Showing posts with label aircraft. Show all posts
Showing posts with label aircraft. Show all posts

Monday, February 4, 2008

Whitby, Ontario Strange Lights And Possible Perusing Aircraft

Posted: February 4, 2008

Date: June 13, 2007 Time: 11:15 p.m.

Location of Sighting: Whitby. Number of witnesses: 2 Number of objects: 2 Shape of objects: Bright light.

Full Description of event/sighting: I was standing outside, having a smoke (as I often do many times a night), and I was looking at the stars. Well, one of the stars was moving, fast. From south to north. Very, very fast. I think to my self, huh. Wow. That was neat.

So, my mom comes home and I tell her what I just saw. So we both stare at the sky for a bit. Now, another bright light came back from north to south, then flashes brightly and fades out (as though it shot "up" and away). Now, like I said, I smoke outside a lot and stare at the stars.

So when a lot of jets began appearing heading roughly in the direction I saw the objects, it became suspicious. And they kept coming, and heading in that direction. Including 3 that changed course to head in the direction of the second sighting.

I was the only witness to the first one. My mom and I both saw the second one. Not sure what else to tell you. Oh...actually, maybe that they were 5-10 minutes apart. Hard to be more accurate as I was talking to my mom about the first one, and staring intently at the sky. So I was fairly awe-struck. If you have questions that I haven't answered, please feel free to e-mail me. I'm curious to see if anyone else saw them tonight.

Thank you to the witness for the interesting report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences. *The Vike Report Eyewitness UFO Radio Show*

Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do. *Vike Report Radio Show Blog*

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Jet Aircraft

Posted: January 17, 2008

HBCC UFO Research Note: Although this is not a reported sighting of an unidentified object, I thought it was important to post this information for the date and time give by the person. My reasons for posting this report of jet aircraft is due to hearing some scuttlebutt about normal aircraft being seen after UFO sightings in some areas of Canada.

Date: April 30, 2006 Time: 10:50 a.m.

Message: Brian, I saw something a little strange, and while not a UFO sighting I thought it might be of interest. At about 10:50 am CST I noticed a contrail of a large jet going west to east over Saskatoon. There were 3 other contrails coming from the north that curved in behind it.

When I managed to catch sight of the jet is was directly over head. Gaining quickly behind it were 3 fighters. They were hard to distinguish as I assume they were at the jet's cruising altitude.

I couldn't keep sight of them for very long but they seem to be maintaining their course. I lost sight of the jet about 30 seconds later. We thought perhaps they were fighters from Cold Lake providing security for someone important?

Additional Information:

Brian, It was Sunday April 30, 2006 10:50 am. Like I said it was the weird contrails that caught my attention. I am fairly certain they were fighters but they were way too high up to see any identifying marks. They were in a 1/2 V formation.

It happened too fast to grab a camera. If it was some form of a training exercise you would think they would have found a more secluded piece of airspace. There was another commercial flight coming from east to west on a flight path that was slightly further north about 10 minutes later. We do get a lot of high altitude flights over Saskatoon. I'll keep my eyes skyward and let you know if anything else "flies" by.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Between Langford & Victoria, B.C. Object Follows Aircraft

Posted: January 13, 2008

Date: September 22, 2005 Time: 2:30 a.m.

Number of witnesses: 2 Number of objects: 1 Shape of objects: Orb

Full Description of event/sighting: I was laying in bed looking at the stars out of the sliding door when I saw an airplane come from behind the trees, and then I noticed a white orb following it. I immediately woke my husband. The plane had typical flashing lights. The orb did not flash and was larger and much brighter than the airplane. Twice it seemed to go a slightly faster than the plane, but seemed to keep pretty much the same distance between the plane and itself. (Much like when you are following a friend on the road because they know the destination location and you don't). We watched it follow the plane until it was out of sight. We look at the sky often as we are astronomy buffs. This was not a weather balloon or a second airplane.

Additional Information:

Hello Brian,

Weather: Clear, no clouds that we could see. No rain, no fog. Estimate of temperature for 2:30 AM was about 10 degrees Celsius. We did step out onto the balcony to get a better view of the object and felt no wind. Just a calm night.

Altitude of airplane: Really hard to say as it was not flying directly over our house. Looked like a normal altitude where we see most planes flying. Sorry but can't answer that question any more honestly than that.

Altitude of object following airplane: Same altitude as plane. The object was about the width of 3-4 baby finger widths behind the airplane.

Where were the airplane and object located? We are located by Goldstream Provincial Park which is about 10 KM Northwest of the city of Victoria. We were looking in the direction of Victoria. We were looking to the South. There is a high tower with a red light on it on the top of a small mountain and it was over this mountain that we saw the object and the airplane. I would guess about 2 baby finger widths above the horizon. I would say that the Airplane and the object were flying in a West to East direction.

Was the object trying to keep pace with the object? Yes, That was our feeling. It seemed to want to keep the same distance between itself and the Airplane.

Describe the area where the sighting took place, airport etc: The closest airport would be the Victoria International Airport which is located near the small city of Sidney BC at the end of the Saanich Peninsula about a 30 minute drive North from Victoria. The plane was not flying towards that airport. We think it was flying towards the United States. Perhaps on its way to Tacoma International Airport (near Seattle, Washington State). The land around the sighting would be partly populated and partly forest. There is a large naval base (Department of National Defence) situated next to the city of Victoria (in Esquimalt). Comox Air and Naval base is a long way from here. We are located on the southern tip of Vancouver Island.

Trail or tail following the object? No just a very bright sphere or orb. The light was white.

Any sound? We stepped out onto the balcony but heard no sound.

We thought that this was indeed an unusual sight and I wish we had more information for you. If anyone else has reported seeing this in our area could you let us know? If you have more questions please feel free to email.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Saturday, January 12, 2008

South Shore of Montreal Commercial Airliners Appearing To Look Unusual

Posted: January 12, 2008

Date: August 22, 2005 Time: 7:00 p.m.

Hello, I am located in the Montreal region. On August 22, I went outside at 7:00 pm to mow the lawn. There were no clouds in the sky. I heard the sound of a small plane motor and looked up. There was one of those "lighter than air" little propeller planes - those ones that have colorful wings like kites.

I took a glance at it, but was immediately surprised that - just above it - there was a strange looking object. It looked like two old artillery shells back to back with a space between them. At first, I thought it must be a plane that I was not seeing clearly. But, no matter how long I glanced at it, I could see no wings or other details. Just the two shells with a space between them.

It moved in a straight line in a "corridor" usually used by planes. So I was suspicious nonetheless that the "other-wordly" appearance might be an illusion.

I ran inside to get my camera, but when I arrived it was already very far and the two pictures I took only showed a dot of light. I was a bit frustrated to have missed that and put the camera back inside the house.

However, just as I went back outside, I glanced up at the sky and - to my astonishment - here was ANOTHER object exactly like the first at my right, exactly where I had seen the first and following the same trajectory. This time, my camera was at the ready, so I went and picked it up just next to the front door and started shooting. I took several pictures.

I did not know what to think of this but called a friend who is very knowledgeable of planes and told him what had happened. I said I wondered if the position of the sun could make the body of a commercial plane look that way while making the wings look invisible. I took a look at the pictures and they showed what I had seen...

But then, after the chatting, I went back outside to mow the lawn. Sure enough, within five minutes, I heard the sound of a jet plane. I looked up and here was that same or similar object in the sky. Hearing the plane sound, however, made me think that what I saw earlier may have been planes too - even though I could not hear a plane sound in the first two instances.

Anyhow, I took more pictures. Then I saw two more, one right behind the other, which I thought was strange for commercial airplanes, but there was a plane sound this time also.

Yesterday, I was outside at 6:30 pm and saw identifiable commercial planes taking the same route. They were identifiable because I had binoculars this time and could tell they were planes. Also, even without binoculars, I could see the wings.

I still need to see planes in the same lighting condition at the same time of day with the same cloudless sky to see if planes WILL turn out looking like the two shells with a space in the middle.

That time, I'll be ready with binoculars.

This evening, the friend I had told my story to mentioned there was an article in the Montreal Mirror on UFOs. I checked the article on the web and a link eventually lead me to your site. I decided to check the recent sightings page and looked at some reports that featured pictures. It didn't take long that I came across the Keefer article page and saw the description and picture and video identical to what I saw.

Problem is that I still am of the opinion that what I saw and photographed may be nothing more unusual than commercial airliners lit in such a way as to look "other wordly".

I have attached a few of my pictures that are highly cropped from the originals. You will see the surprising similarity between my pictures and the one on your Keefer page. I don't know if they are the same type of object, but I found it uncanny to come across this page only two weeks after making a similar sighting - that I described in near identical terms and that records on film similarly.

Note that all the pictures show a second object in the distance, which I believe is the first object I had originally sighted.

My main interest is to try and photograph planes at the exact time and location these photos were made to see if they will come out looking the same. Also, some pictures I took I now believe may show signs of wings... I am delayed in trying to make similar observations because of my sprained muscle in my left arm that has been aching acutely in the last two weeks and also because I have not yet encountered these exact weather condition on a day I was able to check for it.

Additional Information:

Yes, well this is the very page I visited this evening and saw the object identical-looking and same description as what I saw and photographed.

I did not have time to view all the video clips on the above page but watched the first one that shows the actual object.

Of course, I would be curious to see any other updates and maybe photos made of similar objects by other people. As I mentioned, I believe that what I saw and photographed may be a commercial airliner, so I would need to see something really uncanny about the Keefer object behaviour to make me reconsider.

One problem I had about my sighting was that the object moved in a straight line and at a speed one would expect of a plane. So nothing uncanny besides the appearance of the object... And that seems to match the Keefer description (so far as I know) If the object were to stop in mid-air, now that would be quite another matter !

Thank you to the eyewitness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Creston, British Columbia Low Flying Aircraft Flying In Grid Pattern

Posted: January 1, 2008

Date: 2005

Message: It's been months since my last UFO sighting. But not that long since I saw government planes flying in really odd ways. In June, there was one plane, sans most markings, flying way too low, in a back and forth grid pattern over Creston one afternoon. Needless to say, it was freaky. I would have overlooked it, but since I got back from Europe, I saw them doing it again. There's been no local gossip about any on-ground criminals they could be spotting, and it's rather obvious that they were visible. I suppose I should enhance the photo I took, and try to find some, if any markings. The plane was normalish, white. And really flying low. I bet I could have shot it with one of those slingshots if I aimed well enough. Is it just me, or is there some sort of conspiracy involving this weird valley I live in?

Thank you to the witness for their report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO