Sunday, July 29, 2012

Red/Orange Colored Object Light In The Sky Over Cambridge Ontario

Date:  July 28, 2012
Time:  Approx: 10:15 p.m.

Number of witnesses: 4
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: Oval.

Full Description of Event/Sighting: We saw a red, orange colour oval object in the sky. It was coming from the east sky over Cambridge, Ontario heading west.

It was too bright to be a plane, very strange and we did not hear any engine sound at all, but was moving about the same speed as a plane.

I'm sure that's what it probably was, but still very strange, never saw anything like that before. A friend also saw it about 25 minutes before us, it was in the west heading east.

At first it looked like a plane on fire, then noticed it was red with like an orange glow.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)

The Vike Factor 2 (Brian Vike) website:

Dark Orange Light Turned Red In The Night Sky Over Edmonton Alberta

Date:  July 26, 2012
Time:  10:00 p.m.

We were going for our nightly walk at 10:00 p.m. when my husband said look at that. It was round very bright dark orange yet seemed to turn dark red.

Very quiet crossing from the west then south then it seemed to stop and turn east over the ocean where it just disappeared.

We watched for a good 5 minutes. This was July 26, 2012.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)

The Vike Factor 2 (Brian Vike) website:

Three Or Four Lights In The Sky Over Mississauga Ontario

Date:  July 27, 2012
Time:  Approx: 10:30 p.m.

I'm not sure about what you guys saw, but today at around 10:30 p.m. I saw three or four lights in the clouds joining as one and speeding out and making a counter clockwise circular or triangular shape and rejoining. I saw this in Mississauga.

A few months ago I saw 1 light in the sky that flickers and changes into blue, green, purple and yellow I think I might have a video of it.

My name is (name removed) and I saw both things in Mississauga, Ontario.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)

The Vike Factor 2 (Brian Vike) website:

3 Floating Orange Lights Spotted In The Sky Over Burlington Ontario

Date:  July 9, 2012
Time:  11:16 p.m.

Hi, I was just on-line researching the orange glowing orb sightings as I just witnessed 3 of them floating past Burlington, Ontario about a half hour ago which would have made it 11:16 p.m. EDT July 9, 2012. 

They were heading east to west out over the lake, and by their nature you could discern that they were definitely not any type of flying craft we are used to seeing especially since they were orbs of bright orange light that floated more than flew. 

They headed toward Hamilton and then disappeared. This is a first for me as I have never before seen any UFOs.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)

The Vike Factor 2 (Brian Vike) website:

Glowing Orange Fireball In The Sky Over Windsor Ontario

Date:  July 23, 2012
Time:  Approx: 10:30 p.m.

Hi there, my husband, my brother and his wife and I were walking down Cabana in Windsor around 10:30 p.m. July 23, 2012 and we witnessed a big glowing object in the sky.  It came over the tree line, but was very far in the distance. 

It seemed to move in slow motion, it hovered in front of us for a few seconds then turned direction very steady and went north east and upward into the sky and just disappeared.  We observed this ball of fire is how I would describe it, full circle, not a plane or satellite, glowing orange. 

Very weird to describe, never seen anything like that before. I'm glad that there are other reported sightings, We thought we were going crazy!

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)

The Vike Factor 2 (Brian Vike) website:

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Red/Orange Lights Floating In The Sky Over Long Point Ontario

Date:  July 21, 2012
Time:  Evening.

So I was at a cottage in Long Point, Ontario this past weekend (July 21st 2012) with some friends. We were all sitting around the campfire having a few drinks, when out of no where we saw these orange/red lights floating in the sky.

I almost want to call them orbs, they glowed all around themselves and for how far away they were they looked huge. They were floating in a clearing between some trees in the sky above the marsh.

One of them slowed down and stopped right in front of us (while still being far away) and the other one stopped to let that one catch up.

They both just hovered there for a while as we stared at them in awe. The last I saw of them they went down, and behind some trees. I thought it was really crazy, the only thing we could come up with was UFO's, because no plane is that big or moves like that and it was brighter than any star or satellite.

It didn't make any noise either. So I looked this up online, and found your post, which I think confirms a few things for me. It's also crazy because it was almost exactly a year after this posts sighting, and around the same time.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)

The Vike Factor 2 (Brian Vike) website:

Black Triangle UFO Spotted In The Sky Over Oshawa Ontario

Date:  July 1997
Time:  Evening.

Hi Brian, I used to live in Oshawa near Ritson and Adelaide by the old GM factory which turned into Peregrine. Simply put, as I was walking down my street I looked up and not even 100 feet above the rooftops was a craft that had to be at half the length of the street, which would be about roughly 7-10 houses side by side.

It was triangular in shape and with a light at each of the corners and one centralized light. It moved in a very slow, but methodical manner.

I unfortunately being only 17 at the time did not have a decent cell phone with a video camera on it, nor did I happen to be carrying a video camera on me.

I thought I would share this as it was very easy to see the craft from my vantage of being directly underneath it. It was almost like it had slowed down to check me out, moments later it lifted straight up into the sky.

The craft although very close to me, was black and the lights were so bright that I was unable to make out any features of the craft beyond dimensions due to the light placement. Very awe inspiring.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)

The Vike Factor 2 (Brian Vike) website:

UFOs In The Skies Over Lachine Quebec

Date:  2011
Time:  Early afternoon.

I had a strange sighting last year, on a a bright Saturday afternoon in Lachine, Quebec. It was early afternoon of a very sunny, but extremely windy day, with the wind directly from the west, buffeting me against the patio doors as a matter of fact.

I happened to glance upwards for some reason and passing overhead, the size of a Canadian fifty-cent piece of old at arm's length, was a circular object heading directly west, steady as can be if it was in the same air strata as I was, and for some reason, I began to count. 

In less that eight seconds it was gone into the horizon. It was steady, it was not an aircraft of any sort, nor a balloon of any type, party or weather, but round dirty-looking object of beige with some type of darker areas, and it meant business as it never wavered from its path. 

I noted that it seemed to have the effect of swimming through water, the sort of effect one sees as one pulls a toy ball through lake water, say, clear waves being formed at each side.

I tried to find as much information as possible, to rule out other explanations. I came across this and put it in my file:

It does make reference to Ontario of course. This object was steady, travelling very, very fast indeed, not turning either. And still a mystery in my mind.  Several years ago, I was walking to the nearby lake and stopped to cross a road, and looked up, to see something very similar up in the sky, stationary and revolving, dirty off-white with black markings that came up again and again. 

Once more, this was no balloon of any sort, and I have no idea.  I'd rather find out that these things are man-made actually, but they pose a mystery and no reports were shown in the paper.

Many years ago, rising early to feed a new babe in early December 1977,  I looked out of the window as dawn hastened on, and saw something so extraordinary in the sky, it was as though a massive fuel tanker had exploded in mid-air. 

There was no sound, and it was gone in seconds. The red and blackness of  writhing billows filled a large area of sky, and I thought a plane must have blown up. 

But there was nothing on the news, no reports from others and I have to add, I do not "see" things - am a rational and sensible person with not a little hint of skepticism in every cell.

Life is interesting of course, when we have these experiences.  It makes us realize that we know little of things we know not!

With sincere wishes.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)

The Vike Factor 2 (Brian Vike) website:

Strange Orange Glowing Light Hovering In The Sky Over London Ontario

Date:  July 25, 2012
Time:  Approx: 9:00 p.m.

Hi Brian, what ever that person saw last night, I saw it too. I live downtown in London at the corner of Dufferin and Talbot. Our condo has a window that faces north, northeast.

I was looking out the window randomly and pointed it out to my wife.  'Weird.  Look at that thing. 

It can't be a star (it was still light out), it's too odd to be a planet, and it wasn't moving, so it couldn't have been an airplane. It stayed there hovering for at least 5 minutes. Give or take.

It then went below the tree and was mostly obscured (not sure it that was due to the earth's rotation), but then it moved back up again so I thought that couldn't be it. 

It was orange, glowing, and hovering. I really can't say what it was, but it wasn't natural. I need some help here. What was it?

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)

The Vike Factor 2 (Brian Vike) website:

6 Orange Light Flying In The Sky Over Winkler Manitoba

Date:  July 25, 2012

Hi there, last night July 25, 2012 at 10:30 p.m. we had at least 6 of those orange lights traveling west to east. Same thing, moving fast and no sound.

This was south of Winkler, Manitoba.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)

The Vike Factor 2 (Brian Vike) website:

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Slow Moving Bright Object Seen Flying Over Southwest London Ontario

Date:  July 24, 2012
Time:  10:05 p.m.

Number of witnesses: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: Sphere.

Full Description of Event/Sighting: Hello Brian, I reported a sighting around 5 months ago about the triangular UFO. Last night at 10:05 p.m. I was out in my backyard just like in my last report.

I just happened to be looking around at the sky and to my right I saw this real bright light in the sky and it was slowly hovering away from my direction getting brighter and brighter until after several seconds the light faded away.

It was like my last sighting, where before the object was in the sky, there were several airbuses and when the object appeared there were none and after it vanished there were airbuses flying around again, the same thing happened this time.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)

The Vike Factor 2 (Brian Vike) website:

Bright Yellow Fast Moving Object In Sky Over Deer Lake Newfoundland

Date:  July 22, 2012
Time:  Before midnight.

Hi Brian, my mother was returning home just before midnight on Sunday July 22, 2012.

It was a nice clear night and when she glanced into the sky she noticed a bright yellow light that appeared to be moving to the west. 

At first she thought it might be a plane until she noticed it was not travelling in a straight line, nor at a steady speed. It would speed up, slow down and then shoot from side to side.

A little frightened, she walked into the house and shut the door. 

When she turned around and looked again, she noticed that the object had changed direction and was heading east. Just wondering if anyone else saw the same thing.


If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)

The Vike Factor 2 (Brian Vike) website:

Orange Colored Lights Over La Salle Manitoba

Date:  July 24, 2012
Time:  11:30 p.m.

Hi Brian, I was out walking my dog last night in La Salle about 11:30 p.m. last night when I saw this orange light moving across the sky. At first I thought they it was maybe a flare. 

It was fast and smooth with no sound. Behind it were 2 more. They moved from east to west and I think headed towards the airport. Of course I didn’t have a camera of even my cell on me. 

I grabbed my camera and actually got in my car to see if I could see them, but no luck.

I’m going to contact Chris Rutkowski as he works at the University and see if he knows what they are. 

I just wanted you to know that I saw them too!

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)

The Vike Factor 2 (Brian Vike) website:

Round Balls Of Fire Seen Over Pleasant Beach And Windmill Camp Ground Fort Erie Ontario

Date:  July 7, 2012 and July 13, 2012
Time:  2:00 p.m. and 1:15 a.m.

Shape of Objects: Round and fire orange color on both dates.

Full Description of Event/Sighting: On July 7, 2012 my friends and I went to the beach. It's was a nice clear day, I was laying on a towel just looking up in the sky soaking the sun up, when I noticed a plane going over top of me leaving from the Buffalo airport.

The plane was heading north, when the plane went over top of me I noticed this big round metallic ball that would go dim then turn like into a fire ball.
I watched it for about 10 minutes, it was zipping to the north then back south. Finally I turned my friend and said I think you might find me nuts, but I think I see a UFO.

He looked up and said, WOW I see it as well. We told all our friends to look up, we all watched it for a least 25 minutes before I knew it. Most of the people on the beach seen us looking up, so did they  also.

Finally after what seemed forever, it just flew away faster then anything I ever seen. If I had to guess I would say it was about 1,200 feet up. July 13, 2012 I'm at work and my cell rings, it's my friend that watched the UFO with me on the beach.

He says, your not going to believe this, but me and the wife are filming that UFO at Windmill. Then while on the phone, he says holly crap, there is 3 of them and in formation. He said they just disappeared.

The next day I went out and seen the video he took. It is shaky, but you can see them for sure. He said you can have it, but you would have to edit the names in it.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)

The Vike Factor 2 (Brian Vike) website:

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

2011 Canadian UFO Survey

The 2011 Canadian UFO Study:

An Analysis of UFO Reports in Canada.

Compiled by Geoff Dittman and Chris A. Rutkowski
The text of the study is at:

The data itself is at:

Bright Star Like Object Seen Over Halifax Nova Scotia

Date:  July 22, 2012
Time:  Approx: 10:23 p.m.

I saw the same star just last night around 10:23 p.m. I thought nothing of it, but then decided to Google it, and found this site and information. I will be looking into this star.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)

The Vike Factor 2 (Brian Vike) website:

Orange Colored Object/Light Seen Flying Over Hamilton Ontario

Date:  July 21, 2012
Time:  Evening.

I saw something exactly like that in Hamilton, Ontario the same night and I tried to post something on Reddit, but it didn't work.

It was only one orange orb. I thought it was like a roman candle, but it hovered longer in the sky and then started moving left and dropped behind my line of sight in the distance.

It was awesome, if I had my blackberry on me I would have tried to take video, now I have my phone prepped and ready every time I go in my backyard at night.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)

The Vike Factor 2 (Brian Vike) website:

Red Colored Lights Spotted Over Windsor Ontario

Date:  July 20, 2012
Time:  Approx: 10:00 p.m.

I saw this on Friday, July 20, 2012 also right around 10:00 p.m. One object that eventually disappeared in mid air.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact

Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)

The Vike Factor 2 (Brian Vike) website:

15 To 20 Bright Glowing Orange Objects Flying Over Welland Ontario

Date:  July 21, 2012
Time:  10:00 p.m.

I am, or at least, thought I was a fairly lucid older person. While driving north on Hwy 406, on July 21, 2012, at 10:00 p.m. some exceptionally beautiful, brightly glowing, orange lights caught my attention in the foreground.

They were a sight to behold. Appearing as a variety of constellations lined up across the highway. I am guessing, probably 15 - 20 of these lights in total.
Initially, I thought someone had let off balloons, but as I got closer, they weren't floating upward, they were basically all stationary. And, they were unusually large.

Nothing that could be compared to stars or airplane lights.

This was very disconcerting, as I wanted an explanation. I have since heard many, but nothing has made any sense to me. If anyone has one, please let me know.

These lights all seemed to be extinguished at the exact same time. I'd keep looking up at the black sky, then see a couple begin glowing on the far west side of the highway, then the lights, again, would fade out, then I'd see  a couple turn up on the east side of the highway. 

Although I couldn't say for certain, It appeared the movement was from the west towards east.

I grew up by an airport, and this was nothing remotely close to anything I've every seen around an airport.  The lights were much larger and had a distinctive glow, no flashing or pulsating.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)

The Vike Factor 2 (Brian Vike) website:

Huge Bright Orange Colored Light Flew Over Guelph Ontario

Date:  July 22, 2012
Time:  Approx: 10:00 p.m.

Hi there, I came across your address after looking online to see if there were any reports of an unusual orange light in the sky over Guelph, On. last night. My daughter and I were sat outside around 10:00 p.m. last night, when she said "what is that".

I turned around to see a huge orange ball flying extremely fast straight across the sky. It didn't appear to be very high in the sky, there was no sound and we both said "that is no plane". We watched it for about 20 seconds, then it disappeared.

We are used to seeing a lot of planes in the sky, but there were no flashing lights, no sound and the speed was incredible. We could not come up with any explanation for what we saw and as I said I was looking to see if anyone else noticed it, when I came across your email address and decided to share it with you. Thanks.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)

The Vike Factor 2 (Brian Vike) website: