Friday, January 11, 2008

Toronto, Ontario Three Objects In The Sky

Posted: January 11, 2008

Date: July 29, 2005 Time: Approx: 4:00 to 4:45 p.m.

I saw something weird in the sky on the 29th of July, Carabanna Parade Day. There were three objects in the sky over Toronto downtown in broad daylight, (time 4:00 to 4:45pm possibly earlier).

I was going to l&m's to pay a bill and saw first a boy on his bike stopped sideways on the sidewalk staring at the sky. I asked him what he was looking at and he said " what the hell are those." I looked up and there were three things in the sky. At first I thought that they were parachute canopy's or maybe balloons released from the parade but they were not moving like either would. I pointed these objects out to people on the street who looked and shrugged their shoulders and walked on.

I got on the bus and rode up Ossington from Dundas to Ossington station and looked again, thinking if they were something explainable they would be gone by then but they were still there. They were in triangle formation then moved to form a straight line that resembled the belt of Orion in the fall sky. They then reformed into a triangle and began to slowly drift south. I showed the objects to two employees from l&m's and they watched them for at least five minutes. I am looking for confirmation from anybody who saw this phenomenon.

Thank you to the witness for this report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Battleford, Saskatchewan Orange Colored Light

Posted: January 11, 2008

Date: July 2005 (not sure of the exact day) Time: 10:40 p.m.

We are 45 minutes west of the Battleford, going for a walk with my 3 children, at 10:40 we saw a bright light in the south eastern sky, not low, it looked like a porch light, that was how bright it was. Then it dimmed out, we could still see an orange shape and we lost it because my child dropped the flashlight on the ground and the batteries fell out. It was during the month of July, don't know what day.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Bella Vista Hillside, South Of Vernon, BC Oblong Shaped Craft

Posted: January 11, 2008

Date: July 1 2005 Time: Approx:: 9:00-9:30 p.m.

Number of witnesses: 1 Number of objects: 1 Shape of objects: Oblong with sharp corners & brownish.

Full Description of event/sighting: Not to sure what I saw, but it was interesting. I was heading east on 25th street to town and noticed out to my left above Bella Vista Hillside or winery area, an object about 2000' AGL. It looked as if it was perfectly stationary, but as I drove along I noticed it was moving slowly heading west. The strange thing was that it moved to slow for an airplane and it did not resemble a helicopter at all and it's movement were as if it were on tracks in a straight line following the peak of the hillside, it did not deviate in altitude any minute amount, nor did it seem to float around as if it were an aircraft. Due to my location, I lost sight of the object as I continued down the street. It was oblong in shape with sharp corners, couldn't get a good view while driving. Really not sure what it was but perhaps someone else saw something and can tell me what they saw or think it was. Thanks.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

New Westminster, British Columbia A Flying V Shaped Craft (Diagram)

Posted: January 11, 2008

Date: Last Wednesday of July 2005 Time: 9:50 p.m.

Location of Sighting: New Westminster, BC. Number of witnesses: 1 Number of objects: 1 Shape of objects: V.

Full Description of event/sighting: I was laying on a table looking up at the stars admiring them. I was in the south-western portion of New Westminster at a school, and these lights appear and there is no sound. They look like lights along the inside edges of an indentation of a flying V. But are very low to city. It was to my left and heading towards Port Moody. It struck me as so odd that I wrote it down on a piece of paper and drew what it looked like. I might not have the piece of paper still, but I remember things pretty well, maybe not the exact time or date, but pretty close. I remember things by seeing them.

Click on Read Full Report to view the diagram and additional information.

Thank you to the witness for their report.

Additional Information:

Here is a rough drawing of what I saw, I don't recall any colors, I think it was mainly grey, size was in between a large plane (747) and a smaller 6 passenger plane. I remember later reading about a sighting of a UFO in Port Moody or around the Burrard Inlet that same night, or the next day or so. I think it was in one of those free daily newspapers, like 24hour or so.

The only reason I remembered the date is because I was going to the fireworks, going to meet someone on my way down there, but they decided not to go, so I turned back and just wanted to lay and look at the stars for a bit. I was pretty freaked out by what I saw.

Its interesting, the reason I came across your site was because I was searching for a place for sale in Seton Portage (my dad lives there), and there was a sighting on your website that described seeing something in Seton Portage.

I have been meaning to track down someone who I could tell my story to, and came across your site by accident yesterday!


Diagram: *New Westminster, British Columbia A Flying V Shaped Craft Diagram.*

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.

Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Tim Martindale's Sasquatch Sighting Outside Of Merritt British Columbia

Posted: January 11, 2008

HBCC UFO Research done a interview with Mr. Tim Martindale this evening, June 4, 2005 over a Sasquatch sighting he had. The gentleman was a complete pleasure to talk with and what he saw that day certainly was unforgettable. Matter of fact he soon after started investigating sightings of this animal around his area and to date has received a stack of reports.

The CTV news also went up to visit with him and did a interview for the news hour. Tim also has been active in writing articles for different newspapers which has brought more eyewitnesses to Sasquatch sightings rolling into him. Tim is serious at what he does and looks forward to hearing and investigating these reports of the Sasquatch.

Tim will be sending along some material for me to post, also I will be posting a link to his blog where he is working on adding many of the reports he has received. As soon as I receive the information I will post it straight away.

I would like to extend my many thanks to Mr. Tim Martindale for taking the time to speak about what he witnessed.

Tim Martindale's Sasquatch Sighting Outside Of Merritt British Columbia - Audio clip - 17:59 minutes long. Interview date: June 4, 2005

Also on the page with the audio clip you will find another link which will take you to a video interview that was done with Tim Martindale with the CTV News.

Thank you to the eyewitness for the very interesting report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Toronto, Ontario Light Coasting Across The Sky

Posted: January 11, 2008

Date: June 1, 2005 Time: Approx: 10:00 p.m.

Number of witnesses: 2 Number of objects: 1 Shape of objects: Ball of Light.

Full Description of event/sighting: Just looking at the sky admiring the stars and I saw this light in the sky at a very high altitude that started to get brighter, brighter than the brightest star in the sky. It was coasting across the sky at a slow speed and when it reached it peak of brightness the light started to fade and then it was off.

Thank you to the person for the report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Scarborough, Ontario Oblong With A Red Light Behind The Object

Posted: January 11, 2008

Date: June 03, 2005 Time: 3:10 - 3:15 p.m.

Hi Brian, I caught this one at work in Scarborough on break at 3:10-3:15 pm. I manage to snap a photo of the object seen at a high altitude in a westerly direction of my position. Due to the direct sunlight, I blocked the rays with my hand. You will see the object that appears oblong, with a red light from behind the object. You can also see a round white object, 90 degrees ahead of the oblong object. Can you justify what this object could be? I'm starting to loose count of these very high distant flying objects seen when the skies are very clear.

I'm keeping very patient for a closer object photo opportunity with camera at hand. I find the recent report over Toronto on June 1, 2005 interesting, not to mention all the happenings reported in Southern Ontario this year. I have a friend in Georgetown, who has also seen the two different objects at night similar as reported in Georgetown in the month of April, 2005. One small bright ball flying low (500 feet approx.), and a much larger dark craft higher up. This person witnessed this earlier this year, end of January 2005. Maybe I can get this person to contact you, as there has been crop circles on the property.

Thank you to the person for this report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario Bright Light Moving Around A Star

Posted: January 11, 2008

Date: June 19, 2005 Time: 11:30 p.m.

Number of witnesses: 1 Number of objects: 1 Shape of objects: Ball, like a Star.

Full Description of event/sighting: I was outside and the moon nearly brightened out all the stars. I was looking south west and I thought I saw a satellite or an airplane, common because I was near an airport and I see this often. But this was no airplane, meteorite or weather balloon. Moving in a arc around a star, that I will never forget was a bright light. Moving fast, then it went really bright, like a flashlight turning super bright in your eyes, it was blue. It was a burst of light, not like a firework explosion of brightness but a quick brightness. I was standing on my porch and felt very alone. I went inside to tell my father but I don't think he believed me. I have no idea what it was, but I am researching to figure out which star it was arcing over.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Northern Scarborough,Ontario Single Round White Object

Posted: January 11, 2008

Date: June 20, 2005 Time: 12:25 p.m.

On June 20,2005 at 12:25 p.m. over Northern Scarborough, Ontario. At work, on lunch, I watched a single round white object, moving from the northwest, very slowly at about 3-5000 feet would be a guess. This object observed with the naked eye had a slight light field around it. From arm's length, to the thumb, no bigger than a pea. The object was moving very slowly over the sky at about 2-3 miles north away from my position. After again in awe, viewing the object for two minutes in the rich blue sky.

This would be the time to take some pictures. So snapping 10 pictures in about 5-8 minutes as using the building as a marker, I became very excited of capturing this closer white object, with it's projecting light field around this object. After exhausting the camera of the last 10 high resolution snaps, I continued to view this very slow, weird moving object. While almost 15 minutes into this, a courier was parked in front of the dock. So I asked the gentleman."Do you want to see a UFO sir", why he asked,"do you see one". I replied right over there as he got out of his van. I focused back on the object, after no more than 30 seconds, gone!!!!

Do I feel stupid, because the witness never saw this object? Absolutely not, because of the 10 pictures that I had taken of this white noticeable object. The man must of thought I was nuts, because at that point, I could not even point it out to him. I know though, I had my pictures as proof and the excitement to download them on the computer. Here comes the real awe, Brian. After viewing each of the 10 pictures, there was indeed no object photographed in any of the 10 pictures. How can you take 10 pictures directly at an object, using the building as a marker and come up empty. To tell you the truth, I am more in "shock", that there is no object filmed in any of the photographs, than that of the actual sighting itself. Now, I'm shaking my head, why did the object not come out on any of the photographs?? I am very curious, what is the explanation of this.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Magnetawan, Ontario Another Unusual Happening In Magnetawan

Posted: January 11, 2008

Date: Summer 2005 Time: N/A

Last summer, we were just sitting around our cabin on a Sunday afternoon,getting ready to go home to Barrie. My cousin and his wife were going to stop in before they left. They also live in Barrie. We heard their vehicle pull in.We waited for a second or two. No sound of doors closing. I called my husband to the window, where he seen the vehicle too. It's a tan colored van. This is a narrow dirt road that ends at the lake. We watched for a minute and the van slowly backed out and went back out the road.

About half an hour later, they pulled back in. We asked them if they forgot something. They said they never came down the road earlier. My Uncle lives at the first of the road and any vehicle would have had to pass his place, in or out. My cousin had been working in the yard there all afternoon and he said no vehicle came in any direction at that time. I don't know what we are dealing with here but every time lately things are getting crazier. I will send more on the happenings up there.

Thank you to the person for relating this story.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Vernon, British Columbia Star Light Object

Posted: January 11, 2008

Date: May 11, 2005 Time: 10:00 pm

Clear night.

Hi Brian, Last night a star like object appeared low in the western sky and flew east over Vernon downtown. It was no higher than the small planes fly when they fly out of our airport. This star light object was flying about the same speed as the small aircraft do. There was no sound when it flew over my home. I am out every night to see another of these globes. I have sighted one a night since my last report of the bright light. They start as the size of satellites, then increase to a star size and look like moving stars, and then they suddenly burst into a pure white and very bright light. It looks like Venus does in the skies lately.

I will be out tonight and even though the clouds are moving in, the other night one of the star like objects was at cloud level and brightened before it went into the next cloud. Take care.

Thank you very much to the witness for their report. Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Unseen Unknown Shakes The Ground And Incandescent Blue Light

Posted: January 11, 2008

HBCC UFO Research Note: The below audio report I just received Sunday evening, May 15, 2005. The report is a very unusual one, due to nothing being seen to one part of the story. But whatever it was, seemed to drop out of a tree, or "maybe" from the sky as it rattled a tree and a sound was heard, but nothing was witnessed. Also whatever it was that fell from the tree or above, shook the park where the witnesses were at the time. Also a number of other folks have seen some strange things in the same area, including a Fish and Wildlife Officer, he saw a incandescent blue light which originated around a body of water, plus other also have witnessed this light. I am asked the gentleman who contacted me if he can pass my contact information along to the others who have seen these strange events, in hopes they will contact me.

Thank you to the witness for the interesting report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1

South-East Of Verona, Ontario An Elongated Craft Emerges From Brilliant Light

Posted: January 11, 2008

Date: May 15, 2005 Time: 10:40 p.m.

Number of witnesses: 1 Number of objects: 1 Full Description of event/sighting: We live far away from city lights, so I can often be found outside on a clear night looking at the stars. I was doing just that on Sunday, May 15, 2005 at 10:40 p.m. when I noticed what appeared to be a satellite moving north to south.

As I watched it I couldn't help thinking that something wasn't quite right. The object was a little too large for a satellite, and it was moving a little too slowly. It even appeared to alter course slightly from south to south-south-east, but I discounted this as overactive imagination.. I watched it cruise out of sight over the tree tops, and was then distracted by some young raccoons chattering somewhere in the woods, so I went to investigate.

A minute later I returned, and for no good reason turned my eyes to the south-east, near where the object had disappeared. Just above the tree tops was a similar object - I can't say it was the same object, because I had lost sight of it for a while, but it was the same size and shape (spherical). It was also a bit brighter than before.

What happened next completely floored me. Suddenly the object became brilliantly white, and the circle of light started to expand, rapidly! The effect was of something rushing toward me, and I almost moved out of instinct, but nothing could move that quickly. At the peak of its expansion it appeared to virtually boil, like a white hot chemical explosion.

As quickly as this began, it reversed, and the light decayed smoothly back to a point, and then disappeared. The entire sequence from "ignition" to "shutdown" took no more than 2 or 3 seconds.

As the light decayed a craft emerged from the brilliance as if shot from a canon, and smoothly ascended up to the heavens. I watched with my jaw hanging open until it grew too small to see, a process that took perhaps 15 seconds. It did not accelerate, it did not slow, it did not turn.

The craft ejected from the ball of light was elongated, about 4 times as long as it was wide. It didn't give the impression of being cylindrical - the appearance was more that of a quartz crystal. It had a slightly reddish, rusty hue. There was no sign of wings, no sign of propulsion, no lights. The craft was illuminated only by the sun over the horizon.

I'm a mechanical engineer by trade, so I'm pretty current when it comes to man-made technology. I thought to myself that I might have seen a rocket staging, but that wouldn't fit, because there was no engine glow from the ascending craft, and where would a multi-stage rocket come from here in southern Ontario? I also tried out the idea of a fighter jet hitting the afterburners, but the craft had no wings.

I have no idea what I witnessed, and I have no explanation, so I'm reporting it to you. Have you ever received a report of anything similar, or for that matter a report of the same incident from another observer? I'll keep a watch on your web site to see if anything similar comes up.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Thank you to the eyewitness for the very interesting report. I will see what arrangements I can make to have a conversation with the person as this is an unusual sighting.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Nelson, British Columbia Black Triangle

Posted: January 11, 2008

Date: May 18, 2005 Time: Just after midnight.

The night was very cloudy but there were a number of large clear patches. I was driving south towards Nelson on Highway 3A and noticed in one of the clear patches a triangular shaped craft (lights) sailing slowly along. The object was traveling towards the south west. I thought it was odd looking, so I quickly pulled the truck over to the side of the road and watched. I saw four lights on it, three amber colored lights showing a triangular shape, or three points of light on each tip. The fourth light, red in color seemed to be directly in the center. None of the lights were flashing at anytime. I heard no sound as the craft sailed slowly overhead. I was able to watch it for approx: eight seconds before I lost sight of it because the object moved into another cloud bank. It was a eerie sight and to be honest I felt kind of frightened. Whatever it was had to have been huge, I couldn't even begin to guess at it's size.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Calgary, Alberta Bright White Light

Posted: January 11, 2008

Date: May 21, 2005 Time: 11:55 p.m.

Number of witnesses: 2 Number of objects: 1 Shape of objects: Bright White Light.

Full Description of event/sighting: My wife and I were sitting on the deck outside facing eastwards when I noticed a concentrated bright white light in the sky. It seemed to be pretty high up and was stationery. At first I thought it could be a plane but there was no noise at all (plus no movement). I then thought maybe a helicopter hovering (as there are a few police helicopters that circle around every now and then) but again no noise and the police usually have beam lights that show a trail of light, plus it seemed way too high).

I then pointed the light out to my wife and we looked at it for about 15-20 seconds when suddenly the light just went out.

I then got up and stood around for 10 minutes to see if I could see anything else but all I could see were faint stars through the cloud (which wasn't very heavy).

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Cambridge, Ontario Green Light Going In Circles

Posted: January 11, 2008

Date: May 27, 2005 Time: 9:15 pm to 11:30 pm

Location of Sighting: Dam in Cambridge. Number of witnesses: 7 Number of objects: 3 Shape of objects: Triangle

Full Description of event/sighting: It was about 9:15, myself and two friends were fishing when my friend looked up in the sky and saw a green light going in circles. We all watched it and about 5 minutes later there was three large triangular shaped (crafts), things in the center of the circling light. We thought we were going crazy so we stopped a cop and asked him what they were, and he said there not spot lights, because you would be able to see the light ray. The police took off with his lights on. We went home and laid on the trampoline and watched it after a while. We could see what looked like waves go through the sky but they were thin, so we knew it was not lightning. Then my friend got his parents to look and they could not explain it either so, we went inside and went to bed.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Port Moody, British Columbia Cluster Of Objects Over Heritage Mountain

Posted: January 11, 2008

Date: May 27, 2005 Time: Approx: 10:31 p.m.

Not to much new around here, have seen a few objects on Kat Kam usually on the last frame for the day but unable to determine just what they are. About ten minutes ago I saw a small plane flying east over near Heritage Mountain. Took a quick peak through my binoculars and determined it was a small Sea Plane, but was surprised to see what looked like a cluster of large balloons at about the same altitude only closer to the mountain. The balloons if that is what they were appeared to be larger than the plane.

The balloons were laid out in the above pattern, only closer to the horizontal, if the outlying balloons were approx:. six feet in diameter then the main ones at the bottom of the V would have been approx:. twelve feet in diameter and the two immediately above them approx:. four feet. After the plane went by the balloons appeared to be moving slowly south. I watched for a minute or two and then grabbed my video camera. During the minute or so it took me to find a tape and insert it. They balloons appeared to reverse direction as I had a heck of a time finding them in the viewfinder of the camera. I did managed to get a minute or two of video and then decided to try to get a closer look through my spotting scope. That again took a minute or two to get out and during that time they all disappeared.

I scanned the whole area with both pairs of binoculars but was unable to locate them. If they were balloons (which is what they appeared to be.) I just don't understand how they could move fast enough to just vanish like that. The outlying ones appeared to be a three of a dark blue and the one in the middle of the formation appeared to be a dark red. The sun had just set but it was still quite light. The big main ones appeared to be black also the smaller ones appeared to be black. They were probably about six or seven thousand feet when I lost sight of them.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Terrace, British Columbia Ball Of White light

Posted: January 11, 2008

Date: May 28, 2005 Time: 00.15

Number of witnesses: 1 Number of objects: 1 Shape of objects: Ball of white light.

Full Description of event/sighting: Hi Brian, tonight I witnessed a white ball of light which flew overhead coming from south-westerly direction and flying into north-eastern direction. The object, estimated 4000 meters high, it did not change it's brilliant white appearance. It did not react to any of my visual attempts, via lighter, and continued into the above direction before disappearing behind mountains. The sky was clear, some haze above, but unlimited vision.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Terrace, British Columbia White Disk Of Brilliant White Light

Posted: January 11, 2008

Date: May 25, 2005 Time: 11.15 p.m.

Number of witnesses: 1 Number of objects: 2 Shape of objects: White disk.

Full Description of event/sighting: Hi Brian, Tonight I was sitting outside my place, with my two dogs, and at 11:15 p.m. I witnessed a white object, same kind you witnessed with us in Kitwanga, flying from westerly direction into a east north east direction. It was pretty easy to spot and I would estimate that the object was +- 2000 meters up. Anyway, I used the often described lighter thing and after 30 seconds the object became very hard to spot, because it decreased it's lights considerably to the point that one could only vaguely spot it's round shape.

I thought this would be the end of my " UFO experience" for the night, but this was not the case. Suddenly there appeared a huge light, again looking in westerly direction. Above me. The object, a white disk of brilliant white light, was only in between 50 to 70 meters away from my location. I would estimate it's size at +- 20 meters in width. The object remained stationary for 4 to 5 seconds and disappeared on the spot. like

Thank you to the person for the report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Calgary, Alberta Unusual Fast Moving Object

Posted: January 11, 2008

Date: May 3, 2005 Time: 10:40 p.m.

Message: It was May 3rd 2005 around 10:08 pm when I wondered outside to see what was going on upon that there were clouds in the sky, and thought ok I guess there wont be anytime for sky watching tonight. Not even 10 minutes goes by and I heard a sound that brought me to look out the window, as I noticed no clouds I stepped out into complete darkness, so I turned back in to grab my binoculars I turned around and in the sky there was this star that was turning all colors, and I'm like WOW I've never seen that happen before.

So I tried moving around in the back yard to get a better glimpse and oops my backlight came on. So I got my stuff together and drove over to South Glenmore Park (reservoir) to see if I can locate it again. I didn't find it but what I did see was unbelievable. Have you ever seen a motorcycle flying thru the air, the kind that has one headlight on it, ok so it wasn't a motorcycle but do satellites have a light on it when it enters the atmosphere? This baby was moving very quickly, it was inside our atmosphere and it was coming from the south heading east up into the sky and it disappeared. When I looked at my time it was 10:40 pm. I've seen quite a few satellites in the sky, never seeing bright lights on them tho, so I wonder who that was in such a hurry?

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Hamilton, Ontario Rectangular Shaped Flame With Orbs

Posted: January 11, 2008

Date: May 25, 2005 Time: Between 10:30 - 10:35 p.m.

Location of Sighting: Prince of Wales Elementary School basketball court (Across the street from Ivor Wynne Stadium). Number of witnesses: 2 Number of objects: 1 Shape of objects: Rectangular shaped flame surrounded by whitish blue orbs on each side which waved and flapped like wings

Full Description of event/sighting: A friend and I were playing some late night basketball at a local elementary school playground (which is right across the street from Ivor Wynne Stadium). I noticed something rather odd in the corner of my eye when I was tipping my friend out. As soon as I pointed it out to him what I was looking at, the object then proceeded to move at a rather quick pace in our direction. The object appeared to be flying rather low, (not sure exactly how low) but low enough for me to not only clearly make out exactly what I was looking, but hear what it sounded like as it passed right over us.

The object was a rectangular shaped flame surrounded by whitish blue orbs on both sides which moved like waves in the water, and then became more "aggressive" when this pattern changed to flapping (almost like butterfly wings). This rectangular flame sounded exactly like it looked (like fire) and the orbs made their own distinct noises too (I can't put this into words though unfortunately). It took about 30 seconds before this "organic flying entity" as I have dubbed it, was out of our view behind the school.

I am happy to say that I was lucky enough to stumble across an article written by another individual who lives in Spokane, Washington who witnessed exactly the same thing "entity" my friend and I saw.

Thank you to the eyewitness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

South East Of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Posted: January 11, 2008

Date: May 25, 2005 Time: Just before midnight.

It was just before midnight and I was staying at my parents acreage. I had a couple of co-workers over to say good-byes because I was leaving for the summer. They left and I decided to go into the city to spend the night at my boyfriends house. I was heading away from the city, (Saskatoon.) And there is no immediate light source in that direction. However there was this white-ish light behind the clouds making the sky light reddish. (The sky looked the exact way over the city as well, there was a gentle misty rain that night and the sky from the city lights was red too.) I started to think that the moon looked so pretty behind the clouds.

(But this couldn't be the moon, because it was too close to the horizon. Plus the rest of the sky was dark where there wasn't any light, so if there was a full moon the whole sky would have had consistent lighting.) I wasn't thinking this at the time I was just thinking that it looked pretty. I turned onto the main road and was heading towards a small highway access in town. I kept looking at the large light and noticed there was about seven flashing lights in all directions below the big light. I did a double take and pulled over. The lights kept flashing. I thought that maybe it could have been my eyes playing tricks on me, but they were bright and flashing even when my car was stopped. I hit the pedal and drove into town, I was actually pretty scared and my mind was racing for something logical. But after picking up my boyfriend and making him drive me back out there, I could find any explanation.

The sky was no longer lit in that direction, (the weather hadn't changed.) The possible property lights were much lower and in the further left direction than I had seen. And there was no moon scheduled in the sky in that direction . I told my story to a friend at work a few months later and she told me that she had just had another friend tell her the exact same description story only outside of Rose Town in the early hours of the morning headed towards Saskatoon.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Oshawa Whitby, Ontario Extremely Large Egg Type Shaped Object

Posted: January 5, 2008

Date: May 2005 Time: 10:45 p.m.

Number of witnesses: Two Number of objects: One Shape of objects: Extremely large egg type shape.

Full Description of event/sighting: In early May 2005, a friend and myself drove to the polish hall, behind the Oshawa airport for a cigarette. At the polish hall the main building, and to the east a 5 row parking lot. There is a regular sized soccer field to the north of that, then another field of equal size, north of that as well, then the trees at the beginning of the forest. This is off Stevenson Road North, off of Taunton Road. Around 10:45, to the northeast above the trees I glanced up and saw a glowing orange object in the distance, but I blew it off as a plane at first. It seemed to be moving at an extremely slow rate to the southwest, so then I was skeptical of it being a plane.

The only planes around are the small DC planes from the airport, but they are supposed to have a curfew of 11:00 p.m., and I called the airport myself, and they told me they had no plane on that trajectory. It began to move southwest a little faster and also coming a bit closer. Now clearly it was an oval shaped object that was bright fire orange. I turned off my car, and the music, and we stepped outside. There was no sound at all. We have a police copter, but it already flew by about 30 minutes prior, and it definitely does not glow bright orange. As it came a bit closer, now almost right over Brooklin, which is just north of Whitby, Ontario the next city over. The orange appeared to become two separate objects. As it slowly came west, now the closest point to us, clearly the two orange objects seemed to be the back of the craft, like two giant afterburners on a jet.

You could see the shadow of the body in the night sky but it was very black and dark and hard to see detail. It was also a clear night mind you. It was like a giant humungous egg, and now there were these flashing lights on it. I can distinctly remember seeing blue, red, off white, green and orange lights on the top, the front, the bottom and along the sides. Then it left my viewpoint. Today is the first day I have reported this event. I also remember the very next day after it happened at my old job, I overheard a woman talking about the same exact thing. My biggest regret in life, is that I didn't start the car, and go after it. I wish I had done that. Thank you very much. I have a picture I drew in MS Paint that will give a better perspective. I will email it to your site.

Additional Information:

My name is (name removed) from Oshawa, Ontario Canada, and I just submitted a UFO sighting report. Here included is the picture I drew in MS paint depicting what was going on. It's bad I know, but I'm not an artist or anything. I'll explain the picture:

So basically like in my report, the building on the left is the polish hall, there's a driveway coming around the front of the building to the parking lot. In reality there are about 5 rows in the lot, not two in the picture, but I didn't have a scale or enough room to go by. also behind the soccer field which I would say is a regular sized field, there is also another plain field of grass, about the same size leading towards the trees that is not in the picture. So we are parked facing north directly where this object was.

1) This is when it first appeared in view. It was very distant but seemed to be a glowing orange oval. Moving very, very slow almost, stopped in mid air, as it crept to the southwest towards Whitby.

2) It kept coming closer and closer, still very slow, now it appeared to be an oval, the colour did not change. But now, my friend and I turned off my car and the music, stood outside, and it was dead silent. You could hear the police copter in the distance but it wasn't in the area and now it was definitely clear this was not right.

3) The shadow of the body somewhat appeared but it was very dark and looked black so it was difficult to get any detail. The orange seemed to separate into two pieces as if it were the back of the craft pushing it somehow.

4) This is what it looked like when it was the closest to us, probably right over Brooklin, north of Whitby. Clearly it was a giant somewhat egg shape, the two orange lights were massive. Seeming like a 3 story tall engine or something like that. There were different coloured lights on the top, the front, the bottom and some along the sides. Then it went behind the trees, out of our viewpoint.

My biggest regret in life, is not following it. I'm 21 and have been interested in UFO's all my life, and for this to happen was an event like no other in my life. Amazing.

Thank you for having this site. Without it who knows what would be going on in people's minds.

Thank you to the witness for their report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Another UFO Sighting Makes Website

Posted: January 5, 2008

By Bryan Meadows - The Chronicle-Journal

May 10, 2005

A Sioux Lookout resident has reported seeing the latest unidentified flying object in the Northwest.

The witness said he was standing on the town beach on April 14 at about 11 p.m. when he noticed three star-sized white objects moving across the sky south of the community.

“I looked and saw a blur-rish object moving very fast . . . I followed the object, and realized it was three lights flying at the same velocity but not in a straight parallel formation,’’ he said.

The sighting is posted on — a website that reportedly represents the Canadian UFO research community.

There have been six UFO sightings since a July 12 report last year in the Dryden area where three people witnessed “low altitude bright lights tracking across the sky.”

The website’s other sightings in the past year:

• July 14, 8 p.m. — A Dryden resident saw something that “burned so bright that my eyes hurt, and I had to look away. It dimmed out to a cigar-shaped haze and then, zig-jagged a little.”

• July 19, 10:47 p.m. — Five people at Aaron Provincial Park just east of Dryden said they saw an object far off in the distance shoot “straight out into space.”

• July 30, 10:30 p.m. — An individual in Sioux Lookout reported seeing three light-coloured objects flying in a straight line.

• Aug. 1, 12:20 a.m. — Two individuals saw a round, copper-coloured object in the sky near Dryden, moving in a straight line, then in a tilted ‘S’ flight pattern.

• Sept. 7, 12:30 a.m. — Three star-like objects were observed near Sioux Lookout in the shape of a triangle moving across the sky before they just suddenly stopped and disappeared.

• Dec. 23, 10:06 p.m. — Three people travelling in a vehicle observed a circular object with three flashing red and white lights flying along the right side of Highway 72, 10 kilometres south of Sioux Lookout. When they got closer, the object suddenly took a 90-degree turn left and “flew over the highway and right over us.”

The last unexplained phenomena observed in the Thunder Bay area occurred in March 2003 when a “strange light” streaked across the night sky.

Richmond RCMP Take Calls On Green Beam Of Light (Case Solved)

Posted: January 5, 2008

Date: May 9, 2005 Time: Approx: 11:15 p.m.

HBCC UFO Research had a telephone call at 11:30 p.m. from the Richmond RCMP asking if I was receiving reports from eyewitnesses of a green beam of light which was putting on a show in the skies above Vancouver and Richmond, B.C.

I informed the RCMP that at this time I had not received any such reports on the beam of light, but would turn my computer back on and check. I had no emails mentioning the lights. Due to it being late and alot of businesses closes for the day, I planned on making some calls today, May 10, 2005 to look into the matter and to hopefully find some answers.

On May 9, 2005 after I had taken the call from a RCMP constable, I thought I would see if the TV news might still be open to take a news story, I called and talked to a really nice lady who informed me that the TV station had not received any reports on green lights or anything else out of the norm. But she did go on to say that on her way into her work place that evening, she did observe the green beam of light which seemed to be in the vicinity of the Vancouver Science World .

So this morning I made my first call to Science World and received the information that solved this case.

I have three audio clips. One from the RCMP, CTV Newsroom and the Vancouver Science World. Also posted is two reports on what it was that caused the event.

*Richmond RCMP receives 5 to 6 calls from witnesses reporting a green beam of light in the skies above Richmond and Vancouver, British Columbia.* Date: May 9, 2005 Time: approx: 11:15 p.m.

Thank you to the Richmond RCMP, Science World and thwe lady from CTV News.

Information on Cruiser and RASCAL - Fact Sheet


What are CRUISER and RASCAL?

CRUISER and RASCAL are not the names of the latest in cartoon super heroes. They are Environment Canada’s mobile-air monitoring laboratories that could be rolling into a town near you. Long, white and boxy, these high-tech mobile homes are measuring air quality in communities across the nation.

The dynamic duo started in Windsor in October 2004 and is now out west on a research expedition that will last several months. They are aiming to improve understanding of the atmospheric chemical behaviour of air pollutants, and identify transborder emissions sources in Canada and the United States.


A diesel truck with more than 140 square feet of lab space, the Canadian Regional and Urban Investigation System for Environmental Research (CRUISER) is equipped with some of the most advanced air-quality measurement systems in the world capable of collecting detailed information on pollutants in the air while moving from place to place. CRUISER will work in tandem with a mobile lab known as the Rapid Acquisition Scanning Aerosol Lidar (RASCAL), which scans atmospheric particle concentrations in three dimensions.

RASCAL, boxy white truck number two, uses a laser beam and a telescope, which allows researchers to see the pollutants in the air.

What makes these two such great partners is that while CRUISER can identify pollutants, RASCAL can see them.

In February 2005, CRUISER and RASCAL completed observations in Windsor and began their trek west, first stopping in Golden, British Columbia, for three weeks before continuing on to Vancouver. Measurement activities in western Canada will run until November 2005. They will help identify and understand hot spots in southern British Columbia to determine sources of the pollution in the stagnation zone over the San Juan and Gulf Islands, and study local and transboundary flows of airborne pollution in the Georgia Basin-Puget Sound area and interior valleys. During this period, both mobile labs will also spend close to a month in central Alberta as part of a larger air quality study, Prairie 2005.

The research doesn’t end there. In spring-summer 2006, CRUISER will tackle the second phase of its eastern study by following up on the information collected this year and will expand geographic coverage to include Sarnia and areas downwind, and increase emphasis on ground-level-ozone measurements.

Cruising for a Reason The research caravan is going across Canada to help identify air pollutants, where they are coming from and which pollutants are most harmful to our health and the health of the environment.

Part of the challenge of pollution control is not only domestic pollution but transboundary pollution. Air pollution does not recognize borders. So, CRUISER and RASCAL will also be looking for pollutants from the United States.

Air pollution is a North American problem that requires solutions from both sides of the border. This transboundary research is part of the Border Air Quality Strategy: a Canada/ United States commitment (which builds on the 1991 Canada-US Air Quality Agreement) to develop new cooperative approaches for the improvement of air quality such as the reduction of smog-causing emissions.

Environment Canada and Health Canada will be evaluating the research results to better understand human exposure levels to particulate matter and ground-level ozone (smog) in areas across Canada, the most significant sources of these pollutants, and the health risks. Researchers will also be looking at related environmental issues such as visibility impairment and acid rain.

The dynamic duo may not be super heroes but the data they collect will help researchers figure out what emissions need to be reduced and where; providing key information needed to help protect the health of Canadians and the environment.

For photos and related stories, please visit:

RASCAL Media Advisory

Air Quality Mobile Lab RASCAL on site at Science World.

VANCOUVER, May 6, 2005 – Media representatives are advised that Environment Canada’s mobile air quality testing lab RASCAL (Rapid Acquisition Scanning Aerosol Lidar) will be on site at Science World on Monday, May 9 from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. The lab relates to the Climate Change Show currently on at Science World. A scientist will be on site to answer questions.

Date: Monday, May 9, 2005

Event: RASCAL Mobile Lab open to the Public

Time: 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (PDT) Laser Demonstration at 9:00pm weather permitting

Location: Science World 1455 Quebec Street Vancouver, BC

For further information please contact: Michele d’Eon Communications Environment Canada Pacific and Yukon Region (604) 713-9515

To receive automatic e?mail notification of all Environment Canada news releases, media advisories, and statements, please click on this URL to subscribe:

(Également offert en français)

Thank you to the eye witness for the really interesting report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Etobicoke, Ontario Objects In A Delta Formation

Posted: January 5, 2008

Date: May 2005 Time: 2:00 a.m.

I live in southern Etobicoke, Ontario. One evening, while reading by candle light at my 9th story apartment window overlooking downtown Toronto from the west, I noticed 2 strange orange lights directly above Toronto Island airport. These objects were larger than any visible star/planet in the night sky. After 3 seconds of sitting still, the 2 objects suddenly moved in parallel on a southerly trajectory, passing over Lake Ontario as they flew. Immediately after, a third object joined them from further out on the lake. The three objects then changed direction and headed in delta formation towards the north, over the horizon and out of sight.

The formation became tighter with distance as perspective would dictate. The objects traveled in a straight line and the whole trip of several hundred kilometers took only 10 - 12 seconds. Unfortunately, I was the only witness to the event and have no video footage. By my closest estimations, the objects were at an altitude roughly that of 3 – 5 Kilometers, distance of 45 – 60 Kilometers from my position, traveling at an approximate speed of 10 or more Kilometers per second (36,000+ Km/h, Mach 30?).

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Delta Beach, Manitoba UFO Makes Zigzag Patterns And Stops

Posted: January 5, 2008

Date: May 7, 2005 Time: Approx: 10:30 p.m.

Approach Direction: North. Departure Direction: East. Witness Direction: North.

Description: It was a clear summers evening (approximately 10:30 p.m.) on the beach over looking lake Manitoba. We were with 6 other fiends when a distant light, a little brighter than a star started to make zigzag patterns over the lake. After about 15 minutes of this we all got a little freaked out and set on home to our own cottages. When we arrived at my girlfriends cottage we sat on her couch facing the lake when this light appeared form the right side of the window, still far off but it stopped. After watching it there for 5 minutes we decided to head back into Portage which was 15 miles south and my girlfriend would continue another 15 miles east to her home.

As we drove south we noticed this light was now to our east as we travelled south and it seemed to be following us. It was certainly not a star because you could see stars passing by behind it. My girlfriend continued on east of Portage and she said it followed her all the way to her home. That would make it moving west to east.

Color/Shape: White light, distant, no noise.

Height & Speed: To distant to tell, moved very quickly zigzagging.

Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.

Southern Scarborough Two Round Objects Hovering

Posted: January 5, 2008

Date: April 1, 2005 Time: Approx: 6:20 p.m.

Yesterday, on April 1, 2005 at approx.6:20 p.m. in Southern Scarborough, at Kingston Rd. and Birchmount Rd. at a recreation center parking lot, I observed a strange object over Lake Ontario, about a mile out from shore. The conditions of the sky was also strange in that direction over the lake. The clouds were streamline, like, different lighted veins of cloud running west to east. I noticed this object about 2000 to 3000 feet above the lake in a crack of these clouds. In description of what I saw with the naked eye, it appeared as if there were two round objects hovering vertical in a tight formation and appeared to have a slight reddish light field around both objects. Well, as usual to confirm a sighting, one would need the aid of witnesses.

So I asked two young teenaged females, if they wanted to see a UFO. They said sure, slightly suspicious and of course I pointed it out to them. It took me, about a minute for them to see it. They had connected in seeing the object, for about a minute. Their mother, I would guess, was also asked by their daughters if she could see the objects. As she search the sky in that direction, it vanished. We all went inside the Recreation Centre, and I asked them if they would report this sighting to our local investigator, (name removed). I told them, you don't have to give your name. They agreed, so I went to the office to get a pen and paper to give them the phone number (number removed). When I returned to them, they also vanished. I suppose, I spooked them, as it was their first sighting. Very unfortunate I did not have my camera, that would have given more detail in this story. Please note that this in fact is no April Fools joke. Enjoy!

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Sioux Lookout, Ontario A Fast Moving Object

Posted: January 8, 2008

Date: April 14, 2005 Time: 11:00 p.m.

Location of Sighting: Town beach. Number of witnesses: 1 Number of objects: 3 Shape of objects: Star sized, white objects.

Full Description of event/sighting: Standing on the town beach over looking the water. I noticed something moving, I looked and saw a blur-rish object moving very fast. At first I thought it was strange that a night animal/bird could fly that fast. I followed the object and realized it was 3 lights flying at the same velocity but not in a straight parallel formation and I lost them behind a street lamp. Too bright. Whatever I saw was real.

Thank you to the person for the interesting report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Observing From Richmond, B.C. To The SE Towards Mt. Baker - Object

Posted: January 5, 2008

Date: April 17, 2005 Time: Morning sighting

Hi Brian, finally have something new to tell you. I have a friend (former neighbor) she is 75 yrs. of age and lives near No. 2 road in Richmond. She lives on the sixth floor and her apt. faces East. For years I have been telling her about different things I have been seeing and she has always seemed to take it with a grain of salt. She was a teacher in Fiji before moving here to Canada. Her late husband was an English University professor from India. So both were quite well educated.

She told me this morning she was sitting by her phone and glancing out her window when she noticed a large round dark object floating near the clouds. She first thought it looked like a Melon but when she looked through her binoculars told me it looked just like a large barrel just floating there. At first she thought it was stationary but as she watched realized it was slowly floating SE towards Mt. Baker. She said, “It was absolutely huge” and the binoculars brought it up really close. But other that it was dark and barrel shaped couldn’t tell me much about it.

She said as she watched it, it just seemed to slowly disappear and she didn’t know where it went. I asked her how far away it was when she saw it and she figured maybe over Surrey but she wasn’t sure, just that it looked huge when viewed through the binoculars. I believe she has a pair about 7 X 30. They are those little ones you can put in a purse. She kept saying I’ve never seen anything like that in my life. I told her join the club now you have seen a UFO.

Brian, My wife just came home 9:30 PM. I mentioned it to her and she told me a blimp or something doing advertising had been floating around South Surrey, but when I questioned her further she stated it was White/Blue and she had seen it several days ago. Apparently advertising Bell Telephone or something, So I don't think it had any bearing on what my friend saw this morning.

Thank you to the person for the interesting report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Towards Burnaby, B.C. Bell Blimp And Unknowns

Posted: January 5, 2008

Date: April 18, 2005 Time: Various

Hi Brian, was watching the news and they had their roof top camera pointing over towards Burnaby and they mentioned that you could see the Bell Blimp. So I rushed to my window and there it was. Just a little round blob to the naked eye, but quite obvious a Blimp when viewed with my binoculars. I phoned my friend in Richmond and asked her if that was what she had seen yesterday morning. She said it might be but what she had seen was Black and this was obviously White and has flashing lights on it.

You may get a few calls re. this one as after dark they turned on interior lights then it just glowed like a big pale star floating along. I could plainly see the name BELL all down one side when viewing through my binoculars. Just for the heck of it I turned on KatKam and it is visible in the 20:10 Shot in the upper right hand corner. I checked the archives and that is the only shot it is in. But starting at 20:01 there is a small dark object just above the sun.

20:04 – Round White object just above and to the south of the Sun

20:05 – Lower still and to the south of the Sun

20:06 – Object now North of the Sun and over the Mountains

20:07 – Possibly two objects now

20:08 – Both moved to the South

20:09 – Both south of the Sun

20:10 – Blimp in this shot, one object gone, remaining one looks almost disk shaped

20:11 – Blimp gone, object over setting Sun

20:12 – Sky clear

20:13 – Appears to be object out quite aways, over the entrance to False Creek

20:15 – Appears to be three objects now, Two just over the mountains and one above them on the edge of the dark blue part of the sky.

20:16 – Two dark objects one slightly above the other almost directly above Sunset Beach near the edge of the dark blue sky. Maybe two more just to the south of the sunset.

20:30 – Appears to be round white object just over the mountains almost directly in line with the entrance to False Creek.

21:00 – Appears to be two white objects in the top left part of the picture.

Thank you to the person for the interesting report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Oshawa, Ontario Multiple Objects

Posted: January 5, 2008

Date: April 9, 2005 Time: Approx.10:45 a.m.

Here is my report for Saturday, April 9, 2005 at approx.10:45 a.m. to near 12:30 pm. At home in Oshawa, I noticed with the naked eye, white bright objects moving high in the skies 8-10,000 feet or higher. They were moving in all different directions. Also note, there was even alot of chemtrails that morning. Next, to aid the sighting, usage of binoculars, which confirmed that there are "many" objects over our skies here. After the tool of the binoculars, time for the camera to capture some pictures.

Thank you to the witness for the report

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Vancouver, British Columbia UFO A Pin Prick Of Light

Posted: January 5, 2008

Date: April 14, 2005 Time: 5.00 p.m.

Yesterday I saw a strange phenomenon is the sky. It was 5.00 pm and very bright out. The sky was blue and there were a lot of clouds. My four year old daughter said mom there is the moon, (a crescent very small) and she said what is that white thing beside it. I had said oh clouds sweetheart, she said No there is something there.

I looked and saw what appeared to look like a star, a pin prick of light. This was not a plane, it was not a balloon, because one. there was no way a balloon was up that high and two. The movement of the object. The UFO moved right away from the moon, stopped, came back left, stopped again for a few minutes then progressed back to the right again where it then went into a cloud and vanished. I watched this for fifteen to twenty minutes. My daughter saw it as well as my next door neighbor. We could not identify it as a plane, balloon, anything. The possibility of a UFO is all we could come up with. Have you received any other reports such as this?? Also it was very bright out and we could see this is the sky looked like a star but weird movements, stops and then gone. I know it wasn't a satellite as I know the movements of one.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Rossland, B.C. Blue Lights Over Red Mountain

Posted: January 5, 2008

Date: April 23, 2005 Time: Approx: 11:45 p.m.

Four witnesses report seeing numerous bright blue lights rising and descending over Red Mountain while traveling south towards Rossland, B.C. The witnesses were able to observe five lights, all moving erratically. The lights traveled an estimated, one to two miles horizontally, then would return to the same location when they were first noticed. Some of the lights would move up and down, traveling a good distance in altitude before returning over top the mountain in a hovering mode. After approx: 4 to 5 minutes, three of the blue lights just blinked out or vanished, the remaining two moved off towards the west at a quick rate of speed. One of the passengers alerted the driver to what she saw and the driver pulled the car over and everyone watched the event unfold.

Thank you to the witness who called.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Taber, Alberta Bright Blue Lights Low Over The Tree Tops

Posted: January 5, 2008

Date: April 11, 2005 Time: 11:00 p.m.

Number of witnesses: 1 Number of objects: 2 Shape of objects: Half of sphere shape.

Full Description of event/sighting: I was driving from Calgary to Taber, I saw the first one heading north at tree top level. It was very bright blue with a type of search light moving around it and underneath in a circular motion. The second sighting was 7 miles north of Taber. The object was moving northward, same description as above. This time I stopped to see what it was. When I stopped the object veered and then continued. I did not hear any sound. Now this is the third time I have seen these objects and they have all been identical. They move low to the ground (tree top level) and fairly fast. I have seen a total of six of them to date in the last three years. The first time I saw them, my wife was along and she did see them also (we are separated at this time, but she will verify these sightings.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Downsview, Ontario Hovering Object Appeared To Look Like A Commercial Airliner

Posted: January 5, 2008

Date: April 20, 2005 Time: Between 9:15 am to 9:30 am

Hi Brian, I have a story to share with you that I believe is important. A regular, courier service driver, witnessed something he can't explain at the location in Downsview, Ontario, at Hwy.407 and Dufferin. This strange sighting occurred on April 20, 2005 at approximately 9:15 am to 9:30 am. According to this guy, he witnessed this for approximately 20 seconds while driving along Hwy. 407 (North of Hwy 401), a hovering (not moving) "commercial airliner"?. He describes it as gray in color with windows and blue lights on the wings.

He claims he went underneath the plane and claimed it felt weird. Also he mentioned it could be no more than a 1000 feet high above. He was really spooked and can't explain what he saw. He knows of what I have seen, as I have shared some stories in the past of my sightings. The Fed X driver, a previous witness of one of my sightings from September 21, 2004, told me later that this guy has told no one else, not even his wife. Even the Fed X driver is shaking his head with all the witnesses associated with me. Funny, how exactly one week later (April 27, 2005) around the same time (am morning) there was a very serious auto accident in the same area as the sighting of the hovering airliner.

This accident tied up traffic for hours in the morning as the same courier complained of the traffic jam. When he arrived at our place of work to deliver goods. He was spooked more so when I related his sighting was exactly one week earlier at the same location and time.

Thank you to the person for relating this story to me.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Georgetown, Ontario Glowing Ball And A Dark Object

Posted: January 5, 2008

HBCC UFO Research Note: On Saturday I received an email from a fellow who saw something very unusual. The sighting took place in Georgetown, Ontario and he told me the footage is incredible. The gentleman is sending the footage this week to me and I will get it posted with his copyright in place.

Date: April 18, 2005 Time: 8:00 p.m.

Number of witnesses: 1 Number of objects: 3-5 ? Shape of objects: Ellipsoid, round.

Full Description of event/sighting: Mr. Vike, The above sighting was also recorded on video by me. It is a daylight disc. I was video taping a strange white light in the sky when a large dark object flew into the camera frame.

Using my camera zoom feature and my TV. I was able to enlarge the object so that I can see that it is undoubtedly, a flying saucer. If you wish to see the video I would be happy to mail it to you. I have the original camera cassette tape which I put on VHS , I also had the VHS put on DVD, so I have all 3. So I can send you which ever format you wish.

Thank you to the fellow for the report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Simcoe, Ontario Line Of Four Lights

Posted: January 3, 2008

Date: March 8, 2005 Time: 9:00 p.m.

Number of witnesses: 3 Number of objects: 1 Shape of objects: Line of 4 lights.

Full Description of event/sighting: This is the second time this month we've seen these lights. I called my daughter (name removed) the first time, she called me last night! I showed my boyfriend (name removed), he didn't know what it could be. They first appeared as a bright star, I was taking the puppy outside, when I looked up and saw two planes slowly making their way from east to west across the clear night sky. To the south east there was a large star that glowed brightly, then turned red on the right side then green, yellow and then split into four horizontal lights. It would glow brighter, fade away then re-appear in a triangular fashion. My daughter saw the same lights 10 kilometers from my place. After about an hour they disappeared, just like last week. Any idea what these are?

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Coquitlam, B.C. Possible Large Black Disk Shaped Object

Posted: January 3, 2008

Date: March 13, 2005 Time: ?

I was still awake this morning watching as it started to get light and it was really clear with no pollution to be seen. Now this happened so fast I'm not even sure if I saw it or imagined it. I was looking over towards the area of the Port Mann Bridge, when I saw a large black disk shaped object rise above the ridge just a little to the west of the bridge. It rose to about 1500 ft. then fell like a leaf with a drift towards the east and then back towards the west and down below the ridge. If I really saw it than it must have been well over 100 ft. in diameter as it was much larger than the houses built on the south slope and it must have been a mile or so farther north.

Probably right over Coquitlam. I waited to see if anything would reappear but saw nothing. I don't know if you remember that photo I sent you of a UFO over Coquitlam in Jan. 2004, well this was in almost the exact same spot. When the light is right then you can see what appears to be a fairly large valley cutting into the side of Burke Mtn. at that point and they could easily slip into there and be behind the mountain. in seconds.

Thank you to the person for the report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Peterborough, Ontario Red Light And Triangle

Posted: January 3, 2008

Date: March 14, 2005 Time: Approx: 9:50 p.m.

Hey Brian been trying to get free to do my homework but this just happened.

Took my dog out at approximately 9:50 p.m. Eastern. Noticed a red and white light low in the west moving towards the east. The light just seemed to stop. At exactly 10:05 a large moving slow triangular object passed slowly overhead making a slow south easterly turn. It was approximately 1500 to 2000 feet with a light on each corner that could easily have been mistaken for stars but they moved together across the sky and all other lights-stars remained stationary. It just disappeared out of sight behind the horizon and buildings. The sky is very clear no clouds and only a slight westerly breeze.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO