Thursday, January 7, 2021

Large Orange Globe/UFO 10 Feet Above The Water Gatineau River Low Quebec

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  July 23, 2007

Time:  Approximately  10:00 p.m.

Location of Sighting: At cottage, Gatineau River, Low Quebec.

Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round.

Full Description of event/sighting: A friend and I went out on the deck of my sister's cottage to look across the bay to see if we could see my daughter and son-in-law at a friend's bonfire across the bay. It was pitch dark as there are very few cottages around as access to the river is limited.

The river along there is not straight, as it was flooded over 100 years previously to facilitate logging. There are lagoons, bays, islands and many curves. In a couple of miles of river between the dam at Low and Lac Ste Marie, there are only a few cottages, mostly in 2 small bays, and near Low along one side of the river only.

The other side being fairly inaccessible. It was a beautiful night, with the water appearing as a midnight blue in contrast to the almost black of the large tree covered hills across the way; the sky was another shade of dark with what appeared to be thousands of stars up in the sky. There was a bonfire across the bay, but other than a small light on in our cottage, it was dark everywhere.

I was enjoying the view of the hills at night, so I glanced away from across the bay, to view the river to my right. Then I saw it. It was not as high up as the stars, but looked to be at about the height of the hills or maybe higher. It was the most beautiful orange globe of light, almost like a ball of fire, but it was close enough that I got a good look at it.

It seemed almost like those pictures taken inside volcanoes, light moving around inside the globe like different shades of orange, yellow and a hint of blue, almost twisting inside like intestines and the strangest thing was that as bright as it was. It cast no glow outside its' sphere or onto the water.

It was almost like looking at a snow-globe of fire just sitting there above the water, it was also quite large, about the size of a hot-air balloon. I was just awe-struck and thought to myself, take a good look at this, this is just incredible, you'll want to remember this. It stood still for about 2 or 3 seconds and I was too numb to speak.

I was shocked when it suddenly moved, or more like darted at super speed to form what was like the first stroke of a W, to just about 10 feet above the water, pausing for only a split second, darted way up again, forming the second stroke of a perfect W, darting back down again as per the third stroke of a W , but this time when 3/4 way down, did a split-second pause and darted left at a downward angle, then right at a downward angle, then darted as per the last stroke of a W, but at a little more of a wide angle, and darted out of  view.

It happened so fast that by the time I yelled at my friend to look, she only saw it for a moment as it paused for a split second during one of its movements, but instead of continuing to look at it she turned back to me and shouted something like What on earth was that, a UFO which surprised me as she is such a down to earth lady, brought up on a farm, and even she knew this was not something normal.

It took me a while to really talk about it as people just wouldn't understand what I was talking about, but I saw it and it was definitely not of this world.

Thank you to the witness for the excellent report of what was witnessed.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form.  

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Black Delta Wing Shaped UFO Over Penticton British Columbia

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  Late July or August of 2003.

Time:  9:00 p.m.

Hi Brian, I think what you are doing is a wonderful thing.  I have been interested in UFO's ever since I was a little girl,  but had never seen anything that I couldn't think of an explanation of until the summer of 2003.

Sorry I can't tell you the exact date, but I believe that it would have been in late July or August of 2003, maybe even the first week of Sept.

I was living in a converted garage in d/t Penticton at the time and had gone out into the back alley to let my dog do his biz. It was after 9:00 p.m. and it was dark out, but there was still a faint glow in the sky. 

Facing east, I suddenly noticed that what looked like a black delta wing aircraft appeared in the sky, flying at about 1000 feet, heading north and completely silent.  It was so unusual - sometimes it was only visible by the streetlights reflecting off the underside of it, or by the shape of it obliterating the lights of the stars.  It flew very fast - covering the available view of the sky in just seconds, and gained altitude as it flew off to the northwest, still never making a sound.

My father was an airplane mechanic during WW2, and I grew up around the knowledge of aircraft as my Dad continued with his interest in aviation for as long as he could.  I know that there are a lot of distinctions to make in aircraft (hi wing/low wing, etc.) and this was something I was not familiar with, other than the delta wing shape, and the black coloration. 

I almost thought that it could be a stealth bomber, but for the fact that it made no sound.

Anyway, thought that this might be of some interest to you.

Keep up the good work!

Thank you to the witness for their report.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form. 

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

A Son Relating His Father's Story 1975 Loring AFB UFO Incident

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Brian Vike’s Note: Below is an excellent letter from a son who's father served at the Loring AFB back in 1975 when all heck broke loose when many military men observed an unknown object over the base. The military personal who witnessed the event were questioned by people from the Air Force as "someone" wanted to get the facts, then pretty much wanted the entire event to go away, not to be talked or discussed again.

This really is another case where an unknown object has penetrated base security and the base going on full alert and not being able to deal with what was happening in the sky above them. They certainly tried from the letters I have received from eyewitnesses from the base, but everyone on the AFB was pretty much helpless to do much of anything.

There are more military people who have not come forward to give their accounts of what took place that night. Maybe if more folks would finally care to write and share the details on the UFO sighting, it would be most welcomed and very helpful in trying to find answers. Please note, when writing to Brian  your personal information will never be given out to anyone. It stays here with me.

Thank you, Brian.

Date:  1975

Message: I was reading your page on the 1975 Loring AFB UFO incident and got a little chuckle. My father was a security policeman with the 17th Security Police Sq, and was on duty the nights in question. For several years after I learned of the incident, my father as well refused to discuss it. About a year ago, maybe longer, he relented and told me what went on the first night.

The object in question, he refuses to call it an UFO, was silent. It had suddenly appeared over the weapon storage area and the alert aircraft from nowhere. He was a NCO and was getting calls about the UFO and headed over towards the WSA and the weapon assembly building. He climbed up a bunker and stood there, slack jawed, and did nothing. After a few minutes the wing commander was roused and came over to the same bunker and along with his staff officers, tried to figure out what was going on.

He asked my father what the hell was going on and why he hadn't called this into the tower. My fathers response was that he had called the tower and they told him he was full of sh**, and they wouldn't wake the wing commander because as they saw it, there was nothing there. He was surprised because as he put it, the light was blindingly bright. 

There was no way they couldn't have seen it. He also told them that he was getting calls from all the posts, roving patrols and even from the gate about it. The wing commander called up the tower and asked them to verify the light. They immediately denied it. The commander then told the NCO in the tower, 'If the eagle on my shoulder see's that light, then those stripes on your damned sleeve better see it to." 

They immediately, albeit a little dumbfounded, said that that they saw it as well. The whole incident this night lasted some time more and then was over. My dad went back and filled out the log with the entire incident and started a report on it as well.

He was actually off the next couple of days but was aware that the incident was being looked into as drug smuggling. He says that is total bull. The object was dead quiet, had appeared and disappeared with little or no warning, came and went as it chose, and stopped or slowed no where else but the airbase and it's weapons storage area. 

They even chased this thing with some fighters sent up to Loring. I think he said they were Air National Guard F-106's. They never caught up to it. The helicopters there were not just Canadian but many from the Air Force. He heard from his friends on duty that the base big wigs were getting alot of pressure to resolve the matter.

He came back on duty a few nights later and nothing happened that night. That morning a couple of men from the Air Force came up and started questioning everyone who had seen the incident first hand. They were not told to be quiet by these men as they went through the investigation. When they finished, my father said that they came to his duty station to inspect the blotter and related paperwork. 

They then removed the pages from the blotter and the related paperwork and replaced them with new pages that did not mention the incident. My dad said he knew enough to keep his mouth shut and not ask why they were taking these pages. After that, the matter was closed for all intents and purposes. He later said, that while not told directly by any superiors, talking about the matter wasn't kosher. He then said that it became kind of like a joke.

This is my recollection of the matter and may be incomplete. But he doesn't talk much about this or any other of the things he saw in the Air Force. I'm not sure why, it has been over thirty years and I can't see any of it still being classified. None of the bases he served at exist anymore as operational bases. I hope this story is helpful.

Thank you to the person for relating an excellent account from his Father.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form. 

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

43 Witnesses To Major UFO Sighting And Creature In 1989 Fujian Province China

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  1993

Time:  Afternoon 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Location of Sighting: School play ground, Fujian Province, China.

Number of witnesses: 43
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Dark color, just like a Coca-Cola can-shaped.

Brian Vike’s Note: It is so interesting to receives reports from China, we don't seem to get a lot of sighting reports out of the country. So if anyone who had been living, or residing in China who has been witness to an unusual UFO sighting, would you please contact me with a detailed report.

Full Description of event/sighting: In the very beginning I thought it was a satellite because of it's dark color and can-shaped out-look. However, when it flew closer and closer and we did not hear any unusual sound from it, actually not even a sound.

It was close enough to observe it completely, and I was the first one who saw it. Then I asked others to figure it out, including my coach. But no one had ever seen it before. That object was flying from north toward south in a speed of near 50 kilometers per hour, and in the attitude of 500-600 meters.

And also I would like to share some experience that the people have got around me.

At a night of 1989, I was 6 year-old and at that night I was sleeping with my grandma. The mystery occurred at that night was that my grandma actually saw a creature, human-like 3 meters at height stand by the bed, and grandma was very afraid of that creature and didn't dare to switch on the light (the switch was really close enough to reach, well convenient for elder).

At a night of 1996, my cousin went out of his bedroom for No.2 , he stood at step of back yard, when he was doing his No.2, he realized a 1.8 meters creature with a tail before him, well that lasted 3 seconds and then he ran back room in haste.

In my culture, people are not allowed to point finger to the moon. When I was a child, my grandma told me once I point finger at moon, my ear would be cut by ? (I don't remember). Nevertheless, I didn't take it for real, and I did get a ridiculous wound at my left ear.

And finally, I do really think that UFO has something to do with earthquakes. I know that.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form. 

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Classic Grey Flying Saucer/UFO 10 Miles South Of Ft. Hunter Liggett Army Base Jolon California

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date of Sighting: June 1998 (Approxamtlty)

Time of Sighting: around 9:30 pm

Location of Sighting: 10 mi south of Ft. Hunter Liggett Army Base, Jolon, CA

Number of witnesses: 2

Number of objects: 1

Shape of objects: Saucer.

Full Description of event/sighting: At the time of the sighting my ex husband and I were living in the hills of the Central California coastal mountain range. My husband had mentioned that, the night before, he had seen a strange light on the horizon in the direction of the army base, and decided to go out on the next night and try to see if it came back. After being outside about 1/2 hour, he called me outside and handed me binoculars.

I saw what can only be described as a classic saucer grey, like two inverted saucers stuck together, and a row of lights around the middle. The lights blinked slowly off and on, and they were red, green or blue, and white. 

This thing hovered low on the horizon, then shot off to the left in the blink of an eye and hovered there, then shot back and hovered, then turned on it's side, did some weird stuff (tip on it's side, then right itself again), and finally after about 5 minutes it slowly descended below the horizon.

Ft. Hunter Liggett Army base is an experimental testing base. I worked there for three years previously, and had seen things like the apache helicopters hovering still while shooting javelin missiles and whatnot, and this thing was not at all like anything I had previously seen on that base.

I thought at the time that the army had a working flying saucer and was testing it.  But I don't know, of course, and wasn't working there at the time of the sighting.

I have looked on the net and saw that there is an abduction story from a soldier stationed there in the late 60s.  It doesn't surprise me one bit.

Thank you to the witness for the interesting report.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form. 

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

UFOs In The Sky Over Vancouver British Columbia (Photos)

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  June 3, 2006

Time:  Approximately 2:30 p.m.

These photos are from June 3rd, 2006. I had already been to Queen Elizabeth Park (Vancouver) once that morning to film UFOs. I may have caught something on film the first time around so after I downloaded that batch of items onto my computer I set out to film some more.

It was approximately 2:30 pm. At Manitoba St. and 20th Ave. I turned around and looked up to see a bizarre item that I will call the whitecap UFO. 

The most challenging part of photographing it was finding it in the viewer of my camera so I would use cloud shapes to center the photo in hopes of a clear shot.

One item resembles a dimensional tuning fork or a brush while the other looks more solid. 

They are photos of the same object. I watched for around ten minutes and did not get more than two useable photos. I watched until it was too far away to get another useful shot. I continued walking to Q.E. Park.

Thank you to the witness for the interesting report. Photos are copyright to the owner.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form. 

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Unusual Looking Object/UFO In The Sky Over Vancouver British Columbia (Photos)


Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  July 25, 2006

Time:  Daytime sighting.

On July 25th, 2006 I was sitting at my computer editing some earlier UFO footage/pictures when I looked out my front window and saw a  black bar sitting over downtown Vancouver. It began to rotate, slowly, and hide in amongst the light clouds that day.

This was the first time I had seen an object shaped like this one. If it was a saucer then I could only see the edge or side of it throughout the entire sighting which lasted for around 20 minutes. I stepped outside on to my balcony and called for it to come over and it did.

At that point I found myself as close to a UFO as I have ever been and I was awestruck. This was the most convincing moment I have had in my UFO experiences and I will never forget all that occurred. For instance, when the UFO was closer I asked it if it could show me some lights or something and so along the black bar appeared a pure, clear twinkling light that passed slowly across the blackness.

It was joined by another light and the two would move across the black bar, sometimes in the same direction, sometimes they would meet at center and then separate in opposite directions. You might think that I would have great photos or video of this since the UFO was so stationary, but  every time I lifted the camera to take a photo the ship would power down and the black bar would get very thin and the lights would  cease.

Then I would lower my arm and it would power up again. This happened a couple of times until I got the hint that this was a special moment not to be documented.

Out of 75 photos there is only one that shows some detail. The UFO seemed to have a friend, a small sphere that I was unaware of during the encounter. There is some video as well but not from close up. The sighting ended with the UFO simply fading out of sight in the exact spot that I had been watching it. Without moving or flying away it slowly faded out of my sight. 

Thank you to the witness for the interesting report. Photos are copyright to the owner.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form. 

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

V Formation Of Objects Around (Mactaquac Dam) Fredericton New Brunswick

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  October 17, 2007

Time:  7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

 Location of Sighting: Mactaquac Dam.

Number of witnesses: 3
Number of objects: 15
Shape of objects: 13 flying small orb lights V formation and 2 rectangular.

Full Description of event/sighting: I was fishing with some buddies at the Mactaquac Dam, when I noticed a somewhat rectangular object with 3 white lights on it that were also rectangular.

It was really big and maybe 150 to 200 feet away. It flew by and was hard to make out the body of the object, but the lights were clear, then it disappeared.

About 15 minutes later I saw another rectangular object with the same rectangular lights, only this time it was smaller and only had 2 lights. At first I thought maybe it was a large military craft, but it was kind of low as there were many airplanes in the sky and they were much higher.

Then around 30 minutes later I saw 10 orb like objects flying in V formation. Once again I thought it might be military planes, but they were moving erratic and at high speed.

Some of them would swoop out of formation and move in circles then go right back in formation again, and then disappeared. The last sighting was about 15 minutes later.

This time there was 3 orbs flying in V formation, but they were moving erratically. They would swoop in towards each other then move back to the V formation, then it seemed like they would become 1 orb then split into 2 then back to 3 in V formation. They also disappeared after about 1 min. I noticed that someone in my town reported a similar incident on Sept 8, 2007.

Thank you to the witness for the interesting report.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form. 

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

A Silver Disc/UFO (Flying Saucer) Flowery Branch Georgia

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  October 2, 2007

Time:  12:48 p.m.

Location of Sighting: Flowery Branch, GA.

Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Silver disc.

Full Description of event/sighting: We were parked in a parking lot during the day, while I noticed something in the clouds that was not an airplane, balloon, blimp, or helicopter.

It was a flying saucer that from a distance appeared to have something black in the middle. It was constantly shooting back and forth and stopping, while disappearing in between.

After watching this for two to three minutes the UFO disappeared into no where.

Thank you to the witness for their report.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form. 

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Grey Metallic Disc UFO Over Flightpaths of Pearson Airport Mississauga Ontario

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  October 14, 2007

Time:  2:20 p.m.

Location of Sighting: Flightpaths of Pearson Airport. Mississauga, Ontario.

Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Grey Metallic Disc.

Full Description of event/sighting: While driving south on Highway 410 and watching a plane fly in front of me. A metallic grey disc, very thin, but about the size of a mid-sized car flies past my vision of the plane and then surpasses the planes speed and is gone.

It lasted about 3-4 seconds. It was traveling rather low, a couple hundred feet above the ground and going from east to west along the Toronto Pearson Airports take off flight routes.

As soon as I seen it I told my wife, "look at that", while trying to get my camera out all while driving, by the time I pulled my camera out it was already gone. A few seconds more I would of had a picture of it.

My wife did not see it. This is also sighting number 2 since September 28, 2007. I will forward proof of that one soon. I am friends with (names removed). The next report I'm going to give you I have 3 witnesses whom also have agreed to come forward. She has a video and I have a video clip, also pictures of it, but this was also at night.

Please let me know how we can send you the pictures and video evidence. I will also send you 2 more photo's that will blow your socks off. Those were on different occasions. My friend's name who shares the evidence with me is (name removed). She will be sending a report to you as well.

Thank you to the witness for a super report.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form. 

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Fireball Type Object Hovering Over Okanagan Lake British Columbia

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  July 7, 2007

Time:  Approximately 1:30 a.m.

Hello, I just read an article in the Kelowna Capital News about some UFO sightings over Okanagan Lake last week.

Saturday night at about 1:30 a.m. (July 7) myself and two of my friends saw a similar “fireball” hovering over some trees that are visible from my back yard. This area is not directly over the lake but more towards Winfield.

It pulsed gently from yellow to red several times over about five minutes before fading out, flashing brightly once more and dropping straight down behind the tree line.

The only manmade object I might conceive it to be was a helicopter, but I’ve never seen a helicopter with lights this bright or this large. The pattern of light pulsations was irregular and not characteristic of an aircraft light or spotlight.

I’m wondering if anyone else reported a similar sighting last Saturday night. I haven’t been able to find a satisfactory explanation of what we saw. I wish I had a picture I could attach for you, but we could not get our camera ready before the object disappeared.

Thank you to the witness for their report.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form. 

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Family Ghost Story From The 1940s Onward British Columbia

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Hi Brian, I will send you a separate email so you know who this story is coming from.

I noticed your category for ghost stories and thought I'd add a bit to your collection.  However please be forewarned, it is not dramatic. No chains or moaning!  More like just an unusual family member. 

My family has always had  ghosts.  As a young boy living in Vancouver and Alert Bay my father sometimes saw people who were not there and my mother once watched a group of people disappear right in front of her. She was 15 years old and walking down a street near her home in Vancouver. Coming towards her on the sidewalk but on the next block, was a group of about a dozen people. 

The first thing she noticed was their odd clothing, very old fashioned.  She then realized that although they appeared  to be talking and laughing there was no sound of voices or of feet on the sidewalk. They reached the corner of their block and turned down the side street just before my mother reached the end of her block. She looked around the corner and although they should have been just a short distance away there was no sign of them. For people who live in Vancouver this was in the Kits area around 4th and happened about 1930.  

 When  my parents married in Prince George in 1942 they built a house near the south side of Connought Hill. In those days that was quite far out of town and  very quiet, particularly at night. During the winter of 1943 the ghost arrived.

It announced its arrival by walking up the steps to the front door shortly after my parents went to bed. They could hear the footsteps squeaking in the dry snow as it came up the stairs right outside the bedroom window. No matter how quickly they jumped out of bed and looked out the window they saw nothing unusual. However within 10 minutes of going back to bed a hazy white light about four feet tall would drift past the bedroom door. It never seemed to do any harm and they eventually got used to it. 

In the summer they never heard it arrive but one of them would notice it go by and calmly comment that the ghost was back. Mom used to wish there was some way of getting it to do housework if it was going to be wandering around all night! Three years later we moved to the Okanagan Valley in British Columbia and dad built another house  that we lived in for 12 years. 

Sure enough, before long the ghost was again drifting  through the hallways.  Then for several years it was gone until one night I awoke to see it float past my bedroom door. The next morning my mom was a bit excited.  Before I could say anything about the ghost she said "Guess what? The ghost is back and this time I saw it take a shape!" She had woken up to see a white hand and arm reaching towards the bedside lamp.  Thinking it was my dad she reached out and turned on the light. Of course there was no one there and my dad was deep asleep.

We then moved to Victoria and this time we rented a house instead of building one.  It took the ghost about six months to join us. Over the years my parents rented four more houses before buying the one I live in now. Yes, the ghost went with us to every one of them. It was never more than just a white haze until the late 1960's. Then it took on a very familiar shape. 

One afternoon my parents were sitting in the living room when Timmy, our Border Collie, walked through the room and down a hallway toward the bedrooms.  As he went by he gave them a rather unusual look. A few minutes later they heard him barking.  He was outside and wanted in.  He never had been in the house and walking through the room. No, there were no open windows or doors. My parents checked! 

The ghost was changing and not always for the better! A few months later my parents were again in the living room when they heard a loud crash in  the kitchen. They found that a big bottle of wood stain that was normally at the back of one of the upper kitchen cabinets had somehow come out of the cupboard (the door was still closed) the lid removed and placed on the counter and the bottle thrown against the opposite wall. However, as that was the worst damage that it ever did, we all just accepted that it was there and pretty well ignored it. 

Just as an aside, around this time my parents saw two people disappear on the sidewalk outside the house. One afternoon they happened to notice four people walking along the sidewalk, two women in front and two men very close behind them. They were dressed in oddly old fashioned clothes and were bunched so close together that mom and dad thought the men would be stepping on the ladies dresses. 

For a very brief moment they were out of sight as a tree blocked part of the view from the house. All four went behind the tree and only the two women came out. The tree was near the house, nowhere near the people.  The women did not appear to notice the men were gone. There was nowhere the men  could have gone and dad even went outside to look. Nothing.

Many years later my younger brother was visiting our house with his wife and baby.  I was married  no longer living there. They were staying in the bedroom across the hall from my parents. During the night my mother suddenly awoke.  A few minutes later the baby started to scream.  Just as my brother got up in the dark to see to the baby, a basketball sized  ball of light shot down the hallway.

Immediately the baby stopped crying. Everyone was so startled they all got up and went into the living room. There, even with the lights on, they saw a couple of smaller balls of light bouncing near the ceiling in the corner of the  room. It was very brief and then they were gone.

As the years went by the appearance changed.  My mom died and dad still lives with us in the house.  He and I have both seen a new shape.  This one is shaped like a very narrow black hockey stick (not my idea of a ghost at all!) and darts around very quickly. 

I saw it first on Christmas Eve in 1992 but never mentioned it.  A few days later my dad told of an odd black shape he'd seen darting through the house. The description matched exactly what I had seen. Other than changing size from tall to very short it doesn't really do very much except run around.

As I said at the beginning, our ghost is not dramatic, thank goodness!  I would not be surprised if lots of people have similar "beings" but don't even really notice. However there were some rather strange, unsettling and dramatic events that took place during this time. 

One ghost (or angel?) even saved my life. Right now is not the time to go into it all but if you'd like I'd be happy to give you the details at a later date. Closer to Halloween perhaps! 

Now, in spite of the fact that I say the ghost didn't really frighten us, it is getting late, I am home alone and there is no light in the house except from the computer screen.  I think I'd best stop for now before I start to hear strange noises !  I'm not quite as brave as I like to think I am.

Thank you to the person for the wonderful Ghost experiences.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form. 

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Large Black V Shaped Craft/UFO Over Windsor Ontario (Graphic)

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Hey Brian, you have to ignore the diagrams in the photo, essentially it nearly recreates the night from my backyard. Incidentally the view is of the North and Northeast , but the big dipper was inverted over Polaris, April 29, 2007 in Windsor, ON. 

The large black V-aircraft  would have been 1/4 the size. It helps show a little detail about it's shape at this inflated size.

I had sketched the earlier event at 21:39 and was still looking up and around the sky when I saw in the northeast a pattern of 7 lights, focusing I recognized and made out the details of a huge chevron-shaped aircraft appearing very solid, still, black and looming low and ominous like an anvil in the sky.

It was truly bizarre to witness. I had the feeling it was motionless yet I could see a falling mist from the leading edges, I counted seven dim white lights on the underside  and yet it travelled forwards and disappeared from view in about  four seconds.

My speculations on this are:

1) It was a B2 Stealth. No. I don't think so. No navigational lights and this appeared quite certainly as a cubic/rectangulic V-shape. Anvil!

2) It may very well be some kind of military transport the type rumored on some internet  sites I've read that are designed to be heavy-equipment haulers/troop carriers and they are a new breed of low-speed but very large stealth dirigible. Hi-Tech Airship.

3) Someone's spying on Uncle Sam, but who?

Thanks Brian -for all your work in setting up and running this forum for people to share their experiences.

Thank you to the witness for their report.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form.  

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Saucer Shaped UFO And 6 To 10 Beams Of Light Looked Like Engine Exhaust England Midlands U.K.

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  Approximately 2005 ?

Time:  Midnight.

Number of witnesses: 3

Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round (most likely a saucer, maybe a ball).

