Listen free to an amazing story told by the lady who had this encounter (April 23, 2010) Special guest Susan gives a detailed account on "Night of the Sasquatch or Alien Brings.
Listen to Todd explaining what he has gone through over the years, concerning his encounters with UFOs, ETs and MIBs. This is Todd's, true life story.
The above two shows are provided free for folks to listen to, or you can download them and listen later, but these two guests relate interesting stories. You can find the shows by following the link provided. http://www.sightings.com/1pages/s_audioarchives.html
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Also new to the website, Sci-Tech and Paranormal stories that touch us all.
You can file your UFO/Paranormal experience using the Sightings.com online report form. When filing your old or new encounter, please know that none of your private information is posted or given out. Also, please keep checking the website for breaking news and wonderful guests who will relate fascinating stories.
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