Saturday, January 16, 2021

Police Officers Freaked Out And Many Witness To UFO Sighting Round Lake Illinois

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date: April 25, 2008

Time: Approxamtlty 8:45 p.m.

Brian, the unfortunate part of this story is that I didn't experience it first hand. The other unfortunate part is that my co-worker would never report this to anyone he doesn't personally know for fear of ridicule. When I got to work this morning, my co-worker was acting a bit odd. When I greeted him he said ". I got to tell you something really bizarre. I didn't even tell my wife because she'll think I'm crazy."

My co-worker lives in Round Lake, Illinois which is rather far north. He was a short distance from his home on route 120 (I believe he said) which has some farm area and quite a bit of space.

He tensed up and got very wide eyed and intense. This is what he told us (another employee and myself), not verbatim but this is rather close.

As I was driving I saw this huge light at ground level, but still above the field it was over.

 I kept driving, but I saw cars pulled over with people out of their cars watching so I pulled over. I asked some people what they thought and I said I thought it was some equipment being used or kids screwing around. But the light just sat there for awhile.

Nothing happened so I started to drive away when I noticed the light wasn't getting any smaller. I saw more cars pulled off up ahead again so I pulled over again and watched it for awhile. By this point a cop showed up with his lights on. He asked everyone what was going on, I told him what I thought it was but that something was weird about it. So then another cop/car pulls up and says, 'you can only see it from the one side, I drove around the property.' Now, we all think it some sort of lighting rig.

So the cops head out across the field towards the light when it shot directly up in the air like 20 feet and disappeared. Not flew away, disappeared. The cops came running back pretty freaked out. I hung around while they searched the area and found not a trace of anything out there. At this point is was 11:30 p.m."

We get off work at 8pm, which would have put him in that area at 8:45. My co-worker has a wife and a 3 year old son that he adores. He is an incredibly nice and liable person. In 5 years of working with him I have never heard him exaggerate any details nor have we ever discussed my passion for UFO's and Chemtrails. I try to keep that stuff away from work (until now!). He was genuinely scared when he talked about this. I could see it in his face, clearly. I need to get some more details like what police squad showed up, how big was the light, etc. I wonder if the cops will file a report or if it will get squashed?

Man! I wish I were there! So much stuff is happening in our area (the Midwest). Let's see? Sonic Booms/Earthquake/Chemtrails/Hail Storms/Orbs/Strange Light/Increasing Sightings. How much more needs to happen before we get some answers!? In the meantime I will keep a watchful eye on what going on and continue reporting to your site. Thanks again for providing us with as much proof and truth humanly possible!

Thank you very much to the person for passing along the information, another excellent sighting. 

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Bright Light With Ring Of Light Around It Whitehorse Yukon

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  August 21, 2007

Time:  1:50 a.m.

Location of Sighting: Grey Mountain road overlooking town.

Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Very bright circular white light.

Full Description of event/sighting: My friend and I were driving down from a lookout on road just south of town. We were out trying to see the Northern lights and see the stars. We saw a few shooting stars and lots of satellites etc. As we were driving down the road, I stopped again because I wanted to see if the Northern lights were out. We got out and we're staring upwards, almost due north.

Then suddenly a very bright white light came through. It was like a perfect circle and was nothing like a shooting star. I doubt it could have been a meteor as there was no tail behind it, and unlike a shooting star, it didn't not seem to cross the sky, instead it grew very bright and was almost like it was coming right down on us.

Imagine someone shining a light down on you from a deck or patio as you stand underneath then extending their arm down so the light goes closer to you. This was very bright and moving slowly. It stopped for a bit and seemed to kind of hover, then started moving slowly westward. Then it disappeared as it had come. The light was very white and there was a ring of light around the object.

Like a halo almost. it appeared then became increasingly bright to where we had to shield our eyes for a second then stayed that way then slowly started moving and as it kept moving it disappeared. The whole thing lasted about 20 seconds.

I have no idea what it was and if anyone knows of any good, well documented UFO sites please repost this. I am curious if anyone else saw anything. Cheers.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Dreams And I Saw Disc Shaped UFOs In Massachusetts

New report !

Sometime in the 1950s, I'm going to guess at least 1956, in a recurring and very realistic dream in which I was outdoors in my little backyard looking up at the sky and seeing a stream of black chevron shaped craft that move silently over the houses. Each one had a few orange porthole Windows and I could see the silhouette of a head in each window. I'm guesstimating that the path was from southwest to northeast.

At the time I was very much into what they call "airplane cards," which came in packs like baseball cards and showed aircraft of World War II — American, British, German, and Japanese. I had an interest in Arial phenomenon’s. Anytime I could find anything written about UFOs I did read it. I didn't think that they were anything except around flying saucers. So the Chevron shape was a surprise to me.

Probably the best book written about out of body travel was written by Robert Monroe. I'm talking especially about his first book. In it, he has a non-sequitur sentence in which he mentions chevron shaped UFOs. I didn't stumble upon that until I was in my late 30s. He wrote some thing along the lines of putting it in his book an out of body travel even though it doesn't belong there "just in case it means some thing to somebody." This is a guy who is a proponent of OOB experiences and who alleges many experiences, so he's no stranger to phenomena.

At the time I was that young boy I was in astronomy and the planets. Around 1958 I bought myself a small Tasco 3.2 inch "goto" refractor telescope. I was often in the same spot in the backyard with the telescope as when I would in my dream be in the backyard seeing those chevron shaped craft.

Sometime around 1961 I saw a real UFOs in broad daylight in my backyard running in approximately a north to south flight line. They were glistening, silver, lentil shaped discs. They moved down the sky probably 50 times faster than B-52 jets I frequently observed traversing the sky.

It didn't last long. It didn't last long enough for me to see that they were doing a left to right It didn't last long. It didn't last long enough for me to see that they were doing a rapid left to right zigzag vibration. I didn't find out until years later that the zigzag is a common UFO phenomenon. I was probably 15. I made the newspapers.

Other people in surrounding towns saw the same thing I did. The article was written by a reporter named George Fawcett. It turns out he became to be a famous author on that subject. The people in my small town of Winchester, Massachusetts, I'm always the weirdo who saw the UFOs.

Perhaps five years later, in a car with a friend in Cambridge, Massachusetts, we both saw a rather large, silent, Erie green colored fireball or luminous object traverse the sky very low in the horizon near Fresh Pond heading into Northwest direction.

I myself have seen UFOs several times since. I myself was in a photograph with a friend from Germany. We were standing on a dock in Vermont where we had stopped because it was a designated "scenic vista." His girlfriend took the photo. A few years later I saw a couple of white blips in the sky that I had never paid attention to.

Long story short, I scanned the photo and enlarge the image as much as possible. There was much detail. I sent it to MUFON. The guy who was a big honcho there in Texas told me it was definitely a UFO image.

Even here in Florida I have seen strange Ariel phenomena, including especially objects that look like they are computer-generated and not at all "natural" images.

These are also reported to MUFON in Florida, but they told me it was a bug in a spiderweb, which is utterly nonsensical. I know what I saw. I still have the information on my iPhone.

I don't trust MUFON anymore, suspecting that they become to cozy with the government and therefore not unquestionably trustworthy.

I'm sending you this information just in case it has anything that might be useful or interesting for you.

Thank you to the witness for the excellent report.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

A Huge Unknown Craft/UFO In The Sky Over Willetton Western Australia

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  June 9, 2007

Time:  11:35 p.m.

Location of Sighting: Willetton

Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Large, circular.

Full Description of event/sighting: I was leaving work and walking to my car when I saw a large object fairly low in the sky. I was stopped in my tracks because it was just so large. 

It was moving across the sky from a North Easterly direction, I thought it must have been a helicopter with its spot light pointing right in my direction. That would maybe explain the size of the light. Then I realized that: 

A. -  It was the same colour as one of our orange street lights.

B. - Our police choppers use white spot lights.

C. - The light didn't move, and I could see no "beam" of light that such powerful search lights emit. 

D. - It was moving too fast, definitely too fast to be a chopper, but within reach of a jet.

It wasn't a chopper, I thought it would have to be an air craft of some sort. After watching it for another minute I was certain that:

A. -  There were no leading lights, wing lights or whatever they are called. They blink, each air craft has multiples of them and they are different colours. We have a small air port nearby (Jandakot) and there are often prop driven planes in the air. Likewise there is a larger air port (international) further to the east. So aircraft are a common and familiar for me sight.

B. - It was just too big to be a jet, if it was a jet, I should be able to hear it. It wasn't a cigar shape or anything stupid like that, it was just a big orange ball that was slightly squashed in the middle.

I started recording it for a few seconds on my phone, but stopped. I felt silly thinking it could be something unexplained. Sure it was huge, had no leading lights and was moving faster than a prop plane or helicopter could move, but still, this is Perth! And a camera phone isn't exactly a worthy medium.

It was just as I was thinking the above when it moved. It moved so damn fast, right towards the ocean (West). The light seemed to halve in size, but that could've just been due to the fact that it moved so fast. A building obstructed it after a second but as I sprinted to the side of the building to get a clear view it was already gone.

We (Australia) do not have a single damn jet that can move that fast, it cleared the sky in seconds! Every hair on my body stood on end at that point. I've just spent the last half hour staring in awe at the sky, yes my neck is sore and no I didn't see this thing again.

What I did see however were numerous planes, a few far to the east where our cities main airport is, and a prop driven one heading to the smaller Jandakot airport. Not a single one of them looked anything like this thing. Out of curiosity I tried recording one of them with my phone so I could compare the results. Standing in my backyard I recorded a small propelled craft, looking at the recording I could barely see it. Looking at the few seconds of footage taken from a well lit car park (much more light pollution than my back yard has) the difference is amazing. That's how big this damn thing was, you can actually see it in a quick recording taken from a crappy Nokia in a well lit car park. Am I kicking myself for not recording as long as possible, more than anyone can know, I just want to be able to watch it again, so I never forget.

A believer is born, Sigh, I don' think I'll look at the sky in the same way again. The skeptic in me says "come on", and is going to make me check out to see if America have any carriers stationed offshore of Fremantle. It could've been a Super Hornet, but realistically there's no chance. They would not have been authorized for such a low fly over, plus they are noisy as hell, and if it had poured on the juice to get moving that fast the light would not have diminished but flared bright and hot.

Sorry this is so long. In a way writing it out so clearly will help me remember the event, it's one that I think is worth doing so too.

Oh, one last thing, this is almost certainly completely coincidental but it certainly added in some way to the sight. My car's central locking wouldn't work! Hah, first time that's ever happened (ever), though it started working after I tried half a dozen more times. But anyway, there were no power outs etc., my phone was working after all, just thought I'd mention it.

Once again, sorry for the length.

Thank you to the witness for the wonderful report.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Loring AFB UFO Incident - Ex-Military Serviceman Speaks Out

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Brian Vike's Note: I would like to extend my many thanks to the person who sent in this report. Also, if other ex-servicemen or women, even family members of the service people have any knowledge about this event.

I would be grateful for as much detail as you could possibly could provide to me here at The Vike Factor. Please do know that I respect everyone's personal/private information.

Message: Loring AFBUFO Incident -- Many years ago while listening to the Jeff Rense talk show, the discussion about UFOs turned toward the Loring incident which I had knowledge of, and I emailed Rense during the program.

I did not see this object, but was directly involved with the aftermath. What I did not mention on the Rense e-mail was that there was a previous UFO sighting during October of 1974, almost a year exactly to the 1975 incident, though the 1974 sighting by some base personnel did not reach the public.

Now as to the 1975 incident I worked at the WSA where some of the activity took place. At most there were about 60 airmen that worked in the secluded and secure area, and the area itself was guarded by about 8 security police (SPs) around the clock.

One morning, myself and 5 others arrived at the gate to the WSA before the rest and I noted something was wrong because all the SPs were waiting for us on the other side of the gate.

Usually some were in the guard shack and others were driving around the WSA, upon exchanging our badges, the SP's became notably shaken and somewhat frantic and began telling us of the UFO that hovered over our structures ( Igloo's with weapons inside).

The SP who spoke directly to me said this object was of the two pie pan type, glowed an orange color and shone a green beam in a searching type of manner over and around our structures.

He also said they radioed their headquarters back on main base and requested permission to fire their M-16's upon a UFO that was hovering over the structures.

This SP's began telling of other events about the object. I stopped him and asked what the headquarters said, he replied that they didn't get an rapid reply, or something to that affect and kept asking for permission to fire upon it.

Later he received an order not to fire upon the object unless it performed acts of destruction or damage to anything in the secure area. So he said we had nothing to do but watch this thing. I think I asked him about the guard dogs reaction and he said the dog was going crazy over the ordeal like the rest of them.

During this conversation many other airmen had arrived after us and were also listening to the various accounts from the separate SP's. There were about 20 of us airmen gathered around the guard shack, and we began walking up to our own building.

I remember all was quiet until about 3/4 the way up when one of our senior Sergeants said, "they must have seen a UFO last night". I don't know why I remembered that, just a dawning of something that really occurred I suppose.

Here's where I get involved sort of. After all the personnel arrived at the WSA that morning, we are all ordered back to main base.

This never happened before or afterwards during the year I was there, you have to realize that the WSA was far from the base and to drive all the way out there, and then be ordered back to the base was an unusual occurrence, and all the WSA personnel gathered in a room at our MMS headquarters.

It was very quiet in this room and everyone seemed to more or less be talking softly among themselves, myself and my best friend were sitting in the back of the room ( I was 17 ) and we briefly said to each other or commented to the affect that we thought we were going to war with these aliens, and that someone was to meet with us and tell us what was going on and why we were assembled here.

However, truth is stranger then fiction, and after about 10 minutes our squadron commander came out and stood in front of us, and used an angry tone of voice. I had never heard from him before and said the following, "you have not heard anything, you have not seen anything and you will not ever say anything.

That is a direct order"! Then he dropped the tone of his voice to a much more casual level, and said something about a helicopter had been seen in the area and was being investigated, Geesh. We were ordered back to main base just for this ? You do the math!

I've seen deception first hand and I didn't even see the UFO. The odd thing was I probably would have wrote the whole thing off and forgot about it but when we were ordered back to main base, then ordered not to say anything, it reinforced the notion that it was real.

There's a yahoo news group called Loring AFB which has some stuff about the incident there and perhaps some first hand accounts, this is not a UFO related group but perhaps you might find someone to help you with further info. Good luck.

Thank you very much to the gentleman for taking the time to write and give what he knew about this event. 

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Cannon AFB And Sheppard AFB Military Personal Observe Objects/UFOs

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Hi Brian, I was based at Cannon AFB, New Mexico in 1975/76 when there were a rash of UFO sightings at the base. I can only describe one, and I believe it was a weather balloon. (You may be more interested in my second story). It was a summer afternoon on a weekend. There had been a lot of talk about UFO's around the base. Someone came running into our barracks shouting there was a UFO in the sky directly over the base.

As you can expect, everyone ran outside to see. I remember running outside and noticing several hundred soldiers around my barracks and the other barracks in my area looking up at it. It was extremely high and appeared to be silver. It seemed to slowly change shape and after watching it for several minutes you could tell it was moving slowly west to east.

Some of the senior soldiers said it was a weather balloon but there was a large group that insisted it was a UFO. I watched it for about 15 minutes and it never did anything unusual that a UFO might do. I believe it was a balloon.

But, I did see a UFO around January, 1975, actually two of them, at Sheppard AFB in Wichita Falls, TX. I was with two other soldiers and it was about 1:00 in the morning. (No, we were not drunk and not on anything). We were returning to the base in a pick-up truck. The sky was completely overcast with a ceiling around 3,000 to 4,000 feet.

While driving east, we noticed two white lights about 2,000 feet AGL (above ground level) a couple of miles ahead of us traveling east north east. Both were making a gradual left turn in front of us. Each light was about as bright as a car headlight. The first light was flying along at about 200 knots leading the second light by a 1/4 mile or so when we first saw them.

The trailing light was traveling approximately twice as fast as the first light. They were in level flight. No strobes or beacons, just two white lights. We were watching the planes, which is what we thought they were, and talking about them. As the trailing light caught up to the first, everything happened almost instantly.

They were no longer two lights, just one about the same brightness as before the other one had joined it. As soon as the second light caught up to the first, the light shot straight up threw the clouds at mach ?

I'm just guessing at the speed because I have no experience with flying things that can turn and accelerate this fast. I've seen tracer bullets fired from powerful military weapons, and this thing went from level flight to faster than a tracer bullet, straight up. I have no doubt it was a UFO. Whatever that means.

(Name removed) USAF Veteran 1974-1979

Thank you to the witness for the excellent report.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Circular Cloud Stops Overhead And Flashed Colors Over Yankton South Dakota

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  June 1999

Time:  11:30 p.m.

Location of Sighting: Yankton, SD

Number of witnesses: 3+
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Circle, then morphed to angel shape.

Full Description of event/sighting: My late husband and I were at my father-in-law's house and had finished visiting. We walked outside and noticed that a couple of people in the Burger King parking lot (which was next door about 500 yards away) were looking up in the sky. The night was clear and I remember that the stars could be clearly seen.

All of the sudden my husband said "Look at that cloud!" It was a perfectly circular cloud moving directly north and was about as high as a small plane would fly. I thought this was odd because there was a breeze coming from the south and this was the only cloud in the sky.

The cloud stopped moving directly overhead and began to flash like a rainbow or an aura. Red, yellow, blue green, purple, pink, etc. It was emanating from inside the cloud and you could see the colors on the edge of the cloud brightly.

The colors were more like a flowing out than a pulse. My father-in-law ran inside the house out of pure fear, and yelled at my husband and myself to come in. My husband moved to the front door under a tree and for some reason I could not find the strength to move. I knew that this was important and needed to see it.

I stood there for about 2 minutes when all of the sudden the cloud started to drop rapidly until it was about 200 feet overhead. I actually felt a pressure and thought it was going to crush me. I didn't hear any sounds or smell anything. I just felt paralyzed. The flowing lights continued the whole time the cloud was right above me. I am not sure how long I stood there, but the next thing I know, it felt like whatever was in the cloud was gone.

The cloud slowly spread out and rose up in the air, and the lights continued to flow. It was quite beautiful and I remember being mesmerized. As the cloud spread out and the lights continued I will tell you something that even I don't want to say because it sounds so "out there" !

The cloud actually took on the shape of an angel with wings and the lights seemed to emanate from the center outward to the tips of the wings. My husband had since come out from under the tree when the cloud moved up in the air.

We stood there for about 15 minutes watching this shape with its lights until it just eventually dissipated and there was nothing left. Other normal clouds had moved into the area, and they did not have any lights flowing, as we had assumed this might have been the Aurora Borealis.

My father-in-law never came outside and more strange never mentioned this again. The other observers in the Burger King parking lot were gone, and I don't remember when they left. I have always remembered this and have always felt that something extraordinary happened. I am just now reporting this because for the first time I read of some one reporting to you of a similar experience (7/15/07

I have never heard of this particular type of thing and I have searched for many years to hear of this. Well, that's it and if someone could let me know something about this, I would really appreciate it. Thank you for listening! Note: this was not the first time my husband and I had seen weird lights or missed time, it was just the most memorable.

Thank you to the witness for the amazing sighting report.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Bright Object/UFO Comes To A Stop Over Yellowstone National Park Wyoming

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  July 2002

Time:  Approxamtlty 10:30 p.m.

Hello Brian. Just read your "Pilot UFO Sighting In Tranquillity, California". One part of this article of the flashing UFOs reminded me of an incident that my wife and I had in Yellowstone National Park while we were on vacation in July, 2002.

We were headed back to our hotel in West Yellowstone. It was late around 10:30 p.m. The sky was crystal clear and you could see the stars like a crisp winter night.

At my 10:00 position I saw a brilliant flash of light so bright that we thought it may have been a nuke flash in space. I was in the military and am very familiar with nuclear blast effects.

My wife works in a sensitive information department of the government so we were very concerned. We recalled that the EMP would have fried the electronics in our car so we dismissed this as a possibility. I slowed down to a crawl and began watching that portion of the sky for something unusual. 

We noticed a brilliant "star" moving north on a very slow track. We both watched it and about 15 seconds after the first flash another flash came from this object!

After the second flash the object moved for another 2-3 seconds and came to a stop. I pulled over and stopped to see what would happen next and watched the object now motionless in the sky.

After several minutes my wife complained about wanting to get back to the hotel and get ready for bed and our early rise next morning. It never moved again while I kept track of it the next 30 or so minutes.

It simply looked like a bright star in the sky. All the time I watched the object I suspected it to be a military satellite or maybe a high flyer recon craft but seeing it stop and stay stationary has puzzled me since.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Black Triangle/UFO Approxamtlty 500 Feet Above Witnesses House At Yelm Washington

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  June 2007 (Week of the 3rd to the 9th)

Time:  10:30 p.m.

Dear Brian, Today I read the story on Jeff Rense's website about the sighting of the Black Triangle and it directly related to my own sighting last week at my house. I live near Yelm, WA, just across the Nisqually River from Fort Lewis.

I was outside walking our dog about 10:30 p.m. and heard a strange vibration overhead and behind me. I turned around and saw a similar object such as that witnessed by the gentleman in Alabama.

It was approximately 500 feet above our house and moved from west to east, following the river upstream. I could make out the triangular shape of it and also noted that the three lights were there, but they did not illuminate myself or anything else as it passed right over.

I did notice some red lights that were constantly on in the rear of the object as it passed over. That has given me the idea that the object was some military plane. But, what propulsion it used is beyond me.

It only made the strange vibrating sound and there was no sound usually associated with a plane or helicopter which frequently fly over our house. I asked my wife if she heard the vibrations when I returned to the house and she said she had and was going to ask me what caused it when I came back in. 

Perhaps it is some advanced military vehicle stationed at nearby McChord airbase. I'd be interested to know if anyone else in the area has seen anything similar.

Thank you to the witness for the interesting report.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Lowry AFB A Large Black Disk/UFO Ringed In White Lights

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date: 1979

Time: Evening.

Brian, Thanks for your reply. I was hoping you would. I read about your sighting, and it was interesting. I'll be happy to tell you my experience.

In 1979, I was 17, and had signed up to serve in the U.S. Air Force. I went through boot camp at Lackland AFB, TX., August of that year, shortly after graduating high school in Connecticut.

After basic training, I was stationed at Lowry for technical training, to be trained to be an instrumentation mechanic, probably in September. I don't recall how long the school was, but I remember it was one of the longer programs, and may have been 16 weeks long, putting me there into the winter.

I had a few buddies there. I recall one of their names to be a (full name removed), who was with me that night. I don't recall the other fellows name.

Sadly, I didn't document the events better than this, it's just my recollection. I had turned 18 in October. This all occurs while we were on Lowry AFB.

One night, I believe in December, because there had to be 8 to 12 inches of snow on the ground, we decided to go off base to a small pub. We didn't have a car, so it was decided that although the pub was off base, and there was no gate near it, that we'd climb a fence, to save time walking all the way around the perimeter of the base. We still needed to walk quite a way from the dorm to the point in the fence we needed to climb.

So it was night, maybe 9:00 pm. I recall a moonlit, cloudless, fairly warm, despite the snow, night. We walked in the direction of the pub, walking through the main street the dorm was located, of the base. When we got away from the main buildings, and away from street and building lights, it was quiet. So, we're walking, and at some point we had to leave the plowed road, and had to cross a snow covered field there.

This is when I look up and I see the strangest thing. I see what appears to be a large black disk, ringed in white lights that revolve around the perimeter of it. I recall how it made me think of lights that revolve around Las Vegas casino marquees. Otherwise it was pitch black, and you could only see the absence of the moonlight where it was.

I thought the lights on it comical, instead of otherworldly. But this thing was big. I'd say it was no more than 200 feet up. About 60 - 70 yards diameter. It was dead silent. It didn't even create the sound that winds make going around buildings. It moved slowly maybe 1 to 2 miles per hour, perpendicular to our course, perfectly straight, not drifting in wind, behind us from left to right.

I think I alerted my friends, (name removed) and the other guy, and asked what that could be. They agreed it was something very unusual, and we decided to change course and follow it. Now, we are walking in snow, which doesn't let you move all that fast to begin with, but we're able to keep up with it for maybe 5 to 10 minutes, where we reach some fence. As we stop, the thing just keeps going. Whatever it was, it didn't notice us. We stand and watch as it move, until it was too far to see. No change in course or speed.

We proceeded to the pub, enjoyed ourselves, and hardly spoke of it. I don't recall us really ever talking about it since.

Shortly after, my friends had moved on to their next assignments, as their schools had ended and I continued my school. I lost track of them and don't know if they are alive or not, let alone where they are. The one I forgot was from Foxboro MA, and he was Polish. I would like to meet them again to discuss that night. If I knew how to look up guys at an AFB on a certain date, I would.

Well that's it, not as dramatic as a broad daylight encounter like yours I think.

Thank you to the witness for a fascinating sighting report.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

UFO Snipers Helicopter Gunships And Jet Fighters Loring AFB

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date: 1975

Full Description of event/sighting: I was stationed at Loring AFB during the UFO sightings. This is the first time I have seen something in writing about the incident. Thanks for all you do.

Hello Brian, I was a medic working at the hospital while all this was going on.

I had a fellow airman I knew that told me about how his radar screen went crazy and how the tracking was really weird and impossible to be done with our current aircraft.

A military police airman that I also knew told me about how he violently shook because while he was at his nuclear post a stationary bright light from above was shining on him.

All he heard was "nothing". Another military police airman told me that he was being stationed along with some others as snipers around the base.

I personally saw helicopter gunships and fighter aircraft during this time. Both of these type aircraft were not present before. Hope this is helpful. Thanks for all you do.

Thank you to the person for this valuable information. 

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

UFO Over Loring AFB Has Serviceman Debriefed Over Incident

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Brian Vike’s Note: I have removed names in this report as not to identify the folks who are talked about in the below report. I have replaced the real names with a fictitious ones. The folks could not be reached to seek permission to post their names. Also I would love to hear from any serviceman or Loring AFB personal/families who have knowledge about the sighting. I can be reached at: or through my website at:

Hi, Hope this finds you well. Sorry it has taken so long to get back to you, it is Football season and my son plays for (removed) so my wife and I "tramp around the northeast" this time of year!

Well a little background. My dad was Chief of the FAA office in Presque Isle. All the guys there were electronic techs and were responsible for navigational aids and some other equipment such as teletype machines at NOAA and Loring AFB. The nav-aids included the Presque Isle instrument landing system, PQI VOR and TACAN which were (and still are ) located in the middle of a potato field in Washburn, Me.

This VOR equipment is considered one of the most important nav-aids in the States because it is the first or last an aircraft uses. Loring aircraft and any other military aircraft use the TACAN and it too is the first or last site in the USA. Ok now the boring is out!

I had a good friend from Boy Scouts whose father was the structures fire chief at Loring. They lived outside of PQI near Quoggy Joe State Park. Our families did a lot together outside of scouts, snowmobiling, camping, and family get together. That October, our troop had a Court of Honor which included a Pot Luck dinner. Rick's father Dale, didn't show up and his mom was very worried. That next weekend the Riley's were over and Dale told us about the sighting.

Seems that calls came in from some of the families on the base. They also saw the lights moving around the base. The base sent out an engine after the first calls came in from the base housing area claiming that lights were seen threw the trees as well as in the air. Dale said that, and I can't remember who, one of the higher ranking officers requested the engine to check out the housing area, and he assumed that it was because of a possible light plane or helicopter crash.

After cruising the housing area they saw the lights towards the flight line and they headed in that direction. After reaching the gate to the flight line Dale said that they could see a red light over the area where the Nuclear storage site was located. The light stayed there for a time while the radios were going "nuts". After a short time (minutes) the light flew off only to return again before disappearing.

The Pentagon closed the base down, not letting anyone on or off, and cut off all non approved communications. In fact, before Dale got home, Rick called me and told us that they were afraid the war was "just around the corner", remember that Loring was a "Dew line" base or first strike .

Dale was allowed off base the next day, late in the afternoon after being debriefed by Air Force personnel. He was not on base the second night, but of course found out about it when he returned later in the week. A few days after this happened he was ordered to report for another debriefing. This time they were "suits". His words not mine. I didn't learn about the "men in black" until years later.

Now Dale retired and moved to Alaska, where they transferred from. Rick is now a minister somewhere in the middle America area, I've lost track of him while in the service.

What I find interesting is that the year before there was another series of sightings in the area. I have come to understand that Loring was visited then too, this from Dale. In December of 74, my next door neighbor and I were out snow sledding one night and observed a strange light passing over the town.

Thank you to the person for relating this interesting report.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

UFO - Airman Assigned To The 27th Tactical Air Command At Cannon AFB

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Brian Vike’s Note: The report below is new one to a growing list of incidents that took place at the Cannon AFB, in NM. With so many servicemen who have filed reports of unknown objects over the base to me, it certainly has become clear that the Cannon AFB was a location for many UFO sightings.

I would like to ask if any other folks have information about the UFO incidents that took place at the Cannon AFB, would you please contact Brian Vike at: Thank you and please note that your privacy is respected.

Brian, Per our phone conversation, this is the "sanitized" and completed events of June, 1975 at Cannon AFB, NM:

Let me go ahead and lay my experience out for you.

I was an Airman, assigned to the 27th Tactical Air Command at Cannon AFB and I worked the swing shift on the flight line. It was a Friday night and as usual, I checked the ops board for sorties. F111-Ds had a nasty habit of landing broke more often than not and on Friday nights, that meant swing shift stayed late to fix any "red x" entries in the A/C maintenance log. I was relieved to note that nothing was scheduled and so I only needed to finish my shift and start the weekend.

At around 10:00 p.m., I heard the afterburners of F111s taking off. Thinking they could be from another base, I ran outside to see. Our base identifier, "CC", was on the vertical stabilizers of the two F111-Ds that were taking off in combat formation - two staggered abreast and simultaneous. I had never seen our birds take off like that - it was simply not done.

I approached our dispatcher and told him we had just launched two. We were both upset because we weren't supposed to have any training sorties that night and nobody wanted to stay late on a Friday. He called Ops and they told him it was a hot scramble after bogeys over the base that the radar shack was tracking. I found out later that MMS (Munitions Maintenance Squadron) loaded the F111's with live air-to-air ordinance. I also heard that it wasn't the first scramble during this time frame, but I personally was not witness to any others.

The dispatcher happened to be friends with the radar operator on duty, so we called the radar shack and put him up on the external speaker. The (veteran) radar operator was totally flummoxed. He was tracking "two or three" bogeys making impossible aerial maneuvers at impossible speeds - at least 3,000 MPH - disappearing and re-appearing. He checked and double-checked his gear and it was fine - no malfunction (he was tracking our F111's fine). I jotted down the phone number to the radar shack and stuck it in my fatigue shirt pocket.

The two A/C landed about 45 minutes later, no ordinance expended and they were in good order - no late night work for me. I heard later that the pilots were not debriefed in the normal manner. I left the shop for the Airman's Club, socialized over a pitcher of beer and played some foosball. I made it back to the barracks at about 2:00AM. Seeing the phone on the CQ's desk, I decided to call the radar site - it was a small portable building out in the middle of a field. I was curious and wanted an update on the bogey situation.

The phone at the other end was answered by a "Capt. Kowalski". (A captain in the radar shack at 2:00 a.m. on a Saturday morning? no way! was what I thought.) I asked for the radar operator by name and the Capt.. stated that he was not there. His voice was loud and threatening. As a young airman, I was truly frightened by his aggressiveness and almost hung up.

To cut to the chase, Capt. K. interrogated me for some time about who I was, why I was calling and so forth. During that time, a few things became clear to me:

1. He was definitely not USAF. He used terms such as "serial number" and "CO" which were common to other branches of the armed forces, but not used by USAF personnel. Whoever he was and whomever he worked for, his cover was blown.

2. He may not have even been military. He swore - no curse words excepted - with every sentence, lost his temper constantly, or appeared to for effect, and sounded more like a street thug than an "officer and a gentleman". To use a military phrase, he had no "military bearing". Having been raised in a military family, military bearing is not something one comes by naturally, nor is it easily relinquished.

3. I probably should never have called for that update!

Capt. K told me the incident never happened. When I refuted him, by saying I had watched the aircraft scramble and spoke with the radar operator, he stated that I was either insane or on drugs. His voice was constantly at a yelling volume and his demeanor, highly intimidating. He stated that "we can do things to you that make Leavenworth (max-security federal penitentiary) look like a picnic". Capt. K. told me they would be watching me and that I was never to mention this "non-event" to anyone. He also stated, "it's a big desert out there - people get lost all the time". I got the point.

In the ensuing days, I attempted to locate this Capt. Kowalski, entertaining the notion of bringing him up on charges of "behavior unbecoming an officer". He simply did not exist anywhere on base. I contacted the Communications Squadron who runs the radar shack to see if they know who this Capt.. was. I was surprised when I discovered that the radar operator had suddenly gotten orders to a "classified location".... nobody knew where he went and none of his friends knew about any pending orders. Imho, he was conveniently disappeared.

I have provided the details of this event to The Disclosure Project. They in turn asked if I would be willing to travel to Washington D.C. and testify before Congress to that effect. My answer to them was and still is, "affirmative".

Thank you to the witness for the excellent report.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Military Serviceman Films UFO Over Camp Pendleton (Picture)

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date: August 19, 2010

Time: Approxamtlty 8:30 p.m.

Here is the picture that I took from my iPhone. There were several witnesses in my base housing area that saw it. At first there were 3 lights forming a triangle. Then one of the lights (the one in the bottom right corner disappeared.

I was able to snap this photo before it finally disappeared entirely. It happened on August 19, 2010 at approximately 8:30 p.m.

After the sighting I called PMO and the Sgt on duty said that they've received numerous phone calls about the strange lights and that it was the Game Warden using a spotlight.

Included is the original photo and I went on my iMac and zoomed in and tried to change the exposure to see the object better. Not sure if you guys can professionally clean up and zoom in on the photo, but you can see an outline of a triangular craft.

If you have any other questions regarding the UFO sighting please feel free to contact me via email or call my cell phone at (number removed). Please update me on any information you guys might have. 

Thank you to the witness for the excellent report.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Mid Sized Circular UFO North Northeast Of Philadelphia (Looked Like World War III)

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  May 1, 2007

Time:  Approximately 9:30 p.m.

I would like to share w/everyone something I saw on the night of May 1st, sometime around 9:30 p.m.

The first part of it is, I was sitting outside w/a teen-age young woman and she saw it also. It was NNE of here, where Philadelphia is (about 30 miles away). It seems like it began suddenly.

It looked like, or closest to, though not quite the same as the videos of the bombing of Baghdad. Only it was silent. And no, it was not a) lightning, b) fireworks, c) searchlights. All the flashes of light and what looked like explosions were a bright white light.

Some of the explosions seemed to come out of thin air, and others from the Earth surface. Once in a while there would be a huge flash of light travelling instantly across the sky.

The young lady and I were somewhat stunned, watching this, and could not understand what it was. I said, "Looks like WWIII," and she nodded. It was chilly, she went inside to stay and I went in to get something warmer to wear.

Inside the house I became aware that both my ears were ringing like nobody's business. My dog buddy here was freaking out, and did not calm down till I covered her ears w/my hands. It felt at one point that every cell in my body was vibrating. I went back outside. In a bit the lights started again.

I felt that I was witnessing war, and the word scalar came to mind, and I felt so sad. Then, off to the NNW, I became aware of a mid-sized circular UFO/craft/ship in the sky.

It seemed to me that it was struggling/fighting to come through to this dimension/frequency. I felt that this was a benevolent people on that ship. I do not know if this was a vision of a possible future? I pray not, for the people of Philly, where I was born.

Or was it something happening on another dimension? Was the ship I saw encountering some sort of destructive frequency fence? The complete silence, and the fact that it was a foggy night (and no, these were not car lights reflecting off the fog) but the lights were still highly visible was strange.

Thank you to the witness for the interesting report.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

100’s Of Eyewitnesses To Large Burning Object Calls To Radio Station Richland Chambers Creek North East Texas

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  June 20, 2007

Time:  10:00 - 11:00 p.m.

Location of Sighting: North east Texas.

Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Large burning.

Full Description of event/sighting: A large burning object the size of a building flying and appearing to be crashing in the Richland Chambers Creek area. I was en-route per work and listening to local talk radio in which lines were abuzz about hundreds of witnesses asking about the flying object. 

They called FTA  (I think it's called) and they were told to say "No Comment" in which they did and the incident, no further comments were made about the subject and was hush hushed. No reports of any kind in local papers whatsoever.

I would like to verify the sighting with someone else.

Thank you to the witness for the interesting report.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at: or please use the online Sighting Report Form.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.