Full Description of event/sighting: For sometime I taken a lot of interest in the UFO phenomenon and the further I went, the more undeniable the facts became. A couple of years ago I saw a UFO with my very own eyes and so did other people that were with me at that time.

Before my sighting I still had a small doubt, but when I saw it above me (us), turning from an ordinary satellite orbiting the earth into a star that was moving in a zigzag patterns for some time. It then descended from all the way up there to quite a low altitude so we could see the actual ship (all noiseless at all the time).

From below it looked like the usual thing, saucer or a ball (not likely but still) but definitely round and with about 6 -10 beams coming from underneath (not like spot lights). They were located not in the center or neither on the edges of a ship, but kind of in the center of the radius. (Sorry bout my English it's my second language.

Those beams looked more like rocket engine exhausts or a turbo lighter's flame. They had bright orange, red, blue, yellow in them. I couldn't really distinguish the color from underneath, neither could identify the altitude it was hovering at). Hovered for about 5-10 seconds then shot back up into a small light (looked like a star or a satellite again) and continued moving in zigzags until it went over the trees and was no longer visible.

Since then I am sure that there is a conspiracy going on to cover-up the truth about the existence or a well advanced before it's time military project that people should know about, either way we aren't being told the truth. I saw something I can't explain or identify and I'm sure there are many others that are wondering too after they've seen them.

P.S. Majority of the people, even close friends that I've told what I've seen, just grinned and laughed at me. I don't know who I can talk to, someone who can share information or just give me a hint (glimpse) of what it really is and what's going on. If you think its worth it, then please let me join or redirect me.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form.  

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Large UFO Hovers Over Field At Embrun Ontario

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  August 2 and 3, 2007

Time:  8:00 p.m. -12:00 a.m.

Location of Sighting: Over fields.

Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 6
Shape of objects:

Brian Vike’s Update: The witnesses witnessed the strange object over a 3 night period. In the report it stated objects seen over two night. I just got off the telephone with one of the people who saw the strange event unfold and it was a dandy. The objects after three days of showing up have not returned.

Full Description of event/sighting: Please call me if you would like, I can give you a full description. We saw several objects flying in the sky, hovering back and forth. Some were higher than others. Some looked like they were landing in the distance.

They had red and white lights, mostly white. What really freaked us out was that we saw red lights coming through the field, and then a huge craft appeared right across the street in the field. It hovered, the lights were so bright that we could hardly see the shape, but it seemed boxy, maybe triangle.

The lights were bright white, so blinding! It hovered and slowly glided behind the houses across the road. It would be worth your while to come out there to see it, they have been here 2 nights in a row.

Thank you to the witness for their report.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form.  

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Two Massive Cigar Shaped UFOs Above The Pyramids Egypt

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  January 25, 2000

Time:  5:05 p.m.

I was in a meeting at my office in Mohandeseen, Giza on January 25, 2000, when I received a call from my mother at 5:05 p.m. She excitedly told me, "Omar, I see two massive UFOs above the pyramids.

They look just like the one I saw last summer in Alexandria. They're huge and very bright." Before she finished her sentence, I ran to a window that looks in the direction of the pyramids.

My work mates thought I went nuts, but they ran along with me. Five minutes later, after searching the sky, we saw one about 10 km away. It was "massive" cigar shaped bright orange craft moving at slow speed from northwest to southeast.

It was 45 degrees high and it flew past for about 35 seconds in the area between the buildings opposite us. Regrettably, we have a huge building across the street blocking our view of the pyramids, so we couldn't see the other UFO.

My mother and her driver were much more fortunate. She parked on el-Muneeb Bridge, and had a clear view. She described them as two massive "neon bars," each 30 meters long, (100 feet) coming at slow speed from opposite directions meeting exactly above the second pyramid.

They paused above each other for a half a minute or so and then continued moving in opposite directions. the UFOs were a beautiful sight over the Gaza complex at sunset for 15 minutes.

My mother, felt they resembled a UFO that emitted white smoke, that she had seen in Alexandria four months earlier. Omar further explained that strange things had bee happening to him in recent days prior to the sighting.

Omar states, "I called a friend of mine, one of Egypt's top columnists, who at first thought I was mad, but realized he had also seen them when he flew in from Rome. He wrote about what he saw in four episodes in his weekly column in "Al-Ahram."

Thank you to the witness for relating this story.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form.  

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.