Showing posts with label picture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label picture. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Red Lights Spotted And Filmed Over Nanaimo British Columbia (Picture)

Date:  March 19, 2012
Time:  Evening.
I saw what you were describing and got a weak picture of it it was cloudy and raining here when they were spotted a number of people in my building saw them as well I can be reached at (contact information removed).
Additional Information:
The one light is just of center of the picture, and the other one is more above it to the left. If you zoom in on the picture it becomes more pronounced.
Photo Left: Click on the image for larger view.
My girlfriend called to me to see the lights and at first 2 bright orange-red lights were over the hospital area (I was facing the hospital from the other side of Duffrin Cr school) 
They moved to slowly and in irregular patterns which rule out aircrafts for they danced around one another, but they did move to opposite sides.
One hovered and went up and down then disappeared. They looked to be approximately 200 feet in the air near the end of the display. A third one appeared, bigger than the others.
It came from the direction of Hollyst. I believe best description I can think of for them, is that they reminded of those large red candles that glow orange in the middle when lit but the they just didn't fly off they disappeared.
If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

The Vike Factor (Brian Vike) website:

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Hundreds Of Lights Viewed Traveling Over Port Moody/Anmore British Columbia (Picture)

Date:  February 18, 2012 
Time:  Approx: 8:56 p.m. - 9:20 p.m.
Hi Brian, approximately 8:56 p.m. - 9:20 p.m. (I sent my photo to a friend at 8:58 p.m. on my phone, but had watched for a few minutes prior)
I saw the same thing as reported here (below) by another individual. I too, was on Clarke Drive facing north over the inlet in Port Moody.  
I managed to grab two photos, but didn't think to take video as I was so distracted by what I saw. 
At first, I thought perhaps there was a large fire with burning debris blowing off and moving from an east to west direction over Port Moody/Anmore. I checked the news and saw nothing so I went to observe the event once again. 
As I observed, I noticed these bright lights were moving with a mechanical purpose (it was not a fire or debris and it didn't seem possible to be fireworks or any such thing). The orbs were distributed evenly as they moved from east to west.
It appeared they had a set path and moved with an intended direction. Sometimes they appeared as a white light (like a star) and they would also change colours (red and blue). 
The objects moved east to west in a singular line and then would spread out in a group formation.  Some lights moved straight up while others would move up and then down, sometimes coming together (in a very purposeful and careful way) and then moving apart.
As they moved upwards, only one bright light would disappear at a time. 
This lasted 25 minutes or so. As the reporter indicates, there were hundreds over this time. 
I am glad to know I was not the only one to see these and get some photos. If you would like photos, I can send these. They are only iPhone photos, but they capture some of these objects. 
 I would be curious to know if you have had further reports. As the display lasted for so long, I cannot imagine that others did not see these same objects on Saturday night. 
Thank you! 
If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

The Vike Factor (Brian Vike) website:

Thursday, February 16, 2012

UFOs Spotted And Filmed Over Yahk British Columbia (Picture)

Date:  April 19, 2011
Time:  Evening.
Hello, my name is (name removed) and last April 19, 2011 my wife and I were standing on our deck over looking the (south to south east) valley view have on our property in Yahk, B.C. Canada.

We watch the sky's alot and it was almost dark and my wife was taking pictures of the night sky and, all of a sudden, very strange lights appeared right before her eyes and she started snapping pictures.
While this object crawled across the sky like a centipede in very strange patterns leaving a beautiful colorful trail of it's path.
As this was going on, I turned to look and right after that it turned into very large Orbs, which the best way I can explain what I witnessed, in the sky what looked like very large round orange colored orbs, pulsating lights like jelly fish glowing as they do under the deep ocean, and then suddenly rapidly pop away from each other like pop corn would, and disappear right before our eyes.

This all happened suddenly in front of our eyes while we were watching the beauty of the deep blue evening sky on our property.

My wife was very excited of the lights, after taking the pictures with a Fugifilm Finepix camera, but thought they did not turn out at first because there are blurry ones that were also taken.
Because of this, the camera was put away until my daughter opened it up much later to look for her pictures and found this clear picture between the blurry ones, and upon looking at all the other pictures we took that night, you can clearly see large round orbs just before they popped away.

I noticed in the trail the UFO left behind, this object descended from space and after the color red, the craft turned at 90 degree right angles, and approximately 180 degrees after the green color trail, and emits less color when traveling in curves or straighter lines. 
This device demonstrates intelligent design and we are happy to share this photo to everyone for your opinions and review. Sincerely.
If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

The Vike Factor (Brian Vike) website:

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Orange Red Lights Observed And Filmed Over Surrey British Columbia (Picture)

Date:  December 24, 2011
Time:  Approx: 11:30 p.m.
Hello, I just came across your blog where it talked about the 3 orange lights in the sky last night. I was driving home with two others and we noticed it as well. We pulled over to watch it.

We were around 184th and 64th Ave in Surrey, BC around 11:30 pm (December 24, 2011).

The lights were north of us. There were three bright lights which were orange-ish/red and they were travelling completely at the same speed until they each faded out (one at a time) and then disappeared.

Their colors appeared to change as they went across the sky, from red to orange and white. I did get a photo (attached).

To the right of the bright street lamp you can see two bright lights in the sky (looks white in the photo) and directly below it you can see the third which was starting to fade. Thanks.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

The Vike Factor (Brian Vike) website:

Two Triangular Formations Of Orange Lights Over South Surrey British Columbia (Picture)

Date:  December 24, 2011
Time:  Approx: 5:30 p.m.
Hi, I'm (name removed), I live in South Surrey in the blueberry fields. Around 5:50 p.m. on December 24, 2011 I saw two triangular formations in the sky. orange spotted lights were flying. The first one was on the west side of the sky and disappeared after 25 seconds after I saw it. 
I had enough time to grab my camera and capture the second group of triangles on the east side of the sky forming a perfect triangle. I recorded probably 30 seconds of the triangle shaped lights.
There were no sounds and it was super quiet. When the second formation disappeared, I saw a plane fly across the sky from west to east, and then there was nothing. The video is too large to attach to an email. Any more info you have about it, I would be interested in hearing about it.
Additional Information
In South Surrey there's just a specific spot in South Surrey where all the blueberry farms are located, but I guess you are not from around here so it is kind of useless information. It was in the farm area of south Surrey, British Columbia.
The formation disappeared after about 25 seconds when I saw it. The lights were an orange colour. I will attach a screen shot of the video right when the lights were at their brightest in a perfect triangle. In the video they kind of all simultaneously moved together closer at the same time and stopped perfectly in the position of the picture I am sending you.
They were in a bigger triangle then kind of moved and stopped together at the same time to perfectly form a smaller triangle.
If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

The Vike Factor (Brian Vike) website:

Friday, October 14, 2011

Montreal Quebec Canada (Lights Seen On Two Occasions And Filmed - Picture)

Date: October 6, 2011 and October 14, 2011
Time: 11:40 p.m. and 11:50 p.m.

My husband first noticed those strange lights a week ago, by pure luck. From our window, we could clearly seen about a dozen small lights buzzing around in the sky in an inconsistent pattern. Some would stop moving for few seconds and then just move at a rather swift pace.

The point of origin couldn't be located, there were no light rays guiding us to where those lights could be coming from. Few pictures were taken as well as a small video, although it is not extremely clear, one can still see those odd lights.

Last night, the same thing happen, but this time, the light seemed a bit bigger. We are undeniably curious as to what those lights could be or from where or what they could be coming from. We honestly hope, these appearances will occur once again and long enough to go out and investigate the origin of the lights.

Left Picture: The lights can be seen in the picture, although fuzzy looking, it shows the lights that were in the night sky.

Hopefully this information will be of help, we've included 2 of the pictures taken from last week. Obviously, because the lights were moving, it was rather hard to take a good picture.

Also, when we look at the pictures, it looks as if the lights did have a light ray to indicates where they were coming from. But believe this, when seen in real time, those lights were perfectly round and hovering around as if they were above the clouds.

First time seen: October 6, 2011
Location: Parc Extension - Montreal - More precisely near d'Anvers and l'Acadie
Time: 11h40 pm

Second time seen: October 14, 2011
Location: Parc Extension - Montreal - More precisely near d'Anvers and l'Acadie
Time: 11h50 pm

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. website:

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Red Colored Object Filmed Over Oakville Ontario Canada (Picture)

Date: May 22, 2011
Time: Either 11:00 p.m. or 12:00 a.m.

My name is (name removed). I have a photograph of an red disc flying east in the night sky. Me and my 2 friends witnessed this object and did not hear any noise or anything from the object. It happened May 22, 2011 very late or very early, I'm not too sure.

It was late at night either 11:00 pm or 12:00 am. So I'm not positive on the actual time, but my phone said the picture was taken on the 22nd of May. I am attaching the picture file please let me know what you think. It would probably help to enhance the image.

I have no idea what it is and why it was there. I was able to take the picture from my blackberry bold 9700 and it showed up. Please get back to me. I found your email on Google. I don't know what else to do with this image.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. website:

Friday, March 18, 2011

4 Lights Over Montreal Quebec (Picture)

Date: March 18, 2011
Time: Approx: 8:00 p.m.

Greetings, I'm hoping this email finds you well and in good spirits.

Tonight I witnessed the same set of lights in the sky as described in your blog titled, “Mysterious Lights Display Over Montreal”.

I was driving home this evening with my 12 year old daughter in the car when we noticed the lights. It was a set of 4 lights which moved in a circular motion, then meet in the center and disperse back to their outer circle.

This wasn't the first time I've seen this, I have encountered something like this in the mid 90's. When we arrived home, I asked my 75 year old mother to come and see, just so my daughter and I wouldn't sound like nutcases when we relate this story. I then called my sister-in-law and said, go on your porch and look at the sky' she laughed and replied.

"I was waiting for you to call because we already all seen it". Curiosity getting the best of me, I decided to Google 'lights in the sky Montreal' and came across a site called, and this is where I found your article. I felt it was important to share this information with you.

We noticed all of this approx: 8:00 pm est, the time it started is unknown to me. I went outside at 9:25 pm EST to check if it was still there and took some pictures. I'm not very handy with a camera, however, I snapped a couple of pictures, which I had to lighten up with my computer in order for you to see. If you look above the tree in the picture you will see the lights.

I hope this information was useful to you. If you find any information about this, please feel free to share it with me, as I would like to know the nature of this phenomenon.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. website:

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Orange Object Caught On Film Over Brampton Ontario (Picture)

My name is (name removed) from Brampton, Ontario. What I saw was on January 1st, 2011 and about one minute after the New Year.

I sent the picture to you and you can make your conclusion as to what this might be. I really don't know what that thing was.

The big one at the left side took off very rapidly. The colors would be green, orange, and red light. It was a very unusual shape. Thanks again for looking at the picture.

Left Photo: To view larger version, please click on the picture.

A Vike Factor Note: I had to lighten up the photo a little so you were able to see the orange ball of light.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. website:

Monday, November 1, 2010

Three Fiery Objects Filmed At Corunna Ontario (Picture)

Date: October 22, 2010
Time: Evening.

Hi Brian, I live in Corunna, Ontario, Canada, North America. I hope this will help. I saw the ad for your website in the Sarnia Observer (newspaper). Please write me back with anymore information you find.

My name is (name removed) and I am twelve years old. On October 22nd 2010 I was taking a picture of the full moon. After I went back inside to look at the picture on my digital camera I noticed three fiery looking planets.

Now this might not be a UFO, but it still is a sighting and if you could help me identify what this is, my friends and I would deeply appreciate it. Attached is the photo I took zoomed in I am going to copy and paste the form on the website for you.


If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. website:

Monday, September 6, 2010

Orange Light Over Brampton Ontario (Picture)

Date: August 20, 2010
Time: Approx: 11:00 p.m.

Hi Brian, my boyfriend and I were driving home at around 11:00pm on August 20th, 2010 and we noticed a orange light in the sky. We were around Bovaird and Chinguacousy and the light was in the northwest sky.

The light appeared stationary, so we decided to drive closer for a better look. We pulled over to take a picture and as soon as I got out of the car the light/object moved away (NW towards Georgetown) and then within two seconds it disappeared.

The picture is very blurry but the light/object we saw is right in the center (looks like a tiny dot).

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. website:

Friday, July 9, 2010

Orange Object Caught On Film Over Milton Ontario (Picture)

Date Of Sighting: July 9, 2010
Time of Sighting: 11:50 p.m.

Location of Sighting: Milton Ontario
Number of witnesses: 6

Number of Objects:1
Shape of Objects: round

Full Description of Event/Sighting: In this one, if you can put down some of the details.

My husband and I were sitting on the porch when we both looked up and saw a silent orange moving object in the sky. It actually looked like a ball of fire coming towards us.

This orange object was in clear view in front of our home, so I ran into the house to get the camera but by the time I came back the object was a speck in the sky because it moved way too quickly. I was able to get a picture, but unfortunately from a distance. Our neighbor witnessed the same thing..

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting.

All personal information is kept confidential. website:

Sunday, February 22, 2009

UFOs Or ? Caught On Film Chathamkent In Southwestern, Ontario (Picture)

Posted: February 22, 2009

Date: February 14, 2009
Time: Daytime.

this is a photo that was taken on a landscape photo session that my sister does quite often. She does not know what to make of it but it does present some intriguing ?

This was taken from Chathamkent in southwestern Ontario. I've never seen something like this before except on TV and the internet, it may be nothing but then again we can't figure it out. It was taken on February 15 2009.

Additional Information:

Hi Brian, My sister was simply driving and taking photos, not really paying any attention. She discovered it when she viewed her pictures afterwards.
Nothing in any other frames before or after the photo was taken. She takes hundreds of pictures. I guess sooner or later something would show up kind of unexplainable. She said post it no problem.

Thank you to the person for sending in the report and thanks to his sister for allowing me to post the photo.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Blog:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Scarborough, Ontario Glowing Light (Picture)

Posted: November 2, 2008

Date: October 18, 2008
Time: 1:00 a.m.

Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Glowing light.
Weather Conditions: Clear October sky.

Description: I live on the 24th floor of an apartment building facing Lake Ontario at a distance. Yesterday evening, I thought I saw a bright star. I was excited because I haven't seen one at a close range before. But, soon I realized it was a bright moving 'thing'. I assumed it was a UFO. It started moving South-East. It seemed following a local creek (maybe?) Anyways, I wanted to take a picture to make sure it wasn't my illusion. As soon as my camera flash went on, the 'UFO' stopped, changed direction, accelerated and moved North instead north and disappeared from my view.

(The pic I took shows a glowing, shining unusual spot on the sky)


Additional information:

Hi John,

My picture isn't that great. I took the shot from my bedroom window. You can still see the UFO as the only bright light on the sky. (If I had taken a video, people could have seen that it was moving and that it had disappeared within 5 minutes.)

Hope this helps.

Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Southern Scarborough, Ontario Multiple Objects Filmed (Photo)

Date: January 27, 2005
Time: Daytime

Now that you have viewed the pictures, I can give you a detailed report of what I observed with my eyes.

On Thursday January 27, 2005, I was facing south, cutting off the sun's direct rays with part of the building's top dock door, making it just right to view the rich blue sky.

I noticed a single white (almost light) object moving from north to south heading towards Lake Ontario, which would be 4-5 miles away from my position.

Temperature was between - 16 to -20 degrees C. After the first one went by approx.100+ mph, I brought my camera to take photos. I noticed these objects moved in intervals, one at a time, about every 30-60 seconds.

All were moving in a straight south flight path, about 1000-1500 feet high, I would guess. You only had a window about 6-10 seconds to view each one passing, due to the direct sun's rays to the south.

I tried to show a co-worker having a smoke, her eyes were too sensitive to the sun's glare, and she also wears glasses. She tried, but gave up to quick, and left, after finishing her smoke.

Sad, she didn't have the patience,witnesses are helpful,but I feel photographic evidence is better than a 1000 witnesses now. I can tell you that all of the many objects viewed in the photographs were not seen with the naked eye, I saw one prominent object at a time, maybe two, not dozens.

As seen in the photos. Brian, I have sent you previous photo's of orbs taken on the following dates: Thursday, January 6, 2005 and also Thursday, January 20, 2005 and now you have Thursday, January 27, 2005. Do you see a pattern?

Not to mention the unmarked black helicopter, Thursday January 13, 2005 around the same time, 11:55 a.m. to 12:35 p.m. Today, on January 28, 2005, around the same time, viewed some more, and asked one of my previous UFO witnesses to view this one.

He said, yes!, I think I saw something, he too had problems with the sun's glare also. You can't start a spectacle too long at work.

He seemed convinced he saw something, so we left it at that and I told him to leave my area,as he was not on lunch break. I snapped a couple more pictures, I'll send them to you if they are worth viewing.

The good news is, I'm going video next week, and we'll see how that pans out. Anything else you want to know, I'm here with you on this.

I know there will be better photos and video coming in this year as it should pick up this spring like all the other previous sightings in the last two years, especially in the month of August. And brother I'm ready, even for contact.

If anyone has witnessed the UFOs/Objects, please send me an email with details of what you saw. Please remember to include the date and time and location. (Town/City – State or Province) and as much detail as possible.

Vike Factor Note: I do receive sighting reports from everywhere in the world, and I post all of the reports I receive here:

Brian Vike.
Box 1091
Houston, British Columbia, Canada.

Email: or

The Vike Factor -  Houston, British Columbia Centre For UFO Research. Canadian UFO Investigator Brian Vike.