Saturday, December 17, 2011

Two Orange Objects/Lights Over Ottawa Ontario

Date:  April 7, 2011
Time:  8:35 p.m.
Hi, I just found your sight and the following page:
My girlfriend and I were just watching TV when I looked outside the patio door. At first I thought it was a couple of fireworks shot up. Looked away, but looked right back and realized they weren't falling. I said what the hell is that? My girlfriend and I went out onto our deck and watched them.
What were they? Two orange lights in the sky moving from the northwest to the southwest over our building (we are around Bank and Hunt Club). They moved very slowly, but at an unwavering pace. 
What was amazing was, for quite a distance, they never moved closer or further apart but kept perfect distance from each other.  I would say we watched them for about a good minute to a minute and a half as they passed overhead until we lost sight of them when they passed over to the other side of our building. 
They could not have been that high as we could have watched them for a fair bit longer.
My girlfriend remarked at one point that they kind of looking like floating candles ( the flame of a candle, that sort of colour).  I thought perhaps they were fighter planes or perhaps helicopters flying in formation but there were no other light other than that emanating from what could only have been the center of their mass. 
Did not detect a real mass or shadow behind them.
Anyway, pretty amazing we both feel privileged to have witnessed that.
Thanks for reading this.
If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. website:

Friday, December 16, 2011

Three Lights Cause Electrical Power Disruption At Plaster Rock New Brunswick Canada

Date:  October 2010
Time:  Late night.
I would like to report a sighting that happened in Plaster Rock, New Brunswick Canada, last October in 2010. I was at hunting camp alone and I went to bed and everything was shut off. After about an half hour in bed, three strange balls of light, white light which had made everything electrical in the camp blink.
They came from behind camp in woods where there is nothing, but trees. No electrical, nothing. Then after the third blast of white light, which lit up the camp, the TV came on by itself. There was white static volume all the way up. 
I could hear slosh sound, so I got up slowly and I was scared. I slowly walked to the TV, pulled the plug and as I did, it went silent and then the front door slowly opened, squeaking as it did. I was shaking, I didn't move for like ten minutes. I was white as a ghost and all of my body hair was on end.
After roughly another ten minutes, I slowly walked to door and shut it, then went to bed. I still can't figure out what it was, but all I know is, I never want to experience that again. My name is (name removed) and  I'm 31 years of age and wish not to gain anything from this. Thank you.
If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. website:

Unknown Creature Spotted At Island 22 Fraser River Chilliwack British Columbia

Date:  August 1998
Time:  Approx: 3:00 a.m.
Hi, a few years back I was night fishing along the Fraser river. I kept hearing a sound from down the beach and It was about 3:00 a.m.
I looked from my chair as I was bar fishing and could not see anything. 
So I looked with my flash light and at about 100 to 150 feet away I could see red glowing eyes. I never told anybody about this, for people would say it was a dog or what ever, but the funny thing is it would have had to be at least six feet tall. Any idea what it could have been.
Additional Information:
It happened at Island 22, well about a mile down from the camp sites. My flash light picked up the refection's of the eyes and I was just wondering what it could have been. It happened in 1998 August.
It was not flying and it was 100 - 150 feet away from my chair on the ground. I never did go and camp there after that.
If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. website:

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

New TV UFO Documentary Coming Soon

Just a little news before getting at posting some material. Looks like I will be in another TV UFO documentary coming and filming begins in January of 2012, so next month, this will be for a major TV network and I will give the details on who, which case of mine, etc. soon.
Brian Vike.
If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. website:

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Massive Hovering Black Triangle With Red Lights In The Corners Over Bowen Island British Columbia

Date:  December 22, 2010 and April 2, 2011
Time:  Evening.
Hi, this happened on December 22, 2010 in Bowen Island, BC. I stepped out of the house for a smoke. I was talking to my friend on the phone. Before I mention any details, I would like to say I never believed in UFO's. I was not drunk and certainly not high.

Anyway, I was on the phone with my friend, I took a cigarette out of the pack. Talked to her and things were pretty normal. I looked up and literally froze. I faintly remember my friend saying my name over and over, but I felt like I could not move.
This was honestly due to complete shock and I was in awe looking up at the sky. What I saw was a massive triangle. It had three red lights on each corner with a blue/whitish light in the middle. I couldn't believe my eyes and kept trying to make sense of it.
At some point I dropped my phone and cigarette and just kept staring. It was moving very slowly and I could make out the shape of whatever that was. It made no sounds at all. Due to its size I have a very hard time believing it was manmade and still can't quite rationalize what I saw that night. It hovered for about 20 more seconds and then it was gone in an instant. I wasn't afraid at all and actually was rather fascinated.

However, about 2-3 weeks ago (April 2nd I think it was) I stepped outside again for another smoke and like every night since December, I looked up. And again I believe I saw the same thing, but this time it seemed much farther away and I couldn't quite verify it. The difference this time was that I truly felt like I wanted to go back inside. And I did.

I can't explain what I saw. I can't even say I believe what I saw was truly alien. But I've become far more in tune with something or another since that December night. It's a very odd experience to say the least.
If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. website:

Strange Cloud Formation Over Halifax Nova Scotia (Possible Roll Cloud)

Date:  December 9, 2011
Time:  Approx: 8:00 p.m.
The Vike Factor Note: The report Brian Vike received was back in November 21, 2010 and again seen over Halifax, Nova Scotia. Since that time, I was able to look into the sighting and come up with what I believe to be the answer for the unusual cloud formation, which is rather a rare sight to see. It is called a Roll Cloud.)
Information and photos on Roll Clouds can be found at:
If anyone else witnessed this, would you please contact myself, Brian Vike with your report and if a photo was taken, please send it along as well. You can reach me at or

I believe I witnessed on Friday night of the 9th 2011.

I first noticed it at around 8:00 p.m. at night when I was working deliveries. A lady, I dropped some pizza off too, pointed out the full moon and I saw this long jet stream looking cloud. It was travelling NNE and SSW. There were at least four of them all in parallel as far as the eye could see, though two were very dimly lit so hard to see.

I continued my deliveries constantly watching these formations. About half an hour later I was delivering to the Marriott on Upper water street. I look up. Streams still there seems farther away. It’s a very thin line now, but still strongly defined, not dispersing.

Went into the hotel and when I came out about 10 minutes later. The cloud is thicker now, more dispersed and lower than what I saw before. By the time I drop off my other pizza and head back to the north end. I look up the clouds thinner now.

Within the time frame of the Marriott Hotel and Upper water to arriving back to the pizza shop the stream seemed to be pulsing. Sounds crazy, I pointed it out to a co-worker and he seemed boggled, but not that interested.

Now I like to read and I'm not paranoid or anything but I do believe in some degree of the HAARP theory of manipulating the ionosphere. I also saw this video.

It looked like this, but not as many and farther apart

Anyways, just thought I'd throw it out there. It was weird enough for me to Google anyone else's findings. Interesting that you may have seen a similar thing a year ago. Cheers.
If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. website: