Showing posts with label Alien. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alien. Show all posts

Friday, December 18, 2020

1950's Close Encounter With A UFO And Alien Being Three Hills Alberta

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date: 1955

Time: 1:00 - 5:00 p.m.

Location of Sighting: Outside Three Hills, Alberta Canada.

Number of witnesses: 1

Number of objects: 1

Shape of objects: House/ship/illusion?

Full Description of event/sighting: This is something I just came to terms with a few years ago. A strange but interesting story, realized over 50 years later and totally worth the wait.

I don't know if this was a memory block put on me for 50 years ago so that it would be there when I needed it, or ? What ever it was, it was not of this world.

I have had a few other sightings over the years, on my own and with other folks, up close and personal.

I must say the realization of what happened all those years ago helped me to sort it all out. Helped me to trust myself and the experiences I have had.

This instance I remember quite vividly and could never figure it out as I got the beating of my life from my mother for doing what I thought was the right thing.( I still would think it was the right thing to do)

3-Hills in mid Alberta Canada was a very small seminary school town back in the 1950's. The old 'Henry -Jay ' ( our car) up on blocks and 60 below zero temperatures more likely then not.

Even some of the sidewalks had boilers under them. This wasn't a place where a small child would last very long out side.

It was very flat there, just 3 Hills in the distance, train tracts and vast ice fields lay beyond our little sheep shed style apartments that the students stayed in.

There were 3 instances where I had missing time in the two years we were there (1955-56) this was just another one of them until I saw a small black and white photo of our little apartment and the field beyond it just a few years ago. (04)

1955 - I was walking home from kindergarten, alone. There was a small field with a beaten path just in back of our apartments and this ended at the far end of the apartments.

Our apartment faced backwards, away from town so as I walked home the back of our apartments were visible not the front.

There were just ice fields for as far as you could see on three sides with the smaller field at the back. There was a three story older grey house out that way, a little before the field, but this was not the house I saw.

I heard crying and in the middle of the little field behind the back of our apartment and standing in the center on the path was a small child. I looked up and saw a one story house at the end of the path, so I figured that must be where he was from.

I went over, took his little hand and walked him down the path to the house. I walked up the steps and rang the door bell. ( hadn't ever seen a door bell before) A tall blond man opened the door, he was dressed in loose, seeming light clothing which was strange as it was the 50's and very cold.

Not anything I had seen before. He seemed very kind and I asked if the child belonged here as I had found him crying in the field. He said yes and thanked me and I turned to go home.

I had never left sight of the back window of our little apartment the whole time, but as I rounded the corner and went up to our door it was dark outside.

As I went inside my Mother starting screaming at me. I told her I found a small boy and took him home, but she would not stop.

I have no clue why she had a fly swatter, but she started hitting me with it, getting my hair caught etc. Of course I was screening too as I couldn't figure out how she could be so mean to do this to me, just because I saved a baby.

My Dad came out and slapped her to get her to stop and I heard noting more about it. Of course I remembered that beating the rest of my life. It never made sense to me and I of course didn't even think about it being dark when I came in the door.

That is until 2004 when I was going though some old photos. Someone had taken a picture of the train tracks cutting thought the ice fields. There was no house there.

Never was, at least in the mid 1950s' And it's much more understandable, not that it didn't suck that my mother was freaked out, not because I had been a few minutes late in cold daylight, but because I had been 5 hours late and the sun was down. It was very cold.

As I said, this was one of 3, instances and of course the one I remember the most because of my parents reaction to it. I have always thought my Dad was a Star Child, he would die physically 2 years later on November 1957 of Leukemia.

By remembering the whole instance, it was like a fountain was opened up. Things I have learned in the past are coming in and finally making sense, etc.

It seemed to bring together all the other happenings through-out my years. I have had a lot of information downloaded into my being throughout the years, sort of like a school for many years. Quite possibly this was my induction to that school ?

Thank you to the eyewitness for their report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Friday, December 4, 2020

Bill Foster’s - Black Triangle UFO Sighting And Alien Abduction In Yadkinville North Carolina (Audio Interview)

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

You can listen to the entire story/interview at the following link:

Date:  November 16, 1996

Time:  11:00 p.m.

It began on November 16, 1996 with an 11:00 p.m. sighting of a massive black triangle just outside of Yadkinville, North Carolina.

There were four of us in our Camry and we saw this slow-moving, silent, triangular shadow, pass directly over the hood of our car, just 100 feet above us.

Then vector off to our left, over a small knoll and out of sight. The sighting lasted only seven minutes in total.

It made no sound yet felt oddly oppressive, if only from the gigantic size of the craft. The sky was pitch black on a moonless, cloudless, starry and very cold night.

We could tell it was a triangle from the red glowing/pulsing lights on all three corners and by looking down the sides and seeing stars outside the straight line and only blackness, underneath the body of the ship. It was both eerie and awesome.

We could not see the top and could not clearly see the bottom, only blackness.

We kept the sighting quiet for four months.

You can listen to the entire story/interview at the following link:

Thank you so much to Bill for taking the time to relate his amazing sighting of a Black Triangle UFO and abduction.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Numerous Witnesses To Ongoing UFO And Strange Alien Activity At Granisle British Columbia

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  November 29 to December 19, 2007

Time:  Everyday between 5:00 p.m. - 3:00 a.m.

Location of Sighting: Above and around Babine Lake.

Number of witnesses: Depends on which day of observation.

Number of objects: Depends.

Shape of objects: Disc, and slender shaped  flashing objects.

Full Description of event/sighting: Mr. Vike, I am not comfortable telling my name at this particular point in time. There are unbelievably weird things going on here and I wish to obtain a sense of being taken seriously if you will,  before I expose personal information. 

I have lived in this town for almost 15 years, never before have I believed or wanted to believe in "extra terrestrials, or UFOs", but lately, I've seen things, lights in the sky, shadows of abnormal things. I know this is to report UFO sightings but I believe I've seen more then UFOs.

There is another family here in Granisle that have been in contact with you quit a bit. I'm good friends with these folks, they are not lying to you. I've seen lights in the sky everyday towards the eastern side of the lake. At first I was convinced these were logging trucks, but as these lights have continued to appear I have began to realize and tell myself almost exclusively, if that's the right word, logging trucks cannot fly, hover or dart back in forth through the sky at amazing speeds.

I've seen lights almost everyday for 3 weeks, the women that was writing to you about a picture her daughter had taken, she's not lying. You can clearly make out a figure, an abnormal figure. One I believe I've seen before on December 12, 2007. 

I was at home, it was roughly one o'clock a.m. and I was beginning to get ready for bed. I was standing in my kitchen when I caught a glimpse of something in a thicket of trees standing behind my house. Now Mr. Vike before I confess what I saw, I'm asking you, please be understanding and as much as you may not want to believe me, there was something there.

At first I thought it was a child, then I realized the time. No parent in there right mind would let a small child be out this late, no child would want to be out this late. For these reasons I have come to believe I was being observed. Lately I've had odd feeling of being watched, this may seem like BS, but I believe I have a good sense of being able to tell when someone (or in this case, something) is watching me.

As for the lights, I've observed them almost everyday with the family that writes to you. Up until now I have refused to contact you about what I've seen, but these lights aren't normal and I'm afraid. I am only writing to you because I have been urged to do so.

The lights I saw were flashing red and yellow discs. I've observed them through telescope and binoculars. I appreciatively ask you to email me as soon as possible with your analysis, please and thank you. I'll be waiting for your reply.

Thank you to the witness for their report. Seems Granisle, British Columbia is some active UFO area right now for some reason I cannot figure out.

Thank you to all the eyewitnesses who contacted me.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

An Alien Encounter At Douglasville Georgia

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  1966. Time:  Night.

Location of Sighting: Cousin's house.

Number of witnesses: 1

Number of objects: 3

Shape of objects: Little gray aliens with the big eyes.

Full Description of event/sighting: Picture this, I am seven years old and I'm lying in a cot in my cousin's bedroom. His cot is on the other side of the room. It is the middle of the night and very dark and we didn't have a night light.

My cousin  and I were on the third floor of a brown, wooden apartment tenement. The walls were rough hewn chocolate brown wood with no sheet-rock, you could see daylight out through the cracks. Nothing fancy, my uncle had just started working for the fire department.

In the middle of the night, I awakened when I felt pressure on my cot. I looked down at the foot of my cot and one of them was sitting on it. The other two were standing at the foot of the cot looking at me. There was a faint light emanating from them somehow so I could barely discern them. The light eventually brightened. Later, much later, even now, I can still recall the beautiful, vivid electric blue light.

They were tiny, thin, gray; no more than three feet tall. They looked very fragile. However, I didn't have any fear of them. They communicated to me through telepathy. They didn't say much. All I can remember them "saying" to me was do not be frightened and I wasn't.

As I watched, a circle of beautiful, brilliant, and indescribable blue light appeared behind them. I remember one of them going into the light and I knew this was where I was going too. This entire episode lasted about three minutes. I remember falling asleep before they were gone. My cousin  never woke up throughout this entire ordeal.

How can I describe them? Well, you've seen them in stickers, pictures, you know, the typical alien, large heads, black oval eyes too large in proportion to their heads, a slit for a mouth and two small holes for a nose. Their long spindly limbs seemed to be too frail, yet there they were.

When I woke up the next morning, my left pinky finger was aching. I felt it and in the middle segment of the digit I felt what seemed to be a BB of some sort. I knew it wasn't there before. I told my mother about the entire incident, and she beat me severely and would not even consider feeling the 'BB' in my finger. So I suffered in silence for many years.

Since then I have asked my doctor if he'd x-ray my finger and he said not unless there was a reason to. I didn't tell him why, or he'd probably think I was nuts. I've been x-rayed for chest pains repeatedly, and I have always semi-jokingly asked the x-ray tech if they've ever done alien implant x-rays or has anyone ever requested one. They'd always laugh and tell me no, but "We have found a lot of interesting things in rectums!"

My doctor says the 'BB' in my finger is a fatty deposit, but I disagree because I knew it wasn't there the night before I saw them. No one believed me. You are only the third person on this planet that I have related this story to.

I think it is like a tag. I haven't seen them since. And no, this was not a dream. It was the real McCoy. It really, actually happened. How could I have known what they looked like at that age? According to my parents and my uncle, I described them perfectly. They were exactly like the ones you see described by thousands of people worldwide.

This might sound strange, but I have a feeling, just a feeling, mind you, that they have protected me throughout my life. They have caused me to have success. Strange isn't it? I have never been hurt, or in a car wreck, or received a speeding ticket, or been arrested for DUI, nothing. It is very odd.

I think it is very possible that they are monitoring and especially influencing thoughts. When I was a child, after the incident with the aliens, my mother was amazed at the things I would come up with. I would make innocent predictions (remember I was a kid) and they would come true. She was dumbfounded. She said I could predict the future. I think she was afraid of me and that's why she beat me so much and made me sleep at other relative's houses.

Or how about this story?

I had a good friend in Mt. Home Air Force Base in Idaho, his name was (name removed). He decided he wanted to work at the top secret site called 'Area 51' or the Tonopah test site as we knew it. They worked on top secret aircraft. He worked on the F-1117A. To work there however you needed a top secret clearance. They asked me to work there, but I turned it down as I was getting out.

We had a TDY to Nellis Air Force Base, and I was selected to go so I immediately called (name removed) and told him when I'd be there. He told me that would be great and to give him a call when I was at the dorm, and he would pick me up and we'd fly his radio controlled planes. So he did and before we went to the R/C airfield he wanted to stop at the hobby shop for some parts.

Well, he bought what he needed and we were off to the field. We came to a red light, we were in the right lane, and I decided to ask him about aliens. The second I uttered aliens he turned pale, ran the red light, did a U-turn in all that traffic with horns blaring and drove me back to base.

On the way I kept asking, "(name removed), what's the matter?" "What did I say?" But, he would not answer any of my questions, he stayed pale and angry and dropped me off at the dorm and I never saw or heard from him since.

I am not insane and I know what I saw. I am 48 now and can remember it like it was yesterday. I know they exist.

Thank you to the person for the interesting report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

A Families Encounters Alien Beings/Black Triangles And Disc Shaped UFO In Pennsylvania

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Dear Mr. Vike, It is difficult to decide where to begin this story, as I am not sure exactly where the beginning is. Because of this, I will simply share the totality of my knowledge and experience in an anecdotal way.

My mother's side of my family seems to be a beacon for weird things, and UFO/extraterrestrial phenomena fits squarely into that category. As far as I know, the story really begins with my uncle, who was known for something rather odd as a child. He would often disappear from the home in the middle of the night and a member of the family would find him missing, and they would go looking for him.

Often, he would be found on the other side of town, wandering in a dazed/confused state. When he was asked about it, he would reply that he just went for a walk. He was not sleepwalking, per se, but would often be found wearing his bedclothes, and sometimes without shoes.

If this should simply seem like odd behavior, the story becomes even odder when added to a recollection of my mother's. She swears that she one day saw “things” walking up the hallway, toward the bedroom that was shared by my two uncles. She describes waking up one night, in the early morning and hearing noises. Among these noises was talking of some sort.

Not English, she says, but some kind of chattering-sounding language. Hearing this she looked out her doorway into the hallway. When she did, she says she saw two small creatures, for lack of a better word, move back the hallway, talking lowly between them as the did so. She describes their movement as flowing, almost as if they were not touching the ground and walking as we do, on two legs, but either floating or moving as a millipede does. She does not recall any direct contact with these creatures, but rather just cowering under her covers for a while. The combination of this and the experiences of my uncle, lead me to believe that something more was occurring, here.

These are the only details that I know of from that part of my mother/aunt/uncle's life, and I can only jump many years ahead in my story.

Ever since I was very young (I am 22, now) I have had an interest in astronomy, and would always look up in the sky, day or night, looking for interesting things. This propensity has led me to personally witness a number of very odd things. The earliest that I can remember is when I was about 14 years old. I was sleeping at a friend's home, and he was kind enough to let me sleep on the bed, while he used a sleeping bag on the floor at the side of the bed.

Now, the head of my friends bed was arranged so that the person sleeping in it could see out of a window when he was lying on his left side, and it just so happens that I sleep on my side.

Well, in the middle of the night, I woke, as I often do, and looked out the window. There I saw a light. At first, I thought that it was just a star, or a planet, but then I noticed that it was pulsating slightly. So, I watched it for about a minute, maybe less and I sat up to get a better look at whatever it was. The springs on the bed squealed and my friend woke up. He sat up and said something along the lines of “hey, what's going on.....what the heck is THAT.”

After that, we just sat there, dumbfounded, watching this thing act “weird” and finally, just....disappear. More accurately, it flew off very, very quickly. We decided to just let it slide, and talk about it later. We never really did.

A similar, though much more close up, experience happened not long after that. My mother, stepfather, stepbrother, and I were going up to a local look-out point at night to look at one of the small towns near our home. The drive was totally normal, uneventful, but the final approach to the parking area was not. When we crested the hill to the flat parking area, there was a classic disc-looking craft, complete with lights, but no sound, sitting in the flattened area. Needless to say, we hightailed it out of there and flew down the mountainside at speeds that can only be described as “unsafe.” We were all fairly well shaken up by the experience and we slept in the same room that night.

Finally, when I was 16 years old, I had a memorable, daylight sighting while walking to the bus stop in McClure, PA. We lived on a hill that I was walking down to catch the bus to school and it was one of those beautiful days where it was still early in the morning and the full moon was visible in the clear blue sky. I was looking at the moon while walking when I saw a bright, metallic, sphere shaped object begin to move into my field of view from south to north as I was looking into the west.

Noticing this, I stopped walking and watched the object. It appeared to pass through the moon, but I suspect that this is just an optical illusion created by its very similar color to the lighter parts of the visible moon. After this it continued on its straight course and I began to wonder if it was only an airplane and then it promptly changed direction, it seemed to make an ~60 degree turn instantly and then shot off out of view.

After this, things tapered for a while, and nothing but the occasional weird light in the sky occurred. Then the black triangles started.

When I was 17 years old, a friend and I were making our way to Harrisburg, PA for a weekend-long event. When we finally got to the city, we were driving along a well-known road in Harrisburg named Front Street and I was in the passenger seat resting my head against the window and support column when I saw what may have been the strangest thing I had ever seen up until that point in my life.

There, in plain view, was a large, black triangle hovering over the center of the Susquehanna river right in the middle of Harrisburg. However, this was not the strangest part of the whole thing. The craft was, or at least appeared to be, siphoning up some of the water in the river. Whether a physical carrying tube was being used, or the water was simply making its way up some kind of vortex, I can't be sure.

If the event had ended there, I might be able to chalk it up to an over-active imagination, or the fact that I was partially asleep at the time; but just then something happened that told me that what I had seen was real. Just as I was about to ask my friend if he saw anything over the river he started to speak.

"(name removed)?" Since there were three (name removed) in my class, most people had taken to calling us by our last names.


"Are you looking at, what I'm looking at?"

"You mean the giant black triangle hanging over the river and sucking water up into it?"


 "Sure am."

 "Good, I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't going crazy."

 As incredulous as that conversation may seem it is, as far as I can recall, quite accurate. The exchange was just like that, matter of fact. But the conversation still wasn't over, as while my friend and I were staring at this thing a call comes over the two-way radio that we had to communicate with the vehicle ahead of us.

 "Guys, do you see that thing over the river."

 "Yeah, we were just talking about it ourselves."

 "Okay, just keep an eye on it and we'll talk about it when we get to the hotel."

 "Good idea."

 As for the triangle itself, the most striking thing about it was its size. The thing was huge, at least a couple of hundred yards long from one point back to the flat of the opposing line. The second thing about it was that it appeared to be perfectly equilateral, each side exactly the same as the other two. It was jet black, with some recessions on the underside, and it definitely had a textured, industrial look to it. The whole surface of it looked like a cross between an F-117/A and one of those bulbous control tower-looking structures that you see on the bigger navy ships. Also, it was totally silent, or at least so quiet that we could not hear whatever noise it was making from that distance.

So, this was my first sighting of the now-famous black triangles. Mostly I am happy that this was a shared sighting, or I might not believe that it ever happened. Though, really I think the strangest thing about it is that it happened in plain sight, over the river in the middle of the state capitol. In fact, it was within easy sight of the Capitol building itself, at least from the side that faces the river.

After this particular sighting, things quieted down save for a series of passing events; all of which included the black triangles. Because I have been a student for as long as I can remember, all of my jobs placed me on the road between 11:00pm and 1:00am. This has given me great opportunity to see odd things in the sky and on 3 occasions since the Harrisburg incident odd things were indeed seen.

Two of the three times, the sighting occurred on small, municipal road called Quarry Road, in Beavertown, PA. Once, I passed almost directly under the triangle. Dropping my head down and looking up through the angled portion of the windshield, so that I was able to see past the roof of the car, I could see the underside of a triangle.

Again, it was very large, and visible due to its being darker than the moon-lit sky. Some small lights were visible and, as usual, there was no sound whatsoever. For a sense of distance, I would say that if I were to have held up an apple at arms length, it would have almost totally covered the object.

The other sighting on this road was of a triangle which was just passing through, for lack of a better means of description. From the crest of a hill, over a farming field, I was able to watch a triangle move slowly away from me, eventually disappearing over the horizon, which is made up of a wooded mountain not so terribly far away so that the triangle remained of substantial apparent size throughout the sighting, which probably lasted about 45 seconds.

The other sighting was less memorable, and just consisted of my catching a glimpse of the same old shape as it traveled over our property in Beavertown.

Beyond these sightings of crafts, I have also experienced a number of odd things. All of these things are, on their own, vague and not all that indicative of anything, but taken as a body, I believe that it is evidence of...something.

On one occasion, I awoke in the middle of the night with the distinct feeling that something was amiss, and I turned my head so as to look away from the wall that my bed abutted. I can't be sure, but I would swear to this day that I saw an humanoid figure standing at the foot corner of my bed. This experience was repeated several times throughout my college years, always with the position of the entity slightly shifted, but always only one and I believe it to be the same entity throughout the series of experiences.

The most disturbing of these experiences, though is one that I remember in great detail and which only occurred about one and a half years ago. I had a dream, or at least I think it was a dream. In this dream, the house in which I was living at the time was shrouded in what I can only describe as a supernatural darkness. I can't see anything and am making my way through the house only by memory of the layout and through the sense of touch. I am not blind, the house is simply stripped of any light, including that from the usual, artificial sources such as the indicator lights on the cable modem in the room. Anyway, I make my way down the stairs and am yelling for my mother, I'm terrified, you see because I fear blindness because the next bit had not yet occurred.

As I hit the bottom of the stairs, I can see light, very intense in comparison to the rest of the situation but mostly like that of a large fire, leaking in from around the edges of the blind in one of the windows. My mother is not answering but there is indication that my dog is about. Because of this I conclude that she must be out of the house, perhaps staying at one of her friend's homes where she would frequently spend the night. So, I make my way to the window and peel it back a little bit to peak out to see what is causing all the commotion. At this point I wake up and all is normal, so I presume that it was just an odd dream.

The next night, another "dream" hits. In this one, I am upstairs in the late evening, and decide to come down stairs to get a drink. I enter the kitchen and the lights are off, so I can see out the windows. I believe that I see something moving through the trees. I think it is some kind of wildlife, so I move closer to get a better look. What I see is disturbing. My mother is home, so I call her into the kitchen to look. What we see is unbelievable. Moving through the trees are several creatures. They are long and lank, and of very, very pale color.

They are humanoid and if I had to put it into a human perspective, I would say that they moved like ballet dancers, with leaping, precise motions. They were making their way through the trees, toward the house and I distinctly remember feeling very threatened at this point. Ever the American, my instant plan was to go and get my shotgun. I told my mother to call someone while moving toward the stairs. She asked me who she should call, and I told her that it could be anybody, just let someone know what was happening. I got up stairs and grabbed the gun, and made my way to the drawer where the shells were kept and I distinctly remember planning out how I would load the weapon. Slug, shot, shot, slug, shot, slug. I opened the boxes and took out the appropriate shells and that is when I woke up.

Well, after two weird dream nights in a row, I decide to share the story with my mother in the "I've been having such bizarre dreams these last couple of nights" way. "Really? So have I. You go first." As I begin to tell her the story she stops me and starts to continue the story of both nights in the same way as my stories went, but from her perspective.

Needless to say, we are both pretty frightened by this. I decided to check the window, first and sure enough, the blind is disturbed as if somebody had tried to pull it back and look out of it. It was in a storage room, and it would not be unusual for the window to remain undisturbed for days at a time. worried by this, I decide to go and look on the table of the chest of drawers where I keep the shotguns shells and again, there is the evidence, a pile of shells which correlated to my plan in the "dream." Unfortunately, with no children in the house and shooting be a common pastime for me, having ammunition in the open is not unusual, so of this I can't be sure of the significance.

Since this incident, the only odd thing I can think if is what I can only call an air of the extraterrestrial that has been following me around. I have had several friends who are not usually parcel to the supernatural tell me that they have gotten odd feelings about me and my life that they can't help but to think are somehow connected with aliens. One friend who is a martial arts practitioner actually met me at his door one night when I went to visit holding his katana and asking me if anything was wrong because he got the feeling that I was being followed, and that something not good was afoot.

I think that ends the short version of my current story. I am now married to a lovely girl, and I only hope that I have not dragged her into a world for which she is not prepared, but I hope that anything that happens from here on out will have a likely second source for information.

Thank you for taking your time to read this, if you wish to contact me for any other information regarding any of this, please feel free; my contact information is as follows.

Thank you to the witness for a wonderful report. Also the person said they would be willing to do a taped telephone interview which I will provide later on. Also since there won't be any time constraints this will I am sure be a very long and detailed interview.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

3 Or 4 Alien Beings Standing At The End Of My Bed In San Francisco California

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  Late December of 1993

In late December of 1993, a couple of months after my San Francisco sighting, I went to sleep one night and felt very strange, something not quite right, something I had not felt before and I couldn't explain it. I wasn't feeling ill or anything like that. I tossed and turned and I noticed that I would close my eyes and try to sleep, but would open them again a few seconds later, not feeling tired. After a short while, lying on my side, I noticed a reflection of a pink-red light source on the blinds I was facing, like the kind of reflection you would get if you took a spot light and shone it on the blinds.

I was puzzled since I had never seen a light before of that color and was trying to figure out where the light was coming from. At first I thought it must be coming from outside, but the blinds were tightly closed and the light reflection was on the inside of the blinds.

I then finally realized it was coming from inside my room, behind me, and I also realized we didn't have any lights at all in the general area behind me where the light must be emanating from in order to cast a reflection on my blinds.

Satisfied that I had figured out where the light was emanating from, I did the next logical thing. I proceeded to close my eyes and go to sleep (!). To this day I still don't know why I didn't turn around to look where the light was and what it was, since I am an extremely curious person by nature.

Anyway, an unknown length of time later I suddenly "woke up."

Actually, what happened was that I suddenly did a super-fast sit-up from lying on my back, one moment completely unconscious and the next instantaneously, completely awake (not groggy in the least as from sleep) and sitting up, extremely alert (in a "flight or fight" response) and waving my arms fiercely as if fighting an attacker.

My adrenalin was flowing and I was, to put it mildly, filled with terror. I was yelling loudly and cursing at "someone" (I didn't have a clue who it was) and telling them to leave me alone, liberally using expletives and threatening them with harm if they touched me again. For a few seconds as I sat up, I saw at the foot of my bed the disappearing forms of 3 or 4 beings, smallish, maybe 4 feet in height. I did not see any details.

Their forms kind of seemed to shimmer and dissolve away, leaving the empty room behind them. My wife, who is a light sleeper and hears me when I tiptoe into the room, never woke up during my thrashing in bed next to her, yelling and turning the lights on. Her breathing also seemed much too quiet, not her usual sleep breathing.

The next day when I asked her if she had heard anything she said "nothing at all" and was very surprised when I eventually had the courage to tell her what had happened. I had never and have never been as terrified as that night. It was that night that I learned the difference between fear and terror.

After I "got up", I kept looking around me everywhere to see if there were any more of "them" in the room and I kept muttering the same things I had when I had been "switched on", although at a much lesser volume, but with the same intense conviction.

When I finally calmed down enough I looked at the clock and noticed it was about 3:30 a.m. For the next few days, I had to have the light on in the room, something I hadn't done since I was very young and afraid of the dark. The terror didn't subside for a long time, probably about 2 years.

Also since this experience, at least for the first 3 or 4 years, I noticed that whenever I saw a program on TV that had pictures of the little grey ETs, I would start feeling very nervous and fearful. I don't know why. Actually, I didn't even realize this was happening until my wife noticed that whenever such a program would be on TV and I was watching it, that I would get extremely agitated and I would have the look of fear on my face.

She pointed this out to me and I then became aware of my behavior. Since then I cannot go to sleep early any more. I usually get to sleep around 2:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. and I don't know why.

After that experience, I did some reading to figure out what had happened, came across Budd Hopkins's mail address and sent him a letter. He put me in touch with a couple of hypnotherapists, but I was not able to remember anything of that night, between the time I closed my eyes after seeing the light, to the time I rudely "woke up" (was "switched on"). I have tried about three of four hypnotherapists, but was never able to remember a thing, and I so desperately want to remember.

After this event, for the next few years, I had very vivid dreams, of a kind I never had before. In one such dream, I was lying on a small bed in a small, white hospital room. Everything was white. I was feeling very relaxed and I couldn't move.

At the foot of the bed were two persons, both exactly the same height, both wearing very dark, perhaps black, military-type uniforms which had high Mandarin-type collars. (They were the only things in the room that were not white). The faces of the people were completely fuzzy and I couldn't see any details. One of them held two small, black rectangular objects, one in each hand.

The small objects reminded me of large cufflinks and were about that size. That person slowly approached me and finally touched the objects to my neck, one to each side of the area where the "Adam's Apple" is. At that point, I felt this extreme rush of vibration/energy like he had just touched 2 live high voltage wires to my body. My entire body vibrated intensely and had this incredible energy rush and I woke up immediately, still feeling this incredible energy flowing through my body. It took a while for it to subside.

Another dream was very short and felt like a "flashback". In that dream, I was lying in my own bed in my room, on my back with my arms outside of the covers and laying straight down my side. Out of the darkness I then saw a very skinny arm with a rather disproportionately large hand that seemed to have only three very long and strange looking fingers (I could not see any knuckles on the fingers). As I watched this in my dream, I could not move. Then the hand grabbed my forearm with very strong fingers. It wasn't a sudden grab, just a deliberate, fairly slow approach and grab. At that point I woke up with a start.

In yet another dream I was floating through the air about 2 stories off the ground. My back was toward the ground and I could not move, but I could somehow see that I was heading for the attic of a 2 story house. I realized in my dream that I was going to smash into the house, but instead of doing so, I felt the most incredible sensation of passing through the wall, feeling a feeling and sound something like when one opens up a Velcro fastener (that "tearing" sound).

It was like a million tiny ripping or Velcro sounds and a feeling throughout my entire body of that sound. I guess another way of putting it is that it was almost like static electricity, for example, like when two pieces of clothing get highly charged with static electricity and cling to each other, and the sound the electricity makes (the "crackle") when they are forced apart.

The sensation stopped once I was through the wall. I then floated to a small table exactly the right size for my body. The table was right in the middle of this high-ceiling attic, which was completely bare. I didn't feel at all anxious but felt very calm, almost whimsical. I didn't see anyone around but I decided that I wanted to experiment and try to scream as loudly as I could, just because.

I opened my mouth (which along with my eyes was the only other thing on my body not paralyzed) and I let out as big a scream as I could muster, at the top of my lungs. Although I could feel that I was screaming very loudly, not one sound came from my mouth. I then woke up to find myself trying to scream, but with a very weak sound coming from me.

I have come to realize that each of these dreams contain aspects of abduction-related phenomena. These dreams felt very different, especially in content, to my "normal" dreams. There are other related dreams I have had, but I think I should stop here.

Thanks for your time. Take care.

I would like to thank this person for relating the experience to me. Also I am certain there are others out there who have gone through similar experiences and would like to know they are not alone in all of this. So please drop a line if you had a similar experience. Send your report to Brian Vike at

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

UFO Lands/Alien Beings At Connersville Indiana (Written Report/Audio Report)

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

In the audio interview, detail is provided about what was seen by the eyewitness. (Audio Below)

Note from Brian Vike – I typed up some of what was taking place from the audio interview, but there is a lot more that was going on in the area. This can be heard on the audio.

Date:  1973

Brian Vike spoke to a lady by the name of Barb, (Barb is not the ladies real name) who related information about a UFO which had landed. The information came from family members.

Here is how the lady I spoke to found out about this UFO incident we are talking about in this report. She went over to her cousins, Donald Wagner’s home which was in Connersville, Indiana.

She walked up to the house and entered to see a woman sitting on the couch crying. Barb asked Donald, what was the matter with the lady who was crying, Donald said, you didn’t hear about what took place last night, of course she said no.

Donald went on to tell Barb that the lady was upset because the military had taken her husband, along with another man for investigation and were not going to release them for a couple of weeks, this had the women very upset as you can imagine.

Barb wondered what happened and why the  military would be involved.

Barb was told that last night a UFO landed in a factory’s parking lot. The craft landed between work shifts, which had workers coming and going from the factory, and they were all dumbfounded as to what they were witnessing.

Barb was told the police arrived and saw this, plus the many employees at the plant. Everyone continued to watch what was unfolding when two alien beings (aliens described as having almond shaped eyes and pear shape head) were observed floating towards two men.

One man fainted, and the other man seemed to be some how communicating with the alien being. Then this man (this was the husband of the lady who was so upset) bent down, picked up his buddy who had fainted and carried him into the UFO, following the two beings.

Barb was told the two men were in the UFO craft for a short period, while the UFO was still on the ground, then later the two men were seen coming out of the craft, but one was still carrying the other.

At this point of the conversation I had with Barb, she said the other part of the story she got was, the military stepped in after the UFO had left, took the two men into custody for observation. Barb said that was all she knew at this point.

Now the next day (Barb told me she was going through a divorce and that she was hiding out from her husband with her two children as he was not a very nice man) she went to her mother-in-laws or sister-in-laws, I could not quite make out who it was, but they were very good friends and Barb told her what it was she heard. Then all of a sudden, this close friend said, do I have a story for you!

There is a lot more you have to hear on this audio report. This entire conversation, or what I was told is nothing short of amazing.

Thank you to the witness for their report.

 Thank you to UFOINFO for sending the case to me for additional follow up. Thank you John !

Here is the link for an audio report Brian Vike did with the eyewitness.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Friday, November 20, 2020

Unknown Hovering Lights And Loud Piercing Scream From 3 Foot Creature St. Laurent Manitoba

 Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date: August 2003

Time: evening (after dark)

I had a telephone call from a gentleman from St. Laurent, Manitoba on September 22, 2003. The area where this event took place is mainly a Matee community. The fellow I talked to said he and his wife bought a business and have lived in the community for thirteen years and know many of the area residents.

In the last week of August, 2003 four youths were driving south of St. Laurent towards the golf course on golf course road (as many folks there call it). The road runs by Francis Lake and the golf course is on the left hand side of the road when traveling south.

As they drove along they noticed an abandoned vehicle off to the side of the road across from the golf course. At this point they all saw flashing lights over and above one of the buildings on the course. The lights seemed to be sitting stationary in one spot and low over the sheds. They assumed, after seeing the car pulled off to the side of the road and the lights flashing, that someone may have been breaking into the sheds.

Two of the young men decided to sneak in to see if they might catch someone causing damage, the other two went back home to get their parents and have them come down to the area where all this was taking place.

As the two youths were approximately half way into the course and as they approached a small road which passed by one of the dugouts, they heard a very loud, piercing scream. As they kept walking for approximately another 100 feet, all of a sudden this "thing" was right in front of them and screaming out this loud screeching noise.

A three foot high creature ran in front of them and it was only about 25 feet away. Both witnesses were taken totally by surprise and very frightened as they had no idea what this thing was. It didn't help that it was dark outside. Both of them ran back towards the road where they had been dropped off, but seeing they did not have a vehicle they cowered in the ditch which ran along side the road hoping that whatever it was they saw would not find them.

Finally their two friends returned with a couple of the parents and when the vehicle stopped the two guys who witnessed the creature, hurriedly they jumped into the vehicle. "Let's get out of here" they said, however the parents did go and check the buildings and found nothing had been disturbed. They all talked about the event on their way home.

The lights which were seen hovering over the buildings were a red, greenish and white colour. The witnesses mentioned that not a sound could be heard coming from where the lights were seen. Also they claimed seeing another light hovering over Francis Lake which was totally red. Again not a sound could be heard.

On the same night, shortly after the above sighting another man, driving his van, had to slam on his brakes to avoid hitting a similar creature. He claimed that it was about 10 feet in front of him when he finally came to a complete stop. It moved to the driver's side of the van and squatted down, bending slightly to one side, looked up at the frightened driver.

The man described the creature as being small and having a protruding jaw filled with a number of teeth. He put the truck into reverse and headed out of there as fast as he could. After thinking about what just happened, and what he saw, he broke down and started to cry.

Another series of events have taken place in the same general area.

A local resident who had some 27 chickens well penned up in a "heavy steel wired" area, found on the following day, that 20 of his poultry had disappeared. A large hole had been ripped in the strong wire fence. The resident looked around the area and found one chicken still partly alive in the bushes behind their home and it had two puncture holes at the base of it’s neck. No other chickens were found. Strangely, also there has been a large number of domestic cats which have gone missing just over the same time period, which is definitely not normal and there does not seem to be any explanation for their disappearance.

The fellow claims that there is a lot of history of unknown objects being seen in and around the community. He also said that the creature had been spotted on other occasions throughout the St. Laurent area.

The lights were strange, the creature was strange... what they were and whether or not they were connected is anyone's guess. There does seem to be something very weird happening in this particular part of Canada. I will continue to look into this and see what, if anything more , I can discover about it. Due to the community being tight lipped about such strange events its not going to be an easy task.

Thank you to the people for relating the story to me.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Marks On Young Man’s Body Possible Alien Abduction (Photos)

Hello, My name is (name removed) and I’m wondering if you have any idea what this could possibly be? It was on my son’s chest when he woke up one morning.

A day later it faded to three dots and a bruise. He was 14 at the time. After those ones faded like around 3 months later, 6 red dots in two rows appeared.

Please if you could study the pictures and let me know. I would appreciate it so much!  

The bottom left picture is what the top left one turned into the next day!  The other two on the right top and bottom were two separate times!

I’m so curious as to know what this is as the doctors say they have never seen anything like it! PLEASE HELP!  Thank You.

 Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email: 

The Vike Factor Blog:

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research:

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Alien Abduction ? Marks Found On Their Bodies Glacier National Park

My fiancé and I both have the exact same marks on our left and right shoulders.

We were in a hot spring after hiking and camping in back country Glacier National Park

Thank you to the witness for their report.

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog:

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research:

Friday, May 1, 2015

2014 Canadian UFO Survey

News Release - May 1, 2015

Canadians still reporting high number of UFOs

2014 Canadian UFO Survey by study group Ufology Research shows UFO reports last year at third-highest level since 1989.

The 2014 Canadian UFO Survey has found that 2014 was another good year for UFO-watchers.

Data compiled by the private study group Ufology Research, based in Winnipeg, Canada, found that there were 1,021 UFO sightings reported nationwide last year.

This is slightly down from 2013, but still the third-highest number of UFO cases reported since the group began compiling an annual survey of UFO reports in Canada in 1989. Ufology Research has collected data in more than 15,000 Canadian UFO reports since 1989.

To read the full story, please visit: