Saturday, July 4, 2020

Low Flying Triangular Shape UFO Over Red Deer Alberta

Date:  July 2013
Time:  9:45 p.m.

I saw one in Red Deer, it was moving north about 1000 feet off the ground at a very high rate of speed (definitely breaking the sound barrier) and it was dead silent. It had no lights, and it was the exact same colour as the low hanging clouds almost as if it was purposely camouflaged.

The only reason I could see it was because the sky behind it was a slightly darker colour, this happened at about 9:45 p.m. in July 2013.

It was triangular in shape, almost the same shape as a stealth bomber/hang-glider. It was just above the low hanging clouds, and if it were any type of jet-propelled aircraft the noise would have been tremendous, but this was DEAD SILENT.

I was standing on my friend's front lawn in the Bower neighborhood. I wasn't under the influence of any drugs, alcohol, or medication. It was moving from south to north directly above highway 2.

The pathetic thing is when I tell anybody they just look at me like I'm a crackhead, even though 75% of this city are a bunch of alcoholic drug addicts (small minded individuals). I know exactly what I saw so when the actual disclosure comes I won't be surprised at all, alien or top secret government technology.

Thank you to the witness for their report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog:

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research:

Low Flying Orange/Red Colored Light Over Trinity School In Port Hope Ontario

Date:  May 9, 2017
Time:  Approximately From 1:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m.

I saw this very big orange, reddish light in the sky, last night hovering over Trinity school in Port Hope. Definitely to big to be a drone, not a helicopter or plane and it was emitting alot of light.

It was there from 1:00 a.m. until 4:00 a.m. and would disappear every 2 to 5 minutes. During that time small blinking objects would fly and hover in different directions at very different speeds. Then return and to form another large reddish, orange light.

The thing that really bothers me is that it was very low to the ground. I would say that it was only about 10-20 feet over the peeks of Trinity School.

When together these lights would reappear slightly move to the left or right. At 4:00 a.m. the small blinking lights all headed towards Lake Ontario and vanished. I was really spooked.

I woke my husband and showed him and video taped as best as I could. It was very weird. Nothing I can explain!

Thank you to the witness for their report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog:

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research:

Alien Abduction ? Marks Found On Their Bodies Glacier National Park

My fiancé and I both have the exact same marks on our left and right shoulders.

We were in a hot spring after hiking and camping in back country Glacier National Park

Thank you to the witness for their report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog:

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research:

4 UFOs Observing The Pickering Nuclear Power Plant Pickering Ontario

Date:  July 4, 2017
Time:  Approximately 1:00 a.m.

Last night I saw 3 UFOs flying north. Then I saw 4 UFOs flying north in the same way.

They weren’t planes, or birds. They seem to be checking out the nuclear power plant in Pickering.

They were extremely fast. I’m sure others have seen this. It was around 1:00 a.m.. Anyone.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog:

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research:

Large Yellow Light Flying Over Texas USA

Date:  September 12, 2017
Time:  Evening.

We just saw one tonight, same thing. Large yellow light over Texas's. September 12, 2017.

Thank you to the witness for their report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog:

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research:

Fast Moving Bright White Light Somewhere Over Quebec Canada

Date:  July 2017
Time:  Approximately 4:15 a.m.

I'm not a pilot, but I had a sighting approximately two months ago. I told my son about it the next morning, but he's such a skeptic about all this UFO stuff, so I knew he'd have a logical explanation for it in his mind. He thought it was a falling star.

This is what I seen: I got up out of bed around 4:15 a.m. to use the washroom, then I decided to go outside and put my dog out. While he was doing his "business", I was looking up at the sky just looking at the stars and I then noticed a bright white light come in view over my building from the west to east travelling at an incredible speed.

It was going so fast that I couldn't see it anymore. I'd say it was about 20 seconds and then gone. Now, there are many nights where I'll just sit on my lounging chair and just stare up at the stars and trying to see how many satellites I can see.

So when this bright light came "flying by" I thought to myself there is no way that's a satellite; it's going way to fast compared to the many others I've seen, plus it was so bright. It was like looking head on at a headlight. It was the most distinguishable thing in the sky and it seemed like it would have been the same distance as a satellite would be, but so much brighter and larger.

Usually when I see a satellite I have to really adjust my eyes to follow it because they blend in so well with the stars around it and I've lost sight of one many times, but there was no way I lost sight of this. I followed it for about 20 seconds and then it was gone in the distance, probably over Quebec by that time. Now, I'm not saying it was a UFO, but it was the strangest thing I've ever seen.

Could it have been a planet? I don't know, but do planets move like that? Could it have been a falling star? I guess it could have, but I've seen those as well and it didn't look or move like a star. I checked online with the ISS to see if they happen to mention anything about a bright light that they may have seen and tracked, but nope, nothing.

Does anyone have any ideas what it could have been? I haven't seen anything like it since and I've been checking every night, but to no avail.

Thank you to the witness for their report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog:

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research:

Circular Orbiting Strobe White Lights Ottawa Ontario

Date:  October 9, 2017
Time:  7:15 p.m.

Just saw the same strobe like white lights in the sky at 7:15 p.m. in Ottawa. The pattern changed to a circular orbiting patterns with one going clockwise and the other counter clockwise.

I’ve never seen anything like it. The lights seemed to be coming from behind the clouds. I actually joked to myself that I must be seeing a UFO as crazy as it sounds.

It was so strange that I took to the internet to see if there were any other sightings of these lights in my area and I am amazed to read all the above accounts of what sounds like what I saw in different countries, cities, and times. Weird !

Has anyone found an explanation ?

Thank you to the witness for their report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog:

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research:

Large Orange Lights In Triangular Formation Over Gatineau Quebec

Date:  December 30 2017
Time:  Approximately 9:00 p.m.

I saw three large orange lights in the shape of a triangle over Gatineau on December 30, 2017 around 9:00 p.m.

They hovered for a while and then moved very slowly. I got into the car thinking I would still watch them, but they seemed to disappear. 

There was no sound.

Thank you to the witness for their report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog:

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research:

Two Large Star Shaped Orbs Presqu'ile Provincal Park Near Brighton Ontario

 Date: May 18, 2018
Time: Near Midnight.

I saw something very similar to this last night (May 18/2018) while camping at Presqu'ile Provincal Park near Brighton Ontario. It was almost midnight.

I saw two large star shaped orbs like the photo with a smoke trail above them. Thing was, the two would illuminate consecutively, then burn out, then a single light would do the same further east.

The pair and the single alternated about 3 times each. The pair would illuminate and burnout at the exact same time and the single would light up immediately after.

I find that strange for flares. I would have ran to my tent for my camera, but I was mesmerized. I knew I should have, but just didn’t want to move. Also strange.

Thank you to the witness for their report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog:

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research:

20 Foot Bright Yellowish/White Glowing Ball Highway Rural Alabama

Date:  November 1984
Time:  Approximately 10:30 p.m.

November 1984 NW Alabama rural CO HWY 29: My husband and I were driving North about 10:30PM. A bright yellowish/white glowing ball about 20 feet across comes into view on the left moving horizontally from the SW to the NE losing altitude.

I knew I was seeing something amazing so I locked my eyes on it trying to fix the image in my mind. It was perfectly round the edges were hazy and there was a green portion on the bottom. I saw it through the front left window and lost sight of it for a second as it passed over the car.

Then I watched it through the front windshield. It descended into the tree line. Immediately followed by a bright dome shaped light that appeared above and through the trees like an explosion but silent. It was near home and disturbing so I called the cops.

They came and looked toward the area from the road asked a few questions and left. I called the next day. They had no other calls and no explanation.

Thank you to the eyewitnesses for their report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog:

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research:

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Loud Boom And Shaking Felt By Many In Greentown Indiana

Date:  April 29, 2020
Time:  10:15 p.m.

Full Description of Event Sighting: Around 10:15 p.m. on April 29, 2020 myself as well as neighbors came out into the streets - 2 block radius heard  a boom and shaking of houses.

I checked online for any information and also we called 911 and they said they dispatched police to our area (Greentown) to check. I looked online and found your site that in April 2008, it happened around the same time.

I also found another online story about a boom and shaking in April. So, is this a coincidence ?

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog:

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research:

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Transparent Triangular Shaped UFO Spotted Over Qualicum Beach British Columbia Canada

Date:  March 14, 2020
Time:  10:40 p.m.

Number of Objects: One.
Shape of Objects: Triangular
Colour of Object:  Transparent/see through.

Full Description of Event/Sighting: Good day, last night I was witness to a UFO sighting here in Qualicum Beach, British Columbia. It was about 10:30 p.m. and my daughter and I were on our outside hotter when all of a sudden we saw the most amazing and longest shooting star we have ever seen.

After seeing this, we started talking about UFO’s and my many experiences in Mexico before. After a few minutes she went indoors and I remained in the hotter, just lying down looking at the beautiful night sky full of star. It was then that I saw a huge triangular shape, almost transparent, see- through  and it had small triangles within.

It must have been at least 100 meters off the ground and it was slow and steady. I saw it fly above me and then it just flew away. I felt mesmerized and amazed, I felt a little bit of fear, but it quickly went away and after a few more minutes I came back indoors and told my wife and daughter about the incident.

I just wanted to leave some kind of report of my experience I had last night, thank you for taking the time to read this. I have had many more experiences with UFO’s in Mexico, but this was my first here in Canada after 9 years living here.

The duration of the sighting was approximately 15 seconds. The behaviour of the object(s) Flying low and steady. The colour of the object(s) Transparent shape. There wasn’t any sounds heard. Weather conditions, clear night and 4 degrees C. I lost sight of the object as it flew over head and kept on going in the same direction.

Now, I know they’re here, for some reason. This is very interesting! Best regards.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog:

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research:

Friday, December 27, 2019

UFO - Multiple Eyewitnesses Watch Lights In The Sky & Beam Of Light Illuminating The Ground Houston British Columbia Canada

Date:  December 2019 (Multiple times)
Time:  After dark.

Just recently I was made aware of something unusual being seen in the night sky around the Houston, British Columbia area. I hope to be speaking to one or maybe more of the eyewitnesses.

The UFO has reappeared over several nights and shines a beam of light to the ground lighting up that area.

A logging crew has been observing this event.

So will see what I can dig up on it.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog:

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Street Art – Art Bell Late Night Talk Radio Overlanders Bridge Kamloops British Columbia

The photo was taken at Kamloops, B.C.

 Outdoor photos from around British Columbia. Photos by Brian Vike.

Contact Me:

 All photos are © Brian Vike 2016-2019.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog:

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research:

Sunday, March 17, 2019

UFO Sightings Over Ramsey Lake Sudbury Ontario Canada

Report received on March 17, 2019.

Date:  Mid 1970’s
Time:  First sighting approximately 4:00 p.m. and the second approximately 7:00 p.m.

Number of objects: One each sighting.
Shape of object: Star-like glitter with no discernible shape.
Colour of object: Silver or white.

Full Description of Event/Sighting: First sighting, going swimming mid July around 4:00 p.m. with a friend. He pointed up into a clear blue sky and asked what that was. We watched this star-like object sitting in the sky for several seconds, then dart in a straight line a short distance (H, pup hard to describe actual distance, the object being, or appearing to be very high up, but from our perspective, several feet at a time). We watched it zig, then zag, for about a minute, then zoom away very quickly.

Second time was a year later. A friend several miles away saw it, called me, told me that he had called the Sudbury Airport to see if their radar saw anything. The airport said nothing was showing on the radar in the area he suggested. He asked me to walk up a hill in back of our house that had a good view of the immediate surroundings, and suggested I look to the west.

It was a five minute walk to get to the top of the hill where I had a good view of much of Ramsey Lake. After a few minutes I spotted a star-like object that acted exactly like the object my other friend and I witness a year earlier. On this occasion it was also a sunny evening with few clouds in the sky. I watched the object zig and zag around for a minute or so before it zoomed (or was blown) off at high speed.

My best guess for both sightings is a sheet of Mylar or some other bright material glinting off the sun. Probably not related, but there are several small islands in Ramsey lake, and when I hiked to one of them in January with a compass (I was learning how to use the compass) the needle began bouncing back and forth. The Sudbury basin was formed after a meteorite crashed into the area about 1.8 million years ago, and has a high concentration of nickel and copper.

Thank you to the witness for their reports.

Brian Vike, Director KBCC UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog:

Monday, March 11, 2019

Military Personal Observe And Pick Up UFO On Radar Adak Island Alaska

 Report received March 10, 2019.

Date:  Spring/Summer 1965

Hi.  I was stationed on Adak from August 1964 to August 1965.  I work in control tower. I don't remember exact date, but believe it was Spring/Summer 1965. I was working night shift. We saw lights over harbor NE of of airfield. No contact. Called down to GCA unit. They checked their radar and had a target. 

The base commander or vice arrived in tower. The weather was good and a arriving P3 Orion said the had it visual and on aircraft radar too. They started towards towards it and it departed NW at a high rate of speed. The lights and radar target had been staying fairly stationary until the P3 headed towards it. 

The guys in GCA estimated speed in excess of 2000mph when it departed. I logged it. I don't know what other agencies documented.  We were just told to not discuss it. 

If anyone else has any information on this sighting, would you please contact me (Brian Vike)

Brian Vike, Director KBCC UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog:

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Two Hovering UFOs/Objects Over The Flight Line At The Loring A.F.B Northeastern Maine

Report was received on February 14, 2019.

Date:  Around 1963
Time:  Evening.

My name does not matter, and for obvious reasons will not be mentioned here. I was an airman assigned to a SAC (Strategic Air Command) base known as  Loring A.F.B  in northeastern Maine on or about 1963.

I was assigned to the "3080th" Squadron (ourselves and the "dogmen" near the flight line. I, among most others, did not have clearance to the "instant ",  yes; there was indeed an incident.

We (ourselves and the dogmen, who were the only "troops" out there, were lounging et al  on an evening when our normal activities were interrupted by whispers and a low type muttering and whispering (buzzing ) of voices indicating that something was going on (at that time we had "52's w/atomic warheads up 24/7 and the need for secrecy was obvious (everything was underground") .

AP's began streaming in from the flight line and all telling the consistent story of an incident supra that had occurred. To wit: these men were not prone to exaggeration or inaccurate opinions or facts, they were specifically trained to observe and respond to any threat that would interfere with the security and safety of the base and any conceivable threat that might possibly occur.

They were very level .com. We intermingled, and all, in concert, told the same story. The 2nd shift was set to leave their shift, and in the interim, the 3rd shift was arriving to (push them out, (relieve them)  but both shifts were still there. The squadron commander was called- the base commander was awakened and all were there to witness the exact same thing.

There were (2) orbs hovering over the flight line approximately (10-15 ' above the surface, not "distant objects in the remote sky at night",  not a remote seemingly strange apparition, they were right f.....g there! In fact, they were there in excess of an hour.

There was no one delirious, screaming or commotion that would accompany lesser men, just simply emphatic and relatively calm reaction to a very real situation. This is, in essence, what I was told. I believed them then  and I still believed them now, to the best of my knowledge and belief, etc. 

Thank you to the person for their report.

Brian Vike, Director KBCC UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog:

Monday, February 11, 2019

Continuous Line Of Bright Red Objects Flying Over Upminster U.K.

 Report received February 10, 2019.

Date:  December 26, 2010
Time:  Approx.: 10:00 p.m.

Hi Brian, although a bit late, I would  like to tell you about something I saw on Boxing Day night 2010 outside our house in Upminster U.K.

There was a continuous line of bright red orbs travelling from south to north above the roof line of houses.

I was unable to determine height, but as approaching north climbed altitude and shrunk to infinity as they travelled. 

They were below the flight of commercial air craft.

This happened about 10:00 p.m. and it was a clear dark night.

I have never seen anything like this and it looked like they were travelling at the speed of a low flying jet, with no noise. Best wishes.

Brian Vike, Director KBCC UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog: