Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Report Six - Remarkable UFO Wave Continues Over British Columbia Canada (UFO Investigator Brian Vike)

Investigator Brian Vike’s Note: A lot of these British Columbia sighting reports have been written up by me, the reason for this is I ran a Canada wide Toll Free UFO Hotline.

Let me tell you, was it crazy, it was so busy it was nuts. Just for the very last report at the bottom of this batch of sightings, the phone almost never stopped ringing throughout the day and evening. I believe I spoke to well over 200 witnesses for this sighting - British Columbia UFOs, Beam Of Light, Frightened Residents and have almost all of the witnesses information on audio tapes here at home.

Metallic UFO The Size Of A Greyhound Bus Paced Vehicle Outside Houston, British Columbia.

Date:  March 3, 2003
Time:  7:55 p.m.

Tonight on Friday, March 7, 2003 at approximately 8:30 p.m. I received a telephone call from two local Houston, British Columbia residents who wanted to report something very strange they had saw on March 3, 2003 at approximately 7:55 a.m. The two witnesses were at the same location here in town when they made the call to me here at home.

The reason why the witnesses decided to tell their story was due to the newspaper articles which ran on the UFO Survey, and myself in our local newspaper this past Wednesday.

They also told me they both spent some time trying to make up their minds if they should actually call me over what they saw.

The first thing one of the fellows said to me was, "my buddy and I saw something very weird the other day, and are still questioning ourselves over what we saw".

He went on to say there was himself and his friend in his truck travelling along highway #16 just east from Houston, British Columbia. Since it is getting lighter earlier these days, the fellows witnessed this object in the daylight.

Just before they got to Perow, there is a large farmer's field which runs for a long way, and also runs alongside the highway with a buffer of trees between the field and the highway. His friend was the passenger in the truck and first noticed a large object paralleling them along the highway.

 The driver looked at the speed they were travelling and said he was doing approximately 90 kilometers, both had a very close up look at it. (keep in mind there were the trees in between the truck and object which did hinder the view at times). Also the field drops down somewhat below the highway, so the forestry workers did not get a good look at the bottom of this craft.

They both described the object as looking like an "Air Stream Trailer", and the size was close to a Greyhound Bus. It was metallic in color, and no other features could be seen on it. No lights, windows, nothing !

The object stayed straight across from their truck as they drove along, as I mentioned above. It paced their vehicle !! The passenger had rolled down the window to see if he was able to hear any sound coming from this object, but none was heard, it was silent. After approximately 3/4 of a kilometer the craft turned slowly away from the highway, wobbled slightly, sped up, wobbled once again and then shot off out of sight very quickly.

Investigator Brian Vike's Note: Since the object was so low, and on the other side of the standing trees, I asked if they had observed any movement in the trees. Such as any disturbance which would have moved the trees in anyway. None was noticed.

Something else I should add. When the witnesses mentioned that it wobbled, one of the fellows said it was like looking through a heat wave, which gave it a look as if it was slightly wobbling. Also both of the men made comments to one another, saying it was so strange and not a normal aircraft as it had no wings on its body.

He also mentioned due to the type of work he is involved with he had made many trips on different aircraft, and what he and his friend saw was "no" aircraft they know of.

I am also going out tomorrow to grab some pictures of the area where the sighting took place. I hope to have some drawings and more information after I sit down and chat with the two witnesses over the weekend. There is more to this story to come.

                              Above Image: This is close to what the object looked like.

If you know anything about this case, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net


Bright Object Disappears Over Mount Hays Prince Rupert, British Columbia.

Date:  March 7, 2003
Time:  7:30 p.m.

"On Friday March 7, 2003 at 7:30 p.m. me and my daughter were outside ready to leave in the truck when we both looked up and saw this bright white light shoot over towards Mount Hays.

It was traveling southeast for two to three seconds, then it just blinks out when it was over Mount Hays, it was the brightest white light that we have ever seen.

My daughter told me that she had seen almost the same thing just two weeks ago while with her friend at 4:30 a.m., the object they saw wasn't as bright as this one was, it was traveling east, and it too blinked out before it went over Mount Hays."

If you know anything about this case, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net


Fast Moving Yellow/Golden Ball Of Light Flew Over Terrace, British Columbia.

Date:  March 7, 2003
Time:  10:00 p.m.

"A yellow/golden ball flew close to the ground over my trailer from the south to the north.

It was very fast and very low (15-20 meters) and I could not get my friends attention in time.

Size is hard to tell but most likely " Basketball"-size."

If you know anything about this case, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net


Bright Flash Of Light And UFO Changed Directions Over Williston Lake McKenzie, British Columbia.

March 19, 2003
Time:  4:15 a.m.

A logging truck operator was coming back from picking up a load of logs, near the south end of Williston Lake, when he saw a bright flash of white light directly in front of him at a fairly high altitude.

The light appeared to be heading in a northwesterly direction. He thought that the object was probably a meteor as he sees a number of them while working in so many darkened hours.

What the witness found strange about the sighting, was before the light disappeared it changed direction slightly. After this change in its flight path, he said it was gone. Just vanished.

The sighting lasted no more than 3 to 4 seconds. At arm's length he said the light may have been the size of a pea. No sound was heard coming from the light, but this would be no surprise anyway due to him being in the cab of his truck, and they can be rather noisy.

If you know anything about this case, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net


Fast Moving UFO Slowed Down Seen Over Terrace, British Columbia.

Date:  March 23, 2003
Time:  7:40 p.m.

"It went immediately 2 times very bright before speeding up again and continuing towards the northwest. The light was greyish-white in color, round and extremely bright.

The object moved from the southwest Kitimat, British Columbia to northeast. It also moved very quickly.

Before losing track of the object, it has slowed significantly down over Thornhill. There were two witnesses to this sighting."

If you know anything about this case, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net


Huge Triangular UFO Flying In The Sky Over Coquitlam, British Columbia.

Date:  March 25, 2014
Time:  8:55 p.m.

The witness had stepped outside to have a cigarette when he noticed this "thing" out of the corner of his eye. Through a clearing in the clouds he saw a very large, black, triangular-shaped object with a point of light on each of the object's tips. It was flying roughly east to west; very fast and totally silent.

The witness believes that the object was just higher in elevation than the surrounding clouds. Checking with the weather channel, he was told that the cloud ceiling was about 11,000 feet.

The witness lives in Coquitlam near Burnaby Mountain and believes that the object could have been directly above the 401 Freeway. It was in view for about 3 to 4 seconds.

The witness was shocked at the shape and apparent size of the object. He estimates that one could have placed three jumbo jets into the object easily. The gentleman's parting words to me were: "It freaked me right out !"

If you know anything about this case, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net


UFO Dropped From The Sky And Vanished Seen From Houston, British Columbia.

Date:  April 11, 2003
Time:  8:00 p.m.

A fellow stopped me while I was heading out the door of our local grocery store here in Houston, British Columbia today (April 14, 2003). He said to me that he had his first UFO sighting the other night.

There were 4 witnesses just west of Houston in an area called the Houston Estates. There are a number of homes in the area. One of the witnesses saw something funny and told everyone else to look.

Looking south towards the Morice River, from the Houston Estates they noticed the strangest set of lights. It was very low in altitude, and sitting above the Morice Valley Road.

I was told the only thing which could be seen on it were the three colored lights. The witness said it was as if the object was rotating, as the lights kept changing position.

The color of the lights were, yellow, blue and red. The strange thing about this sighting is that I was told that the object was seen for approximately 10 minutes.

The object dropped a bit and continued doing this until in was seen to have dropped a good distance in height. He told me whatever it was moved extremely fast, then would come to a complete stop.

Then once again it was continuing to move at a high rate of speed making the same maneuvers over and over again. The object would have been approximately 2 miles away from the peoples location.

Binoculars were brought out so they could get a better look at it, I was told all that could be seen was the lights, no shape or body to the object. The object/lights vanished instantly after the 10 minutes of viewing.

If you know anything about this case, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net


Two Bright Silver/White Colored Object Flew Over Terrace, British Columbia.

Date:  April 11, 2003
Time:  10:30 p.m.

A man and a woman were burning off the grass from around their garden when she looked up and saw two very bright silvery-white lights.

One of the lights was heading to the northeast, towards Kitwanga, British Columbia and the other in the opposite direction.

The "lights" were at a very high level and lasted for only a second or two. She called her boyfriend to look up, but everything happened so quickly he missed seeing the lights.

If you know anything about this case, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net


Multi Coloured UFO Seen 70 Kilometers South Of Houston, British Columbia.

Date:  Mid April 2003
Time:  3:15 a.m.

A man was about 70 kilometers south of Houston, on his way to work at the Huckleberry Mine, when he saw a multi-coloured object stationary in the sky.

At first he thought it was a bright, twinkling star but then he noticed that it was overcast and no other stars were visible.

He watched the light for about five minutes before it "dropped straight down" behind the mountain. He did not hear any sound.

If you know anything about this case, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net


Dark C Shaped UFO Observed Over Houston, British Columbia.

Date:  April 20/24, 2003
Time:  10:30 p.m.

A woman was just about to close the bedroom curtains getting ready to retire for the evening, when she saw a tight cluster of lights just sitting stationary, low in the sky.

She called her husband over and he too was surprised at what he saw. Grabbing binoculars, they took turns viewing the lights.

They believe that the lights were attached to a dark object shaped like the letter “C”. They believed that the object was low to the ground and fairly close to their farm, possibly hovering over Highway #16.

Although they opened the window to check, they could not hear any sound. They watched the stationary object for 20 to 30 minutes before closing the curtains and going to bed.

                             Above Image: This is close to what the object looked like.

Shortly afterward, the wife did get up and look out the window, but the lights were gone.

If you know anything about this case, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net


Massive UFO Blocks Out The Stars Over Houston, British Columbia.

Date:  April 21, 2003
Time:  11:45 p.m.

The witness was walking home from his brother’s place, along Highway #16. He was gazing up at the stars in the clear night sky when he noticed a large part of the sky in which no stars were visible, only the outline of something huge and dark in colour.

This dark object was flying very low over top the tree line, heading east. As he watched it, several rows of lights suddenly came on!

This frightened him and he ran the short distance to his home and yelled for his mother to come out and view the craft.

Both of them watched the “massive” object slowly fly by. The rows of lights then suddenly went off again. Due to the number of trees around, they soon lost sight of it altogether.

Their total viewing time together was only 10 to 12 seconds. No sound was heard. See image below:

If you know anything about this case, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net


UFO Double The Size Of The Moon Seen Over Terrace, British Columbia.

Date:  May 9, 2003
Time:  10:35 p.m.

A man was walking on his property when he viewed a small, out-of-place object in the cloudless northeastern sky. As the witness watched the light, it began to grow in size, and grew in brightness by the second.

Within 5 to 6 seconds the light went from being the approximate size and brightness of a star to about double the size of the moon. The light, or object, was traveling at a very high altitude heading toward the southwest and at this point straight over top of him, still at a high altitude.

After the light/object had disappeared from the fellow’s sight, another strange light showed up some 5 minutes later.

If you know anything about this case, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net


Dark UFO Ringed By Lights Over Terrace, British Columbia.

Date:  May 13, 2003
Time:  11:45 p.m.

Three witnesses on Ferry Island watched a number of funny coloured lights (blue/red/yellow/white) traveling in their direction from the north.

They could see that the white lights were pulsating very brightly, but the coloured lights were remaining constant. As the object drew closer to their location it seemed as if the lights, in a ring, surrounded a dark solid object which was in the center.

From the glow off the lights they noted the dark object in the center was completely round in shape, with this ring of colored lights running around it.

The object moved very quickly across the sky heading south. The length of the sighting lasted about 10 seconds before they lost sight of it due to the trees.

It traveled in a straight line and up rather high in the sky, but low enough to catch a good look at it. No sound was heard coming from it and no tail was observed.

If you know anything about this case, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net


Bright Light Observed From Houston, British Columbia.

Date:  May 31, 2003
Time:  11:00 p.m.

Two witnesses watched a steady bright white light fly rather quickly over the edge of the town of Houston, British Columbia at a low altitude (about 6 thousand feet - one of the witnesses is a pilot himself).

The light was heading in an easterly direction. There was no tail seen trailing the object. They also added that the light would have been twice as bright as the planet Venus. The sighting lasted for about 5 to 6 seconds.

If you know anything about this case, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net


Orange Ball Spotted Over Knox Mountain Kelowna British Columbia.

Date:  June 2, 2003
Time:  12:30 a.m.

Hello, my name is (name removed). I just read the news paper article about the ball of fire that was seen heading into the lake a few Mondays ago, and happened to read the part about the 2 Okanagan women who saw those floating orange balls 4 years ago.

I was reminded of that event from a TV show I was watching called Canada's Creepiest on Halloween, 2006. They said that 2 women had seen 3 orange balls in the sky that were dancing, and later on, saw an orange ball shoot towards their car.

I was on Knox Mountain camping with a girl friend of mine that same night, and we saw it too. We didn't see the 3 orange balls, but we saw the one that was stationary and then shot off.

We had noticed it at around 12:30 a.m. and we were talking about it to each other for about 7 minutes trying to figure out what it was. It was lower than the horizon (if my memory serves me) and we had no clue what it could have been.

So there we are, up on Knox looking at this thing that's hovering over towards the Crawford area, hasn't moved an inch since we spotted it, then all of a sudden bolts to the left and disappears behind the Mt. (we ran back home)

I like to believe in un-identified flying objects, but my friend is very skeptical. That night, I think, has changed her perspective, and has made it crystal clear for me that there is something out there.

I haven't told many people about this out of fear of looking crazy. But when I saw that TV special, then read the article in the paper, I had to tell someone, and now I think I'm telling the right person.

I'm not sure if this helps with anything or is relevant, but I wanted to let someone know who deals with these types of experiences.

Thank you for your time, Brian. If there's anything I can do to help out with figuring out what happened over the lake a few weeks back, please let me know.


Additional Information:

Hi Brian, I know the date was in early June 2003 because I was graduating that year. We saw the orange ball about 2 weeks before grad, because my friend and I remember, got bit by a mosquito and her eye was swollen still for grad.

Our grad was in the middle of June and we still had exams to go back too. I'd place the incident around June 2nd, 2003. Hope this helps. Is there much UFO activity in the Okanagan? I never get to hear about it if there is.

I find this topic fascinating and would be very interested on learning more about it. Thanks for getting back so quick.

If you know anything about this case, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net


Huge Boomerang UFO Observed Flying Over Houston, British Columbia.

Date:  June 5, 2003
Time:  1:30 a.m.

A few minutes drive west of Houston, five witnesses watched a huge object move silently and low over the tree line.

Just before 1:30 a.m. the witness woke up as she heard her youngest child get up. As the Mom made her way through their home, she walked by one of the windows and saw a very bright light/object.

As she stared at it, she noticed that it was moving very slowly and was of an enormous size. She screamed for her husband to get out of bed, which he did.

Because of all the commotion the parents were making, their other two children got up to see what was going on. One of the youngster said,

"What is that big flashlight doing in the sky"? The folks who were watching the object said, there had to have been others who saw it, due to its size, brightness and rate of speed.

Also they noted they could hear freight liners traveling on the highway at the time of their sighting.

The witnesses described the object as being boomerang in shape with a massive white/yellow glow around it.

There were large bright light white lights in the center of the object. They heard not a sound from it, also the dogs took no notice of it. The sighting lasted about 3 minutes and disappeared behind the tree line and towards the southwest.

If you know anything about this case, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net


Egg Shaped UFO Hovering Over The Skeena River Terrace, British Columbia.

Date:  June 24, 2003
Time:  10:20 a.m.

A man and his wife were just leaving Terrace on their way to Prince Rupert. They were travelling west on Highway #16, along the Skeena River, when the woman yelled for her husband to look up towards the south.

He pulled the vehicle off to the side of the road and they both watched an egg-shaped object hovering over the south side of the river.

It appeared to be about the size of a pickup truck, about 1000 feet off the ground and and shiny silver in colour, with no visible seams.

One witness commented that, "It looked like an egg!". They watched it for 10 to 15 seconds before it sped off to the south at an incredible rate of speed. They did not hear any sound from it.

If you know anything about this case, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net


Round Silver UFO Spotted Over Terrace, British Columbia.

Date:  July 17, 2003
Time:  8:00 p.m.

In a clear evening sky (daylight), the witness saw a silver, round-shaped object traveling at an extremely high rate of speed coming from the west heading east.

The sighting took about 4 seconds before it disappeared from his line of sight.

He said that it happened so fast he could not get a proper look at it, but because of the speed at which it was travelling, that it was no "darn" aircraft we have. No sound was heard.

If you know anything about this case, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net


Two Bright Orange UFOs Traveling Over Trail, British Columbia.

Date:  July 17, 2003
Time:  10:55 p.m.

Two witnesses watched as two low flying objects passed over top the Trail Smelter. The men reported that the objects slowed at one point, (or looked like they had) then sped back up heading in a southerly direction.

The described the objects as being very bright orange in color, with a halo, or haze around each of them.

The objects made no sound as they flew by. Both men believed the objects were about the size of a compact car. This sighting lasted for about 4 seconds.

If you know anything about this case, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net


Large Glowing Oblong Shaped UFO In The Sky Above Terrace, British Columbia.

Date:  July 24, 2003
Time:  11:45 p.m.

A man and his wife were watching the traffic travelling along Highway #16 (from the vantage point of their hillside home) when they noticed a large glowing oblong-shaped object moving slowly alongside the highway, heading north.

At first they thought that it may have been an aircraft, as it appeared to "pace" some of the vehicles on the road, but realized that it was far too low for an aircraft to be flying at night.

Eventually the object made a sudden move, or "jerked" across the highway to the opposite side and came to a stop. As they watched it sitting stationary it seemed to gain in elevation, then shot off towards the west at an incredible speed and was lost to sight. Total viewing time was about 1 minute.

If you know anything about this case, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net


UFO Veered Off At A Incredible Speed Over Wasa, British Columbia.

Date:  July 26, 2003
Time:  1:20 a.m.

Two men were outside enjoying the night and a cold drink. An object that they earlier thought was just a bright star, started to quickly get bigger and brighter.

It appeared to be moving directly towards them when it suddenly veered to the south and flew off at an incredible speed. No sound was heard.

If you know anything about this case, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net


British Columbia UFOs, Beam Of Light, Frightened Residents (Major UFO Event – Investigated By Brian Vike)

Over 200 witnesses speak out - We Want To Know!

What can cause so many residents in various communities from Kamloops, British Columbia through to the Okanagan and the Kootenays in British Columbia left scratching their heads, wondering what it was they all witnessed.

Also many people became very frightened and ran into their homes. The answers to the questions I have been asked have been hard to come by, but we certainly know something extraordinary did take place on July 28, 2003 in the early morning hours.

The story begins with a family who was camping at St. Mary's Lake, which is located approximately 12 miles east of Kimberley, British Columbia, Canada. Around 12:45 a.m. the husband and wife decided to do some star gazing as the children were asleep and the night was warm and the sky clear and full of stars.

As the couple stood looking into the night sky they observed a very bright, white light heading in a southeasterly direction. The moon sized light was witnessed flying low over top Bootleg Mountain and across the lake and at times it's speed did vary. As it slowed, then picking up speed once again the witnesses watched the light zig zag slightly and at times it seemed to wobble until it was out of sight.

When they arrived back home from their camping trip they contacted the Kimberley RCMP detachment and spoke to a Cpl. Rod Carbonneau to enquire if others had reported seeing the object. Cpl. Rod Carbonneau said the detachment received no calls over this matter.

The Cranbrook Airport was also contacted and asked if there were any aircraft in the area of the sighting .... but none were reported in the vicinity the object was observed. For the couple who watched this amazing sight on July 28, 2003 not many answers were fourth coming.

A couple of area residents did telephone the folks who watched the event telling them what they also saw that night, and another did make a report to the local newspaper.
From A Few Witnesses To a Flood Of Calls.

A report was made to Peter Davenport at the NUFORC in Seattle, Washington and then the sighting report was forwarded on to me, Brian Vike in Houston, British Columbia for a follow-up investigation.

What I did not realize at this time was just how large this one case was going to be. From a handful of witnesses the case exploded into a major event where I ended up with over 200 eye witnesses to something very mysterious.

Two things happened in the early morning hours that Sunday, a large moon sized object was seen by many area residents, and what followed left many folks in communities such as Kamloops, Vernon, Kelowna, Kimberley, Cranbrook and as far as Jaffray, British Columbia scratching their heads wondering what it was they saw.

A beam, or ray of white light was observed from Kamloops as far southeast as Jaffray, British Columbia. People who watched the strange and puzzling event said the white light looked as bright as a florescent tube and was arced from horizon to horizon as if one was viewing a rainbow. The beam of light sat almost stationary in this position for approximately an hour before dissipating.

Almost everyone who witnessed the beam of white light said they had never seen anything like this before. All said they have watched the northern lights many times, but they commented this was certainly not the northern lights!

A Few Of The Eye Witness Accounts - The Light/Object (July 28, 2003)

A gentleman from Cranbrook, B.C. telephoned me and reported that he and his family were sitting outside and were discussing how bad the forest fires are throughout the southern interior when one of the family members spotted what they thought was a airplane with it's landing lights on and heading in their direction. As the bright white light drew closer to them, the size was growing rapidly and so was the brightness of the light.

Before they knew it, the light/object was upon them. The family was so frightened due to the immense size of the light/object being almost at the edge of their property that the children ran into the house screaming. The mother followed closely behind.

The father followed his wife and kids into the home, but stopped to take one last glance at whatever it was, and watched it make a 90 degree turn to the south. When I spoke to the dad he told me that they heard not a sound coming from it.

Another report came from a lady who was with a group of people on their holiday at their cabin on one of the local Kimberley, B.C. lakes. She told me they were sitting outside on the deck when one of the guests pointed towards the northwest. Low over one of the mountains came a huge, extremely bright white light traveling slowly in a zig zag pattern heading to the southeast.

As it got closer to the resort area, many people became uncomfortable due to how strange the object/light was acting. As it passed straight overhead not a sound was heard. Some of the folks who were there said it was like looking at a full moon on a clear night. It was that big!

Two men in a pick-up truck traveling north along the highway just south of Wycliffe spotted the large bright object flying south. As they watched the large light/object close in on their location they pulled the truck over to the side of the highway, and jumped out of the vehicle to get a better look.

Due to it being so low, so bright, and passing directly over top of them the light from the object lit up the highway and surrounding area. Both men stood frozen in their tracks and speechless. Both fellows said it moved quickly in a straight line and made no unusual maneuvers. Again no sound was heard which is remarkable due to how close it was to these men, and all the other witnesses.

The above is a small example of what folks saw that night. There are many more reports here of area residents reporting seeing the same thing.

A Few Of The Eye Witness Accounts - Beam Of Light (July 28, 2003)

One lady said what she saw was very strange, it didn't behave like the northern lights as she noted that the lights danced across the sky, or looked like a curtain of shimmering light.

She wondered if the long dry hot weather may have something to do with what she was seeing. But her thoughts changed quickly as she watched the beam of light come from the northwest horizon and impaled itself on one of the local hills and that is where it ended, according to this witness.

A party of four witnesses were out for a few days on one of the areas lakes just outside of Kimberley, B.C. Everyone was having a good time talking and having a few spirits. One of the men who was sitting on a camping chair had just poured himself a drink, when he looked up and said to the rest of the people he was with, "do you see what I am seeing"? Everyone replied, "yes"!

The man who asked the question was so surprised at what he was looking at, he poured his drink onto the ground and thought he'd had one to many that evening! They all watched a beam of narrow bright white light run in an arc from horizon to horizon.

First they wondered if it might have been a search light as it was so bright, but they soon ruled this out due to the miles and miles the light covered. Again all these witnesses said this event lasted for approximately one hour before it dissipated.

Some three weeks after people saw the beam of light on July 28, 2003, I had calls from Kelowna and Kimberley British Columbia reporting that the beam of light was back in the night sky.

Two Kelowna residents stood on the patio with phone in hand reporting what it was they were seeing. The exact white beam of light sat stationary running from horizon to horizon and was extremely bright.

Four Kimberley residents stood outside watching the beam of light, they reported standing under a street lamp and even with brightness from the street light they could clearly see the beam of light sitting in the dark sky.


There is no doubt that something very unusual took place on Sunday, July 28, 2003 in the wee hours that morning. What folks saw in all these communities seems to be a mystery. But I have tried to come up with some reasonable answers for all the questions everyone had for me.

Here Is What I Know.

Over 200 witnesses watched an amazing event unfold on July 28, 2003 (early morning). Some observed the object and others observed the beam of light. (Exact numbers are broken down for how many saw the object or beam of light below.What I didn't say is how many saw both).

38 witnesses observed a huge, bright white low flying light/object.
162 witnesses observed the reported beam of bright white light.

The International Space Station passed over Kimberley, B.C., at 00:24 hrs. on July 27, 2003.

A Fire Ball was observed flying in a southeasterly direction over the West Coast of Canada and the U.S.

Most of the witnesses reported the light/object and beam of light running from the northwest to the southeast.

There would have been a lot of air traffic in some of these areas due to the fire fighting efforts to control the devastating forest fires which raged through some of these areas in the summer of 2003.

Our hearts go out to the people who were effected.

So, the questions that need an be answered are.... What was the strange, large, glowing bright object? Did the object cause the beam of light which sat stationary in the night sky for approximately an hour as the object traveled through the areas?

As for the object, this is certainly a mystery. After a lot of time speaking with witnesses, looking at data on astronomical events, checking on the flight paths, seeing if there were aircraft in these areas flying at the time of the sighting...... I have come up against a brick wall. I have not found any rational explanation for what people saw that night.

Fireballs for example as far as I know do not make 90 degree turns to another direction. Also seeing that the object was so low, traveling rather slow in many of the reports and not making a sound.

This again is certainly strange. Something else I found rather interesting, was the fact that reported sightings had dropped from my area here in the pacific northwest of British Columbia and reports of unusual crafts of every kind were now being seen and reported by many people residing in the areas from Kamloops, the Okanagan straight through into the Kootenays. Almost every different shape, color and size have been reported to Brian Vike. Did the over 800 forest fires attract visitors from above? I am sure we will never really know the answer to that question..... ?

The beam of white light ended up still being as baffling as the object. When reports started coming in I was sure what everyone was seeing was nothing more than the northern lights. But as the list of witnesses grew, and hearing their comments, I started wondering if there was a connection to these unknowns and the beam of white light.

Out of the 126+ witnesses who observed the ray of light running across the night sky from horizon to horizon, only one report was filed saying they believed it to be nothing more than the northern lights. (which I report on below). Everyone else said they have never witnessed anything like in their lives. All said they have watched the northern lights on many occasions, and in their words "this was not the northern lights".

A radio station host put a question on air to the people in the area, asking "has anyone seen strange lights in the night sky?" I was told reports flooded in over this beam of light, and how everyone was left not knowing what it was they saw.

To be fair to all sides, I placed below an email I received from a person who did have some knowledge in astronomy, weather phenomena and the northern lights. One thing I would like to point out, is that what the gentleman viewed was not on the day of this major event.

The email came from a gentleman who, on the evening of July 26, 2003 and morning of July 27, 2003, stated that a sailing regatta was held by the Kelowna Yacht Club.

Although the event discussed in the report above took place in the early morning hours of July 28, 2003, I thought the report below was important due to how close all of the events were to one another. Plus I want to give both sides on this case.

If you know anything about this case, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net

If anyone has had a UFO/UFOs sighting, please send me an email at sighting@telus.net or fill out the online UFO report form at http://sightings1.yolasite.com/ with details of what you saw. 

Please remember to include the date and time and location. (Town/City – State or Province) and as much detail as possible.

Vike Factor Note: I do receive sighting reports from all over the world, and I post all of the reports I receive here: http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/

Brian Vike.
Box 1091
Houston, British Columbia, Canada.

Email: sighting@telus.net or b_vike@telus.net

The Vike Factor -  Houston, British Columbia Centre For UFO Research. Canadian UFO Investigator Brian Vike.

Report Five - Remarkable UFO Wave Continues Over British Columbia Canada (UFO Investigator Brian Vike)

RCMP Case Report And Brian Vike’s Input On Falkland, British Columbia Cattle Mute.

Below is the RCMP's Investigation report into the cattle mutilation which took place in Falkland, British Columbia, Canada in September 2001.

Also I have the names and phone numbers for the people involved in this incident and will be now contacting each of them to gather more information on this case.

Cattle Mute Update - In December -2001 This information from CBC Radio September 2001.

I have been in contact with CBC Radio News and they have provided the following information:

The area where this took place was between, Fulton and the Chase area in British Columbia. Some horse back riders had found the carcass of the animal/cow and had contacted the farmer and the RCMP were also contacted.

There was only one set of tracks leading to the animal, these tracks were left behind by the farmer as he inspected the dead animal.

No other tracks were found around the area leading in or out the field. After an inspection of the dead animal, there was "no" blood remaining in the animal, no blood found around the scene what so ever. Also I was told there was a rectal core was taken from the animal. The udder was removed, and sexual organs were also missing.

From Constable Lange of the RCMP:

Brian, Here is a copy of the portions of our file that we are able to release to you. It has taken a fair amount of time to conclude this matter.

Hopefully this information will prove helpful to your research.

Thank you to Cst. C.D.H. Lange – RCMP.

I have now talked to the RCMP investigating officer and I will be faxed their full report in a week or two after they wrap up their investigation. I will post all results from this, and my look into this strange event.

Date/Time 2001-11-27 12:52

CST Lange phoned the Saskatchewan Research Counsel and spoke with Eve Plante at (phone number deleted by Brian Vike). Plante asked about several contacts of his whether they had any statistics. His contact on the matter with the breed association in Calgary had no records available. His contact at the Saskatchewan Pasture Management like wise had heard of cattle mutilations but had no statistics. Plante's contact at the University of Saskatchewan also had several cases of cattle mutilation reported to them however, the cases turned out to be the work of scavengers eating their way through the soft tissue area of the body.

Date/Time 2001-12-07 16:40

No further information to add to this file. Although it is unknown exactly what has happened, all evidence points towards the work of small scavenger animals.

Date/Time 2001-10-15 17:10

Concluded Constable Lange (RCMP)

Date 2001-10-15

Cpl. Paul Robinson from the livestock section in Kamloops requested a copy of the cattle mutilation file. Cst. Lange sent the file, however some pages may not have gone through.

Cst. Lange notified Cpl. Robinson and asked him to phone if he thought there was a need for the missing pages and they would be re-faxed.

Cst. Lange said he would fax more information that would be received from the University of Saskatewan once he found some time to conclude the file.

Date/Time 2001-10-21 15:38

Sui CDHC Cst. Lange

Date/Time 2001-10-26 14:40

Called Bouine Research Laboratory at Saskatchewan Research Council #15 innovation Blding (phone number deleted by Brian Vike). They said that they have no research on possible cattle mutilations, however they would check several other sources of information they knew of and get back to us by the middle of next week

Time 14:51

Sui CDHL Cst. Lange

Date/Time 2001-09-24 18:42

Released to the media for fear that the media attention would feed the situation causing those who did the mutilating the satisfaction that the public was genuinely frightened. (Name deleted by Brian Vike) suggested that her parents were very frightened by the whole situation and they could not figure out who would do such a thing.

Time 18:46

Cst Lange phoned (name deleted by Brian Vike) for more information regarding the situation in Lumby.

Date/Time 2001-09-25 06:40

Cst. Lange did an interview with CBC Radio. Sui. Cst. Lange asked for help with solving the mystery from the general public.

Time 09:43

Sui Cst Lange

Date/Time 2001-09-25 09:25

Spoke with Cpl. Ramsay of Clinton RCMP. He explained that he had previous dealings with the University of Saskatewan concerning cattle mutilations.

He suggested that most likely the situation was caused by rodents. They apparently leave the impression that the hide was cut with a knife. They chew the soft tissue and essentially saw out the utter and other areas of soft tissue. Sui Cst Lange

Date/Time 2001-9-21 0930

Conservation officer (name and phone number deleted by Brian Vike) reports that last year a cow belonging to the (deleted by Brian Vike) was likewise killed. It had the tongue and sexual organs/reproductive trac all removed and all the other meat was left behind.

The matter was referred to either the RCMP Stock Association or Lumby RCMP.


Date/Time 2001-09-24 15:21

Phoned Graham Stevens at CBC radio out of Kelowna. Arranged for an interview at 06:40 tomorrow morning.

Date/Time 2001-09-24 18:41

Phoned (name and phone number deleted by Brian Vike) re: cow mutilation that happened on her parents ranch in Quesnel some 10 years ago.

She said that we should phone the veterinarian doctor (name deleted by Brian Vike) for more information. The cows apparently had been mutilated in the same fashion, however the information was not available.

Date/Time 2001-09-15 11:41

Called (name and phone number deleted by Brian Vike) concerning the situation, she left a note for Cst. Lange to call. No one home and message left.

Date/Time 2001-09-19 14:19

(Name deleted by Brian Vike) reports that on Sunday, September 09 the dogs were going crazy and her cat went missing. The direction of the dogs attention was towards the area where the mutilated cow incident happened. (DOB 1949-10-19) RR #1, Falkland, British Columbia.

Date/Time 2001-09-19 17:37 Cst. Lange called (name deleted by Brian Vike) who informs Cst. Lange that the tire tracks were made by his son (name deleted by Brian Vike) who had reported the incident to him before the investigation was launched concerning this (1927-09-30) (address deleted by Brian Vike)

Time 17:39 No further leads, (name deleted by Brian Vike) owned the dead cow. (name deleted by Brian Vike)

Thanked Cst. Lange for helping in the situation.

Time 17:42

Cst. Lange called the complainant to notify of the situation.

Date/Time 2001-09-16 10:22

(Name deleted by Brian Vike) phoned Cst. Lange through dispatch. Cst. Lange spoke with her. She mentioned that (name deleted by Brian Vike) owns the cattle and that he mentioned his son had been up to the pasture on Thursday and had found the dead cow and mentioned that it had already began to stink. Cst. Lange was told by (name deleted by Brian Vike) that (name deleted by Brian Vike) would attend the Falkland Detachment to speak with a member concerning the incident.

Time 11:25 C

Cst. Lange phoned (name deleted by Brian Vike) to speak with him concerning the incident at (phone number deleted by Brian Vike). Left a message on his answering machine to call back.

Time 11:30

Cst. Lange called (name deleted by Brian Vike) to speak with him. before Cst. Lange could call, (name deleted by Brian Vike) said that he would check on his cow. He called back at 11:30 and would speak with his son and get his son to phone the RCMP. He mentioned that his son was in the pasture on Thursday (which would explain the tire tracks and footprints around the site.

Date/Time 2001-09-15 15:10

Cst. Lange after he showed Cst. Overby and Cst. Lange his (deleted by RCMP) he mentioned to Cst. Lange that he was quite nervous to see police in his driveway as all the happenings in New York had him of edge somewhat.

He mentioned that he had lived at the residence for a number of years (since - deleted by RCMP) and that his girlfriend lived there about 5 months out of the year. (Cst. Overby mentioned this) as there had been a file at the property a number of years ago.

Time 15:14

Cst. Lange and Overby departed from the scene Time

16:00 Cst. Lange and Cst. Overby did CPIC, PIRS and CFRO, and Interpol checks on (deleted by RCMP).


2001-09-15 10:55

Earlier in the day (name deleted by Brian Vike) phoned regarding the property renters possibly the (name deleted by Brian Vike). She mentioned that the past number of years.

Not this year but years previous. There are two (name deleted by Brian Vike) one (name & phone number deleted by Brian Vike and the other (name and number deleted by Brian Vike). The last sentence on this paragraph only gives the names of the two people in question and their addresses which I will leave out.

Date Time 2001-09-15 14:42

Cst. Lang and Cst. Overby to investigate with (deleted by RCMP) the mutilated cow was located on. Investigation of the event will be at (deleted by RCMP)

Time 14:53

Arrived at the scene and entered the neighbors driveway to do neighborhood inquiries (deleted by RCMP) License markers (deleted by RCMP) was at the residence.

We walked up the driveway in behind the police car. He ducked into the bushes and appeared to drop something. Cst. Overby said. "hey you down there !!

The man came out of the bushes and introduced himself to us. He appeared very nervous and figgitty, he was sweating and would not look Cst. Overby or Cst. Lang in the eyes.

We told him that we were doing neighborhood inquiries to the death of a cow that was mutilated out behind his place. He said he knew nothing about that.

He mentioned that he had set a Kokanee beer can on the edge of the fence near the gate. He wished to take Cst. Lange and Cst. Overby's picture ? He took a picture of Cst. Overby and Cst. Lange.

Date/Time 2001-09-13 15:49

Cst. Howard and Cst. Overby were told that a Charlors/Hereford cow had been dissected by someone up on Paxton valley Road. Cst. Lange tried to phone (name deleted by Brian Vike) who apparently knows the exact location of the animal. Cst. Lange went to investigate.

Time 16:15 Cst. Lange arrived from the Falkland detachment to the junction of Paxton Valley Road and Six Mile

Road and met (name deleted by Brian Vike) and (Name deleted by Brian Vike). Cst. Lange investigated and there was a dead cow on the locally termed "320" acres.

It appeared as though the utter and the sexual organs of the cow had been removed. Cst. Lange took photographs and noted footprints and tire tracks near the cow. Cst. Lange along with (name deleted by Brian Vike) followed the tracks out to a gate, beer cans were seized as evidence.

One Bud Weiser can on the road and one Kokanee can on the gate. The gate hinges were wired shut and a footprint was seen going to a key on one of the fence posts - 25m from the gate hanging on barbed wire. Cst. Lange took photo's. No other truck tracks or prints were seen besides the one set. A neighbor to the (deleted by RCMP) through the trees adjacent to the land and (deleted by RCMP).

End of RCMP Investigation report. I was told other information was given to another unit of the RCMP for possible more investigation. But this information is not for the public, at least at this time. Other documents that were faxed from the RCMP are pages from the Freedom of Information Act which are rather interesting also.

I would like to extend my many thanks to Constable Lange of the RCMP for all his help. The RCMP at this time are placing small animals which may have caused the damage to the animal after it died. Also more information on this will follow soon.

I also have three other reports of cattle mutilations which have taken place in British Columbia, Canada. The first I will tackle is a mute in the Lumby, British Columbia area, the second will be a cattle mute in the Quesnel, British Columbia area and the last in the Clinton, British Columbia.

I hope to have reports on these in the coming months. Also I should have more information on this cattle mutilation which took place in the Falkland, British Columbia area very soon. So please stop by if interested in this area of investigation.

If you know anything about this case, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net


Triangular Shaped UFO With Hazy Blue And White Lights Over Houston, British Columbia.

Date:  February 3, 2003
Time:  8:10 p.m.
"Today, Friday, February 7, 2003 I was contacted about a sighting which took place here in Houston, B.C. A Canfor employee who runs a track mobile at the saw mill was moving around chip cars on company property.

He said he climbed down off the machine he was operating to switch over to another track, when an extremely fast object, or more specifically, three bright, hazy blue/white lights came out of the north and disappeared to the south.

The witness said everything happened so fast that he could not make out any type of outline to what he was viewing. The forestry worker said the three lights were in a triangular shape, and held the same shape until he lost sight of it.

I asked the witness if he might be able to give me a rough idea of the altitude the lights were at. (I gave him a few examples). In the end he mentioned the lights were not that high above him, but had to be high enough to clear the mountains to the south. (approximately 2500 to 3000 feet)."

Above Image: Gives an idea as to what the lights looked like.

If you know anything about this case, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net


Silent Bright Object Seen In The Sky Over New Hazelton, British Columbia.

Date:  February 9, 2003
Time:  6:50 p.m.

The witness reports that she was out on her sundeck. It was a beautiful night, and she commented on how nice the Moon looked that evening, which was to her north.

She said she turned toward the north and saw a "large" bright light which was moving in her direction at a low altitude.

The witness said the light was round in shape, and it seemed to be pulsing white, with a bluish color added to in. There was no sound at all.

She said if it had of been an airplane, she would have heard sound from it due to it being so low. The sighting lasted approximately 10 seconds before it disappeared.

If you know anything about this case, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net


UFO Has Ring Around It And Viewed Over Duncan, British Columbia.

February 10, 2003
Time:  6:00 p.m.

A witness called this evening using my new Toll Free Hotline from Duncan, British Columbia to report he was walking his dog in the park when he observed a circular object with what he described as a ring of fire around it.

He said his dog was going completely nuts at the time of the sighting. I asked the witness approximately how far away was the object to his location, he said maybe 4 to 6 blocks away up in the sky.

He also said the ring which surrounded the object would twirl around the main body of it.

The fellow also mentioned there were a number of colors coming from it, such as blue, green, etc..

He also told me it would move up and down, when it got close to the cloud cover it would change to all the different colors, but when it dropped back down at a lower level the color changed to an orange.

The chap also said the object seemed to take it's time moving up and down, watching the ring still circling the main body of whatever this was.

The witnesses dog at this time actually took a bite at his owner's foot, as it was frightened of what was going on. The witness was phoning from a friend's home and the dog was still acting up.

There was no sound heard from the object. I also asked if he could give me a rough idea of how big this thing was, he replied that it was approximately the size of a dinner plate from the distance of 4 to 6 blocks from his location.

The sighting lasted for about 5 minutes, before it disappeared, but while I was still chatting to the fellow on the phone he gave out a loud cry and said there was a bright white streak of light from where the object has been observed.

He also said a short trail of some of the colors I mentioned above was coming off it as it disappeared. (If this had anything to do with the object or not, hard to say).

Above Image: Gives an idea as to what the lights looked like.

If you know anything about this case, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net


Bright Object Disappears And Returns Again At Smithers, British Columbia.

Date:  February 20, 2003
Time:  2:40 a.m.

I had a witness call from Smithers, British Columbia this morning. The lady mentioned that her husband thought she was seeing things, but it sounds like she was certainly witnessing something rather strange.

The woman was up with her baby at 2:40 a.m. and has a great view of Hudson Bay Mountain in and the ski runs, (which are located in Smithers).

Actually the witness sits at the base of the mountain. Her blinds were semi open and allowed her to see a very bright light crossing the mountain, and then coming to a complete stop over one of the largest runs, which is called "Cold Smoke".

She went on to say the light was dead center of the run, and wondered if it was just hovering, or "maybe" it had landed. She also reported hearing a clicking sound from the direction of the object.

(UFO Investigator Brian Vike’s Note: My son lived a while back in the very same area as the witness lives now, and I know many sounds bounce off the mountain which allows everyone to hear different noises much clearer).

The object moved from east to west before coming to a complete stop over the run. Approximately 5 minutes went by and a train could be heard coming in the distance and the object disappeared. Her words, "turned off". After the train had come and passed, and approximately one hour later, the object once again showed up. She knew the times for certain as she was up with their baby.

After the second time the light showed up, she said, "I got frightened and closed the blinds." I asked if she could describe the color of the light to me, she went on to say it was an extremely bright white, with an orange light coming from the center.

The light moved quicker than a helicopter, or any small plane that she knew of. (keep in mind that this light was spotted travelling some distance just below the peaks of the mountain and came to a sudden stop above the ski runs).

When the witness observed the light the second time, or after the train had long passed, she did not notice the light moving, but it just showed up in exactly the same position it was observed before.

The second sighting only lasted a couple of minutes. She reported that her cat, which was also sitting on her bed, perked it's ears up looking in the direction of the window. I asked her an approximate size to the light. She said it may have been half of her thumb nail (held at arm's length) and round in shape.

Investigator Brian Vike's Note: After I received the telephone call I called the Smithers Ski Hill in Smithers, British Columbia to ask if any equipment was working on the runs around the time of the witnessed sighting.

I was told work was being done on four runs throughout the early morning, and would be continuing throughout this week and over the weekend in the wee hours.

This sighting may be the result of grooming equipment working on the ski hill, "but", what puzzles me is that the object was spotted travelling about 3 kilometers along the mountain before it came to a stop.

I also just called the witness back to clear up one point about this sighting, and that was, did she see the object before it got close to the ski runs? She said yes, I observed the light as it traveled over rough terrain, then got to the runs and stopped. So still puzzled at what was seen.

Above Image: Gives an idea as to what the lights looked like.

If you know anything about this case, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net


Large Disk Shaped UFO Cast Beams Of Light Onto The Ocean At Kitimat, British Columbia.

Date:  February 22, 2003
Time:  10:20 p.m.

Two Alcan aluminum smelter employees, while at work, noticed a "large" disk shaped object travelling very slowly over the Douglas Channel.

The object was reported being very low off the Channel and rose up to clear the mountains to the north. One of the witnesses I have talked with said the both of them stood completely still with their mouths wide open watching this thing!

They said if there had of been any change in direction, meaning towards them, they don't think either of them would have been able to move.

Large, very bright white lights were noticed shining on the water, and this is what caught their attention to the craft. Since the object was so low, and casting a bright light onto the water, it lit up a good sized area which made a portion of the object visible to them.

No other lights were reported being seen, other than what they saw hitting the water's surface. It made no sudden movements until it gradually gained altitude to climb up over the mountain.

The men witnessed this event for approximately 2 minutes. One witness said they both knew for certain that what they were looking at was no normal aircraft that they new of, mainly due to it's size and speed. Plus they never have seen anything shaped like that before. No noise was reported coming from the object.

If you know anything about this case, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net


Witnesses Wife Crying Over UFO Event Seen Between Terrace/Prince Rupert, British Columbia.

Date:  February 22, 2003
Time:  10:30 p.m.

A couple driving home from Prince Rupert to Terrace, British Columbia and were about 85 kilometers west out of Terrace when they witnessed a huge object travelling north across the Skeena River. (Investigator Brian Vike's Note: The Skeena River widens out a lot at this point and can be up to two miles or more across the valley as it heads to the ocean). The object itself was dark in color, or black.

Again what caught the attention of the motorists was the bright lights which were seen on the bottom of the object. Two large, almost rectangular lights could be seen glowing from the bottom of the object.

Also they said it moved so very slowly which they found really strange. When I talked with the husband, he said he wanted to pull over to get a better look as he was driving, but his wife was frightened, crying and "insisted" that he keep going and quickly.

No noise again was reported coming from the object, but the couple were in their car travelling around Highway #16. It was certainly a disk shaped craft.

He also mentioned that there were other vehicles on the road at the time, (not many) and someone else must have seen it. The sighting lasted for approximately a minute and a half at the most from what he told me. I asked the husband roughly how high the object was off the ground as it travelled. He said it was high enough to clear all the mountains in the area.

Investigator Brian Vike's Note: On this route from Prince Rupert to Terrace, British Columbia you travel straight through the West Coast Mountain range which is very rugged. I am not sure as to the elevation of the mountains were where this event took place, but it would have to be around 2,500 to 3,000 feet. I will be checking this out as well. I plan to meet with all of the witnesses just as soon as the weather cooperates.

Anyway, this gives everyone an idea of what just took place, three reports, one coming from Vancouver Island, Kitimat and in between Terrace and Prince Rupert all on the same night. Plus there is not a lot of time difference between each of the sightings.

When I meet with these folks, I will see if they can draw a rough sketch of what they saw, and of course try to get a lot more detail on these sightings. From Houston, British Columbia where I am it is another 3 hour drive to Terrace, B.C., then you head east for approximately another half hour to get to Kitimat, British Columbia. So a long drive there and back again.

If you know anything about this case, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net


Bright UFO Splits In Two And Objects Shoot Off In Different Directions Outside Of Houston, British Columbia.

Date:  February 27, 2003
Time:  4:05 a.m.

I was over at Country Wide Stationary today (March 4, 2003) and a fellow had read the logo on my winter coat. He asked what it was all about, in which I explained what it was I was up to, investigating UFO sightings.

The man, a logging truck operator left the town of Houston, British Columbia driving up the Morice River Road heading approximately 100 kilometers out across the Reach to pick up a load of logs.

He went on to say when he reached the 30 kilometers mark on the Morice River Road, he witnessed "one" bright white light high in the sky heading in his direction.

As the light got closer to him, he watched the light split up into two parts, with both pieces flying in different directions. He said one part went west and the other east.

What was so amazing was that the two lights shot back up into the sky and disappeared. The sighting lasted approximately 6 to 7 seconds at the most.

He was so surprised and excited at what he just saw, he got on the trucks radio and asked other drivers on the road if anyone had witnessed what he just did. Two other drivers who were in the same area reported back to him that they also witnessed the same thing.

Investigator Brian Vike's Note: I have the name of one of the other drivers and will be speaking to him tomorrow to take his report. I was told that a number of logging truck drivers on their early morning hauls have seen a number of strange things in the sky, so I am also looking into these as well.

If you know anything about this case, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net

If anyone has had a UFO/UFOs sighting, please send me an email at sighting@telus.net or fill out the online UFO report form at http://sightings1.yolasite.com/ with details of what you saw. 

Please remember to include the date and time and location. (Town/City – State or Province) and as much detail as possible.

Vike Factor Note: I do receive sighting reports from all over the world, and I post all of the reports I receive here: http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/

Brian Vike.
Box 1091
Houston, British Columbia, Canada.

Email: sighting@telus.net or b_vike@telus.net

The Vike Factor -  Houston, British Columbia Centre For UFO Research. Canadian UFO Investigator Brian Vike.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Report Four - Remarkable UFO Wave Continues Over British Columbia Canada (UFO Investigator Brian Vike)

Investigated By Canadian UFO Investigator Brian Vike.

2001 Vanderhoof, British Columbia Crop Circle Investigated By Brian Vike (The Vike Factor)

On the evening of September 6, 2001 Brent Miskuski owner of Central Air Corp. was flying home from Vanderhoof, British Columbia to Prince George, British Columbia when he noticed a formation of crop circles.

The site is located approximately 3 miles east from the threshold of runway 25 at the Vanderhoof airport.

Late afternoon on Friday, September 7, 2001 I had an email from Jennifer Crosby, reporter for Northern Television (CFTK-TV) asking if I had heard of a new formation of Crop Circles in the Vanderhoof, British Columbia area. I told her no, I had not, but I told her if she would give me a little while, I would be happy to check into this story to see if there was any truth to it or not.

Picture Above is Copyright to Mr. Brent Miskuski.

After a few phone calls with no luck, I placed another call to the Prince George Citizen who informed me that indeed there was a report from a Mr. Brent Miskuski owner of Central Air Corp., he had spotted the formation of 6 circles in a field approximately 5 kilometers from the airport in a farmers field.

I looked up the telephone number for the small airport in Vanderhoof and made the call. A gentleman by the name of Mr. Brent Miskuski answered the telephone and I asked if he could help me.

                                          Picture Above is Copyright to Mr. Brent Miskuski.

He was kind enough to provide me with the location of the circles, and how many there were in the formation. He also sent me 3 pictures that he took from his aircraft while flying over the the Crop Circle formation.

                                          Picture Above is Copyright to Mr. Brent Miskuski.

I made arrangements and prepared to leave my home in Houston, British Columbia for the 2 and a half hour drive first thing Saturday morning well it was still dark.

On September 8, 2001 I arrived early in Vanderhoof, British Columbia at 9:10 a.m., and made my first stop at a local variety store to pick up a couple of items. I asked the store clerk if she had heard anything about the Crop Circles in the area, she had no knowledge about the circles, but she did say there was a really bad order in the area a few nights back. So I paid for the few items and left the store.

I continued on and stopped at another farm, still looking for the field. I needed to get permission before entering the farmers land. As I drove along the road, I spotted an elderly lady who was out tending her garden. I drove into their driveway, got out of my truck and I introduced myself, and went on to explain about the Crop Circles in the area.

Once again, the lady told me pretty much the same story I just heard from the woman in town at the store. They did not know anything about the Crop Circles, but she did tell me about a foul odor, a smoky type smell in the air which turned out to be on the night the Crop Circles appeared.

She and her husband took note of the foul scent in the air just after Midnight. She also went on to tell me that she was discussing the bad odor with another friend who lives next door to her, they also smelled the same smoky foul scent. This stop was a good one for me, as she told me who the land owner was, or I should say who at the time leased the land to grow a crop on.

Now we have 3 separate witnesses who confirmed that there was a smoky type odor in the air on the early morning the Circles appeared. Now if this has anything to do with the circles, I don't know, but it is good to make a note of this.

After talking to the elderly lady I continued up to the home of the farmer who leased the field where the Crop Circles were found. I needed to get permission to investigate. I talked to the man's wife and explained why I was there, and if it would be ok to do my field work on the land where the Crop Circles were.

She said there would be no problem and gave me permission. I also was holding a copy of the Prince George Citizen which had just come out the morning of September 8, 2001 showing one picture, and telling about the circles in their field. She was so surprised to hear this news, she also asked me if she could have the newspaper to show her husband when he got home, which I was glad to give her.

Back down the road about 4 miles or so I went to where I came to the field where the Crop Circles were located. After running around trying to find the location, and getting permission, it now was 12:00 (midday) when I first entered the field. (it worked out good for me as the crop circles could not be seen from the road).

I grabbed my stuff from the truck and entered the field, but I followed along the edge of the grain field, fence line as not to destroy any of their crop. I would guess it was approximately 600 feet from the road, then swung into the center of the field to look for any signs of the circles.

From this point I was able to look over the field as I was up on a very small elevation in the field, and there was nothing to see other than grain blowing in the wind. I figured I had walked to far, so I started heading back toward the truck from where I was now, then I came upon the first  of the six Circles.

It was bloody awesome !

For my records I have named this one Mickey Mouse (The Crop Circle) as you will note from the picture. There is the main body (circle) for the head, and two smaller circles almost touching the main body (the head) which reminded me of ears, and of course Mickey Mouse.

In all six circles, the grain was not broken, it was like it was pushed hard to the ground. The bend in each of the stalks were bent a couple inches up the stalk from the ground.

Above Picture: The Grain in Mickey's Head - Circle Number # 1 was bent clock wise right to the ground until it reached the center where the grain became over lapping. (swirled on top of each other)

Above Picture: The Grain in Mickey's Right Ear - Circle Number # 2 Was bent counter clock wise to the ground until it reached the center where the grain became over lapping. (swirled on top of each other)

Above Picture: The Grain in Mickey's Left Ear - Circle Number # 3 Was bent clock wise right to the ground until it reached the center where the grain became over lapping. (swirled on top of each other)

Above Picture: The Grain In Circle Number # 4 - Was bent counter clock wise to the ground until it reached the center where the grain became over lapping (swirled on top of each other)

Above Picture: The Grain In Circle Number # 5 - Was bent counter clock wise to the ground until it reached the center where the grain became over lapping. (swirled on top of each other)

Above Picture: The Grain In Circle Number # 6 - Was bent clock wise to the ground until it reached the center where the grain became over lapping. (swirled on top of each other)

Investigator Brian Vike’s Note: As seen from the aerial photos, there looked as if there may have been one person who walked into the circles prior to my arrival. There was a small path which lead to Circle Number # 1, but no other traces of anyone walking through the grain to Circle Number # 4.

I did not see any breaks to the stalks of the grain from Circle Number # 4 to Circle Number # 5. There was no other disturbance in any of the circles, and no more paths leading into or out of this area where the circles are located.

I also took notice of chunks of solid ground which looked as if it had been moved. There certainly wasn't much of this, but if you looked closely you could see where chunks of hard soil had been moved when the Crop Circles were created.

Grain samples from each of the six circles were taken, and bagged, also soil samples were taken as well from each of the circles. Other samples, such as grain and soil were taken from around the surrounding area for comparison.

I also have taken pictures of the whole area,  and each of the circles and will have these developed Monday, September 10, 2001 and as soon as I pick them up I will scan these in and place them to my website.

Above Photo: This is a sample of the soil from Circle Number # 4. I removed samples of soil from each of the circles and surrounding area.

I have more pictures, but I will leave this for now.


Crop Circles Return Three Years Later.

by Gordon Hoekstra Citizen Staff, September, 2001

They'rrrrre baaaack !

Crop Circles have been discovered again in Vanderhoof, almost three years to the day they were first found in a ripe oat field just off the airport runway. This time the circles -- an unexplained worldwide phenomena variously said to be the work of trickers, magnetic waves and aliens -- were discovered in a field about 5 kilometers from the Vanderhoof airport, or about 100 kilometers west of Prince George.

Brent Miskuski, an owner and pilot of Central Air, spotted the six latest circles Thursday evening on a flight between Prince George and Vanderhoof. Miskuski was one of those who discovered the first crop-circle formation three years ago. No paths or tracks were visible into the circles, said Miskuski, who made several low passes and took pictures from the air on Friday.

"It just appeared. It's like they were stamped out just like last time," he said. "It's pretty bizarre."

Miskuski has already been in contact with a Crop Circle researcher, Chad Deetken, who came to Vanderhoof in 1998 to take samples and investigate the information. The researcher said tests performed on the oat samples in a U.S. lab later confirmed the Crop Circles were genuine: That is to say there were cellular changes in the oats not found in known hoaxes.

Crop Circles have created quite a bit of controversy. There is mention of crop-circle formations back to the 17th century, and thousands have been recorded in modern times, with the majority found in southern England.Some have found to be hoaxes, where the grass is broken, trampled, bruised or crushed. In the unexplained formations, the stems are bent but not broken.


Mystery Crop Circles Found At Vanderhoof.

Courtesy of The Prince George Citizen - Tuesday, Sept 1, 1998 Mystery crop circles found at Vanderhoof by GORDON HOEKSTRA, Citizen staff

An unexplained phenomena -- dubbed crop circles around the world -- has been discovered in the forestry and farming community of Vanderhoof, 100 kilometres west of here. Vanderhoof airport owner Brent Miskuski and pilot Larry Frey discovered 10 precise circles of varying sizes between 10 to 100 feet wide (three to 30 metres) in a ripe oat field just beyond the approach to the runway this weekend.

"This is bizarre, I'll tell you," said Miskuski. "It's one out of the twilight zone."

One of the local farmers said his dogs were barking out of control unexplainably Friday night, said Miskuski, adding there was no wind that night either.

Miskuski -- who took pictures from the air -- describes the oats as being bent over symmetrically and lying down very flat. There are no signs of trampling or disturbance, and there were no paths to the circles or between them, he said.

Vanderhoof resident Jay Bangs also viewed the circles from the air when he was flying with his father Sunday morning. He came back after the flight to get a closer look.

He thought there were maybe a half dozen "perfectly round" circles of varying sizes up to 50 feet (15 metres) wide.

Bangs described the oats as being all neatly bent over, with the oats intact on the stalks. "It was very precise."

It's creating quite a bit of talk in the community, said Bangs, who also took pictures of the circles.
Crop circles first appeared in modern times in England in 1972, according to The Crop Circular Internet site.

Since then, there have been about 9,000 reported and documented circles -- about 90% in England but also in B.C.

About 40% of the documented circles have been determined to be hoaxes, says Internet author Freddy Silva, where the grass is broken, trampled, bruised or crushed.

In the authentic, unexplained formations the stems are bent, normally about an inch off the ground, says Silva.


Crop Circles Make A Further Appearance In BC Field.

(Original headline: Mysterious circles crop up again in B.C. field)

VANDERHOOF, B.C. -- Crop circles, a worldwide phenomena variously said to be the work of tricksters, magnetic waves or aliens, have been discovered again in a northern B.C. field, almost three years to the day they were first spotted in the area.

This time the circles were seen in a field about five kilometres from the Vanderhoof airport, about 720 kilometres north of Vancouver.

Brent Miskuski, an owner and pilot of Central Air, spotted the six latest circles Thursday evening on a flight from Prince George to Vanderhoof.

Mr. Miskuski was one of those who discovered the first crop-circle formation three years ago.

No paths or tracks were visible to the circles, said Mr. Miskuski, who made several low passes and took pictures from the air on Friday.

"It just appeared," he said. "It's like they were stamped out just like last time. It's pretty bizarre."

Story originally published by: The Ottawa Citizen / ON - Sept 09.01

They're baa-aach... Following closely on the heels of crop circles that appeared in the Vanderhoof area in 1998, these six circles were spotted in a field of grain about five kilometers down Sturgeon Point Road.


Crop Circles Return To Vanderhoof.

Omineca Express Newspaper Serving Vanderhoof - Fort Fraser - Fraser Lake Wednesday, September 12, 2001 www.ominecaexpress.com

For the second time, pilot Brent Miskuski has seen something strange as he flew over Vanderhoof. On his way home to Prince George at about 7:30 last Thursday evening, Miskuski took off from the Vanderhoof airport over Sturgeon Point Road. Pressed into the grain crop were six circles - known as 'crop circles'.

"I didn't have my camera, so I went back out (Friday) morning and took some pictures," he said. "I don't know if anyone knows they're there. I didn't see any tracks of footprints going in there." As a pilot for Vanderhoof Flying Service, Miskuski has seen this before. The last time this area witnessed this phenomenon was in late August in 1998, when 11 circles appeared in a field leased by Halltray Farms.

"Last time, Eric (Spier) and I were the first to see those, too," said Miskuski. "There are fewer now and they're smaller." Spier, the pilot who spotted them first in 1998 agreed. "I don't think these ones are as nice as the first ones," he said. "They look rougher." Rough or not, the circles are already grabbing attention. Crop circle specialists from Vancouver, UFO enthusiasts and documentary makers are already on their way to the small town.

Brian Vike, an Unidentified Flying Object researcher from Houston, British Columbia was out Saturday morning, collecting soil and grain samples from the new circles. "This is my first time looking at circles like this," he said. "It's really exciting." Vike who describes himself as an open-minded person, usually gathers reports of UFO sightings in the area. He spent Saturday collecting as much data about the six circles as he could.

One formation of circles - now being referred to as "Mickey Mouse's head" - consists of three separate circles. The largest one is 30 feet across and is flattened in a clockwise spiral. The smaller two are 16 and 17 feet across the smaller one flattened in a counter-clockwise spiral and the other clockwise. About 30 feet away lies another 17-foot circle in a counter-clockwise pattern. Forty feet from that is a formation of two circles - one is 27' 9" across in a clockwise spiral and the other 19' 10" in a counterclockwise spiral.

"Nobody had touched it before I got out there," said Vike. "There is one set of tracks out to one of the circles, but absolutely none leading from circle to circle and no other disturbances to the grain at all." The stalks of grain in the circles are all intact, simply bent over, said Vike. Nothing broken, just flattened," he said. "The spirals go in tighter and tighter as you approach the center of the circle - and then they start to overlap a bit in the middle." Nike also interviewed several people in the area who reported a "smoky" smell on the night the circles were first seen. "One lady said the smell was so disgusting they had to get up and close the window, "he said.

Vike's UFO research has kept him hopping lately. He said sightings are up almost 55 per cent this year alone. (for Canada) He's never encountered crop circles before, however. I hate to say it, but I suppose it would be fairly easy to fake them. That's why we take all these samples for analysis," he said. The samples will be tested for "just about everything", including magnetic traces, chemicals, and molecular structure.

"Man made or not," said Vike, "they're still cool."


Crop Circles Appear In B.C. Field For Second Time In Three Years.

Ian Bailey National Post VANCOUVER - Residents of a small northern British Columbia community are thinking close encounters and magnetic forces as they try to explain a series of crop circles left in a barley field.

It's the second time in three years that mysterious circles have been found in a field in Vanderhoof, a farming and forestry community about 900 kilometres northwest of Vancouver in the geographical centre of B.C.

In 1998, 10 mysterious circles were found in farmer Philip Long's field of ripe oats near the airport runway, some up to 30 metres in diameter.

The latest circles -- six that are about seven metres in diameter, were found in Mr. Long's barley field, also near the airport.

Len Fox, Mayor of the community of about 4,000 people, says the new circles are the talk of the district.

"There are all kinds of explanations," Mr. Fox said yesterday. "You name it. Everyone has their own theory."

The new circles were first detected last Thursday by Brent Miskiski, owner of a local six-plane airline, Central Air.

"By fluke, I looked down and noticed the formation: six circles perfectly formed in a field," Mr. Miskiski said yesterday.

The next day, he took his camera up in his single-engine aircraft and took a series of photos of the circles.

"When you look at them, they're not stamped into the field. It's like they're combed into the field."

The circles look as if someone pressed a giant glass or coaster into the crops, crushing them flat, observers say.

Mr. Miskiski also discovered the 1998 series of the mysterious circles, a phenomena that has been linked to everything from aliens to unknown natural energies to "Mother Earth" to nature spirits to psychic manipulation.


Circles Mysterious Return

Crop Watch 2001

They're baack. Three years after a set of mysterious, circular patterns appeared in an oat field next to the Vanderhoof airport runway, observers have spotted six more "crop circles" formed in the flattened grain. Crop circle experts promptly descended upon the town, located about 100 km east of Prince George, soon after the new patterns were discovered September 6, 2001

Canadian Crop Circle Research network field research assistant Brian Vike quickly headed out to collect soil and grain samples. The CCCRN had already expanded its research project into the mysterious shapes that are found more frequently I August and September than any other time of the year in Canada. The new circles aren't as intricate as the ones discovered in 1998

Vike noted Vanderhoof's six new circles weren't as intricate as those discovered back on September 1, 1998 by a local pilot, Brent Miskuski. Those circles ranged in size from 10 to 100 feet (30 meters). The CCCRN says a half dozen crop circle reports had come out of B.C., Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba so far this year. The network adds that nine other countries in the world have reported crop circle formations this year. It's not known what causes the curious formations. Some of them appear to be manmade; however others continue to baffle scientists because lab results of soil and plant samples show anomalies that can't be explained. The circles usually appear overnight and in all kinds of weather.

Courtesy The Terrace Standard Newspaper.

Brian Vike, The Vike Factor (Into The Paranormal) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/


UFO Reports Below.

Vanderhoof, British Columbia and Jack Pine, Terrace, British Columbia.

Jack Pine Flats Terrace, B.C. UFO Sighting And Fisheries Technicians Observe Vanderhoof Crop Circles UFO

Date: March 4, 2002
Time: Approximately: 10:00 p.m.

This witness telephoned me to report what her, and her husband had witnessed after reading an article in the Terrace newspaper about UFO sightings around the north.

She tells me that they had a pretty weird sighting in the area of Jack Pine which is a area just 20 minutes outside of Terrace, B.C.

She also felt that this was very strange as her in-laws were coming over to their home early the next morning, but her husbands father likes to stop at Tim Horton's for a coffee.

When the father arrived at the witnesses home, he told them that he was talking to a fellow in Tim Horton's who had seen a "UFO" the night before and this lady who reported to me had not told the father that they also to had seen a UFO.

She went on to explain that both her and her husband just looked at each other wondering what it could be as they knew what they were watching did not have a rational explanation. Seeing her husband is a professional and works in the scientific field they were both at a loss, and said what else could it be other than a UFO ?

The sighting lasted approximately 20 minutes, and it was a very bright white light with a halo around it. She told me the light moved quite a bit from side to side but always seemed to come back to a center point and stay stationary before continuing to repeat itself. After the approximately 20 minutes time was up it disappeared.

The husband said to her that it could not have been a plane as they don't do things like this. (as above). I asked the witness what direction the light departed to, she said they actually did not see it leave, but said the light just went out.

I also asked if she would be able to give some idea of how big this would have been, she said at arms length the light would have been about the size of a pea or maybe a bit smaller.

The light was high up in the sky she said.

Investigator Brian Vike’s Note: This is where my ears perked up as she mentioned the crop circles in Vanderhoof, British Columbia and a close friend and biologist (fisheries technician) and her friend, another witness were working on a salmon enhancement project and had seen a large bright object/UFO hovering over the area where the crop circles were discover back in September, 2001. (the night before the circles were formed, this information was a total surprise to me).

It wasn't until two weeks later when the fisheries technician heard about the crop circles, and then she put two and two together thinking if what they saw had anything to do with the Crop circles.

I was told the fisheries technician would wake up every four hours to check the salmon traps to see if they had caught any fish. So the technician and her friend had spotted the object at approximately 4:00 a.m. and said it was so very bright and moving so strangely.

My phone number has been passed along to the fisheries technician so she can fill me in with the details of her sighting in Vanderhoof, British Columbia.

If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net


UFO Sat Stationary Then Moved Erratically And Disappeared Over Sunset Lake Topley British Columbia.

Date:  April 4, 2002
Time:  11:50 p.m.

A family watched a bright white glowing object staying stationary above Sunset Lake. It did not make any sound. Due to the overcast sky, they knew it could not be a planet or a star.

After about a couple of minutes the object rose up, moved erratically and disappeared in a southerly direction. They said that this was an event they will never forget.

If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net


Bright Object/UFO Seen With Orange Glow Above Houston, British Columbia.

Date:  April 21, 2002
Time:  11:00 p.m.

The witness watched a very bright white light, with an orange glow around it, for about a minute.

It was just above the tree line, northwest of the train bridge over the Bulkley River. She reported hearing no sound, possibly because she was indoors. The date is approximate.

If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net


Silent UFO Moves Into The Clouds And Vanished Over Hazelton, British Columbia.

Date:  July 25, 2002
Time:  10:50 p.m.

“I remember that the sky was still sort of pink we were celebrating the other guy’s birthday. It popped out from the left side of the mountains. “Fred” noticed that it didn't make any noise.

I never thought anything of it till he mentioned it so we watched it fly towards the clouds which were low at about 1 mile up. I remember talking to the others about how low the clouds were.

We watched it go into the clouds, it never came out the other side I figured that it disappeared. That is the best that I can remember.”

If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net


UFO Pulls Strange Movements Above Terrace, British Columbia (Diagram).

Date:  July 27, 2002
Time:  12:25 a.m.

Hello there Brian Vike, I am a 17 year old Terrace, British Columbia youth, my name is (name deleted). Before I discuss the odd event, I must tell you a few things about myself.

I’m an open minded artistic soul who has a strong belief in science and have always pondered how fantastic it would be if beings from other parts of our universe would pay earth a visit.

Although I always believed there had to be other life out there, I was never truly convinced that they had made contact with earth and its inhabitants until 2 nights ago, when I saw one the most unbelievable, life changing things of my life.

It was 12:25 a.m. on July 27, 2002, when I discovered there was a moving light in the sky, southwest of Terrace, British Columbia towards Prince Rupert, British Columbia at high elevation.

At first I thought it was probably a plane because of the light movement, but as the object began moving further east and higher up into the sky (yet closer in view) I began to realize it was in fact a cigar/maybe pancake shaped object with a flickering bright light moving around the side.

I still wasn’t completely convinced until I noticed how eerily alien its maneuvers were. I am not a stupid person, that was not natural, not human technology, and unlike anything I had ever seen before.

About 2 and half minutes after I had first seen it, it moved from a horizontal position to a diagonal position, but continued to slowly move in the sky frozen in the diagonal position.

The light was still running up the side. Since I was walking home at the time on Lanfear road towards Lanfear Hill, I lost track of the object once I headed up the trail, but the last minute or so that I saw it, it began moving northwest, and its elevation began dropping, then I lost sight  of it because trees on the trail obstructed my view.

I would sincerely appreciate any feedback/advise to help me with this incredibly life changing experience. Thank you for your time, I hope you can make good use of this new information.

P.S. I attached a scan of the original rough details I jotted down the moment I got home.

If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net


Unknown Bright Object Flying Low Over Hazelton, British Columbia

Date:  Late July 2002
Time:  10:50 p.m.

“It might be nothing, but during the last week of July 2002, myself and 2 others seen a bright almost white, well lit object in the sky going passed Mount Roche de Boule in Hazelton.

What was weird about it, was that the object was bright and made no sound. It was approximately 10:50 p.m. in the evening, and the cloud ceiling was below the peak of the mountain that evening.”

“It was clearly seen going in a straight line through the clouds, almost like it was heading towards the Smithers area. I thought it was weird because the clouds were so low that if it were a small plane you would see the red or green flashing lights on the tail of the plane and hear the drone of a motor.

Also what struck me was the speed in which the object was traveling, kind of fast for a small plane, and the cloud ceiling was also low. We'd seen it go almost under and thru the clouds and come out again, so the cloud ceiling could not have been that high, maybe 3000 feet?”

If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net


Shiny Metallic Cylinder Shaped UFO Seen In The Sky From Houston, British Columbia (Picture And Video Footage - Three Clips)

UFO Investigator Brian Vike’s Note: My wife and I did see the first part of this sighting from our home in Houston, British Columbia. 

Date:  August 23, 2002
Time:  7:00 p.m.

The witness was at the kitchen sink washing up the day’s dishes and looking out the window which overlooks their large farm. At the far end of their property she noticed a large bright light heading down behind the trees.

She could clearly see that it was a shiny cylinder-shaped object, metallic in colour. To her surprise, the object then looped around and headed back up into the sky.

The witness then grabbed her video camera and filmed the object. The tape shows a large bright comet-shaped object moving slowly across the sky.

About half an hour later, while finishing up the dishes, she saw another “large, bright white object” rise up from behind the Telkwa mountain range.

The object rose straight up above the mountain and then stopped and hovered. She again grabbed her video camera and filmed it as it slowly moved off to the right, along the top of the range.

At this point she ran out of film and had to grab another tape. When she started filming the object once again it had already reached the end of the mountain range and was dropping down, but still following the contour of the range.

She filmed it until it was blocked behind the trees on her property.

If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net


Unknown Objects Film In The Sky From Francois Lake, British Columbia (Picture)

Date:  August 23, 2002
Time:  9:00 p.m.

“Hi, I am just adding my story to your list of sightings. I don't believe in space ships etc., but I did see something I did not understand or have an explanation for.

On August 23rd about 9:00 p.m., just before dark my husband decided he wanted to take a picture of the sunset at the west end of Francois Lake, looking west up the valley to Nadina Mountain.

We drove down to the bridge over the river there and he got out and spent several minutes taking 3 or 4 shots of the sky to the west.

While he was doing this I stayed in the car and watched the sky, thinking that I could see just the smallest sliver of a moon peeking from behind the trees.

When he got back into the car, I said something to my husband about getting the moon in a sunset shot, and he said what?

That is impossible, the moon can't be in that part of the sky what are you thinking. So I said look at that sliver of light next to the trees, it has been there the whole time you were taking pictures, if it isn't the moon what is it?

He asked if it had moved, I said no not at all, then while we were looking at it the light did start to move westward. We both watched and puzzled over this for several minutes then I said that he should try and get a picture of what ever it was. So he grabbed his binoculars first and we spent a couple more minutes trying to see what it was that we were looking at.

Finally as it was moving farther off he snapped a picture of this light that we could not define and then we left. Today we got the pictures developed and there is this light far off, but still obviously incandescing and to our surprise we find two other similar, but more distant lights in the photo.

I will forward a picture to you when I can get it scanned. I see you have had one other report from Francois Lake, can you tell me what that one was about? Bye now, (my husband and I wish to remain nameless)”

If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net


Mill Worker Observes UFO Over Houston, British Columbia.

Date:  August 30, 2002
Time:  3:42 a.m.

My name is (name deleted), and I am a life long resident of Houston, British Columbia. I will make this short and sweet. I have been a paranormal and parascience 'freak' for my entire life, so the recent events concerning 'UFO' sightings in the Bulkley Valley have been of great interest to me as you can well imagine.

I soberly took the summer's sightings under careful consideration as they happened this year, not getting too excited, but trusting that things were exactly as they were reported, especially concerning the Quick, British Columbia area sightings which involved people of impeccable trustworthiness.

The morning of August 30, 2002, changed everything in a big way. What I witnessed that morning soberly seared me with a realization that one can only experience with the background that someone like you or I can understand based on many years of solid scientific research mixed with the accounts of hundreds of incidents ranging from the Roswell situation up until the Bob Lazar story that I'm sure you have scrutinized as carefully as I have.

It was Thursday night, which at 3:42 a.m. is technically a Friday morning, August 30. Two friends of mine had driven up from Vancouver to visit, and on my lunch break I had gone to meet them at the scale turn-off to HFP (Houston Forest Products) to give them the keys to my house.

As I returned to work, I parked my car and walked through the 'gate' to the yard leading to the sawmill. This was exactly 3:42 a.m.. While walking through the gate where people walk from the parking lot to the sawmill, I caught something in my vision and saw it.

You surely have been to Houston Forest Products, so you can envision the following description. From the exact point where I walked through the gap in the parking lot fence, I saw 'it'.

I looked up to see a light source travelling at an angle approximately 25 degrees downward from a right to left position above the planer mill, on a constant heading and speed from the burner to the planer roof and out of view. I stopped dead when I saw it, and watched it move in a perfectly straight and perfectly even speed until it was out of view over the planer roof.

Picture the planer as being a building approximately 300 yards from my position at the border of the parking lot. Beyond the planer is a couple of railway tracks and a chip pile, and then a beaver pond and then forest on a hillside.

The light source was clearly beyond those trees on the hillside, but not much. It was an overcast night, so the object was clearly well below the cloud level. As far as the size of the 'object', that is obviously completely dependent on its distance from my position. I estimated that it was less than a quarter mile away, which would have made its size quite small, maybe three to four feet in diameter.

It moved on a perfectly straight line, disappearing below the tree line. As for its appearance, it was a very even light source that was purely 'white' without twinkling in any way. In other words, it was not a small bright source but rather an actual round circle of perfectly consistent light emitting from its entire surface.

As for speed, again it's hard to say as it would be based entirely on its distance from my position. Let me say that what stood out was the absolute 'evenness' of its movement, which more than anything else gave me an eerie sinking in my guts. At that time I knew that it was moving faster than a Cessna would, but far slower than any celestial object such as a shooting star would.

There's not much else to say. After seeing it disappear out of sight I ran inside the mill, and grabbed a millwright that I respect for his intelligence and open-mind. I basically dragged him onto the roof of the sawmill where we stood and scanned the sky for the next hour or so, without seeing anything but not for lack of looking.

With very little thought as to the consequences I told everyone I met that night what I had seen, and at the first opportunity I grabbed a compass specific map of the mill site and plotted out the vector of what I had seen that night. Taking into account a wide margin for the distance from my position, I shaded a plot of land where the object would have been, and the next day dragged two friends out to the area where I spent upwards of three hours zig-zagging around the area on the infinitesimal chance that there would be some ground based evidence of what would have been the point where the light source I saw met the Earth based on it's downward angle.

While I didn't find anything, it is interesting to note that amongst the cattle range land in the area there is a hydro R.O.W. that runs perfectly parallel to and at a proper distance to my viewing stance. It is not unreasonable to say that the light source I saw was directly over this power line, which could bring into discussion several electro-magnetic possibilities for what I saw (even though the object I witnessed would have been 500 feet or more above the power lines when I first saw it).

That's about it, all I can say in summary is that what I saw was quite obviously not a shooting star or satellite (it was 'near' in other words) and it was not a plane or any other kind of craft that could explain what I saw. There was no tail of any kind to what I saw, and all I can emphasize is that not only was the light perfectly even in it's whiteness (no twinkling) it was the steadiness of it's movement that was most striking.

This was not glare from something, this was not a celestial phenomenon and certainly not a craft of any design I can imagine. Even behind the direct glare of many bright halogen lights along the roof of both the planer and the sawmill this light source stood out, so you can get an idea of how bright this was to catch my attention as it did. Feel free to use this information as you see fit, and contact me if you think there is any more information I can provide.

If you have trouble visualizing the area of my sighting, just think of something travelling from South to North about a quarter mile East of the Houston Forest Products parking lot. Also, if you need to discuss UFO's in general, get ahold of me because I assure you I am as educated as anyone can be in this area.

If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net


Object As Bright As An Arc Welder Seen From Terrace, British Columbia.

Date:  September 14, 2002
Time:  9:30 p.m.

A man and woman saw a bright white light in the northern sky. As they watched, it grew larger and brighter. The man said that the object was extremely large and as bright as an arc welder, but white in colour.

He stated that, at its closest, it was 3 to 4 times as big as the moon. At one point before the object reached their home, it stopped for a couple of seconds, then continued towards them, passing close by the property.

They watched this large object get smaller and smaller as it flew to the south towards the Kitimat, British Columbia area.

If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net


Strange Object Seen Moving Slowly Seen From Houston, British Columbia.

Date:  October 3, 2002
Time:  10:15 a.m.

A Houston resident reported seeing a very strange object traveling slowly in a southwesterly direction. The witness was on her telephone talking with her daughter, she was looking out their kitchen window which faces the Telkwa Mountain Range.

She noticed a strange, pale yellow colored object traveling slowly below the horizon of the mountain range. She said it was completely "round".

The sky was clear, except for some low cloud/fog in some areas, but the location where she observed the object, the weather conditions were clear.

The witness told her daughter to hold on, dropped the telephone and ran outside onto their patio deck to get a better look at it. At this time the object rose up against the sky line, but still continued along it's path, which again was in a southwesterly direction heading towards the Morice River Road.

If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net


Orange/Gold Coloured Saucer Shaped UFO Seen Over Granisle, British Columbia.

Date:  October 22, 2002
Time:  10:25 p.m.

Two witnesses were travelling north, just a couple of kilometers south of Granisle, British Columbia when they observed a large glowing orange/gold almost saucer-shaped object hovering right over top the old Bell Copper mine. (The old mine is on an island on Babine Lake, about 1 kilometer directly across from them).

They said it was very low to the ground. At this point they pulled over to have a look and to try to figure out what they were seeing. As they watched the object hover, it would rise up very slowly and come to a complete stop, move sideways then stop and drop down roughly the same height from the ground when the witnesses first saw it.

At one point the object moved out over the lake and stopped for a few seconds, then went back over top the mine once again. The object looked almost as large as a full moon would have looked. It made no sound that they could hear.

The witnesses said that everyone traveling the highway had to have seen it, you couldn't miss it. They said the area around the object, (ground area) was lit up for some distance.

Also due to the brightness of the craft it cast its reflection on the lake. The men watched this event for about 7 minutes before it rose up and left slowly heading north, still at a low altitude, and out of their sight.

If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net


Bright Yellow/White Light With Beam Coming From The Bottom Of The UFO Over Kitwanga, British Columbia.

Date:  November 1, 2002
Time:  6:30 p.m.

Four people were returning home from work about 22 kilometers outside of Kitwanga, British Columbia on the Mitt-In-Main Forestry road when they saw a bright, yellowish/white light with a "beam" coming from the bottom of it.

They saw it for about 3 seconds before it disappeared. One witness said that the beam of light was like holding a flashlight and shining it into a fog. He said that the light did not move and then it just disappeared.

If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net


Bright White Saucer Shaped UFO Seen Over Houston, British Columbia.

Date:  November 4, 2002
Time:  6:35 p.m.

The witness had just walked out of his house and was about to get into his car when he saw bright white saucer/oval-shaped object moving across the sky very quickly.

There was no tail associated with it. What ever it was, was heading in an easterly direction at a rather low altitude (below the cloud cover).

The sighting lasted for about 6 seconds before he lost sight of it as it flew over top a small local mountain. The witness reported hearing no sound from this object.

If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net


Unknown Lights In The Sky Over Terrace, British Columbia.

Date:  November 23, 2002
Time:  5:15 p.m.

Five witnesses saw a bright white light in the east, over Thron Hill Mountain. The light initially looked twice as big as Venus, but slowly faded and disappeared after 10 to 15 seconds.

About 15 minutes later, two more lights were seen for a few seconds before blinking out. All the witnesses thought it strange that there was one cloud hanging over Thron Hill Mountain the whole time of their observation, even though it was very windy and the rest of the sky was clear.

If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net


Bright Lights Seen On The Bottom Of The UFO Seen From Terrace/Kitimat, British Columbia.

Date:  December 19, 2002
Time:  9:25 p.m.

“From Onion Lake ski trails it looked like one big light. As we got closer to it, there was a number of bright lights hovering over the forest. It was hard to see the shape because the lights were so bright.

It was the wrong shape for an airplane or a helicopter. The passenger in the car counted 6 large bluish white lights on the bottom of the object and there was another row of lights above this, also smaller red and blue flashing lights.

Turned around at the bottom of the hill and went back and the object had disappeared.”

If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net


Bright White/Yellow Light/UFO Spotted Hovering Over The Trees At Granisle, British Columbia.

December 27, 2002
Time:  2:10 a.m.

The witness and three other co-workers were doing some last minute work around the logging camp which is located across Babine Lake from Granisle, British Columbia.

One of the workers gave out a loud cry telling the other workers to look about half a kilometer to the north. The men all witnessed a bright, white/yellowish light coming from behind the trees in the distance.

At this point all that was visible was a brightness shining above the trees. After dropping everything the men were doing, watching and wondering what this glowing light was, to their shock a large glowing golden/orange disk shaped UFO with a large halo of white around the craft rose up in the distance and stopped and hovered.

They observed the object for about 10 seconds at the most, which the fellow said, “seemed like a life time”. As the object moved away from their location, heading roughly to the north they did lose sight of the craft quickly, but could still see the bright light, which they figured was coming from the object. After about 5 minutes the light grew faint and disappeared.

If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at sighting@telus.net

If anyone has had a UFO/UFOs sighting, please send me an email at sighting@telus.net or fill out the online UFO report form at http://sightings1.yolasite.com/ with details of what you saw. 

Please remember to include the date and time and location. (Town/City – State or Province) and as much detail as possible.

Vike Factor Note: I do receive sighting reports from all over the world, and I post all of the reports I receive here: http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/

Brian Vike.
Box 1091
Houston, British Columbia, Canada.

Email: sighting@telus.net or b_vike@telus.net

The Vike Factor -  Houston, British Columbia Centre For UFO Research. Canadian UFO Investigator Brian Vike.