Saturday, March 27, 2021

Inside The Mind Of Brian Vike

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Newspaper Article.

From The Merriam Webster Dictionary:

Main Entry: para·nor·mal

Function: adjective

* Not scientifically explainable*

"There are more things in Heaven and Earth Horatio,

Than are dreamt of in your philosophy" - William Shakespeare.

Brian Vike, Director of HBBC UFO Research, has kindly taken the time to answer a few questions for our PROOF readers. A web search on Brian reveals hits in the thousands. He isn't a ghost hunter,  if your home has a spirit, contact PROOF.  But, if you have seen some unexplainable lights in the sky, or perhaps a large hairy beast strolling in your back yard, he is the man to tell. Virtually everyday, you will find him at his keyboard, typing as fast as his fingers can type.

Getting reports filed & online. Folks from literally all over the world, find their way to Mr. Vike. He has provided a safe & well ­ established site for UFO reports. Everyday average folks like you & me, as well as a vast number of reports from the military & government officials end up on his site. From Argentina to Nova Scotia, & everywhere in between. A regular guest on the Jeff Rense show, The Wayne & Jayne show, and has made appearances on countless others.

Proof Tracey:  Brian, I would like to thank you for taking the time to let our PROOF readers get to know you better.

Could you share a little bit about & what you hope to see accomplished from it?

Brian Vike: HBCC UFO Research was formed due to the interest I have in the UFO topic. This going back many years from watching Sci-Fi movies, etc. I later got into astronomy and belonged to two different organizations. One being in the United States called the American Variable Star Observers and the other The Royal Astronomical Association of Canada. Actually I was going to focus mainly on investigating UFO sightings from here in British Columbia, Canada. But due to the large amount of sighting reports that came in, I soon moved HBCC UFO Research to covering sightings worldwide. Of course the idea is to try to solve the many cases that arrive here. Most are explainable, and then there are the ones that leave me scratching my head. Right now I am taking HBCC UFO Research International with hopes of offering people a better service.

Proof Tracey: At this point, all we can do is offer our opinions, theories, thoughts on life beyond this planet. Keeping that in mind, & going through your archived reports & comparing that to more recent years, it seems the UFO reports are on the rise. Do you think UFO activity has increased in current years, or do you think it is just a matter of more people coming forward with what they have witnessed, as when in earlier years, they might have seen something, but not come forward in fear of ridicule?

Brian Vike: I certainly do believe UFO activity has increased and is increasing every year. I guess the population is growing each and every year by millions, more folks to possibly observe something. Also I do believe that people are becoming more open minded to the idea that there may be life out there somewhere. But of course, if there is life, do they have the means to travel the great distances to get here? Always more questions than answers it seems. The internet has become the tool of choice by many filing reports, it is easy to file a report, plus they still can keep in the shadows from others, who may ridicule them, but the ridicule factor is still here and we loose a lot of reports due to people not wanting to get involved.

Proof Tracey:  Brian what advice would you give to someone that has encountered a UFO, but is hesitant or embarrassed to report it?

Brian Vike: My advice to anyone who has been witness to a UFO sighting would be, look around for someone in the field you can hopefully feel comfortable with. Someone who will protect your privacy at all costs. Not passing your personal information "to anyone" for any reason. Matter of fact I have run into just this, other UFO people believe my privacy policy is wrong to some degree and believing I should pass a witnesses private information along to them so they can look into each reported sighting, this of course without a witnesses prior permission. But due to my privacy policy, which is strict, I will not give out any witness's information. I state this on my site and follow my own guidelines. If we want people to file a report, then we better respect these people and get permission from each of them to pass their personal information along to someone else. I believe this is one of the most important areas of UFOlogy. Speaking for myself, anyone who sends their UFO report to HBCC UFO, they can be assured that their personal information will stay here with me. Also people shouldn't feel hesitant or embarrassed about filing a report, if you see something then I would suggest reporting it. Like yourselves, I am looking for the answer to what you saw, and I am sure you also would like to have an answer. Plus millions are seeing unusual sights, you're not alone.

Proof Tracey:  Indeed excellent advice & a wonderful policy Brian!

Proof Tracey:  Could you give us your personal definition of UFOlogy?

Brian Vike: I guess my definition for UFOlogy would be trying to solve the large question, is there life out there and are or were they here.

Proof Tracey: What got you interested in UFO research?

Brian Vike: My love for astronomy and the unexplained is what pretty much got me into UFOlogy, I like a good mystery. Plus if hard evidence could be provided to say they are here or visiting our planet, this would be earth shattering news.

Proof Tracey: Have you ever encountered a UFO?

Brian Vike: Yes I have been witness to a UFO; certainly it was and still is an unexplained event. This sighting took place here where I reside, in Houston, British Columbia and was witnessed by others and excellent video footage was taken. When one watches something such as I did that is so unusual, it really can be a life changing experience.

Proof Tracey: Amazing!!

Proof Tracey: Looking back on some reports sent to you, & taking into consideration, that there are several different types of reported UFOs, what are your thoughts on whether there may be more than one type of life beyond our galaxy?

Brian Vike: There is the possibility of there being more than one kind, or type of life form out there. We hear stories on just this topic all the time. But once again, these are stories related to us and as it stands right now, I have no proof to back up any of these claims people make. Until we do receive the hard evidence, we will still wonder.

Proof Tracey: Brian, are there any current projects you are working on that you would like to share with our readers?

Brian Vike: I haven't anything big in the works; I am slowly putting together a yearly magazine which will carry only the best of the best cases. I am also trying to put together a documentary, having the best of the best cases told. Other than this, just keeping busy with looking into the many reports I receive.

Proof Tracey: In all the years of reports you have received, what are some consistencies & similarities that you have found within these reports? I.e. no sound when UFO was present.

Brian Vike: Of course there are a number of different objects/crafts being observed, but still there are similarities. You noted about the sound, most unknowns witnessed seem to not produce any sound. Lights on objects are similar in color or shape. Many objects around airports and military bases look close to being the same shape and having the same features. I guess there is a good variety of them out there, but still many carry the same similarities.

Proof Tracey:  In the past, I have watched documentaries that have dealt with USOs (Unidentified Submerged Objects) Have you received reports of USOs?

Brian Vike: I may have received maybe two reports on USOs, many above water, but not much has come in where a craft is observed going in and out of a body of water.

Proof Tracey: What drives you to keep going with your research?

Brian Vike: Basically trying to find the answer, are they here! Also I really do enjoy listening to someone tell their story of what they saw. This can be amazing.

Proof Tracey: Can you tell us a little bit about The Vike Report?

Brian Vike: The Vike Report is the actual eyewitness retelling what experience they had, either a UFO sighting or a Missing Time event. I placed 127 of these audio reports onto two CD which I have for sale on my website. I had them free for everyone at one point until there got to be so many MP3 clips that I had to remove them from the website due to the clips taking up a ton of bandwidth. But these are the eyewitnesses telling me their stories in a telephone interview.

Proof Tracey:  Any advice for the avid sky watcher?

Brian Vike: Any advice I would give to a sky watcher would be when observing something strange, make notes. Try to remember as much detail as possible about what you saw. If others are with you, please have them file a report as well. Someone always sees something just a little different and their information is so helpful. But the main thing is to have the date, time and as much detail as possible. Anything that may be left out, I will write the witness back to see what other information they may not have provided in their report.

Proof Tracey: Excellent advice Brian.

Proof Tracey:  Do you have any reports that have really stuck with you, & why?

Brian Vike: Gosh yes, I have a number of report or cases that I am still baffled over. One for example is the * Missing Time case out of Kelowna B.C. It really is frustrating when one spends so much time and can't get the answers to solve the mystery. There was and still is lots of physical evidence to say something weird happened that night. Many witnessed watch objects in the sky that night and even in the area where the missing time took place.  But to this day, this has to be one of the most frustrating cases for me, all due to never getting answers from the ones who would know. If it military or some other official. There are also many more cases like this I haven't a clue over as to what happened, or I should say what caused the event.

Proof Tracey:  Many of our readers might be intrigued to know, that in addition to UFO reports that you also deal with Bigfoot sightings as well. Along those lines, you yourself have taken an active role in the past in the hunt for Sasquatch. Have you collected any significant evidence?

Brian Vike: I really enjoy the Sasquatch/Bigfoot topic. I will certainly investigate a report if it should come into me. I do have some good reports from different areas. But as for significant evidence, no I really don't have this. I do have photos of areas where the critter was alleged to have been seen, alleged droppings of the critter. But no hard evidence.

Proof Tracey: What are your thoughts on whether or not, a Sasquatch species might possibly exist?

Brian Vike: Sasquatch like UFOs, they have been seen for years and years. Our native people talk about the Sasquatch for generations. Same goes for UFOs, I guess if I am to believe in the possibility of UFOs, then I should have an open mind to Sasquatch.

Proof Tracey: Well said Brian.

Proof Tracey: Mr. Vike, in closing, I would like to give my sincere thank you. This has been an enjoyable, & a learning experience.

Tracey H.

Proof Paranormal -

The photos shown in the missing time case in Kelowna B.C. may be graphic to some of our readers, & viewer discretion is advised.

Sasquatch Are Here Says Outdoorsman

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Newspaper Article.

By Bernice Tick.

Prince George Citizen Staff.

A Prince George man whose greatest passion has been hunting for big game admits he's hooked on proving the existence of sasquatch.

Leo Selzer, who has spent 41 years hunting in the bush around Prince George, is convinced the illusive creatures are around, and he spends as much time as he can in the bush area where he believes they live. He says he's had one pretty clear sighting and several occasions when he's convinced he was communicating with his" furry friends."

