Saturday, December 10, 2011

Red And Orange Objects That Looked On Fire Over Coquitlam British Columbia

Date:  April 19 and the 21, 2011
Time:  Evenings.
First off, I'd like to say that I don't believe in UFO's, but I have no explanation for what happened, and after a bit of research I found your blog. This is the second time it's happened in the past two days.
On Tuesday, my family saw a glowing red orb (?) in the sky. I personally didn't see it, so I thought they were just mistaking it for something else.
Tonight, however, I was looking out my window and saw something odd. There were three glowing lights, they almost looked like they were on fire, in the sky. At first I thought they were helicopters due to the fact that beside/behind the glowing light, was a smaller, hard to see light.  
Almost like the light that's on the tail of a helicopter. But these made no noise, and seemed to be over a well populated area of Coquitlam. One was hovering still, doing nothing. Another was going no discernable direction, it kept turning and whatnot.  
The other seemed to be going in a straight line, headed in our direction. They weren't that high in the sky because it's cloudy outside, and nothing was obstructing our view. The one that was hovering completely vanished within a few minutes.
The second one faded out of sight, it seemed to go up higher until we couldn't see it anymore.  The third continued on it's course for many minutes until is the trees in our backyard obstructed our view.
I have no idea what they were. I'm a very logical person, and anything I think they could have been, don't fit.
If it were a flair, they wouldn't have lasted so long in the sky, and they wouldn't have been in the sky at the same time. If it was some light source floating in the air, they would have all gone the same way due to wind.  
They couldn't be helicopters because they made no noise.  It couldn't have been a remote controlled flying machine because two just simply disappeared.
Also, this part isn't that important, but when trying to photograph them, they didn't show up in the pictures.
Take of this what you will.  Hopefully someone will come up with a logical answer that fits, but for now I'm just baffled.
If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. website:

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Rectangular UFO With Lights Spotted Over Belleville Ontario

Date:  Summer 1979
Time:  Late evening.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: Rectangle.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: I was walking on Dundas Street one summer late evening in 1979 with my mother to Tim Horton's. As we were walking along, I happened to glance up toward the sky.
There was a strange looking object hovering above a tree straight above from us. I told my mother to look up and the object vanished into thin air without making a sound. My mother saw the lights as they disappeared into the night.
If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. website:

Bright Colorful UFOs Over Terrace British Columbia

Date:  May 8, 2011
Time:  2:00 a.m. - 3:45 a.m.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of Objects: 3
Shape of Objects: Light of color and circular.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: In Terrace, B.C. into the north sky, myself and other friend/coworker witnessed the UFO of bright colors of lights looking to the north. The main, or center UFO of the three was the brightest and all were high up in the sky.
Visible to the naked eye, you can see the colors easily. The sky's were clear, dark with no clouds or mists, leaving it easy to see direct objects and many stars in the area.
These UFO's were flashing, blinking with bright, almost neon colors and so vibrant. The colors would blink/flicker on and off, change color format and consistency varying the blink times and duration.even just a white flash on and off brighter to softer. Then back to the ring of colors which continued to rotate their sequence.
After about a half an hour after this began, all three UFOs had the same color patterns, the one on he right was always dimmer and the left was brighter, but dimmer then the middle/main UFO. The left one only got brighter when the main one disappeared from sight.
Using binoculars to have a closer inspection. The colors were awesome, beautiful and detailed. The UFO object was circular at times, yet almost appeared triangular at moments. With red on top starting from the right going with blue then green then white/yellow, blue green red. Much like you see on Christmas tree lights.
My sighting lasted approximately 2 hours from when I first noticed it at 2:00 a.m. and it was a very bright. It did mysterious things, like move and it shifted from side to side, but always returned back to a center point and stay stationary before continuing to repeat itself.
The initial time it moved farther away it appear to have left a haze like a blur behind it. Later on when it made a short zig zag to the left and downward. You could see a haze behind it, although this time it made a light trail behind it.

Nearing the end, the colors would begin to dim and fade blinking in different patterns beginning to get smaller. Moving away from us. Then it would dissipate entirely, just as the UFO to the left would begin to brighten it's colors. After the approximately 20 minutes time was up, it disappeared.
It did this several times and the first time when it appeared back it was further east also increased it's distance away. The UFO to the right side was now gone out of sight. The UFO to the left of this main one I've been being describing remained, but had also move more to the right (east).
The UFO did this practice several time disappearing and later returning closer and in a different location than previous and always flashing a different light pattern, including longer or shorter pauses.

It was not a plane, not a helicopter as no air flight technology we have can do what it did. They do not do things like this. (as above). With my witness there he confirms the UFO did not leave in a direction rather the light just went out. As for visual reference to use, if you held out your arm it was the size of a dime at it's largest and the size of a pen tip at it's smallest.
Being easy to see the colors at this size explains how bright and clear those colors really were! It was an unbelievable scene, awe inspiring, breath taking, and hard to grasp. But seeing do what it did, is enough as seeing is believing. It was no trick hoax, star or satellite! I can't believe I didn't have my camera or video recorder. Huge regret there. If any one else saw this with me please post it back and share you story please.
If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. website:

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Bright Round Glowing Orange Ball Moves Across The Sky Over Grand Bay New Brunswick

Date:  September 3, 2011
Time:  Approx: 10:30 p.m.
I was using Google, to see if anyone had come across the same thing my mother had seen. I saw your post, and it was for the same date, and sounded exactly like what she had seen, so she emailed me and asked me to give you this description. 
It was around 10:30 at night, my friend called to say get outside and look up into the sky. The object was perfectly round, glowing ball of what looked like bright yellow center and glowed orange as it got to the outside edges and definitely moving in an east to west direction from where we are.
I had enough time to go back into the house and put on some clothes since I was just out in my t-shirt. It was like watching the sun move across the night sky, but lower.
My husband and I have never seen anything like this before and we are in our 50’s!

Additional Information:

Oh I’m so sorry, it was in Grand Bay New Brunswick.
This all started after September 3rd, 2011 (I may have the dates wrong). My friend and I were on her deck having a smoke, when we noticed a white ball of light flash really bright, and then move across the sky, we new right away it wasn't a plane. It shot up and then across the sky like a shooting star, but then stopped.
It moved closer and closer, until we noticed three lights, that stopped long enough for us to think, oh crap what do we do, and then it was gone! After that, we saw a few others hover and take off. The next day we searched YouTube and found what we had seen in NYC. 
My friend and I have seen many more strange things in the sky, fire balls, electric blue flashes and glowing red balls. I started telling my parents to just look for 30 minuets a night and they would see something. Finally they did and now I don't sound crazy.
Have you seen and heard lots, I have researched lots, and read lots and seen so many videos. I never believed in any of this until this year, and now I’m addicted to it, and would love to here your take on it all. Thanks.
If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. website:

Monday, December 5, 2011

UFO Operations Will Be Moved From Houston To Kamloops British Columbia In 2012

In the coming New Year, 2012 I will be moving from Houston, British Columbia where I have operated my UFO business since mid 2000 to Kamloops, British Columbia where I will take up a new residence. Looking forward to the change and great hot summers. At 60 years of age, time to warm up.
This area where I worked in and out of, gave me stacks and stacks of some of the most interesting UFO cases. The town of Houston made number 4 at one time for the most UFO sightings in a town out of all of Canada.
Of course, there were sightings happening all throughout the north. I met some wonderful folks, who had UFO and Sasquatch sightings.
But it is time to move on and be closer to family once again. Missing my two grandchildren a lot ! This is the main reason why I will be pulling up stakes here and heading out.
So I hope to work out of Kamloops, but cover field investigations all throughout the Thompson Okanagan region of British Columbia.
Also as normal, I deal with UFO/Sasquatch cases from all around the world.
I certainly will be posting any updates when I do move.
Thank you.
Brian Vike

Humming Brilliant Silver Bullet Shaped UFO Over Thorold Thorold Ontario (Near Niagara Falls Canada)

Date:  1964
Time:  7:00 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 10 plus.
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: Bullet shaped, solid craft.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: After dinner, we were playing baseball on public school grounds. I was outfield. I noticed that the batter was on the ground covering his head and screaming, other kids were pointing at the sky behind me.
I turned around and looked up to where they were pointing. I was transfixed, in awe, I was not scared, in fact, very calm, almost serene. The object was bullet shaped at the front and probably 100 feet long, flying at about 30 to 40 miles and hour approximately 100 feet overhead.
It seemed to have a clear trajectory. It gave off a low hum, brilliant silver at the nose, then a blue/turquoise fading to more silver, less bright. I did not see any windows, but did get a sense of a craft or solid shape. It flew directly overhead and towards me and then I had to turn back around as I followed it's path.
Then it suddenly sped up, this is when I could see the rear of the object and it left a brief trail of silver/orange light behind it as it turned abruptly to the east (towards Niagara Falls). It picked up speed almost immediately and disappeared into a dusky sky.
The total viewing time would have been about 2 minutes. I got on my bike and flew home to my parents, breathless (now I was scared and panting from excitement) to find that my father, mother, grandfather and brother also saw it, all of which were in our backyard at the time.
My father (an engineer) called my brother in from the backyard for fear of his safety. He said he did this when he noticed the craft turning and moving away. This event changed my life forever. I have always wondered if there were any other people who actually reported this to the St. Catharines Standard.
We heard later that it was a weather balloon. As a kid of about 12 in grade 8, I had already seen meteors and comets, and we lived in an area close to airports and were accustomed to seeing all kinds of planes and  jets etc. .
I am absolutely certain that I was blessed with a true encounter with a UFO. Since then I have searched the sky's in many places on this earth hoping to see one again.
If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. website: