Showing posts with label jet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jet. Show all posts

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Cape Split Area Of Nova Scotia Object Spotted By Jet Aircraft (Photos)

Posted: February 9, 2008

Date: August 29, 2007 Time: Daytime sighting.

Hi Brian, On August 29/07, We seen another unexplained, following behind a huge jet. I ran for the camera but by the time I returned, It was moving on, following behind the plane. I did manage to get a shot however and I am sending it along to you. This is the same type of craft, that we had seen before. It did not appear to be connected to the plane, It moved all around. After watching the object track along with the jet, it moved up out of sight and was gone.

Additional Information:

Hello Brian, this UFO event took place on the Bay of Fundy, near the Cape Split area of Nova Scotia. On August 29/07, my girlfriend and I were out in the yard, when we noticed plane over our home. There was something following it, that looked like an object we had seen once before. This object seemed to be following the jet, although after a short time, it went up and out of site. Both the plane and the object were moving southward and the there was a wind blowing in a northeast direction. We also noticed some other strange objects in other photos, I will send them along as well.

Thank you to the witness for their report and for sending in the picture.

Would you like to be a guest on my radio show ? (The Vike Report) If so and have an interesting UFO or Sasquatch story to relate, please drop Brian Vike, Director of HBCC UFO Research a line with the information, please include your telephone number so I can make arrangements for the interview. Please note that HBCC UFO Research does not ever give out anyone's private information to anyone.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

Also advertise your product with HBCC UFO Research, all advertising funds go directly to a new toll free UFO reporting hotline.

Details on how to Advertising On The HBCC UFO Research Website, Radio Show & Newsletters. *Advertising On The HBCC UFO Research Website, Radio Show & Newsletters*

Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences. *The Vike Report Eyewitness UFO Radio Show*

Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do. *Vike Report Radio Show Blog*

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Friday, February 8, 2008

Bay Of Fundy, Nova Scotia Jet Aircraft Makes Quick Maneuver To Avoid A UFO

Posted: February 8, 2008

Date: July 12, 2007 Time: Afternoon.

On the afternoon of July 12, 2007 my daughter and I witnessed an incident over the Bay airspace. This incident was the sure thing, for it was very visible. I would like to discuss this in person on the phone. Chemtrail sprayer, nearly knocked from the sky by a flying flopping disc. Please feel free to call me any time.

HBCC UFO Research telephone interview, additional information:

I called the gentleman up on the phone and had a really nice conversation with him, and by the sounds of things there seems to be a lot of unknown air activity going on in his area.

We discussed the above sighting and this is what the eyewitness had to report on this event.

The man's daughter was out on the trampoline when the Dad called out to his daughter and said to look at the large aircraft that was traveling above them through the sky. Both witnesses now looking up at the aircraft observed a disk shaped craft falling down in the sky, pretty much flopping from side to side, or a good example would be watching a leave fall through the air. It appeared that the craft was falling out of control. (please keep in mind that this craft was falling and "above" the jet aircraft).

The jet airliner was heading north when the craft leveled out at approximately the same altitude as the jet was at and proceeded to fly straight at the jet. The contrail following behind the jet had ceased and the jet made a quick maneuver to avoid a collusion with the unknown disk shaped craft. Matter of fact the jet wings were tilted and the jet dropped in altitude somewhat then climbed up and leveled off. The pilot made a hard and quick maneuver to avoid the disk shaped craft. The witness said the UFO finally climbed in altitude and back up into a dark cloud cover and that was the last they saw of the object.

Thank you to the witness for the amazing sighting report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

Also advertise your product with HBCC UFO Research, all advertising funds go directly to a new toll free UFO reporting hotline. Details on how to Advertising On The HBCC UFO Research Website, Radio Show & Newsletters. *Advertising On The HBCC UFO Research Website, Radio Show & Newsletters*

Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences. *The Vike Report Eyewitness UFO Radio Show*

Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do. *Vike Report Radio Show Blog*

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Winnipeg, Manitoba Jet Fighter In Pursuit Of A UFO

Posted: January 20, 2008

Date: September 1, 2006 Time: Approx: 8:00 p.m.

Message: Friday, Sept.1/06 at approx. 8:00 p.m. I was watching TV with my 3 year old son in the living room when I heard the distant sound of a fighter jet flying relatively close by. I quickly walked into the kitchen and opened our patio doors to see if I could spot it. I located it pretty much straight north of our house (pretty sure it was a CF-18) He was pretty high up. I would guess around 5000 feet. He was heading south and started making a hard right turn towards the west. I looked further to the west and noticed a fairly bright object that was flying in a northerly direction. Within 2-3 seconds of me spotting the object, it changed direction to the west and started to climb. The fighter changed direction also. It clearly was in pursuit. I lost sight of the object as it seemed to have climbed through the clouds. I kept my eyes on the fighter until it either disappeared through the clouds or was too far away to see. The fighter was really moving. From the time I spotted the fighter to the time I lost sight of it was only about 10 seconds. I called to my wife to "come and see what this thing is chasing" but she was too late. For the next 20 minutes I observed 4 or 5 passenger jets that had just taken off from Winnipeg International.

Airport head south and then bank to the west. Each one of them caught a reflection of the sun as they gained altitude. At that point you couldn't make out the shape of the plane. All I could see was a bright reflection. Compared to the UFO however, the jet liners were traveling a fraction of the speed (approx: 5x slower) and they took alot longer to disappear from sight. The fighter was flying the same direction as the object but it never reflected back any of the sunlight. The fighter was just a black dot against the clouds. The UFO was larger than the fighter and much faster than the passenger planes. It also seemed to be dipping and diving in a strange way as it flew off. It didn't look natural whatever it was or maybe my eyes were playing tricks?, I don't know. It did stand out from the fighter and the passenger jets though. Very weird. Our house is located at the south end of (removed) road (on the east side) just north of the south perimeter highway.

Thank you to the witness for the interesting report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Jet Aircraft

Posted: January 17, 2008

HBCC UFO Research Note: Although this is not a reported sighting of an unidentified object, I thought it was important to post this information for the date and time give by the person. My reasons for posting this report of jet aircraft is due to hearing some scuttlebutt about normal aircraft being seen after UFO sightings in some areas of Canada.

Date: April 30, 2006 Time: 10:50 a.m.

Message: Brian, I saw something a little strange, and while not a UFO sighting I thought it might be of interest. At about 10:50 am CST I noticed a contrail of a large jet going west to east over Saskatoon. There were 3 other contrails coming from the north that curved in behind it.

When I managed to catch sight of the jet is was directly over head. Gaining quickly behind it were 3 fighters. They were hard to distinguish as I assume they were at the jet's cruising altitude.

I couldn't keep sight of them for very long but they seem to be maintaining their course. I lost sight of the jet about 30 seconds later. We thought perhaps they were fighters from Cold Lake providing security for someone important?

Additional Information:

Brian, It was Sunday April 30, 2006 10:50 am. Like I said it was the weird contrails that caught my attention. I am fairly certain they were fighters but they were way too high up to see any identifying marks. They were in a 1/2 V formation.

It happened too fast to grab a camera. If it was some form of a training exercise you would think they would have found a more secluded piece of airspace. There was another commercial flight coming from east to west on a flight path that was slightly further north about 10 minutes later. We do get a lot of high altitude flights over Saskatoon. I'll keep my eyes skyward and let you know if anything else "flies" by.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO