Showing posts with label light. Show all posts
Showing posts with label light. Show all posts

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Strange Bright Light Over Mt. Tolmie Victoria British Columbia Canada

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  August 24 2011

Time:  Approxamtlty 9:45 pm

Number of witnesses: 2 = a group of Japanese tourists.

Number of Objects: 1

Shape of Objects: Unknown shape.

Full Description of Event/Sighting: At approximately 9:20 p.m., my friend and I were viewing the Victoria City lights from a small mountain viewing area known as Mt. Tolmie. A flare fired from off shore near the Esquimalt Lagoon which caught our attention.

We watched from my friends vehicle, as 2 more flares were fired in the same area. A bright light appeared in the sky shortly after. We assumed it was a coast guard helicopter coming to investigate. However, we quickly realized that the light was much too high to be a helicopter and it was traveling due east away from the Esquimalt Lagoon location which was located to the southwest of the light and our vantage point.

We both commented on the peculiar wobble or shimmer of the light which was slowly approaching our location. We decided to exit the vehicle to get a better view of it as it approached. I heard the sound of a jet engine and boldly stated that it was just a plane. However, when we closely scanned the night sky, we were both able to locate a jet, which we recognized easily by it’s flashing lights and jet engine noise.

We watched as a second jet, flew over top of the object now directly over our heads. It was at this point that we were able to determine that it wasn't a satellite as there were many satellites to compare it to as they were also viewable overhead at the same time. It's altitude was much to low to be one and it made no sound so we ruled out the possibly of it being a plane or helicopter.

The object was a bright light, the brightest light in the sky by far. It had also drawn the attention of a group of Japanese tourists who watched along side of us. As the light moved farther to the east, the light just went out!

That in itself was strange because at the point that it disappeared, it was still closer to us than when we first noticed it approaching from the west. We both agreed that the light didn't just fad! e away a s it got farther away, as the light was brilliant and constant the whole just went out, disappeared from sight.

I tweeted the event hoping to get a response or a confirmation on what we had just seen. It was all very strange and can say that I've never seen anything quite like it to say the least.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Round Red Light Spotted Over Coquitlam British Columbia

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  April 30, 2011

Time:  Approxamtlty 1:00 a.m.

I was driving down by river view in Coquitlam, British Columbia and I seen the round red shape ball or something flying by me. It was about the same height as a plane, but it was not. I love UFO stuff and I do believe and tell you this much as I seen something and I got a good look.

I just needed to find someone who had maybe seen the same thing and I looked and I seen your report online, so I started to kind of trip out. My name is (name removed) and the time of this  sighting was at around 1:00 a.m. Saturday April 30.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Round Bright White Light Over Brantford Ontario (UFO)

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  Summer 1992 - 1993

Time:  12:00 p.m.

Number of witnesses: 2

Number of Objects: 1

Shape of Objects: Round Bright light.

Full Description of Event/Sighting: It was a simple sighting that didn't last very long, but left us wondering what it was that we saw.

I was in a car with my brother who was driving us down Colborne St., when we saw a round bright white light flying across the sky in a distance, it was around midnight. At first it looked like a shooting star, but those usually last a few seconds at most.

But this lasted for a few minutes and we actually followed the the light as it was going in am eastern direction across the sky wondering what it might be. It seemed too fast for a plane and only had that one light. Then all of a sudden it made a direct 90 degree turn south without slowing down and disappeared moments later.

The turn was a straight 90 degrees, not a curved one like a plane would make which made us realize that this was most likely something other than a plane or helicopter which we see flying over Brantford constantly.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Round Bright Red Light Over Silicon Valley California

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  July 4, 2011

Time:  10:30 p.m.

Number of witnesses: 15

Number of Objects: 1

Shape of Objects: Round.

Full Description of Event/Sighting: In the evening of 04 July 2011 we witnessed a round bright red glare of light, it was so bright red it looked as if it were on fire. It hovered over the northern skies.

The light hovered for a good couple of minutes before dashing, dashing farther and farther until we could no longer view it. Minutes later it reappeared in the same direction, hovering over the northern skies and quickly disappearing into the night.

There were several people that used their cell phones to video record it.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Round Ball Of Light Hovering Over Naramata British Columbia

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  August 27, 2011

Time:  Approxamtlty 8:39 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

Hi, I believe I saw a UFO Saturday night in the east horizon behind Naramata, B.C., around 8:39-9 p.m. It was between dusk and dark. It looked like a round ball of light hovering, then it dropped down out of sight behind the mountain which is just behind our place.

It is a low mountain, so it appeared to be fairly close. The size was larger than I have seen and the way it dropped out of sight was much too fast for it to be anything else. I am 57 and know what satellites and planes, helicopters at night look like etc., and this was different.

I don't go looking for UFOs, but I definitely have an open mind when it comes to believing they exist. I also think they can be seen in different dimensions, so that some people are privy to sightings and others are not. This would explain only some people seeing them. 

I seem to have a gift in this area, but I have not explored it. It just pops up now and then, Re: UFO sightings and other experiences. Last summer I had a similar UFO experience, same place, time, only it was closer and no sound like there should have been. It was silent.

Have you explored this aspect of UFO sightings? Beings from other civilizations travelling here would have to be more advanced, thus their ability to access other dimensions, and portals etc. I am a very down to earth person, but I also believe there is much more going on than we are aware of. Sincerely.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Red UFO Sends Beams Of Light Into Witnesses Home At Lapford Devon UK

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  December 24, 1988

Time:  2:10 a.m.

Number of witnesses: 1

Number of Objects: 1

Shape of Objects: Round.

Full Description of Event/Sighting: I was sleeping in the lounge and was woken by bright rays of light sweeping across the ceiling. By the time I was fully awake the light had diminished, but something felt unusual. I turned my head to the left and looked out of the lounge picture window which over looked the front garden to see an intense red ball of light floating over the front garden.

At this point I mentally thought ", its the moon" but then I realized the moon had risen early yesterday evening, so it couldn't be. The quality of the light was wrong too as it was penetrating the curtains and enabling me to see some details of the garden outside. At this point I thought " this isn't right" and raised myself up to take a better look outside.

As I thought this, the ball changed colour to an intense brilliant white light which had a quality to it which just cut straight through the curtains. They in effect disappeared and I could see every detail in the garden. The ball started to move across the garden and up over the house roof.

These things immediately struck me very clearly.

It was totally silent. The light appeared to be linked to the source of power which made it move. There was a mental link between my thinking and it's actions. The next thing I noticed was that it retraced the path by which it had come in, in the first place if the direction of the beams across the ceiling were to go by.

As it gathered speed, it did so as any object with mass would. It accelerated slowly and gathered speed in an acceleration curve. It traveled over the lounge and stopped at the rear of the house projecting intense beams of light downwards like searchlights, but far more intense streaming down past the conservatory windows.

Without any more indication of movement by the object, the beams suddenly cut out dead and it had gone. I felt this was under control and through that control was aware of my thoughts. I was very shaken as this was beyond anything which I had experienced before and I instinctively felt that it was not something that any human had created.

We had a police helicopter with a search light carry out a sweep for a missing person at night a year before. The noise in this quiet location was deafening and the light was far less intense than this. Here is no mistaking that this was no helicopter or any kind of fossil fuel noise making machinery.

I was the Deputy Head teacher of the local school, so I felt at the time that it was better, due to the organized response to such a report, ( if I made one) being sure to put my position in danger, to say nothing. It's now years later, I'm retired and I can tell what happened.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Red Orange Object With A Pulsing White Light Seen Over Leamington Ontario

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  August 16, 2011

Time:  Approxamtlty 9:20 p.m.

Hi, I had sailed to Leamington, Ontario on August 16, 2011 and was docked in the municipal marina that evening. About 9:20 PM, my wife and I were watching for the flyover of the International Space station.  As it passed overhead, I studied the sky with my binoculars when I observed the same UFO described in the note you refer to. 

It matched the exact description of the sighting on August, 17 in color and motion. During my observation, there were numerous conventional aircraft flying overhead, but this object merely floated, like a helicopter might hover. 

But this was not a helicopter as there was no chopper sound. There was no sound at all. I observed it for about five minutes before it disappeared only to return several minutes later. Again, I viewed it though my binoculars and could see a faint shape surrounding the lights.

The overall light was reddish-orange with a pulsing white light (about 3 second intervals) in the center.  As I watched it more closely this time, I then observed it shrink in size in seconds, as if it were speeding away, before it totally vanished. My wife also witnessed the object.  

This is not the first time I have seen UFOs in this area.  A number of years ago, I was sailing across Lake Erie in about the same area when one of the other crew and I spotted similar objects in the night sky. We observed them for about a half hour before they vanished in the night sky. 

I’m a trained engineer and so I don’t just to conclusions about anything, but I know what I saw.  I’m glad I am not the only person to report such a sighting.

Best regards.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Red Orange Light Seen Over Seaton Devon England UK

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  December 4, 2011

Time:  2:10 a.m.

Number of witnesses: 2

Sighting lasted for 30 minutes minimum.

Strange light, orange - red in colour. Mainly just above Orion's belt but moves constantly. Not sure on distance or size. Erratic movement. Somewhat similar to a Chinese lantern, however I've set lanterns off. I watched this light for a length of time, any Chinese lantern would of burnt out long before. Nothing light a satellite or meteorite I've ever seen before.

Definitely orangey-red in colour. Size I couldn't even guess nor the shape except it definitely didn't look spherical. Sorry I can't be more precise. The brightness varied, kept fading and brightening up again. At one point it became quite bright before fading again, that's when I saw some kind of non spherical shape.

Size: Afraid I couldn't even hazard a guess. Estimating sizes I just can't do.

Description of Area/Surroundings: I live right on the South coast of England. A little town called Seaton. Very small town, very very little light pollution and to my knowledge no military bases in the surrounding area nor power plants. No weather or research stations. Just a quiet little seaside fishing areas.

Full Description & Details: So I was having a smoke from my balcony and saw this. As I said. It was most definitely an Orange-Red colour, very bright and clear. I first noticed it just above Orion's belt and to the left.

At first I thought it was simply something you could see at this time of year, a planet maybe or a bright star of note. I thought I was seeing things at first, but after watching for some time it was definitely moving.

It's movement was erratic, there seemed to be no pattern as such except a vague circular motion as it traveled right towards Orion's belt. It stayed there for sometime, flitting up, down, left and right in no particular order. The whole time it was getting brighter as if moving closer or becoming more intense and then fading again until it disappeared.

This is when I thought it was a Chinese lantern. Just as I was about to head back in after finishing my smoke, it suddenly appeared again, this time lower down and back left of Orion's belt. It made the same vague circular movement before fading and appearing back above Orion's belt.

I ran to get my phone, but, unfortunately the video cam on it wasn't good enough to get any footage. I ran in, checked the internet. Several things are visible in our skies around this time of year but none of them correlate to what I was seeing and definitely nothing matching the movement.

So I went back to the balcony to watch. It was still above Orion's belt, flitting about in all directions still. It didn't seem to stay in one place statically. It wasn't moving particular fast, but definitely enough to notice it was never static.

While I was watching this second time it almost looked as if it was coming closer. For a brief couple of second whatever it was looked like it turned and I could clearly see some kind of shape. It wasn't just a spherical item, it definitely had shape. What shape exactly I can't be sure of.

I went back in to contact a couple of friends to see if they could see it as well. Unfortunately just as I'd sent the message our skies became overcast and clouds prevented me from seeing anything. This has happened literally within the hour. I was watching it for a good 20 minutes - half an hour before trying to see if anyone else could see it.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

I can't be 100% sure obviously. But I have checked charts online and various websites. I can't find anything that could explain something of this colour, distance or location for this time of the year. It didn't resemble a meteorite or satellite in any way I've seen before and a Chinese lantern would of burnt out within the time I was watching.

Witness Background:

Not much to tell really. I'm 22, pretty average. Work for the family business. Studied animal management at college. Definitely a believer in anything unusual or things that can't be disproved but also I do like to try to work out a scientific or already known reason first. Somewhat try to disprove myself before I believe. 

I have always been a believer in life other than ours. I believe in a lot of spiritual beliefs, energy based beliefs, the paranormal. Anything where there is no proof that it cannot exist, I believe however I haven't ever seen any UFO sightings to my knowledge before this encounter.

I did notice online that this month there have been other somewhat similar experiences from people around the Orion's belt constellation.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.


Red Orange Light In The Sky Over St. Petersburg Florida

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  May 26, 2011

Time:  Approxamtlty 6:00 p.m.

A few minutes ago I saw the same type of light alternating between red and orange in the sky. It was moving too slow for a plane and then it appeared to "burn out".

I Googled this to see if it was already on the internet and I saw this page explaining the same thing someone saw previously.  Has this been explained yet? Thank you.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Red Orange Ball Of Light Seen At Upper Frederick Township Pennsylvania

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  November 6, 2011

Time:  5:40 p.m.

Number of witnesses: 4

Number of Objects: 1

Shape of Objects: Round.

Full Description of Event/Sighting: While driving east on route 29/73 in Upper Frederick Township we observed a single reddish-orange ball of light above a tree line that was fairly close to the road. No other colors were visible from the object at any time of the display.

At first it did not appear to be moving and could have been mistaken for a radio tower light, except for the color and that there are no towers in this particular area. As we passed, we noticed several vehicles had pulled off of the highway with their lights on and assumed they were watching the light.

We travelled a few hundred feet and pulled into a driveway and the light appeared to have moved further from the road in a northerly direction which appeared to be toward the Red Hill/Green Lane area as the previous report cited. The light diminished in size and appeared to quickly blink out with surprising speed close to the general direction of two aircraft that were in the area at the time.

We turned our vehicle around to see if we could speak to the drivers who had pulled off of the road, but saw them slowly driving away within a few seconds of the object disappearing.

We were unable to determine size of the object as there were no points of reference. If it were a tower light, the light was large & bright enough that the tower would had to have been situated quite close to the roadway and nearby houses. 

The orange-ish color of the light did not match any of the numerous towers which are clearly a bright red, nor any of the other air traffic which was visible at the time, sporting red, green and white lights.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Red Orange Ball Of Light Above South Pickering Ontario

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  May 22, 2010

Time:  Around 9:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Good day, on the evening of May 22, 2010 my family and I witnessed a reddish orange ball moving slowly in an east to west direction in the sky above south Pickering Ontario around 930-10:00 .pm.

We were watching local fireworks outside our window when this light appeared, we watched it move slowly east to west without any noticeable noise for around 5 minutes until it became to faint to see in the night sky.

Just wondered if anyone else has reported seeing the same.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Red Light/UFO Hovering Above Campers Tent South Of Paraguay SA

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  January 2011

Time:  Evening.

I have always believed in life on another planet, however, I am always extremely doubtful to people claiming they have sighted UFOs. However, this year, in January, I was camping in the south of Paraguay, SA, when, I sighted exactly what you referenced in your sighting in the Miami/Cuba area.

It was a solid red light, hovering above my tent, no noise, no flashing, fairly close, but difficult to actually approximate the height of this object. It was able to very quickly go from being still, to covering a great distance in the skyline, then once again hovering still, then moving extremely fast in the opposite direction. 

This encounter only lasted for around 1-2 minutes, then eventually the object appeared to move at an extreme speed and within seconds it was gone. I was completely in shock, it was certainly not a flare or a plane. I spent a few nights camping in the same spot, I did not see one plane fly over me during the day or night.

Again, it was a small camping area, and I tell this story with certain that it was an object I could just not explain or have ever seen. Thanks for reading.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Red Light Spotted Over Corner Brook Newfoundland

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  November 9, 2011

Time:  Approxamtlty 9:30 p.m.

On November 9th 2011 at around 9:30 p.m. Myself and a co-worker witnessed a red object moving across the sky in Corner Brook, NL. This object had no blinking lights what so ever. It stayed a solid red. We watched this object for a good 10 minutes until it simply vanished.

It was a clear night and the stars were very visible where this object kind of went dim and then simply vanished. This object was round, red, it did not blink or change colour. It appeared to start to move of course twice only to correct itself and continue in the direction it was traveling.

It was not a plane as there was a plane in the sky flying away from this object. The lights were flashing and it was very visible it was a plane. This other object was unique and nothing I’ve ever seen or witnessed. Myself and my friend were in awe to say the least at what we were seeing.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Red Hovering Objects Shoots Two Beams Of Light Out Of It Over Shelbourne Ontario

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  May 1, 2011

Time:  Evening

Hi Mr. Vike, I am messaging you because me and my friends saw the same thing you saw by Shelbourne, Ontario. We live in Mississauga and went up there for a drive and it was dark. 

We were by fourth line and noticed a red dot in the sky that stood there for 20 minutes and beamed two lights out of it that were white and red.

We were in awe because we know about these phenomenon's and have  been experiencing them for a while. We managed to get video coverage of the thing in the sky and it is undeniably a UFO. 

All of this happened on Sunday May 1, 2011. It was late and very foggy. I am assured that the UFO was trying to disguise itself in the fog but what was weird was the fact that there was a a central red dot and smaller dots hovering around the larger one.

Mr. Vike, I don't know what to make of this, but I have concluded that it was an extraterrestrial sighting. We even notified the police in Shelbourne and they blatantly asked us "how much we drank for the night?. They were very skeptical but I am more than positive that what we saw was nothing less than a UFO.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

 Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.


Red Ball Of Light Seen Near Beaumont Texas

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  December 3, 2011

Time:  Approxamtlty 11:30 p.m.

Number of witnesses: 2

Number of Objects: 1

Shape of Objects: Round.

Full Description of Event/Sighting: Driving north on Hilderbrandt Rd. about 1/2 mile off of FM 365 when my wife yelled at me to look out window. There was a red ball in the sky.

My first thought was a flare from a flare gun, but it did not go up or down, just stayed their for a moment then moved off in a northwest direction then just disappeared.

Never saw it again.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Pink Red Light Over Fenelon Falls Ontario

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  October 8th and 9th, 2011

Time:  Approxamtlty 9:00 p.m.

We have a trailer in the Fenelon Falls area on October 8, 2011 at about 9:00pm  we spotted a pinkish red light in the sky over the north. It was there for a while hovering, then vanished. On Sunday night the same light appeared over the eastern sky, only it had a few different colored lights as well.

It came from the south and turned and went down east, moving very slowly and disappeared. I am wondering if anyone else saw this and is there an explanation for it.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Orange Red Light Over Indialatic Florida

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  August 14, 2011

Time:  2:08 a.m.

Hi, I found your blog after looking up orange/red lights sightings. I witnessed one myself at 2:08 AM Eastern Time on August 14th 2011 over Indialatic, Florida at the intersection of Palm Avenue and highway 192.

It was traveling at high speed, west to east eventually turning north, with no sound at all. I doubt it originated from Melbourne Airport, if it did it would have been low and I should have heard a sound.

Originally I thought it was a meteor (Perseid shower), but meteors leave trails and don't turn.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Orange Red Balls Of Light Observed Over Lansing Michigan

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  July 15, 2011

Time:  Evening.

Last night I was getting out of my car, and I ended up becoming fixed on a orange red ball, moving slowly across the sky, varying in luminosity. After about 45 seconds, it stopped and disappeared. When I say disappeared, I don't mean it took off so fast it vanished. It just dimmed down and was no longer there.

Also, in the early spring, my friend brought his whole family to witness many orange fireballs (as he described them), moving at a strange and unnatural pace while moving into some sort of formation (though I forgot what formation he said), followed by rapid acceleration and disappearance.

The same friend, on the same night I witnessed, claims he saw it as well in while in the woods.

I live off of Willow, pretty close to Waverly, Rd. He lives off Lansing Rd/old Lansing Road, also by Waverly Rd. Just thought I'd let you know.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.

Orange Red Ball Of Light Over Northwich Cheshire UK

Brian Vike's Favorite Cases.

Date:  May 20, 2011

Time:  Evening.

Hi Brian, I know it’s been some time since you posted your orange red ball of light blog last June 2010, but after seeing it tonight, I did a search and your blog came up.

I live in Northwich Cheshire and I am used to aircraft in the landing pattern which land at Manchester airport. I also am familiar with the tracking of the ISS international space station which passes overhead at certain times of year and time of day etc., but what I saw was way different than anything I have seen before.

A quick check on the ISS tracking shows no visible sightings for 10:00pm on the 20th of May 2011, so I am at a loss to what this was.

I saw a what appeared to be just as you described, a large orange/red ball of light which moved faster than the normal airplanes that land at Manchester. It had no noise and it was larger than most airplanes that pass overhead. It had no aircraft flashing lights and moved much faster than a Chinese lantern that you can tell with the flickering flames in them. Anyway so I knew it wasn't one of them.

At first I thought it was an aircraft with it’s engine on fire, but as it got closer I could see it was just a big ball of light, no noise or other factors that could establish it was an aircraft.

It also seemed to move to slow to be a fireball or meteor, so am at a loss. If it was a fireball, it left no trail that I could see which is unusual, so I am stumped.

Anyway, sorry for pestering you, I just wanted to share my experience.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

File your UFO sighting to Brian at:

Brian Vike, Director Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research. Email:

The Vike Factor Blog.

Kamloops British Columbia Canada UFO Research.