Friday, April 2, 2021

UFO Sighting In Telkwa And Houston, B.C.

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Newspaper Article

By Nicole Fitzgerald The Interior News Smithers, B.C.

The Interior News.

On July 29, winding down from a day on his Telkwa farm, Gordon Stewart settled into his chair facing two bay windows, overlooking the valley for a late-night movie. At 10:45 p.m., a bright light flashed by his field of vision, raising him from his chair, astonished at the peculiarity and speed of the sight.

After walking onto the front porch for a clearer view, only silence filled the valley sky smudged with light cloud cover. He called the RCMP. There was no air force activity in the area. He woke his wife Joanna, who had already turned in for the night without hearing or seeing anything. On sharing his description of the round, white light with a yellowish hue, he learned his wife had seen the same light in the same location a couple of months earlier.

"I didn't want to tell him because he'd think I was crazy," Joanne recounted. Earlier that evening at 10.20 p.m. in Houston, a Canfor employee stepped from a forklift to examine a phosphorescent like white ball of light with yellow undertones, which appeared to hover, before slowly crawling across the sky line.

The worker called out to two fellow co-workers who caught sight of the glowing light, which grew a tail as it gained momentum. The phenomenon gained speed towards Tweedsmuir Park and shot out of view over the horizon.

"I called them over because I wanted proof that I saw something and that I wasn't crazy," the Canfor employee explained. Despite having two witnesses, the Canfor employee wished to remain anonymous.

Despite his wife having seen the same phenomenon's, Stewart was relieved a similar sighting was reported the same day. Stewart caught the tail end of a movie when he was startled from his chair by an unidentifiable round light streaking across the valley. Combined with his house being stationed at 3,000 feet - Smithers sits at approximately 1,750 feet - and large bay windows, Stewart has an ideal birds eye view of air traffic.

Crazy and UFO are often terms that go hand in hand when trying to determine an experience that appears to be out of this world. Already this year, over 70 unidentifiable sightings have been reported in northern B.C. Only two days before the Telkwa/Houston sighting, an erratically moving, bright light was spotted in Prince George.

Sightings in Prince Rupert and Port Simpson were reported the same day of Stewart's experience. The two days that followed it reports from Terrace were filed on a glowing, cigar-shaped craft and four multiple sightings of an unidentifiable light.

"There is so much going on here it's nuts", Houston B.C. Canada UFO researcher Brian Vike remarked. Vike suspects action in space is growing with the number of hits he receives on his UFO website.

"Recently, I have been getting numerous hits," he said, "Everything from the National Defense Department to Federal Aviation". He also noted that open information transitions between himself and the National Department of Defense has since clammed up with the publishing of the recent sighting in Telkwa - where three women attested to seeing an unidentified object with bright lights.

"No one wants to say anything and I am kind of wondering why", He questioned. "Is the military running a project we are not aware of? Something has happened I just don't know what ... yet".

Many of these speculated extraterrestrial occurrences have been explained away as meteorites, flying exercises, space debris and the result of power towers. A recent space ship sighting in Smithers turned out to be the planets Jupiter and Venus. Stewart dismisses many of these suspicions in his case. He began by explaining that the object flew in a flat line unlike meteorite or space debris's falling arc pattern.

Planes might be a credible explanation, but because no sound was detected and the size of the light - the size of a pick up truck from the distance he sat at - flew so low, a plane wasn't a logical solution in Stewart's mind.

According to Central Mountain Air, there were no late night flights except for a training run July 29. Northern Thunderbird training was up between 10:07 - 11:04, however, a Central Mountain Air spokesperson saw no connection between the occurrences. She speculated that the tiny Cessna 185 would not emit a bright light of that magnitude and its engines would be heard at a close proximity.

Although a comet spotted the same evening would solve Stewart's mystery, its glowing green light, arc-shaped flight and Hudson Bay Mountain location did not pair up with what he saw - leaving Stewart questioning, "What the heck was it?"

For Stewart, the speed of the light was the most notable. "If you had blinked, you would have missed it, it was that fast," he said. He assessed the light reached faster than the speed of light at over 650 miles per hour. Stewart is well acquainted to gauging speed, he assessed, after driving dragsters that reached up to 200 miles per hour. As to whether he believes in another life force traveling through the universe, Stewart has always believed since reading space comic books as a kid, that people on earth weren't the only ones out here.

"There's too much on earth not to disbelieve," he argued, noting other phenomenon's such as the Pyramids. "I think there was someone before us." Despite Stewart's open mind towards other life forms, he talked himself through other possible explanations, but came to the same conclusion: "I knew I saw something out of the ordinary".

Although highly skeptical, the Canfor employee agreed his sighting was something more than an every day occurrence. "In my mind it looked like a meteorite," he comforted himself, but wavered as he turned the 20 second experience over in his mind. "But, it was like no meteorite I've ever seen. I've seen meteorite showers before, but they never looked anything like this. I really don't know what it was."

The Interior News - http:/

Bulkley Valley Hotbed of Interstellar Activity

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Newspaper Article

Interior News

Smithers, B.C.

Wednesday, March 20, 2002

95th Year - Week 12

Community Reporter


By Timothy Schafer

The Interior News

A thick cloud cover blanketed the Bulkley Valley on the night of February 1, 2002. Three women drove down Highway 16 on that Friday, chatting casually. After they passed through Telkwa, around 8:45 p.m., a light in the sky ahead of the car slowed their conversation. Even though the woolly sky reflected back moonlight glancing off the snow, this light stood out oddly in the luminescent, northeastern night sky.

When it poked through the cloud cover and descended in their direction as they continued down the highway. The intensity of the light increased as it neared the car. The image of some sort of craft began to take shape, startling the driver.

A boomerang-shaped craft, with seven, bright, white lights and two orange lights at either end, appeared. It took a few seconds for the car to pass from under the craft but soon the silvery glow of a winter night sky in the Bulkley Valley closed in around the three women.

That episode ignited one of the most active months of unidentified flying object sightings in the Bulkley Valley in some time. In fact, with 11 reported sightings from 19 witnesses, the area drew national and international attention from ufologists.

George Filer, the top ufologist in the United States and publisher of the Filer's Files, a weekly newsletter for sightings, has had him as co-guest on National Public Radio's Jeff Rense Show - particularly in the last month since the Bulkley Valley became the crossroads of interstellar traffic.

The February 1, 2002 sighting is on file with the Smithers RCMP but, although they aren't ruling out a craft of some sort, they feel it might be something less glamorous than a UFO. "Whether it was an aircraft or not hasn't been confirmed," said Cpl. Claudette Garcia. Each of the reported cases Vike has investigated is unrelated. No sightings have been recorded in March so far; in the same time last month Vike had four already. "So what happened in February?

There was definitely a flap here," he said, using the ufologist term for a proliferance of objects being sighted. "We've had this big flap going on, it's just went through the roof. What is it they're seeing? " The three Houston women, all thirty something, married adults, were credible witnesses, Vike said. But he could not reveal their names due to his intent to retain the confidentiality of the witnesses.

"With UFO's people have a funny way of looking down on (witnesses). A lot of people get made fun of " said Vike. "People start coming up with some alien idea". Credibility is something which Vike has struggled with since he dedicated himself to investigating UFO sightings 4 years ago. Working in a field which most rational people consider to be populated by dreamers, charlatans, and daft fellows wearing multi colored beanies with a propeller fixed on top, he quickly established a name for himself internationally for the thoroughness and detail of his investigations. And living in a province where people are considered the most likely in the nation to witness a UFO sighting ... according to a survey done by Winnipeg based ufologist, Chris Ruskowski, in February gave the retired Houston forest products worker plenty to do.

"I don't just get a report, write it and post it to my website," Vike explained. "I investigate". "I do whatever I can do, make phone calls to authorities. You've really got to try and track stuff down." In the month since the February first sighting, Vike has been narrowing the possibilities. Some explanations for the lights were: airport lights; helicopters; small, fixed wing planes; ski-doos on mountain sides; stars - all of which he ruled out for different reasons.

"What I'm working on here, I can't come up for an explanation for it," he admitted. "I've talked to guys across Canada and they can't come up with anything. Right now it's unknown, but I've got to try and figure it out for myself or it will go down as unknown."

Seven federal government and five military hits to his website have been recorded since the beginning of February. There was the odd hit to the website by government previously, Vike said, but so many its during a time of inordinate amount of sightings is peculiar.

"So why are they all interested in it if they aren't really interested in UFO's to begin with, as they say?" Vike asked. Vike was certain there had to be other witnesses to the Telkwa sighting and yet, other than the three Houston women, no-one has come forward. A letter he wrote to the Houston Today uncovered unrelated sightings, but nothing further about February 1st. He hoped plain curiosity, the sort which transformed an amateur astronomer into a ufologist, would compel those people to call him.   

"I've always had this belief that we can't be the only ones in this vastness", he surmised. "There has to be life of some sort out there. If I can explain this, I will," he concluded. "If I can't. I'm not going to sit here and pull the wool over anybody's eyes. I want to know too and that's the whole point of doing this."

Interior News - http:/

Recent UFO Sightings In The Bulkley Valley

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Newspaper Article

Houston Today Newspaper.

It seems the Bulkley Valley has become a crossroad for interstellar traffic.

Last week the Houston Today ran a story by T. Schafer about unidentified flying objects sighted in the Bulkley Valley.

Brian Vike is a ufologist and UFO field investigator based in Houston. He says this area has drawn national and international attention from ufologists because of the high number of sightings here.

February 2002 was one of the most active months of UFO sightings in the Bulkley Valley in some time. It seems the Bulkley Valley has become a crossroad for interstellar traffic.

Space did not allow the inclusion of the following accounts in last week’s paper, so here are some reports of recent sightings:

- Houston (July 2001): A fellow walked into the Houston Food Market telling of an object hovering approximately 500 feet above a transmitting tower on Mount Harry Davis. The object was emitting sparks off it’s bottom side, shooting down toward the tower.

- Houston (January 1999): Several snowmobilers on the Telkwa Mountain range watched a black/silver disc shaped object hover in the distance.

- Houston to Smithers (September 2001): A man driving west to Smithers from Houston saw a white light streak low over the valley below him, near Grouse Mountain.

- Houston to Smithers (August 2001): Husband and wife watch a large white light (object) east of Telkwa. It was reported to be very large and glowed brightly before disappearing rapidly to the north.

Houston Today -

Crop Circles Return To Vanderhoof

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Newspaper Article

Omineca Express Newspaper.

For the second time, pilot Brent Miskuski has seen something strange as he flew over Vanderhoof.

On his way home to Prince George at about 7:30 last Thursday evening, Miskuski took off from the Vanderhoof airport over Sturgeon Point Road.

Pressed into the grain crop were six circles known as "Crop Circles".

"I didn't have my camera, so I went back out (Friday) morning and took some pictures," be said. "I don't know if anyone knows they're there. I didn't see any tracks of footprints going in there."

As a pilot for Vanderhoof Flying Service, Miskuski has seen this before. The last time this area witnessed this phenomenon was in late August in 1998, when 11 circles appeared in a field leased by Halltray Farms

"Last time, Eric (Spier) and I were the first to see those, too," said Miskuski. "There are fewer now and they're smaller."

Spier, the pilot who spotted them first in 1998 agreed.

"I don't think these ones are as nice as the first ones," he said. "They look rougher."

Rough or not, the circles are already grabbing attention. Crop circle specialists from Vancouver, UFO enthusiasts and documentary makers are already on their way to the small town.

Brian Vike, an Unidentified Flying Object researcher from Houston was out Saturday morning, collecting soil and grain samples from the new circles.

"This is my first time looking at circles like this," he said. "It's really exciting."

Vike, who describes himself as an "open minded skeptic"; usually gathers reports of UFO Sightings in the area. He spent Saturday collecting as much data about the six circles as he could.

One formation of circles now being referred to as "Mickey Mouse's head" consists of three separate circles. The largest one is 30 feet across and is flattened in a clockwise spiral. The smaller two are 16 and 17 feet across the smaller one flattened in a counter clockwise spiral and the other clockwise. About 30 feet away lies another 17-foot circle in a counterclockwise pattern. Forty feet from that is a formation of two circles one is 27' 9" across in a clockwise spiral and the other 19' 10" in a counterclockwise spiral.

"Nobody had touched it before I got out there," said Vike. "There is one set of tracks out to one of the circles, but absolutely none leading from circle to circle and no other disturbances to the grain at all."

"The stalks of grain in the circles are all intact, simply bent over," said Vike.

"Nothings broken, just flattened," be said. "The spirals go in tighter and tighter as you approach the centre of the circle and they start to overlap a bit in the middle."

Vike also Interviewed several people in the area who reported a "smoky" smell on the night the circles were first seen.

"One lady said the smell was so disgusting they had to get up and close the window," he said.

Vike's UFO research has kept him hopping lately. He said Sightings are up almost 55 percent this year alone He's never encountered crop circles before, however.

