Friday, December 28, 2007

Houston, British Columbia Object Loops Around & Rises Up Over The Mountain

Posted: December 28, 2007

Date: August 23, 2002 Time: approx: 7:00 p.m.

I had a telephone call from a lady telling me she had witnessed something really strange, and that it had really frightened her. She also told me that she had taken video tape of the object as it was heading away from her location, which was in a southwesterly direction. I made arrangements for the same day to visit and interview her over what she saw. I arrived at the witnesses home (farm) and was greeted by a very pleasant lady, she asked me into their home and we discussed what it was she had seen.

She said at approx: 7:00 p.m. on Friday evening, August 23, 2002 she was at the kitchen sink washing up the days dishes and looking out the window which over looks their large farm. He eyes caught a large bright light heading down behind the trees, which was at the far end of the families farm. She told me she could clearly see the shape of the object, and it was cylinder in shape. Shinny and metallic in color.

To her surprise the object looped around and headed back up into the sky.

At this time of the evening, it was still quite light out, and she had no problem in seeing it. She ran a grabbed her video camera and took some film of the object as it departed the area.

The witness brought out her video camera and showed me what it was she captured on the tape, and I must say I was really surprised. My first thought when I saw the object on the tape, was that maybe it was a meteor, but after hearing her explanation of the events this ruled out my thoughts on what it might have been.

If I had to explain what this object looked like, it looked exactly like one of the many movies we see of T.V., where a comet is heading towards earth with a contrail from the tip of it and running a short distance off the back end of it. But the contrail, if one wants to call it that, had another very shot tail coming out the back end, right in the center. It almost gave the impression of the flames coming from a fighter aircraft. But no flames could be seen with this object. The object was massive, and very bright.

It also moved across the sky rather slowly.

After I viewed the tape, the witness said, we are not finished yet. She went on to tell me that about a half hour later, while she was finishing off the dishes she was working on, she watched another "large bright white" object rise up from behind the Telkwa mountain range. She said straight up, in other words from the base of the mountain heading to the top and then stopped and hovered. Again she ran to grab her video camera, and started filming this object. After she watched it rise up from behind the mountain, the object moved to the right along the top of the range. ( HBCC UFO Note: this is where the video camera ran out of tape, but the witness did think to run and grab another blank tape, and started rolling again).

When she started filming the object once again, it had already reached the end of the mountain range, and was dropping down, but following the contour of the mountain. She filmed it until it went down behind the tress on her property which blocked the view of the object. The mountain range is at some distance away from the family's farm across the Bulkley Valley. I wondered if it might be something explainable, but from her description of the event, I soon ruled that out.

The witness dropped into my home the next day to drop off a couple of things I had left behind after the interview and she was still rather frightened due to not knowing what this object was. She said it gave her the creeps and hoped I would be able to come up with a reasonable explanation to what it was, just to make her feel better about the whole experience.

I would like to thank this witness for her help and report.

What HBCC UFO did not add was the video footage in which followed the initial sighting. The object dropped down out of sighting, looped around according to the eyewitnessed and rose up behind the Telkwa mountain range. The video footage to both can be found below.

Below: The first clip I have posted before on this site. The two remaining clips I had problems with and posting now, both clips are below. Also I would like to point out that a UFO do*****entary used the footage and aired the full event.

Thank you to the witness for their report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Prince George, British Columbia Arc Light Object

Posted: December 28, 2007

Date: August 2002 Time: Approx: 4:30 a.m.

A good friend here in Houston where I live, called me to let me know a friend of his was at his home and had a sighting report for to file for the Prince George B.C. area. I drove down and spoke to the fellow and he told me what he saw. (This sighting took place over the industrial site/British Columbia Railroad)

As the witness was driving home from work he noted that it was just starting to get light out, (daybreak) and he was looking up above, and over the Fraser River. The fellow notices what he believes to be a helicopter in a stationary position. Still driving along the road, passing areas that were clear, meaning no trees blocking his view, he was still able to see this object.

The best way he was able to explain what he saw, it was like watching a welder, and seeing the brightness of the arc welder. He said the light was intense, a bright white almost silver in color. He eventually found a place to pull his vehicle over and watch the strange sight. At this time the object quickly started to get smaller and smaller, he said it was like it was moving away from his position towards the west, (or shrinking in size) he also noted no sound could be heard coming from it. He finally lost sight of the object in approx: 25 seconds after he stopped his car.

To this day this event has puzzled him as it was so strange.

Thank you to the eyewitness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba (Updated 1/10/2007)

Posted: December 28, 2007

Date: Late August 2002 Time: Approx: 3:00 a.m.

It happened late August 2002. I live in Manitoba (Canada) and just to the Southwest corner of Riding Mountain National Park are a few lakes. I stay at a one of those lakes. It was approx. 3:00 p.m. Variable cloud, otherwise a very clear sky. I had been out fishing for a few hours that day and the fish were slow at biting from the heat of summer. I was just about to come in to the shoreline somewhat from the center of the lake. I reeled in and set the rod in the boat. I felt a strong gust of wind, having been fairly calm all that day and week...It caused me to look up to the sky. Suddenly there directly above me stationary in the sky was a silver disc object. The blue sky in contrast for the background. I could see the edge of a cloud float by above the disc, then blue sky again. It was up a distance in altitude but not to the clouds, and not to the point where I had to try to make out the object. It was very clear and very real. I was rather shocked, it is not what you expect to see.

The first thought: I was just seeing things, quickly I realized that what I was looking at was really there. I was in awe, my heart was was there for 1 to 2 minutes (maybe longer), then it went straight up into the sky.

The accent was different from any flying machine that I had known of. It had instantaneous movement and it was very smooth. There was no contrail of any sort..nor was there any sounds from it, not that I could hear (the boat was idling) the ship (object) itself was not huge but not small from what I could see. I also noticed it to be smooth surface, but it was not close enough for any other details to be revealed. The lake where the sighting took place is rather secluded and the are very few people there during the week days.

Now this is what I failed to mention to you, when I reported this.

I failed to mention, my two friends that were on board with me at the time of this encounter. I stated about the object above and pointed it out immediately to them.

I never mentioned my friends before..because they never saw it or they don't remember. They were falling all over the boat and over each other as this craft sat in the sky above us. My friends were very disoriented. I saw them like they were drugged..which of course they were not... Everything happening was in very slow motion. It was like I was about to faint or pass out..that is how I felt from everything slowing down. You know how you feel on the verge of passing out do to and injury or trauma.

I kept yelling at my friends who seemed to almost be coherent..but they continued to stumble everywhere. Between looking up at the silver disc and trying to get my friends to look at it..took some time..None made any sense at all to me..that is why I am not sure how long the whole thing took place. It was most certainly at least 2 minutes. They seemed very normal after the encounter..but it was almost like coming our of a sleep state..We all were not very talkative..or they were not..I was more fully awake to speak.

I ask my two friends very regularly about see if they remember..They do get uneasy looks and say they don't. That is why I never included them in my sighting report. Because they never saw it..or they don't remember it at the least.

I was reading about time slowing down in other peoples encounters and I figured I better come clean with this.. Even though I didn't include this in my first report. It just made a bit more sense to me now..and I feel it was a very important part that I should not have omitted.

There was a definite slow down in time..or a time fluctuation that was not constant in the entire area..because to me, my two friends were slowed down even as they stumbled around..they seemed to do it in slow motion..and I was still in "normal" time fro my perspective.

I know there are other things that happened during that time period..but..I do not know what it is..I cannot remember..It is very much bugging me.

Thanks Brian..I do apologize for not revealing everything I remembered the first time I reported this..If any more future encounters happen..I will tell you everything I can ever odd or unimportant it may seem at the time.

I am so glad you are back with your site..The world needs to know the truth..You are a large factor in helping reveal it to everyone. It's good to have you back..and good luck in your ventures!

Take care.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

New Germany South Shore, Nova Scotia Triangular Craft & Lights

Posted: December 28, 2007

Date: August 22, 2002 Time: 2:30-3:00 a.m.

Number of witnesses: 3 Shape of objects: Multiple plus one triangular

Full Description of event/sighting: A bunch of us were down at my folks cottage enjoying the summer, all of the others were sleeping except three of us sitting at a bond fire, just talking and laughing. Ok where do I start? First I should tell you that this location is very back in the woods on 5 lakes, very beautiful place. Our cottage is on a channel between 2 lakes and the channel is about 150-175 feet wide. On the other side of the channel is all woods, (no cottages) we know the owner and he will never sell.

But anyway, we were sitting there and I was looking towards the water (across the channel) when I saw these flickering lights just above the tree line. At first I thought it was a reflection of the patio lanterns from the folks down the way off the water, but they seemed to be getting closer and closer.

I told my friends to check it out and they were kind of like what, and then the (excuse my French) crap started happening. The lights were real and were in moving sporadically, almost in a zig zag motion. As soon as we could pin point them they would reappear somewhere else, this is when I told my friend to get her new digital camera. She went up to her tent to get it and my friend and I stayed and watched in almost disbelief, wondering what was going on.

My friend returned and started taking pictures and all I can remember is calling out and asking her if she was getting pictures. I ran to the shoreline to get closer to the lights which were in groups of threes and strange colors. This happened for about 5 minutes, almost like they were scouting out the area. Then a massive "triangular" black shape came over us out of nowhere. (I say triangular, but it seemed to so immense its hard to say) probably about 300 feet above and to the left of us around 11 o'clock in the sky.

Everything went still and silent, I remember trying to say something to the others and it was almost like there was no noise, no sound, a void. There were no lights on this thing. It gets very dark down there and I almost didn't even realize it was there at first until I looked up. I have to tell you this is hard to write, it actually really freaks me out. Anyway, the object seemed to turn/not turn but shift more to the left and then in a blink it was gone over the lake. We all just went back to the fire pit, but really freaked out. Shortly afterwards we went to sleep, except I kept getting up to go down to the water to look again but nothing.

We went back in to the city the next day and in the paper there was a sighting two nights before(that we had no idea about because we had been down there for days) and was on the north shore, 150 or more miles away which again we had no idea of that particular sighting. I called my friend to see what the pictures looked like on her computer, but she said she would call me back. She called me back crying from what she had on her computer screen. She was so freaked that she instantly drove to my house to get me. Well she managed to get a 15 second video! and lots of pictures! We slowed down the footage to reveal cigar shaped objects.

We have never dealt with anything like this before. We called a guy here who investigates the paranormal. He is the one who wrote the article in the paper for The Daily News, Halifax N.S. I wish I could remember his name but he's known, you might even know of him. He interviewed me and my friend separately. He's local, and has seen the disc, but I managed to print off a bunch of 8/11's but unfortunately my friend is in Sweden and has the disc. She didn't get anything of the large triangular object which is really what I was hoping for, as it was way too dark.

Well there you go, it's been four years but I'll never forget what I saw. I've been listening to Rob's show (X-Zone) and heard you on it and thought I would let you know about this. After I told the first interviewer about it, the phone would not stop ringing and I stopped talking. I trust my personal information will be kept private. There were a few beers that night but nothing crazy, and we didn't have any pot to smoke unfortunately. Anyway like I said, it's hard to write this down and to be honest I wish they would of taken me (joking).

I've looked on the net and seen a picture that almost looked exactly like one of ours, it gave me Goosebumps even four years later, well here's the scoop. Myself and my friend are still here in Halifax, and my lady friend is away, but I know they don't like talking about it. I kind of used to believe in this stuff, but I now I know the truth. Sorry for rambling on, but I remember you said on the show, sometimes people don't leave any description at all. So I hope this is enough? It has taken me weeks to get the nerve up to even do this. So feel free to get in touch with me. And ill be listening on Mondays. Take care my friend, regards.

Thank you to the witness for a great report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Houston, British Columbia UFO Filmed (Video Footage)

Posted: December 28, 2007

Date: August 23, 2002 Time: Approx: 7:00 p.m.

I had a telephone call from a lady telling me she had witnessed something really strange, and that it had really frightened her. She also told me that she had taken video tape of the object as it was heading away from her location, which was in a southwesterly direction. I made arrangements for the same day to visit and interview her over what she saw. I arrived at the witnesses home (farm) and was greeted by a very pleasant lady, she asked me into their home and we discussed what it was she had seen.

She said at approx: 7:00 p.m. on Friday evening, August 23, 2002 she was at the kitchen sink washing up the days dishes and looking out the window which over looks their large farm. Her eyes caught a large bright light heading down behind the trees, which was at the far end of the families farm. She told me she could clearly see the shape of the object, and it was cylinder in shape. Shinny and metallic in color.

To her surprise the object looped around and headed back up into the sky.

At this time of the evening, it was still quite light out, and she had no problem in seeing it. She ran a grabbed her video camera and took some film of the object as it departed the area.

The witness brought out her video camera and showed me what it was she captured on the tape, and I must say I was really surprised. My first thought when I saw the object on the tape, was that maybe it was a meteor, space junk, etc. but after hearing her explanation of the events this ruled out my thoughts on what it might have been.

If I had to explain what this object looked like, it looked exactly like one of the many movies we see of T.V., where a comet is heading towards earth with a contrail from the tip of it and running a short distance off the back end of it. But the contrail, if one wants to call it that, had another very shot tail coming out the back end, right in the center. It almost gave the impression of the flames coming from a fighter aircraft. But no flames could be seen with this object. The object was massive, and very bright.

It also moved across the sky rather slowly.

After I viewed the tape, the witness said, we are not finished yet. She went on to tell me that about a 25 - 30 minutes later, while she was finishing off the dishes she was working on, she watched another "large bright white" object rise up from behind the Telkwa mountain range. She said straight up, in other words from the base of the mountain heading to the top and then stopped and hovered. Again she ran to grab her video camera, and started filming this object. After she watched it rise up from behind the mountain, the object moved to the right along the top of the range. ( HBCC UFO Note: this is where the video camera ran out of tape, but the witness did think to run and grab another blank tape, and started rolling again).

When she started filming the object once again, it had already reached the end of the mountain range, and was dropping down, but following the contour of the mountain. She filmed it until it went down behind the trees on her property which blocked the view of the object. The mountain range is at some distance away from the family's farm across the Bulkley Valley. I wondered if it might be something explainable, but from her description of the event, I soon ruled that out.

The witness dropped into my home the next day to drop off a couple of things I had left behind after the interview and she was still rather frightened due to not knowing what this object was. She said it gave her the creeps and hoped I would be able to come up with a reasonable explanation to what it was, just to make her feel better about the whole experience.

Important note from HBCC UFO Research on this case:

On August 23, 2002 at approx: 7:00 p.m. I (Brian Vike) jumped from my chair in the living room, giving out a yell for my wife to quickly come and look at what I was observing. My wife joined me at the picture window and we both watched the exact same object travel across the sky. After watching the object for a very short period of time I thought of grabbing the video camera, so I ran and brought the camera back only to watch the end of this sighting.

Also what is important here in this entire event is that the object was filmed by the lady who resides west of Houston, only a few miles out of town. She filmed the cylinder shaped object until it disappeared, or she lost sight of it, but about a 25 - 30 minutes later a large bright object rose up from behind the Telkwa mountain range, hovered, then slowly moved westward, then dropped down along the edge of the mountain range. She and I both figured the two sightings were connected as the large bright object that rose up over the mountain was where the cylinder shaped object finally disappeared to.

On another note, there were folks out at the end of Francois Lake which as the bird fly's is not that many miles from Houston, B.C. The folks from Burns lake had contacted me here at HBCC UFO Research and reported they saw exactly the same thing the lady filmed and I saw on the same evening.

The couples report Below:

Hi, I just adding my story to your list of sightings. I don't believe in space ships etc., but we did see something I could not understand, or have an explanation for. On August 23rd about 9:00 p.m. just before dark my husband decided he wanted to take a picture of the sunset at the west end of Francois Lake looking west up the valley to Nadina Mountain. We drove down to the bridge which runs over the river. My husband got out and spent several minutes taking 3 or 4 shots of the sky to the west. While he was doing this I stayed in the car and watched the sky, thinking that I could see just the smallest sliver of a moon peeking from behind the trees. When he got back into the car, I said something to my husband about getting the moon in a sunset shot, he said what ? That is impossible, the moon can't be in that part of the sky, so what are you thinking ? So I said look at that sliver of light next to the trees, it has been there the whole time you were taking pictures, if it isn't the moon what is it ?

He asked if it had moved. I said no not at all, then while we were looking at it the light did start to move westward. We both watched and puzzled over this for several minutes then I said that he should try and get a picture of what ever it was. My husband grabbed his binoculars first and we spent a couple more minutes trying to see what it was that we were looking at. Finally as it was moving farther off he snapped a picture of this light that we could not define and then we left. Today we got the pictures developed and there is this light far off, but still obviously incandescent and to our surprise we find two other similar objects, but more distant lights in the photo. I will forward a picture to you when I can get it scanned. I see you have had one other report from Francois Lake, can you tell me what that one was about ? Bye now.

HBCC UFO Research has added the two video clips, plus a number of photos of the object seen on August 23, 2002 in the media section.

To view the footage and photos please click on the below links. This is the media section.

I would like to thank all of the eyewitnesses for her help and reports.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International: HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Houston, British Columbia Aircraft And Strange Maneuvering Lights

Posted: December 28, 2007

Date: August 14th, 15th & 16th, 2002 Time: 4:10 - 4:30 a.m. Location: Chisholm Road, 64 Kilometers out from Houston, B.C. Bright Lights

I got up Thursday morning at 6:00 a.m., to start a new day, wondering what this day might bring. The Prince Rupert Daily newspaper called which took a telephone interview with me on the sightings here in northern British Columbia. Then CIVI Television called also wanting to do an interview for their half hour prime time slot. This of course was to be on UFOs. Gavin McLeod, Vice President of UFO*BC, Gordon Stewart, one of the witnesses from the July 29, 2002 sighting, and myself took part in the program answering the questions which were asked of us all. It was interesting and went very well.

After the interview was completed my wife and I ran out the door as we were heading out for dinner with friends. After our evening out we arrived back home where I had two answering machine messages waiting for me. One was of interest, as a logger friend telephoned to tell me that he had been seeing strange, bright white lights when he was 64 kilometers out on a logging cut block. The logger wanted to know if I wanted to go out and investigate what he was seeing. On his message the fellow left instruction as to where to meet him at 3:00 a.m., if I was interested in looking for myself, which I was.

I managed to grab about an hour and a half worth of sleep, and left the house just a little before 3:00 a.m. and drove to the scales at Houston Forest Products where I was then picked up by the witness in his logging truck. On our way out we discussed what he had been seeing over the last few nights, which I was really interested in after knowing what had taken place over the last while. We reached the area where his logging truck was to be loaded, it also was a crystal clear night and I could see for miles.

The fellow pointed in the direction as to where he was seeing the lights, and I watched. The time was 4:10 a.m. when I first spotted a dim white light flying slowly across the sky just above the horizon towards Morice Mountain, then a huge bright white light caught my attention. It was if an aircraft was close to us, and shone his spotlight (landing lights) in our direction it was so bright. I watched the light for about 5 seconds before it dropped below the mountain. The logger said this had been going on for the last two days prior to me being out there. It was not an aircraft, meteor, satellite, etc.. What it was is a mystery to me.

The logger also said, he and some of his co-workers when working on this cut block had been watching normal aircraft running all over the area, at the wee hours of the morning at low attitude, which I will say is certainly strange. There is nothing out there, other than the mountains and a carpet of trees. I talked with a Button Top operator who stopped working to chat with me, and he said himself, and others have been seeing all kinds of strange lights flying in different direction, doing strange maneuvers for sometime now. I kept my eyes on the sky before we had to leave, plus sunrise was also close. I seen nothing else after witnessing the one bright light plus the dim one.

This logger, and loader operator both told me that on August 14, they watched two lights, one they thought was an aircraft as it did have strobe lights on it, and the other just a fast dot of white light. Both of these lights were flying towards each other and as they got close, the witnesses said it appeared as if they were circling each other over a large distance before the white dot left in a south westerly direction and was followed by what they thought was a normal aircraft of some kind. They lost sight of both object as they flew overtop and behind the mountains.

Thank you to my good friend for taking me out so I was able to personally watch the unusual goings on in the early morning skies. Just before dawn.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Burns Lake, British Columbia A Bright Light

Posted: December 28, 2007

Date: August 22, 2002 Time: Approx: 10:45

(HBCC UFO - Note) I still don't have a lot on this sighting, but this is the little I received from the newspaper. Two brothers were outside when the notice a bight white object at a low level moving slowly across the sky. One of the brothers went next door and had his neighbor come out to watch the object. It took approx: 10 - 15 seconds to pass from their view. According to the newspaper the brothers, said it was no plane they knew of.

Thanks to the newspaper for this report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Meziadin Junction, British Columbia Arrow Transport Drivers View Craft

Posted: December 28, 2007

Date: August 27, 2002 Time: not given.

I ran into a lady who works in our (deleted), she asked if I had received a sighting report from Meziadin Junction, British Columbia. I told her no, so she gave me the little she did know about it. Three witnesses, two Arrow transport trucks hauling concentrated mineral from the Huckleberry mine (which is just located approx: 80 kilometers outside of Houston, B.C.) spotted a large bright object in a stationary position below the horizon of the mountains. The object was ringed with different colored lights. Both trucks pulled over to the side of Highway #37 and turned the ignition off and sat and watched the object for approx: 10 minutes before it rose up slightly and moved down the valley and out of their line of sight.

I am still trying to get a hold of the witness for a more detailed report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Prince Rupert, British Columbia Objects Stop And Make Quick Turn

Posted: December 28, 2007

Date: August 30, 2002 Time: approx: 11:35 p.m.

A lone witness reported seeing two solid objects traveling together at a low level out from the Prince Rupert harbor. The objects stopped at one point, made a quick turn heading northeast toward Khutzeymateen Park. (HBCC UFO Note - Again, I am waiting for details on this sighting and hope to have them soon.

HBCC UFO Research Note: I wasn't able to gather anymore detail on this sighting.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Houston, British Columbia More Witnesses Come Forward

Posted: December 28, 2007

I just talked with a fellow who run a excavator out in the same area, (Chisholm Road, 64 Kilometers out from Houston, B.C.) in which the bottom report covers. Actually this logging operation is located approx: 6 miles away from the location reported below. For around a month now "everyone" working on this cut block have seen all kinds of strange lights running around in the wee hours on the morning. Due to the high risk of forest fires the crews have been on an early shift, which starts around 3:00 a.m.

Many of the crew working on this new cut block have reported seeing bright objects traveling one way, only to have an aircraft come from the opposite direction and make a turn to follow the unknown object.

The witness I have talked with said as mentioned above, been going on for around a month or so. I asked where a bouts in the sky was this taking place, he said over around Morice mountain ,which was reported to me by the fellows in the earlier post.

With so many reports being received this year, some 81 or 82 to date, I have to wonder what is taking place here. Keep in mind, last year I believe I only had 5 or 6 reports for the whole year of 2001 for British Columbia. This year in approx: 6 months time, all has gone nuts.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Houston, British Columbia A Glowing Orange Object

Posted: December 28, 2007

Date: August 13, 2002 Time: approx: 1:05 a.m.

A Houston resident told me today that on August 13, 2002 from her home, which is located on the slopes of Mount Harry Davis, she was shutting everything down for the night when something very strange caught her eye. She explained while closing her drapes over she watched a large, glowing orange object which sat stationary at the foot of Morice Mountain which is across the Valley and directly south of Houston, B.C.. From her home, Morice Mountain is in a southerly direction. Her first thought it may have been a small forest fire. But as she observed the object it began to move slowly along the base of the mountain in a easterly direction. After a couple of minutes it swung more to the south heading up the valley, or the old Equity Mine road. The witness said she lost sight of it as it flew behind some of the smaller hills in that area. The witness is very credible. She also went on to say she has never seen anything like it.

Thanks to the witness for her report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Houston, British Columbia An Extremely Large White Colored Ball

Posted: December 28, 2007

Date: August 3, 2002 (date could have fallen between the 3rd & 6th) Time: approx: 11:45 p.m.

Since I am heading to visit my dad in Langley, B.C., I figured I had better get what hair I have left cut. I sat down in the barber shop waiting my turn, which wasn't a very long wait. The Barber asked me how things were going, so I filled her in on a few things about what has been going on here in the north, she mentioned she seen my articles in the newspaper which made her think to tell me of what her, and her husband had seen on August 3, 2002.

The couple live 2 kilometers south off Highway #16 on a road which is called Bold Road. I use to have a small parcel of land on the same road, so I know the area well. She went on to tell me they had been sitting outside and her husband caught sight of an "extremely large" white colored ball of light, which was traveling slowly in a northerly direction coming from the Morice Valley area. He told his wife to look quickly as he wanted her to see the object. The witness first thought it may have been a aircraft with landing lights on. But within a second or two he soon ruled this out due to the size of it.

Both witnesses said it was brighter than the moon, and was approx: half the size. I asked if they could give me a rough idea to how high this object was, they both guessed it could have been around 4,000 or so. They got the estimation on the altitude from looking at Morice Mountain which is only a few miles behind their property and can easily be seen as the mountain runs above timberline.

Both of these folks went on the say while the object was almost straight over head from their position, it changed direction "quickly" (a sharp turn) to an easterly direction and continued along it's path until it was out of view due to all the trees in the area. The whole event last approx: 20 to 25 seconds.

Thank you to the witnesses for their report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Houston, British Columbia A Strange Light Source

Posted: December 28, 2007

Date: August 30th, 2002 Time: 3:42a.m.

Brian Vike, My name is (name deleted), and I am a life long resident of Houston, B.C.. I will make this short and sweet. I have been a paranormal and parascience 'freak' for my entire life, so the recent events concerning 'UFO' sightings in the Bulkley Valley have been of great interest to me as you can well imagine. I soberly took the summer's sightings under careful consideration as they happened this year, not getting too excited but trusting that things were exactly as they were reported, especially concerning the Quick area sightings which involved people of impeccacble trustworthiness.

The morning of August 30th, 2002, changed everything in a big way. What I witnessed that morning soberly seared me with a realization that one can only experience with the background that someone like you or I can understand based on many years of solid scientific research mixed with the accounts of hundreds of incidents ranging from the Roswell situation up until the Bob Lazar story that I'm sure you have scrutinized as carefully as I have.

It was Thursday night, which at 3:42am is technically a Friday morning, August 30th. Two friends of mine had driven up from Vancouver to visit, and on my lunch break I had gone to meet them at the scale turn-off to HFP (where I work) to give them the keys to my house. As I returned to work, I parked my car and walked through the 'gate' to the yard leading to the sawmill. This was exactly 3:42am. While walking through the gate where people walk from the parking lot to the sawmill, I caught something in my vision and saw it.

You surely have been to HFP, so you can envision the following description. From the exact point where I walked through the gap in the parking lot fence, I saw 'it'. I looked up to see a light source travelling at an angle approximately 25 degrees downward from a right to left position above the planer mill, on a constant heading and speed from the burner to the planer roof and out of view. I stopped dead when I saw it, and watched it move in a perfectly straight and perfectly even speed until it was out of view over the planer roof.

Picture the planer as being a building approximately 300 yards from my position at the border of the parking lot. Beyond the planer is a couple of railway tracks and a chip pile, and then a beaver pond and then forest on a hillside. The light source was clearly beyond those trees on the hillside, but not much. It was an overcast night, so the object was clearly well below the cloud level. As far as the size of the 'object', that is obviously completely dependant on it's distance from my position. I estimated that it was less than a quarter mile away, which would have made it's size quite small, maybe three to four feet in diameter.

There's not much else to say. After seeing it disappear out of sight I ran inside the mill, and grabbed a millwright that I respect for his intelligence and open-mind. I basically dragged him onto the roof of the sawmill where we stood and scanned the sky for the next hour or so, without seeing anything but not for lack of looking. With very little thought as to the consequences I told everyone I met that night what I had seen, and at the first opportunity I grabbed a compass specific map of the mill site and plotted out the vector of what I had seen that night.

Taking into account a wide margin for the distance from my position, I shaded a plot of land where the object would have been, and the next day dragged two friends out to the are where I spent upwards of three hours zig-zagging around the area on the infinitesimal chance that there would be some ground based evidence of what would have been the point where the light source I saw met the Earth based on it's downward angle. While I didn't find anything, it is interesting to note that amongst the cattle range land in the area there is a hydro R.O.W. that runs perfectly parallel to and at a proper distance to my viewing stance. It is not unreasonable to say that the light source I saw was directly over this power line, which could bring into discussion several elecro-magnetic possibilities for what I saw (even though the object I witnessed would have been 500 feet or more above the power lines when I first saw it).

That's about it, all I can say in summary is that what I saw was quite obviously not a shooting star or sattelite (it was 'near' in other words) and it was not a plane or any other kind of craft that could explain what I saw. There was no tail of any kind to what I saw, and all I can emphasize is that not only was the light perfectly even in it's whiteness (no twinkling) it was the steadiness of it's movement that was most striking. This was not glare from something, this was not a celestial phenomenon and certainly not a craft of any design I can imagine.

Even behind the direct glare of many bright halogen lights along the roof of both the planer and the sawmill this light source stood out, so you can get an idea of how bright this was to catch my attention as it did. Feel free to use this information as you see fit, and contact me if you think there is any more information I can provide. If you have trouble visualizing the area of my sighting, just think of something travelling from South to North about a quarter mile East of the HFP parking lot. Also, if you need to discuss UFO's in general, get a hold of me because I assure you I am as educated as anyone can be in this area.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Prince Rupert, British Columbia Fast Moving ZigZagging Light

Posted: December 28, 2007

Date: August 6, 2002 Time: 11:45 p.m.

Hello Brian, On Tuesday, August 6th at 11:45. My cousin and I went down to the Ocean Fish Plant to check on our fishing boats when we saw this bright light shoot across the sky from the North West to the South East in just about 3 seconds and it zigzagged at the end, then we looked up toward the North and saw this light go straight up into the sky, we saw two more lights that were stationary one light got a little brighter them it followed the first light, the third one looked like it was coming towards us it was getting brighter and brighter then it stopped and went back to where we first saw it then it went straight up into the sky. This all happened in just 15 min. there were three other people down on the floats at Royal and they too saw what we just saw, we all talked about it, we never saw anything like it before.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Houston, British Columbia UFO Sighting

Posted: December 28, 2007

Date: August 30, 2002 Time: 3:42a.m. Email report.

Brian Vike, My name is (name deleted), and I am a life long resident of Houston, B.C.. I will make this short and sweet. I have been a paranormal and parascience 'freak' for my entire life, so the recent events concerning 'UFO' sightings in the Bulkley Valley have been of great interest to me as you can well imagine. I soberly took the summer's sightings under careful consideration as they happened this year, not getting too excited but trusting that things were exactly as they were reported, especially concerning the Quick area sightings which involved people of impeccable trustworthiness.

The morning of August 30th, 2002, changed everything in a big way. What I witnessed that morning soberly seared me with a realization that one can only experience with the background that someone like you or I can understand based on many years of solid scientific research mixed with the accounts of hundreds of incidents ranging from the Roswell situation up until the Bob Lazar story that I'm sure you have scrutinized as carefully as I have.

It was Thursday night, which at 3:42am is technically a Friday morning, August 30th. Two friends of mine had driven up from Vancouver to visit, and on my lunch break I had gone to meet them at the scale turn-off to HFP (where I work) to give them the keys to my house. As I returned to work, I parked my car and walked through the 'gate' to the yard leading to the sawmill. This was exactly 3:42am. While walking through the gate where people walk from the parking lot to the sawmill, I caught something in my vision and saw it.

You surely have been to HFP, so you can envision the following description. From the exact point where I walked through the gap in the parking lot fence, I saw 'it'. I looked up to see a light source traveling at an angle approximately 25 degrees downward from a right to left position above the planer mill, on a constant heading and speed from the burner to the planer roof and out of view. I stopped dead when I saw it, and watched it move in a perfectly straight and perfectly even speed until it was out of view over the planer roof.

Picture the planer as being a building approximately 300 yards from my position at the border of the parking lot. Beyond the planer is a couple of railway tracks and a chip pile, and then a beaver pond and then forest on a hillside. The light source was clearly beyond those trees on the hillside, but not much. It was an overcast night, so the object was clearly well below the cloud level. As far as the size of the 'object', that is obviously completely dependant on it's distance from my position. I estimated that it was less than a quarter mile away, which would have made it's size quite small, maybe three to four feet in diameter. It moved on a perfectly straight line, disappearing below the tree line. As for it's appearance, it was a very even light source that was purely 'white' without twinkling in any way. In other words, it was not a small bright source but rather an actual round circle of perfectly consistent light emitting from it's entire surface. As for speed, again it's hard to say as it would be based entirely on it's distance from my position. Let me say that what stood out was the absolute 'evenness' of it's movement, which more than anything else gave me an eerie sinking in my guts. At that time I knew that it was moving faster than a Cessna would, but far slower than any celestial object such as a shooting star would.

There's not much else to say. After seeing it disappear out of sight I ran inside the mill, and grabbed a millwright that I respect for his intelligence and open-mind. I basically dragged him onto the roof of the sawmill where we stood and scanned the sky for the next hour or so, without seeing anything but not for lack of looking. With very little thought as to the consequences I told everyone I met that night what I had seen, and at the first opportunity I grabbed a compass specific map of the mill site and plotted out the vector of what I had seen that night. Taking into account a wide margin for the distance from my position, I shaded a plot of land where the object would have been, and the next day dragged two friends out to the are where I spent upwards of three hours zig-zagging around the area on the infinitesimal chance that there would be some ground based evidence of what would have been the point where the light source I saw met the Earth based on it's downward angle. While I didn't find anything, it is interesting to note that amongst the cattle range land in the area there is a hydro R.O.W. that runs perfectly parallel to and at a proper distance to my viewing stance. It is not unreasonable to say that the light source I saw was directly over this power line, which could bring into discussion several electro-magnetic possibilities for what I saw (even though the object I witnessed would have been 500 feet or more above the power lines when I first saw it).

That's about it, all I can say in summary is that what I saw was quite obviously not a shooting star or satellite (it was 'near' in other words) and it was not a plane or any other kind of craft that could explain what I saw. There was no tail of any kind to what I saw, and all I can emphasize is that not only was the light perfectly even in it's whiteness (no twinkling) it was the steadiness of it's movement that was most striking. This was not glare from something, this was not a celestial phenomenon and certainly not a craft of any design I can imagine. Even behind the direct glare of many bright halogen lights along the roof of both the planer and the sawmill this light source stood out, so you can get an idea of how bright this was to catch my attention as it did. Feel free to use this information as you see fit, and contact me if you think there is any more information I can provide. If you have trouble visualizing the area of my sighting, just think of something traveling from South to North about a quarter mile East of the HFP parking lot. Also, if you need to discuss UFO's in general, get a hold of me because I assure you I am as educated as anyone can be in this area.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Waterville, Kings County Nova Scotia Orange Glowing Orb

Posted: December 28, 2007

Date: August, 2002 Time: Between 11:00 p.m. and 12:00 a.m.

Location: Two past sightings regarding orange glowing orb, Nova Scotia (1) Appeared to be over south mountain when seen from the town of Berwick, N.S. Facing south. (Canada) (2) Appeared to be over Berwick area, saw it through my bedroom window which faced west. I was in Waterville, Kings County, N.S. Canada.

Date: The last time I saw this would have been in August, 2002 between 11:00 and 12:00 at night. Atlantic. Prior to this, I really can't remember the date. It was early fall before 9:00 pm because I saw it will going to the drug store in Berwick.

Approach Direction: First time, seemed to hover in the south sky. Second time, kept in the western sky. Departure Direction: Both times, rapidly, straight down but over different areas. There are no landing fields over these areas. Witness Direction: The only one to see the orb in the west from Waterville was my husband. He was in bed, took a quick look and went back to sleep. He didn't know what it was. I keep shaking him to get back up because I was excited and scared at the same time. He had been up all day after a back shift and didn't really care though he does remember it.

Description: The first time I saw this, it hovered in the sky. Didn't appear to be moving at all. It was big, glowing orange and bright. At first I thought it was a planet yet it was to big and bright. I remember vividly, stopping and watching it when all of a sudden it descended very quickly out of sight. Like if someone dropped a ball, it was just gone. Then I thought maybe a meteor but nothing had been said over the news the next few days. I just dismissed it, though I have often wondered about it.

(2)When I first saw it through the bedroom window, I stood and watched it. I couldn't take my eyes off it for I didn't know what it was. It was like the bright light I had seen before. It appeared to be barely moving but then it began to move from side to side and up and down. The movements were rapid, not like a plane banking. There was no sound. Had it been a C130 or CP140, I would have heard it. The movements were to fast for a chopper. The best way for me to explain it would be to compare it to someone moving a laser pen back and forth over a wall, or up and down. It was more that rapid type of movement. It was orange again, glowing and big. All of a sudden, it just seemed to drop down and disappeared. Gone, just that quick.

CFB Greenwood is about 9 miles away and I watch planes all the time. I have seen this twice, never before this and never since these 2 times. I like to watch the sky and encourage my children, you know falling stars, Haley's comet, planets etc. The last time I saw this in Waterville, I didn't sleep that night. I couldn't stop thinking about it, about what it was. I have never really talked about it except to my husband. I didn't want to be laughed at or made fun of. I found this site last night and read about the orange orb over Nova Scotia and I knew what they were talking about. What ever this thing is, it's not something normal or usual. I'm 48 years old and still think about it. It's haunting !

Color/Shape: Soft orange but bright. Round light. Rapid movements, north to south, and east to west, back and forth. To compare it to Venus with it's sort of orange glow, Venus would be a dot. This would be the size of a dine. Big. I have never seen anything this size in the night sky before.

Height & Speed: It was about 11 o'clock in the sky and the movement would be equal as to what I said about the laser pen. Rapid/swift. Over Berwick from the west ( Waterville) Always rapid descent.

TV/Radio/Press: I have never heard anything about it. Actually, I think I called some number I found in the phone book and told them about it. I think the call went to Halifax. ( This would have been the sighting over the south mountain). All I know is that I was excited and have no idea what it was. Thank you for listening. Sorry I waited so long.

Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.

Outside Of Houston, British Columbia Object Hovering Over Farmhouse

Posted: December 28, 2007

Date: Late July or early August 2002 Time: About 9:00 or 10:00 p.m.

Message: I also heard the sounds from one of the sightings on Hungry Hill near Houston in Late July or early August 2002. Up until now I did not want anyone to think I was crazy so I didn't say anything. Late one evening during the Houston Drag Races a flying machine of some sorts hovered directly above my farmhouse for a few minutes. I went out on the patio to look but there was too much fog to see what it was.The sound was unbelievable. It sounded like some kind of turbine that I had never heard before. Very smooth sounding and very close to the roof of my home.

Additional Information.

Hi Brian, I think it was about 9:00 or 10:00 PM. It was the same weekend as the Houston Drag Races so there was noise all week end. However I have never heard this type of engine sound before and I have spent most of my career around helicopters and other turbine type engines. This sound was like a high pitched incredibly smooth sounding turbine but nothing I had ever heard before. When I went out side on my patio I could tell it was hovering just over my house but the fog would not let me see it. You could tell by the sound that it was very close to the top of my house. Don't know if I'm particularly happy being one who was close enough to hear it.

Thank you to the person for their report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Powell River, British Columbia Bright Blue Fireball Sighting

Posted: December 28, 2007

Date: July 29, 2002 Time: Approx: 11:30 p.m

Message: I saw a fireball on July 29/2002 passing over Texada Island travelling north. This was not something falling from the sky, it seemed to follow the horizon travelling faster than an airplane. It was bright blue in color, and by its trajectory, I figured it would have landed in the ocean near Lund. I was surprised to see your article of people in Sayward sighting this same fireball so far north of here (Powell River).

Additional Information Below:

Hi again

To clarify, I am in Powell River, and my house looks out to the west across the Straight of Georgia to the Vancouver Island community of Courtenay and Comox, with Texada Island (northern tip) approx. 1/4 of the way out. It was about 11:30 p.m. when my wife and I were watching T.V. I glanced out the window and saw a bright blue ball of light to the south-west travelling north along the horizon over Texada island. Yes, the blue fireball had a tail with a greenish tinge. I called my wife (name removed) to look out the window as the object proceeded north. We were able to watch for maybe 10 to 15 seconds. There were no aircraft in the area that we were aware of. It was a very clear night.

Thank you to the witness for this report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Nine Eyewitnesses Watch An Amazing Sight In British Columbia Canada

Posted: December 28, 2007

Sighting Took Place Over Houston, Telkwa, Quick And Smithers British Columbia

Newspaper Article

UFO Sighting In Telkwa & Houston, B.C.

by Nicole Fitzgerald The Interior News Smithers, B.C. Wednesday, August 7, 2002

On July 29, winding down from a day on his Telkwa farm, Gordon Stewart settled into his chair facing two bay windows, overlooking the valley for a late-night movie.

At 10:45 p.m., a bright light flashed by his field of vision, raising him from his chair, astonished at the peculiarity and speed of the sight.After walking onto the front porch for a clearer view, only silence filled the valley sky smudged with light cloud cover. He called the RCMP.

There was no air force activity in the area. he woke his wife Joanna, who had already turned in for the night without hearing or seeing anything. On sharing his description of the round, white light with a yellowish hue, he learned his wife had seen the same light in the same location a couple of months earlier.

"I didn't want to tell him because he'd think I was crazy," Joanne recounted. Earlier that evening at 10.20 p.m. in Houston, a Canfor employee stepped from a forklift to examine a phosphorescent like white ball of light with yellow undertones, which appeared to hover, before slowly crawling across the sky line. The worker called out to two fellow co-workers who caught sight of the glowing light, which grew a tail as it gained momentum.

The phenomenon gained speed towards Tweedsmuir Park and shot out of view over the horizon. "I called them over because I wanted proof that I saw something and that I wasn't crazy," the Canfor employee explained. Despite having two witnesses, the Canfor employee wished to remain anonymous. Despite his wife having seen the same phenomenon's, Stewart was relieved a similar sighting was reported the same day.

Stewart caught the tail end of a movie when he was startled from his chair by an unidentifiable round light streaking across the valley. Combined with his house being stationed at 3,000 feet - Smithers sits at approximately 1,750 feet - and large bay windows, Stewart has an ideal birds eye view of air traffic.

Crazy and UFO are often terms that go hand in hand when trying to determine an experience that appears to be out of this world.

Already this year, over 70 unidentifiable sightings have been reported in northern B.C. Only two days before the Telkwa/Houston sighting, an erratically moving, bright light was spotted in Prince George. Sightings in Prince Rupert and Port Simpson were reported the same day of Stewart's experience. The two days that followed it reports from Terrace were filed on a glowing, cigar-shaped craft and four multiple sightings of an unidentifiable light.

"There is so much going on here it's nuts", Houston B.C. Canada UFO researcher Brian Vike remarked. Vike suspects action in space is growing with the number of hits he receives on his UFO website. "Recently, I have been getting numerous hits," he said, "Everything from the National Defense Department to Federal Aviation". He also noted that open information transitions between himself and the National Department of Defense has since clammed up with the publishing of the recent sighting in Telkwa - where three women attested to seeing an unidentified object with bright lights.

"No one wants to say anything and I am kind of wondering why", He questioned. "Is the military running a project we are not aware of? Something has happened I just don't know what ... yet". Many of these speculated extraterrestrial occurrences have been explained away as meteorites, flying exercises, space debris and the result of power towers.

A recent space ship sighting in Smithers turned out to be the planets Jupiter and Venus. Stewart dismisses many of these suspicions in his case. He began by explaining that the object flew in a flat line unlike meteorite or space debris's falling arc pattern. Planes might be a credible explanation, but because no sound was detected and the size of the light - the size of a pick up truck from the distance he sat at - flew so low, a plane wasn't a logical solution in Stewart's mind.

According to Central Mountain Air, there were no late night flights except for a training run July 29. Northern Thunderbird training was up between 10:07 - 11:04, however, a Central Mountain Air spokesperson saw no connection between the occurrences. She speculated that the tiny Cessna 185 would not emit a bright light of that magnitude and its engines would be heard at a close proximity.

Although a comet spotted the same evening would solve Stewart's mystery, its glowing green light, arc-shaped flight and Hudson Bay Mountain location did not pair up with what he saw - leaving Stewart questioning, "What the heck was it?" For Stewart, the speed of the light was the most notable. "If you had blinked, you would have missed it, it was that fast," he said. He assessed the light reached faster than the speed of light at over 650 miles per hour. Stewart is well acquainted to gauging speed, he assessed, after driving dragsters that reached up to 200 miles per hour. As to whether he believes in another life force traveling through the universe, Stewart has always believed since reading space comic books as a kid, that people on earth weren't the only ones out here. "There's too much on earth not to disbelieve," he argued, noting other phenomenon's such as the Pyramids. "I think there was someone before us."

Despite Stewart's open mind towards other life forms, he talked himself through other possible explanations, but came to the same conclusion: "I knew I saw something out of the ordinary".

