Friday, April 13, 2012

Two Huge Amber Colored Objects Only A Few 100 Feet Above Witness Seen In East Vancouver British Columbia

Date:  April 9 – 10, 2012
Time:  Approx: 12:15 a.m.
Hi Brian, I have been checking the web to see if anyone had seen anything unusual in the sky April 9-10th and noticed a man from Cloverdale saw amber orbs as well. 
Now I feel more comfortable to come out with what I saw.
At 12:15 a.m. ish I was driving down 1st Ave in east Vancouver and noticed two large amber orbs in the sky heading west directly above me as I was heading east, I pulled off on Templeton Dr (I think it was Templeton) and got out of the car opened my arms in awe because this thing was massive, with two amber orbs roughly 200 feet across.
About 10 seconds after I got out of the car, it turned heading south and as it did the one orb faded and two seconds after that the second orb faded. 
This absolutely changed my view of things, I mean I have always believed in these things, but to see it was mind blowing and I was shocked that no one else had stopped on the side of the road to look. 
I spend all night driving around trying to see it again, but nothing. I would like to stay completely anonymous, but if you get anymore information on this night, could you contact me please.
I need to know if more people saw this because come on it was just a few 100 feet over head in east Vancouver.

Let me know if you need anymore information.

Thank you for what you do.   
If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

The Vike Factor (Brian Vike) website:

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