"I hate to say it, but I suppose it would be fairly easy to fake them. That's why we take all these samples for analysis," he said. The samples will be tested for "just about everything", including magnetic traces, chemicals, and molecular structure.

"Man made or not," said Vike, "they're still cool."

Omineca Express Newspaper -

Highway 16 Reports May Be Linked

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Newspaper Article

Terrace Standard News.

A Houston, B.C., based investigator is wondering if people here have seen unusual, bright objects in the skies over Terrace.

Brian Vike an independent UFO Field researcher, says residents from Smithers to Prince George have reported a recent rash of UFO sightings.

He’s wondering if people in Terrace saw anything out of the ordinary during the month of February that would be part of a pattern he’s noticed east of here along Highway 16.

Vike says a major sighting took place on February 1 just 3 kms east of Telkwa, outside Smithers. Witnesses there reported seeing bright objects in the sky.

Witnesses in Houston, Burns Lake and Vanderhoof reported seeing something similar.

To date, Vike has received reports stemming from about January 31 to February 3.

Terrace Standard News, Weekend Advertiser -

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Group Seeks Down To Earth Support

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Newspaper Article

By Desmond Murray.

Kelowna Capital News.

Kelowna woman eyes venue for help with UFO encounters.

A Kelowna woman is reviving a support group for people with UFO experiences, despite all her own bad experiences surrounding the subject in the past.

She is willing to face up to some possible ridicule to try to provide a venue for people to talk about their experiences among a group of people who will not judge them harshly for their beliefs.

She also hopes to attract a counsellor and a hypnotherapist to help provide some answers for those troubled with experiences like abductions.

“It is not for looky-loos and people who are interested in the subject, it is for people who feel they have been abducted or had UFO sightings and weird things have been happening to them for a long time,” said Cynthia. (not her real name)

She wants to keep her anonymity to avoid the problem caused when a mentally disturbed man joined the last group she coordinated about five years ago. The man stalked her home and forced an abrupt move away from her children and from the club’s meeting place.

Prior to that dissolution, she said the group provided some much needed relief for a group of about 20 members who met regularly for about a year.

“We are normal, regular, average everyday people that are sane. We had all kinds of people – registered nurses, carpenters, homemakers, a councilor, hypnotherapists,” she said.

This time, she plans to meet in a neutral location like a library, where personal danger could be minimized.

Yet this would still allow the potential to discuss unfathomable experiences similar to her own.

“This is happening to everyday people and happening in our own backyard right here in Kelowna,” she said. “In the last three or four months the sightings have been unbelievable in this region.

“UFO*BC in Vancouver and Brian Vike in HBCC UFO Research in Houston, B.C., have had more than150 phone calls of sightings and things that are going on in this area.” An experience she had on July 31 of this year scared her enough to take the bold step to revive a support group.

“It was petty heavy duty stuff,” she said, unwilling to give details of the event over the phone, however, she said it did coincide with six eyewitness reports that night.

“After July 31 I said, That’s it, I have got to make my fear and anger work for me and not let it paralyze me,” she said.

“I have had things happening to me since I was four or five years old and now it is with my children,” she added, describing a triangular shape that showed up on her son’s back one morning with what appeared to be radiation burns.

Outside his bedroom window, one tree had suddenly shown burning signs around it’s leaves.

“There is no help here in Canada like there is in the United States.

“They have all these councilors, psychiatrists, lab technicians that will do these tests that will help these people,” she said.

Here you are supposed to live with all this stuff, all by yourself, all alone and wondering if you are going crazy.

“Their emotions are in chaos. They wake up with marks on their bodies and bleeding noses and they are angry and they don’t know why,” she said.

While taking out problems with other like minded people can provide some relief, it doesn’t address the issues as deeply as many would like.

So the group is looking for a professional with experience in hypnotherapy and counseling to help out.

“It is like someone who had a severe trauma, and they block it out because they can handle it. Like sexual abuse or whatever, it is the same thing for abductees,” she said.

“We need someone with an open mind who is really truly going to help them with these experiences.”

Kelowna Capital News -

Was That A UFO Over Loma Linda And Redlands?

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Newspaper Article

By Gina Tenorio, Patch Staff.

Verified Patch Staff Badge

Posted Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 3:35 pm PT Newspaper.

Reports come in to one blogger. But the source of lights may be less than supernatural.

Mr. Vike, a blogger with The Vike Factor Into the Paranormal got reports of strange lights over our area around March 26.

The report was of several orange lights glowing over the sister towns. A reader shed some, ahem, light on the topic.

"Hello Mr. Vike, several night watchmen at my company have seen the orange light a number of times this week," the reader wrote. "We believe that Chinese lanterns are the culprit. They are being launched several times a week now from the Redlands or Loma Linda area."

I'm pretty sure I was out that night, it was a Monday night, and I don't recall seeing lights of any kind.

If any of you saw the lights, send us an email and let us know. Are they lanterns? And who is lighting them? Newspaper -

The Newspaper Article -

UFO's Spotted Over Barrhead

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Newspaper Article

The Daily Record Newspaper.

Those spooky unidentified flying objects are at it again – this time in Barrhead!

The Paisley Daily Express has already revealed how eagle-eyed believers have reported two separate UFO sightings – one in Elderslie and another in Renfrew.

Now every Buddie’s favorite newspaper can reveal that a report has been posted on a top UFO-spotting website detailing a sighting in Barrhead.

The shocked eyewitness told the UK UFO website: “When I was out in the garden, I could see two luminous blue objects from a distance. They flew overhead silently and at speed.

“As they flew above me, I could see the bottom of the UFO, which looked like it was in segments and they were a very bright blue colour.

“As they passed, the nearest UFO was of a luminous red colour as if it had changed its colour. They were both too fast and too silent to be planes or helicopters.”

The sighting is the only one on this website from the Paisley area.

Previous sightings in Elderslie and Renfrew were posted on the Canada-based HBCC UFO Research website.

In Elderslie, a couple saw two strange objects flying high in the sky near to Glasgow Airport.

One of the believers told the website: “We saw the orange objects quite far apart outside the front of my home and went to the back of the house to watch them.

“They were about a mile from Glasgow Airport and we were able to observe planes arriving and taking off from the airport at the same time but these two objects were much higher and moving quite slow.

“These did not have landing lights on them, just an orange glow.”

And, in Renfrew, two UFOs were spotted close to the town’s police station.

A man who reported the sighting said: “At first, I thought they were helicopters but there was no noise and they emitted a bright, almost off-white light.

“They didn’t move and, when the bus came, I kept looking at them. The bus travelled for about four miles and they stayed in the same place.

“The height must have been about 200 feet and, as it was a clear, cold night, the stars were visible but these lights were an awful lot closer to the ground.”

UFO expert Brian Vike is urging Buddies to be on the alert amid suggestions that aliens could be keeping an eye on Paisley and neighbouring towns and villages.

Brian, who is director of the HBCC UFO Research organization, told the Express that sightings of unidentified flying objects are becoming more common in Renfrewshire.

And he believes the truth is out there.

Brian said: “There are still many people who do not have the use of a computer to search for a UFO investigator.

“ A lot of times, people will see something odd and keep it to themselves or maybe talk about it with their families and we miss this valuable information.” 

The Daily Record Newspaper -

The Newspaper Article -

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Chilliwack Lake Area British Columbia Canada Bright UFO Casts Light Onto Trees

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date: May 18, 2009

Time: Approxamtlty 11:00 p.m.

Location of Sighting: Chilliwack Lake area, BC, Canada.

Number of witnesses: 1

Number of Objects: 1

Shape of Objects: Orb.

Full Description of Event/Sighting: Hi, I'm (name removed) and I'm 24 years old. I was camping over the long weekend with some friends and we were sitting around the fire for the night. We're originally from Vancouver, so being able to see the sky clear enough to actually see so many stars was amazing for us. 

We were all looking up at the sky at the stars. My friends went back to their conversation and the campfire and I continued watching. I was trying to spot satellites when I noticed a huge white light (Orb shaped) beam across the sky. 

At first I thought it was a shooting star, but there was no tail. Also, the light coming off of it was a little "hazy" if that makes sense. It travelled towards the direction of the lake. I'm usually pretty skeptical (I'm a Catholic high school teacher) but, this event has really shaken me. 

I kept trying to tell myself that it wasn't real, but the light would change speed, traveling slowly and then gathering speed, and then slowing down again until it finally disappeared behind a mountain and I lost sight. 

As the orb went over the ridge, it cast a lot of bright light on the surrounding trees on that ridge.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Chilliwack British Columbia Canada More Eye Witnesses To Objects And Aircraft Circling

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date: May 29, 2009

Time: 2:08 a.m.

Location of Sighting: Chilliwack, BC Canada.

Number of witnesses: 2

Number of Objects: 2

Shape of Objects: Round.

Full Description of Event/Sighting: I was thirsty in the night and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water when I saw some bright lights outside my big bay window. My eyes were half open as I just got out of bed, so I went out onto the patio for a closer look, and hoping the fresh air would wake my senses as well.

What I saw was shocking to me. Two very bright lights that appeared to be round, but were so bright and a little bit far away to tell for sure. So I grabbed the digital camera to take a video or two. Being a little too far away for a night picture to be any decent, I decided video was the only option. With Canon Powershot I could zoom in 12x to see more clearly and up close what was out there.

The object to the left was closer, so my first video started with it up close. It was orange and red, but more orange with lights around the outside of the circle. 5 lights I believe. Neither object made a sound. These round objects appear to be spinning fairly fast in a clockwise direction. I got my girlfriend out of bed to show her as it was exciting and something you just don't see everyday.

The object to the left that was closer faded out as it moved southward. These 2 objects were seen to the west, actually just north of the silhouetted Chilliwack Mountain.

As I filmed the second video, I could see several airplanes to the south circling from over the Chilliwack airport and over Chilliwack Mountain, and it looked like they were keeping these objects on their radar. One plane, seemed to pass just past it. I was thinking, from up there it must be blinding. The other object that was more distant was the exact same, spinning clockwise, but near the end of the fourth video i took, the object started whipping back and fourth in the sky and up and down and then took off to the south where the other disappeared.

I witnessed 5 planes that I could count follow the object in what seemed to be a pursuit. Then I decided to go on the internet, found your site and was shocked to read blogs from May 22nd and May 24th and such that the exact same thing happened, down to the airplanes chasing the objects! Not sure what is going on out there, but it seems since May 22nd, almost everyday this has been going on.

I am putting the videos on the net as we speak and am going to pixilate them. Maybe a more up close will show or tell more. Were they military planes? Is this an experiment? Have UFO's come out of there dimension into this one through a fabric in time and then disappeared back? I will see if in the next couple nights more happens.

Interesting note: On May 28th, 2007 UFO's were spotted at UCFV in Chilliwack and mine was just into May 29th, so I basically call it the 28th. Seems like May is a hot month for activity strangely enough.

Thanks and if you could let me know your thoughts that would be great. Oh, one thing left out, the objects actually turned very bright white with light as if it were a giant flash and then went back to it's orangish reddish color.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Bigfoot Roaming Lummi Indian Reservation In Bellingham Washington

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  October 21, 2010

Time:  Daytime.

Hello Brian, I am not really sure of who to contact, but I hope that you might be the person that can help me. I live on the Lummi Indian Reservation in Bellingham Washington. My husband and myself live on my grandfather land for about 12 years now.

Our encounter with bigfoot when we first moved in our new home was 12 years ago.  I had not seen or heard of bigfoot in my life, until we moved on my grandfather land. I am very upset because no one will investigate this stranger. It makes it self known almost every other day. If you can contact me it would be greatly appreciated.

So far there are three in this small community which I have heard on several occasions. Today while I was outside, I heard noise in the woods, soon after an eagle started making noises as well.  Then out of no where, I seen Bigfoot come out of woods. It has taken me by surprise and I screamed and ran back into the house.

My husband asked me not to bother Bigfoot and leave them along. I get scared because I am alone most of the time. Please Help.

If any Bigfoot researchers/Investigators in Washington State would like the contact information for these folks, please write to me. Just researchers thank you.

Since I am posting this report, I will get going this weekend and write up the Sasquatch experience that took place between Prince Rupert and Terrace, B.C. It is a dandy.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Beam Of Light Witnessed Over Wynndel British Columbia

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  October 1, 2010

Time:  Approxamtlty 9:31 p.m.

Hello. At approxamtlty 2131hrs October 1, 2010 I was traveling north on highway 22 between Trail and Castlegar at 49.08'36.81"N 117.44'20.85"W. I observed a bolide overhead that tracked from my six and appeared to break into at least two pieces.

One large and one smaller trailing piece that disappeared first. Using Google Earth today I estimate the track to be almost a perfect, 0 degree, South to North directional.

It appeared to be 10-15 east of zenith to my O.P. and disintegrated or became unobservable at approximately 45 degrees horizon.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Beam Of Light Witnessed Over Wynndel British Columbia

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  1990s

Time:  Evening.

Hi, I came across your website regarding the beam of light in B.C. in 2003. In the 1990's my family saw this same thing and I was reminded about it earlier today while at a bookstore. 

I was leafing through an old book called Ogopogo written by Mary Moon in 1977 and in the back there was a chapter about other Okanagan phenomena.

One was called the 'Okanagan Arch' which exactly describes this beam of light. I was intrigued that it was a recurring albeit rare event so I thought I'd look it up online. 

I was surprised that your website was the only one I found that mentioned it. In the book, the author tells that this beam of light has been reported throughout the years, 1900's, 1920's, 30's etc. and at the time of writing it was still a mystery as to it's cause.


Thank you to the witness for the report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Beach Ball Sized UFO Over Witnesses Home At Thornhill/Terrace British Columbia

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  Around 1993-1994

Time:  11:10 p.m.

Location of Sighting: Thornhill/Terrace British Columbia.

Number of witnesses: 1

Number of Objects: 1

Shape of Objects: Round.

Full Description of Event/Sighting: I believe I have written this once before on this particular site but, I have had difficulty with sending my e-mails. Could you please call and leave me a message that you did receive this message. I worked evenings as a custodian with (Brian Vike removed personal information) I had just got off shift and was about to open my trailer screen door when I looked up too see a large beach ball sized object, very slowly moving over top of my and the adjacent trailers.

I could have easily jumped off my porch and touched this object with a 8 foot stick. I watched this object hover over every trailer to the end of the court, it slightly changed direction to maneuver in-between the trees and maintain the same height crossing the Skeena river. As I mentioned, this beach ball sized object was dark with a shimmering thin vertical light too the center. I could not believe how slowly this thing moved and it did not make a sound.

I realize it sounds like a probable beach ball but too maintain the same height during entire sighting(which took approximately 5 minutes) only too move amongst the trees, then continue on it's way never too change height or speed. Again, if you could please confirm you received this message it would muchly be appreciated. Thank-you.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Ball Of Fire Speeds Up And Disappears Over Spring Hill Florida

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  August 30, 2010

Time:  8:43 p.m.

Location of Sighting: Spring Hill Florida.

Number of witnesses: 3

Number of Objects: 1

Shape of Objects: Fireball/Round.

Full Description of Event/Sighting: My husband and I were sitting on our front porch at 8:43pm last night and a round ball of fire floated in a straight line from the back of our house not too high over our heads. It was about the height and speed a helicopter would fly. There was complete silence. We were the only people outside. He knocked on the window for my 14 year old son who then came out as well.

It flew in a straight line over the street and over the neighbors house, it never went any higher or lower in altitude and it was moving pretty slow. As it got further away, my son who is 14 said it curved sped up and then disappeared. We are not a family of believers in UFO's or aliens so this was pretty shocking.

Online people try to pass these off as Chinese lanterns, but those tend to float or hover and are usually in multiples. This was alone and did not hover or stay still at all. It did not go up or down, just straight. We went inside and 15 minutes later we heard a helicopter.

We went outside and it was flying over our house and circling in the area in which the ball came. This happened 2 more times. They never flew in the direction the ball went as far as I saw. Coincidence? I just don't know.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Ball Of Fire Over Mission British Columbia

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  December 25, 2010

Time:  7:30 p.m.

Location of Sighting: Mission British Columbia.

Number of witnesses: 6

Number of Objects: 1

Shape of Objects: Round.

Full Description of Event/Sighting: After dinner I went outside for a smoke. In the northeast sky noticed a bright light. It appeared to be a ball of fire, you could even see flames. It moved about the speed of a small aircraft and given the fact that it was completely overcast and raining. I figure it was at approximately 2000 feet as it passed from east to west.

The ball of fire was obscured by the back of what ever it was. We watched the news that night expecting to hear of a small plane catching fire and crashing, but nothing was reported. Any ideas as to what this was? Thanks. 

Thank you to the witness for the report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

UFO Sighting In Fort St. James

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Newspaper Article.

Rebecca Watson - March 23, 2015.

Vanderhoof Omineca Express.

More than one person saw the unidentified flying object.

The day started out normal for Fort St. James bus driver Frances Honeywell, 47, who began her route down Tache Road. It was just before 8 a.m. on Wednesday, March 18 and she had already picked up a number of kids when she noticed an eerily strange looking object in the sky.

“It looked like a jet stream but very short and there where three symmetrical tails with a light blinking at the top. The thing that puzzled me the most was it wasn’t moving across the sky, it stayed in one spot,” Honeywell said, who included she watched the object for nearly 15-20 minutes. “It was so odd and very unnatural looking.”

At first she thought it might be a cloud but kept her eye on it for a few kilometres. She described the top of the object as an eye with an upper and lower lid, similar to what most might call a flying saucer.

“I’ve gone to many air shows since my dads a pilot but I’ve never seen anything like this from the ground or from in a plane. It definitely was not a plane or a jet. I thought about a helicopter which can hover but I’ve never seen a helicopter with jets underneath it and three jet streams at that.”

Environment Canada meteorologist Matt MacDonald said it may have been a lenticular cloud. A lens shaped cloud that is seen at sun rise or sun down often confused as a UFO since clouds at that time of day will take on optical affects from the sun.

“After looking at the archived weather observations from that morning I see there were a few alto-cumulus clouds (mid level puffy clouds) but couldn’t pick anything out in the sky,” he said.

There are a number of automated weather stations that read wind, humidity and temperature but, the closest human weather observer is in Prince George.

“It would be almost impossible to know for sure,” MacDonald said.

Many kids on Honeywell’s bus saw the object and talks about aliens made one little girl cry.

“I didn’t want anyone to be scared but it was bizarre,” Honeywell said. “It definitely wasn’t a cloud.”

Craig Houghton, the principal of Fort St. James Secondary also claims to have seen the un-earthly object.

“I did see something in the air from the window at the high school. It looked like when you see a plane but it had three prongs coming off of it and certainly didn’t look like your standard jet,” he said.

Brian Vike, 63, is a world-renowned UFOologist from Houston, BC. Since he started recording sightings of crop circles and mysterious flying objects in 2000, Vike’s received more than 1,100 reports from all over the world.

“I would say maybe it was a jet but not in that position and not for that length of time. Cloud formations dissipate… it could be something military or something coming back from space but it wouldn’t stand still for that length of time. I don’t know what it was,” Vike said in a phone interview, noticeably boggled by Honeywell’s drawing and description.

The northern lights have been visible for the past few days and were visible the night before the sighting. They are however ruled out as a culprit considering the sun had already come up by the time the object had been spotted.

“You could clearly see a blinking light at the top of it and at one point I could actually see the movement of the plumes. I later googled what I saw and the only similar thing was a plane that had gone through a cloud mixing the plane’s exhaust with the cloud’s vapour water but it didn’t explain the blinking, twinkling light on top. You have to take everything with a grain of salt but I’m not one to say there’s not something out there. Hey, it would sure be a good time to come with all those [beautiful] northern lights,” Honeywell joked.

If anyone has seen a UFO they can contact Vike at

Vanderhoof Omineca Express -

The Newspaper Article -

Saturday, March 27, 2021

UFOs Rising

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Newspaper Article.

By Thom Barker

Houston Today News.

"The whole province has been really busy." - Brian Vike

After a very quite year, the Northwest is once again becoming the hotbed of UFO sightings.

"The whole province has been really busy," said Brian Vike, a world-renowned ufologist from Houston.

 "I haven't a clue why, 2005 was really dead."

Vike says he gets hundreds of reports a year from all over the world to his website, but the sightings that really get him excited are the local ones.

The most recent of those occurred just three weeks ago in Hazelton. Three witnesses reported seeing a green object rise above the mountain, dash across the sky then disappear.

A week before, two reports came from Topley and Moricetown of very similar incidents on the evening of April 24. And on Feb 12, three people from Houston reported watching an egg-shaped object hover above Mount Harry Davis for two or three minutes before dropping out of sight.

Although Vike is a believer in extraterrestrial life, he said he ends up debunking most of the reports he gets. That was the case April 24 when numerous residents of Terrace witnessed brilliant blue lights in the early evening sky.

Vike tracked that incident to a meteor breaking up low in the atmosphere. "What residents of Terrace saw is a rare event and not to many folks get to see such a fantastic sight in broad daylight," he said.

Then there are the completely inexplicable cases like two Kelowna women who are unable to account for several hours of their lives after they sighted a mysterious object in the sky.

Both women sustained mysterious scars and have reported unceasing nightmares since.

That case is the subject of a segment on CTV's Creepy Canada May 26 and 27. Vike appears on the show as an expert.

Houston Today News -