Although highly skeptical, the Canfor employee agreed his sighting was something more than an every day occurrence. "In my mind it looked like a meteorite," he comforted himself, but wavered as he turned the 20 second experience over in his mind. "But, it was like no meteorite I've ever seen. I've seen meteorite showers before, but they never looked anything like this. I really don't know what it was."

Below HBCC UFO Research Reports On This Case - 9 Witnesses Come Froward From Separate Areas.

Reports from each of the witnessed will be added as I type them up, so please check back often for updates on this case. I have interviewed most of the people, just working on getting everything in order.

What I am doing, is to write the reports and send them out as I go along. Below is the report from Mr. Gordon Stewart over the July 29, 2002 sighting in the Telkwa area. To my surprise I received a report from Mrs. Stewart as well, which was of a sighting she had two months prior to the July 29th sighting.

Please keep in mind this is only one of the witnesses for the July 29th sighting. There are 8 other witnesses to hear from, and I will be writing up each of their reports as time permits (I have a lot of reports other than this case to write up). But I will be keeping on it. Everyone has been interviewed, except for a small party who had already left Smithers heading back home. I have their phone numbers and will be contacting them within a few days.

So this first up, is from Mr. Gordon Stewart.

Houston, Quick, Telkwa & Smithers British Columbia

Date: July 29, 2002 Time: approx: 10:30 - 10:45 p.m.

In the following report there is mention of two names out of the 9 witnesses (Only one of these names - Mr. Stewart goes with the July 29th sighting, Mrs. Stewart has a separte report). Mr. Gordon Stewart is his real name, and the only reason I am placing his name to my report is due to the Interior Newspaper received permission from the witness to print the information, other wise I would have left the name out from my report. Although I had permission to use some of the other witnesses names, I choose not to place their personal information in my report, a policy HBCC UFO sticks to.

Location information - Gordon's farm: (Telkwa, British Columbia, Canada) - The witness owns 160 acres of farming land, treed with Spruce, Aspen and Pine in areas, with a good number of acres in Hay fields. This supports his 57 head of cattle. The Stewarts's home sits at 3,000 feet in elevation and over looks the Bulkley Valley and Telkwa mountain range in the distance. (Photos I took from Gordon's farm will be added to my report and will be seen on my website at a later date. Anyone wishing to post these reports to their web sites may request the photos and I will send them along). Gordon's farm is approx 6 kilometers off Highway #16. The next largest town is Smithers which is approx: 15 miles west from Telkwa, B.C. and has an airport for the surrounding areas.

I received a telephone call today (July 30, 2002) from a reporter (Nicole Fitzgerald) at the Smithers Interior Newspaper, Smithers, British Columbia asking if I had received a sighting reports from any of the residents from the Telkwa, B.C. area. I told Nicole nothing had come in so far. She went on to give me a brief description of what one witness (Gordon Stewart - a farmer and resident of the Telkwa area) had told her he seen at 10:45 p.m. on July 29, 2002. I asked her if it would be ok to get his contact information as I wanted to look into the matter and investigate the report. I received Gordon's contact information.

I telephoned Gordon and set up an interview with him at 8:00 a.m. on August 1, 2002 at his home in Telkwa, British Columbia. When I arrived at the gentleman's farm the first thing I noticed was the view, from their beautiful home and picture window they had an uninstructed view of the valley below, and across the valley the Telkwa Mountain range stood still snow capped. I knocked on the witnesses door and a tall well built man greeted me and invited in.

We discussed farming as we made out way through his home to the living room and kitchen area. Before sitting down for a coffee and discussing what he saw, Gordon took me into the living room and he sat down in his chair, pointed out the window moving his arm which indicated the location, and flight path of the object. Gordon mentioned that he was going to catch a late movie before retiring to bed. He said I never expected to have such an exciting night.

At this point Gordon's wife joined us both, and we all sat down at the kitchen table and he gave me a description of what he saw on July, 29, 2002.

It was exactly 10:45 p.m. on July, 29, 2002 when I was sitting watching a late movie when I saw a "HUGE", round white/yellowish object in color, traveling at approx: 600 miles per hour fly at low attitude (approx: 300 meters - altitude) through the Bulkley Valley below. From my distance, he said, the object was the approximately the size of a pickup truck, he went on to say the actual size, in his estimation if he had of been closer to it would have been closer to a school bus. The object traveled according to the witness, west to east. There was "no" sound at all, no reaction from his two dogs which were outside at the time the object passed by. I asked if there was a tail trailing it, he said no. It was completely round and very bright.

As I mentioned above, the Stewarts's farm sits approx: at a elevation of 3000 feet, and the Telkwa Mountain Range sits at approx: 3500 feet. The object was traveling below the top of the Telkwa range, and below the elevation the Stewart's farm sits. He also mentioned the object would have passed directly over top of Round Lake which can been seen 2 to 3 miles in the distance from the farm.

Gordon did step out onto his patio to look around, but the object had already departed from his sight.

He came back in and woke his wife (Joanna) and told her what he just witnessed. She for some reason wasn't really surprised. (I will explain below - very interesting!). Gordon made a call to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) to make a report of what he just witnessed, also wondering if anyone else had reported anything close to what he just saw. The RCMP told him they had not heard from anyone else. A Constable took the report by way of telephone. The next day Mr. Stewart telephoned the Smithers Interior Newspaper and talked with reporter Nicole Fitzgerald who requested a meeting with Gordon and took the interview. This is where I came into the picture, as Nicole had contacted me.

As I mentioned in the report from Gordon, his wife Joanna was not all that surprised. After Gordon explained what it was he just had seen, thinking his wife may not believe him, she spoke up and said from what you just told me, I seen a similar light two month prior to this sighting. She did not want to tell her husband because she thought he wouldn't believe her.

I asked Mrs. Stewart what she had witnessed, she went on to tell me she was laying in bed a wake with the drapes closed over when a "really bright white light" lit up the whole room. Joanna said it frightened her, but still got up slowly and approached the window carefully. She pulled over the side of the drapes and looked out to see a "HUGE" very bright light. As the object moved very slowly across their farm, it shone a beam of white light towards the ground behind their home in a large field. She started to lose sight of the object, so she moved from the bedroom to the living room and watched the object fly "slowly" across their field, across Boundary Road and onto their neighbors farm where she finally lost sight of it. She said the object moved completely in silence and went on to describe the beam of light as if someone held a flashlight upside down pointing downwards. Joanna said it was as if the sun was out, but within a circle on the ground. (Investigators Note: I received a report this year (2002) from a witness south of Burns Lake, a small farming community called Grassy Plains which is across Francois Lake.

This witness went on to tell me of a similar object which did exactly the same thing Joanna saw, or described. This may or may not have anything to do with one another, but both reports would be in the right time frame).

I sincerely thank Mr. & Mrs. Stewart for sharing the story with me, and taking the time to allow me in their home to discuss what it was they saw.

Report # 2 - Houston, British Columbia

Houston, Quick, Telkwa & Smithers - British Columbia

Date: July 29, 2002 Time: approx: 10:30 - 10:45 p.m.

On July 29, 2002 three Houston residents watched an object fly across night sky. (Investigators Note: Actually this worked out rather funny, as I had already heard about the sighting in Houston before I was contacted by Nicole, reporter for the Smithers Interior newspaper. I put it off as a meteor myself at the time, and to be honest did not give it another thought. I wasn't given much for information about what the fellows had seen, just a quick note to say, "I seen a bright meteor the other night". When I received a call from Nicole Fitzgerald asking if I had received any reports for July 29, 2002, I started thinking about what a witness had mentioned to me about his "meteor" sighting.

Location information - Houston British Columbia (my home) sits in the Bulkley Valley surrounded by mountains. To the west there is the Telkwa Mountain range, and south Morice Mountain and Mount Harry Davis to the north. It is a small town with a population of 2500 to 2600 people living within. We sit at an elevation of 587 meters. Employment opportunities in the area are with forestry, mining and tourism. Houston offers some of the best Steelhead fishing in the world. I area is covered by clean fresh lakes & rivers to fish from, hiking, camping, skiing etc... are great pass times in the area. Houston boosts having the worlds largest Fly Rod, which indeed it is at a length of 60 feet (1829.8 cm) and weighs approximately 800 pounds. the reel has a diameter of 36 inches, while the fly at the end of the line is some 21 inches long. Want to go fishing ? -:))) (couldn't help myself) !

I caught up with the Houston resident and asked him more questions about what it was "he" saw, to my surprise he told me that he wasn't the only one who saw the "meteor"? The witness said there were two other people with him at the time (co-workers). The gentleman told me they were at their place of employment, which is Canfor Sawmill - Houston Division a large very productive operation. I asked what time did they see this object - "meteor"? I was told at approximately at 10:20, but it could have been a little later he said. From what I was told, no one thought to look at their watches mainly due to them thinking what they were seeing was just a meteor, as spectacular as it was.

The Houston witness who first brought this to my attention said he was the first to notice what he and everyone else thought was a meteor. He looked up as a very bright white/yellowish colored, almost phosphorescent round object moved slowly through the night's sky. As the meteor (object) gained momentum it grew a short tail. This fellow was so amazed, surprised at the size and brightness of this thing, that he called to other co-workers. One was up sitting in a large forklift, while the other was close by. The point I would like to make is, the driver of the forklift had to open the door, and climb down from the machine to stand with the others fellows who were all watching this object. This took a few seconds. The total length of time the Canfor employees watched the object was close to 30 seconds and according to the fellows, dropping in altitude heading towards Tweedsmuir Park in a southwesterly direction.

(Investigators Note: When I looked into the "major" sighting which took place this year on February 1, 2002 when three married ladies on their way home to Houston, B.C. from a shopping trip in Smithers watched a "Giant" , well lit craft descend from the cloud cover to approximately 300 feet above tree top level and pass right over their car. This also took place in Telkwa, British Columbia. While I was looking for any information, trying to put the parts together over this sighting I found out that just a little south east of the bottom tip of "Tweedsmuir Park" there is a military testing ground at Anahim Lake which is used for low and high level flight testing. So when "Tweedsmuir Park" was mentioned again I started wondering if there could be a connection between the February 1, 2002 sighting and this sighting of July 29, 2002. I completely stumbled on to finding out that military exercises were taking place (early Fenruary) due to a flight I was on heading to Vancouver, B.C. for my dad's 80th birthday which was on February 6, 2002. The pilot of the Dash 8 aircraft came over the intercom system announcing that the aircraft was to make a slight detour in his flight plan due to military exercises taking place. My question is, would our government in joint connection with the U.S. government be holding secret tests that the public are not aware of ? Or is there "something" using this flight path, (meaning here in the pacific northwest). This of course I have no answers to.

Was the military in our area looking for something ?

After I started investigating, and talking with the witnesses, I started to hear rumors of military vehicles scouring the back roads in the Telkwa area. I was surprised to hear this news. I thought that maybe one or two people had seen someone's personal truck all painted up in military colors, as there is one around Houston. Well it turns out that there was a good number of folks who told me they seen military vehicles traveling towards Smithers from the Houston area on highway #16. The military vehicles were not all traveling together as in a convoy, but rather spread out along the highway. Now how many of these vehicles there were, I have no idea. Another report came from residents in Telkwa, a husband and wife were driving along the Telkwa High Road when they came across a large military truck, they had to pull way off the road to let this vehicle pass by. Reports from the Smithers area came in as well, so people were seeing them. I had stopped into the RCMP detachment to request information over the July 29, 2002 sighting. I also asked when I was there if he knew, or heard of any military exercises taking place around the areas. The officer said he was not aware of anything going on, but went on to say he has a friend, a Captain in the Rangers and they were planning an exercise for around the end of this month (August). These exercises would be taking place in the Stewart, British Columbia area, which is a long way from us here. The constable also said none of the other RCMP officers mentioned seeing anything like I ask about in the area.

Aircraft activity in the skies - Up ?

There is no doubt in my mind that something was going on, all a person would have to do was to watch the local mountains for helicopter's flying low back and worth. Small aircraft also went back and forth over the local mountains here around the Houston area. Even at night time, (which is very strange) as friends telephoned me to say, look out your window and sure enough, a small plane was over top of Mount Harry Davis traveling in a straight line, or it looked as if the plane was, then to turn around and fly back again, the aircraft kept repeating this over and over until it left in a westerly direction. It returned approx: 20 minutes later repeating itself. Even a Hercules transport showed up at the Smithers airport. I talked with the tower about this, and I was told by them that this aircraft was being used to fly supplies into a mining camp, in which they do. I just had to wonder when I heard that a Hercules transport landed in Smithers at the same time all this was taking place.

Investigators Note: I have lived in the area for a little over 20 years. We see a lot of helicopters flying low at times over the mountains. They carry either forestry, mining, fish and wildlife people doing their jobs. But over three days or so no one has ever seen so much aircraft activity as there had been. As I mentioned above, a lot of people were discussing it as it was out of place for the area. Matter of fact, I heard three large fixed wing aircraft fly overhead. The problem was it was rather overcast. But one did drop down and through the cloud cover and went out of sight very quickly behind Mount Harry Davis.

I walked in and picked up the telephone and called the Smithers airport tower and asked if there was any air traffic over Houston, and area. "I was told no"! So I have to ask, what did I see ? Clouds !

My visit to the RCMP detachment in Smithers B.C.

After I did an interview with the witness and I went to Smithers, I stopped into the Smithers RCMP detachment to enquire about the sighting report which was reported to them. I started to introduce myself, but the gal behind the counter beat me to it. She said "Oh your Brian". I laughed to myself. Mind you I wore my jacket with my logo on it, so I guess it wasn't hard to figure this out. I asked if it was possible to get the information from the RCMP's report that was made by Mr. Gordon Stewart. She asked me to wait while she went to talk with an officer, who came right out and I discussed with him what it was I was after. I told him I had already interviewed Mr. Stewart and had all the details, but wanted to check in with the RCMP to see if they may have had anything else to add. The constable went and grabbed the report, "but keeping the form away from my eyes", which is policy. He read over non personal information and had no more to add to the case.

Is this reported sighting from Smithers, British Columbia a possible connection to the military ?

I posted a sighting report for July 28 - 31, 2002 where three witnesses watched a strange sight indeed. They reported what they saw to the Smithers Interior Newspaper which in turn passed the information a long to me. Below I am re-posting the report with some comments made by myself.

Smithers, British Columbia, Canada

Date: approx: July 28 - 31, 2002 Time: Between 10:00 & 11:00 a.m. Daylight sighting:

(From the sounds of things, this sighting took place close to the July 29, 2002 sighting in Telkwa, Houston, Quick and Smithers, British Columbia. I hope to have the exact date from the third witness.)

There are three witnesses to this sighting in Smithers, B.C.. I have talked to two of the folks who watched the object, and waiting to hear from the third, and will update when I do. The first report below is from witness number #1:

I talked with a gentleman today, August 10, 2002 about a sighting which was reported to me and the Smithers Interior Newspaper. I asked of course what it was he had witnessed. This fellow is a logging contractor in the area and seems to be a very truthful man. He actually was very surprised and for the life of him, still can't figure out what it was he saw.

His description of the object: He said it looked like an oak barrel in shape and made of metal , he guessed the object was approx: 15 feet in height and 10 feet across. From his vantage point (approx: 2000 feet away - altitude). He said there were two projections sticking out from the center of the object, approx: three feet a part and darker in color away from the main body of the craft.

The fellow said it had quite a remarkable speed to it, in his estimation the craft was cursing at approx: 300 kilometers which was faster than the small aircraft they see in the area. Also he said there was no sound from the object and it did pass right overhead of him. It flew along side the Smithers airport heading in a southwesterly direction. He described the object as being metallic in color. And again said it was darker in the middle and rotating in the center.

Witness #2

A friend called me outside to look at something as she was very excited. The witness said she did not see it right away. She explained that she looked and looked around in the area where her friend was pointing, and went on to say it was like she had to get her eyes focused to see it. The object was at the right of the airport flying in a southwesterly direction. She said the object was diffidently round in shape and silver (metallic) in color. While they were watching this object, it up and disappeared instantly. I asked approximately what the size of the object may have been. She said it would have been close to the size of a normal wall clock at a approximate distance of a kilometer and a half away.

I asked this her the date the event took place, she said her friend (deleted by HBCC UFO) would know for sure. But she guesses it would have been around two weeks ago. (Investigators Note: If the time frame is correct, then the object they seen would have been right around the same time (July 29, 2002) in which 9 witnessed, in different locations watched a HUGE glowing object fly down the valley. She also said there no sound coming from the object.


I telephoned the witness again and asked some question to clarify a couple of things I wanted answers for. Because of all the air traffic which was around the areas, and the description which was given to me by the witnesses, I wondered if this object might have something to do with the military. I had others mention this same idea to me. From the witnesses description, a barrel shaped object with two projections sticking out from the center of the object, would these possibly be propellers which were tuning in the center of this object ? If so, could this then be a military reconnaissance drone ? These are some of the questions in which I would like to know. After discussing the idea with the witness of the object being possibilty a military craft, he said it might just be. This fellow never thought what they all saw was anything out of this world, but something from here on earth.

From what all of the witnessed have told me, they figured that what they saw was going to crash into the ground, although know one had seen this take place.

In the next report I will be talking to the two witnesses from the Quick, British Columbia. I spent a little over two hours chatting with both witnesses, a retired school teacher and her son a Civil Engineer. Also her husband was their, a geologist for the government.

Reports Continued

What I am doing, is to write the reports and send them out as I go along. Below is the third report from two witnesses from Quick, British Columbia over the July 29, 2002 sighting.

Houston, Quick, Telkwa & Smithers - British Columbia

Report For Quick, British Columbia

Quick, British Columbia

Date: July 29, 2002 Time: approx: 10:50 p.m.

Location Information: Quick is a very small farming community which sits between Houston and Smithers British Columbia. It is nestled in the Bulkley Valley with mountain ranges running all around.

Today, August 10, 2002 I left my home to interview the next set of witnesses. The drive was going to take some 40 minutes, so I stopped at the service station and gassed up and left Houston at 2:00 p.m. heading west for Quick.. I finally arrived and turned off highway #16 onto the Quick East Road and drove along until I came to the witnesses home. I was greeted by both the wife and husband, and met their son a bit later. We walked along a beautiful stone path which led to a large patio where we sat to discuss what it was they saw.

The two witnesses who had the sighting were Mrs. (wife) and her son (deleted) The Mom is a retired school teacher and her son works as a Civil Engineer. Two very creditable witness, also very pleasant people. What I am going to do here is to name Mrs. or the wife witness number #1 and her son witness number #2. It will help me so I do not goof myself up.

Witness #1 went inside her home and came out with a journal she has been keeping for years. She writes down events which are important to her and this one event that took place on July 29, 2002 was one she will never forget.

Investigators Note: I also have photos of the area where the object was seen shooting across the sky in which I will post to my website once I get the film developed.

Their farm sits at an elevation of 530 meters and has a wide open view of the Telkwa Mountain Range and Chicken Mountain which sits slightly lower and in front of the range. The weather conditions were perfect as the sky was clear. The sun had already set in the west and Mom (witness) was going to meet her son who was over near their greenhouse. She walked up the driveway and turned onto a small dirt path holding her flash light watching the ground to see where she was walking. This lead to a wide opening in the field where the greenhouse was situated. Just as she reached this opening, she heard her son give out a loud yell. She immediately looked up and went to shine her light towards her son when she saw, a HUGE, bright, glowing white/yellowish, almost oval in shape object flying across the sky at a very low level. She said to me, "I couldn't move, I was in shock". I asked her about the shape of this object, as everyone else who reported to me said it was round. She said in her opinion the object was not quite round, but just off, meaning it was "slightly" oval (even walnut in shape). Or another thing she said, it would be like if you took a round circle and started to stretch it out.

The color has remained the same from all witnesses who reported the object. I asked witness #1 for an approximate size for this bright light. Mom (witness) struggled with this as she did not want to give any wrong information.. Her final conclusion as to the size would be, at arms length it was the size of her finger nail, but not across, it would have been length ways.

I asked where exactly it was seen. I wanted to know if it was below the horizon of the Telkwa Range. I was trying to get an idea for distance from the witnesses. Again she was not sure. You have to remember by the time the sighting took place it was already dark, and it is hard to see landmarks which would help determine exactly where the object would have been in relation to them and the distant mountains.

I looked around, and since I knew the path the object took, I thought I would try this. In the direction they lost sight of this object, there are three sets of trees. One group of large trees sat behind their greenhouse which sat on a ledge. Behind this group of trees there is a drop off, across from here it rises up again in elevation with another grouping of trees which rose above the set behind the greenhouse. Another grouping of timber sat higher up again. So I asked when she lost sighting of "it", what grouping of trees did the object fall behind? She said the last set for sure.. Now I asked, approximately how high above the last grouping of trees was the object. Mom (witness) said it was "just" above the timber, but as they were losing sight of it, the object would have been just a "hair' below the tops of the trees.

Now this gave me something to work with. The last stand of timber sits rather high up at a good distance from where they were standing, approximately 1/2 mile away (maye more), "but", this stand of timber is below the horizon of Chicken Mountain. So this object shot down the valley at approximately 1 1/2 miles away from them. It was also heading in a southwesterly direction at a quick pace, but slow enough as where the object took 5 to 6 seconds to cross their line of sight. Investigator Note: She did not see it right away, her son noticed it first and gave out a yell. She looked up and spotted it right away because of the intense brightness and size. My point is, 5 to 6 seconds is a fair bit of time when they had a short space to see the object due to trees blocking their view. Being so close to it, I asked what kind of sound did it make, they both said, none at all. "There was no noise coming from it". It also was on a slight angle they told me, but very slight. (This makes me wonder if it did hit the ground, as it was certainly very low at this point, if so where? Also this gives a lot of weight to folks in the area seeing the military vehicles and a lot of air traffic overhead).

Witness #1 said she waited around for a little while with her son watching the sky just in case something else went by, but nothing did so she went into the house and started calling around to authorities. She called the Smithers Airport who were no help to her, they knew nothing. She called the Vancouver International Airport, they knew nothing. She even call back east to Ottawa and talked with someone in an environment position, but I am sure they wouldn't know anything anyway. So in the morning witness #1 called the Smithers Interior newspaper to inform them of what she saw.

Witness #2 - Son. This is a brief description in which he gave to me. I am just going to summarize his statement as a lot of the same information is above in this report. It was very large, bright and lasted far longer than any meteor shower. Faster than a man-made object, but slower than a meteorite. There was "no" sound! It was below the horizon and moved away from until we lost sight of it behind the trees. A slight trajectory towards earth.

I spent a little over two hours with this friendly family and enjoyed this visit very much. What I found really nice about talking with them. We talked about the large fossil find, as they had a bunch of wonderful samples spread across a table outside. Of course I am interested in this as well. I can say this, our area holds a lot of treasures, and this one is a major find as the fossils cover a very large area, you can bend down and walk slowly along and fill a bucket. Everything is in perfect form. It was like I was standing at the beach and grabbing perfect calms. There are so many different types of marine life it isn't funny, so I wonder what other specimens the land holds. There is a good write up on this in one of the rock hound magazines.

One more report to come, it is a shorter version as it was a telephone interview. Then a final wrap up on the whole case as it sits for now. I know there is more to do on this, so I will be still making calls, and hoping others come forward if they did indeed see this object.

Take good care. Brian HBCC UFO Research

UFOs: To Be Or Not To Be

By Nicole Fitzgerald The Interior News

After an article on UFO sightings in Telkwa and Houston was published in last week's edition of The Interior News, reports on UFO sightings are flying in and credibity of the sightings are gaining momentum.

"I can't keep up with all that is going on, " said an excited and exhausted Houston UFO researcher Brian Vike.

A flurry of phone calls, on-site interviews and investigative research has left Vike with little sleep. Since the papers hit the stands, five witnesses came forward, claiming they saw the white ball of light Telkwa resident Gordon Stewart glimpsed on the evening of July 29.

After reading the paper, Quick teacher Dina Hanson called Stewart to share the details of her sighting, which she recorded in her journal the day after her experience. Her son, civic engineer Ryan Hanson also saw the object, which partially matched Stewarts's description.

The Hanson's sighting also took place July 29, five minutes earlier than Stewarts's sighting, traveling in a southwesterly direction from Quick towards Telkwa.

Both observations commented on the awe striking brightness and size of the light; the white and yellow hues and soundless travel at a speed, which exceeded the propulsion of a man-made object. Some of the differences between the two incidents was that Dina's light shape was an elongated circle opposed to Stewart's round one. Dina also noted a slight downward trajectory to her object, unlike Stewart's parallel flight pattern.

However, Ryan introduced that because the object was moving away from his mother and himself, the object may have just appeared to be dropping because of their perspective. Dina originally attributed her experience to a meteorite sighting, but after a phone call to a professor at the University of Northern B.C. revealed that meteorites produce sound, Dina is uncertain. "I am pretty cynical about things like UFO's, " she said. "But because there was no sound, I think it is remotely possible it was something else."

A Smithers family of late night hot tubbers comprised of both adults and children also contacted Stewart, sharing a similar story, adding that the light engaged in a series of loops. Smithers resident Dan Derbyshire was also added to the list in an unrelated sighting. However, he wanted to support those stumbling upon these unexplainable phenomenon's. "Sometimes people feel they are the only ones (that are seeing unusual sights)," Derbyshire said, "But I thought I'd let them know, they aren't alone."

Like many other UFO reports, the edges of reality expand with the number of incidents reported as viewers digest science fiction's fanciful imagination with tangible physical experiences. "It was not what I classify as a flying saucer," Derbyshire noted of the craft, which reminded him of a metallic 40-gallon barrel, heading towards Houston at an estimated 300 kilometers per hour. He stated he is a UFO believer, but dismissed his incident as an American flight exercise in one breath while pondering over why he heard no sound in another.

His experience neither fits H.G. Wells' War of The Worlds where aliens employ mass destruction in tea- cup-and-saucer shaped crafts nor did it fit with the characteristics of a man-made aircraft. Reality and rationale collided as he attempted to interpret what he saw. Unlike a plane, there were no wings on the ribbed object and its flight was soundless, Derbyshire noted. Unlike many UFO sightings, the object did not emanate a white glowing light nor assume the regular saucer form, he added.

Vike surmises Derbyshire's suspicions are correct after a series of phone calls attributed the sighting to a military reconnaissance drone. Although if this assessment is correct, many more questions arise about what is going on for Vike. "A secret military exercise?" Vike questioned. "Who knows". Vike's suspicions are rising as reports of military trucks are detected around Houston and the Telkwa High Road. Vike and his wife also saw and heard the hum of large turbo propellers of military type crafts flying over Houston on August 8. "Something is going on," Vike alleged. Despite the couple both seeing and hearing the two military crafts, the Smithers air tower told Vike there was no air activity in the Houston vicinity.

Stewart is heartened by the additional reports coming in. "(People) can't say I've lost my marbles," Stewart laughed. "There are too many people who have seen it. I am not the only one."

Thank you to everyone who contacted me and allowed me to interview them over what they witnessed. I would also like to point out that there is alot more to this story. The Life Network also came out and done a do*****entary on this as well.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO