Wednesday, December 9, 2020

An Orange Boomerang Shaped UFO Coshocton Ohio

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  July 18, 2003

Time:  12:45 a.m.

Location of Sighting: Kensington Rd. Coshocton, OH (Ma and Pa)

Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: ?
Shape of objects: Looked like stars (all except first)

Full Description of event/sighting: Ok, I tried to report this when it happened to 5 different sites and MUFON was the only one that worked. I have been on for years now so this is the truth so why not add it to your database?

I have always been interested in weird things (paranormal) and I am a normal college student about to graduate in June with a BS in Pharmaceutical Sciences from Ohio State and I just want everyone to know the truth.

On the early morning of July 18, 2003 at 12:45 a.m. I stepped out the back door of my parents to smoke a cigarette. I was a two pack a day smoker at the time. I felt a premonition to turn around and look over the door, over the roof, over the house. This was 4 years ago, but I remember it very clearly.

I looked up and there was this boomerang looking orange thing. It was like a cigarette, cherry and orange, but dull like when the cigarette isn't being hit and isn't lit up. Ok, long wings like a boomerang and about the size of the moon when it is normal altitude and like a fingernail. In the middle was a shaft almost like a butterfly, but more like a bat (curved, thinner wings). The "wings" came to a point at the ends. The shaft I remember was very close to the wings and almost touching but they didn't look covalently connected.

This flew in kind of an arc (it was really weird, jagged, but fluid) (Like a fluid motion but jerky, hard to put in words). I would say over 15 degrees of the sky, from NW over the roof to curve S, then SE (from my perspective relative to the horizon). This was all a matter of seconds. Then orange "stars" would appear in the same rectangular patch of sky (15x15 degrees) (right after the "boomerang") one at a time and go really fast and totally fluidly in crazy arcs and turns which must have had incredible G-forces. Because they were so fast ( I assume) they left a tracer and another would begin before the first was done almost like the light show of a lifetime. 

They had different start and stop points but all within this "rectangle" (maybe a little wider than tall) this lasted for like 15 minutes because I remember looking at the clock. It sucked because I knew I needed a camera, but I lived at school and I don't even know where one would be (my dad born in '47 mom in '49) and I didn't want to miss it. I didn't know what to do really as I was totally in shock and awe that was the title when I submitted it to MUFON, "Shock and Awe".

Anyways there was either a couple of fast "ones" or 100 -100s of them. So after however long (it was very impressive believe me) I decided I could run in the door grab the phone and would not miss anything. I called my sister (night owl) and tried to describe to her what I was seeing (I bashed my knee trying to snatch the phone all fast) and she was half out of it but looked outside in Columbus and saw nothing. She was no help so finally I got off the phone. A couple more minutes went by so I said to myself "I will run up and wake up my parents and get them out here pronto!" I ran inside up the stairs and said "Mom, Dad come out now" and ran out. I got out there and nothing.

My dad was pretty fast and was only like a minute behind though half-asleep. (1:00 am by now) He comes out and this bigger white light (like a couple of stars conglomerated) (still looking the same direction over roof which is N-NW) shot from east to west (from my perspective) just above the horizon. I said Dad, did you see that ?  He is old, skeptical, and tired. He said "what?"

It happened again and he saw it, I said "see it?" He said "Yeah, I think it was a bird or something (he thinks wrong in this case) "Then nothing. My Mom gets out there. I was kind of asking my Dad what he saw and looked up and right from the horizon straight up was a column of smoke. My parents go to Daytona every year and it reminded me of the space shuttle taking off but not nearly as thick in diameter and the column of "cloud" was wobbly looking. And that is it. I have never seen anything else though I try to look.

My Dad still says he saw something. Mom saw nothing. It is finals week so a reply might wait until next week or at least Friday. Plus I have no internet connection at my home, so it is a hassle to check my e-mail as often as I'd like. But I really didn't leave much out. It has been about 4 years and if you ask my Dad or my sister everything I told you is 100% true.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

1937 Lights Moving Up And Down In Wood Grove And Cob Web Like Material In Trees Polo Missouri

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

 Date:  1937.

Time:  Evening

Dear Brian, I was just reading on about a diary of a woman's sightings of 1931 and my memory was jogged.

My Father in law God rest his soul, had stated to me that back on the 1930's (I'm trying to place a date my father in law went to WWII in 1941 so he must have been born in 1922 to enlist at 18 years of age. He was 15 or 16 years old, so the time was around 1937?)

He lived in Polo Missouri. This town is 35 miles North of Kansans City. One night he too had seen lights in the night, two nights in a row moving up and down in a wood grove about a mile from his house, he had stated that this was very strange due to no electricity in 1937.

Others had seen the lights also and no one was going to investigate in the middle of the night. The light where colored not clear.

A few day later I guess my father in law went to the area in the day time and had found cob webs or material like cotton candy texture hanging from the trees. If you touched it this material would disintegrate instantaneously.

He also had stated "their was a tingle left on your hand". His name was (name removed).

Thank you to the person for the report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Bright UFO Shoots Off Across The Sky Over Tiverton Devon UK

 Report Received December 8, 2020

Date:  1981

Time:  Evening.

For your records: I saw a bright white light in the sky over Tiverton, Devon UK in 1981.

It moved in a straight line for a moment, then suddenly shot off to the North at right angles to its original path.

Thank you to the witness for their interesting report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Small UFOs/Balls Of Light Fly In And Out Of Large Yellow Ball Of Light Outside Poland Ohio

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Brian Vike’s Note: I typed up the report from a letter the witness sent to me, I also added the letter below.

An article on UFO's in this issue of The Morning Journal prompted this letter to you. I have read everything I can find on this subject, but I haven't seen anything describing what my husband and I saw. I didn't realize anyone was still investigating these things.

My husband died in December 1997 and he was still somewhat healthy at the time of this incident, which I now place in the summer of 1994 or 1995.

We were coming home late in the evening from Poland, Ohio after visiting with my brother and his wife. About a half mile from 5 Stops intersection on RT. 7 South, (a secondary road not traveled much in the evenings) I noticed a rather large, somewhat translucent (but you actually couldn’t see through it) yellow ball to the right of us, hovering just above the treetops. I pointed it out to my husband who said it was a spotlight from the Youngstown Airport. I have no idea where the airport was located in reference to our own location.

I should point out that at the time, my husband worked for USAir at Greater International Airport in Pittsburgh, PA as a ground service mechanic.

As we traveled, the ball stayed just in front of us, just above the treetops. As I watched it, three smaller balls, red, blue and green, also translucent, left the yellow one and, like balls, bounced through the air, across the road to the treetops on that side of the road.

They bounced around and almost seemed to be playing tag. If they strayed to far, they suddenly bounced back across the road to the big yellow ball. Sometimes they merged with the larger one, sometimes they bounced around it. In the years since, I always think of them as if they were children, out playing. If they strayed to far from “Mom”, they were called back to her.

They stayed in front of us until we reached the outskirts of E. Liverpool, OH which is about 25 mile drive. Obviously not a spotlight from the Youngstown Airport. As we were approaching the light of town, the little balls literally zoomed back into the bigger one and for the first time, we were in front of it.

As I turned in the car to watch it, it quickly accelerated and was gone. I never took my eyes off of it. It was just not there. My husband always insisted it was spotlights. I don’t believe that for a second.

When we got home I called my sister-in-law and told her what we had seen. She laughed and said that her and my brother had seen strange things on that road and if she told me what it was I wouldn’t believe her. I asked her what it was and she said if she told me she’d have to kill me. Joking f course. To this day, she hasn’t told me. My brother has passed on and nobody enjoyed a joke like he did so I don’t know if this was a joke or not. Since my sister-in-law told it, I believed her.

Years before, same road, two men I worked with at the time has a harrowing experience late at night, but it is very similar to other things I have read so for the purpose of not rambling on like an idiot, I won’t get into that episode.

I would love to hear from you if you have any other reports similar to mine.

Thanks for your time and patience.

Thank you to the lady for relating the story to me.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Massive UFO Hovering Over The Water Ottawa River Strathcona Park Ontario (Letter/Diagrams)

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Dear Brian, Hello from (name removed) who sent me your name and address and indication that you would be interested in my story of craft hovering over the water on evening of March 7, 2001. So I thought, why not. This is what I recall.

I am already outside, down at the water’s edge at Strathcona Park. This park is less than a mile from where I live. In Ottawa, Ontario.

The water is part of the Ottawa River, which runs right through the city of Ottawa, in the south end where I live.

Anyway, I recall standing at the waters edge in the late evening, it’s already dark out. I don’t recall seeing anyone else near by. From my left, I recall hearing a low rumbling noise, noise came very slowly in my direction, following the course of the water.

I recall seeing a “huge” craft about the size of 1/2 football field approximately in size. It was “floating” about 1,000 feet up in the air, grey in colour, “floating very slowly, almost silent except for this very low rumbling noise.

There appeared to be lots of small windows on the top section. I remember I was feeling very much in awe, and very impressed by the huge, massive size.

I wasn’t scarred at all. I knew I was safe, I knew I wouldn’t get hurt or harmed in anyway by this craft. In total, I watched it for about 10 minutes. I don’t recall whether it just vanished or kept floating past until it was out of sight or what, but my last recollection is of me looking up into the sky and seeing this huge craft and feeling safe and impressed by the massive size.

If I close my eyes I can still picture the craft in vivid detail in my mind’s eye. I have tried to sketch it for you, but my attempt doesn’t really do the actual craft proper justice.

I did have something else to tell you concerning this craft. A male friend of mine met up with me the following day or so later. Like myself, my friend is also very much interested in UFO material. I told him of my experience of the evening of March 7, 2001. As I was telling him, his very eager manor indicated he had something to tell me.

He had been, about one hour after dark, on the evening of March 7, 2001, on Cummings bridge, which spans the Ottawa river. Now Cummings bridge is about one mile up river., to my left.

He said he was standing on the bridge, used by cars and pedestrians alike. He said he saw lights flashing in the sky directly above the water about a few hundred feet in the air. There was still a lot of ice on the water. These lights were flashing and moving down river very slowly. (they would have been moving in my direction)

My friend watched the lights slowly move down river until they disappeared. He didn’t follow them, he says now he wishes he had. He said he went back to the same spot on the bridge in the morning light and noticed that the ice had been broken up directly down the middle of the river, and as if it had been cut by a knife.

Not unusual in ice breakup with chunks floating willy-hilly about, but a very exact straight cut through the ice straight down the course of the river. Probably the same path the lights had taken.

My friend and I surmise we witnessed the same craft., he from the bridge, me an hour or so later at the water’s edge.

I remember thinking a few days after this sighting, that I was “supposed” to be at the water’s edge that evening. This is something I don’t generally do, go down to the water at night alone, because this is an unlit area.

It is totally dark down there at the water’s edge. I generally only go down there during the day so I can see where I am going and not fall in the water.

My friend did ask me what kind of craft I thought it might be. “Mother ship” immediately came to mind. I had the felling I was “supposed” to witness this craft and also, and this might sound crazy, but it’s how I felt and still do feel.

I have a feeling they knew I was witnessing their craft and it isn’t the last time. This is only the beginning and that’s ok with me.

Also several weeks later I was on my balcony, on the second floor apartment, on a clear blue sky day when I saw for maybe 2 to 3 seconds at eye level, I am standing up, I’m just over 6 feet tall, about half way between my building and Strathcona Park area, a craft heading towards me, yellow in color.

I have also included a sketch of this craft. This would have been about the first or second week in April. Perhaps a bit earlier.

So there you have it. I do hope this information is useful. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thanks Brian.

P.S. – Brian, if you do publish this story, please publish it under the name Johanna. Thanks Brian.

Below Images: I typed up the sighting report from the below letter. If you click on each page, it will come up in a much larger view so you can read the letter.

Thank you to the witness for their interesting report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Military Artillery Takes Out Landed UFO At Da Nang RVN Happy Valley

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date: Between February and July of 1966

Time: 2:00 a.m. - 4:00 a.m.

Location of Sighting: Da Nang, RVN - Happy Valley.

Number of witnesses: Unknown.

Number of Objects: Believed to be 1

Shape of Objects: Unknown.

Brian Vike's Note: If anyone else who served at this time and in this area and have any information about this event, please do contact Brian Vike at with a detailed report. Your privacy is kept confidential. Thank you.

Full Description of Event/Sighting: Radar track from Danang, and Aerial observer. Taken out by Artillery fire. More information if you are interested. Did not get any TDA following the counter fire.

Additional Information:

Hi Brian, I am guessing you are in British Columbia, or the Pacific Northwest. Quite a bit out of my normal travel area. Anyway, it is still good to hear from you and to learn of your organization.

I was in the US Marine Corps, and served in the SE Asia area during 1964, 1965, 1966, 1968, and 1969. It was during my 1965-66 tour that we were located to the northeast of Da Nang, and I was in an Artillery Fire Direction Center (FDC). We controlled close to 100 Field Artillery pieces in the Da Nang area, and could bring about 500 rounds onto one football field sized spot in about 3 minutes.

I have had some injuries from auto crashes since then and do not remember just when the incident occurred, but it was between February and July of 1966. I was on the late night shift and we got a call from the air base that a UFO had come in and landed at a set of coordinates generated by the GCA Radar. These plotted out in an area that we referred to as "Happy Valley."

The IFF response had been un heeded and the radar and visual tracking from an airborne craft in the area did not match any known aircraft. Since we were close to the DMZ, no one wanted to take any chances and we were given clearance to fire all available artillery on it. We had about 70+ pieces that could range the target so we plotted a time on target mission and fired 6 rounds per piece on the target.

The GCA radar kept watch on the area and the observer stayed a safe distance out of the lines of fire. We got the usual artillery bursts and at the end of the barrage there was a huge flash that registered on the GCA radar.

The air observer reported that nothing had left the area, and it was too dark to look for damage until sunup. We filed the fire mission request and record of fire with the other log sheets and had been advised that a ground crew was going in for TDA at first light. When we came on shift 2 days later we looked for the record of fire sheet to see what the ground crew had found.

We were amazed to find that the entire set of records for that mission had vanished. No one would admit to being told to pull it and we never did find out what we had hit other than the initial comments that had come back to us while we were firing on the target. I still have no clue what we shot. It was big and got a lot of people excited.

No other sightings were reported in our area that I heard about before I left in August of 1966. This has always been a puzzling experience, wandering around in the back of my mind. I have often wondered if we had in deed taken out an extraterrestrial space craft, and how badly we had irritated whom ever it belonged to.

Sorry I don't have more or better descriptive information on the craft or the post attack findings.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell this story. I would be interested in hearing about any thing that may have been found out about this incident as it has been bothering me for over 40 years now.

Thanks, and best wishes to you.

Thank you to the witness for their interesting report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Jets Scrambled After Unknown Objects/Personal Threatened At Cannon Air Force Base New Mexico

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  June 1975

Time: Approxamtlty 10:00 p.m.

Brian Vike's Note: The report below is new one to a growing list of incidents that took place at the Cannon AFB, in NM. With so many servicemen who have filed reports of unknown objects over the base, it certainly has become clear that the Cannon AFB was a location for many UFO sightings.

I would like to ask if any other folks have information about the UFO incidents that took place at the Cannon AFB, would you please contact Brian Vike at: Thank you and please note that your privacy is respected.

Brian, Per our phone conversation, this is the "sanitized" and completed events of June, 1975 at Cannon AFB, NM:

Let me go ahead and lay my experience out for you.

I was an Airman, assigned to the 27th Tactical Air Command at Cannon AFB and I worked the swing shift on the flight line. It was a Friday night and as usual, I checked the ops board for sorties. F111-Ds had a nasty habit of landing broke more often than not and on Friday nights, that meant swing shift stayed late to fix any "red x" entries in the A/C maintenance log. I was relieved to note that nothing was scheduled and so I only needed to finish my shift and start the weekend.

At around 10:00 p.m., I heard the afterburners of F111s taking off. Thinking they could be from another base, I ran outside to see. Our base identifier, "CC", was on the vertical stabilizers of the two F111-Ds that were taking off in combat formation, two staggered abreast and simultaneous. I had never seen our birds take off like that - it was simply not done.

I approached our dispatcher and told him we had just launched two. We were both upset because we weren't supposed to have any training sorties that night and nobody wanted to stay late on a Friday. He called Ops and they told him it was a hot scramble after bogeys over the base that the radar shack was tracking.

I found out later that MMS (Munitions Maintenance Squadron) loaded the F111's with live air-to-air ordinance. I also heard that it wasn't the first scramble during this time frame, but I personally was not witness to any others.

The dispatcher happened to be friends with the radar operator on duty, so we called the radar shack and put him up on the external speaker. The (veteran) radar operator was totally flummoxed. He was tracking "two or three" bogeys making impossible aerial maneuvers at impossible speeds, at least 3,000 MPH  disappearing and re-appearing. He checked and double-checked his gear and it was fine, no malfunction (he was tracking our F111's fine). I jotted down the phone number to the radar shack and stuck it in my fatigue shirt pocket.

The two A/C landed about 45 minutes later, no ordinance expended and they were in good order, no late night work for me. I heard later that the pilots were not debriefed in the normal manner. I left the shop for the Airman's Club, socialized over a pitcher of beer and played some foosball. I made it back to the barracks at about 2:00 a.m. Seeing the phone on the CQ's desk, I decided to call the radar site, it was a small portable building out in the middle of a field. I was curious and wanted an update on the bogey situation.

The phone at the other end was answered by a "Capt. Kowalski". (A captain in the radar shack at 2:00 a.m. on a Saturday morning? no way! was what I thought.) I asked for the radar operator by name and the Capt.. stated that he was not there. His voice was loud and threatening. As a young airman, I was truly frightened by his aggressiveness and almost hung up.

To cut to the chase, Capt. K. interrogated me for some time about who I was, why I was calling and so forth. During that time, a few things became clear to me:

1. He was definitely not USAF. He used terms such as "serial number" and "CO" which were common to other branches of the armed forces, but not used by USAF personnel. Whoever he was and whomever he worked for, his cover was blown.

2. He may not have even been military. He swore, no curse words excepted with every sentence, lost his temper constantly, or appeared to for effect, and sounded more like a street thug than an "officer and a gentleman". To use a military phrase, he had no "military bearing". Having been raised in a military family, military bearing is not something one comes by naturally, nor is it easily relinquished.

3. I probably should never have called for that update!

Capt. K told me the incident never happened. When I refuted him, by saying I had watched the aircraft scramble and spoke with the radar operator, he stated that I was either insane or on drugs. His voice was constantly at a yelling volume and his demeanor, highly intimidating. He stated that "we can do things to you that make Leavenworth (max-security federal penitentiary) look like a picnic". Capt. K. told me they would be watching me and that I was never to mention this "non-event" to anyone. He also stated, "it's a big desert out there, people get lost all the time". I got the point.

In the ensuing days, I attempted to locate this Capt. Kowalski, entertaining the notion of bringing him up on charges of "behavior unbecoming an officer". He simply did not exist anywhere on base. I contacted the Communications Squadron who runs the radar shack to see if they know who this Capt. was. I was surprised when I discovered that the radar operator had suddenly gotten orders to a "classified location", nobody knew where he went and none of his friends knew about any pending orders. Imho, he was conveniently disappeared.

I have provided the details of this event to The Disclosure Project. They in turn asked if I would be willing to travel to Washington D.C. and testify before Congress to that effect. My answer to them was and still is, "affirmative".

Thank you to the witness for their interesting report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Ontario Brothers Have Close Encounter With UFO Above Them And Another In Front Of Their Car Ontario Canada

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date: Approxamtlty August 29, 1966

Time: Evening

I received a telephone call from a man by the name of Walter. He and his brother ended up having an unforgettable UFO experience in Ontario.

It was late August of 1966 and Walter said this is one of those haunting things that comes up from ones memory from the distant past. Walter said over the years he and his brother have had some discussion over certain aspects of the event. He also noted that the brothers never talked about the experience to anyone for about two or three years after the event took place.

They were quite reticent from openly speaking about it. When the men finally did start talking about it their story came in a fragmented way. Walter mentions that the differences in the brothers story were not actually the event itself, but rather the time sequence.

After the two fellows really dove into what took place, Walter's brother was convinced that they were coming to their summer residence and Walter was convinced they were leaving to go home.

Another important note to this is that they wondered if the date of the sighting was correct, but after Walter started checking around finally was able to make contact with the owner of the newspaper for that time period and he was able to recall the event because there were others who were witness to some unusual sightings on that same day.

Two reports were made and no explanation was found for what these witnesses reported. Also folks had reported seeing strange sights in the sky north of a small settlement along Highway 71 going from Corona to Fort Francis, Ontario.

The government dismissed the apparent phenomena as a large release of incandescent swamp gas, the owner of the newspaper told Walter. Walter of course thought this was pretty amazing swamp gas as it retained an ellipsoidal shape and paced the two brothers vehicle for a long distance as they traveled down the highway, plus it could ascend vertically at a tremendous rate of speed. As Walter said, he had a hard time with the swamp gas explanation!

Walter describes what exactly was witnessed:

There is a tourist camp at Caliper Lake which is located approximately seven to eight kilometers south from Nester Falls in northwestern Ontario. Their vehicle had just passed south of Caliper Lake. In the back seat of their car were the family pets they were taking back home.

The men had a large tabby cat by the name of Tiger, and a male bulldog by the name of Eric and last, but not least a nile monitor which was kept in a box as the cat and the monitor didn't get along all that well.

It is roughly 11:00 p.m. at night, the men heading south and they were passing Larson's Camp and noticed the lights still on at the camp. There was no other traffic on the highway at this time. Walter is in the passenger's seat and his brother is driving. Walter dozed off briefly and was awakened by his brother jabbing him telling him how bright it had become around the car.

The witness said there was an intense bright light which lit up the entire area. Walter said it was so bright that they were able to see way off the road and into the forest. Also he turned around to look out the back window of the vehicle and it was lit up as well.

As Walter is looking out the back, he can see the cat is sitting up close to the window very agitated, the dog is on the floor of the car moaning and the nile monitor has it's head out of the box with it's tongue working rapidly. The cat not bothering with it as it was hissing at something else.

Walter turned to his brother and said something had to be over top of the car. The speed at which they were traveling was about 60 miles an hour at that time. Also they had been listening to the radio when it started to get a lot of static. As the fellow told me, at that time of night one would be able to pick up a number of radio stations as the reception is much better than during the daytime hours.

They instantly tried other radio channels and all they heard from the different channels was static. Both men looking at one another in amazement, with a bright light sitting over top of them, the animals acting up in the car and now losing reception on the radio, they wondered what was going on!

Still traveling along the highway with an intense light above them, they were coming to a second hill, when in front of their vehicle, only about 200 to 400 meters away traveling over top the highway was a huge ellipse of white light.

This object in front of them was pacing them and not far off the highway's surface. The men guessed the second object was about 10 to 15 meters off the ground. It seemed that one object was above them and one object was in front of them.

Walter told me they were more curious than anything and sped up to see if they were able to catch up to the object in front of them, but as they did, the ellipse of white light stayed pretty much at the same distance away from their car. No matter how fast they drove, there was an equal distance between the object and vehicle.

Brian Vike's Note: The distance the event took place in was approximately 25 kilometers. The time everything started was at 11:00 p.m. The men came to an intersection/small community called Finland. They came off the high ground, curved around on the highway and dropped down onto a straight stretch in a low lying area which was about a kilometer in distance. 

While on the straight stretch the light in front of them ascended vertically at an incredible rate of speed. Walter said if he was to count to four the object had completely vanished from their sight. It went that fast. 

As the object in front of them disappeared so did the light above the car. Walter said it just winked out. There may have been a split second between the two objects disappearing. The static on the radio cleared and they were able to pick up the radio stations once again.

Another peculiar thing they found was that they were traveling through Finland at about midnight when they realized that it had just taken them about an hour to travel the 25 kilometers. Like Walter said, they didn't travel less than 80 to 90 kilometers an hour. He said there was a hiatus, something happened in that period of time.

What Walter and his brother find puzzling is the time, (an hour to drive the 25 kilometers) that they have no explanation for.

Where was the missing time?

Walter saw a friend and told her about what had gone on, and how nothing seemed to make sense. She offered to try a regression session with him to see if he was able to recall anything that took place that evening. 

He agreed to give this a try as he wanted answers if possible as he said his brother and he have been arguing for years about the absent piece of time and the actual going and coming issue they can't seem to agree on. One brother thought they were on their way home, and the other believes they were traveling in the other direction away from home.

Apparently, through the regression and during this event the brother driving did stop the car. The brothers could not recall this taking place as they always felt they continued traveling the highway and did not stop at any time. 

Both men after stopping the vehicle got out and walked off to the right side of the road. They stood looking upwards and observed the light that had been above their car move off and hover above the trees close by. 

Walter recalled seeing what appeared to be portholes along the side of the craft. They apparently stood there for a few minutes watching it. Walter also has been trying to encourage his brother to go through regression in hopes of getting some more parts to the puzzle. 

So far his brother has been reluctant to go through this procedure. Walter also doesn't recall been taken aboard the craft and it was not brought out in the regression session that this did take place. So another mystery, were the men taken or not ?

The regression took place in 92/93 and I, Brian Vike has telephoned the lady who preformed the regression and she told me that indeed the session did take place. Also Walter and the lady told me an audio tape of the session was recorded and we are trying to find this at this time.

I would also like to add that this gentleman who related this story to me, is a very credible man.

My deepest thanks to Walter for coming forward and telling his story.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Friday, December 4, 2020

UFO Hovers Over Base Adak Island Alaska (Letter And Envelope/Audio Interview)

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

You can listen to the entire story/interview at the following link, it's a short clip:

Location Information: Adak is an island midway along the Aleutian Island chain southwest of mainland Alaska at 177 degrees west. At 52 degrees north it is not exactly arctic, nor is it temperate, but it is nearly always buffeted by cold, wet winds.

Most of the wind is generated by an endless series of cyclonic storms. The weather report for aviators almost never varies: Winds 25-40 gusting to 60, mostly cloudy with layers at 800 feet, 1200 feet, 2000 feet.

Visibility 7 miles, rain. Temp 40 degrees F (plus or minus 5 degrees for most of the year). It is bounded on the east and the west by volcanoes.

To the west is Kanaga Volcano, a beautiful perfect cone, and to the east by Great Sitkin, which nearly always is at least smoking and erupted in the early 1970's.

Map of Adak Island below:

Brian Vike had a nice telephone conversation with an ex-serviceman by the name of Art.

Art was stationed on Adak Island Aleutian Islands and was part of the crash crew for the fire department.

One late night in January 1976 at the airport, the control tower personnel rang the crash crew and told the members that an aircraft was going to be landing.

The crash crew members jumped up and peered out the window and did not see an airplane of any kind, but rather a glowing object approximately 50 feet across. (Art told me it was the brightest light that he has ever seen in his life)

Art said it was really eerie to watch, and the humming that came from the UFO, seemed to resonate throughout all of the crash teams bodies.

One has to remember that the crash team was still inside their building when they could feel the humming, but they eventually did move outside and stood approximately 100 feet away from this huge and extremely bright UFO which was hovering just over the tarmac pretty much in front of the control tower and of course all the men watching.

As everyone stood looking at this unidentified object, more bright lights about the size of a Volkswagen came from out of the hovering UFO and flew at an incredible fast rate of speed up to a communication station which was located on a nearby hill and sat stationary on it.

Another light went down and hovered over the bunkers. After a period of time the lights that were zipping around did come back to the main object and merged into it.

All of a sudden the large UFO took off at such a high rate of speed it left all of the personnel watching it dumfounded.

As Art mentioned, we have nothing here on earth that could move as quickly as this thing did and I would certainly be in agreement with Art on this.

The control tower called the crash crew and asked, "what the hell was that"! The crew replied back, it was a UFO!

Art remembers one of the personnel in the control tower cursing, as this was something one does not see every day, and he also mentioned that the object was as bright as the sun and lit up the entire area as if it was daylight.

The crash crew station below:

Art said, they were really frightened, they were young men at the time, Art being 19 years old.

The thirteen men stood looking at one another saying, "what the heck was that"?

Soon afterwards, or after the event was over which left a lot of men scratching their heads, the officer of the day showed up and confronted the men and told them what they all saw was "Ball Lightning".

Art's response to the officer of the day was, if that was ball lightning, then it had to be the largest display of lightning on record.

Art also said he would be more than willing to sit down and take a lie detector test to provide what he is relating is the truth.

He also mentioned that there were people taking pictures of the object. He could not remember who these people were, but when the pictures came back, Art remembers everyone looking at them and seeing nothing but a bright, camera flash type light in each of the photos.

One just wasn't able to see anything other than this brilliant white light.

Art also figures the object sat stationary just feet about the tarmac for 10 to 15 minutes. This object wasn't flying by, it was sitting still for a long period of time in front of all these men.

Also he said that the UFO incident was placed into the crash crews logbook and also in the control tower's logbook as well.

Art sat down on another day following the sighting and wrote a letter to his family back home. This was a personal letter, asking how things were, etc. then Art added that he saw a UFO. He described just a little about what he saw.

I asked Art if I should remove names and he told me to leave the letter as is. The family members who are mentioned in this letter have passed away. I have also added a link to the envelope the letter came in.

After the family members passed on a lot of their possessions were given back to family and this is how Art came into possession again of his letter.

View Art's letter he sent to the family: *Art's Letter To His Family*

You also can listen to the telephone interview I did with Art over the UFO sighting at Adak Island, Aleutian Islands Alaska. The interview is 23:31 minutes in length. More can be heard by listening to the audio portion of this report.

 Scanned photo of the envelope the letter came in below:

On a side note, separate from the sighting Art and the other men had. Art told me about another time when a Coast Guard ship docked at Adak Island where he was stationed, and he and others were handling the tying up of the Coast Guard ship.

After the ship was docked and the Coast Guard crew were coming off the ship, one of the sailors stopped and talked to Art and the other men, saying you would not believe what just happened as the Coast Guard ship was coming into port.

A UFO came straight up and out of the water in front of the ship and kept traveling straight up. The sailor said the craft was anywhere from 50 to 100 feet in width.

The ship immediately scrambled and went into general quarters. The sailor said he was as white as a sheet, from the sounds of things, the entire crew was pretty freaked out over the incident.

Also I should add, this UFO incident happened prior to what Art and the others folks witnessed.

Thank you to Art for a fascinating report, the letter, envelope and telephone conversation.

You can listen to the entire story/interview at the following link, it's a short clip:

Thank you very much to Art for a great report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Bill Foster’s - Black Triangle UFO Sighting And Alien Abduction In Yadkinville North Carolina (Audio Interview)

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

You can listen to the entire story/interview at the following link:

Date:  November 16, 1996

Time:  11:00 p.m.

It began on November 16, 1996 with an 11:00 p.m. sighting of a massive black triangle just outside of Yadkinville, North Carolina.

There were four of us in our Camry and we saw this slow-moving, silent, triangular shadow, pass directly over the hood of our car, just 100 feet above us.

Then vector off to our left, over a small knoll and out of sight. The sighting lasted only seven minutes in total.

It made no sound yet felt oddly oppressive, if only from the gigantic size of the craft. The sky was pitch black on a moonless, cloudless, starry and very cold night.

We could tell it was a triangle from the red glowing/pulsing lights on all three corners and by looking down the sides and seeing stars outside the straight line and only blackness, underneath the body of the ship. It was both eerie and awesome.

We could not see the top and could not clearly see the bottom, only blackness.

We kept the sighting quiet for four months.

You can listen to the entire story/interview at the following link:

Thank you so much to Bill for taking the time to relate his amazing sighting of a Black Triangle UFO and abduction.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Witnesses Observe Unusual State Police Officer Movements And UFO Over Poplar Bluff Missouri (Telephone Interview)

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

I recently posted the written report on this case, but forgot to add the telephone interview I did with the witness. It's a really awesome case and really interesting in listening to Rock retell the story.

You can listen to the interview by following this link:

The written report can be found here:

Thank you to Rock for taking the time with me to go over his sighting.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Close Encounter With A Sasquatch Port Renfrew Vancouver Island British Columbia (Telephone Interview)

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Also in the telephone interview and in this audio clip the witness describes an encounter of an alien being.

Listen to Marie in the interview talk about her experiences, please visit the following link:

Date: Summer 2004

Time: Midday.

Location of Sighting: Port Renfrew Vancouver Island

Number of witnesses: 1

Number of objects: 1

Shape of objects: Sasquatch.

Full Description of event/sighting: Hi Brian! I just read the post about that Sasquatch sighting in Port Renfrew; the same thing happened to me in the summer of 2004. We had a mineral claim up an abandoned logging road just outside the village of Port Renfrew. One afternoon, I was alone at the trailer, my husband was working. I had to go to work myself in the afternoon, so I got in the truck and started driving down the old road.

Not even a 100 meters away, I saw what at first I thought to be a bear, because we knew there was a big and also a smaller bear hanging in the area. So I started to stop the truck. It had come out of the bush from the left side of the road, where the land drops quit a bit, and when it got in the middle of the road, it froze, seeing my truck coming. Then he bolted towards the other side of the road, where there was a rock face.

There's actually an animal trail going up that rock, and also another abandoned road on top of it which is totally over grown. I remember freezing myself, because my brain couldn't understand what I was seeing. It was impossible a bear could just come out of the bush, standing up, walk on the road and then start running, still standing on two legs, and hop up the trail! It was dark brown, about 7 foot tall, walked like a man.

I could see it clearly because by the time I stopped the truck, it wasn't even 20 meters away and it was on very a bright day. I saw it's face when it turned around to look at the truck. It really did look like Sasquatch depictions I have seen up to now. I remember getting of the truck and checking the road and up the trail if I could see anything. But I didn't find anything. I didn't hear or saw it again afterwards.

Also in the telephone interview and in this audio clip the witness describes an encounter of an alien being.

Listen to Marie in the interview talk about her experiences,  please visit the following link:

Thank you to Marie for sending in her report of her Sasquatch sighting.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.