Saturday, April 26, 2008

Etobicoke, Ontario A Shinning Orange Ball

Posted: April 26, 2008

Date: April 2008
Time: Evening.

Hello there, my name is (name removed), 23, and I live in Etobicoke, Ontario. I live on the tenth floor of an apartment building and our windows all face north west. In the distance, I can see Pearson Airport (Toronto). The planes taking off, landing, even helicopters all day long and every day. It never lest up. We can see them from very far away, nonetheless I know what a plane looks like :P

Over the past, say 4 weeks I have noticed at night that there is a shining orange-ish ball, like a bright star or meteor that seems to appear in the sky north the airport (it's probably way out there, but this is what I can see). For a couple weeks I put it out of my head, like it was a bright star, or a satellite, or something. But now that it has appeared in the same area week after week for at least 4 weeks now, starting around the beginning of April 2008. Tonight is the first time that I have actually gotten out of bed, to try to examine it closer with my telescope and I have to admit it has driven me to do some research on the internet and of course, I ended up reading your site. It appears to me, as best I can seem to focus with the telescope as a burning ball of some sort. Seems to flicker colors, usually staying mostly red and orange, some green though.

Any information, or links to possible sources would be great. I just felt that after having seen this phenomenon more than a handful of times, that I had to mention it to someone and not many people are very interested when you ask weird questions, specially ones about space.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my message. I hope to hear back from you soon.

Thank you to the witness for their report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.

Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Surrey, British Columbia Two Mirror Like Cylinders Reflecting Sunlight

Posted: April 26, 2008

Date: April 25, 2008
Time: 3:20 p.m.

Location of Sighting: Surrey, B.C.
Number of witnesses: 01
Number of objects: ?
Shape of objects: Appeared to be cigar shaped, very shiny.

Full Description of event/sighting: Hi Brian, hope you are feeling well, wish you could have seen this thing or things, had to have been doing several thousand miles an hour made the other planes just appear to crawl and they were mostly on approach, so low altitude.

Weather mild, quite a bit of sunshine and blue sky, numerous Cumulus clouds. I was sitting out on my deck enjoying the day and watching a number of planes on approach to YVR when the racket from one of the Police choppers caught my attention. He was circling around just north of my building. As I watched him I noticed a set of contrails appear from behind the clouds just to the west of him and at about a 60 degree angle above the horizon, probably about 30 to 40 thousand feet. My first thought was 747. Trouble is most large jets appear to be virtually standing still when seen a that altitude. This thing was really hauling, like watching a rocket.

I grabbed my binoculars still expecting to see the shape of a plane. Instead I could see two mirror like cylinders reflecting the suns rays. I could plainly see the contrails behind the objects but not their source. Two of the contrails just seemed to appear out of thin air and the other two were appearing behind the objects. I could not see any wings or engines nor hear any noise from them. The objects were heading for a large dark cloud so I jumped up and grabbed my spotting scope hoping the extra power would resolve the issue. Within seconds the contrails reappeared but I could no longer see the objects. Initially the objects had been on a SSE course but after crossing over Boundary Bay they made a wide swing to directly South. I don't recall ever seeing any large plane deviate from their course like that. Estimated time of viewing two to three minutes or less and that was covering almost the entire sky.

Thank you to the witness for a interesting sighting report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.

Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Victoria, British Columbia A Narrow Very Bright Blue Beam Of Light

Posted: April 26, 2008

Date: 1968
Time: Evening.

Location of Sighting: Victoria, B.C.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Unknown.

Full Description of event/sighting: Hi Brian

This is in response to your request for UFO sightings on Vancouver Island. I know of only three and I sent you one of them about a week ago. That was about the three daylight "stars" my dad saw in Alert Bay in 1924.

The next one I will tell you about took place in 1968 or 69. It happened to a girl who became my best friend. Actually you've already met her in another story. She was the lady who was camping with her husband in Ontario when her dogs and her husband saw the lady floating across the campground!

At the time of this event I'd not known her for very long. We were both taking a medical training course at the Jubilee Hospital and had just met. However we had become instant friends. Eventually we became roommates.

One morning she came to work and seemed tired and a bit distracted. During lunch she told me a strange story. At this time she was living on her own and boarding at two houses across the street from each other. In one house she had a bedroom and the other is where she had all her meals. It was an odd arrangement but seemed to work for everyone. This was in the Rockland area, not far from the hospital.

She told me that during the night she awoke feeling very frightened. She sensed that something was in her basement bedroom with her. Her first thought was that she must have been dreaming and this was just a residual feeling, but it wasn't going away. It was getting stronger. She knew she had to get out of there. She had to get away from the house and hide. A place of refuge might be the house across the street where she had her meals, so she grabbed the house key, dashed down the hallway and out the basement door. As soon as she got a little way from the door a bright blue beam of light appeared at the edge of the yard. It was coming from the sky and although she could not bring herself to look up to see where it was coming from, it felt quite close. It was like a searchlight beam, very narrow, very bright and very blue. There was no sound and the night was completely still. As the light came closer to her she ran around the corner of the house. The blue light followed. All she knew was she must not let the blue light touch her. She tried to hide but the blue light kept coming closer. She wanted to run to the house across the street but was terrified of being out in the open.

Then she stopped talking. I asked her what happened next. She quietly said "I don't know". I asked where she had woken in the morning but she didn't remember. I asked if she had breakfast at the other house and she assumed she must have. All she remembers is trying to hide from the bright blue light and then nothing until arriving at work.

We talked about it for a while, trying to understand what had happened. It obviously was not a helicopter as there was absolutely no sound. And anyway, why would a helicopter (with blue lights) be chasing her around the yard in the middle of the night in a residential area. We tentatively went to the topic of flying saucers (as they were then called). We really didn't want to go there! We rejected that idea because of the blue light. We didn't know much about them but we'd never heard of any with a blue light. Eventually we reluctantly settled on a very vivid, unusual nightmare. That was OK with her. She didn't really want to believe that what had happened was real!

Over the next few days she seemed less upset and we didn't talk about it any more. Then a couple of months later I happened across a UFO report that talked of a narrow bright blue beams of light, exactly as she had described! That immediately brought back the flying saucer possibility. After all, it was the blue light that had made us reject the idea originally.

Was it a UFO, hallucination (she did not drink or do drugs) or a strange dream ? She doesn't know, but even after all these years she remembers it very well. We still talk about it sometimes and wonder.

Hope this is a bit of what you are looking for, Brian. If it is and if I have some time later I will tell you of the third UFO event that I am aware of in this area.

Thank you to the witness for their report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.

Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Over Telkwa/Smithers British Columbia A Possible Meteor Sighting

Posted: April 19, 2008

Date: April 19, 2008
Time: Approx: 2:35 a.m.

If anyone else in the Smithers, Telkwa, Houston, etc witnessed the object would you please contact Brian Vike at with the details of your sighting.

At about 2:35 a.m. Saturday morning I was sitting on my couch on our first floor, looking out the window, wondering if it was getting windy outside and I saw a huge ball of what looked like orange - yellow fire streaking downwards in a slight arc north towards the Babine Mountain Range. We live on the top of a hill on the outskirts of Telkwa. It looked like it was going from southwest to north. It seemed like only five seconds that it was in the sky. I couldn't believe my eyes. I have never seen anything like it. I was fully awake,(and now cannot get back to sleep!) having brought our new puppy inside about an hour earlier due to him being uncomfortable in his dog house. I am wondering if there have been other sightings this morning.

Additional Information:

I would like to hear any updates or other possible meteor sightings. I have never seen anything like it and because it was so big and colorful, going so fast, maybe someone else awake at this time may have spotted it too. At the time, now thinking about it, I did hear a roaring which prompted me to look out the window to see if there was a windstorm , and then I thought it might be the wood burning fireplace. Seconds later is when I saw the fireball which was slightly smaller than what the moon size is to my eye.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.

Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Friday, April 18, 2008

Castlegar, British Columbia A Horizontal Tear Drop Shaped UFO

Posted: April 18, 2008

Date: April 17, 2008
Time: Approx: 4:15 p.m.

A lady was out walking her dog along the road on the outskirts of Castlegar, B.C., it was approx: 4:15 p.m and just above the roof of a home, and in the distance just above the horizon/mountain top she saw an object. The UFO was not moving and did not produce any sound or give off any sort of light (reflective, etc), or have any lights on it. The craft was shaped like a horizontal tear drop and the front of the object was a light grey and the back end was a darker grey in color. The thing sat stationary for maybe 20 seconds and then moved off extremely fast and went out of sight. Pretty much lost sight of the object due to the local mountains in the area.

Thank you to the witness for the report and good conversation.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.

Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Queen Elizabeth Driveway Ottawa, Ontario Fast Horizontal Moving Light

Posted: April 18, 2008

Date: December 24, 2007
Time: Approx: 11:00 p.m.

Location of Sighting: Queen Elizabeth Driveway.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Bright ball of light.

Full Description of event/sighting: We were returning home from a Christmas Eve celebration around 11:00 pm on a clear and dark night. We were driving north along the Queen Elizabeth drive, alongside the Rideau Canal. I looked across the canal and saw an incredibly bright light moving horizontally across the sky. The "sighting" lasted about 2 seconds. The best comparison I can give is seeing a shooting star. For those who have had the good fortune to see a shooting star, you know that it seems quite high in the sky and seems to be falling downwards with a bright tail, usually lasting only a moment. This was very different.

It appeared on the horizon, much lower than any aircraft would fly and travelled horizontally, not in a downward direction. It was intensely bright and though it was moving fast, it did seem -compared to seeing a shooting star, to last for several seconds. At first I thought "oh my God, a plane has just crashed" although there was no sound whatsoever, I also thought maybe some large meteorite may have fallen, although it was the horizontal direction of movement that was so weird. I listened to the news for a couple of days to hear other reports but did not hear anything. Whatever it was, it was very bright, very low and very fast. Anybody else in Ottawa see anything similar in late December 2007 ?

Thank you to the witness for their report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.

Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO