A world where old principles and the latest military technology co-exist, and magic has yet to be discovered.
Selunia is a nineteen-year-old girl who was born in a community of people with supernatural powers. However, her powers have failed to be awakened. Nobody wants her there anymore.
Her mother has a vision about her future. She insists on sending the girl to the nearby Arid Kingdom, and become Prince Soris' protector.
Selunia's mother believes that this will help the girl find her hidden powers; but the Arid Kingdom has no knowledge of magic.
Will it all be in vain?
Soris is the prince of the Arid Kingdom and struggles to recover from the injuries left by a long war. He wishes for peace but that never seems to be possible. Even the people close to him are causing him trouble.
He will soon find out that a new war is about to begin and, this time, his opponents are something unusual.
Will Selunia succeed to help him and find her own powers?

About Tina Silvens.
Tina Silvens is an author dedicated to the fantasy genre who likes to draw the characters she creates in stories. She currently lives in Romania and works on polishing her manuscripts for the next books in the "Arid Kingdom" series and some stand-alone books. She studied fine arts in high school where she learned drawing, painting, and modeling clay. In the present, she practices drawing as a hobby and focuses on writing.
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