air traffic controller and knew my tower well. 

He asked me to not say a thing until I walked out on the catwalk on the outside of the tower. He told me to not say I saw anything because I would be interrogated and driven out of my mind by the military. I thanked him for the advice and went back inside. 

I was called again during the course of the shift by Sac command post. The last time I spoke to the officer I was still adamant as to what I saw. His first words when he called that time was to inform me that I was to report to the flight surgeon for a medical and mental examination, and not to leave the base until they allowed me to go. I lived off base. Since I was given the advice by the civilian controller I now recanted, and told him that after thinking about it, I really didn't see much. 

There is a lot more to this, but I would like to make contact with you people to see if anything was ever recorded about that encounter. I also was on duty when a civilian contractor flying what was called logair, departed my field flying up the corridor to White Sands when they came on screaming about the lights that were attacking them. 

They were very agitated and crying and almost losing control of the C47 that they were flying. I never reported that based on my previous experience. Controllers at approach control and the civilian tower and I communicated over the unrecorded phone line, so I wasn't making this up. 

The way the government treats these encounters makes it almost impossible to prove that these things really happened. To the point that had I not mentioned it to my now deceased ex wife, I would not have believed it either.

I have never drank alcohol, taken drugs, even am reluctant to take prescription medications unless I must.  So I have never been  addicted or used any substances that would alter my thinking. I would like to communicate with someone that is in a position to help to research this and other sightings.

Thank you.

Thank you to the gentleman for his fascinating report, also for taking his time to come onto the Jeff Rense radio program to explain what went on at Biggs AFB in Texas many years ago. If anyone else has information about this sighting, I and this gentleman would like to hear from you. You can write Brian at brian_vike@telus.net

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: brian_vike@telus.net or please use the online Sighting Report Form.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email: brian_vike@telus.net

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

A Metallic Spherical Object/UFO In The Sky Over Magallanes Bridge Manila Philippines

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  October - November 2006

Time:  8:00 - 9:00 a.m.

Location of Sighting: Magallanes Bridge, Manila, Philippines.

Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Spherical.

Full Description of event/sighting: I was on a bus when I saw a metallic spherical object floating in the sky. It looks stationary and was just about at the side of a building.

When the bus got to the bridge the object was covered from sight by the building. After we passed the bridge I looked backed again to where I saw it and the metallic object was gone. I'm sure that it was not a plane because its spherical and it was not moving. It also looks like it was very close to the building.

Thank you to the witness for their report.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: brian_vike@telus.net or please use the online Sighting Report Form.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email: brian_vike@telus.net

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

A Triangle Formation Over Loveland Colorado

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  September 30, 2007

Time:  9:45 p.m.

Location of Sighting: Loveland, CO

Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 3
Shape of objects: Triangle formation.

Full Description of event/sighting: Scanning the night sky as I often do, I was setting out my trash bin on Sunday Sept 30, 9:45 p.m. I noticed a satellite and 2 or 3 commercial aircraft on approach to Denver International Airport while I watched the sky.

As I was about to go in I spent another minute or 2 to look up, and noticed 3 dimly lit circular objects speeding from south to north almost directly overhead. They were either a tight formation or a single object with 3 lights. There was no noise.

They may have been illuminated from city glow as they looked a faded brownish color. The closest approximation to their appearance would be 3 peas almost touching each other. Each object or light had a hazy glow around the edge. With my stuck out thumb as a guide the object (s) together were about as big as a quarter at arm's length.

I had both a camera and camcorder 2 feet away from me in my car but the whole sighting lasted less than 10 seconds and by the time I could have gotten them out and turned on the objects would have been gone. I opted to watch. My basic feelings were of exasperation more than awe, as I've occasionally seen unexplainable objects in the skies over the years and have never been able to get any recorded on media.

After watching them cross the sky and disappear past the roof of my house I watched a few more minutes to see if anything else would show up, then I went inside and started typing a sighting report.

Thank you to the witness for the interesting sighting report.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: brian_vike@telus.net or please use the online Sighting Report Form.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email: brian_vike@telus.net

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Two Lights/UFOs Flying In Tandem Interesting Maneuvers Mesa Arizona

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  Week of 9/11/2001.

Time:  Between 8:00 - 9:00 p.m.

Location of Sighting: Mesa AZ

Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 2
Shape of objects: Two lights flying in tandem.

Full Description of event/sighting: It was the week of 9/11. My husband and I were out in the backyard looking at the sky over Phoenix. Air traffic was grounded and we were observing the night sky. 

All at once two lights flying in tandem swooped in over the valley sky and did two loops around the valley. I ran to put the dogs in the house while my husband continued watching. 

As I turned back around these lights did another big loop around the sky then took off to the west like those TV shows where they hit warp drive. If it was one object it was big. We couldn't see anything solid between the lights. 

If you hold your hand out and put a light on your index finger and your pinkie finger then swoop that would be the idea. The whole sighting lasted about one minute.

Thank you to the witness for their report.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: brian_vike@telus.net or please use the online Sighting Report Form.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email: brian_vike@telus.net

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.