Monday, December 21, 2020

Numerous Witnesses To UFO Or Spectacular Fireball Sayward British Columbia

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

I have telephone interviews with pretty much everyone, but can’t locate them right now, so when I find the audios I will post them down the right hand sidebar of my blog here.

Date: July 29, 2002

Time: 10:50 p.m.

Witness #1 (out of 6 witnesses)

On October 3, 2002 I had a telephone call from a lady who resides in Sayward, British Columbia which is located on the north eastern shore of Vancouver Island. It has about 1500 inhabitants and is approximately two hours south of Port Hardy, one hour north of Campbell River and four hours north of the provincial capital, Victoria.

She had read an article which I had written and which had been published in the North Island Gazette (in a letter to the editor) where I had asked residents to report any strange lights they may have seen recently in the area and which I could investigate.

I had heard from a colleague who informed me that a number of witnesses had reported seeing a large fireball over Sayward, B.C. on the evening of July 29, 2002.

Below Image: Location map of Sayward, British Columbia.

The reason why I was so interested in hearing from these folks was due to the major sighting which took place here (Houston, Quick, Telkwa and Smithers, British Columbia) on the same evening where nine witnesses in four different communities watched an unforgettable event which seemed to be connected to the Sayward B.C sighting.

Below Drawing: Witness drew what it was they observed.

The lady went on to tell me that there was a total of six witnesses who she knew who had also observed the same thing. Her mother, aunt and three other women had witnessed this strange object, all within a kilometer from each other and to this day she can't figure out what it may have been.

Below Image: Witness #1 filled out a questionnaire for Ed Majden - EMO Fireball Network Station, Courtenay:

When it was first observed she told me that she thought it was a meteor, but as it travelled along, she quickly changed her mind.

She said after the event was over she logged on to the internet to seek help in trying to find an answer which might give some clue as to what she had seen.

She found a Meteorologist in Courtney, B.C. and wrote him a letter explaining what it was she had seen and heard.

The gentleman told her that it was most likely a meteor, but she felt like she was getting the run around, and nothing basically came from her request for information.

She'd been told to provide the latitude and longitude of her sighting .. and of course she was unable to do that. It was not her expertise !

However he did ask if he could send out a short questionnaire for her and the other witnesses to complete.

She received the paperwork and forwarded it to the other ladies and they all filled it in. After the questionnaires were completed and collected, everyone's information was basically the same. Three of the witnesses drew pictures of their sighting.

Below Drawing: Witness drew what it was they observed.

Another trip to the internet (to my website) provided the witness with more accounts of the same sighting. A similar object had been seen further north (Bulkley Valley) on the same date, much to her surprise. She immediately contacted me by telephone to tell me of her experience and how she thought it may have been the same object.

The only difference in all the reports is that this witness did hear noises and went on to say the other three ladies also heard the same sounds.

She explained where she was standing, on her driveway and the object was "just there" in front of her "just" above the small mountain. I was told by this witness that it was the noise which had attracted her attention.

In her words she said the sound was like that of a "screecher" (fire cracker) which gave off a whistling noise. When she looked up, the first thing that was noted was a white tail.

She also said the object looked as if it was hovering, moving really slowly. It also had a white core center and black coloring around the outside edges. It was also described as being covered with fire, or an orange color all the way around it.

As this was taking place, she heard a scream from her neighbors property behind her. Her comments to herself after hearing the screaming from the neighbors was, "exactly"!, meaning she was glad someone else saw it.

After she lost sight of the object, a couple of minutes went by when her mother and aunty came driving up in their van.

The witness got into the van and did not want to mention what she had just seen, but because it was such an amazing event she said to her mother and aunty you wouldn't believe what I just saw. The two women just looked at her and said, "did you see what we've just seen"? She told them yes.

Brian Vike's, Note: I have talked to the two witnesses who were driving the van at the time and have their reports as well.

They will be written up separately. Some of the witnesses work for the Provincial Emergency Program, so all are very credible and thought, at the time, that they were going to have to respond to crashed aircraft.

I asked the woman if she could give me a rough idea how far off the ground the object might have been, she turned and asked her boyfriend, he said their property was sitting about 100 feet above sea level, and the witness said the object was approximately 100 feet off the ground traveling horizontally.

Her thoughts were that the object was going to go into the ocean. It seemed as if it had just crashed.

She explained that the Meteorologist she had contacted ... had said, in all his days...he has never heard of a meteor making any noise. When I asked the witness about the size of this object, she said it was "Huge"!

I asked her what was the duration of the sighting and she replied that she had watched the object for approximately 3 to 4 seconds before she lost sight of it when the trees on her property blocked the view.

I received copies of the drawings made by the witnesses and also copies of the questionnaires which you have found in this report.

Questionnaire from EMO Fireball Network Station Courtenay for the witnesses to fill out.

So far we have had no reports on this object. Can you or someone that observed this event answer a couple of questions?

1. How bright was it as compared to the Moon or the planet Venus? Venus should have been visible low in the NW around evening twilight.

2. You mentioned sound associated with this object. Was this sound simultaneous or occurring at the same time you saw the object or was it delayed sound?

3. Did you hear a sonic boom? If so, how long after you saw the fireball did it occur?

4. What part of the sky was it in?

5. Did it pass overhead?

6. What was the duration of the fireball?

7. Would you say it was fast, slow, etc.

8. Did it break-up or fragment or was it just a solid object?

Please answer these questions as best you can. Ask them of each person who saw the event and try not to influence them as to what they saw. Have them report their own impression of what they observed or heard.

If we get any more reports I will let you know. Thanks for reporting this to us.

The results to the above questions have been postal mailed to me, as soon as I receive them I will post the answers to these questions.

Below is an email I received from the Sandia Bolide Detection Station EMO Courtenay, B.C in which explained the gentleman's thoughts on what he felt the residents of Sayward saw. I do thank this fellow for his input and answering my email.

Hello Brian:

Thanks for your email. This object was probably a bright meteor. You get all kinds of strange reports when these events occur as most people that see a bright fireball are surprised by it and are not skilled at making such observations.

We often get reports that the meteor landed just behind my farmer Joe's barn. If you see a bright fireball, it is still quite high in the atmosphere and many kilometers from you.

The last portion of the flight is not visible. Directions are not accurate either. It can be moving toward you or away from you and still draw the same path across the sky. It is better to ask the observer if it was going from left-to-right or right-to-left.

This way we can determined if we have observers on both sides of the path. This is necessary if you want to do a triangulation and plot a possible fall area. You should see the reports we get from UFO buffs! If the fireball is near you, a sonic boom is often heard, sometime after the event.

Perhaps several minutes later depending on how far away it is. Some people report simultaneous sounds but this is still not proven. It is probably too late to do anything about this event but we are still interested in hearing about them.

Best regards:

Ed Majden - Sandia Bolide Detection Station EMO Courtenay, B.C.

Brian Vike's, Note: I already have two more reports to add soon to this page, and I will be contacting the other three witnesses tonight, October 8, 2002.

Sayward, British Columbia

Witness #2 (out of 6 witnesses)

I interviewed a very nice lady who took the time to explain what she had seen the night of July 29, 2002.

In this report two sisters were in their vehicle when the passenger exclaimed "oh my goodness, what is that"? The driver then spotted the object, and thought both women thought it was an airliner about to crash.

She said it was very "low" and thought it was on fire. She again stressed just how low it was from the ground. (Maybe 150 feet when she watched it pass by.)

Below Image: Witness #2 filled out a questionnaire for Ed Majden - EMO Fireball Network Station, Courtenay British Columbia, Canada.

I asked the witness if the object was traveling in a horizontal position, or had any slight angle to it. She said it could have been going straight, meaning flying horizontally.

She stopped for a moment, and said to me, "I know this is going to sound strange, but it looked as if it was being operated by someone !"

She said she didn't think it was falling down at all, but more like an airplane which was coming into an airport to land and almost following a straight path.

As both women are part of the Provincial Emergency Program they were concerned that they would be called out that night to deal with an impending crash.

They rushed down to the wharf to see if there was any activity in the water, island or on the mainland which isn't far from Sayward across the ocean. They were expecting to see flames, debris and a crash scene and couldn't not believe that there was no sign of anything out of the ordinary.

The witness described the object as being dark. It looked like a big black cloud with the moon behind it. She said it was very long, like a cigar shaped object.

Brian Vike's Note: She did not want to use the words "cigar shaped", as she had heard of these types of objects before. She preferred to compare it to the shape and size of the body of a 747 aircraft.

Next day she drove past the same spot where the object had been seen previously and realized what she had seen had indeed been flying "very low". There had been no sound heard from the object because the women were traveling inside a vehicle at the time.

She stressed to me it did not look like it was falling, but being handled. (She said I don't know if that is the right word to use, but it looked as if it was coming in to land, and looked to her as if it was on fire.) She went on to say, I couldn't tell you what it was, but I sure know what I saw !

The witness also drew what she saw on paper, and after everyone was done, all the drawings were compared and found to be identical.

Her sighting lasted for approximately: 4 seconds. It was also moving very slow, and like she mentioned to me, she had seen many meteors in her life, and this was no meteor.

Thank you so much to this witness for sharing her experience with me.

Sayward, British Columbia

Witness # 3

I talked with the third witness who gave a brief description of what she saw on July 29, 2002. She said it looked like a plane blowing up ! (A huge fireball of flame). She also told me that the object was very low to the ground, but it was hard to estimate the exact altitude.

Below Image: Witness #3 filled out a questionnaire for Ed Majden - EMO Fireball Network Station, Courtenay British Columbia, Canada.

It was traveling straight along, not falling at an angle.

This witness said she heard no sound coming from it.

She described the color as being orange/yellow.

It also had a short tail following behind. In her estimation she figured the total time of the sighting lasted between 5 to 8 seconds.

She claims the object was traveling in a northerly direction.

Thank you to this witness for her report.


Below Image: Witness #4 filled out a questionnaire for Ed Majden - EMO Fireball Network Station, Courtenay British Columbia, Canada.

I had no written report for the fourth witness, I do though have an audio interview.

I would like to thank the witness for all of their help.


Northern Island Gazette Newspaper article requesting witness to come forward with what they saw on July 29, 2002.

The two images below are for the newspapers articles that the Island Gazette newspaper ran, requesting folks come forward with a sighting they had on July 29, 2002 in Sayward, British Columbia.

Below Image: First newspaper article ran in the Island Gazette newspaper. Click on the image for larger view.

Below Image: Second newspaper article ran in the Island Gazette newspaper. Click on the image for larger view.

Brian Vike would like to extend it's many thanks to the newspaper for all their help.

 Thank you to everyone for their reports.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Moon Sized UFO Beam Of Light Puzzled And Frightened Residents

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  July 28, 2003

Time:  Approxamtlty:  12:45 a.m.

What can cause so many residents in various communities from Kamloops through to the Okanagan and the Kootenays in British Columbia left scratching their heads, wondering what it was they all witnessed. Also many people became very frightened and ran into their homes. The answers to the questions have been hard to come by, but we certainly know something extraordinary did take place on July 28, 2003 in the early morning hours.

The story begins with a family who was camping at St. Mary’s Lake, which is located approximately 12 miles east of Kimberley, British Columbia, Canada. Around 12:45 a.m. the husband and wife decided to do some star gazing as the children were asleep and the night was warm and the sky clear and full of stars.

As the couple stood looking into the night sky they observed a very bright, white light heading in a southeasterly direction. The moon sized light was witnessed flying low over top Bootleg Mountain and across the lake and at times it's speed did vary. As it slowed, then picking up speed once again the witnesses watched the light zig zag slightly and at times it seemed to wobble until it was out of sight.

When they arrived back home from their camping trip they contacted the Kimberley RCMP detachment and spoke to a Cpl. Rod Carbonneau to enquire if others had reported seeing the object.

Cpl. Rod Carbonneau said the detachment received no calls over this matter. The Cranbrook Airport was also contacted and asked if there were any aircraft in the area of the sighting, but none were reported in the vicinity the object was observed.

For the couple who watched this amazing sight on July 28, 2003 not many answers were fourth coming. A couple of area residents did telephone the folks who watched the event telling them what they also saw that night, and another did make a report to the local newspaper.

From A Few Witnesses To a Flood Of Calls:

A report was made to Peter Davenport at the NUFORC in Seattle, Washington and then the sighting report was forwarded on to Brian Vike for a follow-up investigation. What I did not realize at this time was just how large this one case was going to be. From a handful of witnesses the case exploded into a major event where I currently have 157 eyewitnesses to something very mysterious.

Two things happened in the early morning hours that Sunday, a large moon sized object was seen by many area residents, and what followed left many folks in communities such as Kamloops, Vernon, Kelowna, Kimberley, Cranbrook and as far as Jaffray, British Columbia were left scratching their heads wondering what it was they saw.

A beam, or ray of white light was observed from Kamloops as far southeast as Jaffray, British Columbia. People who watched the strange and puzzling event said the white light looked as bright as a florescent tube and was arced from horizon to horizon as if one was viewing a rainbow. The beam of light sat almost stationary in this position for approximately an hour before dissipating.

Almost everyone  who witnessed the beam of white light said they had never seen anything like this before. All said they have watched the northern lights many times, but they commented this was certainly not the northern lights.

A Few Of The Eye Witness Accounts - The Light/Object (July 28, 2003)

1. A gentleman from Cranbrook, B.C. telephoned me and reported that he and his family were sitting outside and were discussing how bad the forest fires are throughout the southern interior when one of the family members spotted what they thought was a airplane with it's landing lights on and heading in their direction.

As the bright white light drew closer to them, the size was growing rapidly and so was the brightness of the light. Before they knew it, the light/object was upon them. The family was so frightened due to the immense size of the light/object being almost at the edge of their property that the children ran into the house screaming.

The mother followed closely behind. The father followed his wife and kids into the home, but stopped to take one last glance at whatever it was, and watched it make a 90 degree turn to the south. When I spoke to the dad he told me that they heard not a sound coming from it.

2. Another report came from a lady who was with a group of people on their holiday at their cabin on one of the local Kimberley, B.C. lakes. She told me they were sitting outside on the deck when one of the guests pointed towards the northwest. Low over one of the mountains came a huge, extremely bright white light traveling slowly in a zig zag pattern heading to the southeast.

As it got closer to the resort area, many people became uncomfortable due to how strange the object/light was acting. As it passed straight overhead not a sound was heard. Some of the folks who were there said it was like looking at a full moon on a clear night. It was that big.

3. Two men in a pick-up truck traveling north along the highway just south of Wycliffe spotted the large bright object flying south. As they watched the large light/object close in on their location they pulled the truck over to the side of the highway,  and jumped out of the vehicle to get a better look.

Due to it being so low, so bright, and passing directly over top of them the light from the object lit up the highway and surrounding area. Both men stood frozen in their tracks and speechless. Both fellows said it moved quickly in a straight line and made no unusual maneuvers. Again no sound was heard which is remarkable due to how close it was to these men, and all the other witnesses.

The above is a small example of what folks saw that night. There are many more reports here of area residents reporting seeing the same thing.

A Few Of The Eye Witness Accounts - Beam Of Light (July 28, 2003)

One lady said what she saw was very strange, it didn't behave like the northern lights as she noted that the lights danced across the sky, or looked like a curtain of shimmering light. She wondered if the long dry hot weather may have something to do with what she was seeing. But her thoughts changed quickly as she watched the beam of light come from the northwest horizon and impaled itself on one of the local hills and that is where it ended, according to this witness.

A party of four witnesses were out for a few days on one of the areas lakes just outside of Kimberley, B.C. Everyone was having a good time talking and having a few spirits. One of the men who was sitting on a camping chair had just poured himself a drink, when he looked up and said to the rest of the people he was with, "do you see what I am seeing"? Everyone replied, "yes"!

The man who asked the question was so surprised at what he was looking at, he poured his drink onto the ground and thought he'd had one to many that evening! They all watched a beam of narrow bright white light run in an arc from horizon to horizon.

First they wondered if it might have been a search light as it was so bright, but they soon ruled this out due to the miles and miles the light covered. Again all these witnesses said this event lasted for approximately one hour before it dissipated.

Some three weeks after people saw the beam of light on July 28, 2003, I had calls from Kelowna and Kimberley British Columbia reporting that the beam of light was back in the night sky. Two Kelowna residents stood on the patio with phone in hand reporting what it was they were seeing. The exact white beam of light sat stationary running from horizon to horizon and was extremely bright.

Four Kimberley residents stood outside watching the beam of light, they reported standing under a street lamp and even with brightness from the street light they could clearly see the beam of light sitting in the dark sky.


There is no doubt that something very unusual took place on Sunday, July 28, 2003 in the wee hours that morning. What folks saw in all these communities seems to be a mystery. But I have tried to come up with some reasonable answers for all the questions everyone had for me.

Here is what I know:

157 witnesses watched an amazing event unfold on July 28, 2003  (early morning). Some observed the object and others observed the beam of light. (Exact numbers are broken down for how many saw the object or beam of light below. What I didn't say is how many saw both).

31 witnesses observed a huge, bright white low flying light/object.

126 witnesses observed the reported beam of bright white light.

The International Space Station passed over Kimberley, B.C., at 00:24 hrs. on July 27, 2003.

A Fire Ball was observed flying in a southeasterly direction over the West Coast of Canada and the U.S.

Most of the witnesses reported the light/object and beam of light running from the northwest to the southeast.

There would have been a lot of air traffic in some of these areas due to the fire fighting efforts to control the devastating forest fires which raged through some of these areas in the summer of 2003.

Our hearts go out to the people who were effected.

So, the questions that need an be answered are, what was the strange, large, glowing bright object? Did the object cause the beam of light which sat stationary in the night sky for approximately an hour as the object traveled through the areas?

As for the object, this is certainly a mystery. After a lot of time speaking with witnesses, looking at data on astronomical events, checking on the flight paths, seeing if there were aircraft in these areas flying at the time of the sighting, I have come up against a brick wall. I have not found any rational explanation for what people saw that night.

Fireballs for example as far as I know do not make 90 degree turns to another direction. Also seeing that the object was so low, traveling rather slow in many of the reports and not making a sound. This again is certainly strange.

Something else I found rather interesting, was the fact that reported sightings had dropped from my area here in the pacific northwest of British Columbia and reports of unusual crafts of every kind were now being seen and reported by many people residing in the areas from Kamloops, the Okanagan straight through into the Kootenays.

Almost every different shape, color and size have been reported to me. Did the over 800 forest fires attract visitors from above? I am sure we will never really know the answer to that question..... ?

The beam of white light ended up still being as baffling as the object. When reports started coming in I was sure what everyone was seeing was nothing more than the northern lights, but as the list of witnesses grew, and hearing their comments, I started wondering if there was a connection to these unknowns and the beam of white light.

Out of the 126+ witnesses who observed the ray of light running across the night sky from horizon to horizon, only one report was filed saying they believed it to be nothing more than the northern lights. (which I report on below). Everyone else said they have never witnessed anything like in their lives.

All said they have watched the northern lights on many occasions, and in their words "this was not the northern lights".

A radio station host put a question on air to the people in the area, asking "has anyone seen strange lights in the night sky?" I was told reports flooded in over this beam of light, and how everyone was left not knowing what it was they saw.

To be fair to all sides, I placed below an email I received from a person who did have some knowledge in astronomy, weather phenomena and the northern lights. One thing I would like to point out, is that what the gentleman viewed was not on the day of this major event.

The email came from a gentleman who, on the evening of July 26, 2003 and morning of July 27, 2003, stated that a sailing regatta was held by the Kelowna Yacht Club. Although the event discussed in the report above took place in the early morning hours of July 28, 2003, I thought the  report below was important due to how close all of the events were to one another. Plus I want to give both sides on this case.

Mr. Brian Vike

Director HBCC UFO Research (By the way, I no longer operate HBCC UFO Research, but do now operate KBCC UFO Research)

Dear Mr. Vike,

Re: July 27, 2003

On the evening of July 26, 2003 and morning of July 27, a sailing regatta was held by the Kelowna Yacht Club.  It was an overnight race north up Okanagan Lake centered on 50 degrees N. Latitude and 121.5 degrees west.  The race commenced near the yacht club and the course was to be north up Okanagan Lake to Whisky Island and then returning to the Kelowna Yacht Club. 

The race was attended by perhaps 100 members of the KYC both as participants and safety patrol boats.

I was one of the participants in this race in the 25 foot sailboat (name deleted by Brian Vike) along with 2 other crew.

The race continued for the entire night of the 26th and almost all of the boats were back into the Kelowna Yacht Club by 10 am of the morning of the 27 of July.

The sky conditions for the night was perfectly clear and very calm without interference from the light of the moon or city lights.  After dusk a typical number of earth-orbiting satellites were observed.  Around 11:30 pm the first appearances of typical shifty northern lights were visible to the north and north-west and continued to be visible on and off until early morning light.

At the peak of the night's darkness, a stable and continuous band of light was present overhead from horizon to horizon in the East/West direction. I  estimate the apparent width of the band of light to be about 10 degrees at the azimuth. No indication of colour was observed in this band, nor did I observe any detail or shadowing effects. This band of light was, however, unusual in it's stability of form and linearity of line.

After this long and slow sailing event, some of the participants commented to me on the display of northern lights.

Nothing that I observed that evening could be attributed to paranormal activity.   The display of light was interesting but certainly not out of the ordinary compared to many other displays that I have observed in my interest of amateur astronomy.

On a side note, one of my duties was a weather observer/recorder in the Canadian arctic while on station on the Distant Early Warning Line in 1967 and 1968 and was privileged to observe many spectacular light shows at that time.  I am convinced that we observed nothing more or less than the Aurora Borealis and a few earth-bound satellites that night and I hope that my observations might shed some light on the matter.

Kind regards,

(Senders name and boat name deleted by Brian Vike).

What folks saw in the early morning hours on July 28, 2003 has left myself and a lot of other people in the UFO field without any solid answers to all of the questions. The one thing I know is that there was an event which took place that left so many residents and myself baffled. It would be nice to be able to supply answers for these mysteries, but all I am left with at this point is another unexplained case!

Also keep in mind that three days later two woman had a missing time experience in Kelowna, British Columbia and the green lights seen on this night were witnessed by others at different locations which backed up their incredible story.

I would like to thank everyone who took the time to write or pick up the telephone to make a call reporting what it was they saw. All of this data is very helpful. I also would like to express my many thanks to the newspapers who ran an article on this event. The information provided readers with the relevant phone number, email address, fax number  etc.. and toll free number so that more of you hopefully will also make a report on anything strange you may have witnessed happening in the skies above.

At the end of the day, there are more questions and answers.

Take good care.

Thank you to everyone for their reports.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Huge Disk Shaped UFO Hovering At Eye Level Toronto Ontario

This sighting report was never posted !

Date:  March 1981

Time:  11:00 p.m.

Number of Objects:  1

Shape of Objects:  Disk shaped.

Colour of Object:  Two tone silver.

Full Description of Event/Sighting: Good evening, in March, 1981 my mother and I had a very unusual and very real UFO experience.

The back story to this is that I was 15 years old and 9 months pregnant. I was at boarding school that year and was staying with my Mom at the Sutton Place Hotel over the March break.

I was sitting with my back to the big bay window in the living room (we were on the 23rd floor). My mother was seated facing the window. All of a sudden my mom asked me to turn around as she was staring out the window.

We got up off the couches and stood at the large window looking out. There right in front of us was a huge disk suspended at our eye level, so close we could have touched it had we been outside. The window separated us and the disk.

It was two tone grey with a band of rotating light around the belly. We could see detail on the disk, it was that close. It has a smaller dome shaped point at the top of it. It was silent and hovering (no movement). It was eyelevel with us and it was as if it was looking back at us, however there were no windows that we could see.

My mom and stood there for approxamtlty 10 minutes pinching ourselves because we were so confused about what we were seeing. This was downtown Toronto amongst high rises.

It was incredible, we never felt afraid, just curious. All of a sudden the disk shoots across the sky and within seconds is a small light sitting over lake Ontario before disappearing.

The first thing we did was call the front desk of the hotel, they had no report of a sighting. Then we called the radio station, again, no report of a sighting. It was as if my mom and I had been the only ones who saw it and yet this was downtown Toronto amongst high rises and thousands of people walking and driving the streets of Toronto.

I went into labor a day later and gave birth to a baby boy whom I gave up for adoption. I’ve often wondered if my pregnancy had anything to do with this sighting. Were they interested in me because I was ready to give birth? I have no idea, but it has always haunted my mother and I. And another aspect of this story is that my mom and I have different accounts of what time this happen.

That’s our only discrepancy with the sighting. I swear it was approxamtlty 11:00 p.m. because I have a vivid memory of Johnny Carson being on the TV. My mother however swears it was dusk, approxamtlty 5: 30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. We still to this day disagree on the time however everything else about our sighting is identical when we recall it.

Thank you to the eyewitness for their report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Light Comes To A Stop And Splits Into 4 Sakinaw Lake Sunshine Coast British Columbia

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  August 7, 2003.

Time:  Approximately 10:15 p.m.

Dear Brian Vike, I too saw something strange in the sky, however this was the night of August 7th, 2003. 

Here's my story:  My husband and I have a summer home at Sakinaw Lake which is on the Sunshine Coast in BC. One of my favorite things to do at night is to star gaze from the middle of the lake. The sky is so clear there compared to the city. 

Anyways, on August 7th, I took my star gazing gear (blanket, pillow and flashlight) with me on my peddle boat and like usual snuggled down once I got to the middle of the lake. I usually stay out for a couple of hours and watch the shooting stars before peddling back to our home. 

On this night approximately 10:15 p.m. or so, I spotted what I thought was another shooting star. It streaked across the sky heading southward then stopped. I thought the shooting star might burn out, but it didn't. Instead, the light split into 4 lights which formed a square (1 light in each corner).

One of the lights was brighter than the other 3, made me think it might be bigger than the others. It stayed in the square formation for 2 to 5 seconds before it changed forms again. Two lights stayed in place while the other 2 lights moved slightly away, then stopped. 

The 4 lights together looked like a rectangle and stayed this way for 1 to 2 seconds. Then all of a sudden the 2 lights that moved to form the rectangle shot off northward, like parallel shooting stars, while the other 2 lights only separated slightly and remained stationary. One of the 2 lights that remained was the bright one. 

I was shocked and couldn't believe what I saw.

I stayed there until 1:30 a.m. to see if the other 2 would come back. Then I tried to memorize the location of the 2 remaining lights before heading in, but they looked like stars amongst so many other stars. It was useless, so I peddled back home.

I told my husband and he suggested I look up UFO sightings on the internet. There are so many skeptics and believe me I would have been one too, that I said I don't think I'll bother.

My husband printed a copy of your article for me to read and that's how I read about the other sighting on July 28th, 2003 and also why I'm emailing you.

If you know or hear of any one else that saw what I did that night, please let me know. I would appreciate any information you can provide.

Thank you!

Yours truly.

Thank you to the eyewitness for their report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Approxamtlty 20 Orange Glowing Lights Pembroke Pines Florida

New Report !

Date:  December 19, 2020

Time:  Approxamtlty 7:35 p.m.

Good morning, I wanted to share our sightings last evening, from west Pembroke Pines area.

Around 7:35 p.m. we saw about 20 orange glowing lights come up from the ground, usually 2 or 3 at a time, they moved horizontal through the sky and after a few minutes disappeared.

The last one went about 7:50 p.m.

My husband and I were wondering what they were.

Could they be lanterns?

Strange that this occurrence happens around the same 5 and 8 years ago.

Just wanted to share.

Of course neither of us had our phones on us to record it.

Your thoughts?

Thank you to the witness for their report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Multiple Witnesses Watch Cylinder UFO Break Apart Enderby British Columbia

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Enderby, British Columbia (follow-up)

Date:  July 25, 2003

Time:  8:30 p.m.

This is a follow-up I did to the Enderby, B.C. sighting which was reported to Mr. Peter Davenport at the NUFORC.

I telephoned one of the witnesses who reported a sighting for July 25, 2003 to gather a little more information on what the witnesses saw at 8:30 p.m. at Gardom Lake. The story is actually rather interesting.

The gentleman I talked with, told me his wife was the first to notice one large single object sitting stationary in the blue sky. She gave out a yell and pointed into the sky.

This is when a total of 6 people saw the unusual object, but by the time everyone else was observing the it, it had already broke (separated) into two sections.

Both section after the break up were the exact same size. (I asked if there was any type of explosion which may have caused the object to break into the two section, and the witness said no. The single object basically spit into two parts).

After it broke up, the folks said the "objects" went in separate directions, one heading north and the other south. The fellow I chatted with said the craft was sitting at approximately 30,000 to 40,000 feet at his best guess.

Also they noted after the craft separated, and holding their hand up to get a rough idea how close the two section were to one another at the height they were at, they guessed them to be approximately one inch a part.

The witness also noted that the two parts did not pass one another (stayed close to one another), but did slowly drift a part going in different directions until they lost sight of them.

He mentioned that it was like looking at the chrome bumper of a car with the sun reflecting off it. The brightness to the objects were extremely bright. There was no sound detected, no contrail from any of the them. 

He also gave a approximately size each of the objects may have been. He estimated they might have been 1/4 inch in length, this using your finger nail at arms length. (Note: If the estimated size is even close, the objects must have been enormous in size).

The sighting lasted for approximately 4 to 5 minutes.

I am still hoping the other witnesses will call. Also the witness said he would get a drawing of what they saw to me, and there exact location.

Follow-up by: Brian Vike.

Thank you to the witnesses for their report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Black Figures Surrounded Me And I Was Paralyzed Texas USA

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  August, 2003

Dear Mr. Vike, my name is (name removed) and I spoke with you on the phone on 9/09/03 about  8:30 a.m. I'm going to tell you a few things that have been happening to me.

This started happening the first week of August, 2003. It was about 10:00 p.m. and my husband and I had went to bed.

I kept hearing this real loud noise and I got up to see if I could see anything, but I didn't so I went back to bed. The next thing I knew there was this like big black smoke coming into the bedroom. I woke my husband up and ask him if he could see the smoke, but he couldn't. 

I got very scared and got as close to my husband as I could and covered my head. The next thing I knew I started feeling something grab my hand. So I raised up and it was like the black shadows was surrounding our bed. Then I could feel something going into my hand up my arm and into my throat to my stomach. 

They started putting things in me from my feet to my upper body. It felt like I was paralyzed, I couldn't move. I can feel them walking on our bed and doing things to me. Now they are putting something in me that it feels like my body is on fire.

The first time they came they stayed with me for 9 days. Then a week went by and they were back and they haven't left since. I think that there is more than one entity with me. I know I can't sleep at night or day for that matter, I'm having real bad headaches, I will not be by myself. 

It also feels like they have something in my throat and neck because it hurts all the time. This is real hard for me to write it. I can talk to you and explain things a lot better. I would really appreciate it if you could really help me. 

They are with me day and night and I don't know what to do. I hope I here from you soon.

Thank you to to the lady for her report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

UFO Shook Our Home/Alien Abduction Wabasca Alberta

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  October 7, 1979

Time:  After dark.

Hi, My name is (name removed) and I live in Edmonton, Alberta. I am a member of the FTTOUFO research group and I have been looking for 'local' research groups.  I haven't found any in Alberta, so I had to look elsewhere.

I've been to Houston, B.C. a few times as my husband use to work for CN and I traveled with him, however, I didn't know that you were there which is really too bad, because I would like the opportunity to talk to someone face to face.

Anyway, In 1979 I lived in Wabasca, Alberta, which is 4 hours north of Edmonton. In this town, we lived on my grandmothers lake front property and there were hundreds of unreported UFO sightings. The RCMP were called out to a couple of them, but I never did get confirmation on those reports as the RCMP won't disclose that information to me.

I was 7 years old and I have 2 brothers, the oldest who was 6, and my baby brother who was 9 months old.  On the night of October 7, 1979, my 14 year old cousin was babysitting us. I remember sitting on the couch and my brother on the loveseat and my baby brother was sitting in his walker.

All of a sudden, I heard a strange humming noise, it got louder and louder and it was a high/low frequency, then lights hit the trailer walls and I looked out the window.

I saw a huge UFO (at the time I didn't know what it was). It was very close to the ground, it hovered over my trailer and my grandmothers house who was about 30 feet away from us.  I don't know if it landed there, but it did hover right above us. 

I recall the humming noise getting louder and we all screamed. I tried to cover my ears with my pillow, but it didn't work. I was scared and so was everyone else. The entire trailer was in panic and we all cried because the trailer began to shake violently and we all tried to hide.

Then my older brother was gone, the trailer door was open and we all cried for him to get back here. We didn't know if he ran out or what happened but he wasn't there. The next thing I remember is looking out the window at the craft which was now hovering over the lake. That's when I got a good look at it.

It was saucer shaped with a belt of colors lights/rays in the mid section which circled the hovering craft. I also recall lights underneath which at the time I thought it was going to land. I don't know how much time passed.

When my mother got home we told her what happened, but she didn't believe us, instead she was angry that my brother was hyperventilating. She picked up the youngest to try to console him and then within moments she was yelling his name. I looked over at him and he was grasping for breath and he was shaking, his eyes were white from them rolling into his head and he stopped breathing.

Everyone screamed again and my mother tried to revive him, but she was too scared. My grandmother tried and she too couldn't do anything. We all went over to my grandmothers house and my aunt tried. She layed him on the table and started CPR and mouth to mouth.

Within the time span of about 5 minutes, he was finally revived, but my aunt said there was a thick white foam in his mouth that she had to scoop out to help him to breathe. He was then rushed to the Slave Lake Hospital. 

It was the hospital record that gave me the exact date of the admission that night of Oct. 7.  However, they could not discuss the contents of the file without my brother request.  He suffers Dyslexia due to the lack of oxygen to his brain that night.

Years later in 95, my brother asked me if I remembered the UFO experience. This was the first time we spoke about it to each other. He remembered almost the same things as I did, but he too doesn't t remember it all. 

In 2000 I spoke to my cousin to see what she remembers, thinking that she was older she might remember more, but she doesn't remember the UFO experience at all! She remembers the events which happened later, which was my brother near death. 

Over the years, I've had different experiences and visitors, sometimes I'm awake and sometimes I'm just about asleep. My brother Steven tells me that he always sees stars, he also wakes up with bruises and he has woken up in different places from where he went to bed. 

My brother recalls our experience as well, however we both don't remember the entire night. We were both going to go through regression hypnosis which I was going to record. 

I am working on documentary-drama where I will recreate my events and others in the area of Wabasca. I've already spoken to about 20 people who all witnessed UFO's, landings and their personal experiences. I'm searching for funding for this project, and approval from the community to conduct more research and to film this in Wabasca. 

The more that I talk to people from Wabasca, the more people come back to me and tell me about their experiences. Word of mouth travels fast.

My grandmother has had experiences most of her life as well, and she has stories that she hasn't told me about, but I know about only 2 of them. For some reason, the UFO's are attracted to Wabasca and I wanted to find out why and why were most sightings of hovering crafts and landings spotted on or around the Wabasca Lake?  I also want to know what happened to us because I know that something happened to us.  

Regression Hypnosis seemed to be the only way that we could find out what happened to us, but with the risk of it backfiring I wasn't sure if we wanted to go ahead.  My brother is all for it though.  I've been looking for others who have had the experiences I had--the other experiences I had that happened after this which continued for most of my life.

In 1980,  I woke up in a stretcher like bed, with a bright white light shining down on me. I couldn't move, but I do recall trying to run away from 2 large shadows that came to me with a huge syringe needle. The needle was injected into my heart and I remember the puncture feeling, the cool liquid that filled my chest. 

I woke up running down my hallway to the living room. For about a week after this, I suffered severe headaches, I had to take short quick breathes as I had severe heart pains and it hurt to breathe. I had nausea and weakness. I couldn't take it anymore and my mom took me to the doctors. After a brief examination, he said 'your too young to have migraines, and too young for heart problems and that was the end of that. I never told anyone about this because if my parents didn't believe me, then who would? 

Well, now I'm 31, and I have 3 children of my own. I was worried for my children because it seems to follow my family, my grandmother, my aunts, my cousins, my immediate family and I even started to think that my kids were being visited. 

In 2001, my middle son was 3 years old and we were having the same dreams about Panthers in our yard and that they wanted him. He woke up crying a few times saying that there were monsters in his room, we would wake up at the same time and he told things about his 'visitor's in his room. 

One particular night I dreamt that there were 10 panthers in my back yard, angry, growling and they were trying to come in. Just as I woke up from that, my son was screaming and he said a big black cat was in his room with big yellow eyes. He has had constant nose bleeds ever since.

Then one night he came to me and asked me why the aliens come to him, and if  I could make it stop. At the age of 3, I wondered how he could know so much about aliens, because he didn't know about my research.

He said they come to his room and hide in his closet. He said 'will they hurt me?'. After the second dream about panthers and the same rude awakening of my son's screams and claims of Aliens in his room. I stopped all my research and I stopped the project. 

After praying for help for my son, everything stopped, all the dreams and the visitors, but he still gets nosebleeds at least 4 a week. The doctors say it’s nothing.   

Now, when it comes to my kids, I was getting paranoid as other strange things were happening.

Shortly before my son's dreams and visitors I was working on this film project and was waiting for contact info from MUFON. During a file transfer of contact names and numbers for MUFON, my computer was hacked and my computer screen turned red and black, then it shut down. At the same moment my phone rang and the number on my call display was 0123456789. The operator couldn't trace the call and it didn't even register.

During this week, I also began to notice a black car parked in front my house, and the two guys inside were always looking at my house. After the 3rd day I went outside and was going to talk to them and they sped away. A couple days later I was coming home and as I walked towards my house I saw that car again. As I approached it, the car took off again.

I went to the surrounding neighbors and asked them if the car that has been around were visitors for them and they said no. I started to get paranoid, and scared.  I felt I needed some time to recollect my thoughts and take a break from all this because it was starting to affect my life.  Then just when I thought the strange things were ending, that's when my son was having his visitors.  That's when I decided to quit everything.

Now I'm starting over again. Wanting to finish what I started, but I'm looking for support from different agency's and organizations.    

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Huge Cylinder Shaped Craft/UFO Over Barriere British Columbia

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  September 3, 2003

Time:  Approxamtlty 11:10 p.m.

I was told about a sighting report which comes out of Barriere, British Columbia. There was one witness to this event which took place on September 3, 2003 at approxamtlty 11:10 p.m.

A lady had been outside and was making her way back into their home when she happened to glance up and saw a huge cylinder shaped craft flying very quickly, she claims it was really low.

This witness told me that even with it being dark out, you couldn't miss seeing it. It was larger than any aircraft that she knew of, looking at it length wise. She said there were a large number of bright white lights on it.

Her thoughts were maybe these were windows and they were running down the full length of the object. There were no wings noticed on the craft and when I asked more questions, she said it actually reminded her of a long tube. No sound was heard and the sighting lasted for approxamtlty 5 seconds.

At the time of the sighting her boyfriend was inside their home and he reported to his girlfriend that their cat went nuts when the object passed by. Of course he had not known about the craft until his girlfriend told him, and he mentioned about the cat at that time.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

UFO Making Unusual Maneuvers Above North Highlands California (Written Report/Telephone Interview)

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Listen to the telephone interview with Jeff at:

Date:  May 12, 2004

Time:  Evening.

Brian Vike’s Note: I have Jeff Challender’s UFO footage on DVD somewhere packed up in a box, I did look, but there is just to much to go through, so I can’t provide the video in this posting.

The Late Jeff Challender of Project Prove.

Jeff Challender (Project Prove) reports, "on the 12th of May 2004, my wife and her friend were out on front lawn as my 17 year old son got off the school bus.

A helicopter flew overhead and when they looked up, an unusual object was also seen that was much higher and further away.

My wife called me out and it looked like a silvery Mylar helium balloons. I asked my wife to bring me our camcorder so that I might capture the event on tape. I turned on the camcorder, and aimed in the direction of the object.

When I found it in the viewfinder, I zoomed in to 500x, the maximum this camcorder is capable of and the object was bright, and flashing on and off.

It was moving east, whilst the wind was SSW, 10 - 15 mph. As the object proceeded east, it became obvious that it would soon pass behind a tree in a neighbor's yard. The tree limbs offered a point of reference to gauge speed and direction with greater accuracy.

The stationary tree showed that the object was not only tacking across the wind, but "skipping" side to side, and apparently, up and down as well.

I am reminded of Kenneth Arnold's 1947 description of his UFO sighting. He stated that the objects he saw behaved like a "saucer skipping on water". This object behaved in much the same manner, although it never presented any appearance of a saucer shape.

Throughout the event, it was a flashing light of varying brightness. In addition, the flashing was uneven. After two minutes of recording, the object disappeared behind a tree, and did not return.

We cannot identify it. The witnesses were, myself age 51, my wife Janet age 47, her friend Sharon Springs age 45, and my son Max age 17.

We are all willing to swear before almighty God that this statement is a true and accurate account of what we observed with our own eyes. Thanks to Jeff Challender.

Thank you to the late Jeff Challender for taking the time with me to do the interview. Jeff ran Project Prove, in which Jeff would go through NASA’s footage of their space missions looking for evidence that NASA was covering up information of UFOs.

Listen to the telephone interview with Jeff at:

Thank you to Jeff for the report and taking the time to speak to me on the phone. 

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Dark Boomerang Shaped UFO North Of La Loberia Coastal Village On Atlantic Ocean Northern Patagonia Argentina

This sighting report was never posted !

Hi, here is my sighting with 2 people observing the same object.

Date: Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Time: 9:00 p.m. (Local Time)

Location: Just North of La Loberia, Coastal Village on Atlantic Ocean, Northern Patagonia, Argentina.

What was observed: My wife and I both saw a dark grey boomerang shaped aircraft flying due East over the beach toward the Atlantic Ocean and eventually disappearing into the horizon over the ocean.

It was a clear, calm night about one hour after sunset and I was the first person to spot the craft directly over head (90 degrees above the horizon) and my wife was the second to see the object seconds later in front of us (about 45 degrees above the horizon) while we were walking due East on the beach toward the ocean.

I saw the dark boomerang-shaped object for approximately 8 seconds and my wife saw it for about 4 seconds. The object was completely silent and was traveling at an extremely high rate of speed but did not appear to be accelerating.

The object completely disappeared into the horizon very quickly and had two, very dim red lights on the bottom-side of what appeared to be the wing-tips or “ends” of the boomerang. It was difficult to assess the altitude of the vehicle, but we both estimated it could have been between 250 to 500 meters above the ground.

The size of the object was also very difficult to ascertain, but it was quite large as the event happened so quickly. I don’t think many people really understand how difficult it really is to approximate altitude or size of objects when these events occur so quickly during the night like a flash in time and with no time to react to perhaps take a photo or video with our phones.

I am not sure even if we had the wherewithal to snap a photo if it would have even registered due to the darkness of both the night and the object and the remarkable dim red lights of what might be described as a nearly dead battery powering these two points of light at both ends of the object.

I am an engineer and a former surveyor and I have had previous training in distance, angles, measurements, and orienteering prior to the use of the most modern technology, but I still am having difficulty with the size, altitude and velocity of what we saw that night flying through the sky.

Whatever it was, we both thought it was not of this world. It is also worth mentioning that the night sky was completely clear and star-lit, with the milky-way starting to become visible toward the East over the Atlantic Ocean; however, there was still a small amount of light over the western horizon from the recent sunset.

There was no moon or artificial light present during our sighting and we were truly amazed at what we saw together as this was the first type of observation of this nature for either of us.

Thank you to the eyewitness for their report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Fireball Observed In The Southeast Portion of The Sky

This sighting report was never posted !

Date:  2009.

Time:  11:00 p.m.

Hi, I have been looking back to see if any reports/sightings have come up since 2009 or If I had missed any. There is a post about a fireball seen in the sky. What caught my eye was the fact that It says 11:00 p.m. I can not remember the date I saw it. But it was in 2009 at exactly 11:00 p.m. as I had just started my night shift.

I thought you would like another account of it. I walked up to the drive through window like I had done every night at 11:00 p.m., but this time I saw a fireball sitting in the sky (looking SE) I pointed this out to everyone working that night as well as who ever was in the drive through at that time.

There was many witnesses to this. It stayed in one place for almost 5minutes. I walked back and forth handing out orders and while I was away from the window it had disappeared.

One of the customers told me it had slowly descended to the ground. This was not a light. Imagine looking down a pipe that had flames coming out of it. Thought I should share my account.

Thank you to the eyewitness for their report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.