In the mid- 1980s when Selzer was moose hunting in the Gregg Creek area west of the city, he did his loud moose calls that bring in the bulls during rutting season.

After a few calls I heard a response -- like someone banging on a tree about a kilometer away. I would call. The right away, bang, bang. A small black bear appeared, wandering towards the banging sounds. The bear stopped and stood up on its hind legs looking towards a tall fir tree, and then all of a sudden it hightailed in the opposite direction toward me, veered off and went over the ridge."

It was then that Selzer saw a tall, dark-coloured creature step out from the cover of the fir tree into the open, and then quickly stepped behind the tree and was gone," said Selzer, noting that logged-off has little human activity. In 2000 Selzer was again hunting at Gregg Creek when, at about 400 metres, he spotted what he first thought was a large bear standing on its hind legs watching the hunters.

"It was standing next to a large, broken-off fir tree and was about the same dark colour, maybe greyish around its shoulders and on its chest.

Thinking it could be a grizzly, I kept a close eye on it, watching it shift its weight from one leg to the other a couple of times for about a half hour.

"All of a sudden it was gone, but later I realized a bear would never stand on its hind legs for that long without getting down and back up again," said Selzer.

After studying that area closely, he's concluded the creatures leave landmarks and directional signs by piling trees into X marks behind closely knit trees, and bending and shaping spindly trees into arches and shaped pointers carefully threaded through willow tops.

He believes Sasquatch eat bark from trees like aspens, and has seen markings showing large fingernails and teeth were used to remove bark.

He's also seen large footprints, but hasn't been fortunate to be able to photograph then fresh or complete.

"One footprint, going up a grade, was pretty clear, about 13 to 14 inches long, eight inches wide at the heel, and about six inches wide at the top of the ball of the foot. There were indications of possible toe impressions about one to three inches beyond the ball of the foot."


In 1994 on the Hoodoo Lakes road he could hear three individual voices give out a holler or two which was responded to by" jabbering type of language."

"I thought it must be some drunken people back there on a bush road or something, but I later found out there is no road or clearing in that area."

In mid-June, Selzer came across an area in the Gregg Creek, about 300 to 400 yards long, containing a series of blinds and shelters, and tepee-like frameworks he believes were built by a sasquatch.

The blinds are waist to shoulder height with logs and trees pushed together to form a lean-to like structure.

"The frameworks, up to 50 feet high, are made with long spindly trees intricately intertwined to form the structure., "said Selzer.

Brian Vike in Houston, who reports on unidentified flying objects and such matters, has received reports from residents about sasquatch sightings in the Buck Flats area.

"Two Houston women, driving up Buck Flats road, were startled recently when a large animal walked upright across the road in front of their vehicle.

"The animal, described much like a sasquatch, mad long strides into the forest, but did not turn to look back at the women."

He said a camping party at Silverhorne Lake reported hearing chilling screams in the night coming from around the lake, which cannot be associated with the known animals in the region.

"One other sighting was reported on the Morice River Road when two people fishing witnessed a large two-legged animal on the opposite bank of a river walk slowly into the forest and disappear," said Vike.

American William Dranginis, said he saw a bigfoot once - hairy, 7 feet tall, and sprinting through the woods of Virginia.

The 12-second sighting changed the life of Dranginis, who outfitted a 24-foot mobile veterinary clinic as a Bigfoot Primate Research lab.

Equipped with scopes, radios and a Night-Sight camera that can detect an animal in the dark at 800 yards away, he heads out at least two weekends a month. But still no second sighting for Dranginis, who would like to push legislation to protect the creatures.

"Do not shoot it," said Selzer.

"They mean no harm, but they are curious, and incredibly intelligent beings."

Selzer's latest reported sighting on July 20 came from a visiting couple from Saskatoon.

They told Selzer that, while driving Highway 16 East at about 8 p.m. near Tabor Mountain, they saw what they first thought was a large man crossing the highway.

Describing the creature as about 7 1/2 feet tall covered with hair, thick barrelled shoulders and narrow waist, they said it crossed the road about 100 yards ahead of them in about three steps.

The couple, who have never believed in the sasquatch theory, were so haunted by the experience they couldn't sleep.

After they got home they contacted Selzer, who has added his investigation of the area to his website:

The Prince George Citizen newspaper -

UFO Sightings Down In Northwest

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Newspaper Article.

By Rikki Schierer.

Houston Today Newspaper.

UFO activity has been fairly slow in the Bulkley Valley recently, ufologist Brian Vike said, however UFO reports elsewhere have picked up, especially in the United Kingdom.

The region from Vanderhoof to Prince Rupert was once known as the UFO capital for Canada, Vike said, due to a sharp increase in activity from 2002-2003.

Yellow  orange glows are usually a good indication of a UFO, Vike said, which have been highly reported in the U.K. After posting one such report to his blog, Vike shut his computer off for the night and in the morning he had 170 reports of the same thing.

“Pretty soon you could figure that one out as being those Chinese lanterns that people let go for New Year’s… but you still got a lot of people who will swear it was a UFO”, Vike said. “I must have had about 600 reports of these orange lights in the U.K., and then it started in Eastern Ontario.”

He’s fairly certain these light have been these Chinese lanterns, Vike said. A lot of the reports he receives are like that, leaving you to sort fact from fiction, but it’s those instances where there’s no explanation that he’s really keen for.

Vike said that he’s been interested in UFO’s since he was a kid. From there, it just sort of grew, until he started the UFO sightings website HBCC UFO Research in 2000.

“It was supposed to be a little hobby… because I enjoyed the topic a lot,” Vike said.

“So they’d send me a report … and eventually over time it just got bigger and bigger.”

His bigger cases were of Crop Circles in 2001 in Vanderhoof, he said, and there was some cattle mutilation elsewhere in B.C., where he worked with local RCMP to help sort that out.

“There was a lot of weird stuff going on,” Vike said.

He’s since sold the website earlier to someone in the States. Featured on radio shows, a T.V. documentary, an extended segment on UFO’s on Creepy Canada, as well as taking in thousands of reports of UFO’s world-wide, it just got to be too much, Vike said, so with regret he sold his domain name in 2009.

“It just got to be too much, there was just so much to do,” Vike said. “It was growing and just never stopped”

He was looking to retire from the business, but when a good friend of his asked him to partner up and bring back the domain name, he was all too happy to agree, he said. Now he and Jeff Rense run the domain, and now it’s just “insane, with the number of reports,” Vie said, but the workload is more manageable because Rense has a full-time webmaster to look after the site. Vike’s and job is to receive the reports, post to a blog, and speak to the people who do submit reports.

“I try to get more information on what day they saw it and try to figure out what it was they saw,” Vike said. actually began in 1992 as a television program, built around a strong paranormal theme. From there, Rense created an award winning radio program in 1994, covering the UFO and paranormal field. By 1996, Rense had been signed to a five-year exclusive contract with Premiere Radio Networks. It was during this time that was developed, to expand the radio program into the internet, one of the first radio shows to pioneer into the internet active use of the internet in connection to a radio show.

In 1999, he shifted focus a bit, and instead of putting his efforts into worked on developing, however now, 11 years later, he has teamed up with Vike to bring back, which he’d always retained.

“There’s a lot of stuff coming in, it’s incredible,” Vike said.

With, the reports are coming in steadily, Vike reports, who had 150 reports come in, in a two week time frame. Reports come in from all over the world, he said.

Types of sightings being reported include lights in the sky to fly triangles, cylinders, or spheres. Witnesses have also recorded a blimp-like object. There does seem to be more triangles reported nowadays than the once-popular disc-shaped UFO.

“There have been so many that I just haven’t a clue what they are,” Vike said.

To check out the new site, or to provide a report, check out

Houston Today Newspaper -

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

The Truth Is Here

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Newspaper Article.

By David Connop Price.

The Interior News.

The UFO Triangle – Houston – Smithers – Terrace.

The sun’s first rays were creeping into the morning sky September 22, when Beverly Evans saw a strange object in the sky heading toward her. Little more than 100 meters from her car it changed direction, flying up and out of sight.

Beverly is not alone in seeing mysterious objects in the sky. So many have been seen in Houston-Smithers-Terrace region in the past few years, that Houston ufologist Brian Vike has called the area the UFO Capital of Canada.

Houston and Terrace have had the third and fourth highest number of UFO sightings in Canada for the last two years. In 2003 Houston’s 33 reported sightings were just one less than Toronto and just eight behind Vancouver, the leading city for UFO sightings.

The following are eyewitness accounts of some of the events that have some calling this area… the UFO Triangle:

Mellow Yellow – Wednesday September 22, 2004 6:40 a.m.

Beverly, a Telkwa resident, told her story to Brian Vike. Beverly was on her way to work in Smithers. As she came to the Babine Lake Road turn, she saw a bright yellow-white light coming in a downward motion from the Telkwa Mountain range.

It crossed Highway 16 about a hundred meters ahead of her and at an altitude of two-to-three telephone pole lengths. As it passed she noticed the object appeared round in shape and glowed light-green underneath.

Just as she thought it was going to crash, the object rose up and disappeared into the clouds. The object had made no sound and left no trail. She reports the incident lasted 15-20 seconds and that there were two vehicles behind her that may have seen the same light.

Bright Light of Houston – August 11, 2004 2:45 a.m.

Eddie Westgarde was having trouble sleeping and headed to the kitchen for a glass of water. He noticed a strange light through his kitchen window.

“It was strange because the light that came behind our place didn’t seem like it was the moon, it seemed like a different light and it (was) kinda startling, “ said Eddie.

“It was standing in behind the trees, but it came through the trees so that you couldn’t see any trees, because the light came right through the trees. But there’s heavy trees and there shouldn’t be light coming through there.”

The light wasn’t high in the sky. “It was right down more towards the horizon. It went down there, disappeared in there.” The light caused no visible damage to Eddie’s yard. “There’s nothing there. I couldn’t see nothing around.”

“It’s just seemed like an awful strange thing that the light can shine through trees.”

The Pink Think – April 8, 2004 11:20 p.m.

This bizarre phenomenon was seen by two different Smithers residents. One was retired teacher Anne Lauderdale. “I just went out to give my dog some dog biscuits before I went to bed, he has a dog house right on the deck, and I just turned around and there was the thing in the sky,” Ann said. It was a large pink spherical object, very bright pink, a colour all the girls like.

“It was not above the mountain it was hovering above the ski hill road and then it moved towards town in front of the mountain, you could see it moving down the valley and it just sort of disappeared. I only saw it for a few seconds I guess.”

There were no sounds coming from the object nor did it have a tail she said. But it did have “a dark blue aura around it.”

Anne, 62, laughs saying, “I haven’t lost my marbles yet so I wasn’t imagining things!

“I was fascinated. I’m , what am I seeing here? You know it’s really strange.”

The Pink Thing 2 – April 16, 2004 10:45 p.m.

Eight days later Ruby Charlie, 42, saw something remarkably similar. She said she saw a “big pink light” in the sky. At the time she had not heard of Anne’s sighting.

“I was going to work on graveyard (shift) and I seen it in the sky on Biliter Road there,” said Ruby, a house care worker at Bulkley Lodge. (The UFO was) coming west above Biliter Road, towards me. Then it backed up and disappeared.”

Ruby estimates the distance from her to the object was “a few blocks” and it was “three tree lengths” up in the sky. It was “about the size of a full moon.”

The object made no sound, but Ruby admits she may not have heard anything because she was in her truck. She said the pink light had no distinguishing features.

“I just couldn’t understand what it was,” said Ruby. “then I went on to work and told one of my friends that I just seen a UFO and she was jealous.”

The Bulkley Valley Speed Ball – July 29, 2002 10:20 p.m.

Mike Hill, a Canfor employee in Houston, stepped from a forklift to examine a phosphorescent-like white ball of light with yellow undertones, which appeared to hover, before slowly crawling across the skyline.

Mike called out to two co-workers, who caught sight of the glowing light. “I called them over because I wanted to prove that I saw something and that I wasn’t crazy,” Mike explained.

The object grew a tail as it gained speed towards Tweedsmuir Park and shot out of sight, ending the 20-second display.

“In my mind it looked like a meteorite, bit it was like no meteorite I’ve ever seen. I’ve seen meteorite showers before, but they never looked anything like this. I really don’t know what it was,” Mike concludes.

10:40 p.m. -  Dina Hanson, a teacher in Quick, saw a white ball of light travelling silently in a south-westerly direction, from Quick to Telkwa. Her son Ryan Hanson also saw the object.

10:45 p.m. – Gordon Stewart settled down to watch a movie after spending a day on his Telkwa farm. The bay widows facing his chair overlook the valley. A bright light flashed by his field of vision and he was astonished by its peculiarity and speed.

He walked onto his porch, where he was greeted by only silence and a sky with light and cloud cover.

Gordon, who used to drive 200-mph dragsters, estimated the speed of the object at 650 miles per hour. “if you blinked you would have missed it,” he said. From where he sat, the light appeared the size of a pickup truck. He woke his wife Joanna and upon sharing his description of the round, white light with a yellowish hue, he learned his wife had seen the same light in the same location a few months earlier.

“I didn’t want to tell him because he’d think I was crazy,” Joanna recalled.

The flat trajectory and lack of sound would rule out a meteorite. A comet was spotted the same night, but it’s glowing green light, arc-shaped flight and Hudson Bay Mountain location do not tally with Gordon’s sighting.

Gordon called the RCMP and learned there was no air force activity in the area. Central Mountain Air reported there was one training flight aloft from 10:07-1104 p.m. However a Central Mountain Air spokesperson saw no connection between the occurrences.

She speculated that the tiny Cessna 185 would not emit a bright light of that magnitude and it’s engines would be heard at a close proximity.

Dina’s observation in Quick shared many of the characteristics with Gordon’s. Their phenomenon also moved silently, but at a speed exceeding the propulsion of a man-made object. The description of size, awe-striking brightness and the white-yellow hues of the light are similar too.

Dina’s light was an elongated circle shape, whereas Gordon’s was round. Dina also noted a slight downward trajectory on the object she saw, but Ryan contends that because the object was moving away from them, it may just appear to be dropping because of their perspective.

Although Gordon admits an open mind to the possibility of other life forms existing in the universe, he talked himself through the possible explanations and still came to the same conclusion.

“I knew I saw something out of the ordinary”

Ufologist, Brian Vike believes all these reports can be classified as high-quality unexplained events. For example, he thinks the pink object descriptions appear to rule out usual suspects like aircraft, meteors and planets.

Hoaxes aren’t common either, said Vike.

“I would say the percentage is pretty high that people are credible and I’m not saying they’re UFO’s, some of the things are very explainable, but the majority are credible.”

Chris Ruthowski is the Research Co-Ordinator for the Canadian UFO Survey. He collects data on sightings from across Canada and is the repository for UFO reports received by the government.

He said the activity in the Smithers-Houston-Terrace area is “very significant for the population.”

While noting sightings are down this year, Ruthowski said, “We’ve had many dozens of reports from British Columbia, particularly the Smithers,  Houston, Telkwa area, compared to other regions over the past number of years.

“In fact, for the past five years or so it appears that British Columbia has had far more than it’s share of UFO reports than we would expect, based simply on population.”

If, as the saying goes, the truth is out there, it may be right here in the B.C. Central Interior towns of Houston, Smithers and Terrace.

*The names Beverly Evans and Mike Hill are pseudonyms.

 The Interior News -

Major Triangle UFO Sighting Over Jacksonville Florida

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date: December 17, 2008

Time: 7:15 p.m.

Location of Sighting: I-295 and I 95 intersection.

Number of witnesses: 3

Number of objects: 1

Shape of objects: Triangle.

Full Description of event/sighting: We were traveling N on I-95 in Jacksonville, Fl., getting ready to get onto the ramp to take us up on I-295 to go home, and my 11 year old daughter told me she seen something in the sky that looked funny. Being that we live near JAX international airport, I told her it was probably an air plane.

As I got on the on the on-ramp to go up on I-295 and turned the curve, I could not believe my eyes.

There, above the tees was a huge triangular shaped craft, way to big to be an airplane, moving south at an extremely slow speed. There was no noise from this thing, as you would think from the size it would have been very loud.

As we rounded the on-ramp, this craft completely turned around in the air and began heading back in the opposite direction that it had been going. Then, it almost seemed to stop, hovered for a second and then disappeared in front of our eyes. It had a light on each tip of the triangle and a light on the bottom center.

Before it disappeared, the front nose of the craft tilted downward. The weird thing is, when it disappeared, suddenly in the background far off I could seen an airplane coming in to the airport as if this thing was so big that it blocked the sight of the in coming airplane, then the airplane was visible when the mysterious craft disappeared.

My daughter told me that when she first seen it she thought there was two. Remember that she was in the back seat and seen it before us all. She said that the first one she seen was in an oval shape and seemed to be in an upright position.

Can you tell me what in the world this was and if there were other reports on this night?

Thank you to the witness for their report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Ball Of Fire In The Sky Over Shelby Mansfield KOA Ohio

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  September 4, 2010

Time:  Approxamtlty 11:00 p.m.

We had a sighting on September 4th, 2010 around 11:00 p.m. We were camping at the Shelby-Mansfield KOA ( and watched the same "fireball" type object that many are reporting.

A number of us at the campground stopped whatever we were doing and watched this object, so there are a good number of folks who witnessed this. We watched the "flaming" object travel the entire horizon from a north-to-south direction. We could not determine a shape, but it appeared to be a fire in the sky, moving quickly.

We watched it for a few minutes and even walked into other campsites to confirm the sighting. Our first hypothesis was satellite burning up, since it appeared to be gaining in elevation slowly before tracking upward out of site (did not fade over the horizon) thinking about space junk burning and skipping across the top of the atmosphere.

Thank you, feel free to contact us for more information.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Ball Of Fire In The Sky Does Half Loop Over Wichita Kansas

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

 Date:  October 6, 2010

Time:  8:30 p.m.

Location of Sighting: Wichita Kansas.

Number of witnesses: 2

Number of Objects: 1

Shape of Objects: Round.

Full Description of Event/Sighting: My daughter and I were standing outside on our porch when we noticed a ball of fire in the sky it did a half loop and then traveled straight north until we could no longer see it. 

Neither of us have ever seen anything thing like it before. I tried to take picture of it with my phone, but all I got was a triangle shape with the points of the triangle lit up bright.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Bright Lights In The Valley

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Newspaper Article.

By Andrew Hudson.

Interior News.

Brian Vike is one of the best-known UFO watchers in Canada. Google “red orange light” and his Vike Factor blog pops up.

A boy across the street from Brian Vike’s house was tilting a new-looking telescope at the moon.

Chances are, he saw what any budding stargazer would expect to see—eye-popping views of the massive lava basins and colossal impact craters that scar the lunar surface.

But if Vike’s young neighbour ever spots something strange in the Bulkley Valley sky, something he can’t explain, he won’t have to go far to make a UFO report.

“Just what I need,” said Vike, laughing.

Brian Vike is one of the best-known UFO watchers in Canada. Google “red orange light” or “large circular UFO” and his Vike Factor blog pops up in the top results.

The site lists 1,712 sightings reports for last year alone.

“Most people, I really do believe, are genuine,” Vike said.

“Their seeing something doesn’t mean it’s extraterrestrial or anything like that. But they are seeing something, and what is it?”

In one report dated New Year’s Day, a man from Duncan, B.C. told Vike that his girlfriend had repeatedly told him about the pairs of “strange orbs” she had seen glowing red and orange in the sky.

“I thought she was off her rocker until last night when I seen this myself,” he wrote to Vike.

“We watched in awe trying to figure out what they could possibly be. An airplane or a helicopter always has beacon lights—these did not!”

Vike said reports come in waves, and it’s not unheard of to get 300 a week.

“It’s amazing stuff, but most of it’s explainable,” Vike said. A lot of the glowing “orbs” turn out to be Chinese paper lanterns—thin paper lanterns that can float up hundreds of feet in the air on the heat of a tiny candle.

In fact, Vike said that lantern “sightings” have become a bit of a nuisance since more and more people in Western countries have started lighting them for weddings and holidays.

Some people get a little upset to hear that their UFO sighting might be nothing more than a hot paper bag.

“You don’t want to tell too many people that because they’ll start cursing at you,” said Vike, laughing.

Standing six feet tall and wearing a plain black baseball cap, it’s hard to imagine anyone getting upset with Vike.

He has a friendly, funny manner that would make him a shoe-in for one of the Lone Gunmen—the squad of amateur conspiracy busters who used to make cameos on The X-Files TV show.

But before he flies off into science fiction, Vike has to check off a list of real-world possibilities for every new UFO report.

That’s the idea, he said—to try and help people discover what they saw.

Vike often starts with websites like Heavens Above, which posts real-time tracking data for satellites, the International Space Station, space shuttle flights and visible meteor passes.

On New Year’s Eve, for example, Vike got a string of UFO sightings from across Arizona, New Mexico and southern Colorado that seemed to follow in the wake of a brightly burning meteor.

Vike also tries to follow launch times at big air bases like the Vandenberg air force base in northern California.

“They’ll send up a lot of rockets, space satellites, and military hardware,” Vike said.

“A lot of people are interested in that alone.”

Many people who stumble on Vike’s website report things they saw years ago. From 1993, Vike noticed a wave of sightings are most likely from people who saw F-117 Nighthawk stealth fighters flying low over North America to fight in the first Gulf War.

“I had a whole whack of reports of triangles coming in along their flight path,” he said.

Military jets, northern lights, space junk and comets—those are all sightings that even alien hopefuls aren’t likely to be disappointed in.

But Vike said it’s easy to be caught off guard by much more Earthly things.

Vike said he once a V-shaped something fly over his home in Houston. He got pretty excited before he heard wings and realized it was a flock of geese.

“At night time, you get town or city lights and they’re low enough that the lights hit their bellies and you get that big V-shape,” he said, laughing.

Still, other reports don’t lend themselves to easy explanation.

This January, a crew from the Canadian Discovery Channel will speak with Vike on camera about a “missing time” case.

Two Kelowna women told Vike that on July 31, 2003, they were walking a dog along a lake and saw three strange lights in the sky. The lights came together in a triangle shape, they said, before dropping and hovering over the highway.

“They claim that they had missing time, and the next morning bruising, bleeding noses,” he said. “And they’ve been very sick since.”

What is really interesting about the Kelowna case, Vike said, is that it is one of many strange reports that followed the terrible number of forest fires in the Okanogan that year.

Despite slowing down a bit, and shutting down a larger website that was getting some 2.5 million hits a month, Vike is still in high demand for his UFO expertise.

For years, he has fielded calls from the likes of CBC and BBC radio, the Discovery Channel and others.

“I just spent more time on this than anything else,” he said. “I think that’s why it kept moving along.”

Fifty years ago, Vike said he was just like the boy across the street, armed with a 50 mm Sears telescope from his parents and a boundless curiosity.

“Yep—I always look in the sky,” he said.

“You never know what you’re going to see.”

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Unidentified Flying Object’s Course Plotted To Smithers

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Newspaper Article.

Interior News.

Scientists split: some argue it has a shiny nose, others even say it glows.

North American Air Defence Command (NORAD) has confirmed the Bulkley Valley is the projected touchdown point for an unidentified flying object Christmas morning.

At a press conference on Dec. 22, Smithers Deputy Mayor Gladys Atrill said she has been informed by NORAD the object will enter Bulkley Valley airspace at precisely 12:01 a.m. PDT tomorrow..

“We better watch out,” Atrill said. “This thing is coming to town.”

A highly-placed confidential source inside NORAD told The Interior News they have been monitoring the object since 1955 as it appears in the sky above the North Pole every year on Christmas Eve. The object moves too fast to be tracked by even the most nimble fighter jets, but now, using historical satellite data with the latest sophisticated algorithms, they have been able to precisely plot its course.

“We’re still at a loss to completely explain this phenomenon… it’s almost like it sees us when we’re sleeping and knows when we’re awake,” the NORAD source said. “But we’re very confident with our projections — the Bulkley Valley, the Hazeltons and Kispiox Valley are directly in its path.”

The only other thing known about the object is that infrared sensors on defence satellites have detected a small, but radiant heat signature at the front of the craft. For years scientists have debated the nature of the signature. Some argue the object simply has a very shiny nose, while others even say it glows.

After the NORAD notification, Atrill immediately convened a meeting of Bulkley Valley first responders and initiated what they are calling Operation Mistletoe.

Fire Chief Keith Stecko said Smithers Fire Rescue is ready and residents should not be too alarmed.

“This thing has been around for decades, but we haven’t seen any evidence it’s destructive,” he said. “However, it sounds like there may be a source of ignition associated with it, so we will be keeping an eye out for that.”

Smithers RCMP Staff Sgt. Terry Gillespie has also mobilized his force.

“Our officers are making lists and checking them twice,” he said. “We’re going to find out who’s naughty and nice, but so far it has been a silent night, there’s not a creature stirring.”

Brian Vike, a renowned ufologist in Houston, B.C., told The Interior News the annual phenomenon is well-documented, but governments have long kept it hidden from the public.

“Most of the stuff we see in the sky is explainable, but there are sightings that I cannot figure out, like this one. Usually it’s just one bright red light, but there’s a structure to it. It’s tracking very quickly across the sky and has a kind of comet spray behind it. Sometimes it comes to a hover, or it may make a wide loop around and drop down onto a rooftop. Some people have even reported hearing what they describe as a jolly laughing sound.“

Deputy Mayor Atrill appealed to residents to remain calm.

“We don’t anticipate it poses any threat,” she said. “I would just say, Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night.”

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Did You See The Ahwatukee Lights?

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Newspaper Article.

By Allison Hurtado. 

Ahwatukee Foothills News.

Just over a month after the anniversary of the Phoenix Lights some mysterious lights appeared over Ahwatukee Foothills.

I didn’t see the lights myself, but Ahwatukee Foothills resident Laurie Elle did and she did her best to snap photos and video before the lights disappeared.

Laurie said it was Saturday, March 24 when she saw the lights. She was sitting in her front room working on Facebook and getting ready to leave for the night. When she opened her door she saw some strange moving lights near Pecos Road.

The lights were flashing red and moving from west to east in clusters of about 10. Laurie says the lights were very close but they made no noise.

As someone who grew up with a dad in the military and later married an airplane technician, Laurie said she would be someone to recognize an airplane or helicopter and that’s not what this was.

“I just cannot figure it out,” Laurie said. “How could something be so low and so close and make no noise? It was just incredible.”

Laurie wasn’t the only one to see the lights. A posting on tells the story of several orange-red lights seen moving from west to east over Ahwatukee around the same time.

The poster saw six to eight lights in a formation first, then more lights lower on the horizon in no apparent formation moving much quicker.

“In all, I believe I saw approximately 18 lights moving around the sky,” the post said. “What we saw did not seem to fit with anything that any of us had seen before. These lights did not match the videos of the original Phoenix Lights… These objects weren’t following any of the usual airline traffic patterns and did not have the same lights as commercial aircraft. We could see other aircraft coming in to approach Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport and other regional airports at the time of this sighting, and these lights were in a very different area, displaying different colors, and behaving very differently.”

I asked the Federal Aviation Association about the lights and Ian Gregor, spokesperson for the FAA, said they had not observed any unusual aircraft in the area.

He didn’t offer any guesses of his own as to what the lights could have been.

Brian Vike, who runs his own blog documenting strange sightings (, said so far in his research he hadn’t seen anything about the lights over Ahwatukee on March 24, but that he’s seen a rise in sightings recently.

“I might have something in the inboxes, but I am so swamped with sighting reports it isn’t funny coming from worldwide,” Vike wrote in an email. “Seems we can post anywhere from 10 to well over 20 sighting reports per day.

“So far in 2012, this is for January, February and March, we have posted 1,179 and there is still close to 70 to 80 reports to get to. For some unknown reason, sightings are up over every kind of object you can think of.”

Vike encourages anyone who has seen something to tell him about it through his email,

So with a rise in sightings worldwide, is there something going on or just more paranoia?

Laurie said if it was something strange flying over Ahwatukee on March 24, it was nothing to be feared.

“It was peaceful,” she said. “If it was them, then they didn’t do anything. They were in a hurry, they were quick, checking things out, and then they were gone, and I just watched. There was nothing scary about it.”

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