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Showing posts with label To. Show all posts

Monday, December 28, 2020

Sheriff And 15 To 20 Witnesses Observe City Sized UFO Over Van Zandt County Canton Texas

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  Late Fall 2003

Time:  Evening

Date:  1966

Time:  Unknown

Message: As one of many people, including the sheriff, who saw a definite UFO over Canton, TX, Van Zandt County in the spring of 1966, I'm surprised to see there are not any records of this on any site I've visited.

An enormous ship sat still over an area near Canton for a good hour with three small ships flying away from and back to the big ship. 

The big ship had what I would call square windows all the way around it located between the top portion and the bottom portion of the ship. Blue, red and other colored lights rotated counter clockwise in these windows.    

The one I call the "mother ship" sat still and there was no sound at all. At lease 15 to 20 of us watched this from the same place. 

The sheriff made phone calls to senators and to several authorities in an attempt to get someone out there to see what we were seeing. I was 15 at the time and I'll never forget what I saw. My Dad and the sheriff's brother are no longer with us to relate the story, but myself, my sister and the sheriff are still living.

The "mother ship" was the size of a city. It was located over the east, southeast side of Canton over farm land rather than over the actual city. 

We first spotted the small ships coming in from a west, southwest direction. When they flew away from the big ship they went south but curved out to a westerly direction.

Like I said, I was surprised there wasn't an account of this shown somewhere. Now there is.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

50 To 70 Unknown Objects/UFOs Over Chilliwack British Columbia

This sighting report was never posted !

Date:  April 12, 2020

Time:  5:15 a.m.

Subject: So, this morning at 5:15 am over Chilliwack, British Columbia. I stepped outside for my recycling and looked up as I always do. I saw what appeared to be 50-70 satellites all in a row. Some where paired.

The distance and precision was exact. I woke my wife to see this strange thing.  She was stunned. It was over an hour long and then started to get light out. 

I have seen many satellites in my day, but nothing like this. All spaced perfectly. I will be looking again tomorrow morning. I lost count after 70.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Monday, November 30, 2020

Eyewitness To The Kecksburg UFO Crash (Audio Interview)

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

You can listen to the interview I did with the eyewitness at the following link:

On December 9, 1965 hundreds of eyewitnesses watched an amazing object streak across the sky, the object was witnessed from Canada all the way to Kecksburg, Pennsylvania where the object crash landed. Soon after it was reported to be a spectacular meteorite by military and other officials. Eyewitnesses who saw the object, claimed what they saw sitting in a ravine was certainly no meteorite, but rather an unknown object.

I received an email from a gentleman who told me he had been witness to the crashed object at Kecksburg, Pennsylvania. What I didn't realize was that this fellow, who was 15 years old at the time, and out hunting with his brother and a friend may have been the first eyewitness to actually see the crashed object.

In the interview I have done with him, he goes on to tell of an amazing story and notes that later in life while serving in the military he came across a pilot who was scrambled to intercept the Kecksburg UFO. Because I feel that this is such an important piece to the puzzle I have decided to post the audio clip to my website where visitors can listen to the actual audio interview which can be heard at the link below.

I would like to give my many thanks to the eyewitness for his excellent report. Also I would like to encourage any other folks who have been witness to this event, or have any information to please contact me at:

I have written up the report which I have taken from the audio interview I did with the eyewitness today, October 22, 2005. The full report is below.

As mentioned above I called the witness on October 22, 2005 and took his statement of the events that he remembers happening in  Kecksburg, Pennsylvania. The man was very aware of what he saw, although this event took place so many years ago. So he went on to explain why he was in the area at the time of the amazing experience and of course described what he saw.

The witness said it was a particularly warm night for December, by local standard it was rather balmy he told me. He, his brother and a friend decided to go raccoon hunting. They gathered up the three dogs and drove out to an area called Freeman Falls. From there the fellows all split up and had  agreed to  meet back at the truck.

They were walking through the woods with quite a bit of space between them.   Larry, the man I spoke with, was at the lowest end of the line, which had him closer to where the crash site was going to be. At one point, as he was moving through the woods, he looked back in the direction of Kecksburg because a bright light happened to catch his eye.

His first thoughts were that it was a plane with a orange landing light on it, but quickly realized that the light was just to bright to be on a plane, and seemed now to be a plane on fire or in trouble. All of a sudden whatever it was, changed course 90 degrees very abruptly.

At this point the object was heading directly towards his position but again it made another course change, moving away from him. Then suddenly its direction changed once more and  seemed to be heading straight for him. 

He stated that it appeared to maintain a certain altitude then all of a sudden made a sharp dip downwards from roughly 500 to 600 feet in altitude to approximately 300 feet and at a high rate of speed. Standing rather in shock, he assumed his brother and friend had also seen this due to it's brightness and flying at such a low level. But he told me that the other two people had not seen it, which  may have been  due to them being a distance away from him. From this point he watched it come down.

He moved quickly threw the woods with one of the dogs to the area where the object had crashed  and scrambled down into the ravine, thinking he might be able to help someone from the crash. He immediately noticed a small brush fire had started around the crash area.   Once in the ravine and close enough to the crashed object, he quickly figured out that what he was looking at was not an airplane that he knew of.

The object had partially dug itself into the ravine and he could see that  approximately two to three feet of it was buried into the ground. He noted the back side of the object was flat and approximately five feet in diameter and the sides looked textured/rippled.

Larry had with him a six volt dry cell light that he was using for raccoon hunting, he shone the light on the object and could see that it was steaming due to the intense heat it was giving off, plus some smoke due to the small brush fires that had been started.

With his light, he tried to see if there was any kind of opening or identifying markings on it, but saw a metal band about one foot up from the base. Larry could clearly see some kind of drawings or lettering on the band. It was maybe two inches wide. Still looking at the lettering or figures, to him they made no sense or were not any written language he had seen before. He said there were a series of dots, swirls, triangular shapes and some looked like crosses with two lateral lines running across them.

At the time, he was only about 15 feet away from the bronze colored object and seeing Larry was looking at something very unknown to him, his next thought was to go back to get his brother and then to seek or get to the phone to call for help. He climbed back out of the ravine, couldn't find his dog anywhere, then whistled and his dog did finally come to him.

Running through the bush and yelling out his brothers name, he finally met up with his brother and the friend. The first thing out of Larry's brother's mouth was, "my god, what was it"? Larry took his brother and friend to the area where the object was embedded into the ground to show them, all of them at a bit of a distance and the other two could not figure out what it was either.

Then the fellows all heard the fire engines coming in their direction from Kecksburg. Seeing the fire department was on the way, Larry's brother mentioned that there wasn't much they could do, so they left and took the dogs home.

(Note: Larry thought it was important to note that when the three of the fellows were standing looking at the object, and having their dogs with them all of the dogs were certainly agitated and had the hair standing up on their backs and sniffing the air. The dogs also kept trying to hide behind the fellows as the leashes were getting caught up in the guys legs).

After the brothers arrived home they told their parents about what they had seen and that got the boys father's curiosity going and they decided to go back for another look. Larry said at that time alot of folks were driving up to the area to see what had happened.  Of course by this time the Mount Pleasant Fire Department was on the scene as they thought they were heading to a plane crash.

Of course when the general public and Larry and his family arrived near the location where he saw the object, the Sheriff's department had already erected a barrier across the road and not allowing anyone to get close to the crash site. When Larry's father asked the Sheriff what had happened, he said he had no information other than the Fire Department was dealing with the incident.

Eventually they left and went back home, and watched the news later that evening but didn't hear anything really on what happened. But the next day Larry went to school and the teachers told the classes that they were not to talk about the event that took place the night before. Actually Larry went on to say that the teachers mentioned that what people saw, was no more than a meteor/meteorite that has crash  landed. As Larry said, he found that rather odd that they weren't to talk about a meteor. Well he knew it wasn't a meteor as he had witnessed it up close and personal, and told his friends about what he witnessed.

(At this point in the interview Larry stated the reason why he was coming out with this now was he hoped that by telling what he saw in the ravine that night, it just might mend the rift that was dividing the community. He also stated that what hit the ground was certainly not a meteor, he wasn't claiming it to be a UFO as he just didn't have any ideas to what it was he saw. He even had thoughts of it being a Russian Space Capsule).

Larry spoke about the reproduction that was made of the object and which was placed on top of the Kecksburg Fire Department, it was very similar to what he saw in the ravine that evening.

As the months and years passed by and things settled down over the event that took place in Kecksburg, it was a few years later when Larry enlisted into the Airforce as a aircraft fighter mechanic, and was stationed at Hamilton AFB which is located in Marin County, CA. He was in the barracks one evening when the alert siren went off and some F106 jet interceptors were scrambled and had intercepted something over the Pacific ocean.

He mentioned that this was common as the Russian and American aircraft would play this cat and mouse game. Over some time the aircraft mechanics and pilots became rather close, and they became good friends. Larry told me that one of the pilots stationed at the base was a very seasoned pilot, did two tours in Vietnam and the next day Larry asked the pilot who was a Major, you guys were scrambled last night, the pilot said yes. Larry asked were the Russian playing games again, and the pilot replied: Quote: "I don't know what the hell it was"!

Larry then started talking to him and related his story of what he saw in the ravine at Kecksburg, Pennsylvania. Larry said the pilots jaw dropped almost to the ground. And asked, you actually saw it ? Larry said yes and assumed he was the first person to see the object. Well it ended up that the pilot had a good friend who served with the Michigan National Guard back in 1965 who actually intercepted the object which fell in Kecksburg on the same night Larry saw the object.

There were a number of fighter aircraft that had followed the object, or from their aircraft could track it. Larry assumed that the fighter jets had tracked the object for some distance before it hit the ground, but he said he had heard no aircraft on the night the object crashed.

Later on after the Michigan National Guard pilots who followed the object returned to their base, they were told by base commanders that the object had landed in Western Pennsylvania and was nothing more than a meteorite. End of story!

Brian Vike asked Larry if he roughly knew when the military showed up in the town of Kecksburg. He said approximately one hour after the object crashed. I also asked how far away any military base would have been from the crash site. Larry said the nearest base was not all that far away. (Brian Vike is wondering how the military was able to arrive so quickly after the object crashed, and in force by the sounds of it.

Then one looks at the fighter aircraft already being sent out and following the object, the military knew ahead of time where the unknown had come down, or at least the approximate location where to look. Of course Larry believed the military were also already on their way as well as they had to have been tracking it as it came in).

Larry said another thing he felt important to mention was, that night of the crash when they came back with their father to the crash area, the Fire Department were there along with the police who did have the road blocked off so no traffic was able to pass by as I mentioned in the report above. But then the next day  the family traveled back to the area where the object came down, Larry said the military were everywhere!

And in another hamlet called Mammoth the military were walking all over the area and with a barrier set up, and on the barrier there was a sign which read, "deadly force authorized beyond this point", "no admittance" and the soldiers were carrying M-14's weapons and Larry said they were pointing the guns in the direction of people. And of course the military still telling everyone in the community that all the object was, was a meteorite.

As Larry said, why all the fuss and pointing weapons at folks if all it was, was a meteorite.

Larry also remarks, when the military really lost credibility, is when they said nothing had landed.

Anyway he went on to say it was the night of the second day of the crash, or the night after the crash the military removed what ever it was on a flatbed truck covered with a large tarp and rumors were saying it went to Wright-Patterson AFB.

Larry also said folks living at the junction at Media Road (?) witnessed the military trucks (a number of them) moving into the area, one appeared to be a mobile command unit and pulling a trailer. A perimeter was set up all around the crash site.

Larry said about a year or two after the crash, and them still hunting in the area when his brother was coming over the top of a hill and walking through a hay field he came across a K- ration can. After his brother found the one K- ration, he kicked the ground a little bit and discovered a few more cans, of course military issue.

The fellows investigated a little more to see if they might find any more trash left behind by the military, and Larry said nothing else was found. They swept the area in a circular pattern, but he thought it might be interesting if someone was to go to the area with a metal detector to see what, if anything, they might be able to find, which might provide an answer to how the area was cordoned off to the general public by the military.

So there we have an interesting report from a person who had an incredible experience, one I am sure he will never ever forget.

You can listen to the interview I did with the eyewitness at the following link:

I would also like to thank Larry for allowing me to do an interview with him for the audio portion, and also for a fascinating report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Friday, November 27, 2020

Terrified Witnesses To A 30 Foot Hovering Saucer Shaped UFO In New York State

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  July 11, 2007

Time:  10:30 p.m.

Location of Sighting: New York  (near Pine Bush).

Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: 30 foot saucer shaped vehicle red blue lights w/beam.

Full Description of event/sighting: Driving home on country road when lights were sighted behind a tree, about 40 feet up and about 40 feet in front of us. We stopped our vehicle, it lowered and moved directly in front of us over road. Flashing blue and red lights and a beam of light from under it, beaming onto road in front of us.

It hovered over road directly in front of us. We were actually having a terrifying encounter with this thing. Who was going to make the next move? My sister, who was driving wanted to turn around and go back down the road towards town. I knew not to get under the beam. I knew if we tried to go back it would get over us.

I told my sister to make turn into upper driveway to our house. We had to go toward the UFO, and it lowered more and began to come toward us, but we swerved a sharp right to turn into the driveway. We were terrified! We parked our car, my sister on driver's side ran to house, saying "it is not a helicopter. It makes no noise!" 

I opened passenger side, and running around back of vehicle, looked up straight ahead of me. The UFO is directly in front of me, very close to the ground, just hovering. No beam of light underneath now, but a grey blue light all around it.

It was between the house and garage buildings, just hovering there. It was about 30 feet wide. I was sort of mesmerized by it. We try to account for the time. Just remember suddenly again being behind my sister on the porch as she was trying to open the door with the keys, surprisingly so calmly.

Afterwards, we both realized it must have been directly over our vehicle in the driveway because we did not see it go down the road in front of us. Also, a funny thing was my sister had been frightened by these things hovering low near the radio tower on the road and had been practicing parking here vehicle facing the road and practicing opening the door as quickly as possible.

It hovered a few minutes, then very, very slowly moves up and away from me over tree tops. A very, very whisper of sort of an electrical generator sound.!

 The next day the tree it hovered over before slowly moving toward road had the leaves all drooping and looked dried out. And a circle on the grass where it hovered. There are always these strange "flashing stars" in the area all the time, and my sister is very frightened of these things. Even before this encounter.

Like she has had some "experience" with them before or something. She would point at them and tell me "those are not stars!"  And every night they are still there, some hanging very low, not at a great distance. These "flashing stars" are also here in Branson, Mo. I see them every night. Just hovering in the sky all the time. Not sure if these are military vehicles or what. But this is very frightening.

I had been in New York for only a short time when this happened and we did not go out after dark after this. Did research on the Pine Bush UFO sightings over the years. Know top military experimentation facilities in the area. Researching more very interesting information about the area and military and government experimentation and facilities.

I have found information on a UFO crash in the area in 1965, and military people came on our property about that time to search for something. I remember my dad and I watching the UFO's in the sky from out kitchen windows in the 60's and 70's, usually a cluster of three or so. They would hover and then suddenly just take off really fast to nowhere. But couldn't talk about it then.

Now look at the talk on the internet. No, we are not crazy. This is really happening. But what and who are they?  Sort of makes me proud when my sister and I can say "two blondes out maneuvered a UFO" ! What would the brunettes have done?

Joking about it now. But it was the most terrifying experience of my life. We thought we were going to die. We were hysterical, crying a screaming. Now I see them here too. Why is no one, like scientists and "star gazers" not talking about them? I can easily pick them out.

They just hang in the sky for hours, and have flashing pulsating red and green lights. And there is sometimes a larger very bright white thing with them. Are many other people reporting these things to you also?  On the internet I've found a few people questioning these "flashing stars."

Thank you to the witness for the very interesting report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Numerous Witnesses To Ongoing UFO And Strange Alien Activity At Granisle British Columbia

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  November 29 to December 19, 2007

Time:  Everyday between 5:00 p.m. - 3:00 a.m.

Location of Sighting: Above and around Babine Lake.

Number of witnesses: Depends on which day of observation.

Number of objects: Depends.

Shape of objects: Disc, and slender shaped  flashing objects.

Full Description of event/sighting: Mr. Vike, I am not comfortable telling my name at this particular point in time. There are unbelievably weird things going on here and I wish to obtain a sense of being taken seriously if you will,  before I expose personal information. 

I have lived in this town for almost 15 years, never before have I believed or wanted to believe in "extra terrestrials, or UFOs", but lately, I've seen things, lights in the sky, shadows of abnormal things. I know this is to report UFO sightings but I believe I've seen more then UFOs.

There is another family here in Granisle that have been in contact with you quit a bit. I'm good friends with these folks, they are not lying to you. I've seen lights in the sky everyday towards the eastern side of the lake. At first I was convinced these were logging trucks, but as these lights have continued to appear I have began to realize and tell myself almost exclusively, if that's the right word, logging trucks cannot fly, hover or dart back in forth through the sky at amazing speeds.

I've seen lights almost everyday for 3 weeks, the women that was writing to you about a picture her daughter had taken, she's not lying. You can clearly make out a figure, an abnormal figure. One I believe I've seen before on December 12, 2007. 

I was at home, it was roughly one o'clock a.m. and I was beginning to get ready for bed. I was standing in my kitchen when I caught a glimpse of something in a thicket of trees standing behind my house. Now Mr. Vike before I confess what I saw, I'm asking you, please be understanding and as much as you may not want to believe me, there was something there.

At first I thought it was a child, then I realized the time. No parent in there right mind would let a small child be out this late, no child would want to be out this late. For these reasons I have come to believe I was being observed. Lately I've had odd feeling of being watched, this may seem like BS, but I believe I have a good sense of being able to tell when someone (or in this case, something) is watching me.

As for the lights, I've observed them almost everyday with the family that writes to you. Up until now I have refused to contact you about what I've seen, but these lights aren't normal and I'm afraid. I am only writing to you because I have been urged to do so.

The lights I saw were flashing red and yellow discs. I've observed them through telescope and binoculars. I appreciatively ask you to email me as soon as possible with your analysis, please and thank you. I'll be waiting for your reply.

Thank you to the witness for their report. Seems Granisle, British Columbia is some active UFO area right now for some reason I cannot figure out.

Thank you to all the eyewitnesses who contacted me.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Friday, November 20, 2020

Lieutenant Ordered Guards To Open Fire On Large Hovering Disc Shaped UFO

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Dear Brian, I read your article on the UFO incident at NAS Memphis (Millington). I was stationed on the north side of NAS Memphis from 1981-1983 with MAG-42 Det B.

The reason that I am sending you this email is not because of your particular story, but because one of the unit commanders, a Lieutenant Colonel was stationed with me there and we began talking about UFOs.

This man was a reservist who was a Tennessee state worker (a biologist) who told me of his own UFO story that he said he shared with very few people.

I figured that because he was an A-4 pilot, a Lieutenant Colonel and a scientist working for the state that his word was as good as gold to me.

I don't know if you want to hear it, but if you do, please let me know and I will send it to you. Thanks.

Additional Information:

Brian, Thanks for taking the time out to respond to my email. The story is in general, I don't know the exact locations or times of the main event, but the Lieutenant Colonel and I use to golf regularly and he use to tell me that I should hear his UFO story some time.

Finally, one day we finished golfing (at the NAS Memphis golf course) and we sat down in the bar and I asked him about his incident.

He told me that when he was a Lieutenant, and was one night the "Officer of the Guard" that his guards frantically called him on the radio stating that there was a UFO hovering over the storage building that held the ammo and weapons (the Armory).

He and his Sergeant of the Guard got in a jeep and sped to the location and saw a very large shiny silver flat disc hovering about 30 feet above the building. He said that his guards were beside themselves over it!  He added that the disc was making a low humming sound.

Then he ordered all his guards to open fire on the disc. Even he himself was shooting at it.  He said that the rounds just bounced off the disc and finally it sped away at an incredible speed. When I asked him if he thought it was of 'Earthly origin', he told me that there was no way that any human could have endured the G forces at the speed the object was moving.

When I asked him how big it was, he told me that it was bigger than the building it was hovering over. He said that he submitted a report on the incident and never heard anything again!  He wasn't even questioned by any higher authority.

As I stated in my last email, this man is a scientist and was a military fighter pilot of high rank. I worked with him for 3 years and not once did I ever see anything that would make me question his sanity. He was extremely sober minded and a 'matter of fact' type of person.

Why he insisted on telling me this story I do not know. I always wondered about that. Maybe he just trusted me and wanted to tell somebody. I was just a lowly Sergeant that did his paperwork for him.

I know this doesn't give much detail, and I apologize over that. I wish I would have had the presence of mind to ask him more details. Thanks for listening. Hope it helps somehow.

Our thanks to the person for relating this interesting story.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Multiple Witnesses To Sighting Of Three Orange/Red/Yellowish Coloured Objects Port Moody British Columbia (Diagram)

Date:  2013
Time:  Approximately 8:00 p.m.

Hey, I was recently recalling the time I swear I saw a UFO and I was telling my dad about it and we decided to look it up and stumbled across this article ( ) so I figured I’d tell you my experience.

It was 2013 and I was grade 7 and I was taking my dog outside to go to the bathroom and I was just standing in my backyard and I looked up and I noticed these three orange/red/ yellowish coloured things in the sky.

I was like “what the heck is that, can’t be a plane, definitely not a satellite” so I just continued to stare at them, they were in a triangular formation and from what I can remember they were slowly rotating positions, I was baffled, as I continued looking at them I watched them vanish right in front of my eyes, this encounter was in fact at around 8:00 p.m. 

The next day I went over to my friends house and was telling her what I saw, then her dad came into the room and was like tell that again, so I told him my story and he was like “ I saw the exact same thing.

I was outside and these guys drove by and they asked me what I thought that was in the sky”, my friends dad then described the exact same thing I saw.

So not only did I see it, but so did three other people and I realized I was in fact not going crazy believing I saw aliens, but to this day I strongly believe I witnessed the presence of a UFO. Hope this helps in any way. 

Additional Information and Diagram: This is not my photo but this is pretty much spot on to what I saw in Port Moody 2013.

Thank you to the witness for their report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. 

The Vike Factor Blog:

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research:

10 To 12 Objects/UFOs And Boomerang Shaped Craft Over Hamilton Ontario

Date:  May 1, 2020
Time:  Evening.

Hi Brian, this is (name removed). We have been in contact in the past. I live in Hamilton Ontario. I had another sighting just last night.

My 15 year old daughter and I witnessed 10-12 orb like UFOs bouncing and moving around in the sky. They originated around the Big Dipper. They seemed to all move southbound.

After a while we weren’t really seeing anymore. Just as we were about to go back in the house an enormous boomerang shaped craft emerged about 500 feet above us.

It was silent and had not lights. It seemed to reflect the sky. It was moving slowly. Looked like a wave going through the sky. We saw it for about 10 seconds and suddenly it vanished. I made a report to

However in order to read reports on this site I have to pay. What are your suggestions for reporting this absolutely astonishing siting? 


Thank you to the witness for their report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. 

The Vike Factor Blog:

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research:

Monday, August 10, 2020

20 To 30 Lights In The Sky Port St Lucie Florida

Date:  August 4, 2020
Time:  9:00 p.m.

While in my car and exiting off interstate I95 N  at exit 121, four of us looked to the low level east and saw an very large array of lights in a very large rectangular shape hardly moving and staying in tandem with each other. 

Our different estimates of their numbers range from 20 - 30 lights. I first thought it might be a mass launch of small candle lit hot air balloons that might have been released together at some festival or other crowd event.

But they didn't move much and held their rectangular shape for the whole time we could see them. That doesn't happen typically with mini candle balloon en masse

The shape of the lights was like looking at a sauce pan from the side with a straight  line handle of lights extending from the left top side of the pot like a long and more rectangular Big Dipper in the sky.

All the lights appeared as a yellow to light orange color (some said more of a white to light yellow) sharing the same intensity. 

Overall we detected little movement like planes or satellite's. Just kind of hung there. 

Saw the for several minutes while driving until we no longer had a view from our destination
I hope that's helpful.


Thanks to the witness for their report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email: or

The Vike Factor Blog:

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research:

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Bright Light With Two Triangles Attached To The Bottom Over Parry Sound Ontario

Date:  March 22, 2017
Time: Approximately 10:30 p.m.

I saw what looked like maybe the North Star or a comet except it was bright orange tinge near Parry Sound at about 10:30 p.m. March 22, 2017. I took out some binoculars and I saw two bright triangles, attached at the bottom, both narrow and pointing upwards.

They had an outline, not just 3 lights, like 60*, 30* 60* degrees. They seemed to change shape and add lights. At one point there was 5 lights.

The object was far in the distance, but it seemed to hover. It went brighter before heading up in the sky and then it reversed course and flew across the skyline, towards me but off to the east.

It flew above me (and to the east) and as it did it sounded a bit like a plane. It could've been a plane, but it wasn't a commercial flight. It could've been a military craft, just some guy flying his plane erratically at 10: 30 p.m. or possibly a UFO.

Thank you to the witness for their report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog:

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research:

Monday, December 3, 2018

10 To 12 Bright Orange Lights Over Winnipeg Manitoba

Date:  January 10, 2015
Time:  Approx: 8:15 p.m.

Below report was sent to me on January 12, 2016.

We also saw these lights in Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada at about 8:15 p.m.

We first noticed them towards the South of the city when I was driving my son's friend home and we thought that we were in the PIXELS Movie lol (we had just finished watching it)!

When I dropped him off a couple of minutes later we noticed them appearing in North. We ran into the house and myself, the other mom and 3 of our kids went outside and were amazed at what we were seeing. We are still wondering ? What in the world was that?

Brian Vike, Director KBCC UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog:

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Object Appeared To Be Cylindrical Standing Upwards Burnaby British Columbia

Date:  July 30, 2017
Time:  7:30 p.m. - 8:10 p.m.

Object seen shimmering brightly around 7:30 p.m. on July 30, 2017. The brightness varied from very low to very high so that at the high point it appeared to be cylindrical standing upwards.

The object was stationary at first for about 15 minutes, but then started moving slowly in a southerly direction.

It kept moving in southerly direction so that after another 20 minutes it was no longer visible. Brought attention of several people nearby to the object. Did not have a camera or device to capture video or picture. The object was 60 degrees up from horizon.

Brian Vike, Director KBCC UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog:

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

To The Person From Redmond Washington

This note is aimed at the person who is from Redmond Washington, as I am a bit curious as to what you are doing.

Your on the blogs everyday, which is cool, running through all the material as fast as can be.

You can’t be reading it.

Just in case, I own the material on The Vike Factor and I did hear rumors about someone having my old domains I sold and possibly opening them up, and someone thinking the material goes with it, it does not.

Brian Vike.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

7 To 8 Unknown Flashing Lights Over Richmond British Columbia

Date: December 25, 2010
Time: Approx: 7:50 p.m.

Hi Brian, I posted a comment about below sighting on my FB and a cousin from Europe sent me a link detailing the sighting from Kelowna. We saw individual flashing lights (like a very powerful camera flash), about 7-8 of them, around 7:50pm last night. This was in Richmond B.C.

The flashing lasted only for a moment, and the brightness varied between them. This did not look like a lightening at all, although it was coming out of a cloud (or from above it). I wonder if anyone else spotted the same thing in Richmond.

All the best, and Merry Christmas (if you celebrate it)!

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. website:

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Toronto Ontario Canada Objects Changes Shape From A Oblong To A Triangle

Posted: June 14, 2009

Date: June 8, 2009
Time: 3:48 a.m.

Location of Sighting: Toronto, ON, Canada.
Number of witnesses: 4
Number of Objects: 2
Shape of Objects: Circle/oblong shifting to triangular.

Full Description of Event/Sighting: I had my students on a sleep over at the Metro Toronto Zoo. Myself and three students were unable to sleep and were watching the sky over the rouge valley. The night was cold and quite overcast. At times, the full moon was visible only a few times during the night as a result of thick cloud coverage and the stars were not clearly visible.

While looking westward toward Scarborough, I noticed a faint but distinctive roundish/oblong light in the sky (it was at about a 145 degree angle from our perspective). The white light source was large, appearing bigger than the full moon despite the fact it was a couple hundred feet in the sky. Over the first minute of its appearance, the light became significantly brighter and closer to us, requiring us to look at more of a 90 degree angle. At this point, it began to throb/pulse, changing shape continually every few seconds from circle/oblong to triangle. About a minute after it appeared, it was joined by a smaller white light of the same shape but significantly smaller in size; the smaller light source travelled forward and when it stopped at about a 45 degree angle from the larger light source. The smaller light was slightly higher up in the sky, or further from the ground, and appeared about five times smaller than the larger light source. Once it stopped near the larger light source, it began to throb/pulse beside the bigger light.

The two lights stayed like this for a few seconds and then the smaller one joined together with the larger one. At the point, the very moment the two lights converged, there was a very bright white light flash, almost a fireball or "zoom" with a with a tail (the colour of the light reminded me of the white fire of a sparkler). The flash and tail moved toward us and closer to the ground, while the converged lights immediately moved forward/upward into and disappeared. The light produced by the fireball and its tail was extremely bright, enough so that it illuminated significant light in the dark sky. The bright light "fire ball with tail" was visible for less than ten seconds after the disappearance of the aforementioned joined lights; after which, there was no trace evidence except our collective memories. The entire event lasted only a few minutes.

We had a camera and I attempted to take photos but given the extreme darkness and lack of adequate flash or telephoto lens, the camera did not adequately document the event (a source of disappointment, for sure, and even as we were experiencing it, we joked about it). Also, as the event intensified I stopped trying to photograph because it wasn't working anyway and I was simply mesmerized by the event, I stopped thinking fidgeting with camera and just observed.

Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Site:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Toronto Ontario Canada 5 To 6 Spherical Shaped Objects

Posted: June 14, 2009

Date: June 9, 2009
Time: 11:20 a.m.

Location of Sighting: Toronto Ontario Canada.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of Objects: 5-6
Shape of Objects: Roundish/spherical.

Full Description of Event/Sighting: I was on the phone in my apartment, which is a third floor unit overlooking a residential neighborhood in the area between Leaside and Davisville in midtown Toronto. While talking, I was looking out the window from the couch and noticed a shape moving across the sky at a bit of a distance. I first thought it was a helicopter, and just casually followed it's linear movement across the sky from the northwest towards the southeast without giving it much thought. As it got closer to my place, I realized that it was neither a helicopter or plane and got up and went to the window for a better look.

What I saw appeared to be a cluster of balloons, as there were 5 or 6 round objects that were red in colour. I figured a street vendor somewhere must have been having a bad day, as their merchandise got away. It's quite windy today. Still curious, I watched the movement of this group of objects.

It's important to mention that the weather conditions today are good: it's overcast, but clear of precipitation. Lots of cloud in the sky, so the objects really stood out against a solid, light gray backdrop -- no sunlight to create glare, reflections, etc.

I estimated it to be approximately 150ft above the ground, moving horizontally and at a consistent speed the entire time. It did not ascend or descend at all, nor were there any erratic movements associated with wind gusts and balloons -- we've all seen the stray one that a child has let go of. These orbs were not moving like that. Further, as it came closer, I saw that the outer objects were circling each other, and appeared to be metallic.

I was actually in the middle of a tech-related call dealing with a service issue, and could not hang up, or I would've run out the front to watch the object pass over the neighbouring buildings. It definitely seemed to be on a specific flight path, at a controlled speed.

This just happened less than an hour ago, and I can't take my eyes off the sky now! What's even more strange about this is the coincidental nature of the sighting: I just spent hours yesterday listening to my friend's account of a sighting late Sunday night/early Monday morning while camping out near the rouge valley and Metro Zoo. 6 people saw two glowing white lights which were changing shape from circular to triangle, pulsing, then joined together in a bright flash and disappeared.

From what I've been reading, there is an acceleration and increase in sightings -- to a dramatic degree.

Has anyone else in the Toronto area seen either of the objects I've mentioned?

Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Site:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO