Saturday, December 19, 2020

Military Security Police Encounter Tall Bi-Pedal Humanoid Creatures

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Noticed you said you were working on the Phoenix Lights. You know, I was stationed at Luke AFB 73-75 and I was in the 58th Security Police Squadron and my last position was Desk Sgt., so after hours I would have to field all the incoming calls from the civilians around the Phoenix area explaining to them that there was no longer a Project Blue Book and that the Air Force no longer investigated UFO's, but I can tell you this, that area is a true hot bed for these objects and I have the pleasure of once again moving back there (early next year).

Yes, a hotbed, but not just for UFO's. I was also stationed at Davis Monthan at Tucson (was Strategic Air Command at that time), both of these bases had what was described by the Security Police who encountered it as a very tall bi-pedal humanoid type thing, mainly featureless, almost like a dark shadow. This thing would lurk near the perimeters of the bases.

I read years later that the Security Police at Edwards AFB also had the same problem. At Davis Monthan this thing was seen time and time again within the Nuclear Storage area which was about a mile away (still on base) from the main area of the base. The Sentry dogs were terrified of it. This area of course contained the "Nukes" used by the 52's sitting on the Flight line, so it was a very sensitive area. This was my first Base and the area was very, very strange. Especially working the Mid night shifts.

I witnessed this thing in 1974, when after fielding call after call from civilians reporting UFOs all over the Phoenix area, I decided to have some one relieve me on the desk, took a car and went out to the perimeter of the base along with a SAT team (Security Alert Team) as we sat watching, lights were darting about the White Tanks area, one of the Security guys yelled out and pointed toward the perimeter fence, sure enough there walked a tall dark "thing".

As we watched it, it looked as though it began to run. It was about 200 yards away and in a very deserted area. The perimeter fence near the flight line was only a small barb wired fence. As we drove out to where it should have been, it disappeared on us, no trace. Actually there was no where for it to go, but it was no longer there.

As I'm sure you well know, often times when an area is sustaining a "flap", flying objects are not the only anomalous things making their presence known in the area, although the Phoenix and Tucson areas don't exactly experience flaps, its more like a continuous affair.

Additional Information Below:

There has got to be many others (Security Police) and others of course, to this day who have witnessed some of the goings on at the base. I don't think these things have stopped. I'll tell you a little story about Davis Monthan when I was sent there in 1971. As you know, this is the air craft grave yard.

Within the base property there is a road that leads out of the main base and down the road to the Nuclear Storage facility, or at least there used to be a nuclear storage facility. Within the Security Police of the United States Air Force you have two divisions, one is Law Enforcement Specialist (which I was) and the other is Security Specialist, or what we used to call "ramp rats", these are the guys with the M-16's you see walking around the ramps where the fighters or bombers sit, you will also see them guarding the nuclear facilities or ICBM silos, my job was like that of City Police, we were the Law Enforcement branch.

When I first started at Davis Monthan I worked a lot of Midnight shifts, one of our "duties" was to bring the guys (security) out at the nuclear site coffee. This we would do every night around 2 or 3 a.m. The site was perhaps 15 acres in size, surrounded by a large security fence, within the compound were numerous bunkers where they stored the nukes, this area was lit up by spaced telephone poles with lighting. So, you would have 2 or 3 guys at the entry control point, one guy on foot inside the area, and most of the time there would be one guy with a sentry dog in the area (usually asleep with his dog somewhere - LOL).

So, this one night we picked up their coffee and began our drive to the Nuclear Site, it was a two lane road that led out into the desert area (actually I here you can go on tours there now, and I imagine the same road is still there), on both sides of the road you had high metal fences so that you couldn't just stop and walk into the area of the aircraft "graveyard". It was really a quite spooky and kind of desolate ride going out there. So here we are driving out to give them their coffee. The ride was maybe 10 minutes. We pulled up to the gate, one of the guys came out, we handed him his coffee, we made a U turn and went back toward the main base.

About half way between the main base and where we dropped the coffee, were driving, doing perhaps 30 miles an hour when we see this object in the middle of the two land road. At first we thought it was a vehicle broken down, we drove up close to the thing, when we got close enough and stopped we realized that it was a "prop" or propeller engine, about the size or maybe a little bit smaller than a Volkswagen.

Well, obviously we were pretty stunned because we had just come down this road about 10 minutes before. So we get out of the car and take a closer look. Indeed that's what it was, the engine off a large propeller driven aircraft, minus the propeller. So we call the "flight Chief" our boss, like a Police Lieutenant for a civilian agency, he comes out, scratches his head and makes another call.

So were sitting there in our car over the course of perhaps an hour as more and more brass begin filtering into the area. Eventually the Base Commander shows up, mind you this is now about 0400 hrs. We are told to leave and go back to headquarters where are briefed by our Flight Chief a little later who sternly instructs us not to speak to anyone about this nor to even mention it to anyone.

Now Brian, this thing was sitting out there like someone had picked it up from the other side of the fence and then set it down in the middle of the road. The engine was nowhere near any of the very few gate entrances into this area and there were no drag marks around it. I would estimate that it had to weight at least a ton, so I don't think any pranksters placed it there. I think you have to believe whoever or whatever did this has to have a sense of humor.

Oh, and if you can locate former Security Police from the Arizona bases I'm quite certain that will relate similar stories to you, I've lost track of all of them unfortunately.

Important Additional Information:

Well I think the area was safe from what it was being guarded against, but these other "intruders" we couldn't stop. Nothing really happened due to these "things" but it was clear to us that we could be trespassed upon though !!!!!

Final story, although there were others:

I believe it was near 1975 because I was about to be discharged. It was at Luke AFB and during a Midnight shift. We had a SAT team working that night comprised of 3 men. As I was working the "desk" at Security Police HQ, these three SAT team members came into the office at around 0100 hrs or so.

Normally, they were a loud bunch but this night they were really quiet and just kind of milled around near my desk...real quiet and they looked really perplexed.

After a few minutes, I asked them what the heck was the matter with them. I finally got out of them that they were parked near the flight line. They were in one of those old Dodge "6 packs" 4 wheel drive trucks, the type with 4 doors. Two were seated in the front and one in the back. They were sitting there quietly talking with the engine shut off. The passenger in the front was talking to the guy in back when he said he saw this tall black "thing" coming running out of the desert toward the rear of the truck.

He said he couldn't believe his eyes and screamed at the driver to start the truck and get out of there. As the driver was doing this, all three were looking behind the truck and saw this tall, black man-like thing run up to the truck and...jump right over the bed (of the truck). It landed, and took a few more steps and was lost to sight. By then the truck was started and our brave crew of Security Police was departing post haste out of the area they were sworn to defend (I would have, too!!).

They said it was just really tall, running on two legs, they couldn't make out any features or anything else.

I'll tell you Brian, I witnessed these guys first hand and they weren't lying. In fact, they weren't going to say anything to anybody until I dragged it out of them. They were genuinely in shock.

So, I don't know if these things were at other bases outside of the desert areas, but I know they were at Luke, Davis Monthan, and Edwards. Were they somehow related to UFOs? I don't know, but it wouldn't surprise me. I believe Jacques Vallee has mentioned in his many books how many of these anomalous occurrences happen in tandem with each other

Probably like you, I remember in the 50s when I was 6 or 7 years old watching the black and white clips on TV showing recently photographed UFOs. I remember groups of them in Flight...and that was it for me, I was hooked from then on. I've spent 20 years in the San Francisco Police Department and just retired. Nothing in that department will be as exciting to me as getting back to that desert area and poking around with my camera

My sincere thanks to the person for relating this story to me.

Thank you to the eyewitness for their report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Friday, December 18, 2020

1950's Close Encounter With A UFO And Alien Being Three Hills Alberta

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date: 1955

Time: 1:00 - 5:00 p.m.

Location of Sighting: Outside Three Hills, Alberta Canada.

Number of witnesses: 1

Number of objects: 1

Shape of objects: House/ship/illusion?

Full Description of event/sighting: This is something I just came to terms with a few years ago. A strange but interesting story, realized over 50 years later and totally worth the wait.

I don't know if this was a memory block put on me for 50 years ago so that it would be there when I needed it, or ? What ever it was, it was not of this world.

I have had a few other sightings over the years, on my own and with other folks, up close and personal.

I must say the realization of what happened all those years ago helped me to sort it all out. Helped me to trust myself and the experiences I have had.

This instance I remember quite vividly and could never figure it out as I got the beating of my life from my mother for doing what I thought was the right thing.( I still would think it was the right thing to do)

3-Hills in mid Alberta Canada was a very small seminary school town back in the 1950's. The old 'Henry -Jay ' ( our car) up on blocks and 60 below zero temperatures more likely then not.

Even some of the sidewalks had boilers under them. This wasn't a place where a small child would last very long out side.

It was very flat there, just 3 Hills in the distance, train tracts and vast ice fields lay beyond our little sheep shed style apartments that the students stayed in.

There were 3 instances where I had missing time in the two years we were there (1955-56) this was just another one of them until I saw a small black and white photo of our little apartment and the field beyond it just a few years ago. (04)

1955 - I was walking home from kindergarten, alone. There was a small field with a beaten path just in back of our apartments and this ended at the far end of the apartments.

Our apartment faced backwards, away from town so as I walked home the back of our apartments were visible not the front.

There were just ice fields for as far as you could see on three sides with the smaller field at the back. There was a three story older grey house out that way, a little before the field, but this was not the house I saw.

I heard crying and in the middle of the little field behind the back of our apartment and standing in the center on the path was a small child. I looked up and saw a one story house at the end of the path, so I figured that must be where he was from.

I went over, took his little hand and walked him down the path to the house. I walked up the steps and rang the door bell. ( hadn't ever seen a door bell before) A tall blond man opened the door, he was dressed in loose, seeming light clothing which was strange as it was the 50's and very cold.

Not anything I had seen before. He seemed very kind and I asked if the child belonged here as I had found him crying in the field. He said yes and thanked me and I turned to go home.

I had never left sight of the back window of our little apartment the whole time, but as I rounded the corner and went up to our door it was dark outside.

As I went inside my Mother starting screaming at me. I told her I found a small boy and took him home, but she would not stop.

I have no clue why she had a fly swatter, but she started hitting me with it, getting my hair caught etc. Of course I was screening too as I couldn't figure out how she could be so mean to do this to me, just because I saved a baby.

My Dad came out and slapped her to get her to stop and I heard noting more about it. Of course I remembered that beating the rest of my life. It never made sense to me and I of course didn't even think about it being dark when I came in the door.

That is until 2004 when I was going though some old photos. Someone had taken a picture of the train tracks cutting thought the ice fields. There was no house there.

Never was, at least in the mid 1950s' And it's much more understandable, not that it didn't suck that my mother was freaked out, not because I had been a few minutes late in cold daylight, but because I had been 5 hours late and the sun was down. It was very cold.

As I said, this was one of 3, instances and of course the one I remember the most because of my parents reaction to it. I have always thought my Dad was a Star Child, he would die physically 2 years later on November 1957 of Leukemia.

By remembering the whole instance, it was like a fountain was opened up. Things I have learned in the past are coming in and finally making sense, etc.

It seemed to bring together all the other happenings through-out my years. I have had a lot of information downloaded into my being throughout the years, sort of like a school for many years. Quite possibly this was my induction to that school ?

Thank you to the eyewitness for their report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Round UFO/Object Hovering In The Sky At Surrey British Columbia

This sighting report was never posted !

Date:  1989/1990 ?

Time:  Approxamtlty about 6:00 p.m. or 7:00 p.m.

Hello, I am not even sure where to start with my story. I was laying in bed a few nights ago when all of a sudden I remembered a '"Nightmare" I had as a child, but it seemed so real (I am now 35).

I texted my mom and said to her, "did I see a UFO when I was little with Tom or am I go crazy?"

Tom was my moms husband at the time. She confirmed that it was not a nightmare, and yes I had indeed told her about seeing a UFO. She said Tom had told her when we returned home that evening.

She did not offer anymore information on it, but said if I had questions to ask. I then told her I remember a round type object hovering not far above our car with lights all around it.

She confirmed that’s what Tom and I told her at the time. I asked her how old I was and she said about 7 or 8 so 1989/1990. I then googled "UFO sightings Surrey, British Columbia 1980's" and found this which brought me to you.

She said it was in the early evening about 6:00 p.m. or 7:00 p.m. in the area of approxamtlty 64th Ave., and 156 Street. I am not sure if this information is of any use to you or anyone, but I wanted to share my story with someone.

I am also in the process of contacting Tom to see if there is anything else he can tell me about that night.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Thank you to the eyewitness for their report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Silver Or Dark Grey UFO Observed At Tsawwassen British Columbia

This sighting report was never posted !

Date:  November 22, 2017

Time:  6:17 p.m.

The date was November 22, 2017, at 6:17 p.m., my friend and I came to Vancouver from Victoria, British Columbia when drivers took us back to Tsawwassen to take ferry I saw very clear UFO.

I driver drove at 80 km and asked can we stop. My friend saw an object fly by, it was really large. When we got home, no one would talk about it, and there was nothing on the TV news, even heard nothing from anyone on the ferry, but 100% sure the radar on the ferry could detect this.

I saw color, speed, and form, nothing we have can stop in the sky to 100 meters high or even fly to 5 km speed to go over speed more than human eyes they can see it. We could see a plane fly to the right side of the UFO, it looked like 20 maybe 50 km away from the UFO, for sure they can detect on radar.

There was no sound, no wind, I just saw the two colors, light blue and green and just a few seconds of orange color when it moved.

The color of the object was silver or dark grey, it didn’t shine and wasn’t bright. I made the draw to this UFO.

Thank you to the eyewitness for their report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Huge Triangular UFO Over Peterborough Ontario (Excellent Diagrams/Maps/Audio Interview)

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Telephone Interview can be found at the following link:

In the early morning of July 5, 2004 at approximately 4:00 a.m. at Peterborough Ontario Canada my cousin and myself observed a fast moving object overhead and then it disappear over an area called Little lake.

A few moments later, we observed a triangle of three lights (bright). We thought it was just the stars at first, but then the lights we thought were stars began to move, it then disappeared back towards Little Lake (easterly direction)

Now fast forward 2 days at approximately 3.30 a.m. on Lafayette Ave in Peterborough.

Earlier in the evening I had observed a bright streak in the sky toward the east, so I was watching the eastern sky close.

All of a sudden I observed 2 small bright fast moving objects moving to the east. Very fast, I might add, so here I'm watching towards the east not paying attention directly overhead. All of a sudden everything just seemed to get real quiet. Eerie quiet.

So I'm looking east, then I just get these creepy feelings that something was watching me, you know what I mean.

I turned and looked down the street towards the General Electric plant (900 feet approximately) I swear I couldn't hear the background noises you usually hear traffic dogs etc..

So now I notice the glow from the street light seemed to be changing color on the cars on the street. Then I look up, my god there it is, coming right over the house. This thing is massive !

I swear I could have hit it with a sling shot. So its kind of slowly idling east, at like I don't know 5 km maybe.

The craft stops, then starts going sideways now towards the GE plant, it seemed as wide as the distance between GE and our house.

I don't know much about this stuff, but I swear this is one evil looking outfit with 3 lights. (brownish orange very dim) One at each point of the triangle, not that it is pointed, but at the ends.

The ends are rounded off, I will send a little drawing I made. It seems to be a blue black color, but flat no shine, almost a rough finish, a circular dome dead center of the bottom in a hexagon type enclosure.

No light or glowing color on this dome. This is set in an indented area that almost had the look of the surface of a pool. I could now see the one side that appeared to have some kind of indentations, probably doors or some kind of hatch.

It sat there for probably 3 minutes, but seemed like a lifetime.

Then it just moved so fast you couldn't even tell the direction it went. Anyway, I have seen it twice since then, but it was a lot higher up. Probably 1500 feet.

Maybe its just me or maybe something else, but I know they know I saw them. I don't think these guys are real friendly. I could just feel it. Anyway couple observations.

Next day my neighbors Dodge Intrepid battery was completely zapped. He had to replace the alternator and battery the next day.

His Olds wouldn't start either, the alternator and battery fried. His name is (removed) and I'm sure he would verify that. My Camry's two month old Kenwood stereo fried. Rear light wiring fried.

Battery was completely dead by 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon, so I recharged it and it came back to life.

Still had problems with the wiring, so I had it repaired at Russell Toyota in Peterborough 489 dollars.

One other thing I would like to add, there was the weak aroma of like a burnt transformer in the air for a few minutes after the craft left.

I might add as well I went into the back yard and alley behind the house to get a good view of this thing because I couldn't see all three lights from the street because of its size.

Sighting Dates And Times.

July 5, 2004...4:00 a.m.

July 7, 2004 - Close sighting as per sketches 3:30 a.m.

July 17, 2004 - 1500 feet approximately details hard to see just shape and 3 light. Moved east then drifted towards G.E

August 26, 2004 - Triangle lights looked like brighter than usual stars moving east.

Additional Information:

Well the first object was moving very fast but slowing to some extent.

It was moving from the west towards the east and dropping until we lost sight of it behind the buildings. It was an orange colored object. Very bright !

We would have been looking in a North to Northeast direction. I get mixed up with the directions.

The altitude I would say, when first in view was probably 5,000 feet descending to 1,000 feet. It came on what seemed to be an exact path of the triangle lights.

The first triangular lights seemed to be a bit bigger and clearer, but I had no idea until I saw the one over the house how big it was.

What I found out today is that General Electric here supposedly stopped making reactor parts years ago, but I found a website while searching that sheds some light on this: (site not there anymore at the address given)

I asked people what they do there at the plant and nobody seems to know. I have only lived here a while so I thought they might have been making fridges or something.

At the gate to GE on Monaghan drive it seems really secure. This is a huge plant

I can see the plant right from my (removed) but that street it is on called Albert and is a half mile long and the plant runs the distance of the street. I guess there are only 700 workers in the plant now but it did employ upwards of 7,000 at one time.

They make fuel pellets for the Candu Reactors, but you can't find it on one single GE site anywhere..

About the time: It seemed like it was 3 minutes but when I came back in the house it was 5:17 by my computer. So one and a half hours passed roughly.

This thing was directly overhead but it sort of stopped then drifted towards the plant. What I mean by directly overhead (the front) I assume it was the front seemed directly over and inline with the driveway.

I had to go into the backyard, into the alley to see it all and that's when I got the feeling they knew I was there. Then I went running back out to the street and saw a girl running like heck towards the other street (Chamberlaine) It rotated slightly to its left as it drifted over the plant.

I still get Goosebumps just thinking about it. The front moved till it was almost out past Jackson Ave. I'll see if I can do a picture over a map if I can find one.

Unusual sensations: Well other than being freaked out I seemed to have my hearing kind of muffled. Like I had a head cold sort of effect. A couple times I had the momentary feeling like I was lost or didn't know where I was

Weather: Its always been overcast, partly cloudy. But the sky seems to clear up just at the right time.

See what really scared the "ba jezus" out of me, was that I was watching to the east looking for those lights to reappear and the thing kind of creeped up behind me.

So I was really startled when I looked up so it was just moving dead slow at this point from the west.

Street lights: The reflections on the cars changed from the usual glow, to a more I guess orange glow.

I saw the shadows on the street change a bit so I knew there was something above me and I looked up and just thought, Oh my god, what the heck is that.

I don't think anyone would have heard me scream if I did scream any way. Its like noise was being suppressed somehow. Like some kind of silence field around the thing and maybe I was in that field? Not sure.

Would be 3 cars I know of that had electrical screw ups the next day. I don't talk to a lot of people around here and the flood happened the next day, so 24 hours after the sighting everything was so crazy.

I sure had some weird dreams and stuff since this happened. I seem to really notice the shape in architecture and stuff.

My wife says its like I've had some little psychic twinge switched on. Like I'll know the phone is going to ring before it does things like that.

Anyway here are some maps so you can get a feel for the layout of the area .The area in Grey is the GE Plant I tried to show where the Triangle stopped then moved sideways until it was over G.E. 2 of the maps are just for reference kind of.

Telephone Interview can be found at the following link:

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Former News Director’s UFO Experience In Ontario Canada

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  July or August of 1969

Time:  Approxamtlty 10:00 p.m. 

Brian Vike's Note: I thought I would add a quick note here. The gentleman mentions in his letter to me that he was a former news director of CFBV/LD radio in Smithers. The radio station in Smithers is a 45 minute drive from me heading west, and Smithers is located in British Columbia, Canada. I also do short spots on the radio station the man is talking about, giving local updates on UFO sightings for out entire area. 

Message: Hi Brian, nice to meet you. First off, I'm a former news director of CFBV/LD radio in Smithers. Additionally, I worked at Endako mines for a few years in the '70's. As you can imagine, I'm quite familiar with Houston, having lived and 'played' in Fraser Lake, Endako, Burns Lake, Telkwa and Smithers for many years in the late 70's and early 80's. Heck, I met my first wife at an Ian Tamblyn concert in '81 at the Endako Community hall!

I live in Peterborough County, Ontario. Ironically, yesterday, I received a post card from an old buddy who's currently vacationing in Australia, he lives in Quick. Remember the Christmas flood of the community of Quick back in '83?

Here is my story. I was born and raised on a 100 acre farm 20 miles east of Peterborough, Ontario. The incident took place in July or August of 1969 when I was sixteen. I was alone in my family's farmhouse located 75 feet from a gravel township road. At that time we had a border collie mutt named Chief, who was an extremely good guard dog, vicious would be an appropriate description.

My father passed away the previous February and Chief had become even more nasty. Lots of people driving on the property would remain in their vehicle until one of us appeared in the driveway to rescue them from the snapping dog. It was approximately ten o'clock in the evening and I was sitting in the living room watching TV with the overhead light on. I noticed a light shining through the closed white drapes covering the south window. I thought, "that's odd. The light's on, if the light was off I could easily see the light's of a vehicle passing the farmhouse, but the light's on and I can't hear a car."

I exited the living room and entered the kitchen. I looked out the aluminum screen door on the south side of the kitchen and saw a light on the other side of some poplar trees glowing about 150 yards from the house on the other side of the road. The light was white and about the size of your thumbnail.

Now this is where it gets interesting. Chief was standing just outside of the screen door, with his butt against the aluminum.  He was making the most peculiar, extremely low, guttural growl and every piece of fur on his body was standing straight out, as though he'd been electrocuted. I'd never heard him make such an odd sound. He was scared witless. Normally he'd rush across the yard barking and growling at the human, the squirrel, the skunk, etc. Not this night. The light was moving west to east and the dog's nose followed the light precisely.

Whatever was moving in the sky was definitely the cause for Chief's abject terror. I couldn't open the door to investigate as the dog's rear end was 'bunched' against the door. I yelled at the dog to get out of the way. He wouldn't move. He was frozen.

Finally, after a few seconds of admonishing the dog, I forced the door open which pushed Chief out of the way. His nose never wavered from observing the moving light.

I walked across the yard towards the road and the light which was still slowly moving west/east. It would occasionally disappear behind a poplar and then reappear a second later. There was no sound. I guesstimated the object to be 150 to 200 yards away.

Chief, the nasty guard dog, never left the cement patio on the front of the house, but he continued to observe the thing and kept growling in that most peculiar manner.

Then I realized something very odd. By this time I was standing on the road. Not only was the flying object making no sound, but there were no cricket, tree frog or katydid sounds as well. Brian, what in heaven's name has the ability to silence the amphibians and insects of the forest? I felt a very palpable and rising sense of terror.   

I lived in that farmhouse for 18 years. At no time did any of my family members nor I ever 'get the gun' because we were frightened of something. It never happened, well, just once. I ran across the yard, past the dog who was still frozen by the front door and into the woodshed. I grabbed the single shot 22 rifle and the shells. 

I was so frightened, even today, I can recall my right hand shaking as I fumbled to put a shell in the gun. I can clearly remember thinking, "this is the stupidest thing I've ever done! What good is this 'pop gun' going to do for me against that 'thing' out there across the road? I might as well throw a chunk of gravel against the object." 

The next thing I remember I was seated on the couch in the living room with the loaded 22 across my lap. The light was still illuminated and the TV was on. I was calm, cool and collected. My heart rate was normal. 

The flying object was now located to the east of the house, out over the barnyard and for the next ten to fifteen minutes I kept looking over my shoulder through the south window at the light in the sky. I could barely make out a ring as though the light was the 'diamond' on the edge of the ring.

A couple of minutes into this session, the light changed from solid white to a blinking red light. It became smaller and smaller and blinked faster and faster. From my perspective, it appeared that the object shot out into space. At no time was I worried or concerned about the UFO in the barnyard. I had a lackadaisical attitude towards it and I thought, "big deal, it's just a UFO, why worry about it?"

As I watched TV and occasionally turned to look at it out the south living room window. I want to make something perfectly clear, Brian:  The next part of my story is a dream. This did not happen. For all of my adult life I can clearly remember the dream. 

In my dream, I was standing in the woodshed at my family's old farmhouse, in the night, with the woodshed overhead bulb on and I'm loading the 22. White light suddenly comes through the two windows located on the south and west sides of the woodshed. White light comes from under the woodshed doors from the outside.  That's the end of the dream. 

Here's the next peculiar part of the story and I have no idea whether it's connected to the UFO incident. I was not suicidal in the summer of '69, I have not been suicidal at any time in my adult life, nor am I suicidal today. I do not suffer from depression. I feel fine, thanks! A few days after seeing the object, I was home alone and cutting the backyard grass.

Suddenly, with no previous suicidal thoughts, I decided to shut off the mower, go to the woodshed, load the 22 and kill myself. I exited the woodshed, with the loaded gun, walked through the house, sat in precisely the same spot on the couch as that night of the UFO visit, with the loaded 22 across my lap. My intention was to shoot myself.

Fortunately, after about 30 seconds of contemplation I came to my senses. I thought, "what the heck am I doing? I'm not suicidal! Get that damn shell out of the gun! Put the gun away! This is ridiculous!" I unloaded the rifle and returned it to the woodshed.

Brian, I have some questions, as you might well imagine.

1) What was that thing flying through the sky, with no sound, in the summer of '69? 

2)  What has the ability to silence the critters of the forest? 

3)  Why was my vicious guard dog reduced to a quivering mass of terror? 

4)  We have all been terrified. There are certain physiological responses to fear. Increased heart rate, adrenalin pumping through your veins, shaking hands, cold sweats etc. etc. How did I retreat from all of those normal responses and return to 'calm, cool and collected' without a calming down period?(by the way, I had no sense of time loss during or after the incident) 

5)  Is my dream of loading the gun and seeing white light a dream? Or did it actually happen? 

6)  What was the reason for my suicidal thoughts and actions which occurred out of nowhere a few days after the incident? (I repeat:  I'm not suicidal, nor was I when I was sixteen.) 

7)  During the absurd suicide event, why did I walk to the exact same spot as I ended up after I saw the UFO with the loaded gun across my lap? I guess I'll never have the answers to those questions. By the way Brian, I cannot be hypnotized. Just to satisfy my curiosity, I wish I could be hypnotized, to possibly further explore the events of that night so long ago, but I'm one of those people who are not open to hypnotic suggestion.  

Thanks for your time and keep up the good work documenting the observations of peculiar events of people from around the world. No, I'm not a hoaxer! Go ahead, use my name if you wish. I truly don't care what other people think. The above mentioned events really did occur.    Art.

Thank you to Art for the extremely interesting report. I will be contacting Art over this experience, also I would like to add Art gave me the OK to use his name.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Circular UFO Causes Ground Fog And Telephone Troubles Above Eyewitness At Kenosha Wisconsin

This sighting report was never posted !

Date:  December 2005.

Time:  Evening.

Hi I am (name removed) in Kenosha Wisconsin and I reported a sighting. I was outside with my new Havanese Nate and a fog like ground cover came floating in and I looked up and was shocked out of my mind. 

There was what I described as a bent green bean of lights, red, yellow, green in the sky. I immediately ran inside the house. 

When I picked up the phone there was a noise like chopper blades in the phone. The next time I went outside I could see a round circle way up in the sky. I finally found a picture of what that green bean looked like.

I could not see anything underneath, but the circular lights were the same. Not the same color, but the same look.

Thank you to the witness for their report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Black Triangular UFO Over North Welland Ontario (Diagram)

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date: August 31, 2008

Time: 10:00 p.m.

Location of Sighting: North Welland, Ontario.

Number of witnesses: 2

Number of objects: 1

Shape of objects: Triangular.

Full Description of event/sighting: My husband was watching a bright light in the sky coming from the south for about 10-15 minutes.

It went over our neighbor's house about 500 feet in the air. We could see it was triangular in shape with 4 bright white lights and 1 red light in the center, all lights being underneath the craft.

My husband ran in the house and brought out the binoculars and we looked at it for about 2 minutes as it just floated by with no sound whatsoever, heading north. Looking through the binoculars the craft seemed to be black with 1 bright white light in the front and 3 white lights across the back and 1 red light in the center, all glowing not flashing.

The bright lights all seemed to be pointing downward. The craft was travelling slower than a Cessna and that's what caught our attention.

We have checked quite a few websites to see if anybody else saw this craft, but haven't found any. We have never seen anything like this before and we know it was definitely not an airplane as it made absolutely no noise.

Additional Information:

Hi Brian, sorry it took so long to get back to you, but with Christmas and everything we have been quite busy.

To answer your questions, my husband and I didn't feel anything strange coming from the craft, no strange sensations either.

We were just in awe of what we had just seen. The night was very clear and we didn't see any other aircraft's in the sky at the time. It was very quiet, as it usually is in our neighborhood on a Sunday night.

That is why we are so surprised that no one else witnessed this.

We have attached a drawing which my husband drew to give you an idea of what we saw that night. As you can see from the drawing, the lights were coming from inside the craft as they seemed to be recessed.

No lights were flashing at all, they were all shining including the red light. With the binoculars we could see that the lights were recessed up in the craft and the red light was on its surface.

It was close enough while looking through the binoculars that we had to move back and forth with the binoculars to see the entire craft.

We could see the lights as clear with the binoculars as if we were standing in front of our house looking at a street light, it was that clear.

My husband and I took turns looking at it through the binoculars 3 or 4 times each before it went out of our sight.

This is something that my husband and I will never forget for the rest of our lives.

Hope this helps. If you have any further questions please feel free to contact us. Regards.

Thank you to the witness for their report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

A Couples Amazing And Frightening UFO Experience Billerica Massachusetts (Audio Interview)

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Audio report below for Billerica, Massachusetts - Large UFO Lifts Up Witness Off Home Deck.

Text Report Below:

December 2004

Brian Vike's Note: At the end of this initial letter from the witness there is the report which was filed to MUFON in which the fellow sent along to me. This is a fascinating story.

Hello Brian, I thought you might interested in this UFO report I filed to MUFON in December of 2004, I cant explain why but Anne and I want to finally share our experience with others. Since this sighting strange things have been happening in the house for instance, the microwave oven would start beeping at random, were on our 3rd oven.

A shelf fell off the wall in the kitchen which I know doesn't sound that strange but it's the type that the fingers on the side brackets have to be tapped down in the rails, I installed it and remember I had to tap the brackets down with a little force, for the brackets to fall off you would have to tap up on them. Strange sounds would come from the TV and radio. Anne would see pot covers fly of the shelf and land several feet away.

Many other things happened but I can't get into them right now, plus it would usually happen in the day and I work full time, Anne would tell me when I got home. Anne also had regressive hypnosis and her account was the same. I tried the hypnosis, but I wasn't receptive to it.

One other thing did happen that I remembered a few days later, when Anne was on the floor I remembered giving her CPR, after I got her off the floor and on to the couch I looked into the kitchen and saw what looked like snow or fine pellets of Styrofoam pouring in through the sliding door ( I guess didn't shut it all the way).

After icing my hand for awhile I told Anne I'm going in the garage to get the shop vac to clean up the mess when I looked again all the white stuff was gone and the small carpet in the kitchen was dry. Also the white light outside looked like it flowed like a liquid wrapping itself around everything, did not notice any shadows. By the way this happened in Billerica, Massachusetts. I know it sounds incredible but this really happened, hope to hear from you soon.

Below: The Actual Sighting Report Which Was Filed To MUFON. 

(Recount of a UFO sighting experienced by Robert and Anne).

At approximately 7:10 on Sunday night (12/12/04) I was in my kitchen preparing dinner, my friend Anne was in the living room working on a crossword puzzle. I have a sliding glass door which leads to a deck off of the kitchen, Anne and I just got home so the curtain was not drawn yet.

Out of the corner of my right eye I saw a huge ball of brilliant white light coming towards the house from the west, it was above treetop level but not by much. In my mind I compared the size to be like looking at a full moon on a clear night maybe bigger and as it neared it got bigger and bigger. I called to Anne to take a look, she was as surprised as I was.

We went out onto the deck to get a better look because of the glare from internal lights on the glass door. It stopped above the house and was absolutely huge, 2 maybe 3 football fields. The white light engulfed everything. One thing I noticed was that the light did not hurt our eyes. It hovered a few minutes with absolutely no noise, then all of a sudden a pale blue light came out of the bottom of this thing, the thing that was odd about the blue light is that it formed a perfect square on the deck.

The size was big enough to fully engulf Anne. All of a sudden Anne started to lift up off the deck, I immediately opened the sliding door with my left hand, jumped up and wrapped my right around Anne's waist, with a hooking motion I threw Anne into the kitchen then ran in and shut the door, when I looked back the light was gone.

Anne was out cold for about a minute, when she came too she said all she remembered seeing the blue light and hearing me say that the blue light was square, that's when she must of blacked out. Shortly after Anne awoke the phone rang, I was so shook up I couldn't answer it so Anne did. The call was from my sister she was in her car with her husband about 4 to 5 miles south east of us.

She told Anne she saw a ball of white light with a trailing blue tail. At first she thought it was a meteorite but ruled that out because it was so low and moving parallel with the ground. Soon after the call ( which by the way according to my caller id the time was 7:21) I noticed my right hand was burning and there were a couple of blisters below my middle finger. (pictures attached) for some reason that I cant explain I knew the blisters would be gone in the morning, which they did, so I had Anne take a picture of my hand with my digital camera.

I wish I had the camera with me on the deck but everything happened too fast. Anne and I are still shook up about all this but are willing to meet and answer any questions you may have.

Audio report below for Billerica, Massachusetts - Large UFO Lifts Up Witness Off Home Deck.

My many thanks to Robert and Anne for sharing their amazing experience with us all.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

UFO Filmed Between Cookstown And Barrie Ontario (Photos)

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date: November 10, 2007

Time: Approxamtlty 5:00 a.m.

Brian Vike's Note: Permission was granted to leave the names in the report, and on the photos.

Hello Brian, We approve you to publish this information in your website.

Thank you.

The information you requested:

The place of event : HWY89 between Cookstown and Barrie.

Time: Around 5:00 a.m.

The photo taken by Nokia phone Camera

Witnesses: 2.

Names: Ali Karami & Payam Kash

We do a lot of research on stars and planets. We were coming back from Barrie were we wanted to relax and view the clear sky with many stars that cant be found in the City. I fell sleep and my friend Ali woke me up telling me a bright object in the sky that seems to be UFO.

The bright object was in green color with blue flames coming out of it from above and under. It would change its color. Very quiet and fast. It could move in any direction. It would drop it self and stop close to earth then would move in vertical direction and then horizontal.

The object was there for two hours, I believe hovering over lake. We were able to take couple of pictures and as we took the first picture the object started moving down and after the second picture our camera, phone and video camera would not function.

I think the object noticed our presence. It went crazy and start moving fast in all directions and continued on its research and disappeared. The interesting part the photos got downloaded to the phone after 9 hours. This can be the result of interruption in the frequency.

They can effect and dismantle our radios, any electronic equipment and no radar can catch them.

This was a fascinating night of our lives and we never saw anything like this before. Regards.

Thank you to the witness for sending in their report and photos. Pictures are copyrighted 2007 to the owner.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Row Of Pulsating Red And Green Lights South Of Sudbury Ontario

This sighting report was never posted !

Date:  August 23, 2019

Time:  Approxamtlty 11:00 p.m.

Dear Mr. Vike, I am a 79 year old gentleman living some 10 km south of downtown Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. I had never seen a UFO in my life until last night Friday, August 23, 2019.

I was lying in my bed reading about 11:00 p.m. last evening. When looking out my window, I spotted a row of pulsing red and green lights in the sky to the north directly over the city.

I assumed it to be an airplane and went back to my book. Ten minutes later I looked again. The lights were still there and had not moved! I went out on my veranda and observed the lights through my binoculars. The lights were clear, but could not make out any shape around them.

I observed them for another twenty minutes before they suddenly vanished.

Today I ran the words UFO, Sudbury, and video, on the internet. Lo and behold there was a video of a UFO taken in Sudbury about a year ago. The UFO in that video appeared to be identical to the one I saw.


Thank you to the witness for their report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.