Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Report Two - Remarkable UFO Wave Continues Over British Columbia Canada (UFO Investigator Brian Vike)

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

From Brian Vike – Canadian UFO Investigator (The Vike Factor)

Vike Factor Note: The below sighting reports come from different communities throughout the northwestern part of British Columbia Canada.

These sighting reports are just tiny example of what Brian Vike investigated throughout these areas.


Houston And Telkwa British Columbia.

Date: July 29, 2002

Time: Approximately: 10:30 p.m. - 10:45 p.m.

In the following report there is mention of two names out of the 9 witnesses (Only one of these names - Mr. Stewart goes with the July 29, 2002 sighting, Mrs. Stewart has a separate report).

Mr. Gordon Stewart is his real name, and the only reason I am placing his name to my report is because the Interior Newspaper received permission from the witness to print the information, otherwise I would have left the name out from my report.

Although I had permission to use some of the other witnesses names, I choose not to place their personal information in my report, a policy I sticks to.

Location information - Gordon's farm: (Telkwa, British Columbia Canada)

The witness owns 160 acres of farming land, treed with Spruce, Aspen and Pine in areas, with a good number of acres in hay fields. This supports his 57 head of cattle.

The Stewarts's home sits at 3,000 feet in elevation and over looks the Bulkley Valley and Telkwa mountain range in the distance. (Photos I took from Gordon's farm will be added to my report and will be seen on my website at a later date.

Gordon's farm is approximately 6 kilometers off Highway #16. The next largest town is Smithers, British Columbia which is approximately 15 miles west from Telkwa, British Columbia and has an airport for the surrounding areas.

I received a telephone call today (July 30, 2002) from a reporter (Nicole Fitzgerald) at the Smithers Interior Newspaper, Smithers, British Columbia asking if I had received any sighting reports from any of the residents from the Telkwa, British Columbia area.

I told Nicole nothing had come in so far. She went on to give me a brief description of what one witness (Gordon Stewart - a farmer and resident of the Telkwa area) had told her he seen at 10:45 p.m. on July 29, 2002.

I asked her if it would be ok to get his contact information, as I wanted to look into the matter and investigate the report. I received Gordon's contact information.

I telephoned Gordon and set up an interview with him at 8:00 a.m. on August 1, 2002 at his home in Telkwa, British Columbia. When I arrived at the gentleman's farm, the first thing I noticed was the view, from their beautiful home and picture window they had an uninstructed view of the valley below, and across the valley the Telkwa Mountain range stood still snow capped.

I knocked on the witnesses door and a tall well built man greeted me and invited in. We discussed farming as we made out way through his home to the living room and kitchen area. Before sitting down for a coffee and discussing what he saw, Gordon took me into the living room and he sat down in his chair, pointed out the window moving his arm which indicated the location, and flight path of the object. Gordon mentioned that he was going to catch a late movie before retiring to bed. He said I never expected to have such an exciting night.

At this point Gordon's wife joined us both, and we all sat down at the kitchen table and he gave me a description of what he saw on July, 29, 2002.

It was exactly 10:45 p.m. on July, 29, 2002 when I was sitting watching a late movie when I saw a huge, round white/yellowish object in color, traveling at approximately 600 miles per hour fly at low attitude (approximately 300 meters - altitude) through the Bulkley Valley below.

From my distance, he said, the object was approximately the size of a pickup truck, he went on to say the actual size, in his estimation if he had of been closer to it, it would have been closer to the size of a school bus.

The object traveled according to the witness, west to east. There was "no" sound at all, no reaction from his two dogs which were outside at the time the object passed by. I asked if there was a tail trailing it, he said no. It was completely round and very bright.

As I mentioned above, the Stewarts's farm sits approximately at a elevation of 3,000 feet, and the Telkwa Mountain Range sits at approximately 3,500 feet. The object was traveling below the top of the Telkwa range, and below the elevation the Stewart's farm sits.

He also mentioned the object would have passed directly over top of Round Lake which can been seen 2 to 3 miles in the distance from the farm.

Gordon did step out onto his patio to look around, but the object had already departed from his sight.

He came back in and woke his wife (Joanna) and told her what he just witnessed. She for some reason wasn't really surprised. (I will explain below - very interesting!).

Gordon made a call to the Smithers, British Columbia Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) detachment to make a report of what he just witnessed, also wondering if anyone else had reported anything close to what he just saw.

A RCMP Constable told him they had not heard from anyone else. A Constable took the report by way of telephone.

The next day Mr. Stewart telephoned the Smithers Interior Newspaper and talked with reporter Nicole Fitzgerald who requested a meeting with Gordon and took the interview. This is where Brian Vike came into the picture, as Nicole had contacted me.

As I mentioned in the report from Gordon, his wife Joanna was not all that surprised. After Gordon explained what it was he just had seen, thinking his wife may not believe him, she spoke up and said from what you just told me, I seen a similar light two months prior to this sighting. She did not want to tell her husband because she thought he wouldn't believe her.

I asked Mrs. Stewart what she had witnessed, she went on to tell me she was laying in bed a wake with the drapes closed over when a "really bright white light" lit up the whole room.

Joanna said it frightened her, but still got up slowly and approached the window carefully. She pulled over the side of the drapes and looked out to see a large, very bright light. As the object moved very slowly across their farm, it shone a beam of white light towards the ground behind their home in a large field.

She started to lose sight of the object, so she moved from the bedroom to the living room and watched the object fly slowly across their field, across Boundary Road and onto their neighbors farm where she finally lost sight of it. She said the object moved completely in silence and went on to describe the beam of light as if someone held a flashlight upside down pointing downwards. Joanna said it was as if the sun was out, but within a circle on the ground.

Brian Vike Investigators Note: I received a report this year (2002) from a witness south of Burns Lake, British Columbia where there is a small farming community called Grassy Plains which is across Francois Lake.

This witness went on to tell me of a similar object which did exactly the same thing Joanna saw, or described. This may or may not have anything to do with one another, but both reports would be in the right time frame.

I sincerely thanked Mr. and Mrs. Stewart for sharing the story with me, and taking the time to allow me in their home to discuss what it was they saw.


Brian Vike’s Note: Below is a report from yet other witnesses who experienced the same object, same night Gordon observed what he saw. Also it came to my attention that the military had been searching the area as well. Also why so many aircraft were flying over the area, you have to understand these communities and small and we almost never see much for air traffic after dark.

So why all the aircraft traffic ? - Why was the military in the area ?

The sighting report Brian Vike received was taken from witnesses at Quick, British Columbia

By Brian Vike

The Vike Factor.

Quick, British Columbia.

Date: July 29, 2002

Time: Approximately 10:50 p.m.

Location Information:  Quick, British Columbia is a very small farming community which sits between Houston and Smithers British Columbia. It is nestled in the Bulkley Valley with mountain ranges running all around.

Today, August 10, 2002 I left my home to interview the next set of witnesses. The drive was going to take some 40 minutes, so I stopped at the service station and gassed up and left Houston, British Columbia at 2:00 p.m. heading west for Quick.

I finally arrived and turned off Highway #16 onto the Quick East Road and drove along until I came to the witnesses home. I was greeted by both the wife and husband, and met their son a bit later. We walked along a beautiful stone path which led to a large patio where we sat to discuss what it was they saw.

The two witnesses who had the sighting were Mrs. (wife) and her son (deleted) The Mom is a retired school teacher and her son works as a Civil Engineer. Two very creditable witness, also very pleasant people.

What I am going to do here is to name Mrs. or the wife witness number #1 and her son witness number #2. It will help me so I do not goof myself up.

Witness #1 went inside her home and came out with a journal she has been keeping for years. She writes down events which are important to her and this one event that took place on July 29, 2002 was one she will never forget.

Their farm sits at an elevation of 530 meters and has a wide open view of the Telkwa Mountain Range and Chicken Mountain which sits slightly lower and in front of the range. The weather conditions were perfect as the sky was clear.

The sun had already set in the west and Mom (witness) was going to meet her son who was over near their greenhouse.

She walked up the driveway and turned onto a small dirt path holding her flash light watching the ground to see where she was walking. This lead to a wide opening in the field where the greenhouse was situated. Just as she reached this opening, she heard her son give out a loud yell.

She immediately looked up and went to shine her light towards her son when she saw, a huge, bright, glowing white/yellowish, almost oval in shape object flying across the sky at a very low level. She said to me, "I couldn't move, I was in shock".

I asked her about the shape of this object, as everyone else who reported to me said it was round. She said in her opinion the object was not quite round, but just off, meaning it was "slightly" oval (even walnut in shape). Or another thing she said, it would be like if you took a round circle and started to stretch it out.

The color has remained the same from all witnesses who reported the object. I asked witness #1 for an approximate size for this bright light. Mom (witness) struggled with this as she did not want to give any wrong information. Her final conclusion as to the size would be, at arms length it was the size of her finger nail, but not across, it would have been length ways.

I asked where exactly it was seen. I wanted to know if it was below the horizon of the Telkwa Range. I was trying to get an idea for distance from the witnesses. Again she was not sure. You have to remember by the time the sighting took place it was already dark, and it is hard to see landmarks which would help determine exactly where the object would have been in relation to them and the distant mountains.

I looked around, and since I knew the path the object took, I thought I would try this. In the direction they lost sight of this object, there are three sets of trees. One group of large trees sat behind their greenhouse which sat on a ledge.

Behind this group of trees there is a drop off, across from here it rises up again in elevation with another grouping of trees which rose above the set behind the greenhouse. Another grouping of timber sat higher up again. So I asked when she lost sighting of "it", what grouping of trees did the object fall behind? She said the last set for sure.

Now I asked, approximately how high above the last grouping of trees was the object. Mom (witness) said it was "just" above the timber, but as they were losing sight of it, the object would have been just a "hair' below the tops of the trees.

Now this gave me something to work with. The last stand of timber sits rather high up at a good distance from where they were standing, approximately 1/2 mile away (maybe more), "but", this stand of timber is below the horizon of Chicken Mountain. So this object shot down the valley at approximately 1 1/2 miles away from them. It was also heading in a southwesterly direction at a quick pace, but slow enough as where the object took 5 to 6 seconds to cross their line of sight.

Investigator Note: She did not see it right away, her son noticed it first and gave out a yell. She looked up and spotted it right away because of the intense brightness and size. My point is, 5 to 6 seconds is a fair bit of time when they had a short space to see the object due to trees blocking their view.

Being so close to it, I asked what kind of sound did it make, they both said, none at all. "There was no noise coming from it". It also was on a slight angle they told me, but very slight. (This makes me wonder if it did hit the ground, as it was certainly very low at this point, if so where?

Also this gives a lot of weight to folks in the area seeing the military vehicles and a lot of air traffic overhead).

Witness #1 said she waited around for a little while with her son watching the sky just in case something else went by, but nothing did, so she went into the house and started calling around to authorities. She called the Smithers Airport who were no help to her, they knew nothing.

She called the Vancouver International Airport, they knew nothing. She even call back east to Ottawa and talked with someone in an environment position, but I am sure they wouldn't know anything anyway. So in the morning witness #1 called the Smithers Interior newspaper to inform them of what she saw.

Witness #2 - Son. This is a brief description in which he gave to me. I am just going to summarize his statement as a lot of the same information is above in this report. It was very large, bright and lasted far longer than any meteor shower. Faster than a man-made object, but slower than a meteorite.

There was "no" sound! It was below the horizon and moved away from until we lost sight of it behind the trees. A slight trajectory towards earth.

I spent a little over two hours with this friendly family and enjoyed this visit very much. What I found really nice about talking with them, we talked about the large fossil find, as they had a bunch of wonderful samples spread across a table outside.

Of course I am interested in this as well. I can say this, our area holds a lot of treasures, and this one is a major find as the fossils cover a very large area, you can bend down and walk slowly along and fill a bucket.

Everything is in perfect form. It was like I was standing at the beach and grabbing perfect calms. There are so many different types of marine life it isn't funny, so I wonder what other specimens the land holds. There is a good write up on this in one of the rock hound magazines.

One more report to come, it is a shorter version as it was a telephone interview. Then a final wrap up on the whole case as it sits for now. I know there is more to do on this, so I will be still making calls, and hoping others come forward if they did indeed see this object.


Houston, British Columbia, Canada - Industrial Park Over Bulkley River.

Friday, February 3, 2002,

Time: 7:00 PM

Location: Houston, British Columbia, Canada - Industrial Park Over Bulkley River

Viewing Time: Approximately: 30 seconds.

Weather Condition: Overcast - Light Snow Flurries

On Sunday, February 3, 2002 another sighting was reported to me which took place in my home town of Houston, British Columbia. There were two witnesses (husband and wife).

While this couple were at their residence which is above their business, the wife heard a loud humming noise coming from outside. She got up to investigate, looking out a couple of windows before she noticed a very bright white object hovering above the Bulkley River just north a few hundred yards from their place of residence.

She called to her husband to come quick and see it. They both witnessed this large bright white object shooting beams of light down towards the river hovering at tree top level. This sighting lasted approximately 30 seconds from the time it was discovered before it shot up the side of the mountain and disappeared.

I was told the speed of this object was incredible to say the least. This couple told me they were going to call the Houston, British Columbia RCMP detachment thinking that the object had crashed into the side of the mountain, but did not as the object continued it's course up the mountain and out of sight before they knew what was going on.

Brian Vike’s Investigators Note: I have visited the area where this craft was hovering, but have not found any trace evidence of any kind. Mind you we had about 4 inches of snow late the night of this sighting. I have also taken photos of this area for my files.

This case is ongoing.


Hovering UFO Over Mount Harry Davis Houston, British Columbia

July 2001 - A fellow walks into the Houston Food Mart in Houston, British Columbia telling of an object hovering approximately 500 feet above a transmitting tower on Mount Harry Davis here in Houston, British Columbia.

This object was emitting sparks off the bottom side shooting down towards the transmitting tower. This sighting lasted when noted approximately 25 seconds before completely disappearing before the witnesses eyes.

This witness was a hard fellow to track down, but I did finally catch up to him.

Houston, British Columbia, Canada, January 1999 - Snowmobilers on the Telkwa Mountain Range watched a silver/black disc shaped object hover in the distance. There was more than one witness to this sighting.

Many people spend the winter months snowmobiling in the area due to the amount of snow we receive each year. One of the favorite places to go is the Telkwa Mountain Range and this is where this sighting took place.

My wife and I dropped into a local restaurant for dinner one night, after finishing our meal I went to pay for it and I was asked about the UFO logo on my jacket, and after explaining what it was, the owner went on to tell me of a sighting he had with others.

He mentioned that they all watched, including a couple of tourists this silver/black disc shaped object hover in the distance. He also said it was hard to make out what this really was due to the distance away, but he did tell me what ever it was sat and hovered for some time before vanishing completely.


Houston to Smithers, British Columbia, Canada.

September 2002 - A man driving west towards Smithers from Houston on Highway16 around Grouse Mountain watched a white light streak low over the valley below him. He claims the light was white in color and very bright. The UFO sighting lasted only a few seconds.


Houston to Smithers, British Columbia, Canada.

August 2001 - Husband and his wife watched a large white light (object) east of Telkwa, British Columbia. Telkwa is between Smithers and Houston. The object which was reported was of a very large size and glowing brightly. The UFO encounter lasted approximately 20 seconds before disappearing rapidly to the north.


Smithers, British Columbia, Canada.

 September 2001 - A woman who runs a cafe at the (deleted by Brian Vike) mentioned that she witnessed a bright glowing white object about five months ago which shot across the sky, came to a complete stop, and then disappeared up and out of sight. She told me she had not mentioned this before to anyone until now when she talked to me.


Smithers, British Columbia, Canada.

August 2001 - A security officer, person who checks out (deleted by Brian Vike) told me her friends had witnessed a multi colored object hovering for a few seconds in the Smithers, British Columbia area, and shot off very quickly.


5 Witnesses Watch Lights Over Thornhill Mountain Terrace, British Columbia Canada.

Date:  November 23, 2002

Time:  5:15 p.m.

I had a telephone call from two separate witnesses who live in the Terrace, British Columbia area explaining that they just had witnessed some strange lights over Thornhill Mountain in Terrace, B.C.

From Terrace you would be looking east towards Thornhill Mountain. (Brian Vike’s Note: There were actually 5 people who watched the lights in total, but I only have talked with the two who called me on this matter).

The weather condition at the time of the sighting was good, clear but rather windy. Also in the area where the lights were noticed there are some large towers close by.

One of the witnesses said the object, or bright light was approximately double the size of the planet Venus. White in color. All of the witnesses watched the light for approximately 10 to 15 seconds until it grew smaller in size and disappeared. (Brian Vike’s Note: I found this rather strange, all of the witnesses mentioned in all the clear sky there was a large cloud which hung over the mountain where the lights were spotted.

Seeing if was so stormy (windy) the witnesses all found it weird that the cloud stayed in it's position and did not move until all the lights were gone. BTW - In this report I have only mentioned one light, but it was approximately 15 minutes later after the one light left, two lights showed up).

Approximately 15 minutes later the witnesses claimed to see two balls of white light over the same area where the single light was sitting, it watched this for a few seconds before the lights blinked out.


Flaming Objects Streaks Falls From The Sky Over Kitimat, British Columbia.

On Tuesday, March 19, 2002, at 7:35 a.m., a Terrace man "was on my way to work in Kitimat," a town 100 kilometers (60 miles) southeast of Prince Rupert, B.C. "when I watched 'something' coming out of the city (Kitimat) with flames behind it."

The witness "described his location as being near the Kitimat River Bridge, heading towards Kitimat and driving down the one straight stretch of road which leads away from the river. He saw the object more or less directly over Kitimat.

He saw "something streaking down with yellow, blue and red flames behind it, trailing smoke."


Star Like Object Shoots Across The Sky Then Comes To A Dead Stop Over Terrace, British Columbia

On Monday, March 4, 2002, at 5:30 a.m., a male body builder was doing his cardio workout before heading for his place of employment. According to ufologist Brian Vike, as the man "was looking up towards the sky, when all of a sudden, it seemed like a star shot across the sky and came a complete stop."

The witness "said that it did a loop in the sky went straight up and disappeared." He described the UFO as "a very bright star with a blue-green-red colour to it."


Bright Light Moves/Stops And Leaves And Returns At Vanderhoof British Columbia.

On Thursday or Friday morning, February 28 or March 1, 2002, the witness saw a white and extremely bright light in the direction of Sinkut Mountain at 5:30 AM from her kitchen window.

Her first thoughts were that it was just a logging truck. The witness looked through binoculars and saw a pure bright white light for quite some time. The light would move, then stop, leave and return. The light would zip around so quickly that it could not have been any aircraft or logging equipment.

Two witnesses traveling on Langston Road heading towards Prince George at 5:45 a.m. also saw the white light. Canadian UFO Investigator Brian Vike determined there was no logging or construction equipment working the mountain.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Report One - Remarkable UFO Wave Continues Over British Columbia Canada (UFO Investigator Brian Vike)

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

From Brian Vike – Canadian UFO Investigator (The Vike Factor)

Vike Factor Note: The below sighting reports come from different communities throughout the northwestern part of British Columbia Canada.

These sighting reports are just tiny example of what Brian Vike investigated throughout these areas.


Field, Trees, Home, And Barns Bathed In This White Light From UFO At Telkwa, British Columbia, Canada.

Date: May 19, 2002

Time: Approximately: 1:05 a.m.

I spoke today (September 5, 2002) with two people. One was the witness who watched an extremely bright light (a large mass) flying very slowly over their farm, and the sister of this gentleman who was the one who informed me of this event.

The witnesses sister told me about an event that took place back on May 19, 2002 on her brothers farm in Telkwa, British Columbia, Canada.

The sister lives in Smithers, British Columbia and works for a well known business and of course wanted to remain anonymous. She filled me in with a little information, in which her brother had told to her after the May 19, experience, and how it effected him mentally after seeing what he saw.

I asked her if she thought her brother might talk to me about what happened, and she said she would call him, it wasn't long afterwards when the witness did call.

One of the first things he asked was, would I have an explanation to what he had seen.

The witness went on to say that he went to bed around 11:30 p.m. on May 19, 2002 and was woken up approximately an hour and a half later due to his dogs barking like crazy. He mentioned it was normal for them to bark at coyotes which are around the farm howling at night, or other wildlife which crosses their fields.

The witness said the dogs also were acting up more than normal, and they did sound rather stressed at something, so he got up out of bed to see what was bothering the dogs, also telling them to be quiet.

As he walked through the kitchen towards the back door, he noticed a bright glow of white light coming in through the kitchen window. (Investigator’s note: I know exactly where his property is, as I was just out in the neighborhood just recently interviewing witnesses from the July 29, 2002 sighting. There are no street lights in his area and the occasional light from a neighbor's farm in the distance.)

He went outside looking to see where this light was coming from. Over the field and approximately 1000 feet up, a large mass of white light was slowly moving across the sky heading in a northwesterly direction.

I asked him, how fast was the mass of light moving, his example of the speed was, it moved as fast a small Ultra-light aircraft or close to it").

The witness said the whole field, trees, home, and barns were all bathed in this white light. He watched this for a few seconds, then called his pets and ran back into his home.

Now when I talked with his sister, I asked if he reported the sighting to anyone after it happened, such as the RCMP in Smithers. She thinks he did, so I am assuming he mentioned this to her, but when I asked him, he said he had not told anyone, other than his family. (Brian Vike’s Note: When I dropped by the RCMP detachment about a month ago, they did not have any other sighting reports on file, as I asked. Mind you, I knew they had one other report as they took the details off of me and opened a file on it.).

The witness did not want to go into it much more, but his sister did tell me that he was a mess after the encounter.

She said the whole family had not believed in UFOs to speak of, but did always wonderful if there could be some form of life out "there". She also said it took him months to finally deal with it, and get back to a somewhat normal routine.

Thank you to the folks for there report.


Brothers Observe Bright Light At Low Attitude From Burns Lake, British Columbia Canada.

Date: August 22, 2002

Time: Approximately: 10:45 p.m.

Brian Vike’s Note: I still don't have a lot on this sighting, but this is the little I received from the newspaper. Two brothers were outside when they notice a bight white object at a low attitude moving slowly across the sky.

One of the brothers went next door and had his neighbor come out to watch the object. It took approximately 10 - 15 seconds to pass from their view. According to the newspaper, the brothers said it was no plane they knew of.

 Thanks to the newspaper for this report


Truck Drivers From Arrow Transport Observe Stationary UFO At Meziadin Junction, British Columbia

Date: August 27, 2002

Time: N/A.

I ran into a lady who works in our local Post Office, she asked if I had received a sighting report from Meziadin Junction, British Columbia. I told her no, so she gave me the little she did know about it.

Three witnesses, two Arrow transport trucks hauling concentrated mineral from the Huckleberry mine which is located approximately 80 kilometers outside of Houston, British Columbia.

The witnesses spotted a large bright object in a stationary position below the horizon of the mountains. The object was ringed with different colored lights.

The drivers from both trucks pulled over to the side of Highway #37 and turned the ignition off and sat and watched the object for approximately 10 minutes before it rose up slightly and moved down the valley and out of their line of sight.

I am still trying to get a hold of the witness for a more detailed report.


Two Objects Traveling Together Spotted Near Prince Rupert, British Columbia Canada.

Date: August 30, 2002

Time: Approximately: 11:35 p.m.

A witness reported seeing two objects traveling together at a low level out from the Prince Rupert harbor. The objects stopped at one point, made a quick turn heading northeast toward Khutzeymateen Park.


Two Transparent Green Balls Of Light Seen From Kitwanga, British Columbia Canada.

Date: September 4, 2002

Time: Approximately: 9:15 p.m.

A witness telephoned me last night and told me what he had seen. The witness watched a couple of green transparent balls of light traveling in a southwesterly direction at a low level.

I asked the witness if he could give me an approximate altitude the green lights were at. He guessed they could have been around ten thousand feet or so.


Silver UFO/Craft Outside Of Houston, British Columbia

Date: Approximately: September 22, 2002

Time: N/A. (daylight sighting)

Brian Vike’s Note: I have no more information on this report, and hoping the witness will contact me.

Brian, I just came back from (deleted by Brian Vike) office and I did hear there that one of the Planning Forester's father, who delivers coffee in Northern British Columbia did have a daylight sighting of a silvery disk around Houston, British Columbia.

This sighting took place 14 days ago. I confirmed with the Planning Forester the correctness of the statement and he asked me to forward your phone # which I have done already.

Are you aware of this sighting?


Nine UFO Disks Spotted Heading Towards Kitwancool, British Columbia

Date: N/A

Time: N/A

Brian Vike’s Note: Waiting to do a telephone interview about this report). I did carry out a telephone interview and have it in my files.

A respectable "Gitskan man did witness 9 disks along side of Highway 37 going towards the village of Kitwancool, British Columbia.

She did not mention when this event took place. I will try, if you are interested, to set up a phone call with her for the next weekend.


Moose Carcass Found Inside 20 Foot Scorched Circle At Northwestern British Columbia.

I talked with the second witness by way of telephone, this is the strange one where a moose carcass was found in the middle of a 20 foot scorched circle.

I am going to meet with him soon, hopefully before the snow flies and go out to the West Fraser area to see what is left.

A friend had called me last week to ask the witnesses some question about this case, asking if the tree trunks were burnt, needles, or leaves up high on the trees may have been also burnt, or scorched.

From what the second witness told me, all sides of the tree, meaning the side of the trees which faced the circle were indeed burnt all the way down from the top, to the trunk of the trees, but again, only the one side.

Now I know from some earlier cases I have read, the area sometimes will have no growth within the circle, due to some strange phenomena happening.

So I am hoping this may be the case with this one. Also he said there were the cut marks on the bones of the animal. (I guess anything could have made these, from teeth from wild animals eating the meat, etc..).

But it certainly is worth another long run to check it out, and maybe grab some photos of the area in question. BTW- This second witness is one of the "big" bosses of a major forestry company here in the north. So it sounds good.

I will keep everyone updated on any results on the outcome of this interesting case. And if indeed this did take place, their should be still a lot of signs on the trees, and hopefully on the ground.

Thank you to all the witness for their sighting reports.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Monday, April 5, 2021

6 To 10 Orange Lights In The Night Sky Over Sarasota Florida

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  December 8, 2014

Time:  Approxamtlty 7:20 p.m.

Hi there, tonight around 7:20 p.m. I jumped in my car to go somewhere and I spotted about 6 to 10 orange lights in the sky. I was at I-75 and Clark road in Sarasota, Florida.

They were coming south and heading westward. They began to disappear behind some clouds. They kind of looked like the lanterns that people release and let go as they looked like pulsating flames.

As I drove in my car I began to see more. A neighbor of mine also saw them as I jumped out of my car to try to take a picture, which failed.

I don't know this neighbor, he stopped and saw them too as he saw me out of my car looking up at the sky and he said, “what are those” UFO, and I replied with I don't know.

Did anyone else see these? I never have seen anything like it as they seemed to be traveling closely together and sometimes lining up.

Hmmmmmm. What do you think?

Thank you to the witness for their report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Red/Orange UFOs Refuel Off One Another Over Westerville Ohio

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  September 22, 2012

Time:  N/A

I saw these up close on 09/22/2012. In actuality they are red, orange, white, and black. Each color is a different stage. Each light or cluster is really a set of 4 or 6 objects.

They appeared to refuel off one another. I saw these at very close range, say within a thousand or thousands of miles. They are enormous. The red and orange are the varying shades of lighter and darker reds and oranges and are translucent vats of what must be fuel.

They pair up in sets of two and are recharging or neutralizing the other. The white is the hydraulics, the white is not translucent, there were shadows from the other hydraulics which give the white different shades.

The black is the closing of the panels/doors, or whatever.

These move and go through their stages rapidly. When I first saw them I thought they were missiles or jets about 5 miles away on Columbus Ohio’s north side.

I realized afterward they must’ve been over the Dakotas or further. I heard a military helicopter pass overhead and turned to look, when I looked back over I was like, “Where did they go?” I then looked up and one was directly over my car. I could see the red panels open like ‘ants on a TV screen’ only in red.

They revealed the vats that were translucent and orange to a dark red, (darker then the panels that opened). I don’t know what I saw? A hoax of the government or corporation or spaceships?

Thank you to the witness for their report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Unknown Lights Circling Overhead In Covington Kentucky

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  May 6, 2014

Time:  3:30 a.m.

I woke up with terrible heartburn around 3:30 a.m. on May 6, 2014, so I went outside to sit on my front porch to have a cigarette.

The leaves were starting to bloom on the trees at that time of year, so they were not empty, yet not full. I noticed something that looked like a spotlight in the sky passing through the trees.

The light was dim light a flashlight, but much bigger, and it did not have any beams stemming from the sky or the ground. As I studied this light, I saw it moving, in a steady pace through the opening of the trees, counter-clockwise, full circle, then clockwise, but the clockwise seemed to start at the half-way point.

So, it would do 1 full circle counter-clockwise, then 1 half circle clockwise, with the clockwise not starting from where the counter-clockwise ended. It seemed to be very low and could have covered the distance of 2-3 houses on my street.

It was right above me. I sat out there for about 30 minutes and this continued the whole time. I studied the neighborhood as well to make sure the light wasn't coming from the top of a neighbor's house, and it wasn't. I went back to bed baffled.

The next day I decided to walk across the street and then go into my back yard to try to determine the diameter that this light was hovering, and my guess was right, 2-3 houses.

I only wish I would have had the nerve to go into the back yard as I witnessed this because there is a huge clearing back there. I later asked the local police department, that is located just a couple of blocks away, if they were aware of any sort of motion lights in the neighborhood, and they were not aware of any, nor were any of the neighbors.

It couldn't have been a motion light anyway, there were no beams. I'm still baffled. I keep thinking it could've been the lights that trim the bottom of an unidentified craft, and that I couldn't see the craft because of the trees. Never know.

Please let me know if there are any other similar sightings, it would help put my mind at ease.

Thank You.

Thank you to the witness for their report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Three Bright Lights At The Bottom Of A UFO Over Southern Trace Shreveport Louisiana

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  July 2014

Time:  Approxamtlty 10:00 p.m.

Yes I have see what I thought was something strange. It didn't seem like a airplane. We see airplanes all the time flying over. There is usually a red light with airplane. This object had 3 very, very white bright lights. Kind of making a triangle.

I live in Southern Trace, Louisiana and we saw this about 10:00 p.m. My daughter and husband and I were on the golf cart, taking a night ride in the Summer (in July 2014). What is strange is that I didn't hear anything. Like a plane above, but as we drove on golf cart path, all the sudden the bugs had gotten so loud, I felt like everything in the woods next to us was making noise.

I looked up and there were 3 lights of the under carriage of something. Not a plane and it was only about 40-50 above our heads. We were close to small pond.

It seemed to want to get as far down to the pond as possible, but sped off at super speed. I did get a picture.

Because the incident bothered me and I had thought about it a few days later just my husband and I went on late night golf cart ride at the same time and we saw it again.

I got it on video this time.

I haven't seen the object since September though.

Thank you to the witness for their report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Tiny Flying Saucer With Tiny Alien Critter And "The Day The Earth Stood Still" - Brian Vike (The Vike Factor)

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Over the years I have met a lot of wonderful people who related their UFO experiences to me. A lot of these stories are nothing short of amazing and I did what I could do to find something on the cases.

Most of the time I came up short, but even then, I made some wonderful contacts in the media, police, airports, etc., who for a few cases passed along information which did go hand in hand with a case I was working on.

Then there were some others who sent along some really cool things they had made from scratch. In the picture below it shows me holding a little “Flying Saucer” with a tiny Alien critter, I just love this, been always sitting in from of me when working on cases.

If you take a look behind me on the wall, there is an awesome poster of "The Day The Earth Stood Still", this also was a gift from a super guy and the movie is one of my favorites.

I do have a lot of reports in the inbox and will start on Saturday trying to get some posted, and reply to a lot of people who sent the sightings in.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Lights In The Night Sky Over Cave Creek Arizona (Pictures)

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  Date: Early 2005

Time:  Evening.

Investigator Brian Vike’s Note: I have the video footage somewhere, but I just can’t find it, and I do not want to pull out files that have been packed away for some time. But I am posting pictures from the video clip.

Here in Phoenix the activity is increasing and a fellow by the name Josh has been taping incredible lights appearing and seemingly taking off at great speeds.

On the Josh video, from what I understand the video was one of many shot in Cave Creek, Arizona just North of Phoenix.

It was a clear night and no winds. I have received another email from a resident living up there who have seen the lights and they say they show up often, but never that bright.

I also received an email wondering if they were airplanes, but then that would mean there were 5 or 6 planes turning their lights on at the same time and then turning them off, unlikely, especially at that location.

I also found out the distance from house to object (s) may have been several miles away, but seemed much closer like a few miles away.

Probably hard to tell at night. It was close enough that if they were planes you should be able to hear them.

No-one knows what the lights are. It may be the Phoenix Lights all over again, but maybe they never left.

Hope this helped.

Pictures are ©2005 Josh.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Eyewitness Observes Dark Swirling Black Hole And UFOs Hovering Over Manhattan New York (Graphics/Written Report)

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date: August 25, 2005

Time: 7:45 p.m.

On Friday August, 25, 2005 at 7:45 p.m. I was waiting for the light to change on 6th Ave and 32nd Street in Manhattan New York City when I noticed that there was something in the skies to the west.

I turned to look, at what looked like a dark swirling black hole hovering in the clouds over New Jersey. The light changed and people hurried by me as I tried to get a better look at what at first I thought was, a opening in to a dark area of the clouds.

It had a kind of a distortion whirling about it's edges and it seemed to make it impossible to get into focus. As I stood there it started to move silently to the North,

Above: Graphic: Diagram illustrates what the Vortex Cloud and the UFO appeared to look like.

Only when it started to move, I finally could make out it's shape. At times it looked like it was two flat rectangular objects traveling side by side.

At other times it seemed to be a series of black triangles attached to two long rods, because I could at times, see the sky through what appeared to be triangular openings in the slabs themselves.

It started to go behind the 34th Street Post Office, so I walked back, trying to keep it in sight. But the shifting field about it made it hard to see what it was I was looking at.

As I watched, a helicopter passed between myself and the object, and the object which was further off seemed to be the same size. Although it was more distant than was the helicopter.

The object looked to be over the Hudson River, or possibly New Jersey and the thing moved very slowly, and very silently and in a straight line. I made two separate pictures of each thing. The first picture is a poor rendition of the swirling hovering darkness I first saw.

Above: Graphic: Diagram illustrates what the Vortex Cloud and the UFO appeared to look like.

The smaller picture is about the size, or the way it appeared to me as I watched it from the corner a cross from Penn Station.

The larger pictures is what I believe the things would have looked like had I been closer. These things were too big not to have been noticed by others on either side of the Hudson.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.