Thursday, March 18, 2021


Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Newspaper Article.

By Joann Livingston

Daily Light Managing Editor.

A more than 30-year-old report has surfaced alleging UFO sightings in southern Ellis County - an area that has also seen rumors in the past of having a “big foot” type inhabitant.

In a radio interview Sunday on the Canadian-based Vike Report, a woman identified as “Kathy” said she and her husband had several encounters of the first kind - sightings of a UFO - during about a six-month period when the couple lived in a farmhouse in Milford.

“It’s a fascinating report and seemed a very credible report,” Vike Report founder Brian Vike told the Daily Light in a telephone interview Monday evening.

Describing himself as a “pretty-level headed fellow, although I’m into UFOs,” Vike said, saying what he does is take in all reports sent to his site without judgment. “You have to leave everything open. ... Anything’s possible. It sounds nutty, but again, anything’s possible.”

Of the hundreds of reports Vike has received since he started researching UFOs in mid-2000 - 900 from 2006 alone - the majority are from the United States.

“I just love talking to these people,” he said, noting the popularity of his Web site, which at any given time can have upward of 100 people online and visiting.

“The response and the interest in the topic is just incredible,” he said. “I was quite shocked, too, when I started. I just wanted a hobby (and) boy, did I get surprised. From the photos and the stories, I didn’t realize it would turn into what it has.

“It’s just nonstop, but it’s really nice to get the interest into this and have people put their reports in,” he said, saying the majority of the reports are explainable, but “a small percentage is really wild.”

Kathy’s report is one of the latter at this time, with Vike hoping that other people who lived in Milford at about the same time contact him with information that might provide some explanation for what she says she experienced.

Under its privacy policy, the Vike Report doesn’t identify anyone by last name and does use a pseudonym upon request, with Vike saying Kathy is a pseudonym for the woman who lived in Milford.

In her interview, which is available on the Vike Report Web site, Kathy said her first experience with UFOs was as a teenager in 1970 near Pueblo, Colo. She said she was driving alone on a highway at night when a brightly-lit object came up quickly behind her on the roadway, lighting up the inside of her car before disappearing into the night.

“It was almost as if it singled me out,” she said, saying her next experiences were when she and her husband moved to Milford, where they lived in a farmhouse “in the middle of cotton fields.”

It was a summer’s evening when she said she stepped outside to look at the stars and saw a low-flying light coming toward her.

“It was flying about as low as a prop plane would fly but there was no sound,” she said. “I watched it and as it got in front of the house, it made a 90-degree angle turn, and when I saw that, I thought, ‘That’s not right.’ ”

The object went to the left and then as it got to the left of the house, it made another 90-degree turn and went toward the back of the house on an “absolutely angled turn,” Kathy told Vike, saying that’s when she asked her husband to come outside.

The two watched as the object made another 90-degree turn and headed back in their direction, and that’s when they decided to get back inside their home, she said.

“We’re watching it from inside at this point, (it’s) heading to the back of the house and it stopped. It was stopped and was just sitting there, still, and a little light shot out from it,” she said, saying the “big” light disappeared and the little light started making “jagged, straight-line movements.” She couldn’t recall exactly how the incident ended, but did relate other instances where she and her husband were returning to Milford from Waxahachie and she would notice out the passenger window a light on the horizon that appeared to be following or paralleling their travel. It was usually about 10 p.m. when this happened, she said.

“It was just a white light, following us on the horizon,” she said, saying the last experience the couple had before moving from Milford was their being at home one evening when they heard a strange vibrating sound above their house as they were watching television.

They turned the television off and heard what Kathy described as a “vibrating, pulsing sound” that “vibrated the whole house.”

She said her husband offered up an explanation that it was probably “electricity going through the wires” - and neither of them ventured outside to see if there was another cause.

In her final recollection, Kathy said there was a calf born with a birth defect about that time in a nearby field. She said she saw the rancher, told him about the incidents she’d experienced and asked if he had ever seen anything strange. She said he ignored her, though, and turned around and walked away without a word.

Besides Kathy’s report, of the UFO sightings on Vike’s Web site, the nearest one to Ellis County is a report of a single, triangular-shaped object in the sky at about 9:45 p.m. March 25, 2007, on U.S. Highway 175 between Seagoville and Crandall.

“Basically I could see the shape and the direction it was moving because it was darker than the clouds behind it,” the person’s report indicates. “It was just below the cloud line and I got the impression that it was very large. It was also completely silent. It didn’t seem like it was going very fast, it was kind of just cruising along. The location was about a mile from the Wal-Mart on 175 outside of Seagoville.”

Vike said he welcomes comments or reports at his e-mail address of or through his Web site at

He said he’s personally experienced about three sightings he has no explanation for, saying his area of Canada was a major source for sightings around 2002.

“We were the UFO capital for two years running,” he said. “It was just a concentration of bizarre sightings (but) my area is dead right now. It seems to move around. All of a sudden, you’ll have a concentration (of sightings) somewhere.”

It’s not just current sightings on which he receives information. As with Kathy, Vike also is receiving information from people’s past sightings. He attributes this in large part to the Internet and its ability to bring together people reporting similar type experiences.

“With the Internet, it’s so open, it’s nonstop,” he said, noting the topic is of definite interest, with a Google search Monday evening yielding almost 5 million results.

Vike said he posts the reports he receives and - with rare exception - leaves them open as to what may or may not have happened.

“I believe people are intelligent. They can read it and figure it out for themselves,” he said, saying the sightings can often be explained away as a planet such as Venus or an aircraft. Through his work, he said he’s developed a number of sources, such as in the military, who are able to help him identify what someone may have actually seen.

“While I believe that though, I wasn’t there to see it, so I leave them ‘as is’ mostly,” he said as to why the majority of the reports he’s received remain in an open status.


Many films have been made of alleged encounters with beings from another world.

One of the more famous is director/writer Steven Spielberg’s 1977 film, “Close Encounters of the Third Kind,” described by as a “soulful, beguiling, magical and benevolent look at ‘close encounters.’ ” The Web site remarks on Spielberg’s film’s unusual “optimistic, loving portrayal of alien encounters” that “set it apart from most science-fiction alien-encounter films of an earlier era.”

The film was almost called “Watch the Skies,” the closing words from the 1951 science-fiction classic “The Thing From Another World,” according to, which notes that instead, Spielberg went with “Close Encounters of the Third Kind,” relating to three levels of encounters. A close encounter of the first kind would include a UFO sighting, while one of the second kind would be finding physical evidence of an alien landing. A close encounter of the third kind would involve contact with aliens. One of the publicity posters for Spielberg’s film declared: “We are not alone,” notes.

Information from

E-mail JoAnn at

Waxahachietx Daily Light -

The Newspaper Article -

UFO Sighting At Nanoose Bay

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Newspaper Article.

By Neil Horner 

Parksville Qualicum Beach News.

Researcher Brian Vike says a record number of sightings have come from Vancouver Island this year.

Vancouver Island continues to be a hot spot for sightings of unidentified flying objects, says a Houston, B.C.-based researcher.

“There were a lot of sighting reports from Vancouver Island,” said Brian Vike, who runs the UFO research website The Vike Factor. “I don’t think it would take a lot more reports to have that area in the top 10 at year’s end.”

Last year, he said, there were 1,000 reported sightings of unidentified flying objects in all of Canada, but this year he has posted 799 himself — and he has more than 200 more reports sitting in his mail in-box after being away for a month.

“That is phenomenal. The most I’ve ever got was 400 for a whole year,” he said. “This is a huge, huge spike.”

One of the most recent sightings, he said, came from Nanoose Bay.

The report described the passing of a strange, brightly lit object near the Schooner Cove Marina.

“I was standing out on my upper deck in the dark to cool off at about 9:45 p.m. on Aug. 18, when an extremely large, low-flying object appeared just over the tree line from the west,” the report said. “It moved eastward at a very slow rate of speed. It was square in shape flying on a diagonal with brilliant bright white, red, green and blue lights underneath. It had white strobing lights running from the middle to the back end which clearly outlined it’s square shape — as opposed to an airplane with wings.”

The object moved in complete silence until it disappeared from view behind the trees to the east.

“I quickly ran down the road to where there is an unobstructed view eastward across the open ocean towards Vancouver where I expected to still see it flying, but it was nowhere in sight and had disappeared.”

As a policy, Vike does not release the names of the people who report to him. The sighting, Vike said, was an odd one.

“The weird thing is the shape,” he said. “It is pretty strange. The lights sound like navigation lights, but he couldn’t see any wings on that thing and I don’t know of too many square airplanes. It’s a really weird kind of beast.”

Another strange sighting was reported the following morning over south Nanaimo. “I got a call from my boyfriend at 9:45 a.m. to say he had just seen a UFO by the Country Club,” the report said. “It was as bright as a street light. So I went outside of my house and looked up and saw one light that was much farther away than what he saw, six zagging back and forth towards the ocean.”

The light faded and disappeared, only to be followed by another that looked exactly the same, zig-zagging towards Port Place Mall, before disappearing.

Skywatchers got an eyeful on Aug. 12 as well, when a Courtenay resident reported seeing something odd in the night sky. “I noticed the light on Monday … around 10 p.m. It was moving slowly, in an eastern trajectory. It was much brighter and larger than any other star in the sky. I only noticed when I noticed my neighbours outside, pointing up at it. The object went straight over my house and towards the local airforce base.”

Parksville Qualicum Beach News -

The Newspaper Article -

Rash Of UFO Sightings Continues Over Central Island

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Newspaper Article.

By Neil Horner.

Parksville Qualicum Beach News.

No explanation for series of strange sightings in the night sky.

The sightings of strange, unidentified objects flying over central Vancouver Island continue to pour in, says B.C. UFO researcher Brian Vike.

The latest sighting, he said, was spotted over French Creek on Oct. 13, just after midnight.

The witness, whose identity Vike keeps in strict confidence, said she was laying in bed with her eyes closed at about 12:15 a.m.

“For some reason, I opened my eyes, perhaps because the bedroom was lit up with a very bright light, florescent, but different — brighter — coming through the closed blinds,” he witness said. “There was no moon and it was raining. I have a large vacant area on the south side of my house and went to look out that window. Then the light went out.”

The witness checked with neighbours, but found none of them had been awake at the time.

Vike noted a Nanaimo resident had a similarly odd experience on Sept. 25, again, shortly after midnight.

“I woke up, looked at the clock and rolled over, looking outside. I’d only been asleep for just over an hour. The moon was positively brilliant, and as I looked closer, I realized it looked very odd,” the witness reported. “It looked huge, very close, and just above the tree-line. The bottom part wasn’t visible behind the trees. the top part appeared to be hiding behind clouds, too, and it wasn’t reflecting light, it looked like a huge spotlight, or maybe two or three lights in a horizontal row, but huge lights.”

Although the witness later thought it was just a combination of a bright moon and a tired mind. However, two days later the witness looked out the window again and got a bit of a shock.

“I got up at 5 a.m. to get ready for work and was stunned to see the moon in about the same position, vertically, that I had seen it two days before at 12:30 at night, except much higher in the sky,” the report said.

“There is just no way that the course of the moon is going to change like that. I have to say that the object I saw originally was not the moon.”

The witness, who had never reported anything like this before, contacted Vike in an attempt to see if anyone else saw something similar.

“This has been bothering me enough for the past few days that I’m submitting this sighting in hopes that someone else might come forward to say they saw the same thing,” the witness said. “I’d really like to know what I saw.”

If you have seen anything like this in the same area you can contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting.

All personal information involved with these sightings is kept strictly confidential.

Parksville Qualicum Beach News -

The Newspaper Article -

UFO Researcher Sets Sights On A Sasquatch

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Newspaper Article.

By Ian Austin

The Province Newspaper.

Brian Vike believes he has photographic proof that Sasquatches really exist.

No, he doesn’t have a photo of a Sasquatch, but he does have a photo of a very large footprint.

The UFO researcher, based in the Houston area, has developed a soft spot for the mythical furry creature. Last Sunday, he got an excited call from Moricetown, about 90 kilometres north of Houston.

“I made the 90-minute drive up there, and I was amazed at what I saw,” Vike told The Province yesterday.

“I’ve been on some of those turkey runs when there’s nothing to see. But there were footprints, 17 ½ inches in length, that went on for a long ways. The stride is three feet, six inches from the front of the foot to the back of the heel.”

More tellingly for Vike, the snow around the prints appeared to be pristine. “There were no tracks around to show that somebody  was trying to pull a gag,” he said.

Vike, who tracks unidentified-flying object sightings as head of Houston B.C. Canada UFO Research, got even more excited when he found blood in one print.

“I’m sending it off for testing in Saskatchewan and Ohio. We also have a hair sample.”

Sasquatches are purportedly ape-like beings and reputedly quite shy, since they don’t seem to interact much with humans.

Like the Yeti and Ogopopgo, sightings are frequently reported, but no conclusive proof of their existence has even been found. On the other hand, conclusive proof that they don’t exist also does not exist.

The Province Newspaper -


As a addition to the newspaper article, here is a link to where the story of the Moricetown Sasquatch article and photos is located on my site.

Brian Vike Investigates Sasquatch Tracks In Northern British Columbia (Track Photos)

UFO Sightings In Valley Spike In 2008

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Newspaper Article.

By Brian Bloom

Houston Today newspaper.

UFO sighting shot up to more than 1000 a ear across Canada in 2008, an increase of 26 per cent over the previous year.

In the Bulkley Valley, this trend has been followed closely by Brian Vike, a prominent ufologist based in Houston. Numerous incidents have been reported in the region he said, including a “major” incident at Granisle in the middle of February.

Witnesses of these alleged events include people from all walks of life. Vike said the reason for the spike in sightings could in fact be a genuine increase in visiting UFO’s, and a reflection of the power of the internet as a medium.

“The internet makes a big difference, “ he said. “Before, people would send a letter, but they often wouldn’t know who to contact if they saw something. They would keep it to themselves because they didn’t want to be laughed at.”

Indeed, he thinks there may have been many more sightings that went unreported.

“I bet we only get 5 per cent of what is being seen,” he said.

“Nobody wants to talk about it for whatever reason, but I bet if I walked around Parksville with my HBCC UFO Research jacket on, you would be surprised at how many would say, “oh, I saw something last month that was really weird.”

Houston Today Newspaper -

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Three UFOs Filmed Over West Lethbridge Alberta (Photo)

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date: August 15, 2008

Time: Evening.

Hi Brian, This was taken over Lakie school on the west side of Lethbridge. My name is (name removed). I also saw a large ship fly over my house, it came out of the sky like a cartoon, the sky opened up, and it came right towards me, it was tree level. The ship was shaped like a cigar. I could see the material it was made of.

Additional Information:

Hi Brian, The photo was taken with a cell phone camera, it might be difficult to send a larger version. And yes the strange lights appeared out of nowhere, and were only there for about a minute or two, they all shot off extremely fast in the same direction. I think my friend sent you the same picture that I emailed to you. Thank you for taking a look at this photo.

Thank you to the witness for sending along the report and photo. Also the photo is copyright 2008 to the owner, meaning the person who took the picture.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Was There A Mass UFO Sighting?

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Newspaper Article.

Terrace Standard newspaper - April 2, 2003

By Jennifer Lang.

Terrace is living up to its reputation as a UFO hot spot.

As many as 30 people may have recently witnessed two black, triangular-shaped flying objects in the Lakelse Lake area, the northwest’s resident UFO researcher has been told.

Brian Vike, field researcher and president of HBCC-UFO, is now hoping to talk to eyewitnesses to verify the report.

He also wants to find out more details like the exact time, date and description of the sighting – thought to have taken place several weeks ago.

That would help him determine what witnesses saw. A variety of known objects such as stars, planets, meteors, or aircraft can be mistaken for UFOs.

Vike learned about the sighting after someone sent him an email telling him that more than 30 people had witnessed two triangular objects in the sky.

“I’m kind of chomping at the bit – all I need is a couple of names and number to get on this,” he said from his home base in Houston, B.C. “From what I’m gathering, they’re professional people – not just kids.”

Vike is intrigued by the possibility that the sighting involves triangular-shaped objects, which are less commonly reported.

There’s been a flurry of UFO reports along the Highway 16 corridor lately.

“It’s just been non stop for the last little bit,” he said, adding he’s received eight or nine reports in the past week. “There’s something. I don’t know if it’s military. It’s a possibility.”

Another recent report from the Terrace area involved a yellow ball of light the size of a basketball spotted over a trailer in Thornhill. It moved low in the air, travelling quickly before pausing above the mountain. “Then it proceeded like a bang,” Vike says.

The recent activity suggests Terrace’s top ten showing on the 2002 Canada UFO survey may have been no fluke.

The survey counted 25 eyewitness reports from Terrace in 2002, putting us in third place overall, ahead of Houston, B.C., which is in fourth place and even ahead of major metropolitan areas like Toronto and Vancouver.

Terrace Standard Newspaper -

Unexplained Sighting In The Area

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Newspaper Article.

By C. McGarrigle

LD News.

Wednesday March 5, 2003.

Volume 83 – No. 10.

Have you ever spotted strange lights in the sky? What about a fast moving object that defies the laws of gravity? If you haven’t, your chances of seeing a UFO in Northern B.C. is greater than any other region of Canada.

The communities of Terrace and Houston have just recently been named in the top 10 list of UFO sightings across Canada.

Terrace is the B.C. capital for sightings and third across the country, while Houston placed second in B.C. and fourth across the country.

The list compiled 483 eyewitness reports from around the country in 2002. One-third of all the sightings were reported in B.C.

Brian Vike is a leading Ufologist based out of Houston, B.C. who is the founder of the HBCC UFO website and investigator of strange phenomenon in the region since 2000. Since the survey was released, Vike says his phone has been ringing off the hook.

“People are aware now that there is actually someone who investigates  and talks to people and tries to figure out what people are seeing,“ says Vike.

Even in the last week there have been many sightings reported in the northwest region.

One “large disk shaped object” was spotted on February 22 over a one hour period by observers in three different areas of B.C.

The object was described as very large, slow moving, with bright lights on the underside and completely silent.

The first witness spotted the object in Mill Bay, Vancouver Island at 9:15 p.m. followed by two Alcan employees in Kitimat, B.C. at 10:20 p.m. Shortly after, a husband and wife stopped their vehicle between Terrace and Prince Rupert to watch the object.

On February 3, 2003 a Canfor employee out of Houston noticed three bright, hazy blue/white lights in the shape of a rectangle fly past them quickly at a very low altitude.

Other witnesses have come forward in Houston since the sighting was released to inform Vike that they had witnessed the same object 12 hours before the Canfor employee.

The Lakes District has also had it’s fair share of unexplained that have been investigated by Vike, who said he gets many calls from the area.

On February 14, 2002 two residents of Francois Lake noticed a bright fast moving object come towards, when all of a sudden it came to a complete stop and went totally dark.

The witness said that a bright flash of light was suddenly emitted from the object. They said a ray of light began to sweep the ground, which lit up a very large area. The object continued to scan the ground for a few minutes until it suddenly left the area at unprecedented speeds.

Vike also investigates the phenomenon of ‘crop circles’ that have been reported in the Vanderhoof area over the past few years.

While there have been hundreds of sightings in the northwest, many have been explained by military exercises or cosmic activity, such as planets or shooting stars.

“There is still so many of them that remain unexplained , but people are seeing things all the time ,” says Vike.

A film crew from the Canadian Life Network arrived in the area recently to start shooting a new series called “The Magnificent Obsession.”

Because of the surge of sightings in the northwest in the past two years, Vike was asked to take part in the documentary, which will include other Ufologists from the U.S. and England.

Vike is hoping that other people will come forward to report any strange occurrences, phenomenon, or generally, things that go bump in the night.

Lakes District News -

Okanagan Lake UFO Shootout

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Newspaper Article.

By Jennifer Smith

Staff Reporter


Did you see an unidentified flying object touch down on Okanagan Lake Monday evening?  Well, apparently at least three of your neighbours did and they all managed to track down preeminent B.C. UFO researcher Brian Vike to report the phenomenon.

Late Monday evening Vike started receiving reports of an unidentifiable fireball hovering over the lake.  "Everything seemed to look good and usually you can tell if it's a hoax or not," said Vike, who was furiously contacting local media for help by Tuesday morning.

Kelowna has been a hot spot for Vike who operates a UFO research organization, HBCC UFO Research, out of his home in Houston, B.C.  Back in 2003 two women reported an incredible alien encounter on a Kelowna street and it wound up among Vike's biggest cases.

The sighting was featured in a CTV special and even wound up on the Montel Williams show as fodder for a famous psychic.  So, when three sightings were reported on the same night this week out of Kelowna, Vike figured it was worth some attention.

The first sighting was by a woman walking her dog in Westbank who noticed a fireball that appeared to dive into the lake and then return to the air.  "This thing ended up coming back out of the water and started to hurl toward a different looking object very high in the sky, which is totally bizarre," said Vike.

An excerpt from the email she sent the UFO researcher shows just how upsetting the episode was for the pet owner.

"OK, I don't know what happened last night but it was the most frightening, incredible, and down right terrifying thing I have ever seen," she wrote. "I ducked for cover thinking of a meteor or asteroid or something. I started to freak out and yell and as I was standing up, something came literally shooting back out of the water and I saw it start to hurtle towards a different looking object very high in the sky."

The sighting reportedly occurred at 11 p.m. Vike does not give out the names of those who make reports to protect their privacy but he does go to great lengths to verify their claims.

Earlier this months he was featured on Castanet and is still going through the material he received after the story hit their web site and he is working on several reports he received on Father's Day from Trail, B.C.

Apparently an airborne craft shook residents from their beds in the Kootenay town, prompting a hunt for UFOs on local radio and even in the newspapers, he said.  But this week's incident in Kelowna has him unusually excited.

"They saw what appeared to be a Star Wars movie full of bullets and blasters, kind of thing and I've had reports from other areas similar to what they're talking about," he said.

A second report from the Mission area noted the image was accompanied by a sonic boom and yet another report has come in since then.

Local RCMP did not receive any unusual calls Monday night, to the best of the media spokesperson's knowledge. And nothing usual appeared on Navigation Canada's radar.  The air traffic control tower at Kelowna International Airport closed just shortly before the sightings occurred.

"I checked with the area control centre. Now they only have radar for planes' transponders and so if it was a UFO it didn't have a transponder on. So no, we have no reports of any unusual aircraft in the area," said Ron Singer, Navigation Canada communications.

From this point forward, Vike will be combing his sources, checking with military contacts, police and beyond to see what he can dig out.  If anyone can tell him what was going on in Kelowna's skies Monday night, he can be reached at

Kelowna Capital News -

Seeing Things

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Newspaper Article.

By Jennifer Lang

Terrace Standard News


Have you seen anything unusual in the skies over Terrace lately? You're not alone.

From the Horseshoe to Ferry Island, and from Krumm Road to Highway 16 West, residents of the Terrace area are seeing weird things in the sky that no one has been able to explain.

According to the latest annual UFO survey, Terrace remains a hotbed of activity, accounting for about 10 per cent of all the sightings reported in B.C. last year

Terrace is ranked in fourth spot in the country for UFO reports, according to the 2003 Canadian UFO Survey.

We're just behind Houston, B.C., Toronto, and Vancouver, which has emerged as the Canadian UFO capital.

"There's something happening, and I don't know what it is," says Brian Vike, a Houston, B.C.-based researcher who operates a 1-800 UFO hot line and sends in data to the UFO survey.

A while back, every time he got a new UFO report from somewhere in B.C., he’d put a pin into a map of the province he’d hung on the wall. An unmistakable pattern has emerged.

To Vike, it sure looks like most of the reports are coming from inside a band that stretches southeast from Terrace to the Cranbrook area in the Kootenays.

"This is where the majority of sightings of unusual craft are being seen," he says, adding a number of the locations along this line are larger lakes, mines and power stations.

"Terrace has a number of natural and manmade things which may attract these objects," he adds, pointing to Alcan, a relatively close source of hydro electric power.

The natural thermal power of the hot springs may also be responsible for local sightings over the years.

"I get lots of reports around there of strange lights," Vike says, pointing out that seismic activity is sometimes associated with UFO reports.

But that certainly doesn't account for other unexplained Terrace area reports Vike's logged over the past year.

In February, 2003 a couple driving home from Prince Rupert spotted a huge, disk-shaped object travelling north across the Skeena River, about 85 km west of Terrace on Highway 16

It was dark, with two large, rectangular glowing lights on the bottom.

The husband wanted to pull over, but his wife insisted they keep driving, Vike says. Both were disturbed because the object moved so slowly.

In March of last year, a Tuck Ave. resident noticed a bright glowing object in the sky above the Eby St. intersection that looked like a meteor hurtling down to the ground.

The eyewitness said it was moving from side to side, and didn't make any noise.

In July, a couple with a great view of Terrace and the Skeena Valley was enjoying the view, relaxing with cup of coffee.

At around 11:45 p.m., they saw a large, glowing object moving slowly along the side of the highway near the 16/37 intersection. At first they thought it was some sort of aircraft. because it kept pace with some of the cars. But then they realized it was flying too low.

It appeared to stop suddenly before shooting off towards the west.

Other witnesses reported seeing a flying cross -- a huge, dark-coloured object with lights along the bottom panels -- above the Skeena River.

The sighting lasted for just a few seconds, before the object flew behind some trees, blocking their view Vike is convinced people are seeing something. He just doesn't know what.

Last year, Canadians reported nearly two UFO sightings a day, adding up to 673 in all.

That's an all-time high for the Canadian UFO Survey, released by Ufology Research of Manitoba, an independent study group based in Winnipeg.

Most UFO reports are eventually identified as planets, meteors, or aircraft.

"Popular opinion to the contrary, there is yet to be any incontrovertible evidence that some UFO cases involve extraterrestrial contact," study author Chris Rutkowski said.

Just seven per cent of sightings in the survey's "unexplained" category are deemed "high quality" unknowns.

Many eyewitnesses are pilots, police and other individuals who are expected to have good observational skills -- and good judgment, Rutkowski said.

Nation-wide, the number of UFO sightings climbed by 39 per cent in 2003.

British Columbia leads the rest of the country in terms of sheer volume of sightings, with 304 reported here last year, compared to 150 in Ontario and 76 in Alberta.

Most sightings have two witnesses and last for 10 minutes.

Mass sightings sometimes stem from a big event -- like a major fireball in 1993 that hundreds across Canada witnessed.

Similarly, last year, a major event in the Okanagan helped boost the number of sightings. "Literally hundreds of people" saw a band of white light arching across the sky" on July 28, the report says. That mass sighting is unexplained, but some think it may be a phenomenon long-time residents call the Okanagan Arch, a whitish band that crosses the sky.

The reports offer no "positive proof that UFOs are either alien spacecraft or a specific natural phenomenon," the report cautions, but notes something people call a UFO is continually being observed.

Various agencies and individuals participate in the survey, including the Houston, B.C., Centre for UFOs, which supplied seven per cent of the reports in this year's survey.

Vike, meanwhile, says the northwest's growing reputation as a UFO magnet, is resulting in a tourism boom. He fields many calls from people who want to visit the region.

That's why he's started to showcase the region's natural and tourist attractions on his website.

"I get lots of letters about the beautiful scenery," he says. "That's what's catching people's attention, too. They're saying, 'Yeah, I'm coming up your way.,

People are saying, 'This sounds good – you’ve got fishing and hiking.,"

He can't understand why the towns of Terrace and Houston don't capitalize on their reputations as great places to see UFOs.

Vike is in demand as a guest on talk radio shows in the U.S. He also runs his own website, tracking the reports from northwest B.C. -- and far beyond. "I reach about 13 million people now a month," he says

The Terrace Standard Newspaper -

Strange Lights In Sky

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Newspaper Article.

By Bernice Trick

Citizen Staff

Prince George Citizen Newspaper


A local resident wants to know if anyone else has seen fast moving balls of fire in the sky above Prince George in recent months.

Lisa Hallam says she's witnessed the sight on three separate occasions -- including Monday night -- as well as August 18, 2003 and January 31, 2004.

"The first time I saw this intensely red ball of fire was last August 18 above Punchaw Park, just off Ness Avenue where I live," said the 35-year old Hallam, describing the object's size as about four times the size of the brightest star in the sky.

"I knew it wasn't Mars because it was located behind me," said Hallam.

She said another strange thing at the time was the electronics in her home "started acting funny. We'd lose the TV signal and the screen would go green, and the VCR and DVD player turned themselves on and off," said Hallam, who's a CNC student.

"I saw the light again January 31. I thought I was losing my mind, so thank goodness my mother saw it, too. "(On Monday) night I was coming home about 6:30 p.m. along Rainbow Drive and there it was again, travelling northwest above Cranbrook Hill acting in the same manner as the others. It moved pretty fast.

It's so intensely red."

When Hallam reached home she continued to watch the sky, and said there were two other unique sites.

"Above Cranbrook Hill there was a circular shaped blue green hue that appeared both in front of and behind the clouds, and then I saw a long, rectangular hue of light-green light. It resembled the northern lights, but moved horizontally instead of up and down. My neighbour saw the bar-shaped hue, also."

That same day, Lisa's mother, Cheryll Hallam, said the electronics "went wonky" again. Gil Self, vice president of the Prince George Astronomical Society, said there had been no reports of the lights described by Hallam. "Right now Venus is brilliant due to its location in its orbit high in the western sky. It sparkles like a jewel", said Self, who said he never discredits reports by people, but instead, tries to explain the likely causes.

Self said there are many explanations for lights in the sky - refracted light from aircraft, electrical phenomenon in the sky, fireballs, meteorites, and electrical discharges from time to time.

UFO expert Brian Vike of Houston said: "I have no explanation for the sighting, but I am going to check out a few things regarding it and a few more sightings in the Prince George area."

Prince George Citizen Newspaper -

Houston BC Resident Vike Busy Researching Sightings In Sky

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Newspaper Article.

By Paul Strickland

Staff Writer Prince George Citizen

© 2004 All Rights Reserved


A Houston man who researches celestial phenomena says a number of unexplained objects have appeared in the night sky over Prince George and the Northern Interior in recent years.

Brian Vike hopes local residents will phone his toll-free line, 1-866-262-1989, to report any unusual sightings.

Vike owns and operates HBCC UFO Research (HBCC stands for Houston, British Columbia, Canada), which he established in 2000. He says the number of reports of unexplained night-sky phenomena has increased dramatically since 2002.

"There is no doubt something is happening in our skies", he said. "Particularly in the last two months there have been a lot of strange things."

Vike said a Prince George resident reported a red ball of light just west of the city Jan.30 around 9.30 p.m.

"The first time it rose from behind trees, and then it moved to the west and hovered above the trees," he said.

"Afterwards it jumped higher quite suddenly, took off for the west, and made a curving motion.

"She said that, being so close, they thought it may be a helicopter but it made no noise." Vike says.

Another resident called around the same time to report exactly the same phenomena, he added.

Other Prince George residents saw a ball of light over the industrial area east of the downtown core, the evening of January 29th. "It flew over and split in two," Vike said. "Each part went in a different direction".

This week a city resident near First and Tabor told The Citizen she and four friends saw two orange objects in the northern sky, January 31st around 10.p.m. After five or 10 minutes they moved lightly apart, one more slowly than the other. The first one disappeared fairly quickly into clouds afterwards, while the other moved out more slowly and faded off.

Above a month and a half ago, Prince George residents phoned about a possible meteor, Vike said. "It was a real good fireball streaking across the sky just west of Prince," he said. "It was blue and left a long bright trail behind it. It lit up quite an area as it travelled through."

Another incident occurred in the city about a month ago. A resident was standing by the Future Shop, looking west just after the sky had turned dark. For two minutes the resident saw a large flame, such as from a jet afterburn, but they didn't see any aircraft anywhere.

Last Fall, a Quesnel resident driving north towards Prince George saw an oval shaped light from highway 97 between the two communities.

"In the last while dozens of people in Prince George have seen unusual phenomena," he said.

Prince George Citizen Newspaper -

Mysterious Lights Over Prince George Explained

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Newspaper Article.

By Bernice Trick

Citizen Staff

©Prince George Citizen Newspaper


The mystery of the orange lights in the sky above Prince George about a week ago has been solved.

"The lights turned out to be parachutists jumping at night," said Brian Vike, a UFO expert from Houston.

"The jumpers were doing acrobatics -- almost doing somersaults at times -- and the orange lights attached to their feet or ankle areas would appear to rise upwards during the acrobatics," Vike said. The mystery was solved by a retired military man who viewed the action with a pair of binoculars, he said.

"One landed close to his home, and he said just before landing, the jumper turned the lights off."

On Friday the Citizen ran a story of the unusual sightings reported by Andrea Lanoue who, with four friends, observed bright orange objects.

She described the lights as hovering for a time before moving slightly apart at different speeds, and some of them "fading off".

Vike said he's not sure if the skydivers used the lights to keep track of each other during formation jumping or if they were "playing some kind of hoax".

A UFO survey released Monday by Ufology Research of Manitoba shows the top 10 communities in Canada for reported UFO sightings, Vike said. In 2003, there were 673 reported sightings across Canada, with Vancouver leading with 41. Toronto ranked second with 34 sightings, followed by Houston at 33, Terrace at 30, and Airdrie, Alberta at 17. Prince George is not among the top ten.

"Most reported unfamiliar lights in the sky are identified as meteors, planets or stars," Vike said, who became heavily involved in UFO sightings in 2000 after moving to Houston. Since then he's participated in radio shows in Canada and the U.S. and was one of the main characters featured in a 2002 TV documentary called "The Magnificent Obsession".

Among cases still unsolved is one involving two women travelling away from Kelowna last July. "They reported seeing three white lights which turned green and dropped down in front of them on the highway. They both reported a loss of 45 minutes, and a tingly throughout their bodies," Vike said.

"They turned around and headed back to Kelowna with the light following them for a short distance before disappearing," said Vike, noting eight other people also reported seeing green lights. The next day, both women felt ill with a passenger having a nose bleed and finding a burn mark on her tail bone which the doctor said appeared to be a radiation burn. Since then, both have experienced weight loss, hair loss, nausea, salt cravings, dehydration and pressure to the back of their neck. But doctors cannot figure out the problem, Vike said.

Prince George Citizen Newspaper -

Cariboo Airspace A-Buzz With UFOs

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Newspaper Article.

By Neil Horner

© 2003 Quesnel Cariboo Observer


The skies above Quesnel and the rest of the Cariboo area have been relatively crowded lately, and not just with airplanes and helicopters.

In fact, says UFO researcher Brian Vike, nobody is exactly sure what they are.

In an interview from his home in Houston, B.C., Vike said he’s amazed at the number of sightings in the Cariboo over the past summer and fall.

I have been getting stuff like crazy from your area, he said. All kinds of things are happening. It’s been very busy ever since mid-July.

One incident, he said, involved some Quesnel women who said they saw an object that looked like a giant plasma ball moving slowly across the sky one night.

It took about eight seconds, which is a very long time, Vike said. They watched it from their kitchen.

In another incident, he said, a Wal-Mart employee working a late shift, saw a great big red object shoot across the heavens.

Vike said he received reports of a fireball coming down in the Quesnel area recently, which was seen from Vanderhoof to 100 Mile House.

It was very bright, very low, he said.

These are just a few of the local sightings that Vike has had reported to his web site.

I have had reports coming in about just about every shape and form of unidentified craft you can think of, from triangles to crescent shapes and cylinders, he said. I had reports of a really dark object, really low over Okanagan Lake. According to witnesses, two jets flew over just after this object went through, although that’s hard to verify.

One of the most disturbing elements of any UFO report is the possibility of missing time - where witnesses find they can’t account for several hours just after seeing something. This, too, he said, has happened in B.C. this year.

In Kelowna on July 31, two women were out star gazing and they pulled over, and got out of their vehicle. When they did, they saw three white lights come together to form a triangle and then drop out of the sky, Vike said. They tried to run, but they said it was like running through quicksand. One of them said she felt like she had been zapped with electricity, and the other agreed. They managed to get to a house, with the lights still following, and that was it.

Or was it? The women reported between 25 and 35 minutes of missing time.

Interestingly, Vike said, the women’s tale was bolstered by a report from someone else living in the area who said they could see where the ladies were and could see the lights over the highway.

In the morning, one of the two women was sitting at a table and all of a sudden said, she felt awful and then blood started trickling from her right nostril. As well, she found she had a burn mark on her tailbone that she couldn’t explain. The doctor, Vike said, suggested it looked like a radiation burn.

Those ladies went through hell with this, he said.

In another local incident, a Quesnel area resident was looking up at the stars when a number of them all of a sudden moved and fanned out in different directions.

In all, there were 150 reports of unidentified flying objects in British Columbia over the past year. That, Vike noted makes up about 50 per cent of the entire crop of UFO sightings in the entire country.

Vike has been working as a UFOlogist since mid-2000, following up a lifelong passion for astronomy. When he moved to Houston, he set up his web site and started posting some old UFO pictures, and people started calling in their reports.

One thing I would like to stress is that if people make a report, their personal information will not be given out, Vike said. This is very important.

Quesnel Cariboo Observer -

Approximately 20 Red Orange Lights Over Westlake Ohio

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  October 23, 2010

Time:  Approxamtlty 9:00 p.m.

I saw the same thing at the same time.

Additional Information:

Sorry last night October 23, 2010 in Westlake, Ohio at the Time Warp bar around 9:00 p.m.

Brian Vike’s Note: This witness is referring to reports of 20 orangeéred lights seen by others over Westlake, Ohio.

There two other reports can be read at:


Thank you to the witness for the report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Another Witness To Triangular Shaped UFO Over Sarnia Ontario

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  October 8, 2010

Time:  Evening.

The October 8th UFO in Sarnia was also seen by someone I know. According to him, it was triangular in shape and had 3 white orbs that "looked like plasma."

What couldn't be revealed was whether this was a medium sized craft lower in altitude or a huge craft 40,000 feet or more high. I also read there was a report in St. Catharines 2 hours earlier.

I only wish I could have seen this and I hope more is found out.


Thank you to the witness for the report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.