Posted: January 23, 2008
HBCC UFO Research Note: I wanted to add a short note about this sighting as there were a number of reports that I have received from different folks over unusual sightings for the same date and around the same time in other areas in Ontario, main location for the UFO sightings was Scarborough, Ontario.
Date: August 4, 1977 Time: 11:45 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Markham, Ontario Canada. Number of witnesses: 5 Number of objects: 1 Shape of objects: White sphere.
Full Description of event/sighting: Brian, I was listening to the Rense show from last week and I realized that I had a sighting later the same night that Paul I believe his name was had the West Hill sighting. I lived in Markham due north of West Hill about 10 miles. I really did not see as much as I physically experienced. I and 4 friends were going home from the Roxy movie theatre after watching the 7:00 pm movie, and it had just become dark. I decided to cut through the ravine next to the main street Highway 48 going south toward Highway 7, also known as Wellington Street. As I was walking on the path I saw what looked like a motorcycle headlight except very bright down the ravine as I was making my way alone along the path. My friends were all walking the long way around as they were too freaked out to cut through the ravine at night. On the path there was a pair of posts, like the old cable guard rail posts from a highway guard rail with a chain across. I knew this was there and was very careful in the dark to find it and carefully step over.
About 10 feet past the chain is where I noticed the light down the valley (ravine). I remember looking at the light for about 2 seconds, and then I found myself on my face on the trail, as I got up there were leaves falling from the trees that I could make out in the darkness, I could just see them. The light was gone, I quickly made my way up to the highway and my friends were not there so I ran in the direction that they would have travelled and found them behind the beer store. They were a little shaken and when I finally got them to tell me what they had seen, they said a white meteor had come straight up the ravine just about tree top level. I asked them where it hit, they told me it didn't. It just kept going really fast.
I don't know if this in any way corroborates Paul's story but I never forgot Thursday the 4th August 1977.
Additional Information Below:
Cheers Brian, The answers to your questions are as follows.
Question 1:
You mentioned in your report that you saw the light in the ravine. Was the light actually in the ravine or sitting just above it ? I just wanted to be sure.
The light was diffuse it was not direct more of an indication through the trees. The light or whatever it was came over highway 7, now there is a stream in the bottom of the ravine which goes through a culvert under the highway. The reason that I mentioned this is because the elevation of the road was about 40 feet above the bottom of the ravine where the stream was.
I could make out the culvert and see light in it and through the trees the light was south and I would say was above the trees.
Question 2:
Also, roughly how far away were you from the light at it's closest point?
It went right over me, straight toward me and right over top too fast for me to look up before it was gone.
Question 3:
Was any type of sound detected?
No sound at all from the thing itself although I remember a whoosh and my first though was that it had been a helicopter but I thought instantly that there was no rotor or engine noise!
Question 4:
Or any lights on the object other than it being very bright?
I didn't see any although my friends just said that it just looked like a light ball and they heard a whoosh.
Question 5:
Something else I found of great interest, but not 100% sure as to what may or may not have happened. But you mentioned that you were looking at the light for approx: 2 seconds, and then I found yourself on your face on the trail. Now big question here, did you just trip, or fall down, and this is why you found yourself face down. Or did something else happened that may be related to the sighting event ?
I remember that I was careful that I did not trip over the chain across the trail (to stop cars coming in) as I knew it was there and was careful to locate it. I don't remember tripping and I do remember being really pissed off that I was face down and didn't know why. I went back the next day to see if there was anything on the trail that I could have tripped over.
Question 6:
I also was wondering if it was a windy night that day ? Reason why I ask is that you mentioned the leaves from the trees falling down around you. If you understand where I am going here, in other words I am wondering if there may have been interaction between you and the object.
No I remember that it was a warm night and that there was no wind to speak of not even a breeze it was a little eerie and maybe that's why my friends would not come for the short cut I think that they were a little freaked out. As far as interaction was concerned I am sure that it knocked me down but I don't remember anything else. The weird thing is that it must have displaced air because of the falling green leaves and the whoosh sound.
Thank you to the witness for the very interesting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO