Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Blue Object Maneuvers Around The Sky And Then Descends Edson Alberta

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  August 3, 2007

Time:  12:05 a.m.

Location of Sighting: Edson

Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Bright bluish and circular in shape.

Full Description of event/sighting: Never thought I would be posting but here we are. (maybe hoped is a better word). I had gone to bed about 10:30 p.m. tonight.

Woke up about 11:55 p.m. to get a drink of water and go to the bathroom. Before heading to bed, I looked out my balcony window ( as I usually do before heading back to bed in the middle of the night, always was a habit). My place faces the south.

When glancing out the window, I noticed a bright star like object in the south east sky, kind of bluish in color, and noticed a very constant flash about it. I stood there waiting and watching it, figuring it might just as well be a star. Then it started to move very rapidly and going in all directions.

I went back inside to get a cigarette, and it was still there when I came back out to the balcony. It was moving towards the west and still kept it's brightness. It was way too low to be a star, moved too fast to be a satellite, and was too high to be a plane. It made no sound at all.

As I continued to watch it, it stopped directly over the street I live on (but still way up there). It stayed there hovering for about a half hour, still blinking and flashing.

My boyfriend was asleep, so I woke him up to make sure I wasn't seeing things. He came out to the balcony and looked up at the object. All he said was "what the heck is that"? He stood there with me for a few minutes and then headed back to bed.

By this time it was about 45 minutes since I had first saw it. I sat on a chair on my balcony, I noticed it starting to go away but was too fascinated to go inside. It headed out northwest and was almost impossible to see anymore, so I figured I would go back to bed. That's when it started to come back my way. It was about 1:15 a.m. at this time.

I sat there still keeping my eye on it and noticed it starting to descend. It was close enough to make out a circle shape every time the flashing occurred and still no sound from the object.

My place faces a CN railroad to the south, and some forest back there, it descended what looked like into the forest and disappeared. I was so freaked out, never seen a UFO before but I am 100% certain that's what I saw early this morning.

Thank you to the witness for their report.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form.  

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

UFO With Halo Around It Edmonton Alberta

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  May 11, 2007

Time:  10:50 - 11:15 p.m.

Location of Sighting: North Edmonton

Number of witnesses: 3
Number of objects: 3
Shape of objects: Round balls of light/halo.

Full Description of event/sighting: I went outside in the backyard with my girlfriend, behind our northwest Edmonton home at approximately 10:40 p.m.

We were looking up at the sky noticing what a clear night it was just as we do often. Around 10 minutes later I saw what at first looked like a star. It was in the south eastern sky. It moved at a pace that looked slower than a plane towards the northwest portion of the sky. 

I did a double take because there was no way it was a plane, it was way to far up. As we both watched, it went really fast and looked to be going up and almost disappeared from view, but it came back down and went slow again. Then it swerved to the right like a car passing another on the right side and then came back onto it's path.

It then continued until it came to a complete stop beside a star in the sky, in the north side of Edmonton. The colour was fainter than a star not so bright but when it was still it looked to have a halo around it and it seemed to be changing colours, we could see a blue golden yellow and red tint emanating from the outer edges.

Not too bright but definitely there. Almost like spots as the colours appeared then were gone. We continued to stare at this but we ran inside to get our son.  When we came back out with him, we could see it there still but no more colours or movement. 

As we were trying to point this out to our son, we saw another object the same. Moving in the same way and in the same direction, until it passed the other object to the west (left) and then disappeared from sight. 

We watched for movement from the first one for about 5 more minutes and nothing so we went into the house.  We were quite shaken and my girlfriend went back outside about 10 minutes later. 

She then called to us as there was another object again from the same direction doing the same thing until it disappeared out of sight.

Thank you to the witness for their report.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form.  

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

A Stationary Blimp Shaped UFO Over Edmonton Alberta

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  September 24, 2007

Time:  11:55 a.m.

Location of Sighting: Approximately 25 km SW of Edmonton, on a secondary road.

Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Sort of blimp shaped, but longer and narrower. I first thought it was a jumbo passenger jet that had been shortened to about half its normal length.

Full Description of event/sighting: Five of us were bicycling together on a secondary road about 25 Kms SE of Edmonton. It was a cloudless day with no wind. We were traveling due west, the sun was on my left. Crossing a gravel intersection I glanced to my right to ensure there was no traffic, we were traveling about 20 kph, in single file, I was second in line.

Something made me look up and I saw this pure white object, stationary in the sky. The brilliant, pure whiteness was startling and made me take a second look. It was like a cloud except it didn't have rough edges but had a clear outline, smooth, like an airplane. I then thought it might be a reflection of the sun off of a cloud but there was not another cloud in the entire sky.

The second thing that made this seem odd to me was there was no sound. Traveling on a bike in the countryside there is an almost absence of noise, it's common to hear the birds chirping. There was zero sound except the hiss of tires on pavement.

The next odd thing was the object was motionless. It just didn't move. A plane would have had sufficient motion to be detectable. I know it wasn't a blimp because there are never any blimps in the Edmonton area, if there had been one that day it would have been on the news.

As we continued riding, I pointed at it and yelled to the guy in front "What do you make of that?"  Before he could look a row of trees blocked our view of that part of the sky, but the guy behind me immediately shouted "I saw it too, (name removed)."

We cleared the trees within 30 seconds and looked again. The sky was empty. Nothing. No sign of anything ever being there. No vapor trail, no blimp drifting away, no airplane in the distance. (We hadn't seen a plane all morning.) Nothing.

And still no sound. At no time did any of us hear any noise from above us, like a jet engine or a propeller plane.

We discussed what it might have been, we both agreed on the general description and jokingly said it must have been a UFO. As the days passed I continued to think about it and am now convinced that whatever it was it wasn't a human-made object.

Again, it was it's pure white color, the shape, the total absence of sound and the way it was stopped, dead still, in the sky that all contribute to my conviction that this was not a normal object.

Thank you to the witness for their interesting report.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form.  

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Black Pill Capsule Shaped UFO In The Sky Above Edmonton Alberta

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  April 26, 2007

Time:  7:45 a.m.

Location of Sighting: 82 Street and Yellowhead.

Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Odd roundish shape, changed to pill capsule.

Full Description of event/sighting: Hi, somewhat hard to describe, but here goes, I was going south on 82 Street and a very bright sort of sporadic sun refection pulsing caught my eye. The brightness of the "flashes" were very bright, and on the “lower” left side of a somewhat round object about half a mile away and about 1000 feet. For the to be sun reflecting off this object, the left side would have been correct, but the lower side on a round object? IE, if a clock face, the bright spot would have been between the 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. position.

The rest of the object was pitch black, ink black in the daytime clear blue sky. It also looked like the quadrant of the object that was reflecting sun light and was "bigger" IE, the sun reflection was larger than it should have been compared to the size of the object.

We saw this thing for about 2 minutes, it was traveling east at a slower speed maybe 60mph. It looked like sun reflecting, sharp sporadic pulses, very bright. It also traversed from about a 12 o'clock position to a 9:30 position through the windshield, all the while with this super bright sporadic pulses, which I find strange as I don't understand that if it was a refection, how could it "still reflect" over so many degree's on the same lower left of the object.

I have to say I got a really good look at this object. I stared intensely at it trying to make out a helicopter, and at that distance I've seen many helicopters and never had a problem discerning a "helicopter shape", this thing had no shape to speak of, but at one point it looked like a perfect black pill capsule, then back to the round black "blob" with a very bright reflective patch on it.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form.  

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. 

Triangle UFO Sighting Over Eden Prairie Minnesota

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  April 8, 2007

Time:  8:30 p.m.

Location of Sighting: Highway 77 south.

Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 3
Shape of objects: One triangle, the other cross within a box.

Full Description of event/sighting: Me and a friend of mine were leaving to a friends house around 8:30 p.m. and we were almost to Apple Valley and were on Highway 77.

I look up and I saw lights, but I didn't see these kind of lights on airplanes before because I know what plane lights look like. I live by a mini airport in Eden Prairie.

The lights on this UFO (there 3 on the corners and it looked like a plane at first, but when we got closer it was some weird triangle) and one by one they turned on with multicolored lights in the middle. The first object was still staying in one spot and did not move at all! When watching this I thought that's very weird.

Not a lot of planes just sit motionless and if so it would be a military fighter plane of some sort. It was pretty low to the ground too, right above the trees, maybe 4 or 5 a few hundred feet above the trees! We kept driving and I am still looking back and I see it still there. I'm just baffled at what I had just seen.

Just as I thought it was over, there was another object, this one was completely different it's shape. It was like a cross with a glowing light on each end. It looked like a big box was on top of it, it to had weird flashing lights and abnormally large white lights on the ends of the cross.

This object too did not move from the spot it was in! When we passed this object, I looked back and I saw both of the objects still in the same place above the highway. So we kept driving and I called my dad and asked if planes can just sit in the sky. He said no, and there wouldn't be any helicopters there either.

My dad saw a UFO a couple of years back in Apple Valley also. So me and my friend start discussing this, he doesn't really care, but I'm shocked and surprised at what we saw. So we drive off and we head on another road almost reaching our destination. I look to my left and you can see the trees and the highway and two really bright lights and a third object was coming towards them and just stopped.

So there was a total of three in the end and we were about 3 to 4 miles away now. About 10 - 15 minutes after being on the highway the time was 8:45 pm. All this that happened in a matter of half an hour of driving. Then we came to the house we were planning on attending and the trees covered everything up and we went inside the house.

I started telling and asking everyone inside if they have seen anything like this they said no. They were shocked when we left about 3 hours later. We went the same direction back on the highway and everything was normal, but I saw in three parts off the sky I bright blue objects in different parts of the sky. I've seen these types of UFO's on the web people have pictures of them and video. Then it was just hills and I was in my city after that. I forgot my camera that day so I was not able to take any photos or take any video footage.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form.  

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Capsule Or Light Bulb Shaped UFO With Lights Over Northeastern Scarborough Ontario (Diagram)

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  August 1977

Time:  Approximately 8:45 p.m.

Hi ya Brian, here is a composite drawing of the craft in better detail. In my observations the craft appeared capsuled shaped, or like a light bulb.

The sighting occurred on a August, on a Thursday-- 1977. The time was approximately 8:45 p.m. as darkness of dusk came in.

The location was northeastern Scarborough (Ellesmere and Morningside), bordering Westhill, Ontario. One hour later, after the first close encounter, myself and a witness observed one or two more " different type", of UFO's over Pickering, Ontario. Best described, as a very intense, on and off, red and white light changing light tone intensity.

About two minutes later the light vanishes in a blink of the eye then simultaneously reappears 5 miles south, over Lake Ontario. Visible for another 2-3 minutes then lights blinked off  like a switch.

Sightings ended near 9:45 p.m. My mind kept flashing of what it was as I had just witnessed so close 50 feet away and 200 feet above. 

Anyway for a better description the picture illustrates as to what I had witnessed.

This close encounter needs to be shared with others who have experienced this type and for those who have not. We need also to address the craft's occupants. What is the purpose for their visit and who do they represent?

Take care and look forward to tell you more, in better detail.    

Thank you to the person for the interesting report.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form.  

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

An Alien Encounter At The Age Of Seven Douglasville Georgia

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  1966

Time:  Night

Location of Sighting: Cousin's house.

Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 3
Shape of objects: Little gray aliens with the big eyes.

Full Description of event/sighting: Picture this, I am seven years old and I'm lying in a cot in my cousin's bedroom. His cot is on the other side of the room. It is the middle of the night and very dark, we didn't have a night light. 

My cousin  and I were on the third floor of a brown, wooden apartment tenement. The walls were rough hewn chocolate brown wood with no sheet-rock, you could see daylight out through the cracks. Nothing fancy, my uncle had just started working for the fire department.

In the middle of the night, I awakened when I felt pressure on my cot. I looked down at the foot of my cot and one of them was sitting on it. The other two were standing at the foot of the cot looking at me. There was a faint light emanating from them somehow so I could barely discern them. The light eventually brightened. Later, much later, even now, I can still recall the beautiful, vivid electric blue light.

They were tiny, thin, gray; no more than three feet tall. They looked very fragile. However, I didn't have any fear of them. They communicated to me through telepathy. They didn't say much. All I can remember them "saying" to me was do not be frightened and I wasn't.

As I watched, a circle of beautiful, brilliant, and indescribable blue light appeared behind them. I remember one of them going into the light and I knew this was where I was going too. This entire episode lasted about three minutes. I remember falling asleep before they were gone. My cousin  never woke up throughout this entire ordeal.

How can I describe them? Well, you've seen them in stickers, pictures, you know, the typical alien, large heads, black oval eyes too large in proportion to their heads, a slit for a mouth and two small holes for a nose. Their long spindly limbs seemed to be too frail, yet there they were.

When I woke up the next morning, my left pinky finger was aching. I felt it and in the middle segment of the digit I felt what seemed to be a BB of some sort. I knew it wasn't there before. I told my mother about the entire incident, and she beat me severely and would not even consider feeling the 'BB' in my finger. So I suffered in silence for many years.

Since then I have asked my doctor if he'd x-ray my finger and he said not unless there was a reason to. I didn't tell him why, or he'd probably think I was nuts. I've been x-rayed for chest pains repeatedly, and I have always semi-jokingly asked the x-ray tech if they've ever done alien implant x-rays or has anyone ever requested one. They'd always laugh and tell me no, but "We have found a lot of interesting things in rectums!"

My doctor says the 'BB' in my finger is a fatty deposit, but I disagree because I knew it wasn't there the night before I saw them. No one believed me. You are only the third person on this planet that I have related this story to.

I think it is like a tag. I haven't seen them since. And no, this was not a dream. It was the real McCoy. It really, actually happened. How could I have known what they looked like at that age? According to my parents and my uncle, I described them perfectly. They were exactly like the ones you see described by thousands of people worldwide.

This might sound strange, but I have a feeling, just a feeling, mind you, that they have protected me throughout my life. They have caused me to have success. Strange isn't it? I have never been hurt, or in a car wreck, or received a speeding ticket, or been arrested for DUI, nothing. It is very odd.

I think it is very possible that they are monitoring and especially influencing thoughts. When I was a child, after the incident with the aliens, my mother was amazed at the things I would come up with. I would make innocent predictions (remember I was a kid) and they would come true. She was dumbfounded. She said I could predict the future. I think she was afraid of me and that's why she beat me so much and made me sleep at other relative's houses.

Or how about this story?

I had a good friend in Mt. Home Air Force Base in Idaho, his name was (name removed). He decided he wanted to work at the top secret site called 'Area 51' or the Tonopah test site as we knew it. They worked on top secret aircraft. He worked on the F-1117A. To work there however you needed a top secret clearance. They asked me to work there, but I turned it down as I was getting out.

We had a TDY to Nellis Air Force Base, and I was selected to go so I immediately called (name removed) and told him when I'd be there. He told me that would be great and to give him a call when I was at the dorm, and he would pick me up and we'd fly his radio controlled planes. So he did and before we went to the R/C airfield he wanted to stop at the hobby shop for some parts.

Well, he bought what he needed and we were off to the field. We came to a red light, we were in the right lane, and I decided to ask him about aliens. The second I uttered aliens he turned pale, ran the red light, did a U-turn in all that traffic with horns blaring and drove me back to base. On the way I kept asking, "(name removed), what's the matter?" "What did I say?" But, he would not answer any of my questions, he stayed pale and angry and dropped me off at the dorm and I never saw or heard from him since.

I am not insane and I know what I saw. I am 48 now and can remember it like it was yesterday. I know they exist.

Thank you to the person for the interesting report.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form.  

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Two Elongated Box Shaped UFOs Near Musquodoboit Harbour Nova Scotia (Graphic/Maps)

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date of Sighting: October 24, 1997

Time of Sighting: 315:00 hrs Atlantic Daylight Savings Time

Location of Sighting: near Musquodoboit Harbour, Nova Scotia

Number of witnesses: 1

Number of objects: 1

Shape of objects: Two elongated box shaped objects with something that was connecting them looking like the letter H

Full Description of event/sighting: It was on a mild afternoon of Friday, October 24, 1997 at about 15:00 hours. Atlantic Daylight Savings Time   (19:00 hours G.M.T.) when suddenly something caught my eye, right over the right to center of  paved highway on Route #357,  just over the tree line gliding  silently,  making  no audible noise.  It was not an airplane, and Halifax International Airport is not a long way away, estimated to be about 30 kilometers away, as the crow flies, from where I was on this afternoon.

Prior to the sighting, the afternoon started out as any other normal day. I decided to take my son who had just turned four, only a month prior to this, and he wanted me to take him to the little park near the arena in Musquodoboit Harbour, where there are swings, teeter totters, monkey bars and slides. 

We spent about a half hour at the park where he had a great time on the swings and slides. After we left the park, at about 2:30 p.m. , we set out to drive North on Route #357 to get some water at a fresh spring that percolates from the underground fed spring  and has a generous amount of fresh water supply that is located about 12 kilometers north of Musquodoboit Harbour. 

On our way there, we stopped next to a large Stillwater along the Musquodoboit River, and I showed my son how to skip flat rocks over water. He attempted to try, but because of his age, he did not do too well that day, but gave it a great effort in trying.  He was having fun, and as long as he was having fun, so was I. I remember this day clearly, as this day is the same day as my mother’s birthday, but we were going to go down and see her the next day, as this was on a Friday. 

After leaving the Stillwater where the Musquodoboit River runs right along side the paved road, we continued driving north where the community sort of stops and the houses built thin out, and there is the odd cottage that was built along this highway. There are many side roads to wood lots and lakes, and this area has many fresh water lakes peppered all along the Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia. 

Approximately, 8 ½ kilometers from where Route #357 starts north from the intersection of Highway 7 in Musquodoboit Harbour, something caught my eye moving very slowly across the tree line ahead. I quickly pulled over to the shoulder of the road, and got out to get a better look. What I seen did not make sense!  

This was no airplane. I never saw anything quite like it. It was box shaped, long and tapered on the front and there was another one, right beside it. Between the two box shaped crafts, there was a tunnel like thing joining the two long fuselages and from my vantage point, it looked like the letter “H”. 

I would say that the altitude of this thing was no more than two hundred feet high, and only about 300 feet north of where I stood, slowly moving in an easterly direction.  The mid section of this fuselage had these ribbons like things hanging down from it.  I had my 4 year old son with me and I started getting a bit nervous, as  I was not sure what I was seeing and I feared for his safety. 

I told him to stay seated and after watching this thing for about 40 seconds to perhaps a minute at the longest, it disappeared out of site blocked out by the tree line. 

To this day, I don’t know what it is that I seen.  It was large, based on the surroundings, and width of highway, and with my working background in Land Surveying and often using triangulation to determine approximate distances, I would estimate the length of this craft to be about 180 to 200 feet long and between 40 to 50 feet between the two fuselages. 

There were no wings that I could see, and the sky had scattered clouds and sunshine.  I seem to recall what appeared to be a greenish mist around this thing before it disappeared from the tree line.  It made no noise, and glided slowly, guesstimate at about 5 knots more or less.  I recall getting back in the truck and driving up the road a bit further where there was a turn in the road to see if I could get another glimpse of this thing, but I could not find it any longer.  I recall looking to the Northwest and seeing what appeared to be a Dash 8 plane going in a NW direction toward Halifax International Airport which was not too far away. 

I know that my mind could certainly make out the planes that I am familiar with that fly in and out of Halifax Airport.  What I seen a few minutes previously, was not an airplane.  It was not a helicopter, and had no wings or propeller blades that I could see, and it was silent, so what was propelling it.

When I got home, I told my wife about it and told some of my friends, but I did not call any authorities and did not tell too many people about it, outside of my immediate family and friends.  When telling my sister in-law about it a few days later after I saw this thing, she mentioned that a number of people reported seeing strange lights in the sky further down the Eastern Shore during the night time hours that same week, and apparently it went on for a few days.  There were I believe some military (navy) exercises for NATO forces doing beach landings that same year, but do not remember if it was during the same time I had my sighting or not.

It was years later when I went into the Casebooks form, another member there urged me to post my sighting and tell others about it.  I guess that I waited for almost 8 years before telling others about it, as I feared ridicule and did not want the media  to come hounding me, as the only thing that I have, is the sighting  etched in my memory and can not show any other supportive evidence to collaborate my story. 

It basically amounts to my word and if others want to choose to believe or disbelieve it.  But I know what I saw, and no one can ever change my mind; it was something flying in the air that I have never seen before or since.  In doing some online investigations on looking for others who have seen similar craft, there are possibly sightings in Ireland and another in Quebec, Canada.  One thing that I would not be able to answer, was it an earth based craft, or something from outer space.  I don’t think that I could ever answer that question, but I do know, it was not a standard type aircraft that normally flies in our skies, and I have never seen anything like it before that day, or since that day.

Thank you to the witness for the very interesting report.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form.  

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

We Watched As The Flying Saucer Floated Beside Us Cranbrook British Columbia

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Brian Vike’s Note: I am not exactly sure when this sighting took place, but will see if I can narrow down a time frame for this sighting. The reason why this is an important sighting is due to the fact that many witnessed observed a saucer shaped craft that landed at this airport the eyewitness speaks about some years back. So I will be checking into this and see if I can contact all of the folks who were involved.

I read a article on UFO in Kelowna, B.C. It was interesting. I have seen a UFO in the daytime about 150 to 200 feet in the air. It was a long time ago in Cranbrook, B.C..

We had been fishing at a place called Swanzies, a creek south of Cranbrook when my dog was run over and killed by a car. So we loaded the dog into the car and we all left drove back home. We got a shovel and drove to a dirt road that ran parallel to the old Cranbrook airport.

The airport was abandoned at the time not used anymore. While we were digging the hole for the dog to be buried, there was something reflecting sunlight back at us from behind. We didn't pay much attention to it until my Uncle said, what is that light ? Then he turned and said look.

We all turned and looked and in the sky was a saucer that was spinning and it looked like it was made of stainless steel. As it spun, it would wobble a bit and reflect sunlight at us just like a mirror. It was low enough that I could see grains in the metal hull as it spun. There were no windows, doors or any other markings on it and it did not spin perfectly, there was a wobble and ripples.

You could see ripples in the hull as it turned. We sat there and just looked at it for a few minutes and no one moved. I felt like running to it. As we were looking at it, it started to spin very fast and wobble in the sky then in a instant it moved higher in the sky and stopped. And then did it again, stopping much higher in the sky and then it spiraled upwards and disappeared.

It made no noise and soon after it disappeared in the sky there were 4 United States Airforce jets that came flying over head at a high rate of speed. Two green jets with the white star and two silver ones that were longer.

My uncle (name removed) was the first to see the saucer. My dad mom, my friend (name removed) and some of my uncles kids. My name is (name removed) and I haven't talked much about the encounter because people don't like to hear crazy stories, but since then I have had a great interest in UFOs. I know they are real, I seen one and for all I know we could have been in one, too.

We were there for about 15 minutes just looking at it as it floated beside us. (name removed) still lives in Cranbrook B.C. He and I have never talked about this again not even my family since the time it happened. We talked a bit for a few days and that has been it.

Thank you to the witness for the very interesting report.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form.  

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

An Orange Boomerang Shaped Object/UFO In The Sky Over Coshocton Ohio

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  July 18, 2003

Time:  12:45 a.m.

Location of Sighting: Kensington Rd. Coshocton, OH (Ma & Pa)

Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: ?
Shape of objects: Looked like stars (all except first).

Full Description of event/sighting: Ok. I tried to report this when it happened to 5 different sites and MUFON was the only one that worked. I have been on for years now so this is the truth so why not add it to your database?

I have always been interested in weird things (paranormal) and I am a normal college student about to graduate in June with a BS in Pharmaceutical Sciences from Ohio State and I just want everyone to know the truth.

On the early morning of July 18, 2003 at 12:45 a.m. I stepped out the back door of my parents to smoke a cigarette. I was a two pack a day smoker at the time. I felt a premonition to turn around and look over the door, over the roof, over the house. This was 4 years ago, but I remember it very clearly.

I looked up and there was this boomerang looking orange thing. It was like a cigarette, cherry and orange, but dull like when the cigarette isn't being hit and isn't lit up.

Ok, long wings like a boomerang and about the size of the moon when it is normal altitude and like a fingernail. In the middle was a shaft almost like a butterfly, but more like a bat (curved, thinner wings). The "wings" came to a point at the ends. The shaft I remember was very close to the wings and almost touching but they didn't look covalently connected.

This flew in kind of an arc (it was really weird, jagged but fluid) (Like a fluid motion but jerky, hard to put in words). I would say over 15 degrees of the sky, from NW over the roof to curve S, then SE (from my perspective relative to the horizon). This was all a matter of seconds.

Then orange "stars" would appear in the same rectangular patch of sky (15x15 degrees) (right after the "boomerang") one at a time and go really fast and totally fluidly in crazy arcs and turns which must have had incredible G-forces. Because they were so fast ( I assume) they left a tracer and another would begin before the first was done almost like the light show of a lifetime. They had different start and stop points but all within this "rectangle" (maybe a little wider than tall) this lasted for like 15 minutes because I remember looking at the clock. It sucked because I knew I needed a camera but I lived at school and I don't even know where one would be (my dad born in '47 mom in '49) and I didn't want to miss it. I didn't know what to do really as I was totally in shock and awe that was the title when I submitted it to MUFON, "Shock and Awe".

Anyways there was either a couple of fast "ones" or 100 -100s of them. So after however long (it was very impressive believe me) I decided I could run in the door grab the phone and would not miss anything. I called my sister (night owl) and tried to describe to her what I was seeing (I bashed my knee trying to snatch the phone all fast) and she was half out of it but looked outside in Columbus and saw nothing. She was no help so finally I got off the phone. A couple more minutes went by so I said to myself "I will run up and wake up my parents and get them out here pronto!" I ran inside up the stairs and said "Mom, Dad come out now" and ran out. I got out there and nothing.

My dad was pretty fast and was only like a minute behind though half-asleep. (1:00 am by now) He comes out and this bigger white light (like a couple of stars conglomerated) (still looking the same direction over roof which is N-NW) shot from east to west (from my perspective) just above the horizon. I said Dad, did you see that ?  He is old, skeptical, and tired. He said "what?" It happened again and he saw it, I said "see it?" He said "Yeah, I think it was a bird or something (he thinks wrong in this case) "Then nothing. My Mom gets out there. I was kind of asking my Dad what he saw and looked up and right from the horizon straight up was a column of smoke. 

My parents go to Daytona every year and it reminded me of the space shuttle taking off but not nearly as thick in diameter and the column of "cloud" was wobbly looking. And that is it. I have never seen anything else though I try to look.

My Dad still says he saw something. Mom saw nothing. It is finals week so a reply might wait until next week or at least Friday. Plus I have no internet connection at my home, so it is a hassle to check my e-mail as often as I'd like. But I really didn't leave much out. It has been about 4 years and if you ask my Dad or my sister everything I told you is 100% true.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form.  

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

A Large Glowing Portal Looking Object/UFO Over Corsicana Texas

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  2005

Time:  9:00 -11:00 p.m.

Location of Sighting: Rural route right outside of city limits.

Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Circle.

Full Description of event/sighting: I'll try and make this real short.  Four people in the car, me and my friend look outside the window (I was sitting in the seat behind him) and we saw this real huge glowing portal looking thing in the middle of the sky for only about 2-3 seconds the it vanished as it was dropping in thin air! 

In the middle I remember it was real bright flowing blue like no other, and had a glowing bright neon style ring around the edges followed by a glowing white aura styled glow. It's nothing like ball lightning  I've researched that. We are still puzzled to this day.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form.  

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

1930’s UFO Sighting Two Balls Of Fire Confederation Park Burnaby British Columbia

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  Late 1930s

Time:  Summer afternoon.

Location of Sighting: Confederation Park, Burnaby, B.C.

Number of witnesses: 3
Number of objects: 2
Shape of objects: Round balls of fire.

Full Description of event/sighting: A friend who is in his late 70s told me this story today. He said that when he was 10 or 11 years old, he and two friends (now deceased) were playing in the bush in Confederation Park in Burnaby, that would make it the summer of 1937 or 1938.

He said he and his friends heard a roaring sound and he ran out of the trees to Willingdon Avenue and saw two streaks of smoke in the sky coming from the east parallel to the ground and at a fairly low altitude. As the smoke trails got closer he saw two round balls of fire at the head of the trails.

Suddenly the two fireballs roared like a rocket straight up at a ninety degree angle and disappeared into a clear blue sky. He said that today he would compare them to jets, but of course there were no jets back then. He still remembers the incident even after the amount of time that has transpired.

Thank you to the person for relating the sighting to me.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form. 

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Silent UFO Hovers With Blinding Light Over Coast Guard Vessel In Mobile Bay Alabama

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  1959 or 1960

Time:  Evening (?)

I want to pass this story along to you that my sister told me. Her best guess on the year was 1959 or 1960. My father was chief engineer at WALA TV in Mobile, Alabama for 16 years.

Every day he would take lunch at a location next to the TV station known as the Princess House. One day while having lunch one of his friends from the Coast Guard told of a sighting that they had the night before.

It seems they were out in Mobile Bay doing their usual duties when a craft appeared above the boat with blinding light and hovered for some time. After which the craft shot off. He stated that it scared the crap out of them. He also stated that the craft made no noise at all.

This is all my sister remembers of the story. Maybe someone out there knows more.

Thank you to the gentleman for relating this sighting to me.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form.  

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Triangular Formation Of Bright Oval Shaped Lights Clovis California

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  February 1995

Time:  Approximately 10:30 p.m.

Location of Sighting: Along CA Hwy 168, 20 miles E of Clovis, CA.

Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 6
Shape of objects: Oval-shaped lights, very white.

Full Description of event/sighting: Hello, Brian. I reported a UFO sighting to you some time ago about a sighting on 6 Sep 1982 in Auberry, CA. Since then I have had another UFO sighting.

It was in Feb of 1995, but I can't remember the exact date (unusual for a history major). I was returning home from a Wednesday night class (grad school) at CSU Fresno, and had pulled over on Highway 168 to let a couple of cars go by. I checked to see if there was no traffic, and then just looked up, and saw a formation of lights.

Each was oval-shaped, and very white. The best analogy I can give is the brightest white lights at a baseball or football stadium, but these were brighter. There were six of them in a triangular formation.

One at the apex, then two right behind, and then three at the base. I turned off the car to see if there was no sound, and there was none. I didn't remove the key so the lights and clock would still work and noted the time-10:30 p.m. (PST). The formation was several hundred feet above, and each light was about the size of a dime held at arm's length.

The formation was flying in a N to S direction, and the whole sighting took about 2 minutes. I noted the time when I restarted the car as 10:32. When I got home at 10:55, I asked my grandmother (now deceased) if she'd heard any unusual scanner traffic on either the Fresno County Sheriff or California Highway Patrol channels, and she said no. And there was nothing on any of the Fresno TV stations' 11 PM newscasts that I can recall.

I don't know what these were, but they were not F-16s from Fresno ANG Base, or F/A-18s from NAS Lemoore, nor any kind of commercial aircraft. Weather was clear and cool (about 45 or 50 F)

There was no interference with the car's engine or lights before I turned the ignition off, and it started up again normally. If you need more info, feel free to contact me at the above e-mail address, and I will get back to you.

Thank you to the witness for their report.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form.  

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Air Force Electronics Technician Told To Shut Up From Cannon AFB Officials Over UFO Sightings

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Hi Brian, my next door neighbor and I also had some involvement with the Clovis UFO.

I also knew Steve Muscato, the photographer who took the original picture for the local newspaper.  His photo is of the stationary object that hung directly over Clovis for several days.  

I believe it occurred over quite a few days. There was one stationary light, in addition to other moving objects that many people saw.  Plus, there was a photo in the paper of a mystery object found in a field.

At the time, I was 14 years old. My next door neighbor (name removed) was an Air Force electronics technician who was an amateur ham radio operator and amateur astronomer. He and I spent a night on the top floor of the Hotel Clovis observing the UFO hanging in the sky. He used some sort of equipment to determine how high in the sky the stationary object was.

He excitedly reported that in his judgement the object was approximately 300 miles above the Earth. I also took some photos, but I no longer have them. My next door neighbor was told to shut up by the base and quit "exciting the locals with wild stories." 

He didn't tell me about this, but his wife later related the story of the phone call he got from his boss, to my mother. I also heard stories of guys coming from "Project Blue Book" to investigate, but my Dad, an Air Force master sergeant, said that was ridiculous because Project Blue Book didn't exist. 

As an adult, I served a number of years in the Air Force and my job put me in contact with virtually every plane in the U.S. and NATO inventory. Some have claimed that the UFOs were British harrier jets. Absolutely not so.

I grew up around jets my whole life and could identify them even as a child. Neither were they weather balloons. I would have to research, but I'm not sure the Harriers were even operational at that time. 

In all reality, one has to try very hard in order to mistake a jet fighter for anything else. The whole thing was very interesting, and ended as mysteriously as it started. 

There was no real closure. But if you recall, Clovis was part of a rather massive UFO "scare" that occurred for a few years nationwide, beginning with the incident at Pasagoula, Miss, I think a couple of years earlier.  It was a busy time for UFO activity.  You can contact me at (phone number removed) or at email address removed if you like.

Thank you to the witness for their report.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form.